Wednesday And Enid - Tumblr Posts

Im Sorry But THIS Is One Of My Favorite Scenes To Hyperfixate On. Why Doesnt Anyone Talk About This?

I’m sorry but THIS is one of my favorite scenes to hyperfixate on. Why doesn’t anyone talk about this? Wednesday follows Enid without a single word. Did Enid say “come with me” no, her girlfriend is simply on a leash. She follows after Enid immediately as she starts to leave without prompting because they’re GIRLFRIENDS case closed, its all the proof I needed

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Enid: Wanna watch Scream 6?

Wednesday: No, I’m done watching Scream.

Enid: Why’s that?

Wednesday: I’ve been told my constant desire to relate to fictional serial killers isn’t appropriate for my environment.

Enid: You relate to Ghostface?!

Wednesday: Well, in all honesty, when Tara said she was into ELEVATED horror, I thought they didn’t quite stab her enough for that. Only seven stab wounds for saying you’re favorite horror movie is The Babadook? She should have died then and there.

Enid: Let’s skip the movie, living with you is horrifying enough.

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Enid: *speechless*

Wednesday: *silent, looking at Enid*

Ajax: *stupidly hopeful*

Thing: *waiting impatiently*

Xavier: *just there for some reason*

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Wednesday:*crawls through the window at 3 a.m*

Enid: *flicks on the light* Where the hell have you been?

Wednesday: With Eugene…

Enid: *points to the other side of the room*

Eugene: Try again.

Wednesday: uhm. Bianca?

Enid: *shakes her head*

Bianca: *walk out of the bathroom* Nice try.

Enid: Now, where have you been?

Wednesday: *sighs* I went blood hunting with Yoko again.

Enid: *keeps her eyes on Wednesday* Thank Eugene and Bianca, but I got it from here.

*They walk out of the room*

Wednesday: Am I in trouble?

Enid: Take a guess.

Wednesday: No?

Enid: Take another guess.

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Yoko: soooo what y'all wanna do

Enid and Divina: IDK

Wednesday: Enid

Enid: WILLA!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!

Wednesday: WHAT! She said what do you want to do, I want to do you so I responded accordingly

Yoko: Damn girl, you could have at least whispered it

Wednesday: why whisper when I have nothing to hide, in fact, I want to rub it in ajax's face that I slept with his girlfriend before he did, on a side note, Enid isn't interested in you, cause she's gay.

Divina: I need to introduce you to more of the internet.

Everyone: YOU DID WHAT!!!

Divina: oh yeah guess we never told you guys

Wednesday: when you and yoko have sleepovers mi lopa, I was pestered and annoyed enough times to be begrudgingly get kidnapped to divinas dorm where with the manipulation she used, which was basically just saying imagine how happy Enid would be. She managed to get me to look through her social media and explore tech like Vr, Video game consoles, Mp3 and 4 players, more modern forms of guns more efficient ways to spread deadly neurotoxin, Along with modern torture devices, and even some cars.

Enid: and she did all of this by using me as a way to manipulate you into doing all that

Wednesday: Yes

Enid: Yeah...we probably need to work on how easily convinced you are to do things if I'm in anyway mentioned cause some day someone's going to 100% use that against you.

Divina: if it's any consolation Enid I was as surprised as you are now, way back when I realized how easy it was lol

Yoko: I'm gonna so get her into coding

Divina: yoko dear pls don't she'll probably just become a god with that type of power

Enid: She's already as hot as one.

Yoko & Divina: WHAT

Enid: WHAT! Who said that, WOW! would ya look at the time gottagonowbye!

Yoko: Soooo What Y'all Wanna Do

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So I'm debating on whether or not to create a Wednesday Addams Werecat AU

Don't know if I will but I got to let the world know that if Wednesday had a were-form it would be a cat. don't think that needs an explanation but can we all agree that it would look like a gigantic black house cat. Something like this

(also totally not playing with Wolf Enid Lol)

So I'm Debating On Whether Or Not To Create A Wednesday Addams Werecat AU

I may also try to make this a multi chapter AU if I do it because it is criminal how little I see Werecat Wednesday On Tumblr fics and Ao3 (there's 1 and 2 that are WA x Werecat!reader 🤮)

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Follow @itsrealdonttellmeitisnt cause this is a continuation/Spin-Off (IDK really know TBH) of a really good fic of theirs


Wednesday: yes?

Yoko: have you and Enid had sex.

Wednesday who has no Shame: yeah...? And?!?!?


Follow @itsrealdonttellmeitisnt Cause This Is A Continuation/Spin-Off (IDK Really Know TBH) Of A Really

Wednesday: and!?!?!

Yoko: I'm kinda surprised, I mean I knew you did but IDK I accepted some sort of denial from you just like Enid

Wednesday: Tankia, even you should know at this point, that I have zero filter because I have ran out of patience for anyone's and everyone's bullshit

Yoko: fair enough

Wednesday: also Enid and I have been dating for 5 years, have f'd 69 times and have gotten high together 420 times each year since the 2nd year of our relationship.

we know that you and divina have been dating since I got here have maked out over 600 times, as well as the fact that Ajax and Xavier are both virgins.

People I consider my friends include, you, Eugene, And Bianca.

I have 1 best friend and it's your girlfriend, divina. Not to mention my soulmate and lover being Enid Sinclair.

I'm starting to like some forms of technology like Video Game Consoles, especially Vr.

Not to mention the fact that I have social media accounts my @ being @/Wenclair on all of them.

Yoko kinda scared: Why are you telling me this? Am I about to die, cause, IDK what I even did!

Wednesday: first off your not gonna die, second off because I want to fuck with you

Yoko: wait why???

Wednesday: ask yourself young vampire why would anyone believe you if you told them this, people don't exactly think we get along ya know.

Yoko: 👁️👄👁️

Wednesday: and as long as I deny it, which I will, you'll have to live with the fact that I out played you for you trick people you like causing chaos but I've done something better, I've tricked you and pranked you not by lying but by telling you the truth, a truth that no one will believe, the only people who will and do believe are me and you old friend...

...Toodles Yoko.

Yoko later that night:

Follow @itsrealdonttellmeitisnt Cause This Is A Continuation/Spin-Off (IDK Really Know TBH) Of A Really

Original work 👇

Follow @itsrealdonttellmeitisnt Cause This Is A Continuation/Spin-Off (IDK Really Know TBH) Of A Really

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Sometimes Wednesday Gets A Little Overzealous And Enid Is All For It.

Sometimes Wednesday gets a little overzealous and Enid is all for it.

#wednesdayandenid #Enidsinclair #fanart #wednesdayadams #Wednesday #sketch #wlwart #lgbtq #wednesdaynetflix #wenclairfanart #wednesdayfanart

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2 years ago

Enid: if me and Tyler were drowning who would you save?

Wednesday: you idiots can't swim?

Enid: it's hypothetical! Who would you save?

Wednesday: my time and effort

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2 years ago

Wednesday: do not come over to my house. If it's on fire, crumbling or in a general state of disintegration, you may knock once. If I do not respond assume that it was caused by me and I wish to die in peace.

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Wednesday: is something burning?

Enid: just my desire for you

Wednesday: Enid our house is on fire

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Enid: Wednesday did you kill this person

Wednesday: no they died of natural causes

Enid: they bled out because you stabbed them with a knife

Wednesday: well if you stab someone of course they bleed out its natural

Wednesday: unnatural if they'd survived honestly

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