Wooyoung Fic - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

to love you

To Love You
To Love You
To Love You
To Love You

when you ask him to be your fake fling he’s not prepared for the way it will make his unaddressed feelings for you grow

⇀ pairing wooyoung x gn!reader (references to yunho x gn!reader)

⇀ genre fluff, angst, fake dating au, unspecified nonidol au, f2l, one sided pining

⇀ style one shot

⇀ word count 10.4k

⇀ warnings jealousy, talks of hooking up, talks of vomit, crying, yelling at reader, yelling at wooyoung, just like a lot of general yelling, something that could be interpreted as a panic attack (no specific descriptions), allusions to violence (in a non-serious sense), cursing, food, alcohol consumption (assumed all characters are of age), parties, multiple kisses, pet names (love, babe), skinship (head on a shoulder, holding hands, holding faces), let me know if i missed anything

To Love You

you and wooyoung certainly weren’t best friends but that’s not to say you two were enemies either. you’d met each other through a friend of a friend just over a year ago and even though you both felt an instant connection, it was nothing that had either of you suddenly intertwining your lives. wooyoung would consider you a casual friend and if he asked he’s about 89% sure you would say the same, 1% of the other 11 was reserved for what his best friend yeosang liked to call his “simp brain” that wanted to imagine you’d call him something along the lines of a crush, but disregarding the tiny baby so minor and minuscule romantic interest wooyoung had in you, you both were casual friends, “i’m already in the neighborhood, do you want to grab coffee” friends, “i was supposed to have a date but they bailed and i’m already dressed up, do you want to get drinks” friends. you both were certainly not “can you be my fake boyfriend?” friends.

“i’m sorry, what?” wooyoung is lucky he swallowed the last sip of his coffee or it would likely be all over his open laptop.

“you know that guy yunho?” you supply, quite unhelpfully in wooyoung’s opinion.

and yeah of course he knows yunho, he’s yeosang’s roommate, and the guy you haven’t been able to shut up about for the past month. “what does he have to do with anything?” he asks, trying to keep any of the jealousy he felt bubbling in his stomach at the mention of yunho’s name from showing on his face.

you roll your eyes like the answer is obvious as you reply, “well i was talking with mingi the other day,” mingi being the friend you had met wooyoung through in the first place, “and he said i should try making yunho jealous, because he’s pretty sure yunho is actually interested in me but just, like, needs that push.”

wooyoung nods slowly as he continues to listen to you rant, trying to understand where in your mind you think taking mingi’s advice, especially when it came to your love life, would be a good idea. wooyoung loved mingi but the man hadn’t had a date in more than six months and he’s not even sure when the last time his roommate had any romantic interest in anyone was.

“-and so i figured the best way to make someone jealous is basically seem interested in someone else,” you conclude as the man sat across from you tunes back in, trying to look like he’d been listening the whole time instead of wondering how he’d found himself in this situation. he was definitely going to have to talk to mingi once he got back home.

“and you thought i was the best choice for that?” wooyoung raises a brow as you sip your drink.

you nod quickly as you swallow. “well i’m pretty sure he knows hongjoong and seonghwa are dating, jongho is very clearly not my type, i’m not close enough with san, and i doubt he would believe yeo and i were a thing considering they live together,” you explain, listing off all the men in your close circle of friends, except for him, yunho, and mingi, and for a second he considers trying to twist mingi’s intentions by suggesting that maybe the tall blonde is the one who likes you and is looking for an excuse to get close to you but he can still recall the look of sadness on the gentle giant’s face the last time wooyoung threw him under the bus. the look of determination on your face makes it seem like you’d been thinking about this for more than a day, hell maybe even more than a week, but wooyoung can’t tell if your resolve should be alarming in any way because he’s much too worried about the prospect of what pretending to be in a relationship with you might do to his heart.

in a last ditch effort he asks, “isn’t this what, like, tinder is for?” and the way you sigh cues him in to know that you’ve definitely considered that avenue already.

“i don’t want to lead on some poor guy for my own gain like that.”

of course you don’t, you’re too nice, and if you knew that wooyoung would agree in a heartbeat, if it weren’t for his microscopic eensy-weensy romantic interest in you, he’s sure you wouldn’t be asking him for the exact same reason, but wooyoung has been set to keep his feelings to himself since he realized they existed at all and so he can only blame himself for the current situation. well maybe he can blame mingi too but, again, that’s a conversation for later.

wooyoung sighs. “i need to know your plan before i’ll agree to anything,” he says but he knows he’ll end up saying yes no matter what when he sees the way your face immediately lights up at the prospect of your plan working successfully.

“okay,” you place your hands against the table excitedly, causing both of your drinks to wobble slightly, “i was thinking it could be more of a casual thing instead of a full blown relationship so that it would be more believable when we break it off.” you explain and wooyoung can feel that he’s not going to get any work done today, closing his laptop in defeat as he rests his chin on top of his hand, his elbow now placed on the table.

after you’d explained the details of your idea, and your fake situationship, you and wooyoung both left the cafe with a plan for the next couple weeks, leading up to a big party yunho and yeosang were hosting in which you’d explain to yunho that your thing with wooyoung was over and you’d get together and it would all work out.

he had to give it to you, wooyoung had doubted how much rational thought you’d actually put into your idea when you first asked but after hearing you out he was almost convinced himself that it might work. secretly wooyoung was hoping for the romcom ending in which you would realize he was the one that was interested in you, but that was just a itty-bitty thought in the back of his mind, totally not a thought swirling around his head and making his heart thump his entire journey home after you’d parted ways.

“hey, how was your day?” mingi is quick to greet his roommate with a large smile as wooyoung takes off his shoes in the entryway.

“hm yeah it was fine,” wooyoung starts with sarcasm dripping from his voice, “except for the part where you convinced my friend to ask me for a fake relationship!” his words had progressively gotten louder as he approached the taller man, now looking like a kicked puppy and cowering on the couch.

“what’s going on?” seonghwa, who had been trying to pay attention to the television is now alerted to the conflict between his friends when mingi almost sat right on him.

“mingi convinced (y/n) that they just need to make yunho jealous in order to get him to make a move,” wooyoung plops down next to seonghwa, arms crossed in front of his chest and pout set on his face.

“and that’s your problem because,” seonghwa trials off, gesturing for wooyoung to supply the rest of the sentence before placing a comforting hand on mingi’s arm.

“because,” wooyoung sighs, taking a deep breath before he finishes his sentence, “they asked me to be their fake situationship.”

mingi pops up off the couch suddenly at wooyoung’s statement, looking just as surprised as wooyoung is sure he was in the cafe with you less than an hour earlier.

“i did NOT suggest they fake date one of our friends,” mingi explains, scrambling through the living room in search of, well, wooyoung’s not sure. “my suggestion was to just get a little comfy with someone at a party or something,” he explains, pulling the pillow off from where he’d been sat and sighing in relief as he takes his phone into his hands, fingers flying across the screen in a panic.

“i don’t see the issue,” seonghwa interjects, “it’s not like you’re actually dating and it’s not even like you’re fake dating if you’re not calling it official,” the oldest of the group shrugs, opening one of the boxes of pizza on the coffee table and pulling out a slice for himself. “plus it’s not like you’re interested in them or anything.”

mingi freezes at this, his behavior a complete 180 from only a few seconds ago as his gaze slowly drifts up from his phone to wooyoung who has stiffened next to seonghwa. the two youngest both let out audibly pained chuckles and seonghwa drops his plate dramatically back down onto the table.

“don’t tell me.”

wooyoung clears his throat loudly. “so i may have, like, the tiniest most insignificant crush on them,” he practically whispers, face feeling slightly warmer at the prospect of the situation he’s in, and certainly not his feelings for you.

seonghwa narrows his eyes at the youngest, a question on the tip of his tongue before mingi decides to supply the answer anyway.

“you’ve been in love with them for months, we all know.”

“i am not in love with them,” wooyoung shouts back, anger reignited as he focused back on the true root of the issue, mingi and his bright ideas. “yes i might think they’re attractive, and yes i would like to date them for real, and maybe, just maybe, i do get a little jealous when they talk about yunho, but that doesn’t mean i like them that much.”

wooyoung feels the energy fizzling out and his words get weaker as he observed the looks on his roommates’ faces. mingi seems almost smug, like he’s been proven right, while seonghwa wears an amused grin, eyebrows raised slightly in satisfaction.

“you’re sure about that?”

the next week, as he’s laying sprawled out on his best friend’s bed, yeosang busy putting away his freshly cleaned laundry, he sighs for what feels like the millionth time and the dark haired man at the closet has had enough.

“either say something or stop sighing,” yeosang grunts, placing the last hanging item in the closet. as he moves to sit at his desk, wooyoung flips onto his stomach quickly, causing the bed to creek and him to bounce slightly.

“i just don’t get it,” wooyoung says and yeosang resists the urge to groan. this is the same conversation the two had been having since wooyoung found out about your interest in yeosang’s roommate.

woo complains that he doesn’t understand why you think yunho is so great and then yeo has to bring his friend back to reality by reminding him that yunho is actually a pretty great guy and that woo is the one who could change his own fate, if he just had the balls to admit he was interested in you. but of course wooyoung always manages to weasel out of the truth, claiming that he doesn’t like you that much, or that you don’t like him, which yeo thinks is shit considering the amount of times you started ditching him for his own best friend but he’s not a snitch.

it’s yeosang’s turn to sigh. “i’m not doing this again,” he mutters. “yunho is not a bad guy, in fact he’s a great guy, all of his previous relationships ended amicably, he’s not unattractive according to the people that have asked me to give him their number, and as far as i know he and (y/n) actually have quite a bit in common.” yeosang turns to wooyoung quickly, finding the younger man with a small pout gracing his features.

as wooyoung opens his mouth to possibly argue against one of the points his friend had raised, both men hear the familiar sound of the front door opening and yunho’s usual greeting rings through the apartment. both boys suddenly feel like they’ve been caught, wooyoung’s eyes going wide for a moment as yeosang turns back to busy himself with the unfolded clothes on his desk.

“hey,” yunho says, poking his head through yeosang’s open door a few moments later. “they were out of those macarons you like at the cafe so i got you a maple cinnamon roll instead, y/n suggested it.”

at the mention of your name wooyoung perks up, trying not to seem too eager at the mere thought of you.

“sorry woo, i didn’t know you were over until after i’d ordered or i would have gotten you something,” yunho apologizes and wooyoung hates that he can tell it’s sincere.

wooyoung thinks it would be a lot easier to hate his best friend’s roommate if he was not actually such a nice guy. but he just can’t hate him, he might dislike him a bit for being such a great guy and being the one to hold your attention, but honestly feeling anything but amicable toward the man just makes him feel guilty. it’s not yunho’s fault you find him attractive and it’s certainly not yunho’s fault that wooyoung can’t just admit his feelings.

“you ran into y/n?” yeosang asks, honestly not trying too hard to hide the glance he throws wooyoung’s direction.

yunho nods as he moves to fully lean against yeosang’s doorframe. “they said they were stopping by the cafe before they were supposed to meet a friend.”

yeosang and wooyoung both nod in response, wooyoung’s a little more engaged while yeosang keeps looking between his two best friends.

“they actually asked if you were over,” yunho continues, gesturing to wooyoung with a quick tick of his chin.

the younger man’s expression quickly shifts to confusion before he’s remembering your idea he’d been telling yeosang about only half an hour before. he tries to tone down the shock of hearing you ask about him as he asks, “really?”

“yeah,” yunho chuckles slightly. “they said you weren’t answering any of their texts and that only happens when you’re with yeosang.”

before yunho is even done with his explanation wooyoung is digging through the slightly askew comforter he’d unceremoniously dropped himself and his phone onto once he’d arrived an hour ago. he’s not sure if you just made up the statement to prove to yunho that you two were close, as you truly didn’t text each other much outside of making plans, but no matter if you were just trying to provoke yunho you had spoken the truth. just about every time you texted wooyoung he would drop everything to respond. mingi would call it being “down bad”, and maybe wooyoung was learning to accept that fact about himself.

as wooyoung scrolled through the texts you’d sent him, a little update about how you think the plan is working and a picture of a cute dog that you said looked a little like him, which totally didn’t make him blush, he hears yunho clear his throat.

“are you two,” yunho pauses as wooyoung glances up at him, finding the conversation to feel a bit stiff and uncomfortable. “are you two like a thing?” yunho finally asks, finding the setup of yeosang’s room to be more interesting as his friend watches a blush creep onto the tips of his ears.

it’s wooyoung’s turn to find the decor around him interesting as he replies, trying to remember everything you’d talked about, “i wouldn’t call it a thing.” wooyoung shrugs trying to seem cool as he feels his heart beat creeping up into his throat.

he hadn’t anticipated it being this hard. the man hadn’t even lied about anything yet and he could still feel the guilt settling into the back of his throat, flavoring his words with a bitterness that held a strange mix of satisfaction, for getting to even pretend to know you in a more intimate way than his current competition, and regret, for agreeing to be apart of a plan that might cause one of his friends any distress.

“they’ve just been talking about you a lot,” yunho adds and if wooyoung had a little less self control he’d probably have fallen right off yeosang’s bed. he’s too focused on the thought of you purposely mentioning him in conversation to others to think about how yunho would know, the older man probably having seen you more times than wooyoung had in the past week.

“i think they’re in what you might call a situationship,” yeosang supplies when wooyoung doesn’t respond, shrugging as if he has no interest in the information he’d just shared.

wooyoung bites his tongue as he takes a deep breath, mentally preparing to tell the biggest lie he’s probably told in his whole life, just as you’d agreed to. “you remember that party their friend, whatever-her-name-was, had a few weeks ago?”

yunho nods gently, now able to look at wooyoung again after having determined that the conversation maybe wasn’t that uncomfortable.

“well we kinda,” wooyoung pauses, knowing it’s his last chance to back out before everything changes, and so he pushes forward with a sigh, “we hooked up that night and we’ve gotten together a few times since then.”

for wooyoung, it felt weird to say, the statement now just sitting in the air as he sees yunho trying to digest the information. he thought it might make him feel some way but instead he just feels empty, knowing that it’s entirely untrue. sure you’d left that party together, a fact that you had remembered and wanted to use in order to make your little fib realistic, but you’d both simply had enough of partying that night and gone for food at the convenience store on the corner before he walked you home. as far as wooyoung was aware, and he was pretty sure you didn’t go anywhere after he left your doorstep, you’d both gone to bed alone that night. and yet wooyoung didn’t feel like he could let himself daydream even the thought of you both actually doing anything then, the idea much too dangerous for the way he’d slowly started accepting what all his friends had been telling him about his affections recently. and even though he might be able to admit that he does have a crush on you, he certainly wasn’t expecting to hear the question falling from yunho’s lips.

“do you love them?”

wooyoung could feel his stomach jump right into his throat, his heart plummeting at the same time and causing nausea to replace the guilt he’d been wadding in just moments earlier.

“uh i think love is maybe a strong term,” he tries to chuckle lightly but he can hear the awkwardness permeating the laugh. “but i do like them.”

it’s the first time he’s admitted it without a caveat, and just like with the lie before, he feels the emptiness returning except instead of sitting deep into his stomach it fills his entire chest cavity, only stirring the nausea and making him feel like he’d much rather sink into the covers of his best friend’s bed than continue this conversation. he’s just not sure how much more he can say before he might actually vomit.

yunho nods slowly, a thoughtful look on his face, before he says, “i think you two would be good together.”

wooyoung is much too focused on staying grounded and not revealing the sickness that he feels to analyze whether yunho is telling the truth, a slight burn building in his chest of what he can only assume is bile, and at this point he’s not sure he wants to know what yunho thinks anymore. why did he agree to this?

“well, that roll is on the counter whenever you want it yeo,” yunho continues, oblivious to the turmoil brewing in wooyoung’s mind and body. “see you later woo.”

with that the man is gone, disappearing into his bedroom down the hall.

yeosang turns to his best friend quickly, ready to supposedly recap the conversation but stops in his tracks when he sees the look of pain on wooyoung’s face.

“how am i gonna make it through this?”


the next week or so is filled with moments similar to this, where he has to look at yunho and lie straight to his face, straight to his own heart. and although yeosang assured that it would have to get easier at some point, wooyoung can feel he’s reaching his own breaking point.

throughout the process, as you execute your plan, you actually try to spend more time with wooyoung, starting with simple little outings that weren’t too different from things you might do usually. at some point these outings morphed into full fledged dates, and every time wooyoung felt himself sinking into the idea that he might be able to just enjoy this for what it was, you were quick to mention the plan and pop the bubble that wooyoung had found solace in. although he feels something unfamiliar burning lightly in his chest he can’t even fathom to be mad at you, too unbelievably happy in those moments where he could forget that you were faking it all.

“i’m not sure this is good for you anymore,” seonghwa had said one day after wooyoung had come home from a day out with you, plopping himself down onto the couch with an exhausted heart from the emotional roller coaster you were unknowingly taking him on.

wooyoung only let out a grunt, the sound muffled by the cushion his face was squished against, and seonghwa sighed in response.

“you’re tearing yourself apart for them,” seonghwa tried to reason, his quest of stopping this little escapade you’d set yourself on as futile as always.

wooyoung was sure he was delirious at this point, fatigue settled deep into his body from the way he felt he was chasing every moment with you, and so the next words that slipped off his tongue were completely unvetted by his mind and entirely from the heart.

“how else would i be able to love them?”

if seonghwa is surprised by the statement he doesn’t show it, his face neutral as wooyoung turns to look at him, the older man now crouched next to where wooyoung lies. he’s not sure what reaction he expected, and he knows that he asked an unanswerable question, but somehow wooyoung’s not surprised when seonghwa reaches out to run a gentle hand up and down the younger’s back.

the next words wooyoung speaks come out watery as he feels tears pricking at the back of his eyes and that unfamiliar burn returns to his chest, “they’ll always love someone else.”

as much as seonghwa wants to argue, to point out that you shouldn’t think in forevers and absolutes, right now he knows that his friend just needs comfort. so he moves to pull wooyoung so that he’s sitting, seonghwa moving into the space he’s created on the couch and taking his younger friend into his arms, letting him sob gently against his shoulder.

as if he couldn’t feel bad enough about this entire situation, wooyoung wakes the next morning to a text from you. normally he might feel a bit giddy to hear from you but the message is nothing like any of the ones you’d recently started sending, casual conversations about your days and cute pictures of things that reminded you of him. it was cold, with a finite energy and wooyoung could feel it like a punch to the chest.

y/n: let’s break it off

wooyoung can barely perceive himself moving to message you back, feeling like he’s gone into autopilot. he’s tried to be prepared for this but with the way he’s allowed himself to feel with you for the past few weeks it’s almost as devastating as knowing that he’s been making himself comfortable inside of a lie. as he turns over to try to return to sleep he feels that same something unfamiliar burn in his chest.


“you should go anyway,” yeosang says, looking down at wooyoung from his place on the couch.

wooyoung has taken to wallowing in self pity on the floor of his living room, mingi having forcefully pulled him out of the pitiful nest he had created of his bed a few hours ago upon seonghwa’s request.

“and see yunho all over them, no thank you,” wooyoung pouts.

the two of them had been talking about the party at yeosang’s, and by extension yunho’s, place since yeosang had arrived just over an hour ago. the party was supposed to be the final phase of the plan, when you would confront yunho, with the help of the alcohol that would surely be in your system, and wooyoung was obviously less than enthusiastic to see you complete the last stage of the plan. his best friend had been arguing that he could reasonably avoid you the entire night and be able to have fun anyway, but wooyoung wasn’t in the mood to have fun in the first place.

“if you just stay by the beer pong table the whole night i’m sure you’ll be able to avoid them,” mingi supplies helpfully, to which wooyoung whines in response.

“and have a perfect view of the rest of the room, where everyone else will be having the time of their lives, yeah great, very cool,” wooyoung spits sarcastically, limbs flailing about around him as he tries to push away the mental images of all of his friends getting to have a great night while he tries to keep from silently crying into his cup in a corner.

“so you’re just never going to go to another party?” seonghwa asks, stepping over his roommate as he goes about tidying the living room, setting things that had migrated amongst the room back where they belong.

wooyoung stops at this, turning over quickly so he can toss seonghwa, who spares no glance to him, a questioning look. “what do you mean?”

seonghwa just shrugs, dusting an empty shelf before he reorganizes the knick-knacks that would sit on it. “well, if you’re avoiding this party because you don’t want to see them together, then you’re going to have to avoid every party where you know they’ll be, which will likely be every party you’re invited to,” seonghwa explains, enunciating slowly as though wooyoung is only a child.

“and if you’re just avoiding anything they’ll be at together are you going to stop coming to group hangouts, or anything either one of them is at in fear that the other person will show up,” seonghwa continues, oblivious to the way wooyoung seems to be melting into the floor as he realizes how crazy his logic from earlier sounds now that the eldest is breaking it down like this. “so are you just going to stop being friends with both of them?”

wooyoung lets out something akin to a growl as he flops once more onto his back, his legs kicking in the air as he knows that he’s been cornered. “i get it,” he whines, hands smacking gently against his face in defeat.

“if you just rip the bandaid off now it’ll be so much easier,” yeosang adds, “you won’t have built it up more than you have already.”

“i hate when you’re all right.”

so, with the caveat that he can hang onto one of his roommates the whole night for emotional support, wooyoung finally agrees to attend the party.


“have you been avoiding me?”

wooyoung knew it was a bad idea to come to this cafe, the same one he had made that stupid agreement with you at, the one where you might be found more often than not, your favorite cafe. and if any of his friends were here with him they might just call him an absolute idiot, yeosang might even call it masochistic, to think that he could avoid you in the one spot you were sure to be.

“avoiding you?” wooyoung hears himself speak before he is even able to process what he should say, his nerves too frazzled by your proximity, standing closer than he thinks you ever have before. it certainly doesn’t help that with the warmer weather lately you’ve taken to start cycling your summer clothes into your wardrobe, your outfit today including one of your favorite tank tops, showing off the soft skin of your collarbone and shoulders. wooyoung has to use all of his self control to not reach out and brush his fingertips against you, tracing shapes into your skin and feeling you shudder beneath his gentle touches.

he’s snapped suddenly out of the trance he had been sinking into when you speak again, “you haven’t been answering any of my messages.”

at this wooyoung moves his gaze to your face and although he can see the teasing smile that graces your lips he can still spot a bit of disappointment swimming in your eyes.

“i’m sorry,” he replies, sounding much too genuine for the way you had seemed to be trying to hide your true disappointment in the playfulness of your usual cadence you adopted around him, and he feels the familiar pool of guilt start to fill the void that he’d been keeping in the pit of his stomach since you’d broken things off.

as you stand before him, forcing him into your personal space and looking at him expectantly, he thinks back to his decision to turn off notifications from your number, one that all of his friends had already torn him to shreds for. at the time he had reasoned that it was to protect himself from the repeated heartbreak he would suffer every time he might interact with you. unfortunately, in making this decision he hadn’t thought about what his seemingly sudden disappearance from your life might do to you, he hadn’t considered that he might be hurting you, and the guilt only grows.

you seem to be slightly taken back by his apology, likely not expecting him to reply in earnest, taking a moment to collect yourself before you state, “so you admit it, you were avoiding me,” although it comes out as more of a question, your head tilting gently as you seem to be inspecting the man before you, and wooyoung hates that he feels so exposed.

you aren’t even aware of the way you hold wooyoung’s heart in your hands but the longer you stand dissecting his expression the more he feels like your grip on it is too tight. he can’t tell whether you want him to answer honestly, or if you even care if he does, his mind is far too clouded by the scent of your shampoo along with the hurt he can see you trying to hide behind the confusion in your eyes, and he feels the familiar prickle of tears forming in his own.

he watches as your own features turn to concern, but before either of you can move to speak again, you’re both thrust out of the moment as someone behind you asks, “are you two going to move? you’re holding up the line.”

and suddenly wooyoung feels like the entire world can see him, pathetically crying over a person stood directly in front of him, and he needs to get out.

he’s not sure how he manages to make it out of the cafe with his vision as watery as it is, tears now fully rolling down his cheeks, but he assumes muscle memory simply kicked in as he finds himself briskly walking in the direction of his apartment.

“wooyoung!” he hears you call behind him and for a moment he considers stopping but then he feels that familiar burn in his chest, the same one he felt when you’d broken things off, and in a moment of clarity, as his feet carry him further from the agreement you’d both made, he realizes what it is, anger. although he’s never felt anger like this before, anger that roots itself into that guilt he’d been building for the entire time you’d pretended to be something. so it’s not an anger he can quickly pick apart and resolve, no, it’s an anger that feels like it feeds off of everything he’s been through for the past month. he’s angry at himself, for being so stubborn for so long, at his friends, for pushing for him to reanalyze his feelings, at the situation, for being so complicated, at yunho, for being the one you want, at the plan, for making everything worse, and most importantly at you.

his feet suddenly come to a halt, and you must have been closer behind than he thought because just a moment later he feels you running right into his back, not having expected him to actually stop.

“what do you want from me?” he spits, whipping around and causing you to jump in surprise.

“wooyoung,“ you begin softly, feeling his gaze sharp and strong, “what’s wrong?”

“you want to know what’s wrong?” he laughs, the sound void of any real humor. “you’re what’s wrong.”

you try not to react, knowing that he probably doesn’t mean what he’s saying, but he can see the way your hands, that had been hesitantly reaching toward him, suddenly drop to your sides.

“you and your goddamn plan,” he starts. “why couldn’t you have just fucking talked to yunho yourself instead of dragging me along for your own fun? you’re so goddamn selfish it doesn’t even cross your mind that other people might get hurt by the shit you think up. but it doesn’t matter to you does it? no one else’s feelings and emotions really matter as long as you can get what you want in the end. how long are you gonna string along yunho before you have to tell him you’re a liar and break his heart too? how many other guys are you going to hurt and then manipulate into feeling guilty for protecting themselves from you, huh?”

by the end of his rant he’s shouting, surely attracting attention from anyone else just trying to go about their lives that might happen to pass you both on the sidewalk, but wooyoung couldn’t care less, each word cooling the burn in his chest and laced with the anger that he can no longer stand to house inside of himself.

“wooyoung, please-“ you try to start, but he must miss the watery way you speak and how your own tears now threaten to join his on the sidewalk as he interrupts you.

“i wish i could just stop loving you,” and with his final peace spoken he turns and begins, once again, the trek home, an inexplicable exhaustion weighing down his steps.

he barely even registers that you don’t follow.



when he had returned home to an empty apartment, he felt like it was the only good thing that had happened to him in the last month, but then, as he sat in silence, calming his nerves and slowing his racing heart, his actions from the last half hour began to sink into his conscious. he knew his friends would find out what he had done sooner or later, but he certainly didn’t expect to find four of them bursting through his front door in a fury only minutes after he’d arrived.

hongjoong, always the voice of reason, had been the one to shout and announce their presence, his boyfriend, and wooyoung’s roommate, in tow. both men were visibly upset, although reasonably so, and if mingi didn’t have a gentle hold on seonghwa’s wrist wooyoung is sure the eldest would have tackled him to the ground by now.

“i knew you were an idiot but man,” yeosang says, bringing up the rear.

“so,” wooyoung tries, looking anywhere but his friends, “how was lunch?”

hongjoong takes a breath, likely trying to calm himself as he replies, “great, we even ran into a friend,” sarcasm heavy on each syllable.

“oh really?” wooyoung asks just above a whisper.

“yeah,” hongjoong nods harshly with an angry smile, “we would’ve invited them to join us had they not been FUCKING SOBBING,” he ends shouting.

“ah,” wooyoung tries, wishing the couch might just swallow him whole. “so you ran into y/n i’m guessing.” wooyoung lets out an awkward cough, releasing a humorless chuckle as he finally glanced back up at his friends.

“i’m going to ask this again,” hongjoong starts once more, taking several large breaths with his eyes closed to presumably calm himself. “what is wrong with you?”

“what did you do?” mingi takes a turn to speak up, releasing his hold on seonghwa who moves to run a soothing hand along his boyfriend’s back.

wooyoung can’t find the energy to recount the details of your entire encounter, and he also doesn’t feel like being berated for every little misstep he’d taken throughout your interaction, so he resolves to try summarizing the last half hour for the four men that are giving him some of the most expectant looks he’s probably ever seen. “we-uh,” he starts, as eloquently as usual, “we ran into each other and i may have cried and then i may have gotten angry and then i may have, uhm, madethemcry.” his last three words come out as one as he tries to get them out as quickly as possible, hating the way they taste rolling off his tongue.

and now, as the four men that had been listening so closely are thrown into a flurry once more by his statement, he begins to digest his own statement. he made you cry, and he’s sure if the room wasn’t filled with the voices of four of his friends arguing, the crack he feels in his heart would echo against the walls around him.

“i also told them i loved them,” wooyoung says again, barely above a whisper and yeosang is quick to shush the other three.

“you what?”

“i told them i loved them,” he repeats before quickly clarifying, “well it was more like i told them i wished i didn’t.”

and that set them all off again, each of his friends shouting over each other, and wooyoung just sunk into himself, the image of your tear stained cheeks at the front and center of his mind.

after what wooyoung might consider a pretty reasonable 15 minutes of being reminded how he has fucked up in pretty much every way possible, mingi was the first to calm down, always the one to move through his emotions quickly, and yeosang was soon to follow. seonghwa was the next to cool off, half way through a shouted sentence remembering the moment just a week ago in which he’d comforted wooyoung on the same couch he stood in front of now. hongjoong didn’t get the chance to simmer down, seonghwa pushing him to go home before he could pop a blood vessel.

“what are you thinking about?” yeosang asks, sitting himself next to wooyoung on the couch.

“how stupid i am,” wooyoung sighs, staring up at the ceiling.

yeosang sighs, placing a tentative but comforting hand on wooyoung’s bicep. “you’re not stupid,” yeosang says, “you’re just in love.”

wooyoung lolls his head to the side, getting a good view of his friend to see if he was joking, but all he found was sincerity, and a little pity, in the gentle smile on yeosang’s face.



y/n: let’s break it off

woo: sure


y/n: hey, i just told yunho

y/n: just figured you should know


y/n: can we talk?


y/n: everything okay?


y/n: i really need to tell you something

that night wooyoung opens your chat and feels even worse about everything that happened today, but before he can tumble into a cycle of self pity once again, he feels his phone vibrate in his hand.

y/n: are you still going to the party tomorrow?

wooyoung practically tosses his phone in the air with the way he jumps up in surprise, fingers flying across the keyboard to respond. he types out and deletes his message at least five times before he hits send, debating if he should take this moment to apologize in fear that he won’t ever get the chance again. in the end he decides to just answer your question, straight and simple, not wanting to fuck up anything else.

woo: yeah

and in the minute he waits for a response he feels like his nerves are on fire, mentally berating himself for his answer. he should have apologized, or said something else, anything else. you probably wanted him to do more, address what happened earlier in the day, but of course he couldn’t even do that right. so wooyoung starts that spiral again, sinking into the depths of his own mind, until he feels his phone vibrate.

y/n: cool

y/n: i’ll see you there

wooyoung can barely sleep that night, either replaying his mistakes from the day or rehearsing the apology he had to give you at the party.


yeosang had managed to rope wooyoung into helping with the set up at his and yunho’s apartment for the party, claiming it would help him to get his mind off of things, but as wooyoung knocks on his best friends door, he can feel the anxiety creeping up as he tries to think of a plan for if yunho were to open the door instead of yeosang. wooyoung is so lost in his nerves he doesn’t realize that yeosang has answered until the older man speaks.

“why are you shaking?” yeosang asks, confusion clear on his face as he opens the door wider for the quaking man in question to enter.

“uh, yunho,” is all wooyoung says, as he inspects the state of the apartment.

streamers and other miscellaneous decorations are thrown about the entrance area and living room, the beer pong table already set up in the corner farthest away from the hall to yeosang and yunho’s bedrooms, giving it the best view of the open concept living room and kitchen, and wooyoung tosses around the idea of mingi’s suggestion. he would certainly be able to see when you arrive so he can catch you before you lose yourself in the party tonight.

“oh, he and mingi went to pick up the stuff for drinks,” yeosang shrugs, “i thought mingi would have told you.”

wooyoung just shakes his head before yeosang starts instructing him on what he needs to do, placing the younger in charge of setting up the kitchen while yeosang gets everything hung up in the entrance and living areas.

for the first half hour, wooyoung does have to admit that he is more focused on decorating and organizing the snacks, making sure to leave room for drinks, than the apology he has perfected that had been swirling through his mind all day. he busies himself with which color balloon should be where and whether he should put the salty and sweet together or mix them up a bit so one side doesn’t get more crowded than the other, of which he decides to mix them together, instead of how he should open the conversation he’s dreading. of course as he finally starts managing to sink himself into his task all the way he hears a throat clear behind him.

expecting it to be yeosang who has some little complaint about the way wooyoung hung the streamers or how he should at least put the cookies all together he just says, “i don’t want to hear it.”

instead of one of yeosang’s usual quips wooyoung is surprised to hear a much deeper voice, laced with confusion. “what?”

wooyoung is quick to whip around, ending up face to face with, a slightly amused but mostly puzzled looking, yunho who has a bottle of tequila in one hand and some sort of mixer in the other, a few bags scattered on the floor near his feet.

“sorry,” wooyoung is quick to move, gesturing to the empty space on the counter. “thought you were yeosang,” wooyoung explains, stepping as far out of yunho’s way as he can.

yunho just chuckles lightly, as he sets the two bottles down, turning to wooyoung, “i figured.”

to wooyoung’s surprise yunho doesn’t move to unpack any more of the bags, instead leaning up against the counter and crossing his arms over his chest.

“he went out to grab another cord for the speakers,” yunho explains, “we always manage to loose one.”

wooyoung just nods slowly, his gaze flickering between the decorations still left to be used and the bags that still need to be unpacked, and just as wooyoung is about to move back to do one of those tasks, yunho speaks up again.

“y/n told me,” he says and wooyoung freezes completely, feeling his heart plummet into his feet. he prepares himself for any of the rage that yunho might be about to throw his way, even trying to mentally steel himself for the way yunho will surely laugh at him for telling you that he loved you. how could his love compare to that which is reciprocated by someone you actually wanted.

“i still mean what i said,” yunho continues and wooyoung dares to glance at his friend. “i think you two would be good together.”

now it’s wooyoung’s turn to be puzzled. for a moment he wonders if yunho is sick at all because he certainly wouldn’t tell another guy, especially one that made his crush cry, that they would be good together but with the way yunho doesn’t react to wooyoung’s confusion wooyoung fears that maybe the sleep deprivation has finally caught up to him.

“i know that it was supposed to be all pretend but i don’t think you were lying when i asked you if you loved them,” yunho continues and wooyoung shakes his head like it will clear out his thoughts. “you’re a pretty open book.”

wooyoung decides he might as well bite the bullet and asks, “what did they tell you?”

“that it was fake,” yunho replies easily, “the situationship.”

wooyoung wishes that his answer cleared anything up but instead it only leaves him feeling more lost. does yunho like you? does he know about yesterday? do you still like yunho? wasn’t the end of the plan the party? that had to mean that you ended the plan early, did it not work out?

“i hope it works out for you,” yunho concludes, leaving wooyoung to stand mindlessly in the middle of the kitchen as the older man goes about setting up the drinks.

“thanks,” is all wooyoung can say in response and suddenly the party can’t start soon enough.


when it’s half an hour past go time and you still haven’t arrived, he’s tempted to text you but he decides against it when he realizes he’s not sure what he would even say. mingi had been reassuring him that it was fine, turning to say so every time he would score in the game of beer pong he and a friend of a friend were playing, he thinks she introduced herself as yuri or yeji or something that started with a y but it’s hard for him to remember when his mind has been stuck on you for the last hour now.

“i told you they were pregaming at san’s so you know it’s gonna take them forever,” mingi says before downing the cup in his hand, the girl across the table high-fiving her friend excitedly. “plus i’m pretty sure they were going to wait for jongho to get off work and swing by his place to grab him.”

wooyoung just nods quickly, feeling more uncomfortable by the second. he had decided to forgo drinking until you arrived, wanting to be sober when he talked to you but the longer he waited the more he was regretting that decision, the soda he’d been nursing for the last half hour going flat as it swished around his cup.

before he can start to overthink it, he leans in next to mingi’s ear, not wanting to yell over the music. “i’m gonna grab a drink,” he says, not waiting for his friend’s response before he’s pushing through the crowd of people dancing, making his way to the kitchen.

“they here yet?” yeosang asks as soon as he spots wooyoung entering the kitchen, simultaneously handing an obviously tipsy seonghwa another drink.

“no,” wooyoung responds quickly, tossing the liquid in his cup into the sink before reaching for one of the bottles of soju on the counter.

seonghwa lets out a high pitched giggle, not hiding that it’s at wooyoung’s expense as the younger whips his head to stare daggers at his senior. “don’t you have a hongjoong to be hanging off of?” wooyoung spits and the phrase receives the reaction he’d intended, seonghwa quick to let out a squeaky “joongie!” before making his way back into the clump of bodies wooyoung had just emerged from.

as he watches his oldest friend disappear into the crowd, yeosang following suit, wooyoung catches mingi’s gaze, eyes wide as he ticks his chin in the direction of the front door, and he knows what it means immediately.

you’re here.

he can see the top of your head slowly moving into the center of the crowd, presumably being pulled by none other than choi san, who wooyoung can see is already flushed when the crowd moves and he can catch glimpses of you both dancing together, a bright smile displayed on your face as you laugh at san. he wants to go to you but he feels like his feet are suddenly too heavy, unable to do anything but watch from a distance.

“just the man i was looking for,” jongho says, clapping wooyoung on the back harshly, and successfully pulling him out of the trance you’d put him in.

“why?” wooyoung whines before he turns to jongho, seeing the smile that only his younger friend could lace with a scary sort of anger and wooyoung’s blood runs cold.

“y/n was just telling me about the interesting conversation you two had yesterday,” jongho says, his hand moving from wooyoung’s back up to his shoulder and squeezing harshly. wooyoung resists the urge to yell and instead tries to push the younger’s hand away, ducking under his arm to try and escape.

“i’m going to apologize,” wooyoung is quick to explain, now facing jongho head on in hopes to stop any more of his friend’s attacks.

jongho just drops his smile, muttering a quick, “i hope so,” before he moves past wooyoung and toward the drinks.

once wooyoung is sure he’s no longer in danger of being on the wrong side of jongho’s anger he quickly turns back to the crowd, scanning quickly for you or san. he spots san easy enough, having moved his dancing from the floor up onto the couch that had been pushed up against one of the walls. unfortunately you’re no longer with him and so wooyoung continues his search once more, although it’s starting to prove difficult as he realizes that more people must have arrived during his quick exchange with jongho, the living room packed almost wall to wall.

“who are we looking for?”

wooyoung almost jumps three feet in the air as your voice registers so clearly, your mouth centimeters away from his ear so that you can speak without straining over the music. he places a hand firmly against his chest as he tries to calm his racing heart but when he turns to you he knows the attempt is futile.

“can we talk?” wooyoung eventually manages out between staggered breaths, yelling over the music instead of opting to get closer to you, fearing that he might overstep some sort of boundary if he were to be inside of your personal space.

you only nod in response before you grab his wrist, and wooyoung barely registers where you’re pulling him off to as he focuses on the way your fingertips press into his skin. only once you’ve closed the door behind you two, successfully muffling the music and voices enough to converse without shouting, do you release his arm and he recognizes the room as his best friend’s.

you make no effort to move away from wooyoung once you’ve succeeded in locking the door behind him, ignoring the many extra feet of space that you could place between you both, and wooyoung isn’t sure if he’s overthinking but he would like to assume it’s a good sign.

“i was looking for you,” wooyoung answers your question from earlier, feeling like his mouth is much too dry before he remembers he’s been holding a cup in his hand since you’d arrived and takes the smallest swig of the liquid inside. he notices you aren’t holding a drink and debates about offering a sip of his own to you before ultimately deciding to just set it down on yeosang’s desk, leaning awkwardly to the side in order to reach.

“why?” you ask and wooyoung loses his balance for a moment, falling into you slowly before his feet find better support. if he hadn’t felt hot enough with embarrassment just from starting to fall in front of you, he’s now overheating when he realizes you’d placed a hand on his chest to keep him from completely falling onto you, your palm feeling as though it might burn a hole through his shirt.

he clears his throat nervously as you retract your hand and he misses the searing heat of your skin almost immediately, itching to just grab your wrist and place your hand back. but he doesn’t, because he respects you too much. he loves you too much.

“to apologize,” he finally admits, feeling the heat you’d gifted him moving up from his chest to his cheeks. “i-“ he tries to breath, to remember the apology he’d been practicing in his mind, but it’s so much harder when you’re actually in front of him. your eyes, just as they had in the cafe before his outburst, make him feel exposed, sensitive. “i’m sorry for getting mad at you, i shouldn’t have said what i did,” he’s able to continue, trying hard to return your gaze so that you may be able to spot the sincerity in this apology just as you had his last. “i didn’t mean those things. i was,” he pauses, knowing this is the point in which he could still turn around, pretend that he wasn’t upset for the reasons he was, and so he pushes through anyway. “i was angry at myself and you were just who i could take it out on. you didn’t deserve that, i’m sorry.”

he searches your face for any change, desperate to see your usual expression replace the frown you sported and smooth out the current crease between your brows, and when your face doesn’t change he’s once again tempted to reach out to you. he wants to just take your face into his hands, to gently message the tension from your temples and to place a gentle peck to the tip of your nose in hopes that he might get to see your smile up close once more before you might just vanish from his life forever.

but instead he keeps his hands firmly at his sides and says, “i wish i could take it all back.”

“all of it?” you ask quickly, your voice practically overlapping his own, and your expression does shift but wooyoung can’t make out the difference.

neither of you speak then for what feels like an hour, your eyes determinedly set on his while you let wooyoung’s gaze flit along your face, trying to find his answer amongst your features, before he closes his eyes with a wobbly sigh.

“i don’t want to stop loving you,” he says, eyes still closed, “but i have to.”

he can feel his chest caving in, the emptiness he’d started calling home consuming him from the inside out as he finally says what he’d been teetering on the edge of admitting for the last month.

“who told you that?” you question and if wooyoung could bare to open his eyes and actually look at you instead of finding cowardly safety behind his eyelids he is sure you would be wearing the same look of frustration he’s seen directed at him so many times before. although now he knows that it doesn’t carry the same playfulness that usually makes him so endeared, the sparkle in your eye that encourages him to bring out that same look more and more.

wooyoung lets out a humorless chuckle, shoulders dropping heavily as he becomes hyper aware of the way he’s been tensing his entire body. “no one,” he says before scrunching up his face in hopes that it will quiet the urge for him to open his eyes and see your face once more. “everyone.”

he hears you let out a huff before you comment, almost indignantly, “well i didn’t get a say.”

wooyoung can’t recall a time he’s opened his eyes faster, tenderness quickly replacing the shock he’d felt when he sees you once more, your gaze now firmly set on the cup wooyoung had placed on yeosang’s desk and arms crossed over your chest, a pout on your lips. he feels the corners of his own lips ticking up in a fond smile.

“so,” he begins to ask, a hint of playfulness coloring his tone as he feels hope build inside of him, “what do you think i should do?”

he’s not sure if you were expecting his eyes to still be closed but as you bring your gaze back to wooyoung’s face he feels like he can easily spot a hint of nervousness beneath your determined expression. you both find yourself in silence once more, this time he’s the one to hold firm, your gaze now traveling along his skin.

“i love you.”

he’s sure if he was any farther from you that he wouldn’t have been able to hear it, the words flowing along an exhale.

“what was that?” he asks, unable to contain the smile that overtakes his features, and he half expects for you to take it back playfully, to mess around with him, but then he watches as a determined smirk creeps onto your face.

“i said,” you start, leaning impossibly closer and placing your hand onto the same spot on his chest as you had earlier. “i love you.”

your lips are on his in an instant, almost imperceptible, the gentlest brush of skin, but wooyoung can feel it.

“i love you too,” he whispers against your lips before one of his hands moves to the back of your neck, the other wrapping around your wrist as he pulls you back into him.

of all the times he’d imagined kissing you, it was nothing like he expected, your lips remaining gentle against his no matter how passionate he became, and wooyoung knew instantly that he was already addicted. he was so utterly consumed by you, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.


“your drink, my love,” wooyoung says, placing a cup down on the table as he takes the seat next to you, his own coffee in his hands, while he places a gentle kiss against your temple.

“gross,” yeosang comments, watching you both from across the table before taking another bite of his macaron.

“yeah,” hongjoong agrees from his seat on your other side. “i didn’t realize that you two getting together meant we would have to watch you both all over each other all the damn time,” he complains as his boyfriend rolls his eyes on the other side of the table.

wooyoung ignores his older friends in favor of grabbing one of the legs of your chair, pulling you toward him so that he can more easily rest his head against your shoulder. he smirks against your skin as he feels a shudder run down your spine when he turns his head to press his lips into the crook of your neck.

you and wooyoung are gathered with a few of your friends in the same cafe that set everything into motion, your favorite place, enjoying your first quiet afternoon as an official couple.

“come on, i think they’re cute,” mingi says, looking between yeosang and hongjoong, who both exchange disgusted looks.

you chuckle, the sound light and airy, making wooyoung’s heart float as he feels the vibrations through his own chest.

“thank you mingi,” you say with a hint of finality, ready for the attention to be away from you two.

you’re thankful that the conversation drifts into a new direction, yeosang mentioning something about the latest star wars movie and sending seonghwa into a spiral about his thoughts and opinions.

“thank you,” wooyoung whispers, lifting his head from your shoulder before resting it on his hand, his elbow propped on the table in front of you.

you send him a confused look, tilting your head gently, but with the way he stares at you, overwhelmed with devotion, you can’t keep a tender smile from gracing your features. “for what?”

“forgiving me,” he elaborates, taking your hand in his.

for a minute you simply bask in the genuine warmth of the moment, watching the way his gaze shifts to your hand as he starts to play with your fingers gently. you’re tempted to bring his own hand up to your lips and let the whole situation stay genuine, but you just can’t keep from teasing.

“who says i forgave you?”

wooyoung is quick to look back up at your face, eyes wide with worry as he lifts his head from his hand, now using both of his hands to hold one of yours. you watch the worry melt away as a pout takes over his features, seeing the playful smirk on your own.

you can hear the whine building in his throat before he even opens his mouth, your gentle giggles matching his volume. “babe,” he groans, dropping his shoulders as he pulls your hand against his chest.

once you’ve calmed down enough from your giggle fit, you reach the hand he’s not holding up to hold his face, watching with adoration as he turns his head to press his lips into your palm before he leans fully into your touch.

as you both sit, just savoring the moment, wooyoung can’t help but reflect on how you both ended up here. so, as he falls deeper into his romantic haze, he can’t help but let you know, “i love to love you.”

To Love You

↼ ateez masterlist

note so hi, i’m alive. this was just something i wrote for fun recently and now i guess i write for ateez. anyway, hope you enjoyed

let me know what you think?

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2 years ago

trust me | wooyoung smut

Trust Me | Wooyoung Smut

pairing: wooyoung x f!reader

wc: 4973

synopsis: fresh out of a failed relationship, wooyoung’s determined to help you out.

a/n: this was originally supposed to be a drabble but i got carried away! this was requested<3

ALSO THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD! special shout out to @fallinwoozi for forcing me to post this ღ

warnings⚠️: smut, reader is embarrassed about being a virgin, unprotected sex, wooyoung makes a lot of jokes, soft 90% of the time, oral (fem receiving), uhh that’s it? lmk if i missed anything!

tumblr runs off reblogs! please reblog and help me out! 18+ under the cut!

♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡

“No, I can’t Woo. It’s way to embarrassing.” You whined to your best friend, kicking your legs like a toddler. You threw your head back with a groan, cheeks feeling tight from your dried up tears. He shook you with two hands whining back, “Whyyyy? You can’t come to me out of nowhere saying you broke up with your boyfriend and not tell me what happened! How am I supposed to comfort you? I thought we were friends Y/n! Now you’re keeping secrets from me! Unbelievable.” He was being overly dramatic, as usual.

You smacked his shoulder glaring at Wooyoung. “When it comes to my pride, yes I’d rather keep secrets. You can comfort me by shutting up and having a movie night with me.” He groaned, his body melting into his couch. You’d come over unannounced after the final meeting with your boyfriend. Or ex boyfriend now. If you could even call him that. The relationship not lasting even 2 months.

“She shows up to my apartment unannounced, crying might I add, and then yells at me when I ask what happened.” He speaks to himself in disbelief, getting up off his couch to make some snacks for the impromptu movie night. “Love you too!” You yelled back to his muttering. He turned, sticking a tongue out at you before disappearing into his kitchen.

You let out a deep sigh. Of course you wanted to tell him what happened. It was just too embarrassing to admit out loud. Plus you don’t think he’d let you live it down. It’s not like you weren’t close but you never really spoke about sex with Wooyoung. Telling him your boyfriend broke up with you because you refused to have sex with him due to your lack of experience would be too much to handle. For all he knew, you were a pro at sex. You couldn’t imagine having to face the truth. You were a virgin and it bothered you. You were embarrassed. What was there to be embarrassed of? Nothing at all yet you couldn’t help but feel ashamed. It was all stupid and in your head. But you couldn’t shake that feeling.

It wasn’t long before Wooyoung came back with a bowl of popcorn and some hot drinks to share. He grabbed a blanket to share as well before sitting down next to you.

“Alright, since you won’t tell me what happened we’re just going to move on and pretend everything is okay. Come here” He said gesturing his arms out for you to cuddle into like usual. You blushed at his mentioning of your break up again before moving into his arms. He felt warm and cozy around you. You snuggled as close as physically possible, wanting nothing more than to be fully engulfed with him and his warmth. “Cold? I can get another blanket?” He offered, noticing your closeness.

You shook your head, “It’s just comforting. Thank you for being here for me, even if I don’t feel comfortable saying what happened yet.” Smiling up at him as you spoke. A small smile crept onto his face as well. “No worries love, that’s what friends are for no?” He rubbed the top of your hair as you both giggled, you rolling your eyes at his cheesy words.

He picked out a movie for the two of you to watch since you insisted he chose for the night. It didn’t matter to you because you could feel your eyelids getting heavy. It was mere minutes into the movie before you fell asleep. Wooyoung didn’t really notice until soft snores began to leave your sleeping body. He squeezed the arm that was around you, only pushing yourself close to him. He smiled at you and watched as you softly breathed in and out. His chest tight as he thought about the earlier events. He hated seeing you cry and to not know what happened was killing him.

“I hope you trust me enough to tell me what happened one day. I love you Y/n.” He muttered to your sleeping body, leaving a small peck on the top of your head. Little did he know, you weren’t fully asleep. His cuddling had woken you up only minutes before. You debated whether or not to just suck it up and tell him what happened. What is the worst that could happen? He finds out you are a virgin? So what? No sane person would mock you for that.

“Y/n?” You heard Wooyoung speak, interrupting your thoughts. “Y/n? I can see your eyebrows furrowing, I know you’re awake.” You could hear the amusement in his voice. Your eyes fluttered open to meet his, sitting up now beside him. “Feeling better?” He asked, trying to read your facial expression. “A bit.” You sighed, biting your bottom lip out of nerves.

“I actually was thinking.” You drifted off your words, breaking eye contact with the boy in front of you. He hummed encouraging you to continue with your thoughts. “I trust you with my whole being. As dramatic as that sounds.” You both chuckled at the clear anxiety in your words. Wooyoung was looking at you with the most kind face. It was hard to describe but it made you feel comfortable and warm. This is why he was your best friend. He always made you feel listened to, understood, and encouraged you to speak your mind.

“He broke up with me because I wouldn’t have sex with him.” You blurted out. You froze watching as his eyes shot open wide due to your bluntness. “I-I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn’t that.” He chuckled. “That's it? What a dick.. That is so shallow. You shouldn’t have to sleep with anyone if you don’t want to. What kind of idiot does that? And to break up with you over it too? Y/n don’t cry over douchebags like him. The right man won’t care about sex and will wait until you’re comfortable.”

You felt your cheeks getting hot. You were so beyond embarrassed for an unknown reason. You’d talked about sex with Wooyoung before but you were never the topic. It was always him and his sex life. You being on the receiving end of this conversation was making you so uncomfortable. “T-Thanks Woo. But it wasn’t just that.” You stuttered out, his face contorting in confusion. “What else happened?” He questioned. You felt yourself gulp. You wanted to scream, why was this so hard for you? Society's view on virginity was really taking a toll on you.

“H-He didn’t like the fact that I was a virgin. He made it a big deal. That's why I was so embarrassed to tell you. He made me feel like I was abnormal. I don’t know, this is so stupid.” You sighed, placing your head in your hands. You had made such a big deal out of something that was so insignificant to a majority of people. “Y/n. Was that why you were embarrassed to tell me? You didn’t want me to know you were a virgin?” He questioned, placing one of his hands onto your thigh as a way to comfort you. You kept your head in your hands, nodding a yes to confirm his question. “You really thought I was going to be bothered by that? Or laugh at you?” You felt so embarrassed for the millionth time that night.

You lifted your head looking at him finally, “YES! I’m sorry but yes. You always talk about your sex life and I thought you’d think I’m a loser. Plus that’s so embarrassing! Getting broken up with because you’re a virgin?” You felt a tear sliding down your face. This night couldn’t get any worse.

“Y/n. I love you so much, you’re my best friend. I would never in my life make fun of you for something like that. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin. You’ll be ready when you’re ready. Please don’t cry, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.” He reached his free hand to wipe your tear stained cheeks. His words only made you want to cry more. You leaned into his touch.

“I love you too. Thank you Wooyoung but who wants to have sex with a twenty year old virgin? Most people want someone experienced.” You mumbled out, not trusting your voice enough to speak loudly. Wooyoung chuckled shaking his head, “Well, if you ever want to have sex just call me.” You laughed smacking his arm, “Shut up, I’m being serious!” You rolled your eyes at him. “I am too! I wouldn’t mind. Especially if it made you feel better.” His face was straight. You analyzed it, making sure he wasn’t teasing you like usual. “Wait really? You would do that? Would that not be weird?” You asked, words coming out quickly due to shock. “Why would it be weird? I’ve known you forever. Nothing you could do would make me not want to be your friend anymore. I mean unless maybe you murdered someone. But that would depend on the person because if it was your ex, I think I could let that slid-”

“Wooyoung, please shut up.” You laughed at his rambling, finding it awfully cute. He laughed as well, “Sorry, but my point stands. If you want your first time to be with someone you’re comfortable with. I’ll always be here, legs wide open.” He joked, making your nerves settle.

“I mean. I think I’d be down? I trust you.” Your mouth moving faster than your head. Did you just agree to having sex with Wooyoung? Your best friend? Were you crazy? I mean he was extremely hot, it is not like you’d never had the thought before. But it was just a stupid dream, not something you’d want to act on. At least you didn’t think so until right now. Maybe it was the horniness overtaking you, or the fact that he had comforted you so well. But you were ready to have sex with him if he prompted it.

“Wait actually? I didn’t think you’d agree so fast!” He chuckled, eyes wide open with one of his hands covering his mouth in disbelief. “Think about it! Wouldn’t it be best if my first time was with someone I know and trust? I don’t think I could emotionally handle my first time being a one night stand. Plus what if I do something wrong? Or they do something wrong? At least we can communicate without there being any awkward tension. Well, minimum awkward tension.” You were fully onboard now with his idea. It just made sense especially since he made it clear it wouldn’t ruin your friendship for him.

“Okay so. I didn’t really think it would happen this fast, wow. Uh do you have a time preference? Would now be too soon? Would you like to schedule a date?” You cut him off with a scoff, “I am NOT scheduling a dick appointment.” You both laughed, tension easing at the reminder that you are friends who are comfortable with one another. You trusted him with your whole body and mind. There was no need to be nervous. “S-so now?” He asked shyly.

“Please don’t clam up on me now. You need to be the confident one here. I don’t want to feel like I’m forcing you or anything.” You trailed off, looking down at your hands that were placed on your lap. “No!” He shouted quickly, shocking you. “Oh, uh sorry. I meant you aren’t forcing me. I was the one who made the offer in the first place. I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t fully prepared to follow through. I just am a little nervous that I won't meet your standards.” He spoke softly. You smiled at him, “Meet my standards? Woo, be serious. I have no one to compare you to. Plus, I’ve heard those sex stories you tell me.” You winked at him, making him laugh.

This was your dynamic, always encouraging one another. Putting your own feelings aside to make sure the other was feeling good. Of course you were nervous and you had your doubts, but you were trying to be confident to make up for Wooyoung’s timidness.

“Okay so, basic rules.” He started, more confidence in his tone, “If at any point you are uncomfortable and want to stop, tell me immediately. It won’t bother me, your pleasure is my top priority. If you like something or want me to do something tell me as well. Again, your pleasure is my number one right now.”

“We’ll take it slow, uh yeah I think that's pretty much it? Just communicate is what I’m trying to say.” He finished, maintaining eye contact the whole time. You nodded along with his words, taking it all in. You were actually about to have sex with Wooyoung. If you would’ve told your younger self this, she would’ve laughed in your face.

“Are you comfortable with kissing?” He asked, placing a hand on yours which laid on top of your lap. You nodded, feeling your whole face get hot. “I need verbal confirmation please.” He stated in a serious tone making your legs quiver. “Y-es” You managed to get out words, much to your disbelief. “Already speechless and we haven’t even started? You’re going to be fun to play with doll.” He winked. You wanted to punch him for being so snarky but you couldn’t, you just shut your eyes and took a deep breath. “Please Woo, you’re making it hard to take you seriously.”

“Who says you have to take me seriously? I just enjoy seeing how hot and bothered you get when I tease you.” He joked, cupping the right side of your face with his hand. He scooted a little closer to you, now only inches away from your face. “Close your eyes doll.” He whispered, you could feel his breath against your lips. Your eyelids fluttered shut at his command. You anticipated his next move, holding your breath as you waited for him to make the first move.

“You’re so tense.” He cut the tension, your eyes shooting open. “Wooyoung I’m going to murder you.” You joked smacking him on the arm. He winced, holding his bicep, “Ow! What was that for?!” You glared at him, “You know damn well-” He cut you off laughing,

“Okay! Okay! For real this time. Close your eyes.” You hesitated this time, Wooyoung giving you an encouraging head nod. You huffed before closing your eyes again. You waited for what felt like hours but in reality was mere seconds for Wooyoung’s lips to finally graze your own. It was a short and soft peck to start, just getting used to the feeling of kissing one another. He pulled back to look at your reaction, when you didn’t open your eyes he took it as a sign to continue. Moving back in, he reconnected his lips to yours a bit more passionate this time. It was still soft but longer, your mouths moving slowly in sync.

He moved his hands from their previous position in his lap, one cupping your jaw as the other found comfort in your hair. He leaned into it more, pushing you back further into the couch. You let him have full dominance in the kiss, encouraging him to make the next move. He slid his tongue along your bottom lip lightly, testing the grounds. He never wanted to go too far or make you uncomfortable. You opened your mouth slightly wider than before allowing him to slip his tongue between your lips. You continued like this for a while until he pulled back, lips pretty and swollen covered in a thin layer of saliva.

“Do you want to take this to my bedroom?” His voice was calm. Eyes staring intently into your own for permission to take this further. You nodded, muttering a soft ‘yes’. He took your hand in his, pulling you gently behind him as he led you to his bedroom. The room you’d been all too familiar with. This time felt different. For obvious reason of course.

He laid you delicately on his bed allowing you to sink into his comforter, your head resting against his soft pillows. He crawled on top of you starting to kiss you again. This time didn’t last too long, moving his lips down your jaw to your neck where he left wet kisseses. “Can I mark you love?” He asked between kisses. You nodded, muttering in agreement. You felt him smile into your neck as he began sucking light marks that would eventually turn a pretty shade of purple. “N-not too many” You spoke, immediately regretting it as it came out breathy. He could tell how much you were enjoying yourself from that sentence alone. “Babe. I’ve only kissed you and you’re already acting fucked out. Do I affect you that much?” He smirked looking as your face contorted at his words.

You opened your mouth to speak but you didn’t know what to say. Yes he did. Your best friend had left you speechless from kisses alone. “It’s okay doll, I can read your face very well. I know how much you’re enjoying this.” You felt your face heat up at his teasing. You knew Wooyoung was a tease but you’d never think it would translate over into the bedroom as well. You whined covering your face with your hands making him chuckle, “Okay! Okay I’ll try and stop with the teasing.. No promises though” He muttered the last part in the crook of your neck leaving chills down your body.

His hands began to travel down your body, dragging against your clothed torso. Moving until they reached the hem of your shirt which had slightly rode up during the make out session. His finger tips inched under your shirt, his warm hands now rubbing against the bare skin of your stomach. They moved to wrap around your waist pulling you closer to him. They continued caressing your torso as he kissed your neck. This continued until his hand had finally inched up enough to reach your bra.

“May i?” He asked, looking into your clouded eyes. Still in a haze from his kisses. “Yes, please” You almost begged, sitting up to allow him better access to removing your shirt and bra. You felt the cold bitter air against your nipples making you aware of how naked you were now. Moving to cover your chest, you asked Wooyoung, “Can you take off your shirt too? I don’t like being the only one naked.” He pouted at your sweetness pecking your lips, “Of course I can.”

He removed his shirt, tossing it somewhere in his room along with your own. “Better?” He asked looking deeply in your eyes, you only nodded as a reply. He laid you back down, removing your hands slowly from your chest. He analyzed your face to make sure there was no hesitation in your expression. He had your arms by your side, beginning his breast worship. He kitten licked your nipples loving how you gasped from the small spark of pleasure. While busy with one breast, he used his hand to occupy the other. You felt your body on fire. You’d never felt such pleasure before. It was different than anything you’d ever managed to do to yourself. Soft moans left your lips, encouraging Wooyoung to continue.

He switched to the opposite breast now, wanting to hurry this part up. He loved how reactive you were and couldn’t wait to get more moans out of you. You moved your right hand to play in his hair, tugging every time he nibbled your sensitive nipple. He pulled away, sitting up from his previous position, smiling at you. “Good?” He asked.

“Yes. Great actually!” You joked, making him laugh. He nodded, moving his fingers to begin removing your pants. “If you liked that, just you wait.” He winked, this time pulling your pants down in one quick motion. He sat up removing his own sweatpants making it even. He positioned your legs to be bent at the knee, situating himself to lay between your thighs. He made sure to hold eye contact as he pressed a slow kiss to your clothed heat. The contact making you whimper. He began leaving wet kisses on your thighs, with each kiss moving closer and closer to where you wanted him most. He then used one finger, tracing the damp spot in your underwear. “Enjoying yourself?” He joked, removing your panties so he could have direct contact with your cunt. Your legs shut around his head out of reflex but he stopped you, pinning your knees as far down to the bed as he could. “Now how am I supposed to eat you out if I don’t have access to this pretty little pussy?” He wore a shit eating grin on his face that you only wish you could slap off of him. But you didn’t want to take any chances on him stopping.

“Sorry Woo, Continue please.” Your voice was weak and it only drove Wooyoung crazier. He hummed, moving his face back to your dripping heat that was displayed so nicely before him. “I should warn you once I start, it’s hard to stop.” His hot breath teasing your soaked cunt. He licked up your slit collecting your juices on his tongue. “Fuck.” He muttered. “Especially when you taste this sweet.” With that he attached his mouth back on your aching pussy. Starting with bold licks between your folds, wanting to taste all of you. He ate you out like a starved man and you loved it. The moans falling past your lips were uncontrollable, never feeling a sensation so pleasurable in your life.

His lips wrapped around your neglected clit, sucking harshly wanting to hear your gasp. He chuckled against your pussy as he continued, his nose occasionally rubbing over the swollen nub. Your hands found their way into his hair again, this time tugging a lot rougher than before. He groaned against your cunt, sending waves of only pleasure up through your body.

He pulled away, this time using two fingers, collecting your juices on them. He moved up your body towards your mouth, “Open wide baby. You need to know how good you taste.” You obliged, opening your mouth for him. He inserted his two fingers into your mouth. You sucked his long, thin digits clean of all your essence groaning at the flavour. He was right, you did taste nice.

“See? I could eat your pussy all day if you’d let me.” He leaned down mumbling the words against your lips before placing a kiss on your mouth and returning to his position between your legs.

This time he entered those same two fingers into you. Your walls immediately squeezing around him. He smirked as he began thrusting the two fingers in and out of you. His pace was brutal, you could sense how eager he was becoming by the minute. “Holy shit Woo, please don’t stop” You moaned uncontrollably. You no longer had any sense of reality, just pleasure coursing through your body.

You felt a pit growing in your lower tummy, legs squeezing around Wooyoung's hand that was tucked between your thighs. He continued harshly thrusting his two fingers in and out of you, loving how much control he had over your body and your reactions.

You felt your orgasm coming on and so did he. He felt you clenching around his fingers as your high neared. Smirking, Wooyoung swiftly pulled his fingers out of your needy cunt. You whined at the loss of contact, eyebrows furrowed as you glared up at him.

“What the fuck?” Is all you managed to say. Wooyoung bursted into laughter at your reaction, loving how much he could affect you. “I didn’t want you having your first orgasm around my fingers! That’s what my cock is for silly.” He pinched your cheek, a smug look on his face.

You snapped back into reality with his words. You were now fully naked under your best friend, only a thin piece of fabric shielding him from being nude along with you. Wooyoung’s eyes travelled over your expression, trying to read your emotions.

“All good love? Would you like me to continue?” He asked, rubbing your cheek with his finger. Your soft skin against his. You evaluated his face for any signs of hesitation but he stopped you before you could say anything, “I’m beyond ready. Don’t worry about me doll, this is about you.” Leaning down he kissed you softly. It was filled with reassurance and love. He was your best friend for a reason, and you wholeheartedly trusted him.

You nodded, “I’m ready too. Just a bit nervous.” He nodded at your words.

“I’ll take it slow at first. Whatever you say goes.” He smiled before moving to remove his underwear. You sucked in a deep breath as he revealed his hard on to you. It was prettier than you imagined, not too intimidating. You let out a shaky breath making eye contact with him. He gave you a playful wink, positioning himself between your legs.

You placed your hands on his shoulders giving him a soft squeeze as a sign to continue. He lined himself up with your heat, slowly pushing himself inside you. He maintained eye contact the whole time, ensuring you were comfortable.

He noticed a furrow in your eyebrows as he was almost fully inside, stretching you in a way you’d never felt before. “Y/n? You’ve got to tell me how you’re feeling love.” His voice sounding weak. You nodded at him, “Good. Too good.” Was all you managed to say, too caught up with the delicious feeling of his cock stretching you open.

He smiled, “This is just the tip of the iceberg baby” he smirked bottoming out inside you. Your jaw dropped at the feeling, your head now thrown back onto the pillow behind you head. Your knuckles white from gripping Wooyoung’s shoulders. You heard his high pitched chuckle at your reaction. “I told you so” he wiggled his eyebrows, continuing his motions now pulling out fully before swiftly pushing himself back inside you.

He continued this watching as your face contorted in different ways. Your hands grabbing onto different parts of his body for support. Wooyoung leaned down leaving sloppy kisses all down your neck and jaw.

“Such a pretty girl for me. Letting me take your virginity? Fuck.” He kept muttering words to you, edging you on even more. “You’re doing such a good job baby. I’m so proud of you, I’m so fucking happy right now.” He continued, his thrusts picking up in speed and aggressiveness.

He was now snapping his hips into you wildly, only choked out moans leaving your mouth. “W-oo, go-d. So goo-d” Your words barely coherent to the man on top of you. But that didn’t matter, he knew exactly what you meant and that you were coming close to your orgasm.

“It’s okay pretty girl, cum for me. I want to feel your tight pussy around my cock, can you cum for me? Be a good girl for Wooyoung.” Your eyes now glued shut as you took everything in. His thrusts, his words, the pleasure building in your stomach. It was becoming too much for you to handle.

You came hard with a loud cry, pulling him down towards you. He continued fucking you through your orgasm, quickly following with his own. You felt your throbbing walls milking him of his warm cum, filling you in a way you couldn’t describe. It was addicting.

He struggled to hold himself above you as he caught his breath. You tugged on his shoulders and he lightly collapsed on top of your body. Your sweaty bodies getting stuck together.

You too struggled to catch your breath, feeling overwhelmed by everything that just happened.

After a minute of silent breathing, Wooyoung was the first to speak. “How are you? Do you need anything?” He lifted his head, eyes racking over your face and expression. You nodded softly, “water” you mumbled out. Your voice now raspy. He nodded, kissing your cheek before hoisting himself from bed. He threw on his boxers and disappeared into his kitchen.

He returned minutes later with a wet cloth and a glass of water. Handing you the water to drink as he cleaned you and himself up. He then tossed you one of his sleeping shirts before throwing himself into bed again. He pulled you down by the waist forcing you to lay facing him.

He spent a couple of seconds looking into your eyes before speaking, “So.. How was it? Did I live up to your expectations?”

You smiled at the man in front of you, “Yes. I had a very good time” you said with a giggle. You could feel your face. burning up. “Good,” he said with a smile, “I’m glad.”

“Can I ask you a question Woo?” You watched as his face contorted into confusion, “Of course. Shoot,” He waited.

“Well two questions actually.. One could we maybe, idk. Do this again sometime? Without it being all weird?” You whinced while asking, not wanting to make things awkward.

He smiled cockily, “Can’t get enough of me huh?” He joked before answering seriously, “We can do this as much as you’d like. That’s what friends are for, right?” he winked making you giggle.

“Okay. Now two.” You smiled.

He nodded in anticipation,

“Can we snuggle now? I’m sleepy.” You pouted, making him laugh. You felt your chest warm up at the sound.

“Come here dummy,” He joked pulling you into his chest.

♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡

requests are open! lmk your thoughts, feedback is VERY much appreciated and welcomed!

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1 year ago

this night together - chapter eight (j.yh + s.mg)

This Night Together - Chapter Eight (j.yh + S.mg)

chapter eight: just what friends are for

chapter summary: a new set of friends help you through heat and this time it just works like clockwork

warnings: this is a full smut-a-thon. specific tags for: heat, knotting, and other a/b/o dynamics, gratituous use of 'alpha' and 'omega', fingering, thigh riding, oral (f receiving), use of sex toys / dildos, frank conversations about sex and heat, praise praise praise, light degradation, alpha on alpha action which means m/m pairing here, not just them helping reader, so much cum including the artificial kind.....

notes: thank you all so much for your patience!! next chapter is in progress, but tbd on post date.

pairings: alpha!yunho x alpha!mingi x omega!reader for the core fic overall, but this chapter is alpha!seonghwa x alpha!san x omega!wooyoung x omega!reader

genre: smut, a/b/o/omegaverse, angst, fluff, romance, polyamory

word count: 16.8k

previous chapter | next chapter | AO3

Unlike your last heat, this time you sleep through the night. Despite the ache in your hips and the hot flashes that leave you kicking off your covers, you stay deep in sleep with the comforting scent of another omega near you. You don’t start to wake properly until morning, with the sun peeking through the gaps in the curtains. 

For a moment, just a sliver of a second, you forget where you are. A little jolt running up your spine as you feel a warm body underneath you, but then you see his tan skin and mop of black hair and remember you’re with Wooyoung and you’re safe. You let yourself relax again, cheek once again on his shoulder and you take a deep, steady breath. The warm summer sun washes through you at his scent, and your busy mind seems to quiet back down. He’s still sleeping, head turned to the side away from you and mouth open, the room silent except for the tiny little catches in the back of his throat that indicate he’s still deep in sleep. 

At some point in the night your bodies became further tangled up together, that’s the first thing you really notice. You’re almost entirely on top of him, lounging across him like he’s a body pillow, with one leg hitched over his thigh and your face buried in his chest. The second thing you notice is how tight your stomach is and how hard your nipples feel pressed up against the rough fabric of your shirt. 

Wooyoung groans a little, stretching under you as he stretches into his morning, and you’re doing just fine until his leg shifts and suddenly you’re pressed firmly against his thigh. 

It’s almost embarrassing how apparent the wet patch in your underwear is, just the sensation of something warm pressing up against your slick core leaving your body responding in seconds. Your nipples harden further and your back aches a little, but you stay as still as you can and exhale softly, trying to disguise how shaky and needy you feel in your gut. 

Wooyoung grumbles something, his head tossing to the opposite side, and you feel his arm close over your back, “Hey, cuddle bug,” 

It cuts the tension immediately, and you laugh against his chest, “Sorry, I know I kind of attached in the night,” 

“It’s fine,” His hand smooths up and down over your back and you press your eyes closed to ignore the throbbing you’re starting to feel. He yawns above you, “It’s good you slept,” 

“Mhm,” You nod against his chest. 

“Are you feeling okay?” He checks. 

“Very, very comfortable,” You tell him, and that’s partially true. 

“It’s the nest,” He yawns again, “I swear my heats are like ten times better here,” 

“I think it’s more you,”

“Nah,” Wooyoung ruffles your hair, “it’s the bamboo cooling sheets, I know all the tricks,” 

He makes you laugh softly again, but this time he shifts under you completely to adjust his position underneath you and when he brings his leg up, pushing his thigh against your core harder, your fingers tighten on his arms and you can’t help the soft moan that escapes from your lips. 

He freezes entirely, the room quiet. 

“S-sorry,” You exhale tightly, starting to push yourself up from your nestled place on his chest so you can try and find his eyes and see how uncomfortable this is about to be. 

“Why didn’t you say?” His hands slip under the hem of your shirt, stroking the bare skin of your lower back. 

“Let me,” As much as you don’t want to, you start to push your body up and away from him, but he catches you in his arms and brings you back down to his chest, “Woo,” 

“Do you like kissing?” He asks out of nowhere, his hand pushing into your hair and guiding your gaze to his. 

“What?” You blink. 

“You’re so tense,” He studies your face, applying a little pressure where he holds you to guide you back down into a fully comfortable position, “it’s just me,” 

“But,” You say, words falling flat. You don’t have a reason why or an explanation, it’s just that his hands on you like this is so unexpected. You called Seonghwa, you expected Seonghwa, Wooyoung nestled between your thighs is a wild card. 

“Shh,” He soothes you, hand splaying wide on your skin, “relax, babe, it’s only me,” 

You can barely move, your stomach clenching painfully and your clit all but throbbing against him. You’ve never had sex with another omega, certainly not in heat, but something about his scent and his comforting tone and his hot thigh against your cunt is making the idea of a knot fade from your mind. 

“You really are so pretty,” He smiles, his opposite hand shifting lower to slip under the elastic of your sleep pants, “and you smell so delicious,” 


His hand bypasses the hem of your underwear too and he cups your ass, “Like something sugary,” 

“Honey,” You murmur, the briefest flash of Mingi’s mouth on your throat in your mind’s eye. 

“That’s it,” Wooyoung nods, his voice a soft murmur when he says, “do you taste like honey too?” 

You sigh, hazy feeling against him, warmth in your cheeks. 

“Can I kiss you? Or would that be too weird?” Wooyoung slowly drags you up a little so he can reach your mouth a little better in his reclined position, but he doesn’t move to lock his lips to yours. 

It sounds like it should be weird, especially given how well things turned out between you and Yunho and Mingi, but something about Wooyoung just deflates all the pressure in the room and you’ve never felt more comfortable. 

You nod, and he gathers you close so that you’re laying fully over him. 

“Did you sleep well?” He murmurs softly, nuzzling your nose with his and pressing the briefest, featherlight kiss to your lips. 

“Yeah,” You breathe, your eyes slipping closed as he nuzzles you again. 

“You seem good too,” He comments, letting his lips travel along your jaw until he finds your earlobe and gives it a gentle tug with his teeth. 

Your body twitches in response and you nod against his head. 

“Not in pain?” He checks, his hand once again slipping inside your sleep pants to cup your bare backside. 

“N-not right now,” You murmur. 

“Good,” His lips press against yours, a little longer this time. His lips are so warm, and he alternates between steady kisses and nuzzles, just getting you used to the feeling of his mouth on yours. 

All the while, your body melts down, muscles relaxing one by one. 

Wooyoung sighs warmly against you, his next kiss a little more open, coaxing your mouth to follow. Your stomach erupts in needy little butterflies, and then his tongue is in your mouth. 

“Oh,” You sigh pleasantly and he wraps his arms tighter around you. 

“You feel so good,” He groans, his hands searching your skin under your clothes. 

“S-so do you,” You stammer, your words whispered in the barely there space between you. 

The air is starting to feel thicker around you, warm and hazy, but your body shivers like there’s a chill in the room and you know it’s your heat running you hot and cold. Wooyoung reaches for the comforter, pulling it up and over the two of you so that you’re wrapped tighter in the building warmth. Your hips buck softly as he nips your lip and he nods. 

“Yeah?” He murmurs between kisses and caresses, “How do you feel?” 

Your brain is feeling buzzy and hot and you smile against his mouth, “Fucking horny,” 

He laughs, cupping your cheek as he kisses you again, this time deeper and laden with so much innuendo you think you might just come on the spot. 

You moan into his mouth, and slowly he raises his knee and plants his foot, effectively angling his thigh perfectly right between yours so that you’re straddling him tightly, every rock of your bodies just forcing your cunt closer to him. 

“Come on,” He urges you softly, pressing his hand into your hip and coaxing you into it. 

You follow this press of his hands and push your hips forwards, moaning into him immediately. “Fuck,” You pant against his cheek. 

“Yeah?” He chuckles, dragging your hips back and forth again, coaxing you into a rhythm. 

You nod, lips falling away from his as you collapse over him, eyes slipping closed as you bury your face into the side of his neck. He smells heavenly, and you let that sensation wrap around you as you continue canting your hips and dragging yourself back and forth across his thigh. You can feel the heat radiating off him even through the layers of fabric between you, his sleep pants, yours, and your panties, and you’re sure that you’re soaking through them with every grind of your hips. 

Your head is getting cottony as pleasure starts arcing up your spine, and you feel Wooyoung hold you closer, his lips against your ear. You hear something squeak behind you, and feel the air in the room change, but you don’t stop, you just keep rolling your hips and finding solace in his arms. 

Wooyoung murmurs something, but you don’t quite catch it and you make a soft noise to get him to repeat himself but he doesn’t. The comforter moves from its position draped over you, and the bed shifts. Your hips stop and you blink your eyes open, realizing that you’re not alone in the room anymore. The comforter still covers both of you from the waist down, but anyone could surely tell what you and Wooyoung were doing. 

“Morning,” Seonghwa’s warm, low alpha tone sends a shiver up your spine. 

“Hey,” Wooyoung keeps his voice quiet too, his fingers tracing up and down your back. 

“Everything okay in here?” Seonghwa asks. 

“Mhm,” Wooyoung’s hand slips out of your sleep pants and rests casually on your hip, “we just woke up,” 

“Did she sleep through the night?” He sounds a little surprised. 

“Mhm,” Wooyoung replies. 

“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Seonghwa’s voice is soothing, and you sigh when his hand smooths over your hair, “I heard you rustling around and wanted to make sure you weren’t in any pain,” 

“I’m okay,” You assure him, your eyes already getting heavy at the feeling of them both touching you. 

Wooyoung’s thigh tenses between yours and you let out a little shuddering breath. 

“You don’t sound very okay,” Seonghwa murmurs, and your body responds to his tone in a second with a rush of morning slick. Wooyoung chuckles under you at the growing wet patch on his sweats. 

“Don’t laugh,” You slap his chest lightly, “I’m in heat, I can’t help it,” 

“What’s funny?” Seonghwa asks, a smile in his voice. 

“Oh, nothing,” You can practically see the grin on his face, “just one second of you playing sexy concerned alpha and she’s slicking all over me,” 

“Woo!” You press your eyes closed, blush lighting up your neck and cheeks. 

“Don’t tease her like that,” Seonghwa tuts, “that’s not nice,” 

“Maybe she likes not nice,” Wooyoung smirks. 

“Will you two stop that,” You groan, and it feels like even though you’re not getting any friction, the pressure against your clit alone is enough to make the bubble in your belly grow and grow, “I was so close,” 

You don’t mean for your voice to sound so needy, but it does. 

Seonghwa’s alpha responds immediately, and even though you hear Wooyoung chuckle again, he keeps his mouth shut this time. Seonghwa shushes you, pulling back the comforter completely so he can see the way you two are tangled together and then he gets closer, “Oh, jagiya, I’m sorry, let me help,” 

A soft whine leaves you as he takes you in his hands and lifts you away from Wooyoung’s chest. 

“Can you take your bottoms off for me, or do you need a little help, darling?” Seonghwa’s body being so close is making your mind do little somersaults, but you still have control over yourself well enough to shift on the bed and reach for your waistband. 

It’s an awkward position, poised over Wooyoung while Seonghwa holds you in his arms, but Wooyoung reaches out and helps drag your sleep pants off, catching your underwear with his thumbs to pull them away too. 

“Wow,” Wooyoung breathes as your panties pull away, revealing just how slick and puffy you are. 

“That better be a good wow,” You sigh, letting your head fall back onto Seonghwa’s waiting shoulder. 

“Oh, it definitely is,” Wooyoung says, moving around underneath you to kick off his own sleep pants. 

Seonghwa reaches around you then, his hand coming to close over your sex, and then he hums pleasantly, “What a lovely omega, you are,” 

You shudder at his praise, hips pressing down to feel more of his hand, hoping that he’ll slip his fingers inside, but he simply drags his hand up and away and leaves you pulsing with desire. 

“Oh, god,” You groan, “please someone do something,” 

Wooyoung reaches up for you, gathering you back down and Seonghwa supports your slow descent as you get back into position over Wooyoung’s thigh. This time the sensation is instant, his hot skin under yours, and your mind instantly curls back into hazy pleasure with the first rock of your hips. 

“Perfect,” Seonghwa hums, “look at you two,” 

Wooyoung drags your hips along, but laughs sharply at Seonghwa, “Relax, alpha,” he punctuates the word with his tone, “I know this is like, your wet dream, but listen to her… she needs to come,” 

You do, you really, really do. You don’t know what will get you there, but so far you’re dancing on the edge of your pleasure but unable to fully grasp it. Wooyoung feels hot and perfect beneath you, and Seonghwa is saying all the right things to delight the primal part of your brain, but every time you feel close to the edge you fall away from it. 

Frustrated tears gather in your eyes and you bite down on your cheek to keep from crying out in equal irritation at yourself and your body. 

“Hush,” Seonghwa soothes you, his hands sweeping up and down your bare back, “we’re right here, darling,” 

“I can’t,” You work your hips faster against Wooyoung’s thigh, “I’m so…” 

“Tell us what you need, babe,” Wooyoung’s hand dips under your shirt, finding your breast and softly teasing your nipple. 

You moan sharply as pleasure bubbles through you, not quite there but close, “Kiss me, please, please,” 

His mouth is on yours in a second, tongue against yours and everything just hot pants between you both.

Seonghwa’s hands squeeze your hips and you moan as he talks you through it, “That’s it, omega, make yourself come, fuck Youngie’s pretty thigh,” 

You choke out a tight cry into Wooyoung’s mouth. 

“You’re so close,” Seonghwa continues, “so wet, pretty girl,” 

“Oh fuck, fuck,” You fall away from Wooyoung’s mouth, dropping your forehead to his, your hips picking up the pace just a bit, just enough to get you there. 

Wooyoung groans at the sight of you, pushing your hair out of your faces and holding you against him, nodding against your sweat slick skin, “Come,” 

“I’m,” You choke, “I’m…” 

Seonghwa’s hands coast over you, and his next words undo you, “I can’t wait to bury myself in that sweet cunt,” 

Your hips snap forward, your orgasm crashing into you like a wall and you collapse against Wooyoung as it takes you under. Seonghwa reaches his hand around your shuddering thighs and pushes his fingers between your dripping folds and Wooyoung’s slick leg, locating your clit with ease and working his hand fast back and forth to prolong your orgasm. 

You squeak, eyes slamming shut, gripping down on Wooyoung’s shoulders and you’d fall to the side if it weren’t for the two of them holding you steady through the crash of pleasure. 

“That’s it, that’s it,” Seonghwa hums. 

“Oh my god, oh, yes babe,” Wooyoung peppers kisses over your face as your shakes start to transform into little trembling rushes, “mm, I bet that felt so good, didn’t it?” 

You’re nodding, just now coming to the realization that Seonghwa’s hands aren’t between your thighs anymore, you’ve just been dragging your throbbing clit back and forth lazily over Wooyoung’s leg until you’re sated. Your body slows, now just trembling in the afterglow. They’re touching you still, just softly, a lazy bit of aftercare in the morning sun and you sigh across Wooyoung’s chest. 

“Good morning,” Seonghwa chuckles. 

“It is a good morning,” You grin, your head feeling decidedly less foggy after the orgasm and you hide your face in Wooyoung’s chest for a second as you laugh. 

“So ridiculous,” Wooyoung kisses your shoulder and laughs with you, his leg sliding to straighten and effectively dropping you down closer to the bed. 

With a sigh you roll off him and cover your face with your hands, “That was so nice,” 

“You might not even need me,” Seonghwa hums, a little playful pout in his voice as he prods your hip. 

You drop your hands instantly and reach for him, “Mm, Hwa don’t be jealous, I literally woke up on top of him,” 

“Like a clingy space heater,” Wooyoung jokes and you slap his arm. 

Seonghwa smiles, easing himself down next to you both and propping his head up on one hand, “Feeling alright?” 

“I’m so good now,” You confess. 

Wooyoung chuckles and snuggles up to your back, tucking you into him again and taking his hand to tangle your fingers together. 

“Mm,” Seonghwa sighs, brushing Wooyoung’s hair back from his cheek as he looks down at you both, “this really is such a nice surprise,” 


“I think we should get you a nice big breakfast,” Seonghwa smiles, “are you hungry?” 

“A little,” 

Wooyoung’s hand slips out of yours and dips under your oversized shirt, closing over your belly, “Hungry for food?” 

“Shush,” You elbow him. 

“I don’t know,” He nuzzles you, “you seemed pretty insatiable this morning,” 

Blush flushes your cheeks. 

“Maybe you need more,” He nips at your ear and you gasp. 

Reason floods your mind though, and you shake your head, “Woo, no,” 

He stills immediately and angles up to look at you, “What’s up?”

“Can we just talk first? Before this gets messy?” You ask, “Well, messier,” 

His hands are off you in any suggestive way a moment later, and Seonghwa slides off the bed to locate your sleep pants and pass them over to you, “Let’s go make breakfast together and talk,” 

“Okay, good, yes,” You pull on your sleep pants and ease yourself off the bed, Seonghwa’s hand sliding to your arm like a magnet. 

“What are you in the mood for?” Wooyoung pulls open the door to the bedroom, injecting the nest with a cold flush of air and you shiver at the way the feeling of the room changes when you’re not holed up in a mix of their scents. 

“Do you have any fruit?” You ask him, “something light?” 

He nods, “Hwa, can I take care of the food this time?” 

“Sure,” He steps closer to your back, hands not quite holding you, but resting on you in whatever way he can. 

Wooyoung disappears into the kitchen, pulling out various ingredients from the fridge and a cutting board from the cupboard. You notice immediately that he’s quick with a knife, easily dicing up the food, and it’s a little mesmerizing to watch the way he works. Seonghwa watches too, a fond smile on his lips. 

“So,” Seonghwa finally says, turning towards you, “what’s on your mind?”

You ease back onto the living room sofa and tuck your legs in, “I just feel like we’re supposed to talk about this,” 

“It’s a good idea,” Wooyoung assures you, dropping off a plate of expertly cut fruit and glasses of ice water. 

“Mm,” Seonghwa nods, popping a strawberry in his mouth, “we’ve been doing this for so long together I think we forget a bit how familiar we already are,” 

“How long has it been?” You reach for the plate of fruit but Seonghwa pushes your hands away with a soft sound. 

You watch as he piles a plate high with an assortment for you, “Two years? Three?” 

“Three,” Wooyoung says from the kitchen, “y/n, do you want any coffee?”

You shake your head, “Not this morning, thank you,” 

“What about you?” Seonghwa prompts. 

“My heats?” You clarify. 

“Mhm,” He turns towards you fully, listening and attentive, “what about you?” 

Wooyoung takes the seat on the sofa across from you and drops a coffee in front of Seonghwa. 

“Outside of Yunho and Mingi, I’ve never really done the whole casual heat sex thing,” You explain, “I was never very comfortable with it,” 

“I get that,” Wooyoung nods, taking a bite of melon, “it’s hard to know who to trust,” 

“All the time,” You agree with ease. 

Seonghwa frowns, “I wish it weren’t that way,” 

“I know,” Wooyoung shrugs, “but not all alphas are as nice as you and Sannie, that’s just the truth,” 

A shiver runs up your back, you know that all too well and so does Wooyoung. Sometimes not as nice just means pretty words at night and a cold bed in the morning, but sometimes not as nice means so much more. You wonder how many shared experiences you and Wooyoung have had over the course of your lives as omegas. 

Seonghwa’s jaw jumps tightly, his hand on the table pressing into a loose fist and you can feel the tense stress of him at the idea. 

“I hope,” Seonghwa swallows and then looks to you, “that at least San and I have never made you feel uncomfortable,” 

“Never,” You answer fast. 

“And everyone else at the office is,” He trails off, looking to Wooyoung for a little help, “that’s not a problem at work is it?” 

Wooyoung shakes his head and keeps eating, treating this whole sudden twist of the conversation so casually, “I get looks sometimes, you know, but no it’s not a problem,” 

“Agreed,” You take a bite of your breakfast too, “looks I can deal with,” 

“I’m sorry,” Seonghwa says quietly. 

“It’s not your fault,” You shake your head, “but this is why I haven’t really gotten out much. Honestly, I hope you know that it means a lot to me that I felt comfortable enough to call you. Think about that, not the bad stuff,” 

“She’s right,” Wooyoung sips his coffee, “but you know the other thing that just sucks but is true?” 

“Hmm?” You pull your eyes away from Seonghwa to look at him. 

“Alphas will just leave you alone when they know you’re even rumored to be with another alpha,” Wooyoung says, “I haven’t had to deal with any shit in so long and that’s all Sannie and you,” 

“I hate that,” Seonghwa grumbles. 

“It’s true though,” You shrug, and then a thought occurs to you, “wait,” 

They do, glancing between each other as you gather your thoughts. 

“Could you tell I had been with Yunho and Mingi?” You ask, a little afraid of the answer, “if I hadn't told you, would you have known anyways?” 

“Not in the way you’re thinking,” Seonghwa says, “I don’t know, it’s hard to explain. I couldn’t tell until we were close together during dance practice, and even then it wasn’t like I caught a specific person’s scent, we were never close enough for that. It was more just the feeling that you weren’t…. unscented?” 

“Mm,” You bite the inside of your cheek, thinking it through. 

“Relax,” Wooyoung squeezes your hand, “stressing about things you can’t control isn’t going to make your heat any easier,” 

“I can’t help it,” 

“Here,” Seonghwa pushes back his chair and reaches for you, “come sit with me a second, I can feel you worrying from here,” 

You shift over from your chair and follow the guidance of his hands until you’re settled in his lap. It should feel awkward, but it doesn’t and you don’t really spend any time worrying about that now that you’re wrapped up in an alpha’s warm arms. 

“Now,” Seonghwa’s hand strokes your thigh slowly, “we’re all friends here, right?” 

“Yes?” You twist to catch his eyes. 

“Then I just want you to relax,” He gives you a squeeze, “Woo and I will take care of you for the rest of the weekend, and on Monday or Tuesday when you go back to the studio everything will be fine. Yunho and Mingi will be whatever they are, but that isn’t your worry, that’s theirs.” 

“And us?” You ask softly. 

“We’ll be fine,” He says with ease, “y/n, listen, I don’t know what they said or didn’t say to you but I can guarantee it wasn’t clear.” 

You nod. 

“We’re friends, and Woo I’ll let you speak for yourself, but that’s all I’m interested in being. I’d like to help you this weekend, and then if in the future we end up sleeping together again? That’s fine, but as friends.” Seonghwa is so crystal clear you feel the floor giving under you. This is what you thought you had with Yunho and Mingi all those weeks ago, but in the face of actual clarity you can see how muddled and lost the three of you had been back then. 

“That’s…” You search for the words, “such a relief, honestly,” 

“Good,” Seonghwa smooths his thumb across the gland in your wrist. 

“Me too,” Wooyoung jumps in, “actual no strings attached friend sex is the best kind,” 

“You think so?” You shuffle back a little further onto Seonghwa’s lap. 

“I know so,” Wooyoung says, “actually just being yourself and then not spending fucking days anxiously waiting for a phone call? Yeah, it’s better,” 

“God, this is easier,” You sink back against Seonghwa’s chest and then glance at him, “is this okay?” 

“Yes,” He assures you, wrapping an arm around your middle and holding you to him, “it’s nice, actually.” 

“Does this mean we can spend the rest of the weekend in bed, then?” Wooyoung grins. 

“I guess it does,” You laugh. 

“y/n,” Seonghwa starts from behind you, shifting a little underneath you and you can hear the difference in his voice suddenly at the thought of bed, “are you still hungry?” 

“I don’t think so,” You murmur, deeply aware of the way his hands have started to shift to your hips. 

“I’m still a little hungry,” He confesses, and you watch as he starts to pull up the hem of your t-shirt, “starving actually,” 

“Oh,” You can already feel blush creeping up your cheeks. 

He lifts your shirt more, his hands brushing up and down your stomach gently as he lets you recline onto his chest, and then his fingers creep higher, just barely brushing the underside of your breasts, “Is this okay?” 

“Mhm,” You answer, breathy and tight. 

“Is this?” He lifts the shirt higher, dragging the material up over your bare breasts and drawing your nipples to attention. 

You manage a nod against his shoulder. 

“And this?” His thumb strokes over your nipple directly now. 

“Yes,” You shudder. 

Wooyoung sighs across the room, drawing your attention and you watch as he licks his lips, sliding his hand into his boxer briefs. When his hand starts to bob underneath the fabric you moan softly, gripping down on Seonghwa’s thigh under your hand. 

“Let’s go to bed,” Seonghwa kisses your temple and drops your shirt, “right now,” 

Instantly you’re aching, scrambling off his lap and ready to go wherever he’ll take you just as long as he keeps talking to you like that. 

Wooyoung whines quietly, pulling his hand back, but you’re on the sudden same page of needing to get to a bed and needing to get to one fast. 

Seonghwa pulls you along until you’re in the room again, and Wooyoung shuts the door behind you. Your head starts to get dizzy again with the heat and the warmth of them both, and Seonghwa only makes it worse when he tugs your shirt up over your head and palms your breast, “You’re so soft, jagi,” 

Your mouth runs dry, and once again Wooyoung pulls the tie on your sleep pants and tugs them off you as he kisses your bare shoulder. 

“Look at you,” Seonghwa hums appreciatively, “so very pretty,” 

Your body pulses, the tone of his voice and the warmth bubbling everything back up inside you fast, “Please,” 

“Lie back,” He maneuvers you to the bed, and you follow his instructions. 

Wooyoung eases down next to you, tossing off his own shirt as he does. 

“You’ve been slick all morning,” Seonghwa says as he descends over you, kissing across your jaw and down your neck, “do you know how badly I wanted to just bend you over?”

“F-fuck,” You choke, “alpha, please,” 

He widens your legs with one hand, settling himself lower over you as he teases you with his lips, tongue, teeth, enhancing every little sensation with his words, “You make such pretty sounds, I almost knotted you on the breakfast table,” 

“Oh my god,” Your back arches naturally, pressing yourself into him, “Hwa, oh my god,” 

“Shush,” Seonghwa kisses down your bare chest, nuzzling your sternum as his hand starts to travel from its place near your knee up your inner thigh, creeping dangerously close to your core. 

“He’s good at this,” Wooyoung tells you softly, his fingers ever so gently teasing your pert nipple. 

“Woo,” Seonghwa sighs a breath of hot air across your belly, “leave a little to the imagination, hmm?” 

Wooyoung snorts, “Touchy,” 

Your body is starting to ache, neediness starting to curl open inside you and you huff softly, “I’m going to be touchy in a minute,” 

Seonghwa groans, “Don’t tell me I adopted another brat,” 

“I’m on my b-best behavior,” Your voice catches as his fingers finally part your slick folds, “but I am in heat.” 

“Yes, you are, aren’t you?” Seonghwa nips at your hip bone, his lips traveling to your inner thighs as he sinks to his knees between your splayed knees, “Positively aching,” 

“Oh,” You shiver, two of his fingers finally pushing inside your slick channel. 

“You’re not quite ready for a knot yet though,” He comments softly. 

“I know something that might help with that,” You smile, spreading your legs wider for him. 

“I bet you do,” Seonghwa’s eyebrow quirks, his hand pulling back and thrusting forward in a pulse, his thumb dragging warm circles over your clit. 

The reaction of your body is instantaneous, a quick rush of slick and a dizzy wash of pleasure up your spine as you let your head fall back into Wooyoung’s waiting palm. 

“Told you,” Wooyoung whispers, and he kisses you fast, trapping your laugh between your lips. 

Seonghwa grins, the pace of his hand perfect and sure and you’re already feeling the dizzy sparks of a building orgasm up your spine when the sharp sound of a doorbell brings you all out of it. You and Wooyoung break apart and his brows knit together in confusion, “Who’s here?” 

“No idea,” Seonghwa waits a moment, but then comes a knock. 

You’re shivering, feeling fucked already and you blink hard, wetting your lips and trying to shake off the cloudy feeling inside your brain. 

“Sorry,” Seonghwa gives you a face and slowly pulls his fingers from you, “let me just see what’s going on,” 

“Sure,” You sigh, watching as he jogs to the bathroom to rinse off his hands before getting to the door. 

“Woo,” Your hands reflexively cover yourself, “do you have something I can wear?” 

“Yeah, come here,” He pulls you to a sitting position and crosses the room for the robe hanging on the back of the door, long and dark gray and plush. 

As you wrap yourself up in it, Wooyoung tosses on a pullover and gives you a smile, communicating silently that you should just relax while he and Seonghwa go investigate. 

You flop back against the bedding and sigh, fighting the urge to squeeze your thighs together. You should check your phone, you should just suck it up and text Yunho and Mingi back, but before you get up the resolve you hear a new voice from the main room of the apartment. 

“Where have you been?” San. 

“Didn’t you get my voicemail?” Seonghwa asks. 

“I saw you called,” San says, and you pull yourself up from the bed to creep closer to the hall, “but you didn’t answer any of my texts,” 

“Right…” Seonghwa draws out, “because I called?”

“Sannie,” Wooyoung sighs, “we didn’t go missing, we’ve just been,” 

“Is your heat early?” San interrupts suddenly, “why didn’t you call me?” 

You creep around the doorframe just a little more and you smile when you see San cupping Wooyoung’s cheeks, Seonghwa all but rolling his eyes behind him. 

Wooyoung makes an annoyed noise and pushes his sometimes lover’s hands away, “We did call you, now will you listen for two seconds?” 

“If I knew you were in heat I would have come straight over,” San pushes forwards. 

“Well that’s nice,” Wooyoung disentangles himself and keeps an arm’s length between him and his alpha, “but Sannie, I’m not in heat. Not even a little,” 

“But,” San looks confused. 

You step out a little further into the room, arms wrapped around yourself even though the robe drowns you, “He’s not, but I am,” 

San snaps around with a start, “y/n!” 

“Hey, San,” You give him a small wave. 

“I didn’t know you were here,” He says. 

“I was trying to tell you,” Seonghwa laughs, “can’t you tell Wooyoungie’s scent from hers?” 

“Of course he can,” Wooyoung slaps Seonghwa across the arm, “ass.” 

San sputters, falling silent and his eyes narrowing a little at his friend, and it’s clear as crystal what the vibe between the three of them is, even when heat is concerned. 

“Speaking of heat,” Seonghwa meets your eyes from across their little dining room nook table that stands between you, them, and the kitchen, “are you alright? Should you be up?” 

“I’m fine, Hwa,” You assure him with a smile, taking a few more steps forwards and raising your arms as if to show him, “really, this one’s a lot easier.” 

San clears his throat and you can see him divert his eyes from you deliberately, a little blush up his cheeks, “So, this is why you haven’t been answering your phones,” 

“Pretty much,” Wooyoung laughs. 

“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” He says, locking eyes with Seonghwa. 

“Sannie,” Seonghwa’s voice softens a little, and he gives him the smallest shake of the head. 

You can feel the disappointment coming off of San in waves, and you can’t quite place the source except to assume that this has always been their thing, not yours. Your mouth feels a little dry as you watch them silently communicate with each other, and you take the second to realize just how much your hips are aching, legs feeling heavy, and your cramps are still deeply uncomfortable no matter how much better they are from last time. Seonghwa edging you really hasn’t helped though, and now you’re starting to feel a little desperate for relief, sweat breaking out along your hairline. 

“It was kind of sudden,” Wooyoung jumps in between the two of them, smoothing over the moment of tension with ease, “right, y/n?” 

You nod, securing the robe around you a little more tightly, “I really…” you start with a breath, “I honestly didn’t mean to intrude on this.” You gesture to the three of them and take a few steps forward. It’s not like you can really offer to leave at this point, but it feels like all you can really say. 

San doesn’t let you feel those nerves for long though, his face clears and he shakes his head, “No, honestly, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to sound that way. You’re not intruding, you know that,” 

Your hands rest on the back of one of the dining room chairs as you look between them, “As long as that’s true,” you worry your lip, “I had a hard enough time with Mingi and Yunho… if I ever did anything to hurt my friendship with you, I wouldn’t forgive myself.” 

“Don’t think like that,” Seonghwa assures you, “not with us,” 

“He’s right,” San nods, “I should have just listened to my voicemail,” 

“Good,” You sigh, “that’s good.” 

Wooyoung’s eyes flick over you and then he hums, “Do you want some tea, babe? You look a little pale,” 

You nod immediately, “That would be so perfect,” 

“I’ll get it,” Seonghwa stops Wooyoung as he moves towards the kitchen, “you both rest, I’ll take care of it,” 

Wooyoung grins, “I’m not in heat, I can help,” 

Seonghwa makes a noise and shrugs, “Just let me dote for a minute, would you?” 

Wooyoung laughs sharply in response and the tension dissipates just like that, San’s expression relaxing into an easy smile as he watches the exchange. 

“Thank you, Seonghwa,” You murmur, nudging Wooyoung in the ribs as you do. 

Seonghwa disappears around the corner into the kitchen and you hear the sound of the electric kettle start up, and San finally lets his bag drop to the floor and his shoulders relax as he says, “How are you doing, then?” 

“Good,” You smile, “much better than last time,” 

“Mm,” San nods, “I’m glad to hear it,” 

The silence stretches between you for a moment and then you find yourself asking without a second thought, “Did you go into the studio today?” 

None of you had any set schedules or meetings today, but San is there more days than not regardless of schedule. 

Wooyoung glances to you, knowing exactly what you’re asking but keeps his mouth shut. 

“This morning,” San nods, “I just left a little while ago and I was running some errands before I stopped over,” 

“Ah,” You nod, “how was it?” 

“The studio?” His brows knit together in confusion, “Same as always,” 

“Jesus,” Wooyoung rolls his eyes, “she’s asking if you saw Yunho and Mingi, if things were weird?” 

“They weren’t in,” San replies, and then things seem to click together, “do they know you’re here?” 

You shake your head, stomach twisting up in knots inside you. 

“Do you not want them to know?” San asks. 

“I… don’t really know,” You confess. 

“Well,” San shrugs, “I didn’t see them, but if I do see them later, I won’t mention you. You can decide what you want them to know and when.” 

“Thank you, San,” You murmur. 

The knotting nervousness in your stomach doubles at the thought that they didn’t go into work today, even just a little in the morning when you know they almost always do. Where were they? Were they looking for you? Wondering about you? Thinking of you? You picture Mingi at your apartment door, trying to explain to your roommates who he is and what he’s doing there and finding out that instead of being able to swoop in and take care of you… you’re gone. 

A cramp lights up your back and your hand flies to your stomach as you double over, jaw locked down tight at the sudden wave of discomfort. 

“Hey, easy, easy,” San has an arm around you instantly, holding you upright and supporting you better than the chair could, “you’re okay,” 

Your head rocks to the side, resting on his chest and you take a deep, necessary breath against the soft cotton of his t-shirt. He smells floral, the thought strikes you suddenly and starkly, more heady than most other alphas scents and you take another breath to let the scent of him wash over you. Jasmine hits you first, its sharp musk making you a little dizzy until you catch the underlying warmth of sandalwood. Your body relaxes into him naturally and he chuckles as he feels your trembling muscles unclench under his hands. 

“San,” You murmur into his chest, the sound muffled. 


“Can you help me to the couch?” You lean into him. 

“Mhm,” He shifts and suddenly you’re in his arms entirely, “let’s sit,” 

“Hyung, how’s that tea?” Wooyoung calls into the kitchen, and you feel his soft hand coast down the length of your arm as he shifts past you and San to try and help. 

“Almost,” Seonghwa calls back, “she okay?” 

“I’m fine,” You tell the room, “it’s just a cramp,” 

“Here we go,” San says softly as he settles you down on the couch, “let me help,” 

He shifts to sit behind you, his hands finding your lower back and he presses into your aching spine with his thumbs, kneading and massaging perfect circles into your body. You sigh, the overwhelming relief flooding you as he helps take away the immediate sharp soreness of your hips. What your body needs is a knot, but this combined with the warm scents of both alphas is a start. 

Seonghwa returns a moment later, a mug of bright red tea in hand and he maneuvers the warm cup into your waiting fingers. 

“What’s this?” You ask, dipping your head to smell the steaming liquid. 

“Raspberry leaf,” He replies. 

“Don’t you drink this for your heat?” Wooyoung flops onto the other couch that faces yours and quirks an eyebrow. 

“Should I be?” You let the warm berry scent pass through you, the cup warming your chilly hands. 

“Yes?” Wooyoung shakes his head, looking almost appalled, “it really helps regulate your hormones, helps with intensity spikes, is an anti-inflammatory, and promotes fertility.” 

“Fertility isn’t really the goal here, Woo,” You snort. 

“It is if it means your cycle is easier to deal with,” He dismisses, “you’re now on a Wooyoung prescribed two cups a day,” 

“Fine, fine,” You take a gentle sip, testing the heat, “but I’m not drinking this because of your speech I’m drinking it because it smells good,” 

“Whatever you say, babe,” Wooyoung rolls his eyes, gesturing for you to drink up. 

San continues gently kneading your back as you take your first proper sip of the tea and Seonghwa settles on the sofa next to you. He brushes your hair back softly with his hand and gives you a smile, “After this, let’s get you back to bed,” 

You nod into your cup, “I’d like that,” 

“Do you normally spend your heats alone?” San asks, his hands slowing but still not lifting off your body, now just resting on your lower hips. 

“Usually,” You take another sip. 

“I could never,” Wooyoung grimaces, “that’s not fun, that’s just torture,” 

“Heat isn’t really fun,” You laugh, “it’s just a thing.” 

“You seemed to have a good time with Yunho and Mingi,” Wooyoung wags his eyebrows. 

“Yeah, well, we all know how that one turned out,” You grimace. 

“Relax,” Seonghwa smooths a hand over your knee through the fabric of the robe, “Youngie, leave her be.” 

“Didn’t you ever want help?” San asks. 

You chew the inside of your lip, “I guess, but my heats off suppressants are really intense and on them… I mean, usually I can handle it, so I handle it,” 

“You’re a strong person,” San comments softly, giving your hip a squeeze as he shifts to start massaging your back again. 

You almost muster a reply, but Wooyoung takes the attention of the room again with a groan, “I couldn’t do that, I tried once and it was awful,” 

“What are your heats like, anyways?” You ask, leaning a little on Seonghwa’s shoulder as San keeps working your tired muscles. 

“Oh, he’s the worst,” Seonghwa smiles, “constant begging the minute he starts slicking up,” 

“Oh shut up,” Wooyoung grumbles. 

“I’m just telling the truth,” Seonghwa laughs. 

Another light cramp pulses through you and you exhale softly, taking another sip of tea. San’s hands pause, and he leans around you to watch your face, but Seonghwa and Wooyoung keep on bickering. 

“Should I tell y/n how we found you last time you went into heat?” Seonghwa grins. 

“I’ll literally kill you, Hwa,” Wooyoung tosses a pillow hard and it collides with Seonghwa’s chest. 

“Not a very nice way to treat your alpha,” Seonghwa replies, his hand leaving your knee as he goes to toss the pillow back. 

“Maybe you’ll have to punish me later,” Wooyoung slaps the flying pillow out of the air so it lands smoothly back on the couch and gives Seonghwa a flirty smile, tongue against his teeth. 

“Maybe I will,” 

Your stomach locks up, core pulsing lightly and you suddenly feel stifled in the room, hot and cold all at the same time. You make a soft, tense noise and the cup in your fingers tips to the side, losing some of the tea as you try to recover it.

  “Shh,” San plucks the cup from your hands and sets it on the table, curling around to your side, “it’s alright,” 

“Ow,” You manage, pressing a palm down over your stomach. 

San smooths his hand along yours and catches your eyes, “You’re alright, omega,” 

Something inside you melts and he gently strokes the gland in your neck with his opposite hand, nodding as you start to relax from the immediate surge of pain and arousal. 

“Jagiya,” Seonghwa strokes your skin, “let’s go to bed,” 

“Please,” your eyes flutter shut. 

“Then I should go,” San clears his throat, his hands starting to lift away from you, “I’ll leave you three to,”

You don’t know what possesses you, but you reach for him the minute his skin leaves yours, eyes flying open as you grab his hands and shake your head, “Don’t go,” 

His eyes blow wide, “y/n,” 

“Why not?” You glance at Wooyoung and Seonghwa, a little panicked now that the trajectory of this is uncertain, but all you know is that you’d like him to stay. You squeeze San’s hands, “You’re here, we’re all here, I mean… why not stay?” 

His eyes flick past you to Seonghwa, holding a question you don’t understand. 

“If you don’t want to,” The words leave you in a rush, at the sinking realization that he may not want any of this. 

San looks back to you in a flash, “It’s not that,” 

Relief blooms inside you, “It’s not?” 

“Not at all,” He smooths down your hair and tries to ease you, “but are you sure?” 

“Sure,” You nod, “really,” 

His eyes flick over you, and you can feel him considering his next move, but then he nods. 

You end up right back where you were when the doorbell rang twenty minutes ago, only this time you have San on your right while Wooyoung teases you on your left and Seonghwa rests between your thighs. Distantly in the back of your brain, the part that’s still rational and sarcastic, you wonder if your brain is broken now and your omega needs two alphas to feel sated. 

“I won’t make you wait,” Seonghwa suddenly says, sinking down and attaching his mouth to your aching sex without any further preamble, and it pulls you sharply out of your own thoughts. 

“Oh, fuck,” You groan, your hips jerking at the sudden spark of sensation. 

“So sensitive,” Seonghwa hums appreciatively, locating your clit with the hardened tip of his tongue and flicking it firmly. 

You mutter something, head already fogging up, and San brushes his fingers along your arm, “Can I touch you, omega?” He murmurs, his voice thickening, getting huskier. 

You nod fast, holding his gaze to let him know he’s allowed and he shifts to press lazy kisses along your chest as he watches the other alpha between your thighs. 

For all of Wooyoung’s jokes before, he’s fallen silent now. His eyes are blown wide as he watches the way both alphas touch you, and you can tell he’s torn between helping you along and helping himself. 

“Let’s get you ready for that knot, hmm?” Seonghwa kisses your mound, and you feel his fingers stroking your entrance, pushing in just slightly and then retracting to tease your body just right and let all your internal muscles unlock. 

Inside you, your omega feels like it’s finally waking. Your heat that’s been bubbling all day against the medicated ceiling of your suppressants feels like a pressure cooker now, ready to burst and leave you desperate with want. Seonghwa’s tongue returns to your swollen bud and San’s lips find your nipple, and you feel the hot wave ripple through you, “A-alpha,” 

“Right here, darling,” Seonghwa croons, thrusting two fingers deep inside you and drawing a tight moan from your lips. 

“Alpha,” You stammer, “I need it,” 


San sighs pleasantly against your sweat slick skin, his hand stroking along your side and Seonghwa doubles his efforts, thrusting his fingers in earnest now and sucking hard on your clit. Hot pleasure strikes up your spine and you moan, head back and your eyes slipping closed as you let the feeling of their hands on you make you dizzy and wet. 

“Right there,” You pant, “alpha, y-yes, yes,” 

He hums against you and you scramble in the sheets, gripping down on Wooyoung’s forearm. 

“Woo,” San’s voice enters the mix but you barely register, the orgasm in front of you so quickly approaching that you need to reach it and reach it now. 

Wooyoung shifts next to you, and Seonghwa pulls back from you for a split second to catch his breath before the sensation in your brain pops apart like a firecracker. Seonghwa licks a deep stripe over your slit, and then secures his lips around your clit once more, alternating sharp sucks and flicks of his tongue. The air in the room tightens when San delivers a sharp lick to your pebbled nipple and then Wooyoung follows suit on your other side. 

“Oh, god,” Your eyes press closed tightly and you grip the back of San’s shirt in your desperate squirming, “I’m,” 

“Come on, baby,” Wooyoung encourages, rolling his tongue over you again, “you’re so close,”

You whine sharply, hips canting, “Please, please,” 

Seonghwa’s hands on your hips tighten, and he doesn’t change pace or pressure or anything at all, he just doesn’t stop. The bubble threatening to burst inside your belly feels hot and full and then with a rush, it pops and you shudder open into your first real heat addled orgasm. 

“Good, good,” Seonghwa’s fingers start to slow and you whine sharply. 

Wooyoung pulls off your breast with a little gasp, his face flushed pink and he meets your eyes as you start to crest upwards into another wave, but as Seonghwa’s hand slows so does the approach of what could be and you whimper, thighs quivering. 

“Oh,” Wooyoung pouts a little at you, sympathetic and understanding and he hushes you, “I got you,” 

You want more, and you know it needs to end in a knot for your body to register everything right, but in this split second you need Wooyoung more. You nod, frantic and close to tears, “Please,” 

He pushes back from you quick, rocking over the side of the bed and suddenly he’s got his hands on Seonghwa, pushing him away, “Shove over,” 

“W-what?” Seonghwa seems startled by the sudden directness of the omega and San lifts his head to see what’s happening at the sharp tone of his voice. 

“Just move,” Wooyoung drops to his knees and dips his arms under your thighs until your legs are swung up over his shoulders and he’s tugging you down the bed to move you into position. You squeak when he drags you down the bed and San laughs above you. 

“I’ve never seen you so assertive, Youngie,” He comments. 

“Shut up,” Wooyoung bites back, “she’s not done,” 

“Please, God,” Your hips jerk, angling for him to touch you, you can feel your pleasure slipping and you need him to catch it before it’s gone. 

“Not God, babe,” Wooyoung nips your thigh with his teeth and you jerk again in his hands, “but I’ll do my best,” 

“So cocky,” Seonghwa rolls his eyes, stepping back to hand over control. 

“I’ll show you how it’s done, alpha,” Wooyoung shoots him an even cockier grin, tongue against teeth, and you’re about to say something more but then he’s on you. 

Wooyoung treats your cunt like he knows every inch of it, like he’s done this for you specifically a thousand times before. Without ever asking he knows the pace you like, the way you need something inside you just to feel the weight of it, the way your mind spins when he reaches around and lays a hand over belly. 

“I can’t, oh God, oh fuck,” You scramble but he holds you steady.

  He hums warmly against you, picking up the pace of his sucks on your swollen bundle of nerves and when he feels your legs start to shake in earnest he presses up with two fingers inside you and presses down with the heel of his hand over your lower stomach. You were close before, off the back of your orgasm from Seonghwa’s tongue, but this is something else entirely and your vision whites out as your back arches. One hand fists the sheets, the other gripping down over Wooyoung’s and you can barely hear the noises you’re making but you know they must be feral. 

When he’s sure you’re coming through it, no longer seeking drawn out stimulation but instead pulling your hips back and away from his sharp tongue, he lifts away just enough to give your aching clit some relief from overstimulation. 

“You do taste like honey,” Is the first thing he says, his breath hot against your cunt as he stays between your thighs, recovering from his own lack of oxygen. 

Your body is starting to relax from the tense muscle lock up of your orgasm, and slowly your eyes start to open. 

“Holy shit,” Seonghwa breathes and your eyes flick to him. His eyes are dark, studying you both and you can see the hard line of his erection straining against his trousers. 

San brushes your sweat slick hair back from your forehead and smiles down at you, “Doing okay?” 

Words feel slow to your lips but you nod, “Mhm,” 

Wooyoung makes a little huff between your thighs and you glance down, seeing how close Seonghwa has stepped again, his fingers running through the omega’s hair. Seonghwa hums appreciatively, caressing Wooyoung as he leans against your inner thigh, “Good boy,”

Wooyoung preens, you can see the sudden warmth flooding him at the praise. 

“A very good boy,” Seonghwa croons again, “taking such good care of our pretty new omega,” 

“Thank you, alpha,” Wooyoung nuzzles into Seonghwa’s palm and for a second it feels like you’re watching something too intimate, but then he pushes back from you and drops your legs off his shoulders, “I hope you took notes,” 

Seonghwa sighs and delivers a fast, friendly smack to the back of Wooyoung’s head, their brief moment of heat dissipating with Wooyoung’s easy teasing. But Seonghwa softens again the moment he turns his attention to you, his hands gentle on your sides as he settles close, “You still in there, darling?” 

“Kind of,” You admit, still hazy, “I can’t feel my legs,” 

“Sounds about right,” San laughs as Wooyoung collapses into his side, and San swings an arm over his shoulders to let him snuggle closer.

  “You still haven’t been knotted,” Seonghwa notes softly, stroking your skin, “how are you feeling?” 

The idea of a knot sends a thrill through you, but your body feels sluggish, “Dizzy,” 

He hums softly, the tone empathetic and warm. 

“I need a few minutes,” You tell him honestly.

“Of course,” He soothes, “we’re here for you, you set the pace.” 

“That was just a lot,” 

Wooyoung grins and you roll your eyes at him. 

“It’s a marathon, not a race,” San notes. 

“I’ll just touch you a little,” Seonghwa relaxes next to you, running his fingers up and down your thigh, “you tell me when you want more,” 

“Okay,” Your voice is thready as he dips his hand between your thighs. 

“You two look good together,” San appraises, reaching across the bed to feel your skin, gentle strokes and and down your arm. 

“Do we?” You laugh a little, but something is starting to thrum again in the back of your brain. 

“Mm,” San’s hand moves a little further, cupping your breast and kneading it slowly, “a little too good,”

Seonghwa’s fingers explore you lazily, running up the soft, plush skin of your cunt but never quite getting close enough to properly tease your slit or your aching bud. He sighs pleasantly as he watches your nipples harden into peaks, “Don’t be jealous Sannie,” 

San huffs softly, and then he leans forward to press a chaste kiss to your chest, “y/n,” he murmurs, “is this alright?” 

You twitch under them, “Y-yes,” 

“She’s a puddle,” Wooyoung jokes as he catches sight of your hazy look, “are my alphas making you feel so, so good, omega?” 

Your hips jerk and Seonghwa lays his hand over your thighs to steady you. 

“More,” You nod, resting one hand on the back of San’s neck, fingertips sinking into his hair as you push his head towards your breast. 

“Like this?” He murmurs against your skin, flattening his tongue over your nipple once to lick it firmly before he closes his plush lips around it and sucks.

Heat spikes up your spine and you nod, “Yes, like that,” 

The sound of a belt buckle draws your eyes back up to Seonghwa and you watch him disrobe entirely, dropping his trousers and kicking off his boxers. 

“Let’s just take it slow,” Seonghwa eases your legs open, and you tilt your hips back to shift yourself into position and give him the access he needs, “sound good?” 

Despite the way you’re starting to ache, you nod and relax back into the sheets, cupping San to your chest as he lavishes your nipple. 

“Pretty,” Seonghwa hums as he slides his hands up the back of your thighs and deepens your position. 

It’s exposing and raw, but at the same time you know exactly how much this is lighting up the deep part of your brain that needs this, so you just let yourself go. 

“Nice and wet,” He smiles, this time dragging two fingers down your slit, rocking the slick pad of his middle finger over your swollen bundle of nerves. 

You gasp a little, shaking in his grip. 

“Isn’t she pretty, Sannie?” He says, glancing at the other alpha. 

“Mhm,” San sighs, lifting up with a little pop so he can take you both in. He relaxes back against Wooyoung and when you twist your head to the side you see the hungry darkness in San’s gaze. Wooyoung’s eyes flick over you, a subtle smile on his lips, and then he tucks himself close behind San and starts to work a hand into the alpha’s sweats. 

You hiss sharply when you feel something heavier drop over your slit and you jerk back to Seonghwa, his hard cock now nestled between your folds as he teases your clit lazily with the head. 

“You want alpha’s cock, pretty girl?” Seonghwa says, rocking his hips to drag his length over your seam. 

“Please,” You nod, fingers tight in the sheets. 

“Where?” He teases. 


“Here?” He presses the tip of his cock against your slick hole and then stops completely. 

“Yes, yes,” You shiver, “please,” 

He slides away with a smirk. 

“Where?” He asks again, and you realize he wants to hear you say it. 

Wooyoung chuckles softly next to you, and you hear San sigh, the distinct slow sound of swishing fabric as Wooyoung works his hand over San’s cock. It feels a little thrilling to have an audience, it’s making your hazy brain even needier and wanton and you jerk your hips against Seonghwa’s cock to try and get him to move the right way. 

Seonghwa shakes his head, “Where?” 

Your back aches, a cramp in your core, and you huff, a little flustered, “Inside,” 

“Inside where?” Seonghwa tuts.

You swallow hard, reaching down between your legs. With gentle fingers you run your fingers along his shaft, watching his face for every little reaction. His jaw jumps as you swirl your fingers over the velvet head of his cock and you repeat the motion, again and again to get a harder reaction from him. 

You’re watching each other intently, waiting to see who will fall apart first. When he sighs once, soft and breathy, you angle your hips back just a little and push down on his cock, directing him inside your aching channel and sinking him an inch or two inside you. 

“Ah, ah,” He scolds, catching your wrist and locking you both still, “just say where you want me, omega,” 

“Inside,” You insist, voice breaking a little as a flush lights up your chest, “alpha, please,” 

“Just tell me,” He pleads, dropping his thumb over your clit, “it’s easy, darling, it’s just words,” 

You wet your lips and reach up for him, fingertips skimming over his arm, “Hwa,” you murmur, blush lighting up your cheeks, “I want you inside me, please, in my pussy,” 

He smiles and then rocks forward, pushing inside you to the hilt in one fluid motion, “Good omega,” 

The sensation of him filling you so fast and so suddenly has your body arching up against the sheets and your head falling back, your eyes shutting tightly as you moan, “Oh, fuck,” 

“Damn,” Wooyoung murmurs, but you ignore him. 

“Does that feel good, omega?” Seonghwa leans down over you, holding you tightly with a hand anchored to the back of your thigh just below the knee, holding you open wide for him. 

You whine tightly as he rocks inside you, the curled angle driving the head of his cock over your sweet spot again and again, the firm plane of his pubic bone pressing rhythmically against your clit. You feel dizzy from the sensation, but then you feel something low and needy in your gut. 

“Knot,” You stammer out, gripping down on any part of Seonghwa you can hold. 

“Is that what you want?” He smiles, rolling his hips. 

“Alpha, please,” You pant, “knot me,” 

He thrusts forward hard, holding himself tightly inside you and he shakes his head, “Ask nicely,” 

A shudder runs up your spine and you think it’s entirely possible that Wooyoung isn’t really that much of a brat, Seonghwa just likes it when the omegas under him whine. You rock your hips and beg him to keep moving inside you with your body, but he shakes his head again. He wants to hear you. 

“Alpha,” You pant, dropping your voice a bit and tapping into that deep coursing need running through you, “please knot me, please,” 

“Good girl,” He sighs, moving his hips again.

“Please,” Your head lolls back as he starts to thrust again in earnest. 

“I’ll keep you on my knot all night,” He chokes, finally starting to lose himself a little, the base of his cock starting to swell. 

“Yes, yes,” 

“Beg,” He thrusts hard, knocking your hips together, “beg me to fucking knot you,” 

Your mind tunnels, nothing but you and Seonghwa working together now and when you answer him it feels almost like another person, “Alpha, please, please, I’m so empty,” 

“Fuck,” He pants. 

“Please, fill me up,” You moan, nails digging into his arms.

“Mine,” He drops lower over you, pulling your head back by your hair and attaching his lips to your throat, “isn’t that right, pretty thing?” 

“Oh,” Your body is locking up around his cock suddenly as the dam breaks, “oh, fuck Hwa, don’t stop,” 

He shakes his head against you and keeps thrusting, panting into your hair. With a groan he shudders, locking his hips forwards and you feel the swell of his knot push past your entrance and expand. “Fuck, that’s it,” He grinds his hips against yours, and then you feel him release hot and wet and filling inside you. Pleasure washes back over you and you jut your hips against his just to feel another sweeping wave, your body disconnecting deliciously as he comes inside you. 

Your brain reconnects slowly. First you register the weight of him above you, pressing down into you with his cock still buried inside your heat. Then his soft fingers in your hair, his lips on your cheek. 

His knot is already softening and you sigh, reaching up for him and running your fingers through his black hair as you catch your breath and reopen your eyes. 

“Hey,” He murmurs down at you, “okay?” 

“Mhm,” You smile lazily, “you?” 

“Excellent,” He laughs, dropping one more kiss to your cheek. 

“I’ll say,” Wooyoung clears his throat and you blush scarlet, you had forgotten how close they were, how present they were. 

You cover your face with your hands and groan.

“You’re fun when you let loose,” Wooyoung prods your shoulder to get your attention, “I never would have pegged you for so much dirty talk,” 

“Oh my god,” You sigh, twisting to look at him, “will you please shut up?” 

“I’m just saying,” He shrugs and you’re trying to come up with a clever retort but then you feel Seonghwa start to pull himself free and you realize a few things at once. 

Where Wooyoung is looking at you and Seonghwa together, San hasn’t glanced at you once. His eyes are glued to Seonghwa, running over his sweat-slick body, his lips parted and his muscles locked up tight. He’s not in a rut, you know that clearly, but his expression and his eyes remind you of a rut, singularly focused and serious. 

Seonghwa notices it a moment later as he slides off the bed and you watch him smile, “Like something you see Sannie?” 

Wooyoung rolls his eyes and scoots a little closer to you on the bed and then San moves, quick like a flash. He secures a hand around Seonghwa’s wrist and tugs him down fast to land on top of him and then he kisses the other alpha so hard they both make a surprised hiss of pleasure. 

“San, what,” Seonghwa manages, but San won’t let him be. His lips are hungry, his body hungrier still, dragging the man closer and closer and slotting their hips together as their mouths work together. 

San breaks the kiss first, rolling to the side and effectively trapping Seonghwa beneath him, “I need you right now,” 

“Oh,” Seonghwa shudders, his cock starting to stiffen again. 

Wooyoung moves closer to you, giving them some much needed space and giving you the post-coital cuddles you really need. He tugs a blanket up over your bodies and spoons you, settling in like you’re about to watch a show together.

“Don’t mind them,” Wooyoung murmurs into your ear, “they get like this,” 

You open your mouth but Seonghwa moans sharply as San kisses down his neck, letting his tongue drag over the other alpha’s gland and nipping his collarbone. 

“Turn over,” San says, manhandling Seonghwa into a better position before pushing down his own pants just enough to free his cock. 

They’re nothing but need, clawing at each other just to feel skin against skin and it’s clear that they’ve done this a thousand times before, so intimately familiar with each other’s bodies. You can hear their breath, their every move against the sheets, and it feels like you’ve been given a view into something too intimate, too real. 

“Woo,” You murmur quietly, “should we…” 

He hesitates, almost unable to tear his eyes away but then he nods, “Shower?” 


Wooyoung slips out of bed behind you as San drags Seonghwa’s head to the side and reaches into Wooyoung’s nightstand for the lube. 

“San,” Seonghwa whines in a tone you’ve never in your life heard from the alpha, “please, fucking please,” 

“Shh,” San brushes a hand down his lover’s back and then uncaps the lubricant in his hands, “I’ve got you jagiya,” 

Your lips part in awe as you watch them, stunned at the way they look together, move together. You only snap out of it when Wooyoung taps your side, and you slide quietly out of the bed too, focused on not disturbing the couple beside you. You follow Wooyoung to the connected bathroom, but you keep watching them all the while. 

Seonghwa groans when San thrusts his hips forward hard, pushing himself inside and you shiver at the image, your own body responding at the sight. San runs a hand through his hair before squeezing Seonghwa’s hips, silently letting him know that he’s about to move. As he does, rocking his hips in slow steady thrusts, he runs his hand reverently along Seonghwa’s skin, finding his hand in the sheets and twining their fingers together. 

“I missed you so much,” San says lowly, pressing a kiss between Seonghwa’s shoulders. 

Seonghwa makes another noise, almost a sob as he nods into the bedding, gripping down on the alpha’s hand harder. 

Even with the knotting you just experienced, the sight of them together is enough to light a flushing warmth back through your body and make you want again. 

“y/n,” Wooyoung finally catches your attention and you pull yourself away from the doorway and into the bathroom. 

In the shower, you and Wooyoung stick close together, and the sounds from the other room still make it through the door despite the drone of the water. You gravitate towards each other easily, wanting to feel the comfort of each other’s bodies in the warmth of the spray. You kiss until your jaw aches, and make each other come one more time despite the water turning tepid halfway through. 

When you’re done and the water is off, you wrap yourselves in fluffy blue towels and listen closely to see if San and Seonghwa are finished. 

As you lean against the sink, Wooyoung gently drags a brush through your wet hair to detangle it from the shower and you finally ask the question that’s been brewing in the back of your mind, “Woo,” you murmur, keeping your voice low to ensure the alphas in the adjacent room can’t hear you, “why aren’t they together?” 

Relationships between the same designation are rare but certainly not unheard of, especially in polyamorous relationships, and it’s plain as day to you now how much they connect and care about one another.

Wooyoung meets your eyes in the mirror and shrugs, his mouth downturned, “You’d have to ask them,” 

“You don’t know?” Your eyebrows shoot high. 

He shakes his head, “I learned not to push that one a long time ago,” 

You chew the inside of your lip, mulling it over. Your conversation with San all those weeks ago when he walked you home flicks through your mind and you remember the way that he brushed right past the topic the minute you started to press. You had assumed the person he was referring to was Wooyoung, they’re always so tactile with one another, but the longer you spend with them behind closed doors the more you realize that is just how Wooyoung communicates, with touch. Now the little moments of tension you spotted between San and Seonghwa make so much more sense. 

Wooyoung finishes brushing out your hair and puts the brush back on the sink, “What’s that face for?” 

You smooth out your expression and recover, “Sorry,” 

“What?” He prompts you. 

“What about you?” You ask softly. 

“I love them, they’re my best friends,” He says with ease. 

“Okay,” You hold his gaze in the mirror. 

He wraps his arms around you and shakes his head, “It works for us,” He says, “and if they’re not ready to admit how they feel to themselves, then that’s up to them and they can have whatever this is,” 

“As long as you’re not caught in the middle,” You press a kiss to his forearm. 

“Not with them,” He assures you. 

The sound of laughter from the next room draws your attention and Wooyoung smiles, “Let’s go, don’t worry about this,” he says and you nod, staying bundled up in your towel as you follow him into the next room. 

San and Seonghwa are cuddled tightly together, trading soft and quiet kisses, but when they hear you both coming back in you watch San straighten up a little and look towards the two of you. They look so good together, so natural, relaxing against each other in the sheets looking far more at peace than you’ve ever seen them. 

“Sorry about that,” He clears his throat softly. 

“Don’t be sorry,” You shake your head. 

“We’re supposed to be taking care of you,” He smiles, “I just got a little carried away,”

Seonghwa blushes, dipping his face into the pillow below him and you grin, “I’m actually doing fine, don’t worry about me.” 

“Can we come back in?” Wooyoung asks as he climbs onto the bed, reaching back for your hand. 

“Of course,” Seonghwa pushes San back towards the other edge of the bed and he lifts the duvet, “it’s your nest not ours, please,” 

Something inside you feels a little soft, like warm melted butter at the idea of a full nest and you feel your tense shoulders relax. Wooyoung maneuvers you into the center, snuggled up between him and Seonghwa, but San reaches across and soon you’re sinking into all three of their touches. 

“You want to try and sleep?” San asks softly. 

“We probably should,” You nod. 

Seonghwa finds the tender gland in your neck and strokes it gently, “We’ll be right here when you wake up,” 

You shift closer, resting your cheek on his chest and you nod, “I know you will,”

“Good,” He sighs, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 

Held like this it’s easy to drift off so you do. 

When you wake again it’s to the sounds of rustling sheets, but not someone getting up and out of bed, it’s the clear sound of rocking. Whoever it is sounds close, pleasured little pants and moans, and you can feel your stomach knotting up and just the sounds of sex in the room so close to you. 

There’s a warm body behind you, just coconing you in, but it’s different than how you fell asleep. The body behind you is broader, warmer, and you realize after a moment of hazy waking that it’s San cuddled up to your back and spooning you, not Wooyoung. You slept hard though, and you’re not really surprised that everyone shifting around didn’t wake you even though the bed isn’t really large enough for the four of you. You’re all making it work and you’d be lying if you said the close proximity of them and their scents wasn’t keeping you calmer than any heat you’ve had before. 

Your face is tucked into a pillow, and you don’t exactly want to alert the room that you’re awake, but you’re starting to feel uncomfortably hot again and you can feel yourself itching out of your skin, desperate to just slip a hand between your thighs and relieve the growing tension. 

Someone, Wooyoung you gather, moans quietly next to you. 

“So needy,” Seonghwa whispers, “and you’re not even in heat,” 

Wooyoung makes another shuddering noise, and the bed moves next to you a little faster. 

You feel it when San’s hand on your hip tightens, his breath warm behind you, and then there’s the telltale sensation of his cock growing hard against your backside. Your eyes flutter open, your hands gripping the bedding beneath you. 

San swallows tightly and drops his lips to your ear, “You awake?” 

You nod, lifting your head a little. 

Seonghwa and Wooyoung are tangled together inches from you, and the groan that leaves you at the sight of them is sudden and sharp, a cramp lighting up inside you. 

Seonghwa’s head snaps to the side at the sound and his brows knit together, “Omega?” 

Your muscles clench, slick rushing forth, “Oh, god,” 

Wooyoung whines, his fingers digging into Seonghwa’s shoulders, “Stay with me, Hwa,” 

“I’m sorry, baby,” Seonghwa shifts to tend to the omega in his lap, “I’m right here,” 

“y/n?” San’s lips press closer to your ear, “let me help,” 

You relax into his chest immediately, your legs parting, body practically purring the moment his hand smooths over your hip to press between your legs. 

“We have an audience, baby,” Seonghwa murmurs, pulling Wooyoung down to his mouth and kissing him soundly. 

Wooyoung moans, desperate and shaky, his hips starting to move again beneath the comforter as he and Seonghwa rock against each other. 

“You do like that, don’t you,” Seonghwa teases him, his fingers tracing a line up Wooyoung’s chest and circling his pebbled nipple. 

“Jesus,” Wooyoung stammers, “fuck,” 

You can’t tear your eyes away, you’re glued to them and the way their bodies move together, but you gasp sharply as San brushes his fingertips gently over your clit and starts to explore you.

  “More,” You beg softly, “please, Sannie,”

If it's at all possible, his cock gets stiffer against your backside. 

“Is my pretty boy going to come?” Seonghwa hums at Wooyoung, nipping at his lip and placing wet kisses across his jaw. 

“I need it,” He chokes out in reply. 

San pushes a finger inside you, but with the way you’re dripping and aching for a knot it’s nowhere near enough and you shake your head, “Alpha, please,” 

“Shh, shh,” He soothes, pulling back his hand entirely, “hold on, jagi,” 

He rifles around behind you, and you hear the sound of a drawer opening and closing. He’s fiddling with something behind you but you can’t turn around, you just need to let him take care of things. Your body is too flushed with warmth and slick with sweat to comprehend anything but the deep need inside you to feel what Wooyoung is feeling, and every second that you watch them makes your need hungrier. 

“Here we go,” San wraps an arm around you, and you see a flash of something pink and blue in his hands but you don’t make sense of it until he hikes up your leg to open you up wide and you feel something hard push at the entrance of your cunt. 

“What,” You start to say but then he angles the toy upwards and sinks the first few inches of the thick dildo inside you. 

“Just relax,” He eases you, “watch them,”

A moment ago you would have said you needed a real cock, that no knotting dildo would do, but with the way San is wrapped around you it doesn’t seem to matter. The heat from his body sinks into yours, blooming jasmine everywhere as his breath passes over you, staccatoed pants with every sharp flex of his arm to fuck you deeper. 

In front of you, Seonghwa and Wooyoung have gotten closer, their faces tucked close to one another as Wooyoung chokes out another moan. You watch the red blush creep up his chest, his back, his cheeks, flushing him deliciously as his body starts to tremble in earnest. 

“Come, baby,” Seonghwa kisses his ear, “don’t stop,” 

Wooyoung groans, muttering something into Seonghwa’s collarbone and he smiles in response, petting Wooyoung’s hair and dropping his lips to Wooyoung’s aching throat. Your body locks up, the sight too much for your heat-addled brain. 

“Deeper,” You plead, “harder,” 

San nods against your shoulder, “Good, omega,”

A throbbing pulses through your body, and he pushes the dildo in deeper, the knot at the base catching on your slick hole as he works the toy faster and harder. You look down between your legs, at the way his muscular arm arcs over your belly and at how fast his hand works the silicone cock inside you, and all you can do is moan and grip down on the bedding once more. 

“I’m, I’m,” Wooyoung pants and you look back up, “fuck, I’m coming,” 

Seonghwa sucks at Wooyoung’s pulse, teasing his mating gland and scenting him and you watch Wooyoung’s eyes roll back, his body locking up in absolute pleasure as his orgasm collides into him. He ruts himself against Seonghwa blindly, aching and whimpering until his hips slow and he slips down against the alpha to rest on his chest. 

“Baby,” Seonghwa strokes his lover’s back, “you’re so good,” 

The praise, even when not directed at you, sends a spark of needy pleasure through your body and you grip down on San’s arm, “Please,” 

He shifts you both suddenly, wrapping you tightly in his arms and rolling you so that you’re laid out on top of him, your back to his chest and your body folding open and prone like a fresh flower. Once you’re settled there he returns to working the toy in and out of your fluttering walls, but this time he takes his opposite hand and finds your clit, setting a quick rhythm against your bud to stimulate you fast. 

“G-God, oh god,” You grip down on the sheets, letting him control you. 

“Good omegas come,” San all but growls in your ear, “are you good, jagi?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Your brain is fogging up, things feeling hot and cold at the same time, “knot me,” 


“Knot, please, alpha,” You manage, and even though you feel the pressure dropping low in your belly, the only thing that will get you over the edge of pleasure is his knot. 

“You want to be filled?” He pumps the toy sharply. 

“Yes!” You clamp your eyes down tight, holding on. 

His fingers slip off your clit, hand reaching for something in the bedding and you start to whine but then he does it. With one full thrust the knot of the toy pushes up inside you and activates the primal part of your brain that had been lying so dormant. You’re flustered and coming hard so suddenly, but he continues to rock and grind the toy to catch against your clit and leave your body fluttering over into orgasm. 

“Yes, oh, oh, fuck,” You babble, and then you feel something more. The sensation of a cock spilling inside you is so distinctive, so real, and you blink your eyes open with a gasp as the sensation heightens your orgasm into another rolling wave. 

When it all slows down, you can barely breathe.

San leaves the toy inside you, one hand on your hip and the other slowly stroking your belly. 

“y/n,” Seonghwa’s voice is warm and close, fingertips coasting along your cheek, “are you alright?” 

“I’m so good,” You sigh, an overwhelming urge to snuggle into a cuddle pile and never leave it, “I’m perfect,” 

“Not too rough?” San checks as he starts to push himself up a little. 

You shake your head against his chest, your hands finally unlocking from the sheets. 

“Alright,” He reaches between your legs and gently takes the toy, “relax, let me help with this,” 

Knotting dildos, while an incredible substitute during heat, lack one feature most of the time. Where a real alpha’s knot would deflate and easily allow you to uncouple, knotting dildos like this one are just solid silicone. You let him ease the toy out of your channel, going slow and keeping you calm with his warm scent. When it pops free you fall back with a sigh, ignoring the sudden rush of artificial cum out of you. 

“I’ll get a towel,” Wooyoung murmurs, and when you look up you realize he’s already standing and redressed in boxers and an oversized dark gray shirt. 

“Water too,” San instructs and Wooyoung diverts to the mini fridge. 

San eases you off his chest and to the side, and Seonghwa pulls away the sheets that had been under you, now damp and soiled with slick and cum. When he flops back to lie down you notice he’s closer, moving into San’s side and their bodies rest against each other from hip to shoulder, slotting together like a puzzle. 

“Let me in,” Wooyoung says as he climbs back into the bed, a warm washcloth swept between your thighs and a water bottle in your hand. 

Wooyoung’s phone lights up with a chime, an alarm, but he silences without a thought. 

“Woo,” Seonghwa stops him, “get your meds before you forget,” 

You blink hard and lift your head, “Your suppressants?”

“Mm,” Wooyoung nods, quickly moving towards his bag by the door, “I wasn’t even paying attention,” 

“What time is it?” You twist in the sheets. 

“You need yours?” Wooyoung asks, “Where are they?” 

“What day is it?” You start doing mental math and in much the same way you need to take birth control pills like clockwork, you need to stay on schedule with suppressants. 

“Saturday,” San runs a hand along your back to soothe you, “you’re alright,” 

“Where, babe?” Wooyoung asks again, pulling your bag from the floor. 

“There’s a pink pouch in the side,” You tell him, “they should be in there,” 

“Got it,” 

“Did you miss one?” Seonghwa eases you back into the bedding, “Or two?” 

“One,” You answer immediately, your schedule built into you even in heat, “I’m good,” 

“Good,” Seonghwa rubs your back, “don’t worry,” 

“Here,” Wooyoung presses your pill pack into your hand. 

He takes his own pill and then slides back into bed while you pop two out of their little foil packet, Friday and Saturday together, and then down them both with the remaining water in the bottle. Relief fills you immediately, the last thing you want to deal with during onboarding would be a broken and extended cycle. 

“Thank you for the reminder,” You sigh, “I don’t know where my head is,” 

“Heat,” Seonghwa laughs. 

“Mm,” You nod, “this one has been so easy though, honestly,” 

“That’s good,” San finds your hand and gives you a squeeze, “but don’t be hard on yourself,” 

“Exactly,” Seonghwa nods, “I should have asked your schedule,” 

“It’s fine,” You shake your head, “we’re good, crisis averted,” 

Wooyoung laughs and snuggles up to your back, “God, could you imagine if we both forgot,” 

“Absolutely not,” San groans. 

“Both of you in heat?” Seonghwa shakes his head, “I don’t know if we could handle that one,” 

“Ha ha,” Wooyoung grumbles, “I’m not that bad,” 

“I don’t know,” You relax into their touch, letting your eyes drift closed again, “I think I believe them,” 

He huffs into your shoulder, and San and Seonghwa both laugh again, shuffling lower in the bedding until all four of you are sandwiched together. Your body feels stiff, little cramps here and there, but for right now you can just relax and feel them close to you, their combined scents easing you into a warm mid-morning nap. 

You spend the whole weekend tangled up with the three of them in every possible way, falling in and out of the peaks and valleys of your heat right alongside them. It’s easier this time around, never feeling faded or too foggy even on your hardest days, everything you need just taken care of without question. It’s surely the suppressants, but it’s them too, everything feeling so natural and easy and comfortable. You hardly have room to think of anything but yourself and the men with you until your heat breaks entirely. 

You don’t think of them once until it’s over, and then you do. 

This time it’s immediate, a fast sinking feeling while you’re awake that’s like being doused in ice cold water when drinking, an instantly sobering effect that leaves you blinking hard and slightly dizzy. San and Seonghwa aren’t with you, they’re in the kitchen making lunch while you and Wooyoung relaxed together in a bit of a post orgasmic haze, but all of a sudden you wish they were here. 

“Shit,” You breathe, pushing yourself into a sitting position and dragging the robe tighter around you. 

“You good?” Wooyoung asks from his position to your side. 

“Yeah,” You nod, “but it’s done,” 

“That was fast,” He murmurs, stroking your hair back, “I would have thought one more day,” 

“Me too,” You breathe, running your hands over your face and trying to get your head around things. It’s both helpful that it’s Sunday so you can go back to work tomorrow, but too sudden, this heat a full two days shorter than the previous.

“What can I get you?” He rolls over onto one hip and looks up at you. 

“Can you just hand me my phone,” You nod past him to where it sits on the charger, flipped over and silenced, “my roommates are probably looking for me,”

“Yeah,” He grabs it and then grabs the water bottle on the nightstand too, “here, this too,” 

“Thank you,” You take both, and then drink as much water as you can manage to soothe your dry throat. 

Wooyoung slides up to sit next to you and rests a warm hand on your knee, but he stays quiet and lets you come back to center. 

After three days of being with them you almost fully forgot how you left it at the studio, how you left it with them. When you light up your phone and actually take a look at your notifications your stomach knots up immediately. There’s fluff of course, random notifications from Instagram and Twitter, a few texts from friends and you can see that your roommates group chat is actively pinging with messages, but then you scroll a little further to texts from a few nights ago and feel your pulse quicken. 

You hesitate a little, not sure if you really want to know what the unread text from Mingi says, but then you click it and lose your breath all over again. 

He’s freaking out a little bit, but I told him you’re probably already home and sleeping. 

Which you are, right? 

You swallow tightly, and then read the third one, sent fifteen minutes after the first two. 

I just really hope you’re safe.

Now your chest hurts. 

“What is it?” Wooyoung glances at you, but you know he knows. 

It was real, you know it now. Deep in your core you know that every moment spent with them wasn’t just your heat, and it wasn’t just your hormones. The longing you felt after and your willingness to let them have every inch of you wasn’t just nothing. 

You hand him the phone silently, you just can’t manage to say it out loud. 

He reads the text and sees your expression, and all it once it dawns on him too. Wooyoung tucks your hair behind your ear and smooths his thumb along your jaw, “So this heat was different wasn’t it?” 

Your eyes fill with tears fast, and you wet your lips, “Yeah,” 

“Oh, babe,” His eyes soften. 

“Woo,” You swallow hard to push the tears away, “I didn’t know, I swear I didn’t,” 

“Fuck,” He gathers you close, leaning back into the cushions and tucking your face into his chest, “come here, don’t cry,” 

You hear the door creak open and you press your eyes closed tight. 

“What’s going on in here?” San asks, his voice low and soothing, “What’s wrong?” 

Wooyoung rubs your back and sighs, “Life sucks,” 

You laugh sharply into Wooyoung’s chest at his tone and nod your head, “Fucking sucks,” 

“Oh, y/n,” Seonghwa murmurs, “are you coming down already, I’m so sorry we stepped out,” 

Your brain throbs, the memory of Mingi holding you steady as you cried last time flickering so brightly you can almost feel the echo of his arms around you and you bury your head deeper into Wooyoung’s chest as if that will be a place for you to hide away from all of this. 

“Get in here,” Wooyoung says at that, “she’s shivering,” 

Someone warm sidles up to your back, and at the warm scent of freshly brewed coffee you know it’s Seonghwa. He cuddles you both close and presses kisses along your shoulder, “What’s wrong, jagiya? Talk to us,” 

You search through your feelings, through all the things you could say or not say and all you can do is sigh, heavy and hard against Wooyoung’s warm skin. You push yourself back, rolling onto your back between them and you realize San is sitting on the edge of the bed by Seonghwa, reaching over his lover to rest his hand on your thigh. 

You find Wooyoung’s hand in the tangled mess and lace your fingers together, “You’ve all been so wonderful to me the past couple of days,” 

“That’s why you’re so upset?” Seonghwa smooths his hand over your forehead. 

“I don’t want to go back to normal,” You confess, “I don’t want to go back to work,” 

Wooyoung’s brows knit together, fully empathizing with the part that’s hurting so badly. In the clarity of your come down it’s readily apparent to you how different this has been from your time with Yunho and Mingi. This time was casual, this time was easy. The comfort of these two alphas was essential and soothing, but you don’t want them, not like you wanted before. You had been so sure the ache in your body that yearned so deeply was something so easily written off, a biological want, but knowing better now hurts. 

“Why, jagi?” San strokes your skin lovingly. 

“I’ve been so stupid,” You pull your hand from Wooyoung’s and sweep both through your hair, wiping under your eyes as you get control of yourself, “Woo was right all along,” 

You know he’d normally make a joke, but he just nods, “I’m sorry,” 

“Is this about them?” Seonghwa asks softly. 

You manage a nod, “How am I supposed to go back to the studio?” 

“Stop,” San shakes his head firmly, “it’s your studio too.” 

“Is it though?” 

“Yes,” He squeezes you, “I know this hurts, but you said it yourself, they wanted it to be a one-time thing,” 

Misery curls in your gut at that thought, that your time with them really is over, but you nod, “They’ve been pretty clear, they just want to be friends.” 

“And you?” San prompts you again, and Seonghwa looks up to him. 

“I’ve been moving on from them since it happened,” You murmur, “I guess I just didn’t know before now if it was real or just… being an omega.” 

“At least you know now,” Wooyoung offers quietly, “and I know this doesn’t help, help, but next time when it feels real, you’ll know it is, you can trust it.” 

You don’t really want a next time with someone else, some faceless fated alpha, but you nod anyway. 

Seonghwa leans into you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I know it’s hard loving someone, or caring for someone like this when they don’t feel the same,” he says quietly, “but believe me when I say you’re worth a thousand of them, and this heartache will fade,” 

The room is still around you, quiet, and your breath hitches as you hang on his words and how true you know they are. Wooyoung reaches across you to brush his hand down Seonghwa’s arm, and you feel the weight of the bed change. When you open your eyes, San is gone. 

“Sannie?” You murmur. 

Seonghwa shakes his head against yours, “He’s fine,” he murmurs, “this isn’t about him,” 

“It’s complicated,” You surmise, turning to find Seonghwa’s brown eyes. 

“Isn’t it always?” He smiles, angles into a joke, and the moment of vulnerability is gone. 

You let him hold you quietly in the middle of the bed for a moment before you manage, “What now?” 

“Now we get up,” Wooyoung squeezes your hand, “we get cleaned up, and we get an absolutely delicious fucking dinner,” 

Despite the tears lingering in your eyes his words pull a laugh straight from your chest and you nod, “That sounds… so good right about now,” 

“Mhm,” Wooyoung nods, “you can’t let this pull you under again,” 

“I know,” You breathe. 

“Tomorrow will be fine,” He doubles down, “awkward, but you’ve done that with them before. You’ll be just fine,” 


“You two can use the shower first if you want,” Wooyoung kisses your shoulder. 

“Should we order in?” Seonghwa asks, still resting by your side. 

“No,” Wooyoung insists, “we’re going out, and we’re getting our minds off things.” He’s off the bed a second later and he follows San out of the room, no room for argument now that he’s set his mind to cheering you back up. 

Seonghwa’s quiet, but then he drops his lips to your gland and presses gentle kisses there to help soothe you before he asks, “Are you up to going out? I can pull the alpha card if you need to me to calm Youngie down,” 

If you’re being really truly honest, you want nothing more than to curl up in bed, but you know if you do that you’ll just spend the next ten hours worrying about tomorrow’s inevitable encounter. You chew your lip and fight the urge to take his offer, “It might be good for me to get out,” you settle on. 

“Then we’re going,” He nods. 

Seonghwa rolls off the bed, but you can feel the question lingering on your tongue and you reach out and take his hand, “Hwa,”

“What is it?” He smiles softly down at you. 

You smooth your thumb along the back of his hand, “You and San,” 

His smile fades and his eyes flick away from yours for just a moment, “I’ll tell you another time,” 

“You don’t have to,” You rush to correct, “but you’ve been here for me, and I just wanted you to know that I’m here for you too,” 

“I’m fine, y/n, honestly,” He retracts his hand but you tighten your grip. 

“I’m sure you are,” You hold his gaze, “but I’m still here,” 

He swallows tightly and then nods, “I’ll start the shower for you,” 

You leave it here, you have to. With San so close in the next room and the way Seonghwa left you in bed you can practically feel his boundary line between you and you have to respect it. Maybe he’ll tell you someday and maybe he won’t, but it’s clear to you that there’s something swirling and deep between these two alphas and their omega. Even in the easiest relationships, things are hard. 

With the room empty you take a moment and you turn your phone over in your hands. You need to put them out of sight and out of mind if you’re going to make it through the night at your own apartment without fixating on them and how you feel. But for just a moment you just can’t help yourself. 

With a sigh you open up your messages again and read through Mingi’s texts and then Yunho’s. Your fingers hover over the keys and you wonder what message you could write back at this point that wouldn’t feel terrible to them or to you, or what doors it might open, but you don’t. 

Seonghwa calls out to let you know the shower is warm and you pull yourself out of bed, leaving your phone once again face down on the dresser. It will just be what it will be, and nothing you do today will change that. You follow Seonghwa into the shower, and then you both follow Wooyoung and San out for the night. 

It all feels normal almost immediately, like any other night out that you’ve had with them before. You don’t feel any longing, any desperate ache. You don’t want to cling to Seonghwa or San at all, despite how good the weekend might have been. Suppressants or not, you feel normal. Clear. 

The remaining tension with San is gone too, with practiced ease he’s back to his normal self. You know it clearly, he’s done this exact dance before. He laughs alongside Seonghwa like best friends do, with a perfectly acceptable amount of space between them. No heated glances, no touches under the table. 

You think maybe all you have to do is learn how to dance like San.

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1 year ago
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Warning: this content will mainly be +18 so please MDNI

Fluff = ༄ Smut = ༒ Angst = ☆ Crack = 𖠁

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Seductuon: ༄ ༒ 𖠁

Summary: You and Wooyoung have been best friends every since you could remember, however, when that friendship is trialed by the temptation of lust, desire, and seduction, how will it play out?

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A Man of Few Words: ༄ ☆

Summary: After an unexpected turn from a creepy colleague, you’re left within the comfort of your cold boss, Choi Jongho. However, he leaves you with an alluring offer of something more…

A Man of Few Words 2: ༒

Summary: After being forced to wait for over ten hours to get laid, you decided to take matters in your own hands.

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None yet

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1 year ago
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Paring: Wooyoung x afab reader (she/her pronouns)

Summary: You and Wooyoung have been best friends every since you could remember, however, when that friendship is trialed by the temptation of lust, desire, and seduction, how will it play out?

Genre: +18 content so MDNI, friends to lovers, friends to fwb!, crack, heavy smut!, tooth-rotting fluff at the end

Word Count: 2k+

Warnings: mean!dom!Woo, switch(?)brat!reader, unprotected!sex! (Woo uses pull out method; wrap it before you tap it), brat!taming!, spanking!, hair!pulling!, heavy degrading!, praising!, manhandling!, orgasm!denial!, pet!names! (baby, sugar, kitten, pretty, princess, slut!, whore!, sir!, good!girl!, sweet!girl!, etc.), mentions of breeding!, sub!space!, possession!, dumbification!, dacryphilia! and free!use!

Please let me know if I’ve missed anything <33

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“YAH YOU BITCH GIVE ME BACK MY CHIPS,” Wooyoung screeched from across the room, clambering up from the makeshift pillow fort he created for tonight’s movie marathon as he stampeded after you in a seething, determined rage. “NEVER,” you hollered back, clutching the fluorescent green packet closer to your chest as you ducked and evaded his attacks, leaping behind the kitchen island and situating it between the two of you, adrenaline pumping through your veins. “I SWEAR TO GOD Y/N, I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS IF YOU DON’T GIVE IT BACK,” he lunged forward in an attempt to grab the snacks. You twisted it out of reach, causing him narrowly miss it by a centimetre. You snickered at his pitiful effort as you turned your back to make your grand escape, already basking in your victorious thievery.

Suddenly, you felt a strong grip reef you back, forcing a gasped cry to escape your lips and causing you to collide against the kitchen bench as muscular arms imprisoned you between the counter and Wooyoung’s clothed abdomen. At your disoriented state, he seized the opportunity to snatch his snack back and, to your despite, dangled them in the air with his left hand as a winning smirk graced his face. Well shit, you grimaced, thrashing and wriggling around in a miserable attempt to escape. “Naw.. poor baby can’t free herself?” Wooyoung cooed as a sadistic chuckle erupted from his throat at your pathetic endeavour.

“Shut up,” you hiss as a venomous stare morphed your face, a searing rouge blooming across your neck and cheeks. Eventually, you managed to wrangle your arm free, rising on your tippy toes to reach the chip packet, only for him to raise it higher, acquiring a pleasurable delight at your humiliating suffering. “Hmph,” you huffed as you crossed your arms at your inevitable defeat, a pout forming upon your lips. You had to think of a way to obtain the snacks without further embarrassing yourself. You had to think of something smart… something clever… something unexpected…


A sly grin spread across your face as you gazed up at him with a sultry glance, a hint of deviance and mischief within your eyes. Wooyoung quirked an eyebrow, already suspicious of your sudden mood change. Gingerly, you delicately placed your hands across his chest, pressing yourself against his shirt as you leant upward towards his face, eyes flickering down at his lips momentarily. “W-what are you doing?” he stammered, unsure how to respond. You let out a soft giggle, reaching up to caress his face. “I don’t know what you mean Woo,” you murmured sensually in his ear, leaving a peck against his lobe and peering at the lowering chip packet as he slowly began to let his guard down. This may have been one of the stupidest ideas I’ve ever had yet, you thought as he further lulled into your teasing actions. But hey, it’s working.

His right arm snaked around your waist, tightening his grip like a vice as he pressed you closer to his chest. A smirk adorned your face as you continued to trail soft kisses down along his nape and collarbone. Wooyoung’s breath hitched at a particular spot, closing his eyes and automatically tilting his head, allowing more mobility to your antics. You began to snuck and nip on that area, earning a choked gasp from his parted lips, the snack almost within reach. C’mon… just a little closer. “Does it feel good?” you whispered, further maintaining your facade as you received an eager nod, the chip packet lowering further. A smirk adorned your face. Gotcha.

Instantly, you lurched forward, the packet almost within reach, when suddenly, you were spun around, your face smushing against the cool marble countertop as the snack was flung to the side. Your wrists were pinned by Wooyoung’s hand, his hips pressing against your ass and your eyes widening in surprise as you took note of the very evident boner protruding between your upper thighs. He leant down, using his free hand to brush aside your hair, his hot breath tickling the side of your neck, sending shivers down your spin. “Did you really think I wouldn’t notice your stupid plan, sugar?” He let out a breathy chuckle. “Such a needy, little slut, willing to throw herself at me to get what she wants.”

He bucked his hips, a sharp gasp escaping from you. You began to struggle against his grasp in an attempt to set yourself free when a searing crack whipped against your ass. A startled cry echoed the room as you subconsciously rubbed your legs together to ease the lapping arousal. “Tut, tut, tut,” he scorned. “Don’t be a brat now, you’re already in deep shit for teasing me before.” You scoffed, feeling your defiant inner whore emerging from within. “Look at you, acting so prestigious and authoritative. What happened to the whiny, submissive, breedable, little bitch that was being so obedient earlier?”

Your hair was reefed back, a stinging pain sizzling across your skull. “Watch your tongue, kitten. Unless you want to be punished right here, right now, I suggest you keep that pretty little mouth shut,” Wooyoung seethed, twisting his grip in your hair, causing you to shut your eyes at the discomfort. You gritted your teeth as you knuckled the countertop. “I’d like to see you try, sub,” you spat, snapping your eyes open as you stared directly into his, a brewing sinister lust swirling within them at your snarky comment. A dark snigger rumbled within his throat as he yanked you closer. “You asked for it, slut,” he whispered.

You were thrusted to the ground as Wooyoung manhandled your limbs on all fours in doggy-style, tightening his hold on your hair. “Now listen here, slut,” he tugged for emphasis as he forced your legs apart, pressing his hard cock against your throbbing heat. “We are going to use the traffic light system; green for go, yellow for slow down, red for stop. You can say these words at any time, but if I determine you are only saying them to be a brat,” he smacked your ass once again as you bit your lip at the sting. “your punishment will be worse. Am I understood?” You gave no response, a rebellious grin gracing your lips as you took pleasure in challenging his authority.

Wooyoung poked the inside of his cheek, displeased with you disobedient behaviour. Suddenly, your pyjama pants were yanked down to your knees. His hand whipped against your ass in one swift motion. You gasped, mouth agape as tears prickled your eyes. You rocked your hips against his before he stilled your antics with another slap. “I said am I understood, kitten?” His words were venom, his grip tightening against your hair as his other dug his fingers into the side of your hip. You winced slightly as you nodded, bitting your tongue to resist the urge of snapping back. “Words please princess,” Wooyoung pulled against you hair once more. “Yes. Sir,” you forced out.

A sly grin twisted across his face at the nickname, releasing your hair and brushing it to the side in an affectionate manner. “See that wasn’t so hard, was it?” He cooed, earning a sarcastic eye roll from you. “Now when I ask for your colour, you’re going to respond to me loud and clear. Am I understood?” “Yes Woo,” you spoke disinterestedly, beginning to admire your nails in boredom to further rile him up. He clicked his tongue. He gave you one last chance. “Now what colour are you princess?” “What does it matter if you’re too much of a pussy to fuck me?” You snarled. His grip tightened against your hip. So much for being able to walk tomorrow.

Wooyoung sighed, faux disappointment smothering his face. “And here I thought you would be my good girl..,” his voice deepened an octave, the atmosphere becoming dark and thick with lust. Suddenly, you didn’t feel as confident anymore. Your arms began to quiver, your heartbeat racing. “I guess you’ll just always be a filthy,“ *spank* “no-good,” *spank* “bratty whore who just wants her dirty cunt to be filled,” *spank* “used,” *spank* “and abused,” he degraded as he gave your ass a final crack, forcing a choked moan from your throat. Oh, you were in deep shit. “I bet you’re already soaking, kitten. I can smell your pungent arousal from here,” he seethed, tugging down your damp panties and taking a deep inhale of your scent. Quickly, he plunged two fingers into your wet cunt, pumping in and out at a fast pace. “WOO,” you yelped in surprise. “You’re dripping like a fucking bitch in heat,” he spat.

“Such a dirty, needy, little slut, acting naughty just so she can be disciplined and get her fucking cunt used and filled with my seed,” he mocked, already probing your entrance with a third finger. “You’d like that wouldn’t you? Just to be my personal fuck toy; too dumb and stupid to think of anything else other than beg for my cock and to be bred.” Your legs began to tremble as your desperate whines increased, reverberating across the room. Your inner brat was finally beginning to conform. “P-please s-sir,” you begged, “s-slow d-down.” “Hmm…” he pondered tauntingly, gradually increasing his pace just to spite you. You cried out, bucking your hips to synchronise with his antics as a dirty smile graced his lips. “I don’t think I will,” he snickered. “Filthy whores like you are only here to be used as a set of holes; ready for anyone to slip their cock in and milk them dry.”

Your walls clamped around his fingers, his vile degrading further fuelling your humiliation and arousal, the approach of your orgasm becoming evident. “Pretty thing‘s gonna come?” He teasingly cooed, his thumb snaking his way to your clit, rubbing it in harsh circular motions as your pussy twitched at his rough antics. You frantically nodded, biting your bottom lip in anticipation of the euphoric feeling. “A-almost th-ere!!” you cried out. You were teetering on the edge of your peak, a dazed sheen glossing over your eyes. Just as you were teetering on the edge of tranquility, he pulled out and wiped his fingers against your reddened ass in mock disgust, taking satisfaction in your displeasure.

“WOOOO,” you whined as hot tears began to prickle the corners of your eyes. “W-why’d you do t-that?” you sniffled, your mind beginning to fog. “Poor baby,” he taunted. “This was your punishment, remember? Disobedient brats don’t get to cum.” You hit the ground with your fists in frustration as searing streams of tears raced down your cheeks. You felt cheated. How could he be this cruel? He softly cupped your chin, catching the stray droplets as he cooed at your anger. “Naw.. sweet girl’s having a tanty because she didn’t get to cum?” Faux sympathy crossed his features as he formed a fake pout, taunting you further. “S-sir,” You whimpered in desperation, your eyes glassing over at his condescending words as your mind began to cloud further.

“Are you ready to be a good girl now?” He softly asked, becoming conscious of your emerging sub space. “Y-ye-yes sir, p-please. Just wa-nna make you feel good. U-use me please,” you begged, willing to do anything to relieve your aching cunt. He smiled amorously, gently caressing your damp cheek with his thumb, his demeanour flipping. “Only because you asked so nicely,” he lightly teased, undoing the string of his pyjama pants before slowly tugging them down. His hard member sprung free, knocking against your weeping pussy and causing you to release a jolted whimper.

Carefully, he guided himself in, your mouths hanging agape at the sensation. Inch by inch, he sunk further in, resisting the urge to cum from the way your walls were squeezing him like a vice. Finally, he bottomed out inside, a breath of relief escaping both your lips. “O-oh my god,” he whined, never imagining you felt this good. He stayed still so you could adjust to his size, despite the primal yearn to rail you senseless. After a moment, he began to slowly buck his hips, your walls clamping around his dick as you felt every vein that etched his pretty length through his languid and sensual motions. Quiet moans escaped your throat as you dug your nails into your palms, your body rocking back and forth at his gentle thrusts. “F-faster,” you pleaded, sensing the quick approach of your orgasm. At your command, he began to piston his hips as the sudden sound of skin slapping echoed across the room. Your head flung back as a loud whine erupted from your throat, your back arching and your limbs quivering as he continued to pound inside of you.

“Does my pretty feel good?” He cooed, placing gentle kisses across your bare shoulders. “Y-YES SIR,” you cried, the edges of your eyes becoming a searing white as his hand snaked underneath to rub your clit. “Who does this pussy belong to?” he smacked your ass as a carnal possessiveness pooled in his lustful eyes, taking great delight at the sight of you falling apart on his hard cock. “Y-YOU,” you howled. Your sopping cunt began to rapidly pulsate as you felt the oncoming arrival of your orgasm. “Hold it,” he hissed, thrusting into you faster as he chased his own high, desperate to cum with you. You whined loudly, straining every muscle in your body to try and fulfil his demand. “C-can’t hold it for much l-longer, sir,” you gasped as your ears began to ring and your body ached in need of release. “Okay pretty, cum for me.”

That was all you needed before a high pitched moan resonated around the room as you squirted on him, your juices seeping into your discarded clothes and swamping across the kitchen floor. Swiftly, Wooyoung pulled out, hurriedly jacking himself off before spilling his seed across the expanse of your back as the warm substance pooled against your sweaty skin. You collapsed, your body shaking from exhaustion and your mind on the verge of passing out. The room stood still, only the sounds of your heavy pants and palpitating hearts could be heard as you both slowly ebbed away from your tranquil bliss.

After he composed himself, Wooyoung clambered up, retrieving a couple of tissues and a cool bottle of water from the fridge. He sat back down, carefully dabbing away both your cum, being cautious as to not drip anymore onto the floor. He threw them aside once he was done and gently manoeuvred you onto his lap, cracking the bottle open and tilting your head upwards. You swallowed the soothing liquid in hasty gulps as he patiently waited for you to finish. “T-thanks-s” you croaked, wincing as you spoke, your throat feeling coarse like sand paper. He let out a quiet giggle before taking a swig himself. “Do you wanna have a bath?” He queried, screwing the cap back on and setting the bottle on the counter. You frantically nodded, in desperate need for a calming, relaxing soak after the wild abuse your limbs experienced. He picked you up bridal-style, making his way to the bathroom as he affectionately pecked the bridge of your nose.

When the temperature was right, he placed you into the warm tub, joining you soon after. Grabbing a loofah, he gently scrubbed your back, his demeanour now attentive and loving. You guys basked in comfortable silence, sharing endearing pecks here and there and playfully splashing one another as you both bathed in the lulling water. Once you were done, Wooyoung carefully placed you on the counter, taking his sweet time to dry you off, a tender affection invading his presence. After you were dried, he carried you back to the abandoned pillow fort, placing you on top of his chest as you both shared a passionate kiss, taking in the sweet bliss of the pure love for one another. Gently, he pulled back as an adoring smile graced his lips. “I love you,” he whispered as he caressed your face, his eyes swirling with fondness and love. “I know,” you teased as your received a jesting eye roll in response. You leant back down to peck his lips. “I love you too.” An amorous warmth kindled within both your chests as you snuggled into one another, slipping into a peaceful sleep.

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A/N: Hi guys, thank you so much for reading my fic :)) Please feel free to reblog on tumblr, give me any feedback (all is welcome), and if you have any fic ideas/thoughts please comment them and I’ll make sure to tag you in the post. Have a wonderful day/night and I hope to see y’all soon <33

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10 months ago

It's a Bet

It's A Bet
It's A Bet

Genre: smut MDNI

Word count: 1.1k

Warnings: Afab!Reader, mutual masturbation, pet names (babe, baby, pretty girl, honey, sweetheart, princess), unprotected sex (DON'T), creampie

Synopsis: You and Wooyoung made a bet with your friends that you could keep your hands to yourselves for a week. But that's easier said than done...

A/n: The polls have spoken! Here's the Wooyoung fic as promised <33


You groaned and hit your head against the kitchen counter.

Wooyoung didn't notice. He was in the next room, all his attention on the TV.

You looked up at him, biting your lip. He was so 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯. 𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘦.

He knew it, you knew it, everyone knew it.

Yeah, you'd hit the lottery and people often told you how lucky you were. But having a gorgeous boyfriend had its downsides. He could use his looks against you. Like he'd been doing for the past week.

You two never really took your hands off each other. Even when you weren't cuddling on the couch or intertwined in bed, Wooyoung had to at least be holding your hand or have his hand on the small of your back. Your friends had teased you both for it and it led to a bet that you could go without affection or sex for a week straight.

You were confident at the time, but you regretted it now. You'd been feeling pent up since day two, and staring at him now— his black hair falling in his face, man-spreading in his baggy pants— was not helping matters.

Wooyoung was a cheeky asshole so naturally he'd been doing everything he could to tease you. Walking around shirtless. Practising those sensual choreos until sweat dripped off his skin. Stripping and getting in the shower while you were still using the bathroom. You tried not to let it get to you, but your resolve was fading.

From his spot on the sofa, Wooyoung threw his head back and moaned— "stretching". You gritted your teeth and clenched your thighs. You glared at him, both with lust and annoyance.

That's it. You turned and started storming toward the bedroom, ready to put the vibrator to use.

"Babe," Wooyoung's voice called out, stopping you in your tracks. "Come here a sec, will you?"

You sighed before turning on your heel and going into the living room.

Wooyoung's gaze followed your every move. A smirk pulled up the corner of his lips as you stood in front of him, seeming on edge as you fixed him with an irritated look. You didn't mean to. You were just feeling so horny that it'd given you resting bitch face because you couldn't act on it.

"Yes?" You tried to sound civil and not like everything about him right then made you want to pounce on him.

Wooyoung tilted his head. "You're not taking this bet well at all... are you, honey?"

No fucking shit, thanks to you. You restrained an eye roll. "You could say that," you said in a strained tone.

"Hm. Do you need to get off, pretty girl?"

His words went straight to your core. You didn't answer, but he read it in your face.

He chuckled under his breath, an amused rumble in his throat. "How wet are you right now, princess?"

Your eyes flickered to the floor, your fingers pinching the hem of your shirt.

"Show me."

Your head snapped up. "What?"

Wooyoung smirked and you instantly knew you were screwed. "Get on your knees, princess, and show me how wet you are."

Who were you to resist? You quickly stepped out of your jeans, revealing the black thong you wore underneath. You sank to your knees in a W pose while Wooyoung's lustful eyes watched on.

Maintaining eye contact, your hand snaked down your panties and your fingers brushed against your swollen clit. You moaned softly at the contact, your lips parting and eyes drifting shut for a second.

When you opened your eyes, Wooyoung was already pulling out his cock. You smirked at the idea that he'd been suffering just as much as you.

Your fingers went to work, rubbing your clit and dipping into your dripping pussy. You let out a series of quiet moans that mixed with Wooyoung's, accompanied by the lewd but tempting noises of him fucking his fist.

It felt good, but it wasn't enough. The two fingers stroking your walls could never compare to the delicious fullness that his dick gave you. You couldn't reach your cervix like his tip could, or hit your g-spot like he could. You just knew that after holding off so long he could have you seeing stars within minutes.

You withdrew your fingers from your cunt and watched Wooyoung for a second. He looked so pretty like that— his hand tight around his throbbing cock, working the mixture of spit and precum up and down his shaft. His head thrown back against the couch, jaw slack and eyes closed, his hair falling in his eyes.

You stood up and slipped off your panties before making your way to the sofa. You gently seized Wooyoung's wrist and stopped his ministrations. He looked up at you with lidded eyes, confused. You smiled and straddled his lap, hovering your pussy just over his leaking tip. He groaned, placing his hands on your hips, ready to guide you.

"What about the bet?" he questioned, his voice hoarse. You could tell he was too preoccupied thinking about getting off to even try and sound cocky.

You slowly lowered yourself onto his cock, feeling that familiar stretch. "To hell with the bet," you said, biting your lip as you took in his length. "I need you now. And I know you need me too." The two of you let out a satisfied sigh as he bottoms out.

Wooyoung's fingers dug into your hips as they rocked against him. He groaned as his lips landed on your neck, suckling at the skin.

"You're not wrong there," he murmured.

You picked up pace, alternating between grinding and bouncing on his cock. As predicted you felt your high approaching fast. And going by the tension in Wooyoung's body, he was getting closer too.

You shifted slightly, finding a position where his tip stimulated your g-spot perfectly. You sped up, ignoring the ache in your thighs. Your moans grew louder, joining the wet sounds of your pussy sucking in his dick.

Wooyoung slipped a hand between your bodies and toyed with your clit as he left small hickeys and bite marks on your collarbone. That sent you over the edge, your high hitting you like a truck. You moaned out loudly, wrapping your arms around his neck as you collapsed against him. He continued rubbing your clit and bucking his hips, working you through your orgasm as he chased his own. With your cum coating his cock, he wasn't far behind you. It only took two more thrusts before he was painting your walls white.

There was a moment of silence, penetrated only by your heavy breaths and the sound of blood rushing in your ears. You smiled against Wooyoung's neck before giving it a quick kiss.

"Thanks, baby. I needed that."

He laughed breathlessly and planted a kiss on your temple. "No problem, sweetheart." Then he whispered in your ear, his usual cocky tone having returned. "But you're the one telling our friends you lost the bet."

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