Helena My Love - Tumblr Posts

The Huntress — Helena Bertinelli By the amazing, Aki @himemina02

i like doing little doodles. i also like helena and tim :)
just finished huntress 1989. is this anything.

just finished huntress 1989. is this anything. pt. 2

miss sohee f/w 2021

um after i finished i was like “it’d look so good if i drew a crossbow in her hand” and then im like “does she even use one in this run” and then i skimmed through every issue and also i asked ireth and ireth like looked through all the issues and found one (1) single mentioned but im too tired to draw it now so whatever
Helena Bertinelli/Huntress Reading List/Completionist Guide

Helena Bertinelli is the Huntress of Prime Earth. She has existed as a character since 1989, and has appeared in her own series as well as multiple other series throughout the years. Most well known for being a Bird of Prey, she has a long history that tends to be hard to track. Instead of hunting down all of the issues, this guide has every one of her appearances in the attempt to follow her chronologically, but where her movements couldn’t be followed the natural passing of time was used to follow the story.
This is both a reading list and a completionist guide. This means there will be times when the issue only has a cameo of Helena. For a casual reader this list may be a little much. If that is the case click [here] for a shorter list that can get you started on Helena.
Moving onto Content Warnings.
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When blood cries for blood, you answer the call.

Prev tags ^
You said what you said and your right. Scream from the rooftops, scream from the pits of Tumblr, and scream wherever else you can. Helena B needs the hype, she needs the attention.
Here's a dump of some of the recent comics I've read for Helena. Sometimes it's the artwork, sometimes it's the dialogue, and sometimes it's just the fact she's the coolest and deserves more recognition.

“The urban enforcer” “The toughest person in Gotham” “the urban avenger” DC needs to start hyping up huntress again

huntress hold emotes!! the base is courtesy of @deven895!!

House-ad for The Huntress (1989), the debut series of the Helena Bertinelli version of the character.

Screenshots from January 1st 1991 Who's Who In The DC Universe #6

Blue narration boxes: Bruce Wayne / Batman
Purple narration boxes: Helena Bertinelli / Huntress
Some of my favourite panels from the four part 1994/1995 Batman vs. Predator mini crossover. Some panels I like the dialog some I just like the artwork.

you better be carefull.... actually it might be to late
Helena Bertinelli

![Helena Bertinelli [The Huntress] Completionist List by AnnahKitathryne](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fe45159eac6faf81531bbdfc771e5153/114c69fed23b937f-29/s640x960/98aa569653a77e97eb59fa3e9fdc95014c6ba8fd.jpg)
League of Comic Geeks version of the Helena Bertinelli Completionists List. Updated to her appearances as of March 2024 and added missing content from the first list.
Original Tumblr List below

im starting a collection. also it kinda looks like she's flipping off eel in the last panel which is hilarious
7, 12, and 24 for helena bertinelli?
Helena Bertinelli
7. A quote of them that you remember?
Kid: Do you have super strength?
Helena: No.
Kid: Are you invulnerable?
Helena: I'm afraid not.
Kid: Then how are you gonna save him? What are you gonna do?
Helena: I'm going to do everything I'm capable of doing!
Helena: Hypocrite
Helena: Jabberwook
12. Sexuality headcanon?
I'm of two minds that exist hand in hand. Demisexual, Demiromantic, Bisexual. She wouldn't use those words for it, though. She knows she's queer and Bi, but doesn't exactly want to dig any deeper.
Also just realized the flag colors for all those identities (except for the demiromantic green) have matched her costume at some point throughout her history. No serious it matches.
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
I think about this one a lot, actually. So far up to my reading, she doesn't talk explicitly about memories she has with her immediate family.. I think she keeps those to herself. She talks about her family history, but that's stuff that reasonably anyone could find out, but the personal stuff? She keeps those to herself. The moments where her mother brushes her hair or would pick out a dress, the moments at meals where they were almost normal. What she named her toys. She also keeps all the memories of her brother to herself.
She also keeps a lot of stuff private about her faith. Sure, she talks about it and devoted it with Artemis, but it's another thing for herself. Something that can't be taken away. Her family is dead, and a vigilante identity can be stripped, but her faith is her own. Even in the moments where her faith won't allow her in, it's still hers and hers alone.
I think she also stays quite on just how lonely she can be. How she doesn't have a family, she only started making friends later on, how that friendship can feel conditional, how separated she can be from people. It's never quite there, but still there. She loves working on her own, being herself. She does it and loves it. But sometimes it hits her just how alone she is. Moments where she remembered she was the only one in her building, using recorded conversation to fill up the empty space.
I also think she keeps quite on just how much she cares for the younger vigilantes. Robin and Spoiler, to be exact. Now, in canon so far in my reading, Huntress and Spoiler have met and teamed up 1.5 times. I think despite that very short list, Huntress cares a lot. She doesn't want another kid in a costume, as seen from Blunt Trauma. She's a teacher, she cares about her students, and she cares about the kids she saves. She goes out of her way to try to help kids even if logically she knows it's doomed. She doesn't want more kids going down the vigilante path. She sees Spoiler, and she hopes that it's not too late to turn her away from vigilantism even though she knows it won't work because she cares. She doesn't want anyone else to become a part of this life. Robin (Tim) she has a much longer history. She would never admit how much she wants to be an older sister, how she feels like an older sibling when around him. She won't admit it but she's proud of him.
She won't ever admit, not even on her death bed, just how much Batman's rejection into the main circle hurt. Sure, people know it. But not how deep it was.