cannibalcoyote - Cannibal Coyote
Cannibal Coyote

Just an artist trying not to kms

122 posts

Scar's Adopted Brother Ch.2: Fight For Leadership

Scar's Adopted Brother Ch.2: Fight for Leadership

Scar's Adopted Brother Ch.2: Fight For Leadership

Ch.1 Ch.3

"If you challenge me, do not be afraid when I kill you."

That was all Shyam said before surging forward at me. I swiftly dodge his attack, slamming my right paw down on top of Shyam's back, causing him to fall to the floor in pain. The shear force of this attack caused a loud snapping sound to be heard as he released a roar of agony. He tried to stand up but wasn't very successful as he just fell to the ground again, only his upper body moving to his commands.

I pin Shyam down with a paw placed over his chest.

" Brother... please, I ask for your mercy." Shyam begged as he stared up at me in fear.

'What a pathetic excuse of a leader, it'll be fun to finally end his stupidity,' I thought as I stared down at his weak, trembling body, my eyes glinting with mischief.

"As you said. Do not be afraid when I kill you." I growled lowly, unsheathing my claws and piercing through Shyam's throat. His death wasn't quick, nor was it long; his desperate gasps for breath were silenced as he bled to death.

I turned and looked at the pride, who in turn looked at me with a new found hope.

"Kerberos, get a scouting group together to find a campsite for us to stay in tonight, I will choose several lionesses to be in a hunting party judging that you all look starved. Also find some herbs to treat any of our wounded or ill." I sternly ordered before going to check on my mother.

"Yes, sir!" Kerberos responded before carrying out his orders. With those orders everyone looked at me in gratitude, my parents gazing at me with adoration and respect.


That was the start of a new and successful pride, whose leader was challenged by many other strong and large lions; but Crow won each time by using speed, agility, stamina, and strength.

Ch.1 Ch.3

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More Posts from Cannibalcoyote

1 year ago

The Elder Maximoff Ch.9: The Vision

The Elder Maximoff Ch.9: The Vision

Ch.8 Ch.10

Corvina's POV:

We appeared at the Avengers tower, Steve as we now know him as, leads us through the tower to where Tony and Bruce should be destroying the body but we see them trying to make it.

"I'm going to say this once." Steve nearly yells from beside me, making me jump in surprise.

"How about nunce." Tony retorts.

"Shut it down." Steve responds.

"Nope, not going to happen."

"You don't know what you're doing." Steve tries to reason.

"And you do? They're not in your head?" Bruce asks.

"I know you're angry..." Wanda starts but is interrupted by Bruce,

"No, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." Bruce states dangerously at Wanda, who is looking stunned and slightly afraid. I let out a low threatening growl as I take a challenging step forward, while growing fangs and some 7 inch long claws from my knuckles.

"Banner after everything that's happened.." Steve starts.

"That's nothing compared to what's coming." Tony yells. Everyone starts arguing and I'm getting kind of sick of it so I say telepathically

'Hey Pietro, think you can give them a little push?' Pietro looks at me and smirks, then speeds off through the lab, unplugging all the chords they had attached to the cradle. He stopped and threw the last chord down saying,

"No no, go on you were saying?" Pietro says as Tony and Bruce looked confused and then angry. However a bullet quickly shattered the ground and Pietro fell to the bottom floor, Wanda yelled for him while I tried to jump forward to help him, but was held back by Steve.

"I'm rerouting the upload." Tony said as he turned and faced a screen. Steve threw his shield at the technology, so Tony then called on his Iron Man suit hand which he used to shoot Steve.

The rest of his suit slowly formed. Wanda was about to use her magic when Bruce grabbed her from behind and said,

"Go ahead, piss me off."

Then Clint came up from the bottom floor cocking his gun, I quickly transformed into a black panther and smacked the gun out of his hand from the side.

He looks surprised to see a black panther here, but then remembers I can turn into one; and decides that he can't fight me since I'd obviously win. I chase after him for a few seconds then go to help Wanda. I see Steve charge at Tony with a punch, but Tony knocks them both back with one shot from his guns.

I see Wanda hit Bruce with her magic, then Thor appears and jumps onto the cradle, he then proceeds to use his hammer to summon lightning to power it up.

Everyone looks around in shock as Thor powered up the cradle, he stops after a few seconds and then starts to get off the cradle but was a little late and is thrown into the ceiling.

The new being stands up and looks at Thor, he then lunges forward at him to only be thrown through glass, but stops himself when he come to another window. We all come down to see what he will do next, but he simply looks at his reflection in the window. Thor sets his hammer down, and Pietro runs over after recovering.

As this humanoid slowly hovered back towards us he created an outfit of gray to cover him after seeing us wearing clothes.

He looks over at me and looks slightly confused as I am still a black panther and look nothing like the other's, but he eventually turns to Thor after I growl and show my fangs at him.

"I'm sorry, that was..odd. Thank you." He says looking directly at Thor when saying thank you.

"Thor, you helped create this?" Steve questioned in a surprised tone.

"I've had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life, and at its center is that." Thor says pointing at the stone in the visions head.

"What the gem?" Bruce questions.

"It's the mind stone, it's one of the six infinity stones. The greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capability." Thor continues.

"Then why would you bring it?"questions Steve.

"Because Stark is right."

"Ohhh it's definitely the end times." Bruce says, looking to the side.

"The avengers cannot defeat Ultron," Thor continues. "Not alone."

"Why does your vision sound like Jarvis?" Steve questioned whilst walking forward slightly, shield still at the ready.

"We.. We configured Jarvis's matrix, to create something new." Stark answers.

"I think we've had our fill of new." Steve replies in an exasperated tone.

"You think I am a child of Ultron?",Jarvis voices as he walks around looking at the team curiously.

"You're not?" Steve questions.

"I'm not Ultron, I'm not.. Jarvis either. I am." The vision states looking up.

"I looked in your head, and saw annihilation." Wanda explains while walking up a forwards.

"Look again." The vision states.

"Yah, your seal of approval means jack to me." Clint voices irritatingly, as he walks forwards. I growl at Clint, and lunge at him as I did not like his attitude.

"Corvina stop!" Wanda nearly shouts as she tries to get me off of Clint, as I have him currently pinned to the ground. I finally get off but not before swiping my claws at him, leaving long scratch marks down his arm.

"And who is this? She doesn't seem like the rest of you." Vision states as he walks towards Wanda and I slightly.

"This is our older sister Corvina." Pietro explains.

"Your sister?" Vision questions looking utterly confused.

"Yah she's all good till you piss her off." Clint says painfully while getting up with Steve's help. I simply growl at Clint then transform back into my human form.

"Nice to meet you." I say to Vision before I turn my head towards Thor to continue.

"The stone is the most destructive out of all the stones, and with it on our side.." Thor continued but was cut off by Steve.

"Is it? Is it on our side?" Steve says, bringing up a good point. They all look towards the Vision, awaiting his answer.

Ch.8 Ch.10

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1 year ago

The Elder Maximoff Ch.3: The Meeting

The Elder Maximoff Ch.3: The Meeting

Ch.2 Ch.4

Clint's POV:

"Well, electricity sure does the trick." Clint stated as he saw the girl in the tree fall backwards.

"Wait, did you catch one of those super people?" Tony questioned.

"Well I shot her with an arrow that applies a strong electrical current which then immobilizes the victim." Replied Clint as he started jogging towards the area he saw the girl fall, only to have a blue and silver blur flash past him while ramming into his side; which then caused him to slam into a tree.

"Ow!" Exclaimed Clint in pain as he recovered from his attack.

"Clint you alright?" Questioned Natasha.

"Yah Nat, but I think our enhanced was taken by the others, they must've seen me shoot at her. I have a feeling they aren't too happy that I shot their friend." Clint explained as he limped off towards the ship.

"Well at least we know how to stop them." Natasha voiced as she helped Bruce into the quin-jet.


Corvina's POV:

I woke up outside a small decaying church. I was laying on the floor wrapped in some ragged yet warm blankets, I could see my brother and sister standing a couple feet away talking about something. I slowly pushed myself up, my head had a pounding feeling in it, and my back was hurting. 'Probably because of that idiot who shot me', I thought as I stood up only to nearly fall from my lack of feeling in my legs, but I quickly used my powers to help steady myself.

"Where are we?" I questioned as I looked at the crumbling church.

"We have been called to meet someone with the same goal as us for the avengers." Wanda stated as she slowly started to walk into the church, Pietro and I quickly ran to where the entrance of the church was.

As I entered the church I immediately noticed the metal figure sitting in an eroded stone chair with a sheet or blanket draped over his shoulders while he sat facing away from us.

"Who are you and if you're wasting our time...", Wanda began, but was interrupted.

"Do you know why this church was built here, because it is in the center of the town. The elders decreed that everyone could be equally close to god." He said as he waved an arm made of metal in front of him.

"I like that, the idea of belief." He said.

"State what you called us here for before we leave." I voiced sternly as I stepped out from the shadows.

He looked at me strangely after I stepped out of the shadows, almost as if he didn't know I was there.

"Who are you?"he questioned flatly, my eyes narrowed as he said this.

"A mystery, but you can call me black magic." I answer in a dark tone.

"Who is she?" He questions again this time asking Wanda who looked at him in confusion.

"How do you not know who she is, she was experimented on just like us. She is our older sister." Wanda stated. Ultron looked back at me still confused.

"What powers do you have?" Ultron finally questioned me.

"I have Umbra-kinesis(the ability to control shadows), evocation, telekinetic blast, darkness manipulation, dark energy manipulation, Mental manipulation, telepathy, osteokinesis, I can turn into my spirit animal which happens to be a black panther, and primordial darkness manipulation but I'm still learning to control that one." I responded. Ultron steps back with a slight look of surprise on his face.

"No wonder I couldn't find any files on you. I should've expected that someone that powerful would want to be kept off the records in case of well, you know." Ultron stated as he walked up to us.

He walked up to Pietro and said,

"You and I can hurt them," he then turned to Wanda and I and then slightly touched our faces while saying, "but you two will tear them apart from the inside."

Ch.2 Ch.4

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1 year ago

Scar’s Adopted Brother Ch.4: Eavesdropper

Scars Adopted Brother Ch.4: Eavesdropper

Ch.3 Ch.5

It's morning now, I awaken at dawn as per usual; sitting back, remembering the look of pure shock on Mufasa's face when I so easily beat him when I got sick of his drama, it was priceless.

I carefully walk outside, searching for some breakfast to give the tribe. I smell some zebra to the east and some antelope north, but I think the tribe would like some variety, so let's get both an antelope and a zebra for breakfast.

After walking for a few minutes, I spot a zebra wandering away from their herd, quickly killing it by ambushing from its blind spot. I use the same technique with the antelope, dragging back my kills and leaving them inside the cave we have taken up residence in.

It's still pretty early so I decide to go and explore the new territory.

Where my tribe is staying is full of trees and a canopy to keep us hidden, but how about we see the rest of the land. I sprint out of the trees silently, soon finding myself within an open savanna covered in grass with herds of many different animals. I look around, seeing beauty wherever the sun touches, but then my eyes reach a dark shadowy pit that has a mysterious aura to it.

I trot over until I reach the slight barrier that separates the sun-touched land from the shadows; as I look over the edge I see that there are mounds of large bones, elephants I believe they are called.

I quietly pounce over the edge and land in the clearing, but I soon hide behind a pile of bones when I hear the tumbling of bones from somewhere behind me. I peer through the bones and see Simba being pinned down by a lioness cub. 'I knew he was weak but not that weak,' I thought, watching him angrily struggle underneath her in vain. He then looks around, noticing my eye through the opening, I quickly pull back, jumping somewhere they won't see me; I can't risk him telling Mufasa, it would endanger my tribe.

"What are you looking at, Simba?" The female questions as she turns to see what it is that Simba is staring at so intently.

"Nothing, let's go over here." Simba states, wandering playfully over to a large skull. How stupid could they be, that skull smells strongly of hyena - just as I think that, I hear the cynical laughs of three hyenas, watching as they begin chasing the two lion cubs.


The hyenas have chased Simba and Nala around for a minute or so now, and they currently have the cubs cornered. I see no one around to help them, so I leap in front of the hyenas, stopping them in their tracks. As much as you may think, I am no monster, and I won't allow these hyenas to kill these cubs, even though one's father may be the most aggravating alive.

"What are you doing? We are about to kill them like you asked?" One of them murmurs in a confused tone.

"Um Shengzi, I don't think that's who we think it is." Voiced another hyena.

They all pounce at me and we get into a battle of wrestling. I smack the least intelligent one unconscious for a few minutes whilst immobilizing the other two by smashing their heads together. They all fall to the ground and I release a roar so loud it causes them all to bolt away in fear. I look back at Simba and Nala, Simba looks surprised and Nala simply looks relieved that she didn't die.

"You two okay?" I question in a soft, calm tone that I use with all the cubs in my tribe.

"Yes, thank you." Replies Simba and Nala at the same time. I'm about to ask them if they want an escort back to their home but I get pushed down to the ground by a massive amount of pressure between my shoulders. I crane my neck to look up, and see Mufasa pinning me down with pure rage in his eyes while a blue bird flies overhead.

"First you attack me and now you try to kill my son and his friend. How low is your pride when they go to killing children for fun." Roars Mufasa as he grabs me and hurls me against a wall. I recoil my body in pain as the rock I land on pierces into my side. I narrow my eyes in anger and try to get up, but the rock is a part of the floor and is ripped out of me as I force myself up. The pain, however, isn't as obvious to them as I experience pain on the inside more than the outside due to intense training.

"Father, stop! He saved our lives from the hyenas!" Shrieked Simba as Nala rushed between Mufasa and myself.

"What are you talking about, he will kill you when given the chance!" Growled Mufasa as he merely pushed Nala to the side and started stalking towards me again.

"We all know how true that is, because of how you're still alive." I growled sarcastically, some blood dripping out of my mouth. Mufasa barely listens before shoving me back into the wall.

"Because I was given so many chances to kill you on our first meeting, but look at this, you're still alive." I nearly snarled at Mufasa. To be honest he looked quite angry, but the cubs seemed to be scared for my well being. Mufasa slowly takes his pressure off of me, begrudgingly allowing me to get up.

"How did you roar that loud?" Asked Simba in a scared tone as he trembled near his father.

"That's classified kid. Now if you don't mind I'll be leaving before I kill this inconsiderate father of yours." I threaten before stalking out of the area, quickly being drawn back by the scent of another lion, it's ever so subtle but it's there. I follow it and come back to where I was getting attacked, but this is a hidden overview ledge. Sitting on top is a lion who shares a striking resemblance to myself. I silently walk behind him and quickly pounce on top of him. He finds himself pinned in utter confusion, and worry is evident through the features on his face.

"I'm not Mufasa if that's what you're wondering." I state plainly as I get off of him. He turns around and sees me, anger overtaking his eyes.

"You cost me an open chance to kill that little brat today you saboteur!" He growls before lunging at me. I easily dodge his antics, resulting in him falling onto the floor.

"If you plan on killing me, you're going to need a lot more practice." I state before helping him up.

"And why do you want to kill Simba anyways?" I question.

"He is taking away my rightful place as next in line for the throne you could say." He responds dejectedly.

"What's your name, I'm Crow."

"They call me Scar." He replies.

"Are you the one that beat Mufasa in a battle?" He questions.

"That's me." I quickly mutter as I don't like Mufasa.

" .... How would you like to stay here in the pride lands? If you help me in a plan to kill Mufasa we can rule together and combine our prides." Scar explains, noting my obvious fighting capability.

"Why should I join you, my tribe is already unbeatable since I became king, and you wanted to kill your own nephew; you are stupid, why not just make him runaway so you don't have the death of the innocent and future king on your paws?" I voice as I sit down across from Scar on the rock ledge.

"It all depends on if you join me or not, so do we have an agreement?" He questions in a slightly cynical way.

"Possibly ." I reply in a grim tone with a subtle nod.

"I must inform my tribe, I will meet you here tomorrow with my tribe's decision." I say before sprinting across the land and reaching my new home in a matter of minutes. I wait for them to wake up before telling them the offer that has been proposed. I hope they stay, they are my family but if they don't wish to stay I will go with them; I am their leader after all and I must look out for them, not myself like my selfish brother had.

Ch.3 Ch.5

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1 year ago

The Elder Maximoff Ch.6: Safe House

The Elder Maximoff Ch.6: Safe House

Ch.5 Ch.7

"Wanda!" Pietro yelled after he ran out of the ship and saw me holding Wanda's shoulders as she tried to steady herself.

"She's fine, Pietro, but she is a little shocked. I will have to mess with Brucey boy's mind since she is a little too troubled right now." I state as I proceed to shadow travel outside the avengers ship.

I'm next to the Avengers ship in a second and Bruce opens the door after seeing Wanda and Pietro outside. He steps out onto the ramp and I move behind him so he can't go back into the plane.

"Never seen you outside before, only the other guy." I mock in a dark tone. He quickly turns around, surprised that he didn't hear me approach. Before he even has time to respond I shoot a shadow force of black mist into his head and then shadow travel him to the city, while I get to my siblings and Ultron.


Clint's POV:

'Everyone on the team took a hit, especially Natasha. I don't know what the Wanda girl did to her but she will pay for that.' I thought as I flew the quin-jet to the safe house or in other words where my family lives, I hope she doesn't mind me bringing the team home.

I don't understand why these kids would join Ultron, or HYDRA at that point. The twins are confusing but not nearly as confusing as that other girl.

We couldn't find one damn file on her and that is rare for SHIELD. She did say when I electrocuted Wanda that she was her sister but that could've just been a lie, after all you can't put anything below these kids, they're criminals.

"Hey Barton, I want to switch off. It looks like you've got a lot on your mind." Tony says as he walks over to me.

"No thanks Tony, besides we're almost there." I respond in a slightly tired voice.

"Almost where?" Tony questions.

"Safe House." Is all I say and then continue flying.


We've safely landed at a safe house, and stepped inside the house. I see my wife, Laura cleaning the dishes, but the kids are probably upstairs reading or drawing.

Laura turns around and sees me she runs over and hugs me, I can see the team is awkwardly standing with Tony trying to make it seem like she was an agent, so I turn around and introduce them to her.

After my kids came down I introduced them to the team, and my daughter got to see Natasha again, or as she calls her, auntie Nat.

I'm in my room with Laura, I'm putting on a different shirt and explaining to her about the kids we're dealing with as a threat.

"Yeah there are these twins, the male has super speed, while the girl can mess with your mind, they're more like punks really. That need to be taught a lesson."

"And I'm sure you're the one to do that but you need to be careful, in a couple of months we're going to be outnumbered."

"I know and I will be back after this mission, I promise."

Ch.5 Ch.7

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1 year ago

Woodland Princess Ch.2: The Company

Woodland Princess Ch.2: The Company

Ch.1 Ch.3

When I arrived within the dining room, one of the dwarves looked like he wanted to attack me. He'd abruptly stood up, nearly charging at me, being held back by two other dwarves.

"Everyone this is Aelsar, she was sent an invite by Gandalf in case you were thinking she was uninvited." Bilbo shakily stated, waiting for a response. He, however, had to rush out of the room when he heard a sharp knock on the door again.

I hope it's Gandalf because he will get me out of a fight with these dwarves, but if he doesn't come someone will end up hurt, and it sure isn't going to be me.

"Well, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Voiced the two dwarves who'd stopped the other from attacking me. I was about to answer before the dwarf who nearly attacked me pushed the two away, who I quickly noticed were the heirs to the throne of Erebor.

"While it's nice that you want to befriend her, remember she's an elf from that pixie woodland realm led by that traitor who refused to help our kingdom when we needed it most!" Grunted the dwarf at them.

I opened my mouth to say something but the dwarf I would soon know as Dwalin held up his hand as if to silence me.

"Do you really think that your almighty hand could silence me?" I say in a slightly humorous yet deadly tone that seemed to have made him angry.

He threw a fist forward but I quickly dodged it by ducking and threw a punch of my own which tagged him straight in the spot between his eyes. He stumbled back, and nearly fell in surprise to see an elf using her fists, it's an unusual fighting style for elves.

He was, however, caught by an older dwarf who looked at Dwalin as if silently saying "You had it coming."

"Aelsar!" Exclaimed a familiar voice from behind her. I turn and see Gandalf. I ran over to him, grasping him in a tight embrace. He was slightly surprised when he found all the dwarves staring at me as if I was dangerous.

"Might I ask what master Dwalin did that made you punch him?" Questioned Gandalf after noticing that Dwalin had left the dining room and returned with an ice pack in between his eyes. Before I could reply Dwalin spoke.

"She lost her pitiful little temper at a little taunting." Responded Dwalin in a venomous tone.

"That's a lie!" Kili quickly stated after hearing Dwalin's false explanation. All the while I'm just wondering why he feels the need to defend me, after all he is a dwarf like the rest of them who had heard the stories of my people's ill will towards dwarves. I was snapped out of thought as a loud pounding came upon the door.

"He is here." Gandalf spoke in a serious tone. Bilbo left the room to allow the person in while the dwarves cleared the table and cleaned the dishes. Gandalf left to talk with Thorin in another room, I hid in the shadows of their room, listening to their secret conversation.

Ch.1 Ch.3


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