Fictionhearted - Tumblr Posts
fnaf if scott cawthon wasn’t a coward /lh
screenplay for “[SFM] An Interview With [———-]” (based off the j-gems series!)
thank you so so so much to @justanimp for interview questions! i had to modify them a bit but i hope i answered them well enough :3
also my canon name is kind of the same as my IRL name which i can’t share here for my safety, so maybe i’ll have to come up with a better substitute than “SUBJECT” lmao
please give me any feedback or constructive criticism! writing has never been my strong suit lmao
Imma just do the list cuz... Idk i have no life :3
What's your;
1: this gonna be a long list.
Theriotypes: spotted hyena, black mainecoon, eurasian wolf, black wolf (possibly timber wolf idk yet), st. Bernard, harbour seal, humpback whale
Otherkintypes: vampire, werewolf (questioning)
Fictionkintypes: fox mulder (x files), amanda feider (OC)
Fictionheartedtypes: Richard "ringo" langley (x files, lone gunmen), vlad dracula tepes (Castlevania), marcel wolf langley (OC)
2: tbh any animal. I really like animals (not in a zoo way!) and that was since kindegarten. But i really like reptiles, bugs, cats (any cat not just house cats), dogs, wolves and especially water animals cuz they're the coolest! My kintypes are also my fav animals but I'd never think I'd become a therian with wolf, dog and whale kintypes since those weren't rlly my fav animals.
3: the forest and the ocean or anywhere where's natural water (lakes, rivers, ect.) bc i don't live near an ocean :(. I'd also love to go to the savanna but i wouldn't stand the temperature.
4: night and the evening. I love to take a walk outside in the evening bc then i can see sunsets and in my village where i live you can see really beautiful sunsets especially in autumn. And at night i become smh more active than at day lol. I like the darkness.
5: i don't really express my alterhumanity bc of bullies and shit like that but I've got 2 wolf shirts wich i wear. And I've also decorated my room nice with masks, fake tails, sticks, sea shells, plants ect.
7: i don't rlly have a fav type but i would wear collars if i knew where i would get good ones. But the most comfortable for me are my wolf shirts. I also wear clothes with the colors of my kintypes and/or the environment where my kintypes are from. For example grey and blue when i feel my seal kintype rlly strong. Also my hair. I made my hair like fox mulder. It still has to grow to look more like hos hair but it's ok. I also really like bracelets bc when i make bracelets themed with my theriotypes or the environment i feel really connected to it.
8: i don't rlly have one. I think they look all beautiful. I tbh like normal rocks more bc i like the ones with cool shapes or ones that look like eggs :3
9: metal.
Do you have/get;
10: not really. I've been an alterhuman almost 2 years and only have 2 mental shifts.
11: yes a lot. Sometimes it's cool but sometimes not. I often trigger them. But when not it can be really confusing for me when i have a phantom shift with multiple kintypes for example seal, dog, wolf, hyeana and mulder. Bc they aren't from the same place an have different limbs it's rlly confusing for me and that's not rlly fun when that happens.
12: yes and it feels like shit also with the gender dysphoria an depression.
13: yes and i make gear like keychains and bracelets. I also make masks but don't wear them. I only wear them when posting smth online. But when not i hang them on the wall in my room. I also have some yarn tails and one bought tail but also don't wear them much but i do sometimes wear them.
14: i used to do them last year but stopped. I don't really like quads. I prefer swimming bc it can be like quads for alterhumans with water (animal) kintypes. I love swimming and diving and i actually am a diver.
15: yup.
16: hell yeah. Most of them aren't my kintypes but i ofc still love them bc I can't sleep without my stuffies. But i got my dog, seal and cat kintype as stuffie.
Are you;
17: yassss. I sadly don't own a fursuit yet and attempted to make a paper fursuit but failed. Imma make a fursuit head of a cat mask that a lot of alterhumans use. I need foam and some other material but tomorrow we're going to frnce for a week so I'll have to wait to get my stuff 🥲
18: yup. I'm bi, asexual an polysexual and I'm genderqueer and trans
19: no
20: I'm not a pet regressor but me an my sister used to play a lot that we were cats and other animals but mostly cats. But this was way bevore when we found out we're alterhumans (she's also a therian).
21: no
22: some kintypes yes like werewolf
23: yas
24: yess
25: no
26: yuuuup
Is your;
27: some yes some no.
28: some yes some no
29: not really. Idk/ don't remember the gender of my kintypes but i think most of them are male. One of my fictionkintypes is non-binary.
30: most of them are carnivores but some are omnivores.
Otherkin/alterhuman/therian question game!

I genuinely can’t tell if I’m fictionkin, fictionheart, or my fixations are just whispering in my ear “ooooo you’re so them frfr ooooooo”
this is the first thing im doing with my tumblr acc so idk how this works but OIGVYFTESDRFBI LOOK AT HIM GOOOOOOO THEY COULDNT HAVE CAST THE MUSICAL ANY BETTERFVYGB

Spongebob The Musical: Live on Stage: Wesley Taylor and Sheldon Plankton I’m a one-celled organism. I don’t even have sleeves.
1/ Humanoidkin :3
2/ elf, kar'niss (bg3), riddle rosehearts (twst), link (botw), angel
3/ yes and my most common shift is always changing lol
4/ phantom limbs, being othered for being autistic
5/ swaggy
6/ dressing in a way that makes me stand out but in the hot way
7/ ehhhhhhhhhhh
8/ dont dedicate your entire existence to what you do and dont support. if you see something you dont like, just block and move on. if you have an entire page dedicated to hyperspecific identities you disagree with on your blog you're too far gone
9/ not really
10/ autism baybeee. also im playing around with another one but i dont want to share here
11/ Tag someone/a creature to answer these questions!ㅤ@vixonimus GET OVA HERE
If you are a alterhuman, reblog and answer these questions!
(don't be afraid to write a lot, do what you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
1/ Which category of alterhumanity do you belong to?
2/ What/who is/are your type(s)? (if you have any)
3/ Do you experience shifts? If so, can you tell us your most common shifts and your strangest cameo shift (if you've ever had a cameo shift)?
4/ How do you experience your alterhumanity in everyday life?
5/ What do you think of the community?
6/ What are the things that make you most comfortable and euphoric in your alterhumanity?
7/ Are you experiencing species dysphoria?
8/ What advice would you like to say to a young alterhuman who has just awakened?
9/ Do you have/want to have gears?
10/ Do you know/have any theories about the origin of your alterhumanity? If so, tell us! (all beliefs are legitimate)
11/ Tag someone/a creature to answer these questions!ㅤᵕ̈
i sometimes wonder what the source of my fictionhearted identities could be then something like this happens and its like. oh yeah that actually makes perfect sense why i feel half-submerged in a whole other identity where i have other family and other friends and other problems
i wish I was more connected to myself as kar’niss. or even that i wasn’t a random side NPC but noooo i have to be random guy hearted…. like thanks brain. i fr saw the crusty greasy spider and was like THATS ONE OF THE ME’S!!!!
edit bcs i forgot the second half of this post
the fact that most of the people karniss knew barely know him in this life. like, most canonmates i see either barely knew me or worse KILLED ME!!! lmfao no hard feelings i would too. it just sucjs that i can’t really bond over memories with people
OHH SHIT! no wonder i was having trouble meditating into kar'niss. i needed dark. because he was a drow. who lived in the underdark then in the shadow cursed lands. i can be very dumb sometimes
Editing sci-twi (who's me) to look more like me (who's her). /hj

(The way I gone from a sci-twi kin for fun to a literal sci-twi kin will never not be funny asf to me 😭💀)
Re8logging for the other Vriska accounts! ::::)

Attention all Serkets! The S.S. Vriscord has cast off, and now sails the 8 seas with one simple mission: 8ring together as many Serkets as Trollishly possi8le!!!!!!!!

If you are a Vriska, an Aranea, a Mindfang, a Vrissy, or any com8in8ion of the a8ove – you are officially invited to come a8oard the discord server ship, and 8ecome a mem8er of it’s growing crew. This fine vessel is meant to serve as a Serket-centric social space, where we can commiser8 and revel alike in the company of our – do forgive me the pun - kin! The Vriscord has just set sail, 8ut we are already looking forward to organized social events such as movie nights, perhaps TTRPG oneshots, things of that nature. Our crew is yet small, 8ut we’re already quite active and have the markings of a gr8 community.

Any Serket may join – no matter the reason they are a Serket, and no matter the terminology they identify with! Fictionkin, Fictionhearted, Vriskakin and Vriska kinnies, Fictives/Introjects in Plural systems, other terminology I haven’t heard of yet, no matter the origin, you are welcome here!!!!!!!! The only criteria you must meet to 8oard are 8eing over 18 and 8eing a Serket – and non-Serket quadrantm8s of Serkets on-8oard will 8e granted entry if a request is made to myself, the Captain of this no8le 8oat. Welcome a8oard!!!!!!!!

Is there anyone here that is connected to endermen in any way? I am otherhearted, but with an enderman hearttype and would love to interact with others like myself!
I am also demonkin, I’d like to talk to other demons as well! :>
:33 < yaknow what ??
B33 < shout out to the fictionkins (and all under that umbrella) who absolutely hate their source
:33 < shout out to the fictionkins who dont even know anything about their source but just saw them and was like "thats me"
:33 < because theres no right way to be an alterhuman. if you are, you simply are and nothing can change that
:33 < youre allowed to hate your source. youre allowed to not know it or even look into it. just be your true and honest self !!
B33 < and by the way, this refers to all under the umbrella. flickers, hearted, quoian, ect
:33 < okayyyy im want more nonhuman mutualz who are fictionkin, otherkin, plantkin,objectkin,number/letterkin,monthkin,yearkin, placekin, ect any uncommon kins !!
B33 < any coolio kins (and anyone under that umbrella) please interact !! also especially homestuck kins/fictives, ilove when yall interact with me <3
:33 < please note youdo not have to !! this is choice only, give this post notes if you feel comfortable enough !! (and if youdont go against the dni :3)
haiii!!! i really like how much you advocate “uncommon” alterhuman identities!! the passion!! the care!! its all really cool. i appreciate you for that. my friend is a fictionkin (gregory of yardale) and i think thats pretty damn cool. one small problem though. i kind of dont understand alterhuman identities all that well! :( from my understanding, its when people have a spiritual connection with a certain nonhuman thing,, (or sometimes believe they were said thing in their past life),, but ive also seen some people say they think they ARE said thing instead of human. which i dont know if its true. it’d be pretty odd to not believe you were human after…you know, youre literally classified as human and al that jazz. i cant explain it. but at the same time, i dont wanna be judgemental…and theres gotta be some explanation. something deeper. something to destroy the misconception of “odd”, but i cant find it. :(
-🕸️📺 anon
:33 < velopppp !! :oDD im relally tabnkful for that !! honestly, i jusut want a community in whoch peopel dont feel left out !! where people arebt unseen, we are all fair !! thats what drives me iguess :o)) and thank yiu !! <3 also they sound really interesting !! ^_^ and, for the not unnderstanding allterhuman identitues that weel: honestky ? for starters, idont always truly believe youHAVE to understand. as long as you as a being can respect it, youdont always have to understand. [pt: as long as you as a being can respect it, youdont always have to understand.]
B33 < youcan be respectful, and kind, but if youdont understand, thats ok !! if youwant to understand, thats great !! if youdo understand, thats awesome !! its fine not to get things, you are not compelled to know everything !! but for starters, you arent wrong !! alterhumanity can derive from spirituality (eg: religion, believing your nonhuman soul was put into a human body, past lives, ectect) but it isnt always !! there are many reasons one would be nonhuman !! (im not speaking on all nonhuman behalves when isay tghis, but) it could be duue to mentally beleiving you are an alterhuman (psychological alletrhyman), being a fictive (taht is a system/plural term for anyone who doesnt know), delusions/mental conditions, (zoanthropy/lycanthropy, trauma, mental illness, ect) or maybe just being taht thing because they are that thing. most people say they "are" that thing because its the best way to describe their alterhumanity for them, like they (probably) know arent physically that being/thing, but saying they are it just makes sense instead of pputtijg the spiritual/psychological/anything else label on it. also, some people might physically believe they arent human because of delusions or mental illness, in which case it is not hest to reality check them. holotheres and physical nonhumans can identify like that because of their mental illness, but they do not have to. (please remember: not all physically nonhuman beings are alterhuman/holoheres/physical nonhumans, and not all holotheres/physical nonhumans have disabilities that impact them being physically nonhuman/have their disabilities impact them being physically nonhuman)
B33 < although on anithher note, ihave seen some news a while back that there used to be predatory activity with people claiming they could physically transform into their 'type, and would give steps on how to "do it" but im not sure if those "watch out" posts were made to harm physical nonhumans/mentally ill beings that identified as not human physically, or if it was true and there were actual adults saying this to minors so please do watch out. with that being said, please note that not every alterhuman experience is the same, if anyone had anything to add, whether personal experiences, thoughts and opinions, or other, feel free to !! thanks !! ^_^
:33 < can we stop with the "oh if youre cringge ? just be yourself !! doont let people judge you !!" speech alterhuman community ? ihave avpd and it really shows yall do not think once about the fact that people could literally be disabled and not able to not let people judge them because yall just assume feeling fear because of judgement is a "silly little thing" and "just being yourself can fix it !!"
:33 < its ok noot to know where your f/os are from !! its ok not to know where your kintypes are from !! its ok to like a character without ever knowing the media its from !! its ok to know characters media and kin/date/like them without ever caring or wanting to indulge in the media !! its ok to hate the characters media !! its ok to be you forever and ever and ever and ever as long as youdont hurt anyone !!!! :3c
Okay so hi alterhuman tumblr! I wanted to make a post about something, and I had talked about it on a server. I don’t feel like retyping the post, and I used an anonymous bot to post it.

So I wanted to go more into detail as my og post on the server wasn’t really as in depth as I could have it.
So what do I mean when I say I am them but I don’t like the fictionkin label?
I mean I do believe in a sense at I am them, one of these characters I have had memories of. I act like them, and I feel so comfortable being referred to as them. Like I am them, but they’re not me.
I act like these characters, and I genuinely feel more comfortable being referred to as them in the same way I like being referred to as my kins.
I do believe that like I am at least one of them. The other one I’m still on the fence about, as he’s immortal multiple times over and has no mortality left so he can’t die. I know for at least him, it’s not a past life situation and maybe more of an alternative universe thing.
But like I’m not comfortable with calling them my fictionkins. I don’t fully fully believe I am them, and fictionkin feels wrong. Otherkin doesn’t, and definitely feels more right.
Fictionheart/Otherheart doesn’t feel right either, but I just trying to figure out which label is correct at the moment.