World Heroes Mission - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I feel like we should talk more about the scene where Rody betrayed Izuku by stealing the case and almost giving it back.

I mean, Pino is a reflection of Rodys feelings, and she literally did her best to wake Deku so he would stop it. In other words — Rody wanted Izuku to stop him. But why wouldn't he hold himself back?

Maybe he was afraid of the consequences of this whole mess and the fact that his siblings were all alone, possibly in danger. And even if he realized what of a bad decision it was, in that moment he saw it as the "last chance". But why would he do that if he understood that it won't do any good in this situation? And if he saw this as the right way, why would Pino be so anxious?

I think he already cared about Izuku at this point. He felt guilty about betraying someone who cared for him so much; somebody who saved his life

you can tell I'm rewatching the movie, hehe. btw, I'm planning on posting something else than rddk (🤯🤯🤯)

I Feel Like We Should Talk More About The Scene Where Rody Betrayed Izuku By Stealing The Case And Almost

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6 months ago

bones made a tiny little small mistake while drawing this scene, so I kinda fixed it .𓁹‿𓁹.

Bones Made A Tiny Little Small Mistake While Drawing This Scene, So I Kinda Fixed It ..
Bones Made A Tiny Little Small Mistake While Drawing This Scene, So I Kinda Fixed It ..
Bones Made A Tiny Little Small Mistake While Drawing This Scene, So I Kinda Fixed It ..

imagine Rody accepting the fact he will die in a few minutes, so he's confessing to Deku n asking him for a kiss

that's me btw

Bones Made A Tiny Little Small Mistake While Drawing This Scene, So I Kinda Fixed It ..

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5 months ago
I'll Sell My Soul For The Nicotine-addicted Rody Headcanon, Stenlyk Probably Gives Him Cigs On Occasion

I'll sell my soul for the nicotine-addicted Rody headcanon, Stenlyk probably gives him cigs on occasion

without filters⬇️

I'll Sell My Soul For The Nicotine-addicted Rody Headcanon, Stenlyk Probably Gives Him Cigs On Occasion

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5 months ago
Gosh I Love My Rody Nendroid So Bad (. ^`)

gosh I love my Rody nendroid so bad (. •・´^`・•。)

I'm bout 2 post some more sketches and I'm also working on a rddk video (spoiler — Roar song), though it's hard cuz of studies. hope u ll enjoy it!

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5 months ago


fun fact, I sometimes draw Pino during classes as an expression of how I am fucked up feel

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5 months ago

Rody watches the hero news every single day just for Deku, I swear

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2 years ago

I love that, I adore it all: The ship, the chaos, the humour, the facts

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2 years ago

World Heroes Mission: Departure OVA Full

I had to clip the credits but otherwise it fit almost perfectly. I know a lot of people have been struggling to find subtitled links so I'm posting it here for ease of access.

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Bakugou looks like a cat

These Hood Designs Are Legend

These hood designs are legend…

But Deku without red sneakers?? How is he going to survive?

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3 years ago

Came back from the movie theater, got a free read!

Came Back From The Movie Theater, Got A Free Read!

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3 years ago

Sooo… I watched the MHA movie with a friend, second time for me and first time for her, and I’m just posting this to talk about her commentary.

See, we were watching the sub version, because who needs dub when you’re Japanese already, and there were only 5 other people in the theater all of them were rowdy teens. So we just made whispered commentary when we wanted.

Some quotes I remember off the top of my head:

“He’s one of those poor handsome fellows I see”

“Ahhh! My husband!(Bakugo)”

“WOW. Bird boy can RUN!”

“Green arrow meets genderbend”

“Holy shit look at that gay montage,”

“(Something something spanish) MY HUSBANDS HAVE ARRIVED!”

“Ooh they look hot— oh wait I take that back they look nasty now,”

“The power of friendship will win blue bastard!”

“AHHH! Pinkie bird yes!”

“They’re totally gay tho.”

And that’s it, she just kept whispering to me all these funny stuff, tho I only put in the most funniest stuff. Anyway she understands why I love Rody Soul now so that’s a win!

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