Wip The Crystal Of Ash - Tumblr Posts
‼️Clickbait Description Tag Game 😱😱👇👇 ‼️
Thank you for the tag, @the-golden-comet! And honestly shoutout to @the-letterbox-archives for creating this lovely tag! I love a good tag game and this one is super cool!
Rules: explain the plot/premise of your wip/s as if it were a clickbait (or just a regular one if you don't want to do clickbait) y Youtube video.
Supernova Initiative
Hot 25-year-old and his group of friends trespass on a secret government property, you will never guess what happened next! 😱😱😱😱
Scrapyard Boys
UNBELIEVABLE billionaire conspiracy scheme uncovered by HOMELESS TEENAGER - have they lied to us this whole time?
Crooked Fable
HELP, my crazy rich aunt tried to kill my boyfriend and tried to gaslight me into thinking she was right! 😓💀
Song of Thorns
Have they cracked the code to ETERNAL BEAUTY AND IMMORTALITY - follow these 10 easy, that absolutely not murderously bloody rituals, steps to do the same! (authentic advice from Royal Alchemist)
The Crystal of Ash (New)
Don't fall for those absurd lies! Top 10 reasons why you should absolutely trust the Triarchy with your life without question. Don't be ridiculous. Trust us.
+ Bonus: Young crook attempts to ASSASSINATE the reputation of BELOVED local benefactor. Are kids these days truly lost?
The Last Wrath
They invaded her home and she lost everything! You'll never believe what this 16-year-old did next! 😱😱😱
Enchanted Illusions
TEN MORE PEOPLE KILLED by mysterious killer, GOVERNMENT TURNS A BLIND EYE - what is it that they are hiding? 🙄
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
Four Lines/Snippets Writing Share Tag!
Thanks for the tag @the-golden-comet (here) and @topazadine (here)!
My Lines: A line about kindness, a line about work, a line about a relative, a line about an animal; A line about regret, a line about landscapes, a line about the future, a line about weather Your Lines: A line about unconditional love, a line about cruelty, a line about being lost, a line about cute stuff
I'll go with lines from Scrapyard Boys, Supernova Initiative, Crooked Fable, and The Crystal of Ash for this one!
Kindness (The Crystal of Ash)
"Why...Why are you freeing me?" The Sorcerer asked, distrust barely masked by the politeness in his voice, as he refused to budge from the floor, despite his wrists having been unchained.
Declan stammered, "Because what they're doing to you isn't right." He said, exasperated by having to state the obvious.
The Sorcerer's eyes - like tiny galaxies with thousands of stars - narrowed as he looked up, "But I'm a monster."
Declan opened his mouth to answer, but Aelia spoke first, and the kind understanding in her voice was honestly the most jarring thing about this whole situation. "We know. But even monsters deserve dignity."
Work (Scrapyard Boys, Adrien's POV)
"And so you work for me - that's the way this story goes. If I say jump, you say how high. If I tell you to do something, you do it. So, when I tell you to get back the fuck in there and stop wasting my time with these stupid excuses, you go back and spend another hour or two on that stripper pole." He said, and though Adrien glared at him, the young man knew very well there wasn't much of a second option. The mobster tilted his head, brows furrowing "Got it?”
Relative (Supernova Initiative, Flashback Chapter)
Through tears, the young nobleman looked up, stiffened in place as she carded her hand through his ice-white locks, the motion akin to that of someone soothing a wounded stray. Even in silence, Kye recognized the brief, barely noticeable glint of outrage behind his Dad’s eyes, mirroring his own, before it was quickly buried under a mask of pliancy. “...Of course, my love.”
Animal (Scrapyard Boys, Valen's POV)
The older man looked down at him, amused. "Hm." Jake stalked around the kneeling mutant, slowly, like a tiger ready to pounce, "That can be arranged. Eventually. But not until I get what I want."

Regret (The Crystal of Ash)
Nahrieh ran his hand over the smooth stone, tracing the detailed carvings on the temple wall, "I never should have left that island," He spoke, half-whispered, to no one in particular, as if to himself, "If I hadn't..." The Sorcerer's voice cracked with grief and a touch of anger, wondering, "Maybe... their fates would have been different. Kinder."
Landscapes (Supernova Initiative, Ch. 2)
At the moment, the three of them were making their way down a busy inner street in the center of the settlement, the perpetually dust-grey sky lit up by the neon lights of the myriad of shops, eateries, and clubs scattered around and into a maze of side streets.
Future (Scrapyard Boys)
"Good plan!" He exclaimed, practically giddy, "Man, I can't wait for us to find Adrien's place - then we'll convince him to let us buy all the ice cream we want!"
Weather (Supernova Initiative)
Artemis flips him off with a scowl, glaring at the sharp sleet storm in the wind outside, "You are just the same sorry candy-ass as you were all those years ago, and I don't know why the fuck Jack keeps you in the crew."
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @differentnighttale and OPEN TAG
OC Fun Facts Tag!
Thanks for tagging me, @thecomfywriter (here)!!!
Let's go with Aelia and Emrin from The Crystal of Ash, and Tarah & Kye from Supernova Initiative for this one!
Aelia 🍂
She is the daughter of a man who once was the most successful thief and the most wanted man on the continent across the sea. Once he amassed wealth to rival that of most, he changed his identity and moved to the main kingdom of the story, where he posed as a powerful merchant and became a very influential man. Thus, Aelia both has thief skills and knows upper-class etiquette - as she was raised in both environments.
She is a wild spirit at heart, spending most of her time sparring in the chateau's courtyard, riding horses, exploring the woods, studying secret magic, and trying to learn more about the other kingdom, where she was born.
She thinks that Declan is endearing, though at first when they met he used to be concerned, a bit creeped out by the fact that she could sneak like a spider anywhere without being noticed.
She has a flying cat (those creatures are called Gryphers in their world), who is just as much a menace to society as her, and who adores stealing tarts from the kitchen because he knows he'll get away with it.
She has shown some talent for magic, though hers is a bit foreign to the local scholars when compared to the usual magic in Callonor.
Emrin 🏹
Emrin is considered an aberration both by the humans of the continent and the Levaethia, the draconic elves from beyond the mountains because she is of half-human, half-Levaethia blood.
She was taken in by a young Levaethian outcast, who had been banished by his tribe for disagreeing with their people's Way - since he believed maintaining peace with those invading their land would only lead to their people's death. He was a leader of a rebel movement, and along with his friends - became like siblings to the young Emrin, who was an outcast too, and taught her to be a ferocious assassin to any humans who invaded their land.
She's a talented archer, who rarely - if ever - misses her mark, and has a strong tie to earth/nature sorcerer, being considered a very powerful and dangerous Caster.
When she was around twelve years old, she saved a dragon pup from a trap. Much like her, dragons were seen as murderous monsters by humans and Levaethians alike, and so, after she saved the young dragonling, they developed a close bond and friendship based on that understanding.
Emrin loves wildberry juice and has quite a sweet tooth.
She blames her human blood for her being considered an outcast, which makes her alliance with the main cast very fickle, born out more of necessity than trust.

Tarah 🪻
She loves making woven bracelets with her best friend, it's their little tradition.
She's the daughter of a genius Junction scientist who had his life's work stolen from him and then found out the corruption the Director was involved in - and made the mistake of threatening to expose it. Which got him killed.
Tarah has anxiety and does not know how to properly interact with people she doesn't know, gravitating between a people-pleasing personality and a skittish one.
She has a love and a talent for learning languages.
She likes to gift people unique gifts on their birthday but often forgets her own. Not because of any self-esteem issue. Just because she is forgetful.
Tarah loves music but hates loud noises.
She has a big dog who follows her everywhere and looks like an alien version of a pitbull.
She is actually pretty good at baking.
Kye 🐍
Kye's "weapon of choice" against his enemies is poison, and he is an expert on lethal chemicals and the deadliest poisons in the galaxy. The reason why he chooses to use poison for his enemies is that poison was the cause of the death of his Dad (something that traumatized Kye deeply) - so it's kind of a way for Kye to make his enemies "suffer like his Dad did."
Kye is incredibly sarcastic and is capable of being a sassy lil' shit when he wants to.
When he was a teenager, Kye met Artemis Zreeth and they temporarily became best friends, but after an unfortunate string of terrible circumstances and misunderstandings, they went their separate ways and became rivals.
Kye hates the smell of roses - especially the artificial ones - and one of his triggers is the sound of platform heels (because his abusive mother, Eldora, used to wear rose perfume and platform heels)
Kye loves animals, especially weird ones, but also puppies and kittens. He really has a soft spot for cuteness.
One of his hobbies is embroidering, and his favorite designs to embroider are flowers
He starts out as incredibly morally grey and ruthless, but through his friendship with the main cast, slowly learns how to be kind and honorable again, while not losing his dangerous side towards his enemies.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
OC Confession Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @thecomfywriter (here)!
Rules: Post a scene where one of your character's does a confession to another character from your wip. It doesn't have to be a love confession. Maybe it's a lie. Maybe it's a crime. Maybe it's betrayal. Go buckwild, go crazy!
Let's go with two scenes involving different siblings from my WIPs in different contexts!
Lie Confession
Nahrieh began, voice even and smooth like honey, strangely calm, "Mayhaps...' The Sorcerer paused, fiddling with his necklace, the only sign of his nervousness, "I wasn't being fully truthful when I said your brother had nothing to do with the Rift."
Declan stammered, halting in place, "What?"
The immortal tilted his head, "Did it not seem strange to you? The argument. Your curse. Did it not strike you as strange how you were healed from it days after the Rift began?" He asked, somewhere between a genuine inquiry and a rhetorical question, "How your brother seemed distant - perhaps out of guilt - shortly before his disappearance?"
Declan's heart skips a bit, and he clutches his own arms, nervously trying to keep himself grounded. He gave an awkward scoff, "Keir would never - he... he's a knight!" He says, though his voice sounds unconvincing - it doesn't sound like he is convincing himself with it, as he continued, trying to seem certain, "He would never betray the realm."
Nahrieh chuckled, a deep, quick sound, like the rolling of water and sand on the ocean's floor, "Child, do not underestimate the lengths people will go to for love." He looks away, "I slaughtered an entire civilization to avenge my innocent spawn, fully aware I would be deemed a monster."
After a pause, he turns back to Declan, an unusual sorrow in his eyes "Do you think your brother would not make a deal with an eldritch force to spare your life?"
It was not a question - for they both knew the answer to it. Declan opened his mouth to rebuke, but no words came out. Instead, he growled softly, shaking his head.
The Sorcerer gave him a sad smile, "You know the truth Declan, - you just don't want to admit it. Yet." His voice grew pensive, and he twisted the string of his necklace between his fingers, swinging his legs softly where he was sitting on the edge of the smooth rock, "But now, another question remains - when you find Keir again, will you still be able to look upon his now bloodthirsty, hate-filled eyes like you used to? Knowing his corruption was the price for your life?"
Betrayal Confession
"Jack." Deimos paused, fingers gripping the metal threshold shakily, waiting for the other to respond, "There's... something I need to talk to you about."
Within the cockpit, Jack was organizing his things, namely placing some wrapped up sweet protein bars and a chocolate milk bottle inside a small locker beside his pilot chair. He looked over his shoulder, "Yeah!" Jack smiled, "Of course, what is it?"
Deimos cringed, crossing his arms over his chest and taking a shaky, deep breath, trying to keep himself grounded for what he was about to confess, "So." He began, searching his mind for the words, "This... t-this isn't easy for me to say, but I need to." The alien stammered, resisting the urge to change the subject before he could even start.
When he continued, he tried to keep his voice even, a pragmatic tone that did nothing to hide the panic and guilt underneath, "Your capture by the Junction, the reason why it was so sudden, so easy for them, it... it was because of me. I did it."
Jack frowned, slowly straightening his posture as his face fell into an expression of pure anxiety - it was clear he had already understood what he'd meant but didn't want to believe it, "... What do you mean?"
"I mean I set you guys up!" Deimos blurted out, closing his eyes for a moment. There was a long, painful silence spread out in the space between them, the weight of those words weighing them down as if the ship's artificial gravity had been turned to the maximum.
The young alien noticed as Jack faltered, anxiously grasping the leather seat of the pilot chair beside him, hands beginning to shake. He noticed how his brother looked away from him, face pale, eyes filled with a painful mix of betrayal and rising panic.
Deimos raced to try and soften the blow of those words, hating himself more and more with every passing second, knowing the damage was already done, " Jack, I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I made a mistake. And... I took the easy route to f-fix it." He grimaced, nails digging into his own arms, painfully. Deep down, Deimos figured he deserved to feel the pain, seeing the sadness in Jack's eyes, knowing he'd inflicted it.
He sighed, finishing his explanation, "The Junction offered me a deal. I took it. I set you guys up and for that - I'm sorry."
Jack seemed about to pass out, and when he looked back at Deimos, the young alien hated the hurt bubbling behind his brother's kind eyes, as the other spoke, "O-oh. Oh, okay. Um. Why?"
His voice was nothing like the confident, upbeat tone he usually had. It was quiet, and frazzled, flickering like a dying lamp - and right now, Deimos would do anything to take back the deal he'd made.
The alien spoke again, searching for the words to fix this, when there were none, eventually, he settled for simply being honest, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did - I know. I-... I know I was probably weak but - I was... so scared. I wouldn't be able to handle what Eldora would do to me if she captured me again. I can't even stand the thought of going through... all that, again."
Jack still wasn't looking at him, staring vacantly at the floor. With his augmented hearing, Deimos was able to catch the phrase his brother had muttered under his breath, apparently despite himself, "...but what the Director is doing to me, that's okay to you, huh?"
Deimos felt his world crash, wanting to curl up and die at how defeated Jack sounded. He hated how much he knew his brother believed the words he'd just muttered - he hated how much Jack didn't even seem surprised.
He stepped forward, "No! No, it's not!" Deimos almost yelled, desperate to make Jack understand this was all just a mistake. That he never should've left them in the first place, all those years ago. His voice softened, and he reached forward slightly, "You're my brother, I would never want you to get hurt. I-I didn't even think it would get to that -!"
Jack flinched away, stepping back, almost curled in on himself, as he cut the other off before he could finish his sentence, "Well, you should have!" He snapped, and Deimos had never heard such a bitter rage in Jack's voice. It took him off guard, freezing him in place.
The young pilot continued, "Everyone... everyone told me I shouldn't trust you again. When you came back. But I did. I really... really did." As Jack looked back at Deimos, the blue-haired alien wished he hadn't. Something had changed, behind his kind eyes, like a broken mirror, never to be the same again - and Deimos knew he was the only one to blame for it. Jack growled, tilting his head slightly, "Only to find out that all this shitstorm that's happened, all this pain we went through - what he did to me - was because..."
His voice broke, " - Because of you?"
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
Tag List (Supernova Initiative) below the cut ✨
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix
@elshells, @thecomfywriter
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
Ayo check out the sketches I just made of Adrien Rosetrom and Luke Katt (from Scrapyard Boys) and a bonus beginning sketch of Nahrieh (from The Crystal of Ash).

Adrien - Pink coat, dyed hair, smoking cigarette
Luke - Bruised, dark jacket, green powers
Nahrieh - Long haired horned fey
Scrapyard Boys Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix
@thecomfywriter, @the-letterbox-archives
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
Heads Up Seven Up!
Thank you for the tag, @alinacapellabooks (here)!
"Ever consider that we are specks of dust in the endless void of eternity, bound to be forgotten and erased?" Nikolay said, laying on his bedroll, staring up at the stars above with wide eyes.
Declan, who was sleeping on the other side of the camp, rolled to the side to look at him, yawning. "No." He says, exhasperatedly sleepy, "Nikolay, have you been drinking?"
The other young man shrugged, humming to himself. "Eh. Not really, no. I was just... thinking out loud."
Declan couldn't suppress a chuckle, "Hm. Let's make an exercise to think inwardly then."
"But what's the fun in that?" The other asked, still looking up at the starry sky, seemingly unaware that Declan didn't really want to talk right now.
The alchemist groaned, "The fun is that someone gets to sleep in this camp."
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
💖favourite character poll 💖
Thank you so much for the tag, @thecomfywriter (here)!
Rules: list all your main ocs and give brief descriptions of them. then, create a poll with their names and allow your followers to vote on who their favourite character is.
。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。
Jack Tithus
WIP - Supernova Initiative
"They're my family - and I don't leave family behind. No matter how chaotic they may be."
25 years old, Jack is the Junction's most wanted intergalactic thief and rebel. Growing up in poverty on one of the most crime-ridden moons of the galaxy, Jack learned from a young age to be resourceful and do whatever it takes to survive and keep his siblings safe. Otherwise, he has a heart of gold, a bubbly personality and is incredibly selfless - the kind of team leader that wouldn't think twice about putting himself in harm's way to keep his team safe.
Skills: pilot (one of the best pilots in the galaxy), high-profile theft/heists, leadership skills, streetfighting, being kind.
Nikolay Avresan
WIP - The Crystal of Ash
19 years old. A fun-loving bard, Nikolay grew up on the frozen province of Rekkari. He was an unwanted child, a bastard scorned by his father for his inability to use magic. After years of disappointments, he ran away from home with his best friend and his best friend's sibling. They grew up together merrily, but after a mistake led his whole world to come crashing down around him, Nikolay fled once again, blaming himself for what happened, and looking for a way to fix it, unaware that the actual truth was much more complicated than that. Nikolay is funny, awkward, extroverted and at times painfully oblivious to subtle social cues, but cares deeply about those he considers his friends.
Skills: singing, playing the lute, writing poems, dueling with a dagger
Valen Cassidy
WIP - Scrapyard Boys
16-17 years old. A rebellious and angry teenager, Valen makes it his personal mission to undermine the government's power in the city of New Omnium, despite being just a homeless mutant kid. On the run from the law and fearing befalling a fate worse than death in the city's labs, he and his friends end up uncovering a billionaire conspiracy on the process of being little menaces to society. Valen is an angry, brash, relentless, but secretly kind boy who also swears like a sailor and dresses like an 80s rockstar-wannabe.
Skils: Eletrokinesis, Storm Manipulation, Electrical Conduction, Electrical Teleportation, streetfighting, parkour, playing guitar
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cauliflowermaterial
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
Unusual Associations Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @willtheweaver (here)!
Let's go with Emrin from The Crystal of Ash!
Seasoning: Cinammon
Weather: A cloudy day about to bring rain
Color: Forest Green
Sky: Deep grey swirled with white, the calmness of the moments before a cold rainstorm
Magic power: Nature Magic/Wild Magic, Tamed Dragon
Plant: Wolfsbane/Aconitum
Weapon: Elven Longbow and Arrow, Enchanted Blades, Skyserpent Fire
Social media: There's no social media in her setting, but if there were, I think she would probably like Tumblr and Pinterest
Candy: Wildberry cheesecake
Fear: Being a worthless monster (since she considers her human blood and impurity, because it means she'll never fully be a Levaethian Elf, and because humans represent a source of danger and sorrow to those she truly considers her people), failing to make her mentor/adoptive brother proud, being weak
Method of long distance travel: Flying on her dragon's Skyserpent's back
Art style: Sketching
Stationary: Parchment and fresh ink
Celestial body: Rogue Planet
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia,
@the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,
@ray-writes-n-shit @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess,
@forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix@i-can-even-burn-salad
@cauliflowermaterial @thepeculiarbird,
@clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes,
@starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
Bold The Facts Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @urnumber1star (here)!
Let's go with Astyr from The Crystal of Ash!
Financial: Wealthy/ moderate/unsure/ poor/ extreme poverty
Medical: Fit/ not applicable/ moderate/ sickly/ disabled
Class: Upper/ middle/working/ unsure (outcast rebel warrior/assassin)/ other
Education: Qualified/ unqualified/ studying/ other
Criminal record: yes, for major crimes (treason and murder)/ yes, for minor crimes/ no/ has committed crimes, but not caught yet/ yes, but charges were dismissed
Children: has a child or children/ has no children/ wants children eventually/cannot have children
Relationship with family: close with sibling(s) (doesn't want to admit it)/ not close with sibling(s)/ has no sibling(s)/ sibling(s) is deceased
**His protegé, Emrin, kind falls under the category of both being somewhat like a child and a sister to him, because while he did adopt her and raise her since she was a kid, he is quite too young to be a father figure to her, despite his maturity/seriouness, so he ends up having a more "stern older brother" role in her life.
Affiliation: Orphaned/ abandoned (outcast/banished)/ adopted/ found family/ disowned/ raised by birth parent(s)/ not applicable
Traits+ tendencies
Extroverted/ introverted/ ambivalent
Disorganized/ organized/ in-between
Closed-minded (stubborn as a mule)/ open-minded/ in between
Calm/ anxious/ in-between/ highly contextual
Disagreeable/ agreeable/ in-between
Cautious/ reckless/ in-between/ highly contextual
Patient/ impatient/ in-between
Outspoken/ reserved/ in-between/ highly contextual
Leader (reluctantly)/ leader (gladly)/ follower/ in between
Empathic/ vicious bastard/ in-between/ highly contextual
Optimistic/ pessimistic/ in-between
Traditional/ modern/ in-between
Hard working/ lazy/ in-between
Cultured/ uncultured/ in-between/ unknown (depends on the culture)
Loyal/ disloyal/ unknown/ highly contextual
Faithful/ unfaithful/ unknown/ highly contextual
Faiths: Monotheistic/ polytheistic/ atheist/ agnostic
Belief in ghosts or spirits: yes (I mean, ghosts/spirits ARE real in their world, much like other forms of undead)/ no/ don’t know/ don’t care/ in a matter of speaking
Belief in an afterlife: yes/ no/ don’t know/ don’t care/ in a matter of speaking
Belief in reincarnation: yes/ no/ don’t know/don’t care/ in a matter of speaking
Belief in aliens: yes/ no/ don’t know/ don’t care
Religious: orthodox/ liberal/ in-between/ not religious
Philosophical: yes/ no/ highly contextual
Sexuality & romantic inclination
Sexuality: heterosexual/ homosexual/ bisexual (biromantic)/ asexual / pansexual/ nonbinary
Sex: sex repulsed/ sex neutral/ sex favorable/ naive and clueless
Sexuality: adventurous/ experienced/naive/ inexperienced/ curious
Potential sexual partners: male/ female/both/ agender/ none / all
Potential romantic partners: male/ female/ both/ agender/ none/ all
Combat skills: excellent/ good/ moderate/ poor/ none
Literary skills: excellent/ good/ moderate/ poor/ none
Artistic skills: excellent/ good/ moderate/ poor/ none
Technical skills: excellent/ good/ moderate/ poor/ none
Drinking alcohol: never/ special occasions/ sometimes/ frequently/ tried it/ alcoholic/ former alcoholic turned sober
Smoking: tried it/ trying to quit/never/ rarely sometimes/ frequently/ chain smoker
Recreational drugs: tried some/ never/ sometimes/ frequently/ addict
Medicinal drugs: never/ no longer needs medication/ some medication needed/ frequently / to excess
Unhealthy foods: never/ special occasions/ sometimes/ frequently/ binge eater
Splurge spending: never/ sometimes/ frequently/ shopaholic
Gambling: never/ rarely/ sometimes/ frequently/ compulsive gambler
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia,
@the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,
@ray-writes-n-shit @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess,
@forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix@i-can-even-burn-salad
@cauliflowermaterial @thepeculiarbird,
@clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes,
@starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
Heads Up Seven Up
Thanks for the tag, @the-golden-comet (here)! Let's go with a snippet from The Crystal of Ash, for this one! (:
"You said you hated humans." Declan piped up from where he'd trudged up to walk beside their strange half-Leavathian guide. He'd never been this close to a descendant of the feyfolk before. And honestly, it was quite frightening.
The cantankerous, pointy eared girl did not look at him as she grumbled, "I do."
"Then why are you helping us?" Declan asked, with a tilted head and furrowed brows.
"I'm not." She said through gritted teeth, "You guys are just the tools to help me achieve what I want."
Declan had opened up his mouth to question what she'd meant, but behind them, Nikolay piped up before he had the chance, cheery voice laced with curiosity.
"And that is...?"
Emrin, the half-elf, shot him a sharp glare, "Paying up an old debt to someone dear to me." She paused with a growl, "And stopping that idrash'tah abomination from gobbling up my realm."
Despite himself, Declan found himself asking "What does that word mean?" and immediately regretted it.
"It means human magic." A ghost of what could be a smirk crossed her lips - and it dawned on Declan that she found her words to be quite humorous, "Elves also use it to refer to common filth."
"... Good to know." Declan answered, before stammering, "Wait, aren't you like half human? Isn't that... insulting to yourself too?"
Emrin chuckled angrily at him, "Yes, I believe that's the point," She said, before muttering under her breath, as she stalked forward and away from him, but the young man could not help but hear it "It's not like I'm fucking proud of what kind of magic runs through my veins."
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia,
@the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,
@ray-writes-n-shit @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess,
@forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix@i-can-even-burn-salad
@cauliflowermaterial @thepeculiarbird,
@clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes,
@starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
✨Belong, Seek, Avoid Tag!✨
Thanks for tagging me @the-golden-comet (here) and @thecomfywriter (here)!
Rules: A person's identity can also be shaped by their social connections. Identify three things about your character: What groups do they belong to, and what groups do they believe they do not? What kind of people do they tend to seek, and what kind of people would they rather avoid?
Let's go with Kye Thalax (Supernova Initiative), and Emrin (The Crystal of Ash)!
Initially, Kye believes he doesn't really belong anywhere, and shuns his inner need for belonging in the name of getting revenge. He hates his people (the Khylet folk), because some he considers weak - as his father's subjects did nothing to object to Eldora's cruel treatment of their own Prince (Damen) and let him die because of it instead of defending him - and others he considers cruel - he DESPISES those who follow his mother's doctrine and fight in her name.
However, as the story progresses, Kye finds himself unexpectedly making friends with Jack & his crew, eventually joining their found family - it was the first family Kye had had since his father was killed, and honestly, he needed one badly. Though shocked/in denial at first, Kye grew to embrace his newfound bonds with his friends, becoming fiercely protective of them and finding a new sense of belonging in their midst.
Emrin considers herself as belonging with her adoptive brother's coven of assassins, as they took her in when nobody else would (being a half-Levaethian, half-human child, she was shunned and considered an abomination by both sides, until Astyr - a young Levaethain outcast took her in as his apprentice and they developed a sibling bond). She also embraces her elven (Levaethian) side MUCH more than she does her human side - she considers her elvish blood as the "innocent" part of her, and blames her human blood (admitedly because she only knows humans as invaders and killers, and because in their world humans are much more vicious/cruel than elves) as the "taint" that "cursed her to be a monster".
As time passes and she begrudgingly becomes friends with a group of human adventurers from the neighbouring kingdom of Callonor, while on her quest to find Astyr and close the Rift, Emrin learns to forgive her human side and eventually accept it as a part of her that deserves to be loved rather than shunned. She also finds belonging amidst their little group of misfits as they venture on their adventure.
Kye tends to seek people who are clever/cunning and smart like him, but who also have a weird side, an open mind and specific interests so he can converse with them as an equal rather than being deemed the "overly nerdy freak" or a "weirdo". He also tends to gravitate towards people who have some sense of morality, honor and kindness, even if he thinks he himself doesn't have his qualities anymore (he does, deep down, he just has the shittiest self-esteem). He loves a good challenge, but also tends to only like people who respect other people's integrity or dignity - he would NEVER be friends with a known bully.
Emrin is a very introverted, withdrawn and grumpy girl. Having been shunned and outcast her whole life, she does not comfortably seek the company of strangers, as a part of her dreads facing more rejection, and she also didn't learn proper social skills at the right age, so to speak. So she has a... feral, for lack of better word, disposition. Emrin tends to only actively seek the company of Astyr, her mentor and adoptive brother, who - for the longest time - is the only person who has trusted and loved her unconditionally, and who is also, admitedly, the only friend she has really had. She also does feel more comfortable around Astyr's friends and non-judgemental elves than around humans.
Kye tends to avoid abusive people, and anyone who bullies/disrespects others. Having witnessed firsthand how degrading it is to be abused and bullied (as some of his earliest memories are unfortunately of his father suffering under his mother's abuse, and later he himself became a target as well), Kye cannot stand it, and people who act like that towards others really get under his skin. Kye also avoids anyone who has no ethics, dignity or who is generally known to be shitty.
For the longest time, Emrin avoided humans like the plague. Not only did she blame humans for "making her an outcast" in elven society, but she also knew that humans were known to be dangerous and liked to hurt elves for sport when in the mountains (which is true and she witnessed). She knew that her half-elf nature would only make her more of a tagert. So all those factors combined, she really avoids humans. She also avoids prejudiced people (both humans and elves), cruel people and anyone who justifies hunting other living beings.
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin,
@oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia,
@the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling @agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,
@ray-writes-n-shit @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @topazadine
@forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@cauliflowermaterial @thepeculiarbird,
@clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, and OPEN TAG
Character Picrew Tag!!!
I was inspired by this picrew and ended up making the main cast of The Crystal of Ash, so here we go lol







Nahrieh (The Sorcerer)

Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin,
@oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia,
@the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling @agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,
@the-golden-comet @ominous-feychild, @little-peril-stories
@ray-writes-n-shit @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @topazadine
@forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@cauliflowermaterial @thepeculiarbird,
@clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, and OPEN TAG