Wanda X Y/n - Tumblr Posts
all night thinking - w.m - pt.3

Summary: new kids in town? no trouble at all. except when the younger, hotter one begins to take an interest in you.
Warning(s): smoking, mentioned violence, cursing, drinking
pt. 1 pt.2
When you had left the bar, you ended back in your hotel room with everyone. You and Bucky had ended up drinking a lot considering your refrigerator was 85% alcohol, including the frozen Daily's you used as icepacks.
Sam and Steve carried the man out of the hotel room, and you'd spent an eventful night with Sharon. It consisted of you guys just making out, but when she decided she didn't want to sleep with you drunk, you just ended up laying in bed. That was what you were doing now, enjoying the pleasure of stroking her silky blonde hair.
"I'm gonna miss you." She whispers. "Me too. So much." You slurred. "I hope you know...that if when I’m gone, if you want to date someone-"
"Who said that?!" You asked, sitting up, but she holds you on the bed. "Hold on, hold on. Listen, Y/N/N." She grabs your face. "Don't feel obligated to me just because I kept you from dying once, OK?"
"But...I love you, Sharon."
"Oh, trust me I know." She giggles. "It's okay, baby. You still complete me."
When Sharon woke you up, you were still sluggish and began to cry when you saw her in her uniform she'd left over. "Oh my god, stop crying!" You wouldn't stop. "Let's be adults, babe. Come on, come on." She gives you a big hug as you sniffle like a small child.
She moves back, holding your face in her hand. "Drink some water, take a shower, go to the gym and clear your head, OK?" You nod as she kisses you on the lips. You stood in the living, back slumped. "I love you."
"I love you, too." You said, a single tear falling down your face. "Oh, come on, wittle baby, give mama a hug." She teased, making you groan. "I'll call when I touch down in California, alright?" You nod, a smile now creeping on your face.
For the first time in 3 years, you give her a genuine salute, to which she gives back. She closes the door behind her, and you surprisingly do what what she said.
You arrived to the gym, sobering up with every punch you threw.
There were a few people watching you as sweat covered your eyes. You put your anger to it, and eventually Sam's voice interrupted. "Hey! Y/N!" You were so distracted, you hadn't notice the bag starting to rip. "Sorry!"
You moved away, removing your gloves. Walking towards a bench, you noticed Steve. You swore he was jump roping when you got there, which was half an hour, so how was he still going? Steve and his stamina got him the nickname 'Super Soldier'. He even survived a secret mission in Siberia, and wasn't even phased by the cold weathers. "Hey, Rogers." You greet, making the man smile as he comes to a stop. "Hey, Y/N. You get to say goodbye today?" He said, obviously referring to Sharon. "Yeah, I cried like a baby." He chuckles, taking a seat next to you.
"Do you ever think about it?" He asks, making you hum. "Working for Fury again?"
"Nah, I went so my family wouldn't fall in debt. Came out with black lung and nightmares. You went to serve your country, that's your kinda thing." Steve nods in understanding. "I don't miss it. I think moving out here was a great idea. Low maintenance, no bad commute, beautiful farm life, this is the dream." He says with a soft air. "Hmm."
"Hey, Steve?" Bucky calls. "Ya got a class to teach." He points with a smile, making Steve pop up. "Nice talk." The blonde says, patting your shoulder. You smile as Bucky carries him away. Your pocket buzzes as you reach for you phone. You open it up, noticing the caller.
"Shit." You mumble, reluctantly answering the call. "Hi, Ma."
"Oh, hi, darling! I haven't seen you in forever." That was kind of the point of me not visiting you.
"I know, I'm sorry."
"It's quite alright, listen. Your father and I are going to be out of town for a good while, your aunt is sick and I want to take care of her, you know your dad never wants me to work too hard, and your sister cannot take of the farm by herself-"
"What about Elliot-?"
"He's off at college." Your mother says, making your eyebrows scrunch in confusion. "I thought he wasn't leaving until next month?"
"He has an honors program he needs to do early in the year."
"Ok, ok. Uh...when are you guys leaving?"
"Uh, next Saturday. I didn't want to ask last minute like your father would."
You chuckle. "Cool."
"I need a job." Wanda complains, tossing her phone on the small coffee table. "You could always work at the shop." Carol says, referring to the car shop she'd started to work at a few weeks ago. "No, I don't do grease stains." The blonde chuckles, opening the buttons on her shirt. "You look good in uniform." Wanda smirks. Carol rolls her eyes, pulling off the shirt as she sat in the small arm chair.
"Yeah, whatever. Listen, Monica will explode if you go another week without a job." Wanda sighs.
"I know, I know, but I enjoy unemployment." She smirks, relaxing into the couch. "So do I, but I need money. You can't keep spending all of mine, ya know?"
"Actually, yes I can, you would literally do anything for me." She teases. It was true of course. Carol grimaces simply because of that fact. "Cocky."
Wanda smiles, sitting up, walking over to Carol. She stands in front of her, Carol looking up at her as if she is a lost puppy. The brunette grabs Carol's blonde locks, caressing her as the blonde puts her head on Wanda's chest.
She goes to speak, but is startled when Kate and Monica's door open suddenly. A familiar blonde walks out of the room, hair disheveled. The two don't separate, and Yelena stares between them, before running out the front door. "That was awkward."
You arrived to the Red Castle around 3:00, and much to Jessica's surprise, ask for a lemonade. "Hard lemonade." You mutter, and she smirks in amusement. "That's my girl." She grabs you a bottle of hard lemonade, and you pop it open with your teeth.
"Well, well, well, look who it is." You roll your eyes at the voice, the face of Scott Summers coming into view. "Day drinking, are we?"
"Yeah, what about you?" He chuckles. "I actually needed to speak with you, and I uh...stopped by, assumed you'd be here, drinking your sorrows." You squint your eyes, a false grin on your lips. "Fuck you, Summers." He laughs to himself once again. "That's what Jean says, all the time, but in a good way." He smiles. "You can have her." You growl.
"Oh, yeah. I heard about Sharon. I also heard she left for California this morning. News travels." You glare so hard at him, if you had laser eyes, he'd have a large hole in him. "Do you need something, Scott?"
"As a matter of fact, yes." He sits in the seat next to you, Jessica eyeing him to make sure a fight doesn't break out. "I need you to do a job, a...plumbing job. Whatever your price, but I need it done by the end of the week." You eye him suspiciously, before the request dawns on you. You stand up from the bar, your mouth moving closer to his ear. "Outside, 5 minutes. Take a piss or something" You whisper, pulling a $20 bill out of your pocket and slamming it on the bar. "Keep the change, Jess."
You walk outside, pulling out a box of cigarettes, when you spot a familiar face. It was the same girl from last night, leaning on a beautiful red and black Mustang. "Oh, she's beautiful." You mutter a little too loud, making the girl look up. "Thanks?"
"It's a supreme paint job." The girl nods, rubbing her hand on the exterior. "I uh...I painted it myself. My brother did the interior." Brother. Pietro. They had similar accents and looked a lot alike. "A-Are you Pietro's sister? I saw you pick him up yesterday." She nods. "I'm actually waiting for him right now. And, you...are the one from last night with the..." Her head nods to the cigarette. "Very nice hat." She smirks.
"This one is different. Looks like you have several."
"One for every day of the week, hmm?" You chuckle, nodding. "I'm a very simple person." You smile.
"I like your boots." She mutters, making you look down at your feet. "Oh, these ol' things? Just some casual wear." You suck in a breath before looking back up at her. Pulling out a lighter, you light the cigarette in your mouth. "I never got your name." You say muffled.
"Wanda." You say dreamily.
"Don't wear it out."
"It's a phrase."
"Oh! Yeah, I-I know that one."
You have a goofy smile on your face as Wanda shifts on her feet nervously. A smile almost creeps back onto her face, but she gets distracted when her brother emerges from the bar. "You ready?" He asks, making her nod. He follows her gaze, a smile gracing his features as he recognizes you. "Ah! Y/N! Nice to see you, again." He waves, and you nod back. "Likewise."
The two file into the car, and you sigh as they both ride off.
Wanda looks back as the two ride off towards the recording studio near the town square. "Oh, finally getting over blondie, I see?" She rolls her eyes, turning back in her seat. "I don't even know her."
"Well, you do now. I hate watching you guys kiss and touch each other while not dating, it's gross."
"Just last week you gave Monica a hug and almost inhaled her?" Pietro avoids his sister's annoyed gaze. "She smelled like apple pie, I love apple pie." He shrugs. "That was perfume, dipshit." Pietro grunts, turning the corner as he pulls up to the street beside the studio. "Give Monica my love!" He yells as Wanda moves to the trunk to grab her guitar. "No." She shuts the trunk, noticing the middle finger she received from her brother.
He merges onto the street, before speeding off.
As the car drifts down the road, a smile stood on your face as the cigarette sat between your lips.
The door jingles, catching your attention as Scott walks out with a long leather coat, his signature glasses on his face.
"What's the job, Summers? Robbing? Roughing someone up?" You ask. The man smirks to himself, going to stand next to you. "There's this girl, young teenager, name's Gwen. She heard about plans Bobby and I had discussed about transfers to offshore accounts, and paying off inside guys at the precinct." He explains, leaning back on the wall.
"So you want me to beat up a child?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "No, too much attention, she's Stacy's kid." Your eyes widen as you step back from him. "Woah! You mean...Gwen Stacy? Stacy as in George Stacy? Sherriff George Stacy? Are you out of your fucking mind?!" You'd owed the man your life. You hated majority of the cops in your town, but Stacy was good to you. You liked Gwen, you used to babysit her in high school.
Scott nods, confused by your reaction. "Count me out." You go to leave, but he roughly grasps your arm. "You owe me." His tone is dangerous, and it makes your bones tingle. "You don't have to touch her, but make her scared enough to convince her dad to drop the case. Understood?" You reluctantly nod, pulling your arm out of his.
It had been a few hours into the recording session led to the band just taking a rest.
Everyone was either listening to the track, or scrolling on their phones. "Oh shit!" Wanda looks up from her guitar over at the reaction. "What?" She asks. "Come look." Carol waves her over, and Wanda obliges. "'The daughter of police Chief George Stacy was mugged in home robbery, no injuries.' I know her, we like...work together." Wanda frowns in sadness at the news.
"Oh, that's sad."
"Yeah, I mean how safe is a town if people go after the chief's daughter? Is it bad to say whoever this is has hella balls?" She chuckles, sitting up in her chair. "It's not like you're wrong." Kate speaks up. Carol shrugs, looking up at Wanda. "You wanna run it again, or?" Wanda shakes her head no.
"No, it sounded good."
"Alright, well...we have a demo to compile."
i want you - w.m

Summary: pt 3. of wanda finding her way back to you.
Warnings: mentions of drinking
A/N: it seems like everyone liked the other parts so i’m finishing it up💁🏽♀️
i don’t need you i missed you
Wanda had traveled all the way to your small home out in the Long Island suburbs of Suffolk County. You’d brought her here a few times, and to your beach house out in the Hamptons.
When the taxi stopped in front of the house, she said her “thank you”s and gave him his fare in cash. Exiting the car, the wind blew in her hair as she walked up the driveway.
It was early in the morning, and she could tell by the shape you were in that you weren’t doing much early runs or early morning push-ups anymore. It wasn’t a horrible thing, but it was noticeable.
She steps into the porch, deciding that she has nowhere she could run, and just knocks on the door. She shifts nervously on her feet, sighing when the door opens, but it’s not who she expects.
“Carol?” Wanda remembered Carol from when you guys were the only girls on the football team in high school. She was hopeful that your bonded friendship hadn’t become more. “Wow! Wanda, it’s been forever, man!” Wanda gasps at the tight hug she receives. The blonde backs away, motioning towards the other woman’s hair.
“Love the red, suits you.” The redhead chuckles, still reeling from the hug. “Thanks.” Carol moves back, showing her inside.
“I’m assuming you came to see Y/N, but if not, you can still come in.” Wanda moves inside, taking in the small bungalow in. The first thing she noticed was you sleeping on the couch.
Carol locks the door, before following her gaze. “She enjoys it for some reason. I told her not to cuz she’s got a bad back, but she can’t stop. Apparently…” She pauses, moving to the kitchen and Wanda follows.
“Sam was having issues and she let him take her room while she slept on the couch, I guess it’s comfortable now.” Wanda frowns at the explanation. What more did she have to learn about?
A sound startled her slightly when she notices the back door open. “Ok, so I just talked to Peter, and-“ Y/N’s younger sister, Andrea, walked into the kitchen, way older than when Wanda last saw her, no longer a high school freshman. The girl looks up, her eyes widening as she pauses.
“Is that Wanda Maximoff?” Wanda chuckles, nodding as Andrea whispers a squeal, grasping Wanda in a hug. “My god, did you put on baby weight?” The younger girl says, making Wanda scoff as she pushes her back. She hold up her hand in surrender.
“My bad. Last time I saw you, you were gonna give birth to twins. Now it’s been 9 years, you’re married, I’m engaged.”
“I know, it’s crazy-. Wait did you just you were engaged?” Her eyes light up when Andrea shows her a ring on her finger. “Yes! 2 months in counting, Y/N won’t admit it, but she definitely chose the ring.” Wanda observes the ring with raised eyebrows. “Oh wow.”
A shuffle from the living room gets their attention. Your figure rises from the couch as you sniffle. You rub your nose before standing up and stretching. You almost fall back on the couch as you wobble, but hold yourself up. Andrea snickers, and you look up at them.
Your eyes easily find them, and unbeknownst to her, you knew she was here, you weren’t a heavy sleeper, but she didn’t have to know that. Wanda? Two days in a row? Hell must’ve frozen over. “Don’t make fun of a cripple.” You mutter walking up the tiny step to the kitchen, completely ignoring the odd woman out.
You limp to the fridge, grabbing the bottle of orange juice and reaching in a cabinet to get a cup. “Hey, did you know Wanda was in town? I guess she wanted to stop by.” Carol tries, knowing the tension had begun to rise. “I can see.” You don’t say it in a rude way, but as a matter of fact.
Wanda’s never heard you speak like that around her, unless you were talking about someone or something you hated. Andrea clears her throat, speaking up. “Uh…Peter has an event for the mayor later today, so I’m gonna make sure he’s set up. I’ll hopefully see you later?“ Wanda nods with a smile. She grabs her bag that was on the table, and walks towards the door.
Carol makes her way towards the garage as you grab the bagel off the fridge. “I gotta go to work, so…” You roll your eyes, popping the bagels in the toaster oven. “You guys fucking suck, I hate you both.” The two shrug, leaving you two alone.
Wanda sighs, looking down with a sad face at the way you were speaking about her as if she wasn’t there. After a short while, the bagels pop up, and you grab them, spreading butter and cream cheese on both halves. You grab a napkin, and limp towards the table.
Wanda just watches you as you begin to eat, making you pause. “Do you want to talk or not?” She could recall that tone, the same one she’d given you once.
She warily sits in a seat opposite you. You smile to yourself, but not in a happy way. “Ya know, yesterday…it helped. I know all about what you’ve become. I’ve watched from very far. I just want you to be ok, no matter how you treat me. That’s why I waited. I waited for a decade. We told each other we were gonna wait, and you didn’t, and I was ok with that. I waited, I kept my distance, and then you sat in a public and ripped my fucking heart out in front of all those people!” She almost flinched at your volume, almost.
She knew you, you only yell when your frustrated. “I don’t know why I did it.” She whispered. “Did you even love me?” She furrows her eyebrows. “What?! Of course I did.”
“Two years of dodging me, not giving me a chance to talk and then embarrassing me in front of people I don’t know? Nine years of radio silence after writing me back saying I was pathetic? THATS NOT LOVE, WANDA!” You were very upset, almost to the point where you were already giving yourself a headache.
“I don’t know what I could say-“
“I wanted to propose.”
“I gave Vision the ring. After that, I left. Not a month or two later and now I can barely walk. How sad.”
“I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you.”
“Yeah, because the guilt is weighing on you. You’re just a coward. I walked in there with a level head, and that look on your face?” You take a deep breath.
“I almost didn’t want to tell you I moved on too.” Wanda lets out a shaky breath. “You’d just run away again, cut me off, right?…Her name is uh…you remember Yelena, Natasha’s sister? She was in Dre’s grade. We met at the engagement party, hit it off.” She almost doesn’t want to believe it.
“I forgot you existed, that was until Felicia invited me here.” You finish eating before standing. Your eyes bore into hers.
“You have a husband, you have children. If you can to apologize, I forgive you. If you came to reconcile because you dropped your very nice husband, I’ve moved on. I still love you. Whether you ever really loved me? That’s something you have to figure out.” You toss your trash in the can.
“If you need a ride to the train station, Bucky’s in the room by the closet, I can’t drive anymore, legs give out at bad times.” You have a small smile on your face as Wanda nods, standing up.
“I just…I don’t know why I did that to you. I thought being cruel would keep you away, and it worked, unfortunately. I-I loved the chase between us, you were so emotional and I wanted you to come after me, and then I got annoyed. I hope you and Yelena last forever, longer than us.” You nod, watching her walk away towards Bucky’s room.
first kiss - w.m

Summary: your first kiss
Warnings: none i don’t think so?
A/N: a drabble of the small story i started. all these works are based off my own show🤣👆🏾👆🏾
Wanda was almost run over by you as you’re driving home. You could see her with her mascara smudged, and tears trickling down her soft skin. You notice she’s leaving the Barnes household and Bucky was chasing after her, so you told her to get in and you ran off with her.
She stares out the window on her side, sighing in anguish. “Wanda...what was that?” She refused to answer, sitting in silence with a sad look on her face.
“Did he hurt you?” Silence. “Did he say something to you?”
You sigh when she notices the girl’s eyes move. “Tell me what he said, I’ll kill him. I will.”
You pull the car up to her driveway, parking it, and fully turning to Wanda. You tap the girl’s shoulder until she gives in, turning to you in annoyance. “Y/N, WHAT?!” You hold your hands up in surrender. “Maybe if you answered…”
Wanda sits back, letting a large sigh. She swallows her saliva, taking deep breaths as she looks to calm herself. After a few seconds of light meditation, her gaze reverts back to you. “Look, you don’t have to tell me. I just wanted to lighten the moo-“
Before you could continue, Wanda grabs your face, connecting tour lips to one another’s. Your eyes are wide for a millisecond before you both melt into the kiss.
After almost 10 seconds, Wanda pulls away to breathe. She has a nervous expression, whilst you are not ready for the kiss to be pulled away from you. You opens your eyes after a few seconds, still in a daze.
Wanda chuckles, pulling you by your shirt. “You’re such an idiot.” She pulls you in once more, your lips connecting.

I wanted to organize all the stuff I’ve written so far, also thanks for all the support💁🏽♀️❤️
Amber Freeman
last dance - w.m

Summary: pt 4., the last dance
Warnings: none
A/N: last part of my fav au series💁🏽♀️ also this is the song i used for this chapter
From then on, Wanda and your sister had kept in touch. Neither of them told you, mostly because the day after Wanda had come to your house, you went back to Texas.
Wanda had met Peter, who was a really sweet kid. The woman helped them with venues and planning. She was able to find them a beautiful place upstate, and even got herself an invitation.
She wanted to go with Vision, but he knew she missed her old friends, and insisted she go alone. She did, but she knew you’d be there. It wasn’t like she didn’t help Andrea organize the seating charts. Another issue has been your sister wanting you two to sit together.
You didn’t know about it, and Wanda wanted to refuse, but she didn’t which did not surprise your sister in the slightest. She didn’t know you were bringing Yelena last minute.
That was how the wedding day became quite awkward. You’d been helping Peter with his nerves, straightening him out so he doesn’t embarrass your sister and you. “Peter, calm down, breathe.” The boy nods, following your breathing pattern. “Okay, okay I’m good.” He looks over to his Aunt who smiles at him.
“You look great, Pete.” He looks over to Bucky and Sam who nod as well. Ned gives him a thumbs up. You pat him on the shoulder, heading towards the door. “Alright, gonna check on the bride, make sure he doesn’t run away.” They all nod as you leave the room.
Andrea hadn’t told you about anything on her end, pushing you to help Peter more. Which you gladly did as her wish. Only your older siblings, Natalie and Marco, had seen the dress. It was and old dress Wanda had made years ago when she wanted to use it for your wedding, but that day never came.
Your sister loved it, and now it was hers. This would be the first time you’d really seen her in it ever. When you entered the room, you wanted to cry, she looked so gorgeous.
An excitement danced in her eyes as you fought back tears. Wanda finished touching her up, and she stood next to your sister. “You look amazing.” You wished your mother was here to see her. This almost felt like nothing had ever changed.
Your eyes found Wanda’s in the mirror, and all the animosity had almost escaped you. You hadn’t noticed Emma, who accompanied Wanda as her plus one, grab you out of the room, shutting it lightly behind you. “She’s married.” Your eyes widened.
“Nice to see you too, Em.” Emma smiles, crossing her arms. “I sat next to you guys for two years, enduring endless, disgustingly adorable amounts of pining, and love, and slobbery kisses. It was insufferable. You’re not going to ruin a 10-year marriage on your sister’s wedding day.” You chuckle.
“I have a girlfriend, Emma.”
“Oh. Seriously? Because the other night I saw Monica and Pietro with rings, and I thought you ended up alone.”
“What? You brood a lot, I personally would not date you.”
“That’s because you have no standards.”
“Oh, you are so wrong, Y/LN.”
“You dated Scott Summers.”
“…That’s fair.” She smirks, before pulling you in for a hug. “I hate to admit that I missed you.”
“Same.” The door creaked open, but she refused to let go. “She’s ready.” Emma looked up at her friend, breaking the hug. You turned to Wanda, a genuine smile on your face. “Thank you.” The red head nods, walking back into the room.
You both followed, and you smiled at your sister. “How is he?”
“Nervous. You ready?” She nods, looking around at the women in the room. “You guys go get ready, I wanna talk with Y/N for a sec.” The women nod, walking out of the room to leave you with space. “Wanda.” The woman stop in her tracks, moving out of the way so the others can leave first. “Stay for a minute?” She nods, sitting down.
The door closes as Emma leaves last, and you stand up near the mirror. “Is this how you guys felt?” You both look at her confusion. “When you guys were together. I-I never saw that love with mom and dad, I wanted what you guys had. It was like…endless.” Wanda looked over at you, but you were listening to your sister intently.
“I feel so strongly for Peter, and it always reminds me of you guys, the way you looked at each other. I didn’t know it was love until he started looking at me the way you looked at Wanda.” Your eyes drift over to her. “Did you fall out of love?” Your attempt to not cry wasn’t really working.
“No, I didn’t break us up. We started off as Wanda trying to figure out herself outside of Bucky and Pietro as her shining light. For two years, really since 4th grade, I assumed we loved each other. You and Peter? There’s no question he loves you. What we assume to be love, doesn’t always last. We never fell out of love, or at least I didn’t. She just found someone new, someone she wanted a life with. It just wasn’t me.” Wanda couldn’t even look at you.
“Do you feel that way now?” The million dollar question on Wanda’s part. You looked at her in pain. “You know I do.”
That was your cue to leave with Andrea. You’d given her away after her constant insistence. Their vows were so beautiful, you cried so hard, Natasha and Natalie had to calm you down afterwards. “I’m sorry, I’m just emotional. I’m fine.”
Later on, you all settled into the dining hall for a great dinner. You sat at the big table with the couple, laughing at the speeches from friends and family. The two then had a dance, and you had drifted towards an exit, looking to get air.
Your sister had noticed Wanda’s longing gaze, smiling as she went after you. You sat outside, a cigarette in your mouth as your crutch leaned on the small bannister.
“Thought you hated cigarettes.” You slightly jumped, sighing at the woman. “Recent habit.” She nods, sitting next to you. “I remember when you’d get upset because I promised to stop. I haven’t even thought about it since.” She chuckles looking out at the now dark sky.
You offer it to her, but she refuses. “Where’s Yelena?” You chuckle to yourself, taking a drag. “She’s in love with Kate.” Wanda’s eyes widen as she turns her body to you. “Bishop?! As in-“
“Dre’s maid of honor? Known each other since middle school. Kinda like us. I’m glad she told me, happy for her.”
“Why do you do that?” You look over in confusion. “You’re always so calm, and nice, and forgiving. Monica cheated on you with my brother, and you told her you understood her stress, and stayed friends. John fucking Walker beat the shit out of you, and you forgave him. Why?” You shrug.
“Maybe I hate resentment. I need people to feel safe and grounded so I don’t have a fucking breakdown. You wanted me to be mad and upset about Vision, there was no reason because you made a choice. Same as you choosing me over Bucky. You made a choice, I wanted you to not feel like I was forcing you to do anything. That’s just what I do.”
“I’ve always hated that about you.”
“It makes me less angry, learned it from my therapist.” Wanda smiles. “Do you wanna dance?”
“Can you hold up 198 pounds of almost dead weight, I just got real feeling back in my legs like a month or two ago.” Wanda chuckles, nodding.
You both stand, and position yourselves. You begin to hum a familiar tune, and Wanda lays her head on your chest as if it was old times again. You mimic a saxophone and she giggles at your attempt, making you smile.
She almost didn’t want to leave. What if she just stayed like this forever? What if she said yes at that airport that day? Would life had been any different?
She hoped this wasn’t your last dance.
when my life is over - w.m

Summary: Wanda could have what she wants, but at what cost?
A/N: HUGE MOM Spoilers, so if you haven’t seen it, I’d suggest you not read it💁🏽♀️ also my first fic in months who else cheered
America opened the portal back to the 838 universe and Wanda was at a loss for words.
Her boys were there, she could feel you too. Her mind went back to the small while earlier when she possessed the Wanda of the universe.
She sat, still hugging Billy and Tommy when the door began to open. Her head popped up as you walked in, her breath hitching as you placed your keys by the door. “Mommy!” The boys left Wanda, hugging your legs. “Oh, hey guys! Hey! Alright, calm down.” You looked up at her as you let a chuckle. You slightly frowned, almost as if you felt that some thing was off.
“You alright?” She nods, swallowing her spit as quickly walks over to you, engulfing you in a tight hug. “Oh! Alrighty then, triple hugs. I like it.” She smiles as she inhaled your scent.
“I see I missed dinner.” She looks back at the table, sighing as she nods. The boys moved back to the couch as you stood with Wanda. “Yeah. It’s a little late.” She smiles.
You snort, shaking your head. “No shit.”
“OH! Bad language! Mommy said bad language!” You roll your eyes, placing your bag by the door. “Isn’t it past your bedtime?” You walk to the kitchen, Wanda following silently behind you. “Ya know, we caught something today.” She hums in amusement as you search through the fridge.
“A multiversal traveler, and another Doctor Strange! He kept looking at me weird, wondering how I was alive? When I told him I stopped using magic a long time ago, he was shocked, crazy right?” Wanda nods, a lone tear slipping from her eye.
She remembers it all. Trying to reverse the snap almost killed you, and you’d failed, but you lived. That was until you were so drained that when Thanos stabbed you with his giant blade, you couldn’t be healed. You died in her arms that day.
After the Civil War, you’d promised to stop. You obviously never kept that promise. But here you did, you were alive. The boys were alive. She was happy here. “Hey. It’s not really me, I’m-I’m me…if you know what I mean?” Wanda laughs to herself, the first bit of genuine joy she’d felt in a while.
“I’m alive and well, I promise. No more dark magic and stuff, just us.” You pull her close, kissing her on the forehead.
The boys cowered away, begging Wanda not to hurt them as this world’s was tossed away. She tried to get them to stop throwing things at her, and eventually the gif behind the bannister of the stairs.
It wasn’t long that you’d come to the top of the stairs, holding her back with a spell. “Leave us alone, witch!” Her heart dropped at the venom you’d spit. You shackled her hands, pushing her into the middle of the living room, and the boys ran over to their mom.
“Who are you?!” You yell. “I-“ She breaks down in a sob, and your heart breaks slightly at the sight, despite you feeling evil magic radiating from her. You’d only looked at her like this once, when you’d met in Sokovia. She was on the bad side, and you were helping the Avengers.
When she turned sides, you’d never looked at her like that again. She never wanted you to feel that way about her ever again, is this really what she wanted? For you all to see her as a monster?
Your eyes caught the young universe traveler looking on sadly. She was 616 Strange’s Wanda, which meant…
“Let her go, baby.” Your eyes moved to your wife who had told her sons to stay put. You did as she asked, running over to your sons to protect them. “It’s alright, it’s alright.”
Your Wanda caressed the other Wanda’s face. “Just know they will be loved.” Your Wanda recalled all the horrible dreams of you dying in her arms, assuming this was that Wanda. “All of them.” She reassured.
America closed the portal, and Wanda simply sobbed.
ease into it - wanda maximoff

Summary: getting assigned a project with a school ice queen seems like a fun time, right?
a/n: another wanda au cuz i’m bored.
Story Masterlist
Xavier Prep had split itself into two categories, or at least the students did. There was the scholarship kids, and then the rich kids. Of course the rich kids made this comparison to seem superior, and it worked in a way.
Surprisingly, there were very few kids there on a scholarship. Enough to count on the hand at least. The rest were filthy rich, well equipped with people to take their important tests, and Ivies ready with spots to fill.
Unfortunately for you, you were not a lucky rich kid. The dean was friends with your aunt, and that’s how you’d gotten the connection to this school back in 9th grade. Now you were working in the tutoring center to help pay for tuition, because your parents couldn’t afford this school, uniforms, and your younger sisters’ activities.
$2300 a month was robbery.
The money was good, and it helped that teachers were very adamant on making sure you got payed. You were glad considering the amount of sessions you were skipped out on, or the way the richer kids would treat you like you were their maid. You recalled that one time Quentin Beck had given you $500 to tell Dr. Banner that he’d come to sessions to get off of his back.
Of course you took it, but you felt weird about it. And of course the richer kids loathed your intelligence because their money made up for that. “Y/LN.” Ms. Palmer calls.
You stood from your seat, walking to the front to her desk. “This was a phenomenal essay, you should submit it to the contest we’re having next weekend.” You smile, taking the paper. “Aren’t you like the main judge? Wouldn’t that be biased?” You laugh, the older woman chuckling. “Yes, but I won’t be the only one, consider it.” You nod, walking back to your desk.
As you walked, your eyes averted slightly to look at Wanda, your crush since 9th grade. You know she probably didn’t remember when you were lab partners, or all the time you held the door, but you did. When you made it back to your seat, you were still staring as she talked to Natasha.
“You’re pathetic.” MJ mutters from beside you, making you jump. Peter snorts, adjusting his uniform tie as he sits up in his chair. “I am not pathetic.” You mumble, focusing on the worksheet you all had just been handed. A hand grasped your shoulder from behind, making you smirk.
“You’re pathetic.” Kate repeats with a smile. She sits back, making you roll your eyes. “It’s never gonna happen, man.” MJ mocks, placing a hand on your other shoulder. “Obviously, plus I think I’m perfectly fine single, and lonely, and...” You pause, making your friends sigh.
“Oh, brother.” Kate mutters. “Ya know what? Fuck you, Kate. That’s why Coach is gonna make you run laps all day while I get to actually practice.” Kate scoffs as your other friends snort.
“Yeah, right. You can barely run half a pole without get winded.” You roll your eyes, sitting back as Ms. Palmer stands at the front of the class. “Attention!” Almost everyone quiets down, and the extra noise easily annoys you.
“I have a project for you all, but since Ms. Maximoff, and Ms. Grey, and Ms. Romanoff are so busy in conversation…” Natasha looks up from her phone, silencing herself as Wanda and Jean look up at the teacher.
“Ok! Well, I have a project for you all. I want for you to write-“ The class groans, making the teacher chuckle. “I want you to write a play. Based off of the genre your group leaders pick.” You loved to script write, so this would be easy. “Group leaders are…Y/N.” You smile nervously as a few groans are expressed.
“Pietro.” Pietro turns to his friend beside him with a smirk. “Natasha.” The redhead smirks as the girls beside her smile. “Mr. Walker.” John scoffs. “,and Remy.”
“Thank ya, Ms. Palma, I won’t let ya down.”
“I hope not. So leaders, pick your slips.” She pulls an envelope from her desk, and the four of you stood, grabbing a single slip. “We will be in five groups of 4…” The class seems to buzz with excitement.
“Chosen by yours truly.” Then came the protests. Of course you were disappointed in not working with Peter, MJ, and Kate. You found it unnecessary, it being the protests, considering if you’re paired with anyone other than your friends, you’re doing all the work.
“You can whine all you want, but it’s temporary. Now! Let’s start with…Natasha.” The redhead sent the older redhead a death glare that definitely would’ve killed the older woman in another circumstance. “Natasha, Peter-“
“Oh! Oh! Slow down!” She exclaimed, making Peter frown and flush in embarrassment. “Bucky…” The boy blows her an air kiss. “and Emma.” Emma was already sat behind Natasha, and was whispering in her ear, looking at Peter. They separate with a giggle, and MJ shot a glare towards them.
“Remy, Anna Marie, Gwen, and MJ.” The girl beside you shrugged as Remy looked over at you guys, throwing a thumbs up towards MJ.
“Pietro, you will be with Vision, Quentin, Kitty, and Kate.” Pietro shrugs, and Vision turns around, kissing Wanda’s hand. “Y/N’s group will be Wanda…” The girls around Wanda snort as her jaw drops. Kate scoffs at the reaction, noticing your discomfort.
“Sam, Jean, and Darcy.” She looks over to John.
“John, Lemar…“ The two dap each other up. “Oh, that’s not fair!” Natasha exclaims. “Life isn’t fair. The last three are Bruce, Steve, and Bobby. Everyone disperse!” Some students move around, but you don’t, now quite pissed at Wanda’s reaction.
Wanda and Jean were actively avoiding next to you, loitering around Natasha’s group as they conversed with her and Emma.
You smile slightly when Sam places his hands on your shoulders, shaking you lightly. “Wassup, kid?” He smirks, sitting next to you. “Nothin’ much.” You smile, looking over at Darcy. “Hi, Darcy.” She silently waves.
“So…what’s our topic?” Sam asks. You hadn’t actually looked, but you turned it around. “Romance.”
“Ooooh.” Sam rubs his hands together as you take out your laptop. You had 30 minutes left of class, and Wanda and Jean couldn’t avoid you forever, but apparently you had the plague. “So…I have several unused scripts here we can use, they’re not finished, but I think it makes this easier-“
“Ms. Maximoff, Ms. Grey, I believe your group is…” The woman points to where you were sitting. “Over here.” Ms Palmer smiles as the two girls glare, walking over to your area, they sit, automatically turning on their phones. “Ok…” You chuckle, scrolling through your Google Docs.
“Ok! Um, Heartbreak Hotel, I can easily reformat it.” You nod. Darcy and Sam seem ecstatic and impressed. “Cool, what’s it about?” The girl asks. “Um…a girl rekindles a friendship with a girl who outed her, and they fall in love again, despite the main character actively pursuing someone else.” Sam nods.
“That sounds real good.” He says, making you blush. “Oh…thanks.”
“Can I read it?” You nod, lending him your computer. “Wait! I wanna see.” Darcy rounds your desk, making you giggle as she sits next to Sam. Turning towards Jean and Wanda, anxiety fills your chest as you look to speak to them. “Um…”
“I-I-I need your emails, so I can send this doc to you guys.” The girls stopped speaking to one another, looking at you. “Why?” Jean asks. “Well, since you guys are obviously not planning on working, I think we’ve decided-“
“Dude, this is so good!” Sam exclaims. “So you guys wanna use it?” They nod, and you look over to the other girls. “We’ve decided to use my script to-“
“Okay, whatever. So…do we have to meet outside of this class? Or?…” You resist the urge to scoff at Wanda’s brashness. “Is assume so, to…practice? I did this project in her Honors class last year, so we have to perform on stage, because the classroom is too small…” You trail off, noticing they weren’t even listening anymore.
You look over at Sam and Darcy in disbelief, and they shrug with sympathy.
“Is she really a nut job?” Natasha asks as the four girls waltz down the hallway, and outside. “Yeah, she’s so like…jittery all the time, like calm down?” Jean giggles. “I’m not surprised she’s a crazy as she was in 9th grade.” Wanda mutters.
The girls walked along to spacious quad during lunch. Wanda stood on the far left, and she looked over to see you and Peter playing with a soccer ball. He was using his goalie gloves as you kicked it straight to him.
One kick of the ball curved just right, slipping through Peter’s hand, hitting Wanda directly in the back of her head. You gasp, MJ not subtly laughing as she and Gwen sat on a picnic blanket. “Oh shit! I’m sorry!” You ran over to Wanda. “Are-Are you alright?” You went to help her up, but Emma pushes you away.
“Back up, you freak!” You hold your hands up i’m surrender. “I said I was sorry.” You say with your hands up in surrender. “I bet enjoyed that, planned it.” She accuses, making you frown in confusion. “Wh-?”
“You wanted to hurt her, didn’t you?” Jean asks, trapping you in between the two. “No-I…I’m sorry, it was an accident, seriously.” They kept making you back up, until you trip on the ball, falling on your back on the hard concrete. The crows that had built around you had bursted out in giggles as you groaned.
The girls walked off as Peter nervously picked you up. “God, I’m sorry I didn’t catch it, Y/N.”
“It’s okay, Pete. You’re fine.” You walked back to your small picnic, MJ and Gwen eyeing you with worry. “Are you okay?” The blonde asks, making you nod. “That was crazy intense. I though they were going to suck your blood.” MJ mutters.
“They’re saving me for their winter sacrifice.” You joke. It was hard being in love with someone that hung out with people like that. But of course she did because she is like that.
That day, you’d given up on it. If this was the repeated torment you were gonna receive just for being near her, you’d think it best to keep your distance.
ease into it (pt. 2) - wanda maximoff

a/n: thanks for the support on the first part! this is gonna be a very fun series.
Story Masterlist
Later that day, you were still rubbing your back as you showed up to practice. Maria Hill and Karolina Dean sat on the bench as you walked over. “Please tell me you guys have like…Ibuprofen?” They both shook their head no, making you sigh.
“No, but Daisy might.” Karolina shrugs. You nod, walking over to where Daisy and Bobbi were stretching. “Oh! Look it’s the woman of the day!” Daisy sarcastically exclaims, making you roll your eyes.
Bobbi snorts, stretching her arm across her chest. “I heard the ice queens were gonna kill you.” She says, making you let out a bigger sigh. “It was an accident! They asked me if I planned it as if they run the quad or whatever!” You scoff.
“Hey, Daisy.” The girl look at you. “Do you have Ibuprofen or any medicine, my back is killing me.” A whistle blows before she could answer, but she still silently grabs it as Coach Fury waltzes on the field.
“Ladies! We are on the path to regionals! Fifteen games. Errors call for what?”
“I don’t think I hear you, ladies.”
“Errors call for laps!”
“Correctomundo. Now scrimmage! Team captains, Bishop and Dean! Go!”
It wasn’t long into the game that the boys team finally came down after running around the school in replacement their laps they didn’t want to do.
As the scrimmage went on, around the field, the basketball teams had their practice outside while the gym was being renovated. You were so immersed in the game, that you hadn’t noticed Wanda and Jean walk down to meet Pietro and Vision.
“So…when is practice over?” Jean asks, running her hand through Pietro’s hair. He hums. “5.” She looks down at her phone which says 4:37. “That’s like thirty minutes.” Wanda squints, shielding her eyes from the sun, and fanning her face with her other hand.
“It’s hot, we’re gonna sit in the car.” She says, kissing Vision. “Alright.” He mutters into the kiss. The girls begin walking away, but realize the gate the came in is now locked. So with a groan, the two walk to the other gate, Wanda catching a peek of the game.
You were moving fast through defenders, evading blocks and you kicked it past Daisy and into your other foot, before pushing it off to Kate, who immediately scores. “YES!” She growls.
You two meet up, doing your signature handshake, before breaking out in a small dance. “Boooo!” Daisy yells with a smirk as she gives a thumbs down. Wanda smiles to herself when you ignore Daisy, attempting to twerk in her face.
“No more, please!” Kate yells, covering her eyes.
The next day, your mom dropped you sisters off early, so you had about an hour of quiet. It was quiet, until you’d gotten at least 10 calls from MJ and Gwen a piece. You’d answered after finishing your shower.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“It’s Peter!”
“What’s wrong?”
“The basketball team literally kidnapped him last night, and locked him in the pool room.” Your jaw drops as you rushed to get dressed. “Is he ok?”
“Yeah! Apparently from what Gwen told me…Emma said he was harassing her yesterday, and this was to get him to leave her alone? It’s sick.”
When you arrived at school, MJ told you Peter stayed home, and you were glad. These rick kids had been harassing you all like this since elementary school, but it only got worse as high school progressed.
The ball incident and what happened to Peter today weren’t even the worst of it. That one time the ice queens spread a half naked picture of you all over was the worst of it. That was 8th grade, and they hadn’t become any less unnecessarily cruel.
You’d reached your locker, not far from Scott Summers, who you recall was dating Emma. The urge to toss him against the locker pushed away, you simply stand there until he notices you. “Can I help you?”
“Can you-Can you just leave P-Peter alone?” You stutter, noticing his low smirk. He laughs as his friends snicker. “Who?”
“Parker? The guy you-“ Your jaw clenched. “Just leave him alone, or I swear to God…”
“What? You’re gonna bathe in my blood?” He mocks, making his friends laugh as he closes his locker. “Look, your friend is fine, he’s alive isn’t he?” You scoff. “They’re group partners, they have to work together!” You exclaim, and Scott laughs backing up.
“Let’s go before she strangles you.” Pietro laughs, pulling Scott away.
When English came around, half of the basketball team and Peter were missing from class, which meant that you were only conversing with Darcy.
Wanda had noticed how you were eerily quiet. You didn’t talk to her or Jean, which wasn’t new, but you were barely talking at all. Only saying things to Darcy every once in a while.
She’d wanted to read the script, and noticed your headphones in your ear, but still called for you. “Hey.” She looked directly at you, and didn’t know you weren’t listening to anything, but you ignored her. “Hey. Y/N?” Jean looked over at you too.
Wanda looks at Darcy, who lightly taps you on the shoulder, and you look at her. Your gaze is directed over to Wanda with a surprised face. “You wanted my e-mail, right?” You nod, taking the slip of paper from her fingers.
You quietly send it to her, and turn to Darcy. “Oh, uh everyone’s going to the diner near my house for dinner. You can come if you want. Monica will be there.” You smirk. You’d know about the mutual crush Monica and Darcy had on one another since 5th grade.
“Seriously?” You nod, not noticing the other girls intently watching the conversation. The first time either of them payed attention in this class. “Jen’s gonna be there.” MJ says across the room. You lean over, looking past Wanda, who sits back to let you see her.
“Jen?” She nods. “Walters.” She says with a smirk, making you roll your eyes. You hadn’t noticed Wanda being the only one listening to your conversation.
When you arrived to the diner, Peter and MJ were already there, and Gwen had to cancel due to an emergency debate team meeting. Jennifer arrived around the same time.
As you both walked forward, you hadn’t noticed her until she slapped your butt. Before you could react, your heard her laughter and stopped. “Jen! What the hell!?” You laugh.
She laughs, grabbing you arm as you two waltz inside. When you walk towards the booth, you notice Darcy and Monica on one side, and Kate, Peter and MJ on the other. There was only one more spot, which was given to Jennifer as you grabbed a chair.
“I feel like I’m eighth wheeling.” Kate mutters with a chuckle. “Me and Jennifer aren’t-” The taller girl scoffs as you speak. “Oh, come on. This is totally just a triple date, plus Kate.” Peter snorts as he sips his soda. “Ha, that rhymed.”
You roll your eyes, leaning closely into Jennifer’s face. “And what make you think I’d want to go on a date with you?” You ask with a smirk. The girl leans in. “Why wouldn’t you?” You look in between her eyes and lips, making her smirk. A flash goes off, startling you as Kate attempts to put away her phone.
“Shit!” She pockets her phone, innocently smiling at you as the rest of the group busts out in laughter.
You ordered some pancakes, eggs and sausage, letting Jennifer feed you a sausage link. “Hey, Pete.” He looks up at you as you wipe your hands. “Can I ask what happened?” You were treading lightly, and he appreciated that you didn’t look to push.
“Uh…I stayed later with Ned, and some of them grabbed me after he left, locked me in the school. I had to break a window to get out.” He sighs, and MJ rubs his back. “May wanted to press charges, but I told her to take the money they were giving to shut me up.” You rolls your eyes, sitting back.
“It’s like two months rent to keep FEAST open, and I can pay for my hospital bills, because I broke my hand…”
“I’m sorry, man.” Darcy mutters, making him shrug. “I’m going to kill them.” Kate says, making you agree. “I’ll join.” Monica pitches in. “Oh, please! We’ll all do it, Jess?” MJ looks at Jessica who nods.
“You guys are too kind, but I’m fine…” You all sigh, leaving the conversation there. “Hey, I heard about what happened in the quad, are you okay?” Kate asks. “Nope.” You say, making her lift her hands in surrender.
You finished eating around half an hour later, and Monica took Darcy home, while Peter took MJ home on his dirt bike.
You and Jennifer were practically neighbors, so you decided to walk together. “How long are we gonna do this dance?” She asks, making you look over at her in confusion. “I chase, you avoid me. We kiss. You try to get over Wanda, even though she never looks at you the way I do.” She explains. “I’m sorry, Jen. I am over that now. I mean imagine me dating someone who hates my guts.” You tease, making her blush.
“I don’t hate your guts, Y/N! I miss you, ya know? Bruce misses you. He misses doing those science videos.”
“Oh! Me too. I should come over. Wait-“ You look behind you. “Did we leave Kate?” You ask with a smirk. “Oh, no. She was flirting with our server, so I’m sure she’ll find a way home.” You two make to her house, yours only a few down.
Before she could walk up the driveway, you grab her hand. “Hey. Let me take you out on a real date.” She tilts her head in thought. “No more dance, just us…”
“I do happen to have a day off tomorrow.” She says with a shrug. “Really?!”
“But! I might have to take Bruce to his robotics competition.” She teases, giving you a pout. “We can both take him.” You shrug. “Seriously?” She chuckles, making you nod. “Oh, I was joking. You really are desperate for me.”
“I know, his robotics competition isn’t until October. I bought a ticket.” You chuckle. “You’re such a good friend, ya know that?” You nod as she wraps her arms around your neck. “A real date, huh?” She asks, making you nod again.
A very vintage, fancy car sped past you, making you look it’s way. Jennifer scoffs with a smile, hitting you in the chest. “What?! It was an awesome make! Pontiacs are so cool-“ Before you can finish, Jennifer kisses you.
“You are so much sexier than a Pontiac.” You mutter, kissing her again. The porch light turns on, and the glare catches you and Jennifer. “Hi, Dr. Banner!” You yell, making Jennifer hit you in the chest again.
School was easier when you spent the day with everyone. The last month had felt empty after you and Jennifer kissed, and then you couldn’t commit. After yesterday, it was much easier.
When you were in English class, you were texting almost the entire time. Both Jean and Wanda had realized that after not showing up to the test last Friday that they couldn’t make it up, and participation would hold their grade together. So when they attempt to get your attention, and you simply did not care, it was a little frustrating.
“So!” Sam says with a clap of his hands. “Who’s playing who?”
jen: soooo
jen: movies? or picnic by the lake?😏😏😏
y/n: why the smirking emoji🤨🤨
jen: secret🤫🤫
You smile clicking off your phone, and look up to your partners expecting you to speak. “Oh! Uh…I’m the lead. I have the most lines, and I don’t have to practice, so decide amongst yourself.” You go back to your phone, and the four look between each other.
“Obviously, you’re the boyfriend.” Darcy said, looking at Sam. “It’s the only guy role, so…” He shrugs. “Whatever.”
“That leaves us.” She points in between herself. “I got Hannah. She seems stylish.” Jean pipes up. “Oh, well I’m Jenny.” Darcy claims. “So…I guess that leaves Wanda as Tamara.” Wanda hums, an old excitement bubbling in her stomach.
One she hadn’t felt since 5th grade. Tamara was the leads love interest.
“Ok. Um…Y/N?”
jen: quill is all abs, nothing else…very dumb, but hot? idk
y/nn: is this your odd way of flirting?
jen: i think so🤔🤔
“Y/N?” She called once more, making you look up. “Huh?”
“Um…we-we decided on our roles.” She answers shyly. “Okay. I’ll print off copies so we can read it next class. Or…maybe we can meet up afterwards, during other times of the day? I think it would make this easier-“
Wanda was going to agree, when Jean grabbed her arm. “We’re busy during lunch…Student council meetings, and planning, and stuff.” She falsely smiles. “But-“ Jean looks at Wanda wearily, making the girl shut up.
“Um…yeah, sorry. But I can come during free period, or lunch, or something?” Jean and yourself was slightly shocked at Wanda’s sudden speaking, but you clear your throat. “Uh…free period’s great. I think you and I will need to practice the most.” She nods at your explanation, sitting back.
y/nn: i think wanda’s being weird. she actually talking to me, and now we have to work together all the time😒😒
jen: my poor bby😕💔
y/nn: save me😵💫
jen: have fun😭
The bell rang, and you left quickly, not sparing anyone else another glance.
Jean and Natasha were trying to get Wanda’s attention, but she ignored them, walking out behind you. She actually walked far enough to follow you.
You arrived at the tutoring center, and a thought clicked in her head. Not much else did as you lifted off your Xavier hoodie, a placed a name tag over your polo shirt.
Was this feeling real, was her unhealthy obsession with you coming back after 6 years?
ease into it (pt.3) - wanda maximoff

a/n: thank you for the support! i hope you all love this story as much as I love writing it!
Story Masterlist
Wanda was obsessed with you.
She didn’t think so.
It was something she tried to forget, because she thought she was just infatuated, and maybe it was something that would pass. It didn’t.
She wasn’t a stalker, but she genuinely was in love with you. By anyone else’s standards, it’s borderline obsession. She remembers where you live because of that time you invited over the 5th grade class over for an end of the year party.
Back in middle school, she tried to rekindle the friendship between you in 6th grade, but she got sucked in with her brother’s friends. So she tried to keep tabs on you through listening to your very loud conversations with MJ and Kate.
Why did she let you go?
Why did she let these people that didn’t know you determine who you were based off look and their perspective of you.
You’d been outed in 4th grade for liking her, something she secretly hoped was true despite Emma and Natasha not being able to stop their laughing when it was revealed. She liked you back. But you were nine, and Emma, and Natasha, and Jean, even Pietro, were in her ear.
They always had been, still were. So when middle school came around, specifically 7th grade, Wanda became unnecessarily cold. She called you a bunch of mean names on the last day in front of everyone. You hadn’t been doing anything, but you were too shocked to notice Emma and Jean laughing in the background.
God, she hadn’t meant it.
Your day had been ruined. This day specifically was why all of your friends question your half a decade long crush on her. She wished she could’ve apologized, but you were avoiding her.
Crawling into yourself, becoming way more sheltered. It was her fault. This is the point where she became complacent. She just watched as her friends tore into you. It hadn’t stopped at you being a lesbian, it got worse as you gained stress weight.
When you lost it, it wasn’t something they hadn’t noticed, but they knew they made you insecure about it. But then…you joined marching band. You played softball and soccer.
You had the grades to help with the tutoring center, you started being better than them in other aspects. Wanda was happy for you. 9th grade changed a lot for her. She’d heard that you were seeing Jennifer Walters over the summer.
The bullying got so bad you had to transfer for 10th grade last year, but you came back. But of course, the incident had occurred, and it followed you when you eventually had to come back as your father couldn’t afford an arts school.
One day, you were privately writing down intrusive thoughts. The girls, referred to as “Ice Queens” were harassing you the whole period. This was a class you had with none of your friends, so torment ensued.
Emma grabbed the note, and her eyes widened as she showed it to Wanda. It wasn’t meant for her, but you were very upset about them laughing at you. You had to let it out to let it go. But they weren’t going to let this slide. You told the vice principal that you did it, and you got three days of out-of-school suspension. You then moved out of town a week later.
When you did move back for last semester, the first of junior year, she expected you to ignore her forever, but when you’d been forced into a group together, she had to (not really) act like she hated it. She didn’t. She hadn’t been that close to you since 4th grade. Since your party the year after really.
She expected you to ignore her, but when you called out for her, she had no idea why she came at you so cruel. Guess it was a reflex. Then later that day, they were walking in the quad when a soccer ball hit her so hard in the back of the head that she fell forward.
“Oh shit! I’m sorry!” You ran over to Wanda. “Are-Are you alright?” You went to help her up, but Emma pushes you away. She wanted you to help her up. But then she tuned out Emma and Jean harassing you as Natasha helped her up.
When she was turning to say it was ok, you fell right on your back. The next day, you ignored her. You talked with MJ, and looked past her like she wasn’t even there. Then, you mentioned Jennifer.
She had no right to be jealous, but she was. The next day was Friday, you’d been texting Jennifer all day during class, and in Physics which was interesting. Later that day, she followed you to the tutoring center.
She frothed at the mouth when you pulled off your hoodie and pulled on your name tag.
Tutoring. She forgot you did that. She remembers Vision and Quentin mentioning they payed you to do all of their work so that they could stay on the team. She needed tutoring.
AP Geography was kicking her ass…
Yeah, that works. “AP Geography is kicking my ass, and I saw you leaving Mr. Spector’s class, so maybe you could help?” Solid. So like the stalker she was, she signed herself up.
AP Geography wasn’t too hard actually. Worksheets, DBQ tests, and Vocab. That was it, but she was lazy. That’s why she had a 68 in that class. The next day you didn’t show up to English.
You were in the restroom with Jennifer, but Wanda didn’t know that. After free period began, you were told by the librarian, Ms. Potts, that you had a new tutee. “Cool, what’s their name?” She searched through the sign up sheet.
“Uh…Wanda Maximoff.” Your jaw almost dropped as your eyebrows raised in shock. “Pardon?”
“Wanda Maximoff, dear. I know…those types usually don’t come here, but you’re the only one who signed up to do AP Geography, told you to do CP.” You chuckle as the woman gives you a small smile.
“Thanks, Ms. Potts.”
Wanda was 10 minutes late. Probably because she was changing to look presentable. “I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean to be late, but-“ You resist the urge to sigh, but not roll your eyes. “No, it’s alright.” You sigh, taking out some papers.
“So…you’re taking Spector, right?” Wanda nods. “Okay, cool. I took his class last semester. I think this’ll be easy. What’s your grade?”
“Uh…68, I think.”
“Okay, well-“ You then yelp out in pain as you turn your neck, a weird crack stopping your sentence. “Ah! Fuck…” You try to roll out your shoulder, but the pain shoots up your arm.
“Are you okay?” Wanda asks with worry as you shake your arm. “Ya know, I wanna say yes, but lower back, my neck, my ass…”
“If you’re not feeling good, we can just-“
“No! No, it’s alright. Uh…” You sit back down. “Does this have to do with Wednesday? If it is, I’m sorry, and I wanna he-“ You shake your head immediately.
“I don’t need your help.” She shuts up, and you didn’t feel bad about how cruel it sounded. “6 years, and you care about me now? Ya know what…just…” You groan again, shaking your arm.
“I think I fell to hard…my arm’s killing me. My-My lower back is stiff beyond belief…you’d think that little fall couldn’t do this much damage, but…” An instant wave of guilt washed over Wanda.
“Ya know what-“ You pause to cringe at the pain. “Uh…I’m sorry. Just uh…ask Ms. Potts for a refund, and we’ll do this…Monday? Is that okay?” Wanda nods.
“I don’t need the refund, so you can keep it, and I know this doesn’t mean much from me, but I hope you feel better.” You nod with a thank you, as she packed up and left. She was halfway down the hall, when she made the mistake of looking back in the library’s glass walls.
There you sat with Jennifer. She was massaging with one hand your arm, and rubbing your back with the other. Bruce sat across from you both, showing you an actual prototype rocket. Your awe seemed contagious, but Wanda’s awe stopped as she bumped into someone.
“Wanda! My darling, why haven’t you answered my calls?” She didn’t know why. She almost forgot she was dating him. “Gosh, Vis, I’m sorry.”
“Oh, it’s alright! I called last night to say Pietro and your father made reservations at Valeska’s for dinner tonight. He’s taking Jean, your father’s bringing your mother, so they extended an invitation. If you’ll have me.” Vision was so…not kind, but patient, and understanding?
“Um…” Why me? “Yes, obviously. You don’t have to ask anymore, Vis.”
“Splendid! I’ll pick you up at around…7?” Wanda nods with fake enthusiasm, and he kisses her on the cheek. A sigh left her lips as he walks around her and off to class. Wanda sighs, walking out to the now empty quad, pulling out her notebook.
She hadn’t written a song since you stopped hanging out. Her father wasn’t a fan of the arts. You loved music though, and of course she’d listen to you. Seeing you again gave her an energy that Vision hadn’t given her in several years, she decided to write. She had to write.
And of course she thought of your face the whole time. She was going crazy watching you be with someone else, and she needed to get over you soon.
@mymommawanda @lainjupi @natashasnoodle @goodness-gaycious @geico-insuranc @idk-what-i-stan @wandaspov
ease into it (pt. 4) - wanda maximoff

a/n: thank you for all the new followers, 500 to almost 700 in just a few days is crazy! thank you all for the love🫶 also sorry this one is a little short, next one will be way longer
Story Masterlist
It had been a few weeks later when your pain had gotten worse.
You spent Fridays and Mondays tutoring Wanda in several subjects, and despite Jennifer’s worries, you assured her you only had eyes for her. The project was making progress, you were able to wrangle everyone, even Wanda and Jean into the theater to practice.
Wanda wasn’t half bad at acting, considering she’s never done it before.
“Okay...And who are you?” Sam read. “Hold on! Emotion, Sam! Be emotional? Please.” You beg, making the boy chuckle. Wanda smiled to herself watching you direct. “Okay! Uh...take ten, Wanda...” The girl looks back down at her script before you can catch her staring.
She looks back up as if she wasn’t paying attention, and you give her a small smile. “Come on.” You nod your head over to the stage, making her follow you as you walked up the stairs.
“Okay, Scene 2!” You clap your hands together, making Wanda nod. You grab a chair, carrying it to the middle of the stage. Wanda sits, looking down as you excitedly run behind the curtain.
She smiles to herself when quietly ask Darcy to slap you, and she does so lightly. You turn back to Wanda, and walk on stage, getting in character.
You pretend to look around, and Wanda looks at her script, before looking at you. “You can have my seat.” She blurts out, and you look over at her strangely. “But where are you gonna sit?” Her eyes widen. “Um...I’ll stand.” She nods, and you frown sitting down.
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t know, you’ve been acting weird lately. I get you wanna be friends, but your boyfriend told me to back off, and I don’t wanna cause a-”
“Oh! You won’t, he’s very understanding when he-” She looks back down at the paper. “When he wants to be.” She smiles when you give her a low thumbs up at your side. She was excited when you took the high road, and tried to warm up to her. Despite her leeches wanting you ice you out, you still were on her mind. “Okay…well…thanks for the seat.”
“Totally.” There’s an awkward silence, making Sam snort. You start to act like Wanda is giving a voice over, and you can’t hear it. “I am totally in love with her, it’s insane. My boyfriend hates her, but that’s okay, I think. If I keep being nice than maybe she’ll like me back? Hopefully.”
Before she could continue the monologue, which you could not actually tell wasn’t written in it since you didn’t have a script, the bell rang. She sighs as the other three pack up their bags, and head towards lunch.
You’d gotten the keys to the booth, and shut down the spotlight, before walking to the theatre teacher, Loki. “Thank you very much, child.” He sends you off, and as you round the corner, you jump at Wanda who’s is standing behind the wall.
“God, you scared me. Are you-Were you waiting for me, or?” Yes. “No, I actually was waiting for Vision.” Why are you lying to her, idiot?
“Good job in there, I’m glad you’re actually working.” Wanda scoffs. “Whatever.” She mutters, wondering why she got so defensive. Your frown, mad her sad, as you’d assumed you made progress, but it seems like that didn’t happen. “Okay. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t be late for tutoring.”
You spot Jennifer down the hallway, running towards her with a smile. “Shit…” Wanda mutters, burying her face in her hands.
“So how long do you suggest she stay home?” Your godmother, May Parker, asked the doctor you went to. She agreed to come along as your mom was stuck at work. Peter stayed home with your sisters, and May took you to the urgent care because of your increasing back pain.
“I suggest she not lift anything at all for two weeks, let your bones heal.” The doctor says, making you sigh in relief. You loved soccer, but not having to go to practice was fine.
“Ok, thank you so much, doctor.” The two of you had left the hospital, May urging you to let her drive your car. “So…I heard from your mom, you’re finally dating that Jennifer girl.” The woman practically squeals as you roll your eyes.
“Maaaay.” You whine. “Look! I don’t judge, girly. Your mom showed me some pictures, and-“ When she notices your look of disbelief, she stops. “Never mind.” The rest of the ride was quiet, and the next day after doubling up on pain medicine, you were healthy enough to play your first game.
You would of course tell Fury about the doctor’s note after, but for now you were fine. Monica had offered to ride some of the team, and as new team manager, obviously to hang with you, Jennifer tagged along.
When you arrived, Jennifer had to pull you away so that you wouldn’t help taking out the practice gear. You made it to the field as the captain from St. Valkyries approached. “Y/LN!” Carol Danvers yelled, walking over to where you and Monica were practicing drills.
“Danvers.” You mutter with a bite, your back still turned to her. “Rambeau.” She smiles, making Monica roll her eyes. “How’s your mom?” She asks.
“Kill yourself.”
“Woah! Touchy. You guys ready to lose your first game of the year?” The last game you’d played, you sprained your knee, and had to be pulled out because you couldn’t run. Unfortunately, it still bothered you because you’d broken something else just months before, and you couldn’t afford to treat it.
“You ready to go 6-0 in our little series again?” You smirk, turning towards her. Carol scoffs, getting in your face. “Yeah. Well, you forget the time you were out, and we won...twice.” You scoff, closing the relatively small gap in between you. “Well...I’m back. So you better hope I don’t wipe the floor with you today.”
Carol simply smiles, dusting off your shoulder that were covered by your Xavier Soccer hoodie. “Don’t break a knee, Y/N.” She pats you lightly, and walks over to her team stretching. Once she was out of earshot, large hands were placed on your shoulders.
You jump slightly but are less tense when you realize who it is. “How is my favorite soccer player?” She asks with a smirk. “Perfect because you’re here.” You two share a kiss, but a familiar whistle tons makes you groan in annoyance.
“Bye, bye.” You peck her on the lips, rubbing onto to field where Fury stands.
@mymommawanda @dumbassbitchwithnotits @nightimemommy @sheriffhaughtearp @sadpiscesheart @geico-insuranc @goodnessgaycious @lainjupi @natashasnoodle @idk-what-i-stan
ease into it (pt. 6) - wanda maximoff

a/n: thanks for the love on this series, and i do promise to continue writing on other characters, including maddy, and i’m adding some new ones!
Story Masterlist
The morning after, you were mopey. You’d let another group for the theatre that day, and Wanda was worried. It was a test day, but when asked if you wanted the last 20 minutes of class in there, you didn’t even move.
“Hey.” Her soft hand grasped you shoulder as Kate watched. You looked over at her, shocking your friends as that was the most reaction had gotten out of you all day. “Are you okay?” The tests had been turned in, and her friends, especially Vision and her brother watched in shock as she approached you.
“Yeah…I’m fine.” You smile. “I’m sorry if I got you in trouble for last night. I hope I didn’t.”
You shake your head. “My mom wasn’t mad, she was slightly upset, but it’s all good.” She wasn’t referring to that, noticing the way you’d been staring at Jennifer in the cafeteria during breakfast that morning, it was sad.
“That’s good. I’ll see you later?” You nod, clenching your jaw as she walks back to her seat.
Of course you went back to Jennifer.
And of course it was that day, in the quad, cue the eyeroll.
Why did Wanda expect you to not be so dependent, and actually listen to your head for once? She found herself watching you guys everyday at school, and her friends had interpreted it differently than her.
“Ya know she’s a fucking slut.” Emma says, making Jean and Natasha hum. “I mean, she’s fucked the entire student body, and now she’s apparently into girls. The only person that would willingly touch Y/N with a ten foot pole.” They were in gym, sitting on the bleachers with noted excuses, and watching the others attempt to play volleyball.
“I hope she doesn’t get herpes,” Jean giggles. “She doesn’t have herpes, okay? She may have arthritis in her hands, but it’s not contagious.” Wanda mutters, making the girls look at her strangely. “And how exactly do you know that?” Natasha smirks.
Wanda’s eyes widen as she notices her thoughts were no spoken out loud. “Oh. Um...she-she tutors me. She-She told me she might have it because her hands freeze up when she types. Her mom has it.” God, she should’ve stopped there. Before she could feel the inkling that the girls would day something to Y/N, she felt long, slender fingers grasp her shoulders.
A warm mouth kissed her neck, and she had to pretend and bite her lip as if she enjoyed it. She lifted her head, capturing Vision’s lips. The kiss deepened, and she could hear cheering from her friends and bystanders alike. “Alright! Alright! Maximoff, Stark! Separate, or it’s detention with me!” The two smile, separating.
She felt slightly happy when she saw your gaze. The confidence she had thought she began to lose around you came back as you looked as though you were jealous. Wanda Maximoff had you wrapped around her finger, still.
But that was not enough, because you were wrapped around someone else’s finger much tighter.
That didn’t necessarily matter to her, because she tried to get as close to you as she could. She invited you over to her house for tutoring. “You’re serious?” Peter asks. You nod nervously and Gwen and MJ can’t control their laughter as Kate smirks.
“Come on, suave! You got two hot...she-devils coming after you! Give me your secret, Y/LN.” You roll your eyes. “I don’t have a secret, okay? Ask Peter, his two she-devils are right here.” You point at Gwen and MJ, who’s laughing stops as their jaws drop. “Oh! There’s another! And another!” You point, making Peter glare at you.
“Says the one in love with the real she-devil, Wanda. Of all people, you have the audacity-”
“Should I tell Peter about the Brant incident, or...” MJ’s mouth closes as she sits back in her chair. “Brant incident? Like Betty Brant? I though she was dating Ned.” He asks, making you snicker as you leave to throw away your plate.
As you walk over to the restroom, you conveniently bump into Wanda. “God, I’m sorry! Oh-Hey, Wanda.” You two conversed quietly, smiles on your lips as both of your friend groups watched from opposite sides of the lunchroom.
“Ya know...she invited her over for dinner tonight.” Vision hadn’t been told about this. He was never invited over for dinner, at least not by Wanda.
When you arrive at their house, and eat dinner, her parents were wary about meeting another one of Wanda’s ‘friends’, but they liked you. Even Pietro’s perception of you began to shift as you came out of your shell. You were smart, and seemed to be a good influence on Wanda as her grade had risen, and her attendance seemed to improve when you started to tutor her.
They were quite grateful to the point where they’d given you a check outside of the school.
“Oh! Goodness, this is...a lot...Mr. Lensherr. I don’t think I should-” Wanda’s hand grasped your as you ate dinner with them.
“Take it...It’s yours.” It only took one night for Pietro and her parents to warm up to you. The memories of how you made him and his sister laugh with your antics so long ago made him quite nostalgic.
You joked about similar interests, and previous grudges or intensity became ignored as you spoke in a way that didn’t patronize either twin for the cruelty they gave you
“You are a much better friend than her other ones.” He compliments, making you chuckle as you sat in his game room. Wanda and her mother opted to do the dishes.
“Isn’t your girlfriend one of them?”
“Oh? I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, mother hated her anyway. Took me a while to see the light, and past her voluptuous breasts.” You giggle at the description. “Y/N.” A soft voice called.
You turned around, spotting Wanda at the door. She thought this was a dream, and that she’d wake up soon. “Can we talk for a second?” You nod, following her out of the room.
She’d suggested you walk outside of the house, she wanted to give you a tour, which was suggested by her mother considering you were a guest. As you did walk the premises, you hadn’t seen Vision riding towards the house. He eyed you both curiously from afar.
It was very weird, but he’d seen you. Getting close to his girlfriend. He didn’t like it, at all. “I hope that us talking more means we could be friends?” You thought about it, and a new confidence burst within you.
“Oh...I don’t know.” You say with a smirk, making her roll her eyes. “Friends are close, we talk...we’re honest. At least most of the time.” You pause, before regarding her completely. “Does this mean I have to be friends with you friends?” You asked with a cringing expression.
“No...” Good.
“Cool, well...” You tapped your chin, pretending to think about it. “I guess we could be friends.” She smiles widely.
“Thank you...” What you said about friends being honest had stuck with her afterwards.
Because of course…Jennifer was at it again.
This time, she was riding with the head of Asgard Prep’s rugby team, Hercules. He did look like a god, so at least she had taste? She exited his very fancy Maserati, and walked towards the science building off campus, but not before giving him a kiss.
“No fucking way...” Emma mutters, knocking Wanda from her staring. “Oh, this is big.” Oh goodness. Wanda prayed this wouldn’t come up, especially in English class. “I can see it now, Jennifer Walters, class slut breaking the pure heart of the ugly toad that is Y/N Y/LN.” Jean pretends to report into an imaginary mic.
Wanda wanted to say something, but she minded her business, became complacent, and despite you only restarting your relationship a few months ago, she hated lying to you.
But how could she?
You had a lot on your mind. The fact that you took Jennifer back a little too fast, and the fact that Wanda was on your mind now. The show in the gym the day before had you reeling, and despite there having been sexual frustration, you hadn’t taken it out on Jennifer.
That was your biggest issue. It was something you’d talked about of the last few summers. It wasn’t as if you were afraid, but you were very wary. “Look, if you don’t wanna have sex, or you don’t want me, just tell me.” But you had to push that out of your mind.
It was finals week, and you had thankfully helped Wanda bring her 68 up to a 90 in just a few weeks. That cheered you
You remembered when she came in with the report card. She busted in the library doors, quickly buzzing as she showed it to you. “OH. MY. GOD.” You whispered, eyes widened crazily as you grab the sides of her face.
She almost thought you were going to kiss her, but you pulled her in for a hug. “Finally, someone who actually worked for it. God, I love you, Wanda.” The declaration was harmless to you, but everything to Wanda.
“Made my day, really.”
“I’m glad I could.”
It was now the last week to practice for the play before break.
Everyone cooperated, and Jean was at least enjoying herself, despite her misplaced hatred for you. She seemed to show a surprising amount of joy when she got a scene completely right, and enjoyed insulting Sam, even if it was make-believe.
“This is actually very soothing, Y/N. I’m thankful you made a character as mean as I am.” You were nervous at the first genuine smile she gave you. “Oh, no. Of course! You-Uh...you deserve it...I think.” You nod, turning to a giggling Wanda.
The practice went smoothly when it came to formulating the scenes, and the lighting cues. Afterwards, you were last to leave as always, and Wanda waited for you.
“I am actually waiting for you this time.” She chuckles. You adjust your bag on your shoulder as she walks closer. “I want to thank you. Despite our uh...despite me hurting you, and not being a good friend, I’m very thankful for you giving me a second chance.” You smile back. Not noticing Vision watching you from the top of the stairs.
“No problem. I want to say I was raised to give every forgiveness, but my parents hold grudges, so...” Wanda chuckles, leaning up to give you a peck on the cheek. “Stay cute, Y/N. It suits you.” Wanda walks up the stairs, not having seen Vision hide behind a wall.
She walks right past him, but he startles her. “Are you cheating on me?” She jumps, turning around as Vision got in her space. Cheating? He was one to talk. That was something he and Jennifer had much in common with, considering they were doing it when you were doing tutoring sessions.
When he wasn’t licking her father and Pietro’s boots, he was still calling Jennifer. Wanda wasn’t stupid, She knew he wasn’t out of town all those times. “What?”
“You heard me.” She scoffs.
“Me? Cheating? Says you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” The bell rang, and the hallway began to fill. “It means that I’m not stupid, Vision. You’re not as good of a liar you claim to be, I mean...” She scoffs once more.
Down the steps, you were far enough to not hear the argument, but then you remember you leant Wanda your red pen, that was your favorite gel pen. “Shit.” Was it worth it? You had 5 minutes and 47 seconds to get to class. It wasn’t that far, and you’re sure she wouldn’t mind.
You turned, booking it to get back through the crowd and up the stairs. “All you do is suck up and sleep with fucking Jennifer Walters. And-And Jean, and the lady in the book room, Agatha? You’re fucking sick, Vision!” You almost couldn’t hear your ears, wondering if you imagined the first part.
The tall blonde noticed you behind her as her fury raged on. He smirks, looking back down at Wanda. “What about Jennifer?” Wanda scoffs, still not noticing you.
“What do you want to hear, that she’s been cheating on Y/N since the summer? God, you should’ve heard what Jean said. “Reporting, class slut, Jennifer Walters, breaking the heart of the toad that is Y/N Y/LN.” God...” Tears threatened to break from the dams as you pushed through the remainder of the crowd.
“Well, I’m sure Y/N would like to hear that again for herself.” He says, looking right at you. “Wha-?” She turns, shocked as you stare down at her. “She’s cheating on me?” You ask, making her stumble on her words.
“Yeah. You think she gets off on flowers, and hot make-outs? She’s a woman, and I bet when she has sex with you, she thinks of me. But wait…she doesn’t, because from what I’ve heard, you’re a prude.” He smirks. “You’re a freak who can barely make a fist without your fingers freezin’ up, what makes you think you could pleasure her?”
Wanda is shaking her head at you. “Y/N, I’m-”
“How long did you know?”
“When you took me home that night, but wasn’t any of my bus-”
“That was two weeks ago...”
“I know...and I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I-”
“Didn’t want to crush the toad’s heart.”
“No, I-”
You begin to walk away, but a shrill voice stops you. “He’s not the only one, ya know...” Emma Frost. “While you were playing dress up with your middle school crush, Jenny was fucking the entirety of Asgard Prep’s rugby team. It was an orgy, in case you wanted to know.”
Some of the students are either recording, giggling, or wincing. You turned around, watching Wanda’s desperate gaze. You could feel a familiar hand on your shoulder as Peter pulled you out of that hallway.
@mymommawanda @dumbassbitchwithnotits @nightimemommy @sheriffhaughtearp @sadpiscesheart @geico-insuranc @goodnessgaycious @lainjupi @natashasnoodle @idk-what-i-stan @angryraisin @madamevirgo @simp-erformarvelwomen @bishopscheeseburger @sayah13
ease into it (pt. 7) - wanda maximoff

a/n: sorry this took so long. not feeling well, but i’m writing the 8th part, and i might end it after a few more🤷🏽♀️
Story Masterlist
Today was the day.
You weren’t too excited as you once were. Wanda watched as you entered the theater and your classmates sat in their seats as well as the Advanced Theatre class. Your group was first, and they, including Jean, were worried about you.
Ms. Palmer gave you 15 minutes to practice offstage, and you sat quietly. “You good?” Darcy calls, making you nod. Wanda watched you sadly as the English teacher told you it was time.
You introduced the play, and it began. All of your scenes ran smoothly, and a few scenes had gotten a chuckle out of some of the students. Luckily, the lack of communication off stage between you and Wanda hadn’t affected the performance, and it almost went off without a hitch.
That was until the last scene. “I-I don’t understand?” You muttered in character. “I-“ “I think I like you.” was the line. “I’m in love with you!” A few gasps in the crowd would’ve made you giggle if you weren’t so confused. “Wanda, that’s not-“
You didn’t finish your sentence before she grabbed your face, placing you both in a kiss. Students thinking this was scripted cheered, but when she let you go, you were in shock. She stared back with wide eyes. “God, I’m sorry.” You stared back as she ran away.
After the shock wore off, you turned to the crowd. “Uh…thank you all. I-I hope you liked it.” You throw an awkward thumbs up, before running after her through the back. “Hey, what happened?” You ignored the question, taking off into the hallway.
When you began to look down each side of the corridor, you noticed Pietro run out from the the side entrance and over to you. “What was that?” He asks, making you shrug. “I-I have no idea…”
After looking for her, Pietro had to go back for his presentation, and you went with him.
Her car was gone from student parking, so it wasn’t too hard to comprehend that she just left school. You didn’t have her number, but Pietro’s attempts failed, and the two of you just let the day play out.
But days drew out.
Wanda only showed up for finals, ditched her friends, barely interacted with Pietro. For the next week, you stared at her desk, and sat in the library alone, hoping she would show. She didn’t.
You gave up hope after winter break started, and pushed the thoughts out of your mind. But you couldn’t help but think. Why would she do that? It was quite random, and then she just runs away with no explanation.
Wanda didn’t know why.
It was so embarrassing, and inappropriate, and you probably hated her. She wouldn’t blame you. It was stupid, kissing you like that.
She got caught up in the moment, and her feelings for you took over, but never again. She just isolated herself. She took her finals, and passed all of them thanks to you branching and helping her with other subjects. God, she had to stop thinking about you.
When she stayed for slightly longer one day, she was unfortunately confronted by Emma. It was a stupid argument, really. Wanda wanted space, and the bitch spread her business. “What is your deal, Wanda?”
“My deal is that when I call you and tell you I’m not coming because I need space, I’d expect you to be a real friend and not tell everybody my fucking business!”
“Well, maybe if you weren’t so fucking depressing all the time, this wouldn’t be an issue!” You tried not to watch from the other side of the quad, chewing into your sandwich.
Wanda didn’t even respond, simply walking away.
That was the last time you’d seen her for a while.
You’d gotten busy with work, but your new found friendship with Pietro has blossomed over that next few weeks.
You only saw Wanda once at the diner.
She was alone in the corner, sulking over a plate of food as she guzzles down her milkshake. You tried to act as though you hadn’t seen her, and she didn’t notice you. That was until her server clocked out, and tables were expanded and shifted, you took over her tables.
You held a tight smile, walking over to her table with her bill. “Is there anything else you’d like me to get you?” She stopped fidgeting with her phone, swallowing her saliva as she looked up at you. Your gaze didn’t waver as her lips quivered lightly.
“Um…no-no thank you.” She let out a sigh. You nodded lightly, going back to other tables. She watched you intently as you came out of your shy demeanor, and helped all customers.
Maybe the universe had it out for her.
There’s this and then a very brief text from Natasha that her and the girls didn’t see much need to continue this friendship. There was also yesterday when Pietro had told her about Vision spreading the video of her embarrassing you.
She only came here for a reason, and that was to apologize, maybe her week would get better afterwards.
She waited until later, deciding to walk around for a while, even taking a smoke break near the bridge. She looked down at the water, the sneaking urge to throw herself over it was strong.
It wasn’t long until she walked back, just in time to see you. You were looking for something in the back of your trunk when she approached. “Y/N?” You jumped at the voice, hitting your head on the door with a wince.
“Fuck!” You rubbed the back of your head, turning around. “Oh.” You pushed, heartbeat kicking up. Wanda gave a small pathetic wave, and you smiled back. “Hey. Are you coming back for more food? Cuz we’re closing early tonight, it’s supposed to snow.” Wanda was surprised you wanted to interact with her, but she didn’t cheat on you, so it wasn’t really her fault.
“No. I uh…I wanted to talk to you?” She shrugs, and you nod, tossing your bag in the back. “Okay. What’s up?”
She hesitated, fidgeting with her fingers. “I-I’m so sorry for lying to you. I-“ She was already crying, and couldn’t shake herself out of it. “I-I tried to-I wanted to be friends again, at least…because I missed you. I tried to salvage it, but I’ve done too much damage. And-And I’m making it about me now, because I always do that…Fuck.” She rubs her hands on her face, and you don’t know how to respond.
“I’m a horrible person, and I don’t deserve you. You’re so forgiving and patient. I love that about you. I love you.” By the look you were giving her, she assumed she was putting too much on you.
She didn’t care. She had to tell you.
“When you told me you liked me in 4th grade, I said I didn’t like you that way, but I lied. I didn’t know it, but I did. I only avoided you because I wanted validation, but I just wanted you.”
“I’m sorry.” She left and you hadn’t seen her since, which brought you to present day.
The break had finished, and you avoided Jennifer the whole time. Wanda missed you, wondering why she hadn’t just asked for you to forgive her. It was making her miserable inside.
And she was like that for the entirety of January. Sat in the back of the class, barely participated and never looked over at you.
The times she walked past you in the hallway had become frustrating, and every day Ms. Potts has given you a new tutee, you’d hoped it would be Wanda even though it was a little early in the semester for tutoring.
Ignoring you had almost worked…until Pietro had invited you to their birthday party on the 10th.
@mymommawanda @dumbassbitchwithnotits @nightimemommy @sheriffhaughtearp @sadpiscesheart @geico-insuranc @goodnessgaycious @lainjupi @natashasnoodle @idk-what-i-stan @angryraisin @madamevirgo @simp-erformarvelwomen @bishopscheeseburger @sayah13 @wizardofstories @itty-bitty-scarletwitchy @s1ut4nat @an-evergreen-rose @jadechasesworld
ease into it (pt. 8) - wanda maximoff

a/n: i’m back! it’s been about a week and a half, but i just needed to rest, so now i’m posting. i’d also like if you guys sent in requests (women only btw), and i’d like you all to choose between…college professor!reader x wanda au, or dystopian wanda au🤔 also if you want to be in a permanent taglist, i’ll make a post about that eventually.
Story Masterlist
You walked around the party as people jumped in the pool.
Peter, Ned, and surprisingly Scott Summers were getting along and playing Mario Kart in Pietro’s game room not far from the kitchen. Kate was hanging out with Natasha’s younger sister, who seemed far from impressed with the taller girl’s charm. The rest of the basketball team was somewhere playing a game on the property, and Jennifer was still nowhere to be found.
That wasn’t much of a problem when you spotted her with her lips very close to burly Luke Cage, who almost seem interested. You watched with very little amusement as his gaze found you, and he was then dragged off by his own girlfriend, Jessica. Jennifer knew why he had a look of shock on his face, but reluctantly looked over at you.
“Fuck...” She muttered. You didn’t run away, but waited until she did come to you. “Babe...what are you doing here? You hate parties.” She slurs, not even acknowledging the thing was she doing a few minutes ago. “So...you’re not gonna tell me why you were about to kiss Luke? Or...why you cheated on me?” You ask, wrapping your hands behind your back with a look of disbelief.
She scoffs, grabbing a drink from a passing bystander’s hand, and downing it. “Do you want me to be honest?” She asks, making you regret your question.
“You never have sex with me! I’ve fucked Luke, okay? And he fucks good!” You sigh, not even attempting to stop her drunk tirade. “You’re so...so...You don’t drink, smoke, do anything that requires you to leave the house! You-” She takes a second to sigh.
“Can we just do this somewhere else?” You ask low, attempting to diffuse the situation. “No! You are so loyal, and patient, and calm, and I wish I could say that I love you for it, but I don’t! I hate that shit. You...You’re just boring.” You frown, raising an eyebrow as you stare at the floor.
“Wanda kissed you, and you didn’t even...I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I wanted you to want her, because at least it would make you the slightest bit interesting.” There was a crowd surrounding you, and you hadn’t noticed your friends watching.
“God, what happened to you? I missed you when you weren’t here, weren’t trying to be the loser that you were! It pisses me off! That was me being honest. And I mean it.” You nod, simply walking away, ignoring the phone recording your conversation.
You walked inside, eyeing Pietro converse with a friend. You quietly tap his shoulder, and he turns, smirking at you. You can tell he didn’t see what happened outside. “Hey, I’m sorry, Pietro.” He waves you off kindly. “You’re good, what’s up?”
“One, happy birthday.”
“Thank you.”
“Two, have you seen Wanda? I wanted to speak to her for a second.” He nods, telling you she misses you, and is sulking in her room. You nod, walking past him, and up the stairs.
It was relatively quiet up here, and most of the rooms were open. You approached a room with a large DO NOT DISTURB sign on it, snorting to yourself as you knock on the door. “GO AWAY!”
“I’m sorry. It’s Y/N.” Wanda’s heart stopped when she heard your voice. “Y/N?” You force a light chuckle. “Yeah, it’s me.” You almost didn’t notice the tears streaming from your eyes until you licked your lips, and felt a salt droplet hit your tongue.
She opened the door a few seconds later, thankfully with her back turned to you. You entered in. “Ya know...when you invited me to your second birthday party of the weekend, I expected you to be there.” You say, and she frowns turning to you. She goes to speak, but notices your red eyes and stained cheeks.
“Are you okay?” You frown in false confusion, tilting your head as you hum. “It’s just-You’re crying, are you alright?” She asks, making you wipe your tears. “Oh, totally. Um...I think I’m allergic to the grass outside.” Wanda doesn’t buy it, but nods regardless.
“I just wanted to say thank you...for considering me. I hurt you, and you lost everyone, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you went back to hating me.”
“Why? Why would I-”
“Because I suck...I’m boring, I’m a drag, I suck the life out of everything.” You list. “Hey! Stop! I don’t-No you don’t. You’re the most interesting person I know! You’re not boring.”
“You’re just saying that cause you’re apparently biased.” You mutter, referring to Wanda’s confession. “Just because I told you I have feelings for you, doesn’t mean I’m biased. There’s a reason I fell in love with you...” Your jaw clenches as a wave of guilt passed over you.
Wanda was placing her heart in front of you, and you were whining about Jennifer. “Whatever it is keeping you from telling me what happened, let it go. I’ve seen you bottle it up to make others feel calm. Fuck them, okay? I’m serious. You don’t have to tell me, but stop being selfless.”
You paused, and she regarded you with a confused look. “Where is this coming from?” You stares at her for a moment, taking her in. She wasn’t dolled up like she was at school, or at least how she was when you’d last spoke.
She was paler, her cheeks were red, and you could see the tiredness in her eyes. She was beautiful. But this was far from the right time. Not like any would be good.
“Nothing. God, I-I have to go. And even though I don’t forgive you, you had the right intentions, I think…” A smile graced her lips, relief in her eyes. “Can I ask you why?” Wanda frowns, tilting her head in confusion.
“Why what?”
“Why me? I mean…You have Vision. He’s perfect. White teeth, blonde hair, blue eyes. He’s on his way to Yale, 4.1 GPA, I can barely break a 2.5. People say “Oh, you’re so smart.”, “You’re the smartest person I know.”…”
“Your grade point average doesn’t define intelligence, Y/N.”
“I know…I’m so embarrassing.” Tears began to flow as you clenched your jaw. “I-Our friendship…did-did the way I felt about you, embarrass you, Wanda? Was that why you pretended to hate me for so long? Why did you like me, but pretend to hate me? It fucked me up for so long that I settle for shit. I got lazy, and I hold in my tears for my mom, for everyone. I felt less, ignored the stares and giggles, and insults, and them pushing me around while you sat and watched. Ya know, I was-I-I was coming to apologize, for what? I have no idea. It’s not like you’d deserve it.”
Wanda sighed, bowing her head. “I just-I just got ripped into by Jennifer. She called me boring. When I moved, this ache on my chest went away. It was freeing being away from this. That was why I wasn’t so boring. Because I didn’t keep to myself, I was a new person, but here? Hell! It’s hell. I am so ready to get out of here. I hope…I hope that for the rest of your life, you feel that guilt. You fucked me up. You. If it weren’t for you? I don’t know…”
“Goodbye, Wanda.” You went to open the door, you turned back, seeing the red in Wanda’s eyes. “I’m glad you wanted to amend us, and I would’ve let you, if I hadn’t just had this epiphany about it. When you said you loved me-“
“Love. Present tense.”
“Love…me. I thought I’d won, for that split second up until now. “I got her.”, then I remembered I got cheated on, the girl I “got” bullied me for half a decade, and she knew I was being cheated on.”
“As I said before…goodbye, Wanda. I hope you figure it out. Find someone you care about, who you won’t be embarrassed to love.” You closed back the door behind you, walking over to Wanda before giving her a hug, and kissing her on the cheek.
“This is kinda weird cuz I was just yelling at you, but I love you too. Still do, can’t shake it.” A teary chuckle leaves Wanda’s throat, her tears now wetting your neck. “I’m sorry, Y/NN.”
“Y/NN? God times really have changed.” Her choked giggles make you pull away. With a slight nod, you can exit the room, and walk out of the house. It seemed to be clearing out, making you wonder how long your rant had really been.
When you realized that all of your friends had left, probably with Gwen, who seemed sober when you arrived, you left too.
Went straight home, the closure you’d given yourself being fulfilled. And Wanda did call and text crying after downing an entire bottle of a fruity alcoholic beverage in sadness.
But you ignored for her good, finally healing for once.
@mymommawanda @dumbassbitchwithnotits @nightimemommy @sheriffhaughtearp @sadpiscesheart @geico-insuranc @goodnessgaycious @lainjupi @natashasnoodle @idk-what-i-stan @angryraisin @madamevirgo @simp-erformarvelwomen @bishopscheeseburger @sayah13 @wizardofstories @itty-bitty-scarletwitchy @s1ut4nat @an-evergreen-rose @jadechasesworld
ease into it masterlist

Wanda Maximoff x Reader High School AU
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
open your eyes - wanda maximoff

a/n: this is reader insert adapted from my book. please read, if you want ofc. blur is an oc adapted from a script btw. this starts at age of ultron, so emo wanda💁🏽♀️ p.s., i’m basically moving this fix here, and i know i have like a MILLION wanda fics at once? but young will be periodically updated, and ease into it has one more chapter so yeah, ramble over…
Pairing(s): wanda maximoff x witch!reader, pietro maximoff x mute!oc
"Language!" Steve yells. "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?"
"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken."
"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." Natasha knocks out some soldiers. "At long last is lasting a little long, boys." Natasha croaks out. "I agree with Natasha." Y/N chuckles.
"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint speaks up. He begins looking around curiously. "Blur! What's your six, kid?" Blur quickly zooms in front of him. "You know I'm mute, right?" She signs, making him chuckle.
"I do, but I just like messing with you. Mind taking me to a better vantage point?" Blur holds her arms, urging Clint to let her carry him bridal style. "No." He says.
Blur rolls her eyes. "Suit yourself." She grabs the back of his neck, and speeds off with him. "Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "language"? " Tony asks.
"I know." Steve throws his bike at some soldiers. "It just slipped out." Steve reaches for his shield off of his back, but when he feels it missing, he frowns over at Blur who's blowing on it and wiping it off. "Blur!?" The girl looks up, humming as she hands it over.
Y/N blocks bullets with force fields, and repurposed the snow into ice glaciers, piercing several soldiers in the process. After several attempts to open the shields, Tony turns back for a second.
"Y/N! I need your help getting this shield down!" Y/N punches the ground, making the soldiers flop around and crash into trees. "Where are you?!"
"Y/LN!" Amalia reaches out for Tony as he flies down, and lifts them up to the HYDRA base to break in. "Sir, the city is taking fire." JARVIS informs. "Well, we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. Send in the Iron Legion.".
A blur speeds across the ground, ramming in to Clint. "You didn't see that coming?" the young man zooms off. "Blur! We got company!" before Clint can shoot him with an arrow, he goes down from being shot. "Clint!" Natasha yells.
"We have an enhanced in the field." Steve informs.
"Clint's hit!" Natasha yells into the comms. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" The Hulk bursts through, taking care of the bunker.
Blur and the other Blur size one another up. "Ah! Another speedster." He holds his hand out. "Pietro." Blur responds, flipping him off. "Oh! Ok, not a person of many words. hmm?"
"I'm mute."
"What is that? Are you gonna punch me?"
"I can't speak, you asshole."
"Oh! Don't get violent, I'm a lover, not a fighter, ya know?" He chuckles, slowing down as Blur slows time, quickly punching him in the face.
"Stark, we really need to get inside."
"I'm closing in. JARVIS, am I...closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?" Tony asks his A.I. "There's a pathway below the north tower."
"Great, I wanna poke it with something." Stark blows up the invisible shield on the base. "Drawbridge is down, people." Tony announces. "We goin' in?" They ask, making him nod as he lets them go.
Flying towards the ground, they flex their fingers, bringing a large burst onto the internal force field which breaks a large hole in it. They steadily fly back up into the castle, landing behind Tony as he gives his best superhero landing.
"Seriously?" Tony turns behind him, smirking behind the metal. The two enter the castle, Y/N covering themselves with a shield.
"Guys, stop, we gotta talk about this." He shoots down the soldiers using his suit. "Good talk.".
"No it wasn't." A soldier groans, making Amalia roll her eyes. Tony finds List, and swiftly knocks him out. "Sentry mode." He walks over to the computers. "Okay, JARVIS. You know I want it all. Make sure you copy Hill at HQ."
"I know you're hiding more than files. Hey, J, give me an IR scan of the room, real quick." Tony commands. "The wall to your left...I'm reading steel reinforcement and an air current."
"Please be a secret door, please be a secret door, please be a secret door..." he pushes the wall as it opens. "Yay!" The duo cheer.
"We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage." He looks at Strucker. "Guys, I got Strucker."
"Yeah, we got...something bigger."
Inside the secret passageway they find a room with recovered artifacts from New York, including a gigantic Chitauri weapon and some of his Iron Man scrapped armor, he then spots the scepter.
"Wow, that was easy." She spits out. "Thor, I got eyes on the prize." Tony says, but stops, and Amalia looks over at him. "Tony?" They waves their hand in his face, but he doesn't budge.
They can feeling something else in the room. They catch a hand near their face, and the girl beside them is frightened. "Who are you?!" Pietro speeds into the room, and Y/N quickly put his sister into a trance.
"Wanda?!" Y/N reaches out towards him, and a purple glow captures his irises as the two stand stuck. When Tony releases from his own trance, his eyes widen at how easily Y/N caught them. “The enhanced.”
He nods, rubbing the back of his neck. “I can see that.”
"Don’t worry. They'll be compliant."
When they all loaded the quinjet, Amalia brought the two of them to the small room in back with holding cells. Tony and Blur aren't far behind, watching in amazement. "I didn't know you could mind control people." He marvels. "New skill." Blur stares at them, giggling to herself.
"I think one of them is drooling." She points to the guy, making Tony smile at her. "You're too funny for your own good, kid." He pats her shoulder. "I try."
Y/N smiles, turning back to the two. "I don't think anyone else should be here when I wake them up, so..." Tony and Blur nod, leaving the room as Y/N turns back to the twins.
Waving one hand, the spell is taken down and the two shake out of their gaze. Y/N smirks with a chuckle as they frantically look around. She steps towards the glass as Wanda roughly slams on it.
"Oh! Feisty..." Wanda growls at the sight of her smirk. "Let us go." She says lowly, making Y/N scoff. "Or what?" They tap on the glass. "Bulletproof, power dampening force field, I built it myself." They say with a smile.
"This is funny to you?" Pietro asks with disdain. "Kinda. You were so deep in my control, you started drooling." Wanda's jaw clenched as Y/N walked back over to the small table in the middle of the room.
The girl's eyes glowed red as she tried to reach Y/N's mind, failing more than once. "Nice try. Even without this, my walls have walls. You can barely control your powers." Wanda scoffs, sitting down in a corner as her brother leans on the glass.
"You have no idea what I can do."
"I can feel your power, it's unparalleled. You're not even honing half of it correctly."
"When we get out, you will regret everything you are saying." She threatens. "Ohhh, I'm so scared." They smile. They walk out of the room, closing the door behind them.
"Thor, report on the Hulk?" Natasha asks. "The gates of Hell are filled with the screams of his victims." Natasha glares at Thor and Bruce groans in despair. Y/N face turns into one with an exasperated expression. "Thor? Really?"
"Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course. No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and, and uh... and gout." Blur motions for him to cut it out.
"Hey Banner, Dr. Cho's on her way in from Seoul, is it okay if she sets up in your lab?" Tony asks. "Uh, yeah, she knows her way around."
"Thanks." He speaks to his AI. "Tell her to prep everything, Barton's gonna need the full treatment.". "Very good sir."
"JARVIS, take the wheel.". "Yes, sir. Approach vector is locked." Tony looks at the scepter. "It feels good, yeah? I mean, you've been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but..."
"No, but this...this brings it to a close." Thor says. "As soon as we find out what else this has been used for. I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?" Steve asks.
Tony looks to Thor. "Banner, Mal and I will give it the once before it goes back to Asgard. Is that cool with you?" Thor nods his head.
"I mean, just a few days until the farewell party. You're staying right?" Y/N asks. "Yes, yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels." Thor boasts. "Yeah. Who doesn't love revels. Captain?" Steve looks to Tony. "Hopefully this puts an end to the Chitauri and HYDRA, so. Yes, revels."
earth-326 - wanda maximoff

Summary: after Wanda brings down Wundagore, she’s brought to another universe, one where she doesn’t have the power to get back
a/n: as soon as i am settled back in my dorm, the ease into it finale will be released💁🏽♀️ but while i was writing this i was thinking about bullet train which i saw last thursday, and pietro looks like tangerine here💁🏽♀️
Wundagore came down, and Wanda felt it.
There was a burst of red light, and she gasped, feeling the roof cave in. And then she opened her eyes.
A bright light met her, and she gasped with a tube in her mouth. The small ventilator beeped loudly, but slowed down as she took deep breaths. She tried to move, but her hand wouldn’t move.
“Hey, Witchy.”
And her legs were stuck in place. She was so in her head, that she hadn’t noticed that the beeping had startled you awake. “Wanda?” Her frantic breathing hitches as she recognizes your voice.
Wanda’s head turns you as your jaw dropped. Frantically, you stood, tripping over yourself as you ran into the hallway and farther down the hall where Pietro was waiting. He drank from a cup of the terrible coffee in the hospital wing of the complex. texting his mom at the same time.
“Piet!” The exclamation startles him, causing him to squeeze the cup. The coffee sprays on his shirt, while also staining the cuff of his dress suit. You cringe, running over to the small sink on the other side of the room, dampening them with water as you run back.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” You help him wipe the coffee off, to which he thanks you. “What is it that’s got you so riled up?” He asks. “W-Wa-Wanda! She’s-She’s-“
“Spit it out, Y/LN!”
“She’s awake!”
The two of you ran to the room, but not before bringing a nurse with you.
She was then transferred to a room where she could be properly evaluated, far away from the comatose ward. Wanda was still wondering how she got here, and why she was put into this Wanda.
She was brain dead, and in comatose. What did she have left to live? I mean you’re there, and Pietro, maybe even the boys, but this body.
“Now, we put her on fluids. She seems to be well on all fronts at the moment. But, considering she just woke up, it’ll be some time before we can get her for tests. I can try to swing it, but due to the spontaneity of the situation, and a convoy of men being treated…” You wave the nurse off, telling her it was okay before she takes off.
Pietro sighs, walking into the room as he pockets his phone. You swallow, looking up at him. “Stark?” You ask to which he nods. “Tell her I’ll be back, alright?” You nod, watching him grip the edge of the bed, before walking out of the room.
A large sigh escapes you as you sit back, but before you could begin to speak to her as you always did, your phone rings.
Sighing, you pick up the phone, placing it on your ear. “Hello?”
“Hey...you called? How is she?”
“No idea. I’m still trying to process it myself.”
“I haven’t told the boys, but I feel like Billy knows.”
“I’m sorry about that, I told him being invasive.”
“It’s okay, I don’t mind. I'm surprisingly not good at hiding my emotions around kids.” That makes you chuckle.
“Yeah, well uh...we have to make sure she’s even good to start speaking. What about therapy? They said without the ventilator her brain could fail, what if she’s on it forever?”
“Hey, don’t worry about that. She’s awake, isn’t she?”
“Well...that’s great news, okay? Let’s just make sure that this doesn’t go wrong.”
“Okay. Yeah, I-” Sigh. “I’m just excited and terrified.”
“Hey! That’s fair, just be calm.”
“Yeah, uh...thanks for the pep talk, Natty.”
“No problem, tell her I said hi.” The line clicks, and you pocket your phone, straightening up to look at her. You scooted closer, placing your hand on hers. Silently staring, it’s not long until she wakes up. Wanda still couldn’t move, and realizing that wherever she was wasn’t a dream.
She mumbles into the tube, clenching her jaw as she felt like she was moving, but she wasn’t. You noticed this, frowning in worry, but as you stood up to leave, you felt her stop you.
It wasn’t like she was moving her whole arm, but her fingers latched onto the bracelet Billy had made for the both of you on your wrist. Her pointer and middle finger folded into the bracelet, begging you to stay.
You stared on in disbelief.
You swallowed your saliva, sitting back down as she painfully opens her eyes. “Hey, it’s okay, I’m here.” You held her hand, caressing it. “I don’t know if you remember much, the doctors said if…when you woke up, brain damage may have affected your memory, ya know?” Perfect.
If she was stuck like this for the time being, and the Wanda she was in was actually dead due to the darkness of this mind, she wouldn’t have to put up a front. “The boys will be very happy to see you. Pietro was-He looked like he was gonna cry.” Her brother was alive here, she wondered about everyone else.
Wanda heard you talking to Natasha, so she was alive as well. Makes her wonder how this Earth was different from hers and 838. “You missed a lot. The Avengers retired, all of us.” So the Avengers still exist, which meant Wanda has her powers.
“We all thought that thing had killed you, but Steve and Tony took care of it fast. You wouldn’t wake up, so we brought you to a hospital out in Sokovia, right? You were there past normal protocol, after a month you’re supposed to be moved, but you hadn’t woken up. So we moved back to the compound, closed off that section of the hospital building, called it the comatose ward.”
“I think everyone just felt bad, so they didn’t cut you off. Thank god they didn’t, right?” It wasn’t necessarily a question to her, but to yourself. “I mean, it’s my decision as your partner, but…Oh! I don’t live at the compound, anymore. No one does really. Kate, maybe. Oh, you should totally meet her, she’s awesome, the boys love her. We live in that house in Jersey that you wouldn’t stop going on about.” Westview?
You froze as you heard her mumbling. “Did you just say Westview?” So she said it out loud? She just hums at you. You chuckle in delight. “Yeah, yeah, Westview. Tommy plays soccer, and Billy does ballet. They’re both phenomenal.”
She hummed, making you beam. “Uh…I got in an accident. I obviously recovered, but I felt guilty for waking up so early when you were still just…in a coma.”
Wanda had been attempting to move her fingers for the last few minutes, and she ended up feeling a crack in her stiff fingers as she caressed your shaking hand. “It’s okay.” She mumbles, causing her to cough from her throat’s dryness.
“Woah! Slow down. I know you didn’t want me to leave…But-But I still gotta get a doctor, they have to-“ You paused, sighing with a smile. “God, you’re alive, how?” Wanda worried about that too, frankly she had no idea.
She wasn’t dream walking, she felt too grounded in reality for it to be a possession. What if this was a just the afterlife?
“WANDA?!” You ran across the beach, slowed down by the sand as Wanda’s body laid in it. Falling to your knees, your eyes widened at the gaping hole in her chest.
Gasping, you push hairs out of her face, not noticing as the girl struggled to breathe, her magic barely healing her. “Hey! Look at me! Look at me!” You can feel a gust of wind as Pietro runs next to you, eyes widening at the sight of his sister. He sneers, immediately going after the assailant.
“Wanda?” Wanda’s head shook as a hand grounded her back in reality. “You okay?” She nods.
That was too specific to be fake.
earth-326 (pt. 2) - wanda maximoff

a/n: thanks for the love on the last chapter💁🏽♀️
Warning(s): canon violence
i ii iii iv v
Pietro had pushed Clint and the child out of the way, ready to sacrifice himself, but you wouldn’t let that happen. You dodged an attack from Ultron’s bots, swoop down, and spread your wings so that you absorb the bullets. As each bullet embedded itself in you, your heat vision powered up.
Out of anger, you blasted the ship Ultron was on, taking it down. Pietro looks over at you in amazement, groaning at a bullet in his chest, but he shifts his focus, bringing the two before him to the ship.
You felt bullets begin to leave your body as your eyes rolled. You fell back in anguish, coughing up blood. The one time you save someone, you decide to use your heat vision, knowing it can blind you for at least a week, all for some guy you don’t know.
You groan, sitting up as you try to look around, but to no avail. A boom causes you to jump, and even though you can’t see, you can feel the ground rising above you. A gust of wind makes you look to your right as Pietro looks around frantically. “I can’t find Wanda, I need to find her.” Before he can leave, you grab the man’s arm. “Get back to the ship, I’ll find her.” You can feel him hesitate.
“I will.” You don’t see him nod, but you can feel the grip you had on his arm disappear.
You could tell that the city was floating slightly, and so you flew around, looking for Wanda. You could feel her magic in the mist, and so you followed that feeling until you touched her. She thought it was an angel, that you were that angel.
You carried her out of the city with a burst of power, taking her to the hellicarrier, and all she could do was look at you.
When you made it in, she stood up, staring at you as she found somewhere to sit. Your wings retracted into your back, and you stretched as they slithered back into your spine. You began to look around as if you were lost, and you felt a soft hand on your shoulder.
“You alright?” Natasha asks, noticing how you are looking in a completely different direction. “Yeah, I just need to sit, I kinda got hit by a lot of bullets as you can tell. This was my favorite jacket.”
Before you could sit, you turn back to the city, frowning before flying back out of the door. “Hey! Wha-”
Wanda jolted awake in hospital bed, frequently looking around. She doesn’t remember it happening that way. Using her second sight, she watched from afar as Pietro died, and you told her when you were on the run that letting those robots slow you down was a huge regret.
That must’ve been a big change to time.
“So, after all of our scans, it seems that her brain tissue has healed. We weren’t sure at first, it could’ve been a fluke, but after being more thorough…it’s true. Dr. Cho says there’s a possibility she could function without a ventilator.” Wanda can here a collective gasp, assuming you weren’t the only one here.
“You’re serious?” The nurse nods at your question, and you suck in a breath. Your head began to spin as you sat down next to Pietro. “Very. But we have to be precise about this. I also wanted to ask for you permission on this, it’s risky considering her original condition, but we’re asking if you’ll allow us to wean her off of the artificial air.” Instantly, you nod, sharing a look with your brother-in-law.
“Yeah, absolutely.”
You didn’t want to leave, but Natasha informed you that your sons were wondering why you hadn’t gotten home in the last 2 days. Billy was asking if you were doing missions behind their back, despite you promising you were retired.
That worried you, so you kissed Wanda goodbye, and let her brother watch over her like he wished to now that Tony gave him a break. When you opened the door, you could smell spaghetti sauce and garlic, taking in the smell.
“Don’t tell me my kitchen has been burned down!?”
“Ha Ha Ha.” Natasha comes out of the kitchen with your apron on, and your note card in her hand. “I followed the recipes, I swear I didn’t burn any noodles, meats, pots, or utensils.” She holds her hands up in surrender, making you chuckle.
“I’m joking, it smells good in here. You got the bread, right?” She nods as you drop your overnight bag on the couch. “Where are the boys?” She makes a motion, telling you they were taking a nap.
“They were playing all day, outside and on the console thingy.” You groan. “Now all they’re gonna say when I bring up screen is “But Aunty Nat-”.” Natasha laughs, holding up a hot meatball for you. You practically run over, taking a bite as you try to let the steam not burn your throat.
“It’s good.” You mumble. “I know.”
When she was officially finished with dinner, she was ready to leave, but you convinced her to stay. Thankfully, she had no other obligations and sat at the table. The boys ran down, excited to eat, and eat they did.
There was a few times you warned Tommy about eating too fast, and he basically ignored you. But as dinner began to slow down, you sighed. “Boys...I have to tell you both something, very important.” You didn’t want to wait to tell them after Wanda’s recovery.
“It’s about your mom.” That seemed to trigger them because it then became deathly silent until Billy decided to speak up. “Is she ok?”
“Yes! Of course, she’s-she’s great actually. Uh…” You place your utensils down, smoothing out your shirt. “Yeah, uh…she’s awake now.”
Before you could even think, Tommy had disappeared from the table, causing you to jump in surprise. “Wha-“ Billy leaves the table, running after his brother as you looked over at Natasha confused.
She shrugs, continuing to eat. “You’re a terrible godmother.” You say, with a small smile as she gasps. “What?! What did I do?”
You mocking her shrugging with an exasperated sigh. “What the fuck are you shrugging for? You’re not helping at all.”
“Help with what? We don’t even know why he left.” She mumbles as she chews on a meatball.
“I hate you…Truly.”
The next morning, you gave Tommy his space. Which seemed to please him because he didn’t want to speak to you.
It wasn’t like you did anything wrong, and they loved Wanda, but they hadn’t seen her awake in years.
It was terrifying when they were 7, and she was still healing from bruises on her face. As the first year passed, she healed and the boys wanted to visit every night. You would sleep as they read to her, and then you’d treat them to breakfast if the sun ever rose.
Then they turned 8, and they didn’t have time to come as much. There was that time you got really drunk at Natasha’s party, and she dropped you there by yourself. The boys were worried and followed you, but when they got there you were crying, you were in anguish.
How could she do this to us?
He thought it was unfair. In came the resentment, and he stopped asking to come. So when he heard your cheery tone after dropping a bomb like that, he was obviously upset.
“Have a good day at school, okay?” Billy happily nods, walking outside the door, and Tommy gives a small smile, walking after his brother.
@nikkinss @justyourwritter69 @lizlil
earth-326 (pt.3) - wanda maximoff

a/n: sorry this is so short and took so long, but i’ve started school, so updates will be way less frequent
i ii iii iv
You’d all made it to the shipping yard, and you fought back valiantly. Some began to retreat as you landed before Thor, noticing his dazed state. You could hear him go out on comms, and you were worried. “Thor?” Your eyebrows furrowed as you could feel it.
You began to sweat as you feel under her spell. Your eyes glowed as read as hers, and you took a deep breath, stumbling back. Outside of your mind, Wanda jumped as your wings popped out from your back. The uncoordinated motion rips the back of your shirt open, and she gasps at your beautiful features.
Not your back muscles, but the wings. And she looked into your mind, noticing you were much more frantic. and trying to resist. She began to soothe you with her native tongue. She could see it, Strucker eerily smiling at you as a young child. “You and your pathetic siblings, will never make us proud.”
You began to growl, your vision becoming hotter, the heat beginning to burn. The veins in your neck began to protrude as you burst off of the ground and straight through the top of the ship.
The amount of talking to Tommy hadn’t necessarily been fruitful. When you brought up Wanda, he avoided the subject. Billy loved his mom, he still drew for her, and would tag along while Tommy begged to stay in the Game Room where Yelena and Kate frequented.
Tommy obviously was different, but you couldn’t figure out why. Fortunately, after a week you let it go. Instead you focused on Wanda’s first few minutes without the ventilator. You brought food for the team, but ate upstairs as Wanda was being fed through a straw.
Wanda was enjoying the redo.
Every day Pietro comes to visit. Yesterday, you and Billy came, but strangely no Tommy. She wishes she could ask why, but doesn’t.
It takes her only a few days to move her limbs, and even less to say her first words without coughing. You all seem to be very supportive, and you even stay overnight by yourself just to be with her.
“This is really good.” You mumble. “Can you eat hard stuff?” Wanda chuckles breathily. “Apple sauce isn’t hard food.” She mutters.
“No, I know that, I mean the tacos.”
“You’ve always had strange taste, moya lyubov’” You wanted to argue, but looked at the items on the table with several different tastes. “I do, don’t I?” Wanda giggles, sitting back.
“So you’re retired? We’re retired?” She asks as she settles back. “Yeah. I-I uh…I teach now. I’m a professor at NYU, I teach physics. Which is very ironic considering I break the rules of physics every time I fly, or flew.”
“You don’t fly anymore?”
“No. I-I don’t have a reason to. I promised the boys I’d stop going on missions…after what happened to you of course.” Wanda gulps. “They were horrified when they saw you. I was horrified. I-“ You pause, rubbing your face as tears begin to fall.
“It wasn’t your fault.” She says, remembering these things from this Wanda’s memories. The literal sword being plunged into and ripped from her back. She fell to her death, rolling onto the beach as she recalled.
“You told me you felt like something bad would happen, and I didn’t fucking listen. “One more mission.” my ass.” Wanda sighs, caressing your face with her hand.
“Come on, it’ll be fun to get back in the field, right?” Wanda rolls her eyes, watching you with a smile. “Yeah, maybe for you. But I enjoy retirement, Y/NN.” You scoff, sitting back with an annoyed expression.
“Wanda, I don’t want to go on my own. It’s just one job. One.”
It ended up being much more that that.
You were cloned, and they’d come after you. It got to Wanda first, and hurt her. It destroyed you, and the destruction you’d brought upon afterwards was something she didn’t need to know at all.
Three years of torture because you couldn’t handle being on your own for too long. What a baby. “I was being a child.” A knock from the door pulled you out of your thoughts. You went to stand, but Natasha opened the door.
Your children walked in behind her, and Billy ran to the bed, hugging his mother. Wanda was delighted, but frowned when she noticed Tommy hiding behind his godmother’s leg. “Tommy.” You warned.
The boy wouldn’t move, he wouldn’t look at her. Natasha looked behind her, trying to get the boy off her leg before you got angry like you usually did. “Tommy, say hello to your mother, now.” He still wouldn’t move.
“Thomas!” You yelled, making the boy flinch. You felt a soft but stiff hand on yours, making your your jaw twitch as you stared at your wife. “It’s okay. He’s fine. He doesn’t have to.” Wanda says. Natasha smiles, dragging Tommy with her as she moved towards her friend. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
You scoff, standing up to leave the room. Without regrading either woman, you do leave, slamming the door behind you. “She was very upset. Swore whatever happened to me was her fault, I think what just happened made her a little more upset.” Natasha sighs, simply agreeing with a nod.
“I didn’t mean to make her upset.” A small voice says, making Wanda smile. He still sounded the same. She didn’t know why she would think he’d sound different.
“It’s okay, your mom just needs to be alone.”
Wanda was right about you being upset.
It was a little bit irrational, and Natasha didn’t think Tommy deserved to be iced out due to circumstance. You had let it go, but when you got home, laid them down.
You began to pace, but pause a picture catches your eye. It was you and Wanda taken by Tony, who was in a weird artistic phase. You were somewhere near a lake, she was 4 months pregnant. You remember that weekend like it was yesterday. God, you missed you her so bad.
You were livid that you allowed this to happen, and in turn went downstairs and drank. You swore to Wanda you wouldn’t, but you kept the alcohol hidden in case you needed it.
“I thought you quit.” You jumped, glaring at Natasha. “Jesus Christ, Nat! Why do you do that?”
The redhead shrugs with a smirk. “You need me, Y/NN.” She walks over to you, grabbing the bottle. “Get rest. And maybe don’t be so upset with Tommy tomorrow, he may be a kid, but he has feelings too.”
“Hmm.” You brush past her, not walking to your room upstairs, but over to your living room couch.
@nikkinss @justyourwritter69 @lizlil @reddishmei @marvelogic @an-evergreen-rose @lattayhottay16 @mymommawanda