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1 year ago

Nah I would have to lie to do that.

Tell Me Im Wrong I Dare You

tell me im wrong i dare you

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1 year ago

If Huntress isn't on there read Lonnie! Lonnie needs more love.

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1 year ago

✦ ?

Okay so I have a whole list with me.

1. I love the commitment to The White Knight universe and your breakdowns on the Characters and the wider themes of the story being told. It feels very real, and you hold characters responsible for what they did and the impact that they had on the children you focus on the most.

2. Your videos have an amazing color scheme and the avatar you use for the videos is simple yet effective. The set up is easy to watch and listen or just listen to.

3. How passionate you are inspired me to go back and do a reread of White Knight. I think it's a skill not a lot of people have. To be able to be so passionate about something that it makes others get drawn in too.

4. You know how to make a video the length it needs to be. You say the information and you don't pad the runtime.

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1 year ago

So real of you to not talk about terry cause of the dcau fans. Theyre scary. Cant trust them to know too much of comics

I used to have an account where I posted Terry stuff all the time. The amount of hate I got from other DCAU fans is insane. I want to shout out my personal anon hater that would sign off their asks with an emoticon, who personally made me want to throw printed out panels in their face because the amount of thoughts they had but were so wrong is insane. Hope they are doing well and have picked up literally any comic since 2019.

Terry means a lot to me. And I have so many thoughts. The problem is that my opinions are controversial and seeped in layers of meh. I don't believe one way or another on one thing, I like that but understand why others don't, I'm not willing to die on a hill with my thoughts because I like him the way he is and think he's a fine character.

Bellow is a cool video on the DCAU if anyone wants to check it out. I listened to it while repairing books.

Anyway, Terry McGinnis has my heart and Batman Beyond is my favourite show, and his comics are a nightmare to track but so fun to read even when riddled with problems.

[Batman Beyond the White Knight is the only reason I knew the WK universe continued after the original White Knight run. Literally saw Terry on the cover, had a bit of a freak out in my local store, couldn't find number #1 and going to reread in the near future.]

Anyway I own this cover now.

So Real Of You To Not Talk About Terry Cause Of The Dcau Fans. Theyre Scary. Cant Trust Them To Know

Did I turn this into a me, me, me post about start ranting about Terey? Yes. Yes I did. You gave me an opening to talk about Terry so I did.

So Real Of You To Not Talk About Terry Cause Of The Dcau Fans. Theyre Scary. Cant Trust Them To Know

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11 months ago

🐭you are too cool and also have a lot of very detailed analysises

Aww, thank you. I don't think many people have ever called me cool before. I'm glad that my analyses don't come across as tumbled infodumps like I think they do.

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11 months ago

You have been assigned a four issue mini comic [<100 pages]. It can be about whatever you want. The only restriction is that it has to be about a minor support character [IE character friends, character parents, reoccuring minor villains, reoccuring civilians]. Which character do you choose, and what story would you want to tell in a four issue mini?

For transparency, I'm asking this question to a bunch of people because I want to see all the ideas everyone has. See what everyone would do.

this took me a while to think about but!! i'm still big in my batman beyond kick as you will soon see.

okay so basically. i imagine the setup would be that terry and bruce get called away to deal with justice league business and leave gotham alone but need someone to take care of it so bruce entrusts it to... Robin & Oracle! (matt mcginnis and max gibson). the run expands on matt as robin and how that is influenced by his past hero worship of batman (who he now knows his his big brother) and max's potential to be beyond's perfect oracle character. but its also very much max looking after her best friends little brother and so mostly letting him do whatever he wants (giving him a bazooka style) because technically he's not her responsibility

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