WHY IS HE SO CUTE - Tumblr Posts


beautiful ♡
v <3
DUDE. Real talk. We need some sort of Valentine's Day episode. We got two Halloween episodes already. That guy's going to confess his love to Pim already...... Or Allan. Whoever idk 😂

I drew him holding chocolate heart cuz i like him

A - Z with Yoongi
S: Smile
[cr. in the soop: qdeoks]


In seriousness, I’m glad you asked that question.

💫 Con ...i'm 🎼🎶 in the ☔️...
Source: azaleao_o -> Insta...🙏🏼 for sharing 🌺

🌟Head empty. Only upset Venti remain🌟
Venti imagines :

I’m sorry if there is some grammatical errors or sentences, please tell me if you saw some errors .
I’m a drawer not a writer🤧
Ok ok but imagine :
You are just taking a stroll around Mondstat streets with venti by your side and discussing with him, it just happened that your blabbering topic is about anything and everything but HIM,
Don’t get him wrong he likes loves the look on your pink flushed face but you’re just talking about others mens and/or womens ?? WHEN HE’S BY YOUR SIDE ??
Hell no, he can’t allow this. The lil man getting all jealous and it shows on his face ; when the crook of his smile slowly faint or when his eyebrows frowns and by the time you finally end your endless rambling about others, you are welcomed with the face of a pouting adorbale lil shit.
his thoughts were : « What if i’m not good enough or they think i am boring ?! »
« Is this their grace divine punishment ?? of course it is they must be bored with- »
suddenly feels something grabbing his face ?? And its their grace fangirling and letting compliments and kisses plus worries about why he is upset slipping out of their mouth.
The anemo archon wasn’t ready for such violent love but it doesn’t mean he is complaining ! The man ego is boosting, worries already forgotten. What if he’s smaller and less muscular than others ? I get to be kissed by the ALL CREATOR, THE PARENT OF ALL ! He will be bragging about this in his songs and really everyone he passes lmao the tavern will be especially noisy the next days.
photos references and drawing without shade :

this is so insanely adorable
Commander Peepers: ...............*laughs loudly*
Marvin the Martian: 😑🤦🏿♂️
Commander Peepers: *keeps laughing * Hahahahahahahaha.... Oh I can't take it anymore, ha-ha!... And this is your plan to seize the Earth!?...
Marvin the Martian: *mumbles nervously* Shut up already....
Commander Peepers: Hahahahahahaha...hah... ha.......... Okay.

hi love
Vienna 11/04/22

marry you

Word count: 2.2k
Summary: Komaeda meets his beloved spouse after his luck finally gives him one thing.

Komaeda doesn't have many memories from his childhood.
Not many, but he has a single one he's never forgotten. He has a finished green ring pop that he carries on him at all times, and he has a photo that reminds him of the event in his wallet that he guards with his life.
Komaeda remembers it quite vividly.
The sun shone brightly, and the flowers in his backyard were a nice, bright color compared to how they were in the rest of his memories.
Nagito Komaeda remembers that moment with his whole heart.
Under the burning sun of June, Nagito Komaeda had gotten married to you as a seven-year-old.
It's hard to forget one's first love.
"Nagi!!" You beam, running at the boy. "Let's get married!"
"H-huh?" Komaeda's eyes widen at you, and you grin at him.
"I heard that's what people do if they're in love!"
"B-but we're not old enough!"
"But you love me, right?"
"Y-yeah?" Komaeda tilts his head in confusion.
"I love you too! So let's get married!" You grin. You're missing a tooth because you just lost one, but Komaeda thinks you look really pretty under the sun. A child doesn't know the word ethereal, but Komaeda would've called you that if he had known. "I'm wearing the whitest clothes I have today, just for this moment!"
Komaeda blinks.
"I don't have a ring," He pouts.
"Do you have money?"
"Yeah," he stares at you.
"Let's go get ring pops!!" You pull him from the grass, and he stumbles after you. The sun burns his skin lightly. He's always been prone to sunburns, but he doesn't seem to mind as you're racing down the neighborhood to get to the convenience store.
Komaeda sits on the parking block as you rush inside with his money, and he pouts. He chases after you, whining about how since he was richer he should pay.
"Nuh uh! I brought money too!"
"But I have more money than you!" He pouts. "Also, as a gift. I didn't get to buy you your wedding outfit."
You yelp as Komaeda takes your silence as an answer and runs off with the two rings. He pays for them quickly, rushing the cashier with a pout on his face as you rush to grab him. He grins as the cashier hands him the receipt with a laugh, and you pout.
"No takebacks!" He blows a raspberry at you, and he grins. "I bought your ring, hah!"
You frown, and his expression softens at your discomfort.
"I'm sorry," He mumbles. "But I wanted to pay."
"It's alright," You mumble, reaching for his hand. "Who's the ring bearer? Ring.. ring boy."
"Can Hope do it?"
"Yeah," You mumble back, following Komaeda. A part of him wants to rip open the candy and eat it, but he thinks it'll be gone by the time the two of you are done with the wedding.
Komaeda remembers the way you had jumped up and down while explaining to his parents what the two of you were going to do. Your parents had laughed, and Komaeda's parents had ruffled your hair affectionately. They would help officiate the wedding.
Komaeda remembers how his mom and your mom had pushed you into a room to help you get ready, and he remembers how his dad with yours had dragged him to the backyard to pick flowers for you. Komaeda remembers how hard he was sweating when he finished making the bouquet for you. It was so pretty. Komaeda had done his best to give you the prettiest bouquet.
You looked pretty when you stepped out of the room. You had your mom put lipstick on your, as a child asks, and you had grinned at Komaeda affectionately. He remembers how you looked while walking down the aisle. Well, it wasn't an aisle. It was the garden pathway that Komaeda had deemed as the prettiest while you were getting ready.
You wore white, as one does on their wedding, and Komaeda had changed into his best outfit. He remembers how Hope, only a puppy at the time, had dropped the rings in their packaging twice, and he remembers his dad helping the puppy take then to him. He remembers the way you ran down the garden pathway, a smile so bright it put the sun to shame on your face as you stopped next to him.
"Do you, Komaeda Nagito, take Y/n L/n as your lawfully wedded spouse?" Komaeda's dad does a dramatic wave of his arm at you.
"I do!" Komaeda remembers that his cheeks hurt from how hard he smiled.
"Do you, Y/n L/n, take Komaeda Nagito as your darling husband?" His dad does the same to Komaeda.
"Yes!" You jump excitedly. "I do!!"
"Please exchange your rings!" Komaeda's dad laughs heartily as the two of you rip open the package to slip on eachothers' ring fingers. Komaeda struggles a little because yours won't fit, and neither does his, but the two of you make it work. The ring is too big for the both of you; you guys have to hold it on, and Komaeda's mom grins as she pulls out her camera.
"Baby, that's the wrong finger," Your mom lowers herself to your height, and she helps the two of you fix the ring placement. "This one," she slides the ring onto your ring finger. "That's the ring finger. The middle finger is for engagement."
"What's engagement?"
"It's like promising to marry someone," She smiles, adjusting Komaeda's ring. "But the two of you are married already, so it's the ring finger."
"Alright," You mumble, staring at the blue candy on your finger.
"I now pronounce the two of you married!" Komaeda's dad laughs as the two of you hug.
"Smile!" Komaeda's mom holds a camera up, and you press your lips to Komaeda's cheek.
Komaeda turns red, stumbling over his words as you grin at him.
"W-what was that for!"
"I heard you have to kiss at a wedding," You pout. "I saw it on TV."
"Does that mean I have to kiss you?" Komaeda mumbles, flushing impossible redder.
"Maybe," You shrug. "You don't need to-"
Komaeda presses his lips to your cheek in the second photo, and your eyes are widened in surprise. Komaeda remembers you smacking his chest lightly afterwards, whining about how he caught you off guard. He remembers how you had bit his ring pop in retaliation and how he got offended, so he bit yours. The two of you had finished your ring pops in his backyard on his swings, and the two of you had watched the sun set.
Komaeda's mom had printed out the photos she took for the two of you to keep as a memory.
He remembers you tucking his into his wallet and how you had tucked yours into your wallet.
"Now we match!" You lips and tongue were blue from the candy, but Komaeda didn't mind. You still looked really pretty.
"Now that we're married..." Komaeda trails, staring up from the grass. "What do married people do?"
"I don't know," You pause. "They kiss and have kids... and stuff."
"But we're still kids," Komaeda mumbles. "We can't have kids yet."
"Yeah," You pout. "But promise me that we'll talk about it when we're older!"
Komaeda intertwines his pinky with yours, and he mumbles to himself. "What if you cheat."
"I would never!" You gasp, sitting up. "I could never do that! Nagi, I love you!!! People who love each other don't cheat!"
"Alright," Komaeda sighs.
"You won't cheat either, right?" You mumble.
"Yeah," Komaeda grins. "I could never. I love you a whooooole lot!"
"How much?"
"Thiiiiiiiis," Komaeda waves his hands around. "Much!"
"Well," You mumble. "I love thiiiiis much too!" You mimic his wave, and Komaeda laughs.
"No I love you more than that!"
"Oh, yeah? Prove it!"
Komaeda wakes up to the sound of his alarm, dragging his limbs out of bed. Ah, how nostalgic. His luck had moved you away from him immediately after the two of you got 'married'. He misses you. A lot.
Komaeda stares at the clock on his bedstand, and he glances at his wallet and keychain. He had dug a hole through the ring to loop a chain through. It's carried around with him. The photo of the two of you is in his wallet, tucked behind a plastic covering to avoid getting ruined or wet.
The sun presses kisses to his face, and he washes up for the day. He brushes his teeth, eyes trailing to the necklace hung up. He dries his hands, and he clasps it around his neck. Tucking it gently behind his uniform collar, he grabs a slice of toast, and he heads to school for the day.
The sun burns his skin, but he supposes he'll be fine. He has sunscreen on, and he's sure he'll live. He doesn't get sunburnt as often anymore.
He wonders how his luck is going to affect him today.
Stopping at the vending machine for a drink, he opens his wallet. As he does, to glance at the photo, it starts raining. Komaeda panics at the sight of the photo getting wet, and Komaeda feels his heart shatter in his ears. Rushing to get under a roof, he tries drying the photo however he could. It gets worse, and Komaeda feels his stomach churn uncomfortably. He wants to cry.
The panic flooding his body makes him unaware of anything else going on around him, and he bites his bottom lip as he gives up on restoring the image. That was absolutely awful. Is his luck trying to kill him? Oh, god. No. He's praying something good happens today. By the way his luck was, it'd be strange for something good to actually happen.
The rain clears up, and Komaeda rushes to get to school.
He was held back; he didn't need to be late to class.
At the gate of the main course, Komaeda slips on a puddle and lands face-first into the cement. It hurts. He gets up onto his knees, and he rubs his nose. There's blood coming out. He grimaces, and he mumbles to himself. What an awful morning. Just how much did the universe hate him today? His luck was absolutely awful. What the hell?
A hand offers him a handkerchief.
"A-ah, no, it's alright," He smiles, looking up at them. "It'd be rude for me to dirty an ultimate's handkerchi..." His eyes widen at the sight of their face. "ef."
"Even if it's your spouse's?" You help him up, pressing the fabric to his nose, and you have him tilt his head forward to stop the nosebleed. Komaeda doesn't fight your movement, body relaxing at your touch. He missed you. Ah, he can feel tears forming in his eyes. "I'll take you to the nurse's office."
"A-ah," Komaeda panics. "It's fine!"
"I insist," You mumble. "I know how to stop one, but I need you to sit down."
Komaeda doesn't fight you as you lead him to the nurse's office. Mikan helps him out, and you lean on the wall as he gets treated.
"You're still injury prone, huh?" You laugh as Mikan excuses herself at the sound of the bell.
"We're late for class," Komaeda mumbles, getting up.
"I told Mikan to explain that we'd be late," You smile. "You can walk slowly."
Komaeda stares at you for the first time, taking your features in. You haven't changed a single bit. He stares at you, growing embarrassed with each passing second. You're so gorgeous. Hell. You look just as pretty as the day you left him. He wants to see you in white again. Can he propose again? Did you still have your ring base? Do you still have the photo? Wait. Shit. The photo.
Komaeda fishes out his wallet, checking to see if the photo had dried and was still in one piece.
It is not.
"Nagi?" The name rolls off your tongue naturally, and you slap your hands over your mouth. "Sorry. That came out naturally. I'm not sure if we're-"
"We're married," Komaeda swallows, face red. "You can call me whatever you want. Uh, my photo... got ruined. I'm sorry. You can smack me if you wan-"
You gasp. "You still have the ring!" Komaeda jumps in his skin, and he watches as you pull a necklace from under your uniform. "I have it too!"
Komaeda's throat goes dry at the sight of you with the necklace.
"Ah... I," He fishes out the necklace you bought him, and he pauses.
"You still have it!!" You gasp. "Nagi!!"
Komaeda catches you in his arms, and you peer up at him, eyes bright with life. "Let's get to class. We have to tell them we're married. It just makes sense to!"
As Komaeda gets dragged by you again, he can't but feeling he's at peace. Home is where you are.
"Can... I propose to you properly when we put it on paper in the government?"
You look back at him with a grin. "That's a given."
Komaeda could kiss you right now.