Song Inspired - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Song Based Designs

Song Based Designs
Song Based Designs
Song Based Designs
Song Based Designs

Made in late September/early October of last year

OTA designs I made that nobody adopted TwT

I’m still very proud of them and might be willing to trade them, but I also might keep them as D&D OCs we’ll see.

they’re based on inferno by yeule, curious/furious by WILLOW, Chokehold Cherry Python by Ashnikko, and quiet, i can’t think by safesp8ce

I put too much thought into these designs so if anyone wants to know the details lmk

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2 years ago
The Moon Will Sing A Song For Me

“The moon will sing a song for me

I loved you like the sun

Bore the Shadows that you made 

With no light of my own” 

Listening to The Crane Wives “Moon Will Sing” and this image dropped directly into my brain. Another wolf shapeshifter? In this house? More likely than you think. 

Image Id: A young man with short brown hair falls through the sky. His right arm dangles limply and his left reaches for a yellow waxing gibbous moon. He wears a long sleeved cream shirt with an x pattern stitched around the wrists and black claw-shaped buttons. His brown belt has the same x pattern. He wears black pants and brown boots with black leather laces and soles. A wolf pelt hangs around his shoulders bound by a white tooth beneath his chin. The wolf’s head is a hood over his troubled face. His eyes are open; the skin’s are closed. He’s lit above by the moon and below by three blue clouds. 

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4 years ago

Possessed boi

Possessed Boi
Possessed Boi

Here's a drawing of my oc inspired by "Hand me my shovel, I'm going in!" by Will Wood

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3 years ago

Post inspiration from the song “Healing.” by Riley Clemmings. Linked here if anyone is interested!

Post Inspiration From The Song Healing. By Riley Clemmings. Linked Here If Anyone Is Interested!

“I-I really thought I wouldn’t make it out of this one, ya’know? I just gave up, sitting in that dark alley. I didn’t think anyone was going to find me. And if someone did, what would they do? Turn me in, leave me to rot? I couldn’t take that chance. And… and then you found me.”

A hand squeezed theirs reassuringly.

“I couldn’t do anything. Too weak I guess. I just prayed I could trust you. And I guess I was right.” A smile graced their lips, they hiccuped.

Hero gave Villan’s hand another squeeze. Apparently when they left the room to get something for them to eat, the villain had taken it as ‘the morphine controller is free game’ and gone to town with it. Hero reminded themselves to never leave it in plain sight again as the villain went from thanking them to singing an off-key version of an old nursery rhyme.

It was only slightly humorous.

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2 years ago

Inspired by the song “More Than I Could Be,” by Danney Gokey, linked here if anyone is interested.

TW: suicide

Inspired By The Song More Than I Could Be, By Danney Gokey, Linked Here If Anyone Is Interested.

“I could’ve become anything. I could’ve become a henchman for Supervillain, I could’ve overthrown him and taken his place. I could’ve ruled the city, like a king, made everything better for the civilians who are too afraid to stand up for what’s right.

I could’ve burned this place to the ground years ago, you know? Destroyed it all, back before there was someone to stop me. But you.”

“But me.”

“You stopped all of it. Without even realizing, you’ve made me the one thing I could’ve never been on my own.”

“And that is?”

“Excited,” The villain looked at the Hero, their eyes tired, so tired. “You made me happy. I really thought I was doing the right thing if someone was trying to stop me. But this...” Their eyes wandered over the destruction, the fire, the death. All caused by their own two hands.“This is not it. This is me saying my goodbye, Hero.” And they could only watch in mute horror as Villain walked to the edge, and jumped.

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7 years ago

Send Her My Love

part 2: Second Choice

inspired by journey’s send her my love

summary: several months later, a still hung-up steve hears that [Y/N] is back in hawkins from a semester at college and dustin has a trick or two up his sleeve

warnings: mentions of death/grief, (vague) spoilers for Stranger Things 2, angst,

a/n: part 3?

Send Her My Love

It's been so long

Since I've seen her face

Rain assaulted the sidewalks and scattered loose gravel across the asphalt of Hawkins. Few dared brave this weather in the setting sun and [Y/N] found herself standing alone on a darkened street as she stepped out of the taxi cab. The last of the autumn leaves fell silently to the ground, swept away with the wind and twirling under the angry raindrops’ direction.

This kind of quiet was hard to come by on a Saturday night in any town other than Hawkins, Indiana, as [Y/N] had learned in just one semester away from her hometown. As she pulled the last of her luggage up the steps to her front door, she swallowed back the urge to stand in the rain, just trying to recapture that raw Hawkins smell.

The house was uncomfortably quiet as [Y/N] stepped into the foyer and shut the door behind her. There were days when she might have expected to be tackled by a pair of giggling pigtails. Those days were long gone, now.

[Y/N] should have been angry. Her Father never showed at the bus station to drive her home, and she used the last of her cash to pay for a cab. No doubt he got caught up in something at work again, an occurrence that became daily two years ago. If she had one guess, her Mother had a wine glass between her lips and no clue what day it was, or when her daughter was due to come home. She knew she should be angry at her parents for just shutting down on her like that. But instead, she just felt numb.

Sighing, she made her way up the staircase to her old bedroom. The movement was automatic, and if she weren’t so drowsy, [Y/N] might have caught a glimpse of the ghostly bedroom beside hers and forgotten how to breathe. She collapsed on her twin bed and let out a heavy sigh. If she thought last Christmas had been hard, she was in for a world of hurt when this year finally came to a close.

Two blocks and one left turn away, Steve Harrington sat on his own bed, staring at the ceiling and feeling very sorry for himself. He twiddled his thumbs over his chest, trying to figure out how he’d ended up in this mess. A year ago, he might have blamed Nancy Wheeler and all her empty promises for holding him back; he knew better now, though.

Time worked in mysterious ways. Sixteen-year-old Steve had the whole world before him; ask anyone in town back then and they’d all tell you that the charming young man was destined for things much bigger than Hawkins. He could see that life laid out for him in his head, even now. Daydream-Steve left high school a local legend: star athlete, the town’s teen heartthrob, Prom King, committed to play basketball at a reputable college, the works. In this life, he might move to a big city for work, meet the love of his life, and settle down somewhere nice. But Steve’s plan didn’t include demogorgons, losing his girlfriend and his popular friends, or befriending thirteen-year-olds. Most of all, he never imagined that he might meet the love of his life right here in Hawkins, or that she would be the one who got out of this godforsaken town. But Steve supposed that was what he had coming to him for being such an arrogant prick.

Now 19 and finally growing up, Steve reckoned he might not like the person he would have become in that daydream of his. He might still be right where he was a year ago, but at least he could look himself in the eye whenever he passed by a mirror.

Growing tired of his pity party, Steve dragged himself up out of bed and fished his keys out of his jeans pocket.

You say she's doin' fine

I still recall

A sad cafe

Jittery and nursing his second cup of coffee for the evening, Steve danced around the elephant in the room. Dustin, who sat across from him, was glaring holes into his forehead. The kid had just dropped a bomb on Steve’s lap and now expected his friend to thank him.

“S-she’s back?”

“Yeah,” he scoffed. “Jeez, Harrington, are you even listening?”

His quip fell onto deaf ears, however; Steve couldn’t focus on anything but the pounding in his chest. [Y/N] was back in Hawkins.

“Hey, Earth to Steve!”

“Yes, what? Chill!”“

“I said,” he scoffed. “She’s doing fine, Steve. Really, I haven’t seen her this happy since-“

Steve nodded slowly, digesting the information about as well as some bad seafood. This was exactly what he’d wanted to hear, so why did he feel so sick?

“You should talk to her.”

“What? Don’t be stupid, Dustin,” he paused. “She doesn’t want to see me, that was made pretty clear.”

“It’s been a long time, Steve. How can you be so sure?”

Tugging on his hair, Steve groaned. He’d never been good at dealing with his emotions. Pretending not to have any was just so easy that for a while he almost forgot they were there. Until [Y/N].

A thick silence fell over the two and Steve was about to suggest he drive Dustin home when he was interrupted. The younger of the two boys leaned forward on the table, smirking with the knowledge that he knew something Steve didn’t. Steve wagged a finger at him, preparing to tell him off.

But he didn’t get a single word in before the door chime sounded and he forgot how to speak. The cafe the two boys sat in was empty this time of night, save for them and a tired-looking waitress wiping the counters. But that stupid door chime rang and Steve caught one look at her. Shaking the rain from her coat and hair, [Y/N] stepped in and looked around for Dustin.

A harsh pink tint bit her nose from the cold and she looked tired, but [Y/N] still glowed with a youthful beauty that was rare in such a small town. She mustn’t have seen Steve until after she reached their booth. Her lips parted to greet the young teen but something stopped her. That something couldn’t seem to speak himself.

She saw him and the smile slipped from her lips just as quickly as Steve was slipping from his grip on reality.

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4 years ago

“Mamma Mia, He’s Italiano”

A ZeRoyalChaos Short Fanfic

Once he saw Anthony, his best friend- the guy that’ll end up being the death of him; his plan flew right out the window, the second Mr. Chaos came into view. He has been dreading this day, but Tom said if he didn’t confess, he would. How could Steven, the science, multilingual nerd tell Chilled? THE Chilled? He is tall, he has the most penetrating gaze with those big, almost crazily fascinating brown spheres that can make Ze just want to stop and find out what made them have such an effect on him. The way his lips curl up and separate to show off those teeth, the way he tries to hold back his laughter so it won’t give him away. No wonder he has called himself “Chilled Chaos,” he’ll make you want to trust him, just so he could betray you. “Hey, Ze.” the Italian said as he made his way over to the short Canadian who just couldn’t hide the smile that immediately graced his features whenever the two talked, despite the harsh nerves. “Salute, Monsieur Chilled.” “Okay, okay! Ze “I-Learned-French-in-High-School” Viking, way to rub it in.” They both start to laugh, “One day, Chilled, you will one day learn Italian.” Steven let the words just flow out of his mouth, wondering if he could actually tell the man what he has too. “I will! Anyway, what is it that you needed to tell me? Make it quick, it is Friday, I have to make it home.” “Why? Just so you could play games and sleep all weekend?” “NO!” Two green, emerald eyes bore into the nervous, brown ones, he gave in. “Yes.., but I will do work also!” Steven sighs, regaining his companion’s attention, “Anthony,” he starts. He didn’t need his sense of sight to know that Anthony was taken back by the usage of his name. They all called each other by their nicknames because, in their friend group, there are two Anthonys and two Stevens. Chilled became hyperaware of the sincerity and seriousness of the situation, he mumbles, almost to himself, “Steven..?” Ze heard him but didn’t reply, he only opened his eyes, grass meets the soil, the dirt, once again. He hopes his eyes conveyed his words but he isn’t hopeful. He shut off his brain and let his heart take control. “I…,” he starts, anxiety turning into determination. “We have been friends for years, best even.” He went on explaining every little detail that just helped him fall even more in love with the older man. He rambled on and on. He finally decides that he wasn’t going to stop any time soon, he stopped himself short; or “short.” In the middle of his explanation, to stare lovingly at the ground, he made himself look back towards the eyes that were once filled with excitement. He didn’t seem too happy or anything; he was confused. For poor Steven, he mistook that confusion for him not returning his feelings. He quickly left, trying to be easy on his joints for his royal disease. The only thing that was running in Anthony’s mind was,

“Was he speaking Italian?”

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8 years ago
Its Got To Be My Destiny- And Its What My Cutie Mark Is Telling MeWhat My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me, MLP
Its Got To Be My Destiny- And Its What My Cutie Mark Is Telling MeWhat My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me, MLP
Its Got To Be My Destiny- And Its What My Cutie Mark Is Telling MeWhat My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me, MLP

“Its got to be my destiny- and It’s what my cutie mark is telling me…” –What my cutie mark is telling me, MLP–

EDIT- May 16th, 2016: Wow Rythian reblogged this! :0 I've been noticed by my hero, I'm so happy-

Those lyrics are what inspired the idea- hope you all enjoy!

@zoeyp @yogscastkimbox @yogscastduncan @rythian <— people in the picture.

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6 years ago
Dont Know Why You Cant See, You Give Me- You Give Me- Give Me Anxiety! Apparently May Is Mental Health
Dont Know Why You Cant See, You Give Me- You Give Me- Give Me Anxiety! Apparently May Is Mental Health
Dont Know Why You Cant See, You Give Me- You Give Me- Give Me Anxiety! Apparently May Is Mental Health
Dont Know Why You Cant See, You Give Me- You Give Me- Give Me Anxiety! Apparently May Is Mental Health
Dont Know Why You Cant See, You Give Me- You Give Me- Give Me Anxiety! Apparently May Is Mental Health
Dont Know Why You Cant See, You Give Me- You Give Me- Give Me Anxiety! Apparently May Is Mental Health
Dont Know Why You Cant See, You Give Me- You Give Me- Give Me Anxiety! Apparently May Is Mental Health

“Don’t know why you cant see, you give me- you give me- Give me Anxiety!” Apparently May is mental health awareness month. Anxiety and Depression are one hell of a combo, and not many people in my life understand that. I’m getting better though- I’d like to thank my friends and Jacksepticeye for that. Who would have thought? Hope you all enjoy. (Reblogs help artists a lot and are greatly appreciated.)

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2 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

So, I did a thing. It's not my best work, but I figured I'd share it anyway

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3 years ago


"Your beauty is beyond compare,

With flaming locks of auburn hair,

With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green.

Your smile is like a breath of spring,

Your voice is soft like summer rain

And I just want to be with you, Jolene."

- Jolene (but it's gay) by Reinaeiry

Happy pride month ya'll! I definitely need to draw more girls being in love.

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10 months ago

I yearn for adventures and space travels, I renOUNCE MY MORTAL FLESH



I Yearn For Adventures And Space Travels, I RenOUNCE MY MORTAL FLESH

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6 years ago

Heavy Castles - SPEEDPAINT #9

Hello everyone!! My friend showed me a really cool song and I got inspired to draw!

So, thanks to my man ‘Da Banana’ for showing me the song that accompanies the speedpaint I have for you guys today! He actually helped me out pick out the second song as well, so I'm thankful for that!

And, please, Tell me what you guys think! Love yall! Bye!!

If the resolution is too low, or if it’s blurry, you guys can turn it up! So far, by turning it to 720p, it’s a hell of a lot clearer than if it was lower.

(If you guys have tips or pointers on how to make it clearer by default, I would appeaciate it!! Cause it’s been bothering me for a while and I have no idea how to fix that!)


Here is the finished version of the drawing! Inspired by Tom McDonald’s song CASTLES.

Heavy Castles - SPEEDPAINT #9

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6 years ago
Kids In The Dark

Kids in the Dark

Light and Dark.

Rich and Poor.

It really depends on how you see it. 😇😊

(By the way, I tried some different techniques for the wings. Guess you can say that I was experimenting. This is definitely one of my favorites now)



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7 months ago

Forbidden Love

Forbidden Love

artist @fantasia-kitt

In the quiet corners of the world, where shadows and light intermingle, a love story unfolded—one so intense and forbidden that even the heavens themselves wept. Sol, a figure marked by a tragic past and brooding demeanor, found solace in the unexpected presence of someone he considered his soulmate.

They never wanted Sol to find you. The whispers of destiny, the murmurs of fate—all conspired to keep you apart. Yet, in the twists and turns of an uncertain world, you two met. It felt as though the universe had orchestrated this chance encounter, despite celestial forces working against it. Every touch, every shared glance, felt like a defiance of the cosmic order.

Whenever Sol reached out to hold your hand, a silent, invisible chorus rose in dismay. The angels, ever-watchful and vigilant, sensed the unapproved union between you two. "I hear the angels cry," Sol would whisper, his voice tinged with awe and sorrow. There was something about your connection that rippled through reality, making even divine guardians tremble.

No, they didn't want you to be his. Your love was a rebellious act, a bold declaration against destiny's decrees. The angels, terrified by the strength of your bond, wept tears of celestial light. Their fear wasn't born out of malice, but an understanding that such intense love could unravel the universe.

The ground seemed to cave in whenever the two of you were together, as if the world itself couldn't bear the weight of your passion. There was a sense of impending doom, a feeling that heaven would never allow you both to cross its gates, bound together as you were. But there was a defiant beauty in knowing that this world, with all its imperfections and fleeting moments, was the stage for your love.

"Heaven will never let us in," Sol would say, a sad smile playing on his lips as he brushed a strand of hair away from your face. His eyes, those piercing reddish-orange orbs, held resignation and fierce protectiveness. He knew your love was a forbidden fruit, yet he couldn't bring himself to walk away.

The world wasn't made to last forever, nor were the rules that governed it. Every time Sol touched your hand, brushed against your cheek, or shared a quiet moment with you, it felt like a small victory against a cosmic decree. The angels, with their tears and silent laments, were witnesses to a love that defied the heavens themselves.

In those stolen moments, in the quiet of twilight or the hush of dawn, you and Sol made the angels cry. Your love, so pure and yet so forbidden, was a paradox—a gentle storm that raged against the boundaries of the mortal and the divine. It was a love that transcended time, a connection so deep that it shook the foundations of everything you'd ever known.

As the world continued to turn, and as the stars in the heavens watched over you, one thing remained certain: Baby, you and Sol made the angels cry. And in that tearful acknowledgment, there was a bittersweet acceptance of a love that was both a curse and a blessing—a love that would be remembered long after the stars faded from the sky.


This story was inspired by the song "Make The Angels Cry" by Chris Grey. The Kid at the Back is a psychological, romantic, horror fantasy visual novel for viewers ages 18+, created by the amazing @fantasia-kitt

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3 years ago

Dreaming of You - Adam Stanheight / Reader

A/N I've been inspired to write this for a long time. Water Fountain - Alec Benjamin - inspired it.


The hot wind blew into your face and blistered your skin. It was one hundred and six degrees this summer but you didn’t mind, not now that your emotions were so laid back. The past year was over, and you didn’t feel good about it at all; all you felt was numb. Your heart was heavy, your stomach was sick, and your head hurt painfully. You gazed at the beautiful water fountain in front of you. The water rose and fell methodically, flaring out prettily at the top and splashing a little over the edge.

You closed your eyes, trying to clear your head, when you felt a soft, gentle, hand on your shoulder. The scent of tart, metallic, smoke came from behind you. You grit your teeth in frustration, trying to center yourself. The voice that spoke out was calm, and familiar. Just a little higher in pitch than you would expect for such a man. “Hey, Y/N.”

You couldn’t keep your feet planted in one place, even though you knew you should. “Adam!” You exclaimed brightly, spinning around quickly. You flung your arms around his shoulders despite yourself. You really couldn’t help it, you needed this right now. Reality was just too harsh at the moment.

“Hey, baby!” Adam smiled at you warmly, wrapping his arms around your waist.

You rested your head on his chest, letting the softness of his white tee sooth you. You let out a deep sigh. “Adam…” you breathed. “I was wondering when you’d come find me.”

Adam lifted his hands up, and brushed his fingers through your hair. “Darling, of course I’d find you. I’d never leave you.”

You gazed up at him sadly, not feeling secure. You hadn’t felt secure for the last twelve months. “I thought I’d lost you forever, remember? Sometimes, I still feel that.”

Adam looked at the fountain solemnly. “Yeah. I do, too. But it’s over now. You don’t have to worry about that anymore. I love you, and that’s all that matters. Why don’t we go home?”

You shook your head. Somehow, you weren’t ready to leave this place yet. “No. Not quite. I… need a little more time… I miss you…”

“ ‘Miss’ me?” Adam asked you skeptically. “Baby, I’ve been here the whole time. You went to look at the fountain, remember?”

“Oh…” you grumbled dishearteningly. “Y-Yeah. I do now.”

“Oh, sweet-pea, please cheer up. It’s like you’ve lost a puppy, or something. Come on. Come here.” Adam plopped you on the edge of the water fountain, and sat on your lap. He cupped your cheeks with both hands. They were soft and warm, and his breath traveled down your neck and gave you goosebumps. You leaned your head back, allowing Adam to start kissing you. You smiled at the clear sky and sighed heavily. Holy shit, this was what you had needed during that last year. “Where were you?” You murmured.

“What do you mean?” Adam asked you in annoyance, his lips barely removing themselves from your skin. “I’VE BEEN HERE. I DIDN’T GO ANYWHERE.” He emphasized every word.

You looked at him happily. “Mmmh. I know. It just feels… like… We’ve been away for a long time… I don’t know…”

Adam lifted his mouth up to yours. “Now where have you been getting those ideas? You’re always allowed into my dark room, you know. I’d love your company, baby. Just don’t touch anything, please. I put a lot of work into those photos.”

Your heart melted. You pressed yourself closer to him. “Of course. I’m sorry. I should have thought of that. Of course that’s why I feel so lonely.”

Adam rubbed your head, and then wrapped his hands around your waist. He pulled your hips forward, brought your head in real close and kissed you. “You don’t deserve that loneliness, darling,” he whispered in your ear. “Come produce photos with me one day.”

You felt so light and overwhelmed. You were giddy, and very much at a loss for words. You gaped at him. “Just kiss me,” you begged him longingly.

“There’s the Y/N I know. Finally coming back to yourself, I see? Let’s keep it that way, yeah? No more dosage of depression, please. I just want my baby back…”

His words struck your nerves. You could feel heat rising in your cheeks, and butterflies flying in your stomach. You reached out your arms and wound them around Adam’s shoulders. “I love you,” you whispered. It was all you could think of to say.

“I love you, too.”

Adam kissed you again, harder this time, with much more passion.

More heat.

More excitement.

More lust.

You felt like an angel floating through heaven, Adam’s way of pleasing you was just so perfect. You wrapped your legs around his waist, Adam adjusted himself on your lap. “You like this?” He questioned softly in your ear.

So much!

There were no words to explain how you felt right now. You felt… Happy… That was the most important thing right now, not feeling sad anymore.

You felt safe.

You felt glad.

You felt… hmmm… perhaps that one wasn’t meant for public ears…

“Baby,” you practically whimpered out in desperation. “I-I…” your voice trailed off as you spoke. Shyly, you forced yourself to finish the sentence you started; there was no turning back now. “...Want you.”

Adam only looked at you smugly. One eyebrow was raised, and there was a crooked smirk on his face, as his villainous gaze observed you thoughtfully. But he didn’t say anything. Not a single word. He didn’t make a move, either. You both sat there in silence.

“Adam,” you broke the silence eventually. You were confused. What had you said to make him zone out like that? “Did I do something?”

“No!” Adam objected immediately. “You did nothing wrong… but I’m just wondering how long you plan on staying here. Your ass is nearly falling off the fountain.”

“No, it’s not!” You exclaimed. It was true. You were sitting firmly on the edge of the water fountain. “Oh… Sorry…” Adam mumbled awkwardly. “The angle looked weird from here.” He laughed , but it was forced.

“This is the fountain, isn’t it?” You asked, abruptly changing the subject. “You said, if you could have a water fountain in our house, this would be the one. Didn’t you?"

Adam peered past you to the fountain. “Yeah. I think it would be cool if we could have a water fountain in the yard, or something like that. I’m still not sure about all the details.”

You smiled to yourself. “It’s okay. I like the idea. Just keep fantasizing, we’ll figure it out.”

“I think it’s time we left. It’s getting dark, doesn’t that worry you?”

“Nah,” you said casually. “I’m just… here. I’m… happy.”

Adam looked at you miserably for a moment. “Y-Yeah. Yeah. I’m glad to see you happy.”

“You don’t look like it.”

Adam kissed you once more. “It’s not that at all. I’M worried about being out late. But we can stay since you want to so badly.”

You beamed up at him, eyes gleaming. “Thanks, Adam.”

Adam pulled his fingers through your hair. “I should’ve built a home with a fountain for us,” he hummed out quietly. “The moment that you told me that you were in love.”

Adam started to flicker and fade. It alarmed you because you could still hear his voice in your ears and feel his touch on your body. It was a rare collision of flickering, but still you were beginning to see through him like a foggy window. The real world was breaking through your illusion.

Your eyes kept fluttering open and closed over and over again, until finally you woke up for good. Your back hurt, your head hurt, your butt also hurt; and you realized then that you were nearly falling off the edge of the water fountain.

The streetlamps were on all along the sidewalk, illuminating the darkness slightly. Sunset had passed a long time ago, obviously.

To the side, there was music playing. A quiet melody that no one but you could hear. However, now that there were no more people around to bring sound to counter it, the entire cemetery was filled with your music. “Now I’m grabbing her hips, and pulling her in. Kissing her lips, and whispering in her ear and I know that it’s only a wish. And that we’re not standing by the water fountain.”

How long have I been listening to the same song? You wondered. I didn’t know it was on repeat! I think my favorite song is after this… No wait, you realized. That can’t be right. If my favorite song was after this, I would have skipped this one completely!

You looked around the gloomy cemetery one last time. While you had been unable to assign the water fountain to Adam, you had been able to get the cemetery to put it in as a memorial for ALL of its occupants. It still stung. “I’m sorry,” you said.

Lifting yourself from the fountain, you found yourself unsteady. You stumbled down the hill, and looked back up at the water fountain. Your heart was heavy and sore. You didn’t want to leave this place, not when it gave you so much comfort.

So much relief.

You stared at the gravestone closest to the fountain. You couldn’t read it from this distance, but you knew what was on it. Your boyfriend’s full name. It tore you apart, it really did. You didn’t know how you could manage this all on your own. You didn’t know how you could SURVIVE. You didn’t want to leave Adam behind. You simply wanted to be with him one more time. “I just…” you stammered out loud. You tripped over your words for a short moment.

Frustrated you blurted out your thoughts honestly. The truth always hurt more the longer you held it in. Your words were cold, and blew away in the frost, up towards Adam’s resting place, but sometimes telling the truth was all one needed to feel better. Standing in the chill, as the clock struck twelve, you muttered to yourself dejectedly,



“I still love you, baby.”

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