Wolf Shifter - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
The Moon Will Sing A Song For Me

“The moon will sing a song for me

I loved you like the sun

Bore the Shadows that you made 

With no light of my own” 

Listening to The Crane Wives “Moon Will Sing” and this image dropped directly into my brain. Another wolf shapeshifter? In this house? More likely than you think. 

Image Id: A young man with short brown hair falls through the sky. His right arm dangles limply and his left reaches for a yellow waxing gibbous moon. He wears a long sleeved cream shirt with an x pattern stitched around the wrists and black claw-shaped buttons. His brown belt has the same x pattern. He wears black pants and brown boots with black leather laces and soles. A wolf pelt hangs around his shoulders bound by a white tooth beneath his chin. The wolf’s head is a hood over his troubled face. His eyes are open; the skin’s are closed. He’s lit above by the moon and below by three blue clouds. 

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5 months ago

Sharp Teeth | j.jk

 Sharp Teeth | J.jk

-> pairing. wolf shifter!jungkook x human!reader (f)

-> genre. fluff, angst, unrequited love, pining, f2l (friends-to-lovers), high school!au

-> w/c. 1172

-> rating. 13+

-> a/n. Heavily inspired by the Sharp Teeth animatic on YouTube created by Dead Sound. The song I listened to while writing this was a song included in the animatic by Wes Hutchinson called One Down Dog. Give them a watch and a listen.

-> warnings. N/A

-> collection. mini-series

-> started. Wed., Jun. 30th, 2022 @ 18:18

-> fin. Wed., Jun. 30th, 2022 @ 19:18

-> edited. Mon., Jul. 18th, 2022 @ 23:35

-> divider credit. @mmadeinheavenn

 Sharp Teeth | J.jk
 Sharp Teeth | J.jk

Jungkook’s mother let her son cuddle into her side as he so often did before bed, showing him the book cover. Jungkook’s eyes sparkled at the sight of a particularly intriguing and somewhat familiar sketch of what he recognized as wolf canines. The book was bound in burgundy leather, the image of the canine carved into the cover so when his fingers brushed over it, it sank before evening out again. His mother turned to the first page and Jungkook got transported into the story, imagining himself in an open field with grass growing green and a gentle summer breeze, somewhere quiet and calm.

The point of view shifted from the delicately flowing grass stems to a herd of sheep gathered by a river’s edge, grazing peacefully.

On the opposite side, however, an ewe laid; looking curiously at two lambs curled into her side.

Jungkook’s mother read, “‘Are you… mine?’”

The ewe blinked carefully at the little lamb who stood on four shaky feet, tail wiggling excitedly at its mother.

“Mother is confused. She’s looking for a sign.” Jungkook waited with bated breath for his mother to continue, looking on as the ewe stood up herself. She nuzzled into the limp lamb’s side before pulling away slowly. “The rest seem unmoved.”

On the next page, the ewe turned to the eager little lamb, nuzzling and licking it before pulling away. Jungkook’s mother continued narrating in a chipper voice.

“‘Yes, you are mine!’ The mother stated with glee. ‘You’re small, and round, and helpless, but I can tell; from your blunt teeth.’”

The lamb baaed in response. Jungkook tilted his head in slight confusion. Blunt teeth? He brought his hand up to touch his teeth experimentally. He pulled them back after feeling around his mouth. No, his teeth weren’t blunt. Sure, some of them were blunter than his canines, but they were significantly sharper than what was considered ‘normal’.

Mother sheep lead her lamb to the riverbank, an establishing shot showing other animals on the opposite side of the river, grazing and whatnot.

“‘Most outside are friendly—the swift’,” a group of deer. “‘The strong,’” a herd of horses. “‘Who fly.’” Swans overhead. “‘Being so close to ground, it’s nice—to have more eyes.’” The lamb looked at its mother timidly, its weak legs quivering with fear.

“‘Don’t worry!’” Its mother soothed at the same time Jungkook’s mother brushed a hand over his head. “‘Blunt teeth, and beaks, and four feet… none here have sharp teeth. Just stay close to me.’”

As Jungkook’s mother turned to the next page, the illustrations took an unsettling turn, zooming in on the animals opposite of the mother and her young. “The swift ones run away, the strong ones turn around—both with heightened senses, and stuck so close to ground.” The point of view shifted back to the mother and her lamb.

“Will make them run in fear? Mother is confused. An evil monster is near! Her young as she cannot lose.” The ewe stood defensively next to her lamb. Panic seized her heart.

“Mother is to defend—slow but tough and firm—her young one not so behind her, the young bones. Every twitch another monster mother is convinced! She’ll never leave her youngster, even monsters do exist!”

A wolf rushed out of the shadows, snapping its jaws around the helpless little lamb.

“The young one cries out, but mother was too late. The evil monster lunged, and sealed the young one’s fate.” Jungkook instinctively held his mother close, lower lip quivering and tears glossing his vision. The ewe fell to her knees, panting fearfully by the river’s edge.

“Mother’s instincts shattered, scared. Confused of what became. So round and small and helpless, with only herself, to blame.” Jungkook sniffled, appreciating his own mother when she gave him a moment to recover. She paged over: a wide-shot of the wolf walking with a lifeless lamb hanging from its jaws.

“With this broken mother, seems the evil does no good. But the evil doesn’t eat—the young was not its food.” Jungkook frowns quizzically, his mother sparing him a glance and smiling fondly at his confused pout.

She turned the page a final time, opening the last two pages. “The evil, has it’s own young.” Jungkook’s mother brushed her thumb over the page with the wolf standing over a pair of pups, each small and round and helpless, with a whine slipping between their teeth. “Evil, could these be?”

Jungkook opened his mouth to protest when his mother closed the book gently, but hushed quickly when she brought him into her lap. She cupped her son’s face, thumb brushing over his cheekbones tenderly with a loving sparkle in her eyes.

“‘I think not,’ says their mother. ‘Simply born,’” Jungkook’s mother leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, “‘with sharp teeth.’”

Jungkook’s eyes closed unwillingly as she whispered the words into his skin. He pulled away to look at his dear, beloved mother with freshly stained cheeks, smiling adoringly before throwing himself forward in a tight embrace.


Jungkook’s hearing slowly refocuses, two warm palms pressing against his cheeks.

“—hear me? It isn’t your fault you were born with sharp teeth, I promise I’m not ma—“

Y/N lets out a surprised yelp as Jungkook falls into her, nuzzling into the crook of her neck while weakly wrapping his arms around her waist. She stands in shock for a moment at his shaking shoulders, before she eventually maneuvers her hands around his torso, rubbing calming circles into his back.

Jungkook is unsure of exactly how long they stand there, but he pulls away when her scent starts to cloud his senses. She smells like daffodils and raisins—an addictive combination.

Cupping his cheeks again, Y/N brushes away rogue tears with the pads of her thumbs. “You alright?”

He smiles softly at her, nodding his head in a small motion. They stare at each other for a second—Y/N with a comforting half-grin and Jungkook admiring her thoughtlessly. He eventually brings a hand up from her waist to place it over the hand resting on his cheek, hesitantly pulling it away from his face to place a close-eyed kiss to her injured palm. He only realizes once his lips touch the fabric of the bandaid that she had wrapped it, guilt forcing him to leave his lips there a second longer than necessary.

When the shifter pulls away, he watches her staring mystified at her palm, light pink hue dusting her cheeks. “I really am sorry about your hand. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

Y/N shakes her head, wrapping her arms around his neck to capture him in a hug. “I told you already that I forgive you, dummy. Like I said,” she smiles knowingly into his shoulder. “It’s not your fault you were born with sharp teeth.”

Jungkook allows a reminiscent smile to grace his features while he rests his chin on Y/N’s shoulder, holding her close. She smells so nice, he could probably just… fall asleep.

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5 years ago

The runaway is my mate (teaser)

The Runaway Is My Mate (teaser)

“Those wolves shifter are hiddious beasts.

They’ll always hunt us,kill us and eat us.

You shouldn’t go into the wood no matter what.”

All of those tales,those words that you heard everyday.You supposed to believe all of them.Listen to what people said.But actually it was a total wrong when you got to know it yourself...

- Coming soon -

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5 years ago

The runaway is my mate.(Namjoon ff)

Summary : The story started when a girl ranaway.Trying to ran from her problem for awhile.However the feet brought her to the hut,met a boy that made her life changed.Little do they both knew that the friendship they started and shared would turn into a bond for a life time... 

5 years old


“huh huh huh...”

A heavy breathe could be heard,echoed in the forest.You were there all alone. Running out of your owner house at late night and lost in forest wasn’t a good thing.However because of those two cruel people in the village,you needed to. Step by step into the forest without knowing the direction,you got afraid more and more.

Not knowing the way but still kept walking,you soon met with the hut.The light inside made you feel like she wanted to get in.You wanted the warmness in there and asked for their help.Step by step again to the house until arrived in front of the wooden door.You were going to knock when the door bursted open.

“Human?!” Is the first and only thing he spoke.You wondered why he called you human like it was a big deal.Wasn’t he also like you,you wondered.“You look uhh pale,why you are in front of my house?” The boy asked you another question. However with the tireness that suddenly attacked you,made you fall down to the ground.“Mom! Help!” Only thing you heard before your whole body shutted down.

“Sweaty you already awake.”You opened you eyes and looked around.First thing in your sight was a woman around your mother age.“Drink first and you may go back.”You only nodded and observed the house.“Mom is she already- hey you’re up now.” The boy walked toward you with his smile and dimples plastered on his face.

You looked at him nervously.Only sip the tea and watched him with scary look. “Don’t be afraid,I’m Namjoon and a wolf shifter.”You gasped a bit.Your body started to tense.“Namjoon-ah you’re scaring her now.She’s human remeber?”

The boy only nodded with sad look.“You must be a human from the village outer wood.They must tell a lot of fake tale about us,aren’t they?” You looked up.

“Don’t worry,we’re wolf shifter but we didn’t like to harm anyone.Not when they’re innocent.” You stared at them.Although you afraid,you wanted to know them more.The woman ended up tell you a real story of her kind.The boy would always add the detial which made his mother chuckle.

“I think you need to go dear.Your parents must be worry.” “I don’t have parents.” She looked taken back but gave you a smile.“Don’t worry dear,you’re now Namjoon’s friend.You can also visit here like your home.” She stroked your hair, made you miss the warmness that you familiar.“Namjoon send her back please.”

“But mom,I want her to stay.”

The boy walked out with pout face,sent the girl back to her place.While walking with her to the entrance of the wood,he learnt more about her.“Time to say good bye.” The girl nodded and bidded him a good bye.“Please come visit me,Y/N.”

And you walk back to your house.

“Look mom,who has already come back.” The boy who spoke toward his mother with cocky voice.His mother who walked out with a belt in her hand signaled you to accept the punishment.“Who gave you permission to run out of the house!” She slapped you.You only cried silently and accept your fate.

8 years old

You were hanging around with Namjoon for three years now.You got to know his friends including Jin,Yoongi and Hoseok.Two of them older than you while Hosoek was around your age like Namjoon.You got along really well with them. You wonder why they never show up at the school.

“We have our own school.In the west of the forest.” Jin answered and you were getting excited to know more.Hanging around with them made all your sorrow faded away.Although your life still got bullied by your owner son and her.But with them you felt your life was refreshing.

“How about your school Y/N?” You ended up tell your story.Felt embarrase in front of them.“Namjoon can teach and Yoongi hyung as well,they’re genuis.” “Jhope we’ll teach her all together.” Hoseok smiled and start teaching you basic things.Counting number,Reading some books that Namjoon carry with him and others more.“It late,I need to go.” You picked up your basket and ran back to the house. 

12 years old

All of them grew up with their bound got stronger.The group of yours got bigger since Hoseok introduced you three more.They were all younger than you. They called you ‘noona’ which you felt nice.At least all of them was family to you.

Namjoon got more duty since he grew up.Jin told you he would become an Alpha for their village.

“What is ‘Alpha’ mean?” You asked out of curious.Yoongi then explained to you in every single detail.You didn’t understand much but got some idea.“Sorry guys I’m late.” “Oh you’re here now hyung.We’re explaining Y/N noona about Alpha and stuff.”Jungkook spoke with the one who just arrive.

That day you ended up talking different things about them.You got to know that beside their shifting ability,they also have ability like run faster,healing,seeing in the dark,sensitive with smelling etc.You had a lot of fun.Also got to know that their develop would faster than their real age like year or two ahead.

16 years old

Some of them would all fully grown if you counted their wolf age.Jin would probably around 20 and Yoongi follow him by 19.Namjoon and Hoseok were around 18.The maknae were 17-15 which nearly the time.

Althoug the fully grown started to do some job now especially Namjoon.That didn’t stop you guys from hanging around each other.However it made you feel like Namjoon drifted away.You neeeded to hang up with the maknae instead.

The maknae kept telling you everyday that Namjoon would come.They tried to put hope on you.Days passed by and it didn’t work anymore.You just accepted the truth that his duty was important.You just his friend so it would be the second priority for him.

19 years old


You didn’t get a chance to see the older ones anymore.Only the maknae hanged around you.The loneliness came back again but you didn’t show it.You were hanged around with the maknae peacefully until one day...

“Noona I’ve got apple pies for us.” Jimin happily spoke while skipping toward you.Taehyung and Jungkook already sat beside you.When the basket in front of those two,they started bickering each other.All of sudden,the sound of gun appeared in the air.

“Who came in here?” Jungkook asked.None of us knew what happened. Taehyung started growling and became protective so did Jimin.They sensed something wrong.“Y/N hide,someone following you here.” Taehyung pushed you into the bush.

You hid there like they told you.The sound of fighting then started,you really want to help them.However your fear didn’t allow your body to move any inch.You didn’t know how long the time pass until the sound comepletely gone.

“Jimin,Taehyung!” Firstthing you notice was wolves laid lifeless on the floor.You ran toward them.You were useless right now and something popped in your mind.“Guys I need you to stand up,we’re going to Namjoon place.” You couldn’t carry them in wolves form so you told them to turn back.

“Anyone here?” You knocked on the door for awhile now and no one answered. You still knocked on it until someone open.“Hello dear- oh get them inside.” His mother stopped half way of greeting you and helped you with the two wolves. Settle them down and started treating their wound.You told her everything and she tried to calm you down.

“Mom I’m ho-” The deep voice stopped mid way.You turned around and met the owner of the voice.His body was fully grown over three years.Three years that you didn’t meet each other.However he growled out when he saw you.“You! what did you do to them?” “Joon I didn’t do an-” He growled out again.“Don’t lie to me.You know Y/N that I hate lying the most.”

You stayed silence.He was fumming ight now and you couldn’t do anything.You stood there and shook with fear.His mom told him to calm down but he didn’t listen.“No mom,don’t try to protect this filthy human.” The word he spitted out, cut deep into your heart.You weren’t his friend anymore? 

“Hyung...Namjoon..hyung.” Taehyung muttered his word out.He tried to reach Namjoon hands.Namjoon grabed them and listened to his brother.“They got Jungkook.Help him hyung,help him.” Taehyung started sobbing.“Tae I’ll he-” You didn’t get to finish your word,he cut you off.“Get out and never return.You aren’t longer welcome here.” That was pang into your chest.You felt like crying but you controled it.

“Okay I see this is our good bye then.I’m sorry Namjoon.” You ran out of the house that once was your family.You cried along the way until reached your owner house.

A week passed that you didn’t step back into the wood.However along the week, you tried your best to find Jungkook.You were so sure that he was alive.You checked liked every single house of hunters in the village.Unfortunately you didn’t find him anywhere.

“Is the seller coming here tonight?” You heard one of the hunter.Curious got the best of you so you decided to spy on them.“Probably,our goods are ready right?” You listened without their attention till the end.That was when you started to plan how to get Jungkook out.

Old ware house at night

You took a peek inside from window.You then saw a bunch of wolves in there. The men guarded the house like it was treasure.You tried staying silence as possible,sneaked into the house through window.

"pss...Jungkook." You called him gently.He turned his face immediately with his eyes widen."noona?" You then helped him out of the knot.He aked any question but you stopped him mid air.“No time to answer,I shoud get you out with others.”

Jungkook understood what you say.He immediately communicated with others.It wasn’t easy to convince them to believe you.However in this kind of situation, they were willing to risk.You and Jungkook thought of a plan.

“So we gonna sneak through windows,as quick as you guys can.” Jungkook told the others while you waited for them.You noticed the back door so you with Jungkook help,sucessfully broke it.One by one sneak out the way you set. “Thanks noona,I owe you my life.”

Unfortunately for you two,the gaurd from outside opened the door to check the room.“Intruder!” He spoke with another one.That was when you and Jungkook started to run for your life.You guys were running into the wood,the way that lead to the shifter village.The guards still chased you from behind.

“Jungkook!” You noticed one of them shoot something toward Jungkook.You with no hesitation covered him from it.Jungkook then change his form and carried you on his back.There were more but you covered him up.“I guess I need to fight then.”

Jungkook body now fueled with anger.He ran toward them and bit them.Let the venom from his mouth ran into there blood.The other one try to helped his friend. Using his pocket knife and ran to stab Jungkook.“Ouch.” Jungkook turned around and saw he was knocked out.

“Noona!” Jungkook grabed you before your body dropped.He ran to the closest house that he knew.“Yoongi hyung!” He panted when the older open the door.He then laid you down on the floor.Yoongi didn’t ask anything but carried you to the couch.

He silently treated your wound until he finished.When he settle everything in place,he eyed the younger one.“Speak.” Jungkook told him the whole story.That was when Jin entered the house.“Yoongi,help me wi- oh god!” He dropped his grocerry bags on the floor.Rushing toward the lifeless girl on the couch.

“Oh dear,what happen to my lil daughter?” He looked at your body full of bandages.Yoongi told him the story.“Poor girl,Why do you did this Namjoon?” He sigh and sat beside Jungkook.“Namjoon still mad?” Yoongi asked and Jin nodded.

“What happen with him hyung?” Jungkook confused with the two of them.“Your beloved leader misunderstood everything when she*point at you* helped Tae and Jimin.” “I need to talk to him.She didn’t do anything.” Jungkook springed up from the couch,straight to the door.

“Even Tae,he didn’t give a shit.So I suggest you sit down.” Yoongi spoke and the younger then calm down.“Don’t worry about it,I’ll handle this myself then.” Yoongi stood and talked to Jin who was on the kitchen by now.

2 days passed but you still slept at the couch.Jungkook worried about your health but Yoongi told him you were fine.Jin made sure to switch the turn with Jungkook.

“Come in.” Yoongi opened the door for someone to come inside.Jungkook looked up and saw Namjoon entered the house with Jhope.“Hyung!” Jungkook eyes lighted up with hope.Yoongi and Jhope excused themselves into the kitchen.Namjoon scanned the body that laid there peacefully.

“Please hyung believe Tae,believe us.It wan’t her fault.” Jungkook pleaded the leader.He didn’t want him to misunderstand his noona,the one who saved his life in a wrong way.“Jungkook,come in here for a minute.” Yoongi shouted his name. Jungkook stood and looked at the leader before disappeared into the kitchen.

Namjoon POV.


I stared at her body.The body that once smiled at me,enjoyed herself with me and others,talked and played with us now laid lifelessly.My wolf howled in agony. ‘This was your fault.’ ‘Don’t peirce it deep in me further more,RM.’ I talked with the wolf inside my head.

“Why didn’t I believe you that time?” I asked myself.Asking myself again and again while took her hand in mine.“You realised now I see.” I turned toward the voice.“It’s my fault.”

“Yeah it’s your fault,idiot.You knew well than the others that she won’t ever dare to do that.” Yoongi hyung spoke coldly.“That time when I saw Tae and Jimin,I was so angry.I was so angry that they hurted.They hurted and I didn’t know or be able to help them hyung.” Yoongi replied sharply.“And you take your anger toward her?Toward the girl who try to help.The girl who you knew well like really well.The girl wh-”

“Hyung please,don’t say it right now.” Namjoon stopped him in the middle of sentence.“You can’t ignore the fact that she’s your mate Joon!” Right now Yoongi hyung got angry and raised his voice.“She’s...your mate?/Is that true Joon?” Jungkook,Jin hyung and Hope started asking me.

“Fuck that stupid rule,you should care about her first Namjoon.” Yoongi hyung seemed to be mad,really mad.Jin hyung tried to calm him down.“I don’t want you to be stubborn and end up like me Joon.” That was when Jin hyung took Yoongi hyung out of the room.

Since that day,I took care her.Took care of my own mistake that let this happen.I remembered what mom said before I came here.The conversation clearly in my head.‘Believe you heart Joon.’ and now I was doing what her said.

When the 95 ones got better.They always came and visited her.In a few days afterward,she awoke.The Maknae cheered up and started thanking her with her help.She only smile.The situation between us was so akward.

End Namjoon POV.

“Jimin hyung,did you know that noona is soon to be our luna?” Jungkook asked Jimin and Tae sat there listening as well.“What happened when we were knocked out?” Taehyung asked the youngest.

Jungkook then started gossiping the story to the two hyungs.“But you knows,hyung didn’t want to admit it.” Jimin glance at the leader.They were talking about it.Glancing a few time to the leader and talked again.

Time flew so fast,you were back on your own feet again,healthy and alive. Namjoon realised how much he loved you and this time he wouldn’t make a mistake again,he sweared to himself.He apologized for everything and spent more time with you.Your bond came back and surprisingly stronger.However little did you know he didn’t feel the same about you anymore.

22 years old

After the incident,everything fell back into their places.You finally decided to escape from your owner and lived in shifter village instead.Your story have been told to the others,that made them respect you a lot.You needed a year to adjust all of shifters.Well it wasn’t that bad after all.

“Noona let’s go.” Jimin draged you out of your house.Taehyung already waited you with Jin.The four of you started your journey.You were wonder why they blinded fold you.Jin only said you should wait to see yourself.

The journey from your house to wherever they plan seems to be so long.You felt a little bit tired.Taehyung who noticed it then insisted you to ride him.Jimin and Jin then put you up on Taehyung back.

“We arrive?” You felt Taehyung stopped.You asked them to make sure and Jin reply a ‘yes’ to you.You then hopped down from thewolf back.When you landed, you noticed how soft this place was.“I’ll send you here,He’ll continue from me noona.”

I felt someone grabbed me.I followed whoever lead me right now.“Hi ma’am I’m Jungkook,your guide for today.” I chuckled after hearing the weird voice that the younger made.“Then lead the way.” He continued his job until finally stopped somewhere.“I’ll take your blind fold now noona.” After his word,the matress on your eyes removed.


You openned your eyes to adjust the light and surrounding.Admiring the beautifulness around you and smiled.“Oh I need to go,your prince’ll arrive soon.” ‘Your prince,who?’ The question popped up in your head.You took a seat on the green grasses.Feeling so fresh and warm,under the sun that was soon goint to set down the skyline.

“Ahem”You turned toward the voice.Eyes widen when you recognized the man.He was dressed in his white tux,bouquet in his left hand and the right hid behind his back.His smile was so genuine and the dimples popped up on his apple cheeks.

“What was all of this Joon?” You asked the man in front of you.You didn’t know what really happened.However you heart filled up with happiness and warmness like it’s never happened before.He walked to you,step by step until no space between you two.

“Well a-actually I sh-should...” He stuttered which made you laugh.He scratched his neck and started again.“I should have done this for a long time but stupid me.I didn’t realise my feeling back then.So *take a deep breathe* I know this is too fast for you and me.We should have date firstor something but I can’t wait. Will you be mine?”

The man dropped down on his knee.Opening the little red box in his right hand and presented you a diamond ring.You tried hard to comprehen everything in front of your sight.Your heart swelled up with joy.

“I suppose we should go on at least one date.” You smiled and he jumped up and hug you really tight.Not so long after that,all cheering sound filled the air. The other six men came up and congrat you guys.It was one of your best days ever in your li-

“Babe what are you doing?”

Present time ; 28 years old


You looked up and saw your husband walked in.His sleepy face made you smiled.“Let’s sleep,I don’t want to sleep alone.” He gently bent down and hug you from behind your chair.“Just a moment Joon,I have a sentence out two to finish.”

Namjoon picked up the notebook on the table.He carefully read it.Soon the smile flashed on his face.“So this is your diary?” He asked you while flipped to read other pages.“Well let me finish for you then.”He put down the diary,picked up the pen then started wrting.You waited until he finished.He then peck your lips and took you back to the bedroom.

“Tell me what did you write again?” You asked him but he didn’t speak anything. You ended up sulking a bit.He only laugh and gently caressed you.“What I write was-” “Appa,Eomma...” The small voice called you from the door.

“What is it,my boy?” Namjoon got up from the bed and picked the boy up.He placed him on the matress in the middle of you guys.“I have a bad dream.” You started patting his head.Namjoon calmed him down and talked sweatly to him until he fell asleep.“Tell me what did you write?” “Go read it yourself tomorrow.”

‘Namjoon note : And this is the story of my wife and me.Who would believe that Alpha like me will have a mate like her.I guess The runaway is my mate.’

- The end -

Hi guys,how was it? I didn’t know if it was good or not since I came up with it randomly.It was in my draft for a long time now and I don’t know what to update right now.Here we go this story,I hope you enjoy.Don’t forget to check out the others as well.I’ll update the master list soon so see ya next time.

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1 year ago


Author: @sabiekay

Pairing: Wolf Shifter! Jimin and Wolf Shifter! Reader (can be read as gender neutral) - Platonic/Friendship

Rating: PG-13 (for language and subject matter)

Genre: Wolf Shifters/Wolf Pack, Angst

Trigger Warnings: Graphic description of blood, wounds, and injuries; minor character death mention

Word Count: 1.2K

Summary: While healing your packmate Jimin from an attack, you are confronted by painful memories you don’t want to face. Inspired by prompt #1032 by @creativepromptsforwriting -

"It's only a scratch." "A scratch that is ruining all your clothes right now."

Author's Note: This is my first dip into the supernatural world! Everything I know about wolf shifters and/or wolf packs comes from reading other fics, please don't assume I am an expert or the definitive voice for this genre.

Read here!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50717473

Thank you for reading! I saw this prompt come up on my home page and the words just came spilling out.

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