WritersBlock - Tumblr Posts
Do you ever have a story idea you can't use simply because you don't know where it's going? Take, for example, this bit I wrote months ago: It could have been described as peaceful, really, the explosion. The fairies send to dance around the high flung fiery metals and far flying shrapnel. Wherever the fairies went there were also flowers. White daises, blue pansies, rose petals, and forget-me-nots were scattered about, bringing attention to the orangest of flames and the heart shaped metal pieces. Really, though, what seemed to clench the peacefulness was the slow motion aspect of it. Nothing moved more than a millimeter per second and I was certain the shockwave wouldn't hit me for another hour. If you are good at math you'd know I was solidly 12 feet away. The fairies were smiling. Some had made paper chains to twirl around the smoking tendrils beginning to form. Others were playing a game called "See how close I can get to the shockwave without touching it. Bonus points if my current crush sees me. Loss of points and dignity if I touch it and get flung far away because slow motion, apparently, only applies to the explosion itself." The name pretty well sums up the game. I was sitting, as mentioned earlier, about 12 feet from the explosion. I use the term sitting loosely, as though it we're my choice to sit there so close to everything, instead of forcibly strapped to a tree with my mouth duct taped shut. It was annoying, I thought, to have to go this way. Really, really annoying. And I wasn't going to cry. That stuff was for losers with emotions. Is there anyone out there with ideas or wants to continue this? If you do continue it, let me know what it turns into.
You guys😠I'm completely blanking on ideas for Choso so this might take longer than I initially anticipated so bare with me
the writing cycle
being an author goes like this: you think about a book idea you get excited and you outline or pants it you write the idea but get imposter syndrome halfway you push through with coffee and tea and hope for the best you finish the book and you celebrate but then you realize that there's this thing called... editing
sorry guys, won't be posting part 4 for a bit, got hit with writers' block
Writer's block is hitting me hard right now. Started four new books in the last two days...
I need sleep 😅😅😅

Update! I'm not only unable to finish a fic, but I am also exhausted on my way to graduation. So, fuck me I guess. This is fine.

just personally attacked myself with this one
let me cry of happiness because i actually wrote a chapter. fuck you writer block, i'm back again with my fictional babies.