Wednesday Fandom - Tumblr Posts

The Little Death - Coming Soon - 13 Oct 23

Coming soon, a Wednesday two part birthday fic written by @ozmathegreatand and myself (@secretsofthemourning) It will be released this Friday the 13th, (13 Oct 23) in honor of our favorite goth anti-hero's birthday.

For now here is a mood board to tide you over and let it fester in your mind until you get to read.

The Little Death - Coming Soon - 13 Oct 23

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secretsofthemourning - GoodMourningCoffee
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

The Little Death (La Petit Mort) is officially live! Thank you to @ozmathegreatand for doing this collab with me. This was a huge honor to be part of this process and to combine our Wednesday Birthday Bang in the same universe.

The Little Death was written by @ozmathegreatand and La Petit Mort was written by @secretsofthemourning. The Little Death is rated T and La Petit Mort is rated E for all those who like to be cognizant of content before diving in!

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The Wenvier scene in jail is a 10/10 scene.

First, when Xavier sees Wednesday he doesn’t even look angry, he just looks defeated and hurt and things only change when he asks her how does she know Tyler is the Hyde and Wednesday (like a freaking idiot!!!) tells him that she saw it in a vision when he kissed her. Xavier looks even more hurt by the confession but he gets mad when Wednesday asks for his help.

That’s when things truly break between them.

He can’t believe she has the nerve to ask for his help NOW when he spent so much time trying to help her and being her friend and the only thing he got was rejection over and over again.

He screams “you ruined my life”, “I tried being your friend, look where that got me” and Wednesday who is very emotionally constipated and struggles with social cues tells him “This isn’t about us, Xavier!”, cause for her it isn’t! 1) she is very much focused on the case and getting revenge and 2) she hasn’t registered her actions yet, not really.

When Xavier screams “No, it’s about you!” that’s when it starts to sink in.

“You are toxic!”, “Everytime you get involved people get hurt!” These words get to her, she’s hurt! but being Wednesday she pushes everything down and tries again, she shows Xavier the drawing hoping to spark something in him, but for the first time he’s not buying it. He’s done with her and her behavior.

And for the first time he’s the one to truly reject her. She has a taste of her own medicine.

“That can’t happen if you are not there.” “Leave!” and she’s prideful and stubborn, but his words sting and hit the target. And we see that when we see Wednesday pack all of her stuff and tell Enid, “Xavier is right, this can’t happen if I’m not here.”

She cares about what he thinks of her, she doesn’t want Xavier to think she’s toxic, it’s probably the first time it sinks in for her that she cares about him on a conscious level.

She spends the entire season seeking him out, obsessing over his actions, but not once she realizes what it means, not fully. Finding out that she has trusted the wrong people just like Xavier said she did, being openly rejected by him, puts everything in a different perspective for her.

The first thing she does with that knowledge is putting herself in front of him to save his life.

I just love them very much.

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7 months ago

Find your 3 oldest WIPS. Then list for each:

The inspiration- Why it's still a WIP- Will you finish- Why or why not-

Try not to mean to yourself!

@sailoreuterpe, I'm sorry it took me almost a week to answer this. I need to get on Tumblr more often, but here we go!

My Three Oldest WIPs:

Oldest WIP: Untitled Bob's Burger's Fic -

Inspo: I began this fic in April 2020 after I finished "Here's To Belcher Growing Up." It's intended to be a multichapter fic in the same vein as "Here's To Belcher Growing Up," it's unrelated but my enjoyment of writing the previous fic was the inspiration, as they were quite similar.

Why: It's been sitting in a forgotten Google Docs for over 4 years nearly completely forgotten about, mostly because I use Word now. I should convert the Google Doc to Word while I'm thinking about it, actually...

Will It Be Finished: Yes!

Second Oldest WIP: Untitled Yuri!!! On Ice AU

Why: I've cherished the idea of finishing this fic! I thought this one would have been done over three years ago. The outline will probably be undergoing major changes since I've also changed as a writer, but I love this fandom and adore writing stories for it.

Slightly Newer Wip: Untitled Yuri!!! On Ice AU

Inspo: The costumes the characters wear in the anime.

Why: This one, too, has been forgotten in a Google Docs folder since early 2022 and I need to convert it to a Word doc, so I can work on it in a place I can see. I'm also secretly worried I won't be able to capture the personalities of the characters accurately and its caused some writer's block.

Will It Be Finished: God I Hope So! (Yes?)

Third Oldest WIP: "Blood Is Thicker Than Water"

Inspo: Ending of Wednesday (2022) season 1.

Why: I wanted to write what I thought season 2 would look like. Or what I thought would have happened in the events immediately following the end of the show and some of the events from the end of the season that weren't covered.

Will It Be Finished: No. As of right now, I do not plan on it. I have even orphaned this story, actually, as I don't like having unfinished works associated with my AO3 account.

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Sometimes Wednesday Gets A Little Overzealous And Enid Is All For It.

Sometimes Wednesday gets a little overzealous and Enid is all for it.

#wednesdayandenid #Enidsinclair #fanart #wednesdayadams #Wednesday #sketch #wlwart #lgbtq #wednesdaynetflix #wenclairfanart #wednesdayfanart

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