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5 months ago

Touya: *rushing into the room, panting* *greasy hair plastered to his forehead, chip dust and crumbs on his shirt and fingertips, sweaty, hasn't showered in four days* *standing in doorway* "Do you love me, babe?"

You: "Of course, Touya."

Touya: *a relieved sigh* "Radical." *flops over, face down on the floor, passes out*

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5 months ago
He Was So Thirsty For The Almond That He Tried To Steal My Latte
He Was So Thirsty For The Almond That He Tried To Steal My Latte

he was so thirsty for the almond that he tried to steal my latte

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5 months ago


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5 months ago
We Went On A Picnic Today. Fresh Blackberry And Strawberry Jam And Bread Overhaul Likes His Jams Tart

we went on a picnic today. fresh blackberry and strawberry jam and bread đŸș overhaul likes his jams tart and barely semi-sweet. these were perfect for him to munch on.

We Went On A Picnic Today. Fresh Blackberry And Strawberry Jam And Bread Overhaul Likes His Jams Tart

touya did not enjoy these muscadine grapes, but he does like eating lemons. do you eat lemons? we both struggled to do this but the lemons were originally meant to be for the black tea.

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5 months ago
The Chisaki Family Adventures (continued Under The Cut.)

The Chisaki Family Adventures (continued under the cut.)

The Chisaki Family Adventures (continued Under The Cut.)
The Chisaki Family Adventures (continued Under The Cut.)

Touya isn't afraid of any of the rides. But if we did one that spun too fast, he would turn to me with a deadpan before we both then had to rest to accommodate our upset bellies. Overhaul was not amused at this fair. He didn't want to ride anything because of potentially dirty rides. He also doesn't want to risk the chance of anyone else getting sick on the ride. The horrors. However, I did get him to play a game. He didn't win anything.

The Chisaki Family Adventures (continued Under The Cut.)
The Chisaki Family Adventures (continued Under The Cut.)

Little Touya was thirsty and pleased as punch to be there.

The Chisaki Family Adventures (continued Under The Cut.)
The Chisaki Family Adventures (continued Under The Cut.)

The seating was very interesting. We had to bounce whenever they started playing music of a guy yodeling. Overhaul closed his eyes and stiffly walked away—Touya attempted to yodel.

The Chisaki Family Adventures (continued Under The Cut.)

You can never be too safe.

The Chisaki Family Adventures (continued Under The Cut.)

Touya wouldn't stop teasing Overhaul about being his "housewife." Overhaul was, once again, not amused.

The Chisaki Family Adventures (continued Under The Cut.)

And finally... We all had to go inside for a bit because it was too hot. Overhaul doesn't like the heat for obvious reasons. Touya said he wanted to sit on a stairwell so it was hard for people to walk around him.

What lovely gentlemen.

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5 months ago
He Knows What The People Want From Him.

he knows what the people want from him.

He Knows What The People Want From Him.

knows a little too well.

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5 months ago

(considering a mathematics minor, and i then wondered what my boys would do for majors/minors — feel free to reshare this post and respond and tell me what you think your f/os would do for majors/minors!!)


i think touya would definitely excel at a mathematical major. perhaps a more applied math because he's very talented and can easily calculate and predict (i'm thinking of how he's able to watch moves and emulate them without practice basically). he's kind of funny with it. he'll never study, just disappears into the shadows and rolls up on exam day to somehow make a 100 on it. plus, i feel like it'd make him feel great to start spitting statistics to someone and their eyes widen because he doesn't look like a math type of guy. he'd also potentially enjoy the probability aspect the most. he stares someone down and starts discussing theoretical probability—the number of favorable outcomes E / number of possible outcome S or n(E) / n(S) before he then moves on to conditional probability and expected value (the person he's talking to is evaporating).

for his minor, i'm thinking maybe something that has nothing to do with math. perhaps some legal system stuff, something that works with juvenile justice. i think it would be cathartic for him, but not something he could dedicate himself to because it can get heavy at times.

overhaul would take on the strain of doing a double major. he'd do chemistry (particularly some sort of biochemistry track) and biology (perhaps a biomedical sciences track). the two work so well together and i think he'd be very "hands-on" with things like this (thinking of the context of canon too). i can see him taking notes late into night, illuminated only by the orange glow of a library desk lamp (as opposed to touya leaning back and kicking his feet up on the desk right next to him). or him in class attempting to work in a group, but the group and him concoct some of the worst things to exist (in chemistry) or it's his luck that the equipment fails (him staring down blankly as the spectrophotometer reads a negative three hundred somehow before it reads point four with the same sample).

if he could handle a minor or be allowed to, i imagine he'd do something with business. it's more of a smaller thing, but something useful for him if he wants to do anything with his chemistry / biology degree (s).

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5 months ago
He Liked The Mint

he liked the mint 🍩

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5 months ago

there's a guy making you uncomfortable, so you snap your fingers and the shie hassaikai pull up to the scene.


setsuno, tabe, and hojo are tight. these three share a deep and powerful bond and friendship, as well as a deep devotion to the shie hassaikai. but most importantly they share unbreakable respect and gratitude for overhaul. so they would do anything for overhaul and the shie hassaikai. if someone's upsetting you, those three are the first to pounce forward and take care of the problem.

sakaki's all for being reckless and fun, but he'll get angry if someone's not playing along right. if you nod towards the guy and make a cutthroat motion, sakaki's getting pissed and charging forward.

mimic would take this as not only an insult to you and overhaul, but to the yakuza. he'd be instantly angry, unable to keep his cool. that guy might not last long because mimic's buff arm is flinging out and snatching the guy up by the throat— "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO OUR GIRL?"

katsukame's relationship with overhaul is that of a loyal friend and younger brother figure, so he'd do whatever necessary to protect you. he'd be very sly and snarky to the guy before he's stomping forward and taking this guy out.

rappa would be so enraged, it's not even funny. he would think it's unchivalrous and insulting to prey on someone who could be misconstrued as "weaker," making the entire situation an "unfair fight." he'd call the guy pathetic, wouldn't even waste his time. he'd just swoop you up and carry you away from him.

tengai expresses a strong loyalty to overhaul (addressing him as master overhaul and scolding rappa whenever he doesn't take overhaul seriously). his loyalty would extend to you as well, so the idea of someone disrespecting you would irritate tengai. he would simply stand before this guy, slowly shaking his head and crossing his arms. "how pathetic you are to not take no for an answer, especially to someone infinitely better than you could ever achieve."

nemoto also falls under that complete and total devotion to overhaul. someone making you uncomfortable is the same as someone making overhaul uncomfortable, which would infuriate nemoto to unspeakable levels. he'd embarrass and humiliate this man with his quirk, and he'd do it to whatever extent you desire.

kurono has the strongest bond and deepest care for overhaul. he clearly wants overhaul's success, happiness, or whatever you want to call overhaul's dream. if you're injured or upset, it could trickle down to overhaul, and he doesn't want that. he'd do whatever overhaul needed, and that would also include protecting your wellbeing.

overhaul, ultimately, wouldn't say a word to this man. he'd stretch his arm out, glove off, and meld him into something—perhaps a well? a fence? something that he could easily rearrange his body around to keep him alive but forever trapped. and, of course, he'd make sure to break those vocal cords so that no one knows what happened to him. hives line his arm and face when he turns to face you, but he stiffly links arms and walks you away, muttering. "how filthy. i can't believe he even thought he had a chance."

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5 months ago
Made These (with Some Of My Favorite Images)
Made These (with Some Of My Favorite Images)
Made These (with Some Of My Favorite Images)
Made These (with Some Of My Favorite Images)

made these (with some of my favorite images)

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5 months ago
Who The Fuck Left Their Fentanyl Tuna At The Park?

who the fuck left their fentanyl tuna at the park?

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5 months ago

[a list of overhaul headcanons that i've been obsessed with + soft x reader imagines]

he's kind of low-energy, so i imagine a lot of his hobbies would be similar.

given his physique, he'd probably enjoy working out, exercise, and/or yoga. he'd listen to documentaries about scientific discoveries while doing the mindless and repetitive movements. he'd intently watch a creative recreation of the discovery of tiktaalik and then forget he'd been cycling for over an hour.

i definitely think he'd be into reading too. typically he reads autobiographical nonfiction, but i'm sure he could be swayed into more literary nonfiction. he'd also read academic/scholarly journals/publications. he'd spend hours reading and reading.

playing strategic/mentally stimulating board/card games would interest him too. it's to keep his wits sharp, and perhaps hone in his poker face more and more. he probably did this a lot when he was younger, but then it became a hobby so he just does it to keep his brain thinking.

he'd also be into things like wine making or custom metal work, something that he can build and create. chemistry is something he really would enjoy, and there are endless possibilities there. he probably brewed beer and things like that when he was younger to earn pocket money and get himself further out there, but it stuck around too.

along those lines, he spends a lot of his time studying and working on his technical skills. he has many things he has to practice and learn, and i don't think his hunger for knowledge is satiable. he'd dedicate time for learning languages that might help him one day. science and math become some of his favorite things to do to pass the time—it's like doing crossword puzzles to him.

when he was really little, i think he probably tinkered with model kits. he's a little too shy to show those off though, but they're still hidden away in a closet just in case he ever wants to attempt them once more.


imagine kai tells you that he has a surprise for you, so he leads you into the living room and reveals with a gesture a board game. his eyes are crinkled around the edges, so you know there's a smile underneath that mask of his. you'd play with him, only for him to obliterate you every. single. time. it's typically chess because he teases you that it's your skill level—and you should be glad he didn't pull out the checkers board (or worse, go fish).

imagine watching him fiddle around with experiments. he shows you the elephant toothpaste one and you both would watch in horror whenever it starts exploding out more than it was supposed to. whenever you ask what happened, kai admits that perhaps he shouldn't have been focusing on your reactions as much. but whenever he's not doing anything in particular for you (and he totally doesn't do those things to impress you), the two of you just parallel play in the same room. he's busy, writing notes down in that doctor's scrawl of his and staring down intently through his bulky jewelers loupes; while you're relaxing on the other side of the room, perhaps doing something quiet and easy like drawing, or knitting, or writing, or researching.

imagine soft jazz in the background during these things. kai slowly turns to face you with a hard stare whenever you start playing your mix of sad jazz. he shakes his head softly, telling you he's not going to examine the medicinal samples in his petri dishes to billie holiday's "the man i love" (which makes him shift from foot to foot awkwardly because of the lyrics). a sly grin starts to stretch across your face as you switch it to old german jazz (the kind that plays in those 1930s men's fashion instagram reels), and you start doing a little dance towards him, shaking your hips and shimmying. kai's eyes are wide, but he's unable to not succumb whenever you lightly grasp his hands and loosely swing his arms back and forth (he's imploding internally).

imagine making him a rap, rock rap, and/or nu metal playlist. it's sometimes heavy and emotional or bitter, and sometimes it's nice for him to lean back and grimace at the ceiling whenever he listens to the words. so you hook up your phone to a speaker, then hit shuffle. his head is leaned against the back of the couch, eyes closed while the playlist cycles through. one second cypress hill is playing, the next it's eminem's fack. kai's face contorts into dissatisfaction before his eyes open and he pointedly looks at you, but you just snicker and say it's like a game of russian roulette. i wonder just how many times this song is hidden in this playlist? kai just sighs in acceptance.

imagine kai gushing to you (in a definitely calm and composed manner) about some or the nonfiction/journals he reads, or documentaries he's watched. sometimes he'll throw a word out there that you don't know, but he's very willing to explain what it means. he's brief and precise whenever he elaborates the information, and he'll offer to let you read/watch the materials too. you'd definitely sit down and read/watch it (even if it doesn't particularly interest you, but you know kai enjoys it).

imagine the two of you getting into stuff to do together like reading theory (you wouldn't stop jokingly spamming links to the communist manifesto and industrial society and its future at three a.m. in the morning—but then you both dipped in Ă©mile durkheim and kai was immediately enthralled). or doing something like learning animal taxonomy (you wouldn't stop calling the centipedes little lovers). or something simple like drinking coffee (or whatever you'd prefer at that moment) in public and people watching.

so many little things to pass the time, just brief smiles and witty glances behind coffee steam.

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5 months ago
If It Wasn't For This, I Wouldn't Have Made It Throughbtw, Be Sure To Grab Your Student Rooster.
If It Wasn't For This, I Wouldn't Have Made It Throughbtw, Be Sure To Grab Your Student Rooster.
If It Wasn't For This, I Wouldn't Have Made It Throughbtw, Be Sure To Grab Your Student Rooster.
If It Wasn't For This, I Wouldn't Have Made It Throughbtw, Be Sure To Grab Your Student Rooster.
If It Wasn't For This, I Wouldn't Have Made It Throughbtw, Be Sure To Grab Your Student Rooster.
If It Wasn't For This, I Wouldn't Have Made It Throughbtw, Be Sure To Grab Your Student Rooster.
If It Wasn't For This, I Wouldn't Have Made It Throughbtw, Be Sure To Grab Your Student Rooster.
If It Wasn't For This, I Wouldn't Have Made It Throughbtw, Be Sure To Grab Your Student Rooster.
If It Wasn't For This, I Wouldn't Have Made It Throughbtw, Be Sure To Grab Your Student Rooster.

if it wasn't for this, i wouldn't have made it through—btw, be sure to grab your student rooster.

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5 months ago

they were a bit hesitant for their checkup, but they had no need to fear—a very healthy weight for two growing boys.

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5 months ago
You Ever Get So Mad That You Beat A Motherfucker With Another Motherfucker?

you ever get so mad that you beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker?

(feel free to use btw)

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5 months ago

(Overhaul is grieving over your death after you were accidentally killed in an escape attempt to leave the Shie Hassaikai)

Nemoto: *trying to comfort him* "She was a sweet little girl, but I'm glad she's dead."


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5 months ago

fighting for my life against people who hate overhaul.

Fighting For My Life Against People Who Hate Overhaul.

this is who you're being mean to.. if you even care................

also please vote for him #OVERHAULSWEEP — we got this dedicated overhaulies

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