Weight Gain Fantasy - Tumblr Posts
Thinking about buying an entire quart of heavy cream every day at my local grocery store. How long until the employees notice me jiggling more and more every time I check out with my daily cream (and cart full of fattening snacks)? How long until I can't squeeze out the front door and need to start getting it delivered 🥵
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #1
One of the weight gain scenarios that's been playing out in my imagination lately is in the realm of "relationship weight gain." It goes like this: I'm in a long-term romantic relationship with a girl, and we've reached the point in our relationship where it's time to meet her family. For some reason I imagine her family lives somewhere in the north-central USA, e.g. Michigan, Wisconsin or Minnesota, like a place fhat gets super cold in the winter. We arrive at her family's home and I meet everyone. I learn that she has, like, five elder brothers who are very protective of their baby sister, and they're all big, strong, fat guys. The youngest brother is the runt, but he's still much fatter than me. Each brother moving up the line is progressively fatter, until I reach the eldest, who's massive. And then I finally meet her father, and he's this gargantuan burly guy with a salt & pepper beard and a baseball cap. We chat for a while, and then my girlfriend goes to the kitchen to help her mother with the meal. That's when the girl's father takes me in close to give me The Talk. He says, "Look, you seem like a nice fella, but if you have any intentions of taking my daughter's hand, you're gonna need to beef up, son. You see her brothers? This family prides itself on the size of our men and their appetites. If you want to be part of this family, you're gonna have to get busy and put some more meat on those bones." I had been thinking that maybe this girl was the one, but k wasn't expecting this! I think about how I can possibly pack on enough weight to be accepted as proper husband material for my girlfriend and her big family. But her youngest brother easily has at least fifty pounds on me. This is gonna be tough. I debate whether or not to talk to my girlfriend about this. On the one hand, maybe she could help me pack on the weight. But on the other hand, are we - am I - ready to make this sort of commitment? I think it's possible that either me or someone else might flesh this out into an actual story. But at this phase, it's just a fantasy...
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #2
I've been reading some weight gain stories again lately, and a couple of them play out a scenario that I really get turned on by. The scenario involves a slim male rookie who's just starting a new job in some blue collar trade (e.g. construction, mechanics, machinery, etc) and how he eventually gains weight. He's placed under the supervision of a more seasoned and much fatter employee who's been with the company a bit longer and looked just as slim as the new rookie when it was his firsf day on the job. During the course of them working together, the rookie learns the trade, but his heavy set mentor's eating habits rub off on him (either accidentally just from being around him for a while or from specific dietary advice given by the mentor). The rookie begins to eat more, and of course he starts growing bigger. He doesn't seem to notice or mind that his pants are getting tighter or that his shirt is beginning to ride up his stomach. And the mentor only encourages him or enables his growth to continue. Soon, the rookie is nearing the size of his mentor. A sequel to this might be that another new guy comes on the team, is placed under the former rookie's supervision, and the same effect on the new guy's waistline happens all over again...
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #3
I wanna write/commission someone to write a story revolving around a foodie festival. I’ve never actually been to a festival that revolved around food, so what’s in my imagination right now about what that’s like is based on my experience of generic festivals, and just focusing the plot around the food that’s there.
The preface to this story is that the central character (i.e. myself) and his (male) buddy used to hang out and go to festivals in the city they lived in. And their favorite activity to do at these festivals was to sample all the food... in hearty amounts. This naturally led to them both gaining a fair amount of excess weight. For whatever reason, they take different paths in life and lose touch for a few years.
Now, where our story sets out from there is that the central character is now in a relationship with a girl. She’s a good cook. (At this point, I am undecided which direction I want to take the plot, because either option sounds really enticing to me). Option A: The girlfriend is indeed a great cook! And the central character enjoys her cooking so much that his weight continues to climb steadily. They also enjoy attending festivals in the city, and the girlfriend helps to “encourage” the central character to indulge at these festivals. The central character reunites with his old buddy. His buddy did not continue his former habit of indulging in good-tasting food. He instead has lost quite a bit of weight. But their reunion reignites his passion for great food, and spending time again with the central character and his girlfriend eventually leads him to gain weight all over again. So it’s a classic case of mutual gaining between two friends.
Option B: The girlfriend is a great cook, but she has been concerned about the central character’s former eating habits. So since they started dating, she has been careful to encourage her boyfriend to eat healthier and get plenty of exercise. The central character loses his excess weight as a result of his girlfriend’s healthy lifestyle. But then his old buddy comes back into his life. And the old buddy has taken the opposite path. He has instead continued to indulge and grow fatter. He persuades the central character to resume their former hobby of attending festivals and indulging in all the food that was available there. This results in the central character reverting back to his former ways and gaining weight back again.
Both options involve a triangle between the central character (me), his girlfriend, and his old friend. And both involve the two male characters gaining weight together. I guess the only difference is whether the girlfriend is supportive in the weight gain of both men or not, like who the main driving force is behind it. But I would be delighted to see how this scenario might play out in writing, or even if I had the opportunity to do it in real life. It’d be fun!
I need an enabler.../Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #4
I'm a casual gainer. I don't like stuffing and I don't need a feeder. I prefer to feed my own self. But I would love it if you wanted to enable me to grow fatter! Picture the scenario where you and I are co-workers at the same workplace. Whenever it's lunch break, you're always like, "Let's go to this restaurant/fast-food joint for lunch!" And it's inevitably its a restaurant thats got a lot of fattening foods on the menu. I order something simple, and you're always like, "Are you sure that's gonna fill you up enough, big guy?" Thereby causing me to doubt if it will, so I order something extra, e.g. a dessert or a chocolate milkshake or something. We get our orders and find a booth to sit at. After a while of eating, you decide you're somehow full, even though you've barely touched your food. You ask me whether I'll finish it for you, and the answer is always yes. So by the end, I have to lossen my belt a notch or two. We leave that place, and then swing by a coffee shop on the way back to work. I order a large coffee with a ton of creamer, you order your coffee and a dozen assorted donuts for the rest of the office. You take a couple of the most fattening ones and say, "These are for you, big fella!" I take them without arguing, eating one in the car on our way back. This goes on every day for a month, and I eventually come to a point where my pants no longer fit like they used to. But I'm okay with that...
My Feeder/Enabler Side (Fantasy)
Me: How was the food?
Oblivious Male Roommate: *clutching full stomach* Unf, it was amazing! I'd better be careful though! I tell you, if I keep eating like this, you're gonna make me fat!
Me: *slightly nervous laughter*
Me: *thinking* Lol, yeah... that's kinda the idea...
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #5
If you ask me to bring you something to eat, I'll purposely give you more than you can eat so you can give me your leftovers. I'll eat both my helping and your leftovers. I'll demonstrate my love for you by my hearty appetite and slowly expanding stomach...
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #6?
You know what I wish for? I wish that every man would come to a point in his life when he’s okay with getting fatter and accepts it as part of his life, [EDIT (7/9): In fact he gets some belly pride], and then “inadvertently” pack on, like, 30-50 lbs...
Blueberry season is starting at the farm i work at. The boss doesn't mind if we eat them off the bushes, but once they're packaged, they're off limits. I cant help but fantasize about blueberry inflation caused by eating too many blueberries. Which is odd, cuz blueberry inflations isn't necessarily one of my top Feedism kinks...
I recently visited a storage facility where most of the employees were men, and it seemed like each one that passed by was fat. It got me wondering if being fat was a qualification for the job, or if they arrived slim and the weight gain was a side effect of the job. Maybe a little bit of both? I fantasized about what it might be like if I worked there. My body would gradually expand due to a habit of getting fast food all the time. But I'd also be really strong from lifting and carrying stuff around. Would my co-workers egg me on to "join the club" and get fatter like every other employee has that's worked here? Maybe we'd have monthly potluck lunches where everyone brought something to contribute and we all show off our big appetites...
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #8
I enjoy the hypnosis/mind control trope in gainer stories a lot. It seems to me, though, that I’ve only ever seen stories like that where the person gaining the weight (the “feedee”) is the one getting hypnotized. What about a story in which someone gets hypnotized to be a “feeder”? Like, picture this: the gainer character has a family member or friend (e.g. father, roommate, jock friend) who is constantly nagging them about their weight and how they should eat less, etc. What if the nagger gets hypnotized so they unknowingly become the gainer’s feeder. When they’re “awake” they’re their usual selves, but utter a trigger word and they fall under a trance which turns them into a feeder. They end up enabling the gainer’s weight gain aspirations without knowing they’re doing it!
This is, admittedly, pretty dark and fucked up to do in real life, but write wg lit about it, yeah!
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #9
Another relationship weight gain fantasy: A F/M couple gets married, and one of the wedding gifts is a “fertility blanket” that supposedly has powers to increase the couple’s chances of having children. It has been passed down the female partner’s line from mother to daughter for generations. But it has a side effect, whereby the father of the child consistently experiences a sort of Couvade syndrome during the pregnancy and packs on weight, which may or may not be permanent.
In my own imagination, the male partner doesn’t know the lore behind the fertility blanket, but the female partner does. Soon after they consummate the marriage bed, the female partner finds out she’s expecting. As the pregnancy progresses, the female partner begins to notice a change in her male partner. He seems to experience symptoms similar to her own pregnancy symptoms, including the cravings, back pain, morning sickness, etc. He’s snacking a lot more and taking extra helpings at mealtimes. As it goes on, she notices he’s gaining weight at an ever-increasing rate. Meanwhile, he appears totally oblivious to any change in his habits or his body. The female finds her partner’s weight gain attractive and allows it to continue until the baby arrives.
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #10
Here it is: A guy is getting married to the love of his life, who's a female feeder/fat admirer. And over the course of their relationship, he's realized he's into feedism. So the groom and his groomsmen decide that they're all gonna gain weight together for the wedding and see who gets the fattest. Sort of a stag ritual/male bonding experience. They all go to the tailors to get they're initial fitting, knowing full well that they're going to have to have their tuxes adjusted again before the wedding. And just for fun, they ask the tailor to increase their measurements by several inches. Each guy decides how much he wants the tailor to add based on how much weight he expects he can gain. Except the groom. The amount of extra inches that the tailor will add to his measurements is decided by his bride-to-be, his feedress. As a sort of goal to reach.
The groom's entourage is made up of guys of varying sizes. Some of them are skinny, some muscular, some bulky. During the competition, they keep track of their own progress and that of their fellows. Especially the groom. They are all competing to see who can gain the most weight, but they also have to make sure that the groom hits his goal weight.
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #11
It amazes me sometimes how such mundane things can sometimes trigger feedism-related fantasies for me. This afternoon, I was pouring myself a cup of coffee, when my imagination caused me to think about beverage-induced weight gain expansion. Like, a magical mug that caused the drinker to slowly grow fatter the more they drank it. I even picture a group of guys partaking in a drinking game where they pass around one large, magical pitcher of, say, beer:
The first guy takes a swig. His shirt starts riding up and the underside of his belly peeks out at the bottom. Then he passes it to the next guy.
When this guy drinks, his cheeks grow ever so slightly fuller. When he brings the pitcher down, the hint of a double chin shows on his grinning face. He passes the pitcher along.
The third guy starts drinking, and the button on his jeans strains and then finally pops off, flying across the room and landing on the floor.
The next guy steps up to take his turn. He grips the pitcher in his hand and starts chugging. His thighs start to fill out and the fabric of his jeans starts to stretch. His legs begin to look like sausages.
Each guy in the circle has his turn, and each guy's body grows larger by the magical beer. When all the guys have drank once, they begin again and go down the line for a second round. Then a third. Then a fourth. By this point, some of the guys are feeling the effect of the alcohol. Some drop out, unable to continue drinking or continue growing. The guys who remain continue to drink, and each drink fattens them up even more. A little while later, there's only two guys left drinking. And due to the magical effect of the beer, they're both utterly massive. They pass the pitcher back and forth, until finally one puts up his pudgy hand to indicate he's had enough. The last guy standing takes a final victory swig. His body groans from the pressure and he inflates. Then he falls backwards onto his much broader ass and passes out on the floor, joining the rest of the porky bunch sleeping off their drunken stupors.
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #12
I love the idea of being part of a group of guys who all gain weight collectively. So, my class reunion is coming up. I know I'm probably fatter now than I was in high school. Imagine if I attend the class reunion only to find that I'm not the only one who's blown up in the past ten years. In fact, looking around the room, I see that each and every guy in attendance has filled out, gotten a dad-bod, gone up a few pants sizes, since high school. And the reunion venue is at a nice restaurant with a buffet. Each man in attendance takes TWO plates piled high with buffet food back to his seat. Several of the guys even go up for seconds, thirds, fourths! And the best part of it all: None of the guys seem ashamed of it. It's just seen as a natural thing for us all to pig out.
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #13
I love the idea of guys just mysteriously growing fatter. Like, they have no idea how or why, but their jeans are suddenly hard to button. Same with their button-up shirts. When they put on a t-shirt, it only comes down to their belly button, and when they raise their arms to stretch, it rides up to their chest. Don't know what's going on, but suddenly, they're craving a mega-meat burrito from the Tex-Mex joint down the street. Maybe two? Oh, yeah, that hits the spot!
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #14
This is kinda inspired by the foreman at the farm. This is fictionalized.
I'd make a wish that the foreman would be constantly eating throughout the day. From the time that he arrives at the farm to the time he goes home, he always has some kind of snack or food in his hands. He'll never be caught without food in his hands.
He'd show up to work every morning with a thermos of coffee and a thick breakfast sandwich he brought from home: a bagel with sausage, egg and cheese on it. While the boss was going over the day's agenda, he'd slowly eat his way through that sandwich, taking occasional sips of coffee to wash it down with.
We coworkers would take turns each week to buy donuts for everybody. And after the morning meeting, I'd catch the foreman grabbing one or two of them on his way out to start up the tractor. While we are in the fields, I occasionally look back and see him sitting on the tractor, eating his donut and sipping his coffee. When he finished the donut, he has his lunchbox handy by on the tractor with him, so he can reach behind him and take out one of the snacks he brought from home. It might be a chocolate chip cookie, or a few Oreos, a swiss roll, nutty buddy, granola bar, etc. And each time he finished one snack, he'd reach in again and take out another and just munch on that. And then another one. And another one. Then when he's done in that field, he'd drive back over to the main building and grab another donut or two. I would come back to the office a little later and find him just finishing up his fourth or fifth donut for the day.
Lunch break would roll around then. He brought a lunch from home, just a turkey & cheese sandwich and some potato chips. But he would also drive off in his pickup into town where he'd stop by the local fast-food joint and grab a burger, fries and a large chocolate milkshake and bring that back to the farm and eat it all at the staff table. He'd work steadily on that feast, with no sign of slowing down. Just a constant rhythm of chewing.
When he gets up from the table, he goes and grabs his lunchbox again and heads to the greenhouse. While he was in town, he restocked his snack supply, so that lunchbox is packed full again of all sorts of sweet and savory treats. While he's laying dripline in the greenhouse, he's taking bites out of a Snickers bar. He has his lunchbox fastened to his belt loop with a carabiner and some rope. So as soon as he finishes that Snickers bar, he immediately reaches into the box and pulls out another snack. This time it's a party-sized bag of peanut butter M&M's. He leaves the lunchbox open and sets the whole bag in it, and as he's going along, he reaches into the bag to pull out a handful of M&M's to pour down his gullet.
By the end of the day, his snack stash is all gone. So before he leaves for the day, he takes whatever left of the donuts and gets into his pickup. I can see him driving down the road with one hand on the wheel and the other gripping a donut. His mouth is smeared with sugary glaze.
So, this goes on for a few weeks. As weeks turn into months, the effect all this grazing is having on his waistline is evident. What was once a small starter gut has now grown to a respectable ball gut. His stomach, moobs, and love handles all bulge out under his t-shirt, making it look uncomfortably tight. His jeans look like they were painted on now. His thighs have filled out more and now look like stuffed sausages encased in denim. But he still lumbers around, still is always found with something in his hands to munch on.
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #15
Now that I'm a bit older and my feedist lit palate has (hopefully) matured a bit, I feel like I'd love to read (write?!) a weight gain story about some guy who gets a job as either a food writer or a professional chef. Somewhere in the culinary industry. And they, like, need to sample something like... 100 Mexican restaurants in order to fully appreciate the underlying complexity of, say, the taco. So they spend weeks, months even, tasting different tacos from different restaurants, and by the end of it, their clothes are fitting a whole lot tighter on them than when they started. And the story would also include, like, very specific details about techniques, ingredients, their sources, flavors, etc.
EDIT (11/28): I guess all I'm saying is, Yes, describing the way that the character's body is changing and growing is great imagery. But also, could we also include vivid descriptions of how food is being prepared, cooked, presented, etc. The colors that are there. The aroma of the ingredients cooking on the heat. How you can taste each component in the symphony of the dish. That's what I'd love to read...