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Scar's Adopted Brother Ch.2: Fight for Leadership

Ch.1 Ch.3
"If you challenge me, do not be afraid when I kill you."
That was all Shyam said before surging forward at me. I swiftly dodge his attack, slamming my right paw down on top of Shyam's back, causing him to fall to the floor in pain. The shear force of this attack caused a loud snapping sound to be heard as he released a roar of agony. He tried to stand up but wasn't very successful as he just fell to the ground again, only his upper body moving to his commands.
I pin Shyam down with a paw placed over his chest.
" Brother... please, I ask for your mercy." Shyam begged as he stared up at me in fear.
'What a pathetic excuse of a leader, it'll be fun to finally end his stupidity,' I thought as I stared down at his weak, trembling body, my eyes glinting with mischief.
"As you said. Do not be afraid when I kill you." I growled lowly, unsheathing my claws and piercing through Shyam's throat. His death wasn't quick, nor was it long; his desperate gasps for breath were silenced as he bled to death.
I turned and looked at the pride, who in turn looked at me with a new found hope.
"Kerberos, get a scouting group together to find a campsite for us to stay in tonight, I will choose several lionesses to be in a hunting party judging that you all look starved. Also find some herbs to treat any of our wounded or ill." I sternly ordered before going to check on my mother.
"Yes, sir!" Kerberos responded before carrying out his orders. With those orders everyone looked at me in gratitude, my parents gazing at me with adoration and respect.
That was the start of a new and successful pride, whose leader was challenged by many other strong and large lions; but Crow won each time by using speed, agility, stamina, and strength.
Ch.1 Ch.3
Scar's Adopted Brother Ch.6: Foreboding

Ch.5 Ch.7
"Crow!" Simba jumped slightly, hugging his body against mine. I'm slightly surprised, especially since we barely know each other, but I chalk it up to how he just lost his father.
"Simba I... I'm sorry I couldn't save your father." I stutter out, I know I agreed to help Scar, but I had no idea he would go about it this way. I never really wanted to kill Mufasa, and what happened will stay with me forever.
Simba tenses slightly, his face becoming somber as the memory floods back into his mind. His ears drop back against his head, his gaze shifting downwards as he pushes himself against me even harder. I crouch down, wrapping my paw around his back and lowering my head against his, a sort of hug to comfort him.
"It'll be alright Simba, I'll keep you safe." I promise to both him and to myself, my whispering barely loud enough for him to hear. He only answers by nodding his head, I can hear his sniffles as he cries for the loss of his father.
As he pulls back, I hear someone loudly clear their throat. Both Simba and I glance up to the disturbance.
"Hi, sorry to interrupt, but I would like to, oh I don't know, maybe know WHO YOU ARE!" A meerkat sarcastically states, yelling slightly at the end as he throws his paws up in the air at the end. The warthog behind him simply nods, still looking at me with slight fear in his eyes.
I raise an eyebrow at Simba, who simply gives a slight smile at my reaction. He turns to the meerkat.
"Timon, Pumba, this is Crow; Crow, this is Timon and Pumba."
"Nice to make your acquaintance." Pumba says as he walks forward.
"Please, the pleasure is all mine." I replied. Turning away from Timon and Pumba, I focus on Simba.
"I must head back now, I'll make sure to check on you at least once a week, I'm sure you can make do for yourself." I say, ruffling my mane as I finish my sentence.
"Don't worry about me Crow, I'll be fine." Simba replies, his smile dimming slightly at my goodbye. I allow a small fond smile to grace my features, I pull him into another hug before pulling away, ruffling the fur on his head before heading back to Pride Rock.
It was well dark when I returned, heading straight to the watering hole, that desert trip back-and-forth is going to suck.
I don't know how to describe it, but the atmosphere feels heavy, like it's humid, every step closer feels wrong, like I should turn back time and stop anything from ever proceeding. As I approach Pride Rock I am met with the cynical laughing and yelping of hyenas. I'm immediately on edge, last time I had to deal with hyenas, I had to stop them from killing Simba.
I'm thrown out of my thoughts by a sudden attack to my neck, a couple hyenas had circled me, and one had snapped at my throat. I immediately swipe at him, my claws deeply scoring their face, a loud screech of pain reverberating through the plains. I roar quickly, requesting help from anyone available, and I receive a surprising response.
I not only hear the roars of response from my tribe, but also from other lions, probably Mufasa's. I try to keep fighting them off, but more hyenas have joined, there's now at least 15, all of which are attacking me at random. I try and try, but each attack of mine is met with 4 more from all sides, I can feel the blood dripping down my legs, blood matting my mane and dripping into my eyes. I'm about to give up when both lion prides arrive.
The hyenas are quickly torn off of me, being attacked by both sides, the roars of anger creating a cacophony that fills my ears. A loud roar creates silence, but I pay little attention to it as I can barely maintain my balance. My vision is going blurry, but I can still see where the roar came from, the figure jumping down from Pride Rock and coming closer to me. The hyenas immediately listened to this lion, meaning it could only be Scar, and the fact that the lions listened too means that his plan worked.
I can't think anymore on the topic, though. I feel my legs give out, leaving me laying across the floor, breathing heavily before falling unconscious. The last thing I heard being:
Ch.5 Ch.7
instagram au with mason mount x male reader cute pictures :)
Mason mount x male reader
Note: Dont be shy request x male reader!!
A/n note: heyhey, so so so so sorry that this took so long to put out depression really got me. Im also went through and still am in intensive trauma care. Take care of your friends!
Fc: Charles Leclerc

Tagged theweeknd
Liked by masonmount, theweeknd, ladygaga and 34,477,444 others
Yourinstagram number 3 soon ~~ @theweeknd
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Masonmount I’m so proud of you baby <3
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↳ yourinstagram love you<3
Theweeknd can’t wait for them to hear
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↳ yourinstagram they’re not ready to
Neymarjr orgulhoso de ti
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Pablogavi yesss!!!
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Ladygaga incredibly excited
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Tagged yourinstagram
Liked by yourinstagram, Arianagrande and 30,183,366 others
Theweeknd number 3 soon > @yourinstagram
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Yourinstagram they’re sooo not ready
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↳ theweeknd they aren’t broo
Arianagrande ahhhh!!!
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Justinbieber fav duo fr
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Eminem 🔥
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Yourinstagram & theweeknd

Liked by masonmount, eminem, Sza and 42,498,308 others
Yourinstagram We are excited to announce that our third collab album is finally out every where. We worked really hard on this together, and after many sleepless nights it’s out. We would like to thank the following artists for being on the album; Sza, Tyler, The Creator, lil wayne, Billie Eilish and Frank Ocean.
📸 : @masonmount.
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Yourinstagram & masonmount

Liked by Sza, Eminem, neymarjr and 37,649,957 others
Yourinstagram We wish everyone happy holidays :) ignore the messy background
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Liked by joaofelix79, yourinstagram, sza and 47,505,402 others
Masonmount 10 years together with you<3
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Yourinstagram best 10 years
Liked by masonmount
Sza 10 years?!? Cuteeeee
Liked by masonmount
Theweeknd aww
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Neymarjr <3
Liked by masonmount
Kimkardashian so happy for you two!!
Liked by masonmount
Yourinstagram & theweeknd

Liked by neymarjr, masonmount, sza and 39,345,654 others
Yourinstagram thanks to all my friends who showed at the release party <3
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Masonmount love you <3
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Neymarjr ❤️
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Sza this was funnnnn
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Ladygaga amazing night
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Mileycyrus we went mad 😭
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Pedri 🫶🏼
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Tagged yourinstagram
Liked by Sza and 2,406,045 others
Ynupdates yn has been seen signs and taking pictures with fans today!
~edit~ he apparently had a panic attack when he left. We send love to him <3
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Ynhater1 he looks so ungrateful
↳ ynfan2 maybe because people were literally shoving phones in this face?! They were invading his privacy.
fanYN1 he looks tired, give him rest
Ynfan1 y’all need to backup sometimes!
↳ ynsucks he signed up for this life…
↳ ynfan1 are you being fr, one does not sign up to be shoved with phones and papers.
Ynisthebest1 let the poor man enjoy his relationship and life ffs
Ynfan3 i was there, he literally almost had a panic attack. Y’all are psychotic.
↳ ynshubby same people don’t realise how dangerous it was.
Sza otw back he called me mid panic attack. Y’all need to stop being crazy and have manners.

Liked by masonmount, Zendaya, Sza and 35,948,408 others
Yourinstagram I’m still alive… somehow!
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Masonmount I’m incredibly proud of you<3
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Billieeilish glad, take your time please
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Pablogavi 💞
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Sza call me whenever
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Zendaya meditate babes
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Ladygaga we love youuu
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i wan a draw for fandom writers so bad.
Yall i genuinely have so much appreciation for male reader fanfic writers, they manage to make the masc population feel so loved. Thank you 🫶🏽