Wrongway - Tumblr Posts
Every road leads in one of two directions, and it all depends on whether you are COMING or GOING.
As the graphic in today’s message reminds us ” just as Jesus said — “I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE” [ John 14:6 ] and this is the ONE WAY to eternal life. Sadly, while the opposite sign clearly says Do Not Enter Jesus also warns us that “Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.” [ Matthew 7:13 ]
The decision in which direction to go is clear. The signs are there for all to read.
Which direction on this road have you chosen to go?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
We’ve all seen signs of warning while driving, but the same can be said about seeing danger signs as we travel along the highway of life. We can try to ignore them, but at some point before this trip called 'life' ends you will have to make a choice if these signs are real or not. So the question for you is this - “Will you heed these warning signs or ignore them?” There is indescribable danger ahead in eternity and if you do ignore them you will arrive at a destination where there is NO ESCAPE OR EXIT. Once there, there is no backing up, no turning around, and truly - no exit. It is a one way street to a literal DEAD END of eternal condemnation that is without remedy.
The good news is that God has given us many signs that will direct us to the destination that He wants to bring us to, but to get there we have to read and follow the signs He has given us, and all the directions we need to navigate the highway of life are found in one 'road atlas,' and this is the Bible.
Jesus tells the story of a rich man trapped in hell where he regretfully realizes that there is NO EXIT. He is fully conscious of his past life and the wrong turns that got him there despite the signs he chose to ignore, and he begs that someone would go back to warn his brothers of this horrible dead end he has found himself. Sadly Jesus replies to him that all people are given signs that point away from hell and lead to eternal life - and ALL of those signs are in the Bible - the same Bible he chose to ignore.
The word repent means to change one’s mind so the question today as you travel down the road of life is this – will you pay attention to these warning signs to not go down the WRONG ROAD and change your mind to go in a safe direction? Turn away from the road that leads to a DEAD END and travel the straight road that leads to eternal life! (Matthew 7:14)
The choice is yours. Follow the road that leads to Christ! Heed the signs He has given and do not go down the path that most people follow that leads to destruction! (Matthew 7:13)
God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You