He/Him 🏳️‍⚧️ || Early 20s || Credit to the people of the artwork/gifs || Requests and tags are open

374 posts

Tiger Cuddles

Tiger Cuddles

Pairing: Daryl x M!Reader

Summary: You and Daryl stay in the Kingdom for a few days with some others for a festival. Shiva hangs out with the both of you as you eat and Shiva giving you some cuddles from time to time


You and Daryl walk hand in hand around the Kingdom, who’s holding a festival. 

You hold out a teared pretzel in front of Daryl to let him tear some off and pops it in his mouth. Walking around the festival a little longer with more food in hand, you both sit down somewhere out of the way.

People move out of the way from something walking towards the couple. You observe the King's pet, Shiva the tiger, walking towards you. She walks behind you and nuzzles the side of Daryl's face before doing the same thing to you. “Hi, Shiva.” you wraps your right arm around the tiger's face and scratches behind its ear.

Shiva lays on her stomach. The couple starts to have a conversation. It stops as you stand up and walk off. "I'll be right back." After a few minutes, you come back with meat on a bone. You whistles, getting the attention of the tiger. You throw the bone towards her to eat and lick the bone.

"Where'd ya get that?" Daryl asks. "The meat locker in the kitchen." you answer before eating more of the pretzel. "Ya carried that thing all the way from the kitchen?" He raises an eyebrow at you. "Yeah." you nods. You continue your conversation whilst petting the tiger often.

Shiva stands up after finishing up the bone to lick the side of your face. "Ugh, gross, Shiva." You stands up, pulling your collar to wipe the tiger saliva off your face. Daryl softly laughs at the sight in front of him. "You think this is funny?" you glare at him. "Shiva, kiss him." The tiger does the same thing, Daryl having the same reaction.

You laugh at Daryl as he wipes it off as well. He finishes cleaning it up before lunging towards you. He was about to tickle you, but you moved out of the way just in time before running off. "Shiva!" The tiger runs towards you. You climb on the animal's back and run away from Daryl.

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More Posts from Cuddly-dean-baby

4 years ago


Pairing: Pietro x GN!Reader

Summary: You love to squish this fast man’s cheeks


The front door closes behind you after you had cleaned out most of the barn. “You good, Piet?” you asked, leaning over the couch’s backrest to see him lying on the couch, watching TV.

He nods, a dopey smile on his face. “I’m good, baby.” He pouts his lips for a kiss, a peck pressed against his lips.

Pietro pouts more, wanting more kisses, watching you go to the kitchen.

“What do you want for dinner?” you bend down, rummaging through the fridge. You peek your head out of the fridge to see your boyfriend’s chin on the armrest, resting on his stomach and staring at your ass.

“Hey!” He shakes his head, getting out of his daze.

“We could go to Bird-Brain’s place and have dinner with them. It’s a few seconds away. For me, anyway.”

"We can go to them another night.”

Pietro then suggests going to a random restaurant. You agree. 

Closing the fridge door, you walk towards him as he lays back down. Keeping your attention on the TV, you straddle Pietro’s waist, his hands resting on your thighs.

Now with your attention on the man you’re sitting on, you cup his cheeks, squishing them together. “Squishy.” you extend the ‘s’ as you whisper the nickname you gave him. He questions why you call him that.

"’Cause that’s what you are. You’re my squishy, fast man.” He chuckles as you continue to play with his cheeks. “Squishy, squish.” You squish his cheeks together one more time, making him pout his lips out as if he was a fish.

You giggled at the sight, himself laughing at your reaction and the feeling.

Your forehead leans against his chest, laughs and giggles calming down. You turn your head to rest your cheek against his chest and forehead against the side of his neck.

"You’re getting the food, Squishy.”


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4 years ago


Pairing: Cas x GN!Reader

Summary: Cas pops in as you’re researching. You know he's there but doesn't know he brought bunnies


Skimming around at the books and papers scattered around your laptop, you know that Cas is behind you. 

Turning in your seat to greet him, you instead give him a deadpan look. “Cas.”


“Why do you have bunnies?” You stand up to him to grab a bunny that was squirming upside down in his trench coat pocket.

“I was walking through town, then I saw a pet store. I saw the bunnies in the window and I wanted them, so I grabbed them.” he answered.

“Cas, Dean will want these ones out. He’ll throw out any animal that isn’t his.” you say in a sad tone.”

"I know.” He frowns, looking down at his shoes.

“But we can look after them until Sam and Dean come back. Also, we can always get a bunny once we get our own place.”

He perks his head up, a smile on his face as he says, “Okay.”

Cas sits himself on the ground, placing the bunnies in front of him before fishing out the ones that were in his pockets. He starts to play with them.

Leaning against the table, you grab your phone off the table to click on Sam’s contact. You snap a photo of Cas and the bunnies. 

[Don’t tell Dean, but these are stolen bunnies - which we are going to return.]

Moose: [Why couldn’t Dean do this by himself or something? This is a simple hunt :( ] 

Chuckling to yourself, you set your phone back on the table to join Cas on the floor and next to him.

Hours later and the door opening, Cas disappears with the bunnies and then appears without him. 

He presses his lips to yours for a small kiss, mumbling a ‘thank you’ against them.

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4 years ago

Can You  Help Us?

Pairing: Bucky x F!Reader x BestFriend!Steve

Summary: Bucky and Steve both do a fist bump with the back of their arms as they walk past each other, but it only to trigger the magnetic hold on Steve’s arm for his shield to make it connect to Bucky’s arm. They yell out for your help, making you laugh at the sight as you walks into the room to see the scene


Finally having a day off, everyone is either out or staying at the Tower, all doing their own things.

Steve and Bucky are in the training room, versing each other. Both stopping, they both agree that they’re done for the day.

The two walk past each other, doing a backhanded fist bump.

A force between the two’s arms forces Bucky to stumble backwards. Standing full to his feet, he takes in the sight of their arms still connected. “Let go.”

“I can’t.”

“What do you mean ‘I can’t’, Steve?” Bucky tried to pull his arm away but fails. “Who else is in the Tower that can deactivate this? ‘Cause Stark is out of the building.” Steve points out.

“Well, there’s my woman.” Bucky shrugs, looking around the room. He finally settles on looking at Steve waiting. “What?” Bucky shrugged. “Call her!” Steve says urgently.

“Okay, jeez.” Bucky walks over to his phone, Steve waddling behind. Dialing your phone, you answer after the first two rings. “Hey, bubba.”

“Hey, doll. Steve and I are in a bit of a situation right now.”

“Training room.”


“Be there soon.”

Minutes later after the ended call, the elevator doors open to show you. “Can you help us?” The men motion to their attached arms. You giggle at the two as you walked towards them, your pocket knife in hand.

After a few seconds, the mens’ arms fall to their sides. Steve thanks you as you put your knife back into your pocket.

“Next time, don’t wear your shield magnet when you’re training with him. Make sure you remind him.” You instructed them. “Yes, ma’am.” They both say in unison.

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4 years ago

Bed Save

Pairing: Bruce x F!Reader x Toddler!Damian

Summary: Damian waddles into his parents and climbs onto their bed. He tries to wake up Bruce as he stands up. He slips and was about to fall onto the ground but gets saved as Bruce catches him by the foot. Damian then wants to do it again as he sits in his father’s lap


Damian waddles into his parents room to see them still asleep. Bruce has his arm slumped against your waist. Damian grips onto the sheets before heaving himself up and lies on his stomach. He crawls towards his father before poking him. "Papa." Time to shake Bruce. "Papa."

Damian looks over to his mother shifting to lay on your side towards him and Bruce. "Papa." Damian stands up to start moving his arms and legs a bit. He loses his footing and slips off the bed.

Before he could hit the ground, something wraps around his ankle, making him hang above the ground. He gets pulled up back onto the bed with Alfred walking in with a tray. "Mister Wayne, it's time to-"

"I'm awake." Bruce cuts him off with his wife waking up and Damian in his lap. "Again! Papa, again!" Alfred nods before he puts the tray down and leaving the room. "Did Damian come in again?" you shift your head to look at your husband. "Yeah."

"Did he almost fall off the bed again?"

"Yeah." Damian crawls out of Bruce's lap and lays down in front of you. "Hi, Mama." He says before crawling under the covers and snuggling into her body. "Hi, Damian." you says back before closing your eyes. "Do I get to go back to sleep?" Bruce looks down at his wife and son. "No. You have work to do." you answer before falling back asleep completely.

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4 years ago


Pairing: Dick x GN!Reader

Summary: Dick tells you to meet him at some connected ropes looking over Gotham. You have a small moment until another crime comes along


Tilting your head up, Dick is seated up on one of the ropes. Sighing and relaxing your shoulders, your hands grip onto the rope, beginning to go up to your partner. “Out of all places, you decide to come here.”

Finally arriving at where he is, you managed to stand in between his legs, being face to face. “Why’d you bring me here?” you question, taking his mask off to see his blue eyes. “Why not?” he shrugs.

"’Cause we hardly do this.” you shrug back. “How was the mission?” you ask, feeling his hands take off your mask to see your eyes in return. He scans your face, cupping your left cheek. “You’re bleeding.” he states out, worry in his eyes.

"It’s just a small cut, nothing to worry about.” you nuzzle his hand and pressing your hand against his. 

Grabbing the rope above you, you swing your body up to stand above his, his mask now over his eyes.

You watch the lights flicker and move throughout Gotham

"I love you.” you hear Dick say. You glance at him, himself staring up at you. “I love you, too.” you smile at him.

Sirens then go off in the distance. Dick stands up, grabbing the ropes also. A side of your mouth rises in a side smirk, “Beat ya down there?” 

"Sure." He nods.


You turn my body around and fall backwards, Dick dives with his arms next to his body. You watch his raven hair fly backwards. He looks back at you flipping the same way he's going down, your hair going back as well. "Whoo!"

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