Fictive - Tumblr Posts

I am actually so normal about this and not unbearably obsessed and drawn into the intricacies of this hauntingly deep emotional storyline written with the careful craftsmanship of an unimaginably talented author(@mustangs-flames) at all, why do you ask? Have you read it? You should? Right now?

Kinda old picture/portrait of Cassie that I thought was too nice not to share before I pass out - César/Blurry
Uh oh, meme guy strikes again, oh shit oh fuck oh god- (HTB is by @mustangs-flames btw, check them out! It’s an awesome series)

It is 11:45 PM and I can feel my mind deteriorating, but god was this fun to make -Jonah
Bonus behind the scenes of what drawing this was like when your (in headspace) best friend is a fictive hyperfixated on his own source:

what is hail true body???
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, grab a seat
Hail, True Body is a fiction horror series on ao3 by @mustangs-flames that you can find via this link here! There are so far 5 parts with a 6th soon to come.
As best as I can put into my own words, it follows the story of Mark Owens and Cesar Hernandez primarily, but also a long list of side protagonists/antagonists that all have their own extremely in depth side plots and relationships that are explored along side and intertwined with the main 2.
With as little spoilers as possible and heavy glances at the series summary, a creature called a mimic kills and takes the form and memories of Cesar, Mark’s best friend, and learns far to late that pretending to be human comes with a little too much humanity for a monster to handle. On the other hand, Mark learns that the road down vengeance way is a slippery slope, and that there are things about even himself to discover, as ugly as they are.
It’s a story about what it means to be human in the face of the inhuman, the winding pathway of relationships, and what it means to trust and forgive. Theres as much found family as there is hurt/no comfort and that is incredible. And also theres a dog, so that automatically makes it great.
If you decide to check it out I heavily recommend it, but keep an eye out for the tags as it can get pretty intense!
And if you want to see frequent updates on how things are going, excellent art, or funny memes, make sure to follow Mustang’s tumblr! He deserves all the support in the world! Theres also a master list pinned there with a lot more information, though a lot of it has yet to be updated, as it was previously a TMC AU that has now separated out into it’s own original story.
Also apologies if any other HTB enthusiasts see this(or Mustang, the King Enthusiast) and I got anything wrong, or wrote something that didn’t reflect the story as well as it should, I am literally getting an examination at the doctors while i write this and my brain is on double time lol- César
Gonna be streaming real soon! Just fighting off the nerves and setting things up rn :D
It’ll probably happen around 7 (EST), and I’ll reblog this post with the link to the stream. This is my first time streaming, so be warned of that lol -César

Im late to my own god damn stream hhhhhhhh
Sorry for the delay, streamlabs deleted everything so I had to re do my set up, but It's all up and ready now!
heres the link to the stream!
Gonna be streaming real soon! Just fighting off the nerves and setting things up rn :D
It’ll probably happen around 7 (EST), and I’ll reblog this post with the link to the stream. This is my first time streaming, so be warned of that lol -César

A recap of last nights Labyrinthine stream - ✨The Bush✨
This was super fun, and double thanks to everyone that joined! :D there will most likely be another stream tonight that you can tune into and come hang out with us!/nf

New stream tonight at 5:30(est)! This time… drum roll please… OVERCOOKED!
Where me and Adam will try desperately to not lose, and also not to kill each other in the ensuing rage :D - Jonah
The stream is up!
Stream Link!!
Art stream! Now with music!
AAAAAAAAA I LOVE UR ICON FOR STREAMS OF CESAR (yelling in an empty reverb room and shaking) (this is not a cry for help I swear)
Thank you! :D
He made it in all of 20 minutes and set a standard none of us will ever be able to replicate lmao so it may end up being the only one like it
new pinned! 🎉
so we're the Arcade Carpet Collective! but you can call us the carpets!
we're a traumatic osdd-1b system with over 100 members and that's very very fictive heavy, mainly from the Mandela Catalogue! we're also diagnosed autistic and possibly have adhd so please use tone tags and be patient with us. we're also an artist so art might be posted here and there
collectively you can call us cade, hatchet or comet and use they/he/it/glass/soul!
--- frequent fronters/main posters
Rusty -> host -> they/he/soul/it (-✨) -> masc/neu terms
Damien -> primary protector + co-host -> vhs/he/static/it (-📼) -> neu/masc terms
Cesar -> caretaker (littles) -> it/flower/he -> any terms
Mark -> caretaker (teens/adults) -> he/ghost/tape/record -> masc terms
also im Evelin! i use she/they, i use fem terms! idk my role yet.
- basic dni
- endos
- proshippers
- systems
- tmc fans
- artists
- therians/otherkin
- lgbtgia+
- nd people
(please we need friends lmao)
↓ image was found on Pinterest!

having a strahd and ismark fictive doesnt mix well /lh
also our strahd fictive confirms my funny hc that strahd (canon) listens to creep - radiohead and cries abt tatyana
i don't know how to post or how posts work or supposed to work but i'm putting g stuff here anyway just because i can

this is me in a vr game i play a lot! ok im done

my forehead looks HUUUUUUGE
last sunday my friend brainmate fellow host got me something really cool that he was trying to keep secret but i found out about really fast and it arrived today

but i have to put her together so this is her so far

i'm gonna be putting up more photos here when i get more done!
UPDATE on tiny Sunny

her figure head made me very nostalgic and happy/sad feeling

i keep getting impatient and frustrated with the stickers and messing them up i might later on take them off and just paint instead (when and if i can find the paint)

SHES MOSTLY DONE! haven't put the stickers on her sails yet! i was up until past 3 in the morning putting her together last night it was fun

tiny crew! they look so funny in there

I took a walk today and sat in a park! I also talked to a stranger that was fun too but I made a bug friend who sat on my arm the whole time I was in the park! :D