X-readers - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

The Phantom Rabbit Ch.1

After witnessing that scene with the demon and witch, the white rabbit ran out of the cottage and into the snowy forest as fast as it could go. 

You were so scared and confused that the rabbit instincts took over, and they urged you to run until you couldn’t anymore. While you were doing so, the scenery changed from snowy forest to crowded, cobblestone, streets. Your rabbit instincts were going haywire at this point because nowhere was safe!

Everywhere you turned, you were nearly stepped on, ran over, and kicked by accident! It wasn’t until you darted into an alleyway to hide that your human rationale regained control. You flopped over and just lay there, panting in exhaustion as your mind processed everything.

‘Holy crap! What the heck was that?! What’s going on?! Where is this place?!’

You examined the white paws that replaced your hands, and touched the ear that flopped over your face. Yup, they were definitely yours. Craning your neck, you examined the cottontail behind you that confirmed your suspicions. ‘WHY AM I A FREAKING RABBIT?!’

Suddenly, a high pitched squeal invaded your poor, ultra-sensitive ears and then a pair of hands snatched you up and squished you close. 

“Milady! You mustn’t run into dark alleyways!” A female voice panicked. 

“Paula, I told you to call me Lizzy! And I’m alright. Look at this bunny rabbit that I found. IT’S SOOOO CUTE!”

‘My ears….’

“I can’t wait to take it home and show it to mother, father and Edward!”

You squirmed until your head was free from the sea of pink that was the girl’s dress. Then you stared in shock at her face. 

It was freaking Elizabeth from Black Butler! 



"Sorry. Lizzy, you know how your mother is about animals you find on the streets. Also, the dogs and cats would make a meal out of the poor rabbit. You have to let it go."

"BUT I DON'T WANT TO!" Shrieked the pink banshee. She proceeded to throw a tantrum as she pressed your body to one side of her face.

"Mother gets to breed her hounds, Father has his ugly Persian cats and Edward always adds to his horse collection. All I want is ONE cute pet! It's not fair! WAAAAAH!!!" 

You stared deadpanned at Paula with your ears pinned back as the maid tried in vain to calm the crybaby. The little noble wasn't even crying for reals- otherwise your fur would be drenched in her tears. How could Paula not see that Elizabeth was pulling off crocodile tears like the spoilt, privileged, little brat she is? 

"Milady, please! Do not cry… The rabbit will be fine… Mylady, you're causing a scene! Please stop… I know! Let's go shopping! That always makes you feel better. We have to get a present for your fiance anyways."

Suddenly Elizabeth stopped 'crying' and exclaimed, "THAT'S IT!"

You winced and held your head in your paws. 'AHHH MY EARS!!!'

"I'll give the bunny to Ciel! Then I can visit both Phantomhive manor, and the cute bunny whenever I want!"

"What a splendid idea!" Paula agreed. Then she took out her stupid bells. "Jingle, jingle!"

You groaned. 'So damn annoying!' 

"Let's go prepare his gift!" Said Elizabeth, and then she sprinted off with you in her arms.

"Ah! Wait for me, milady!" Paula cried.


Elizabeth took you to a place called 'Le Choyé Pampered Pets Botique'. You raised a figurative eyebrow at the name because it said the same word twice. 

After shouting excitedly at the workers about how you were a present for her fiance, they immediately set to work to make you 'even cuter'. 

It was torture! 

First, you were nuked with rose scented perfume- which got in your eyes. You were so preoccupied with rubbing them that you were unable to fight off what happened next: a thorough brushing with a bristly brush. Were they using a cactus?! You squealed in pain, but everyone in the store aww'ed at the sounds. Damn sadists!  Before you could recover from that experience, you were strangled with an obnoxiously large, dark pink bow tie. You immediately gagged and tugged on it with your paws. While you were doing so, someone picked you up and stuffed you inside a suffocating box. 

'They didn't even put any air holes, what the hell?!' 

Getting on your back, you tried to kick the box open with your hind feet, but the box had been wrapped up tight. 

Feeling light headed, you rolled over again and clawed at a corner of the box until you breached the cardboard and wrapping paper. Finally, some air! The bow on your neck wasn't helping though. 

You continued to tug on the fabric as someone picked up the box and moved you elsewhere. Based on the muffled sounds and bumpy sensations, Elizabeth and Paula were now inside a carriage.

You tuned out the conversation they were having and dwelled in your own thoughts after finally loosening the constrictor grip on that ribbon. 

You thought back to the events that brought you here. How a portal suddenly opened beneath you, and sucked you through… The quick, but painful transformation from human to rabbit… How the demonic creature attacked that lady, over a soul. Said soul definitely being yours. 

That explains how you got here, but why were you transformed into a rabbit? 

Also, you don't want to get eaten by a demon! From what you understand, Sebastian is starving himself to make his meal (Ciel) more tasty. You're not that desperate to sell your soul… Heck, you'd enjoy being human again for a few moments before paying the devil's due. Would Sebastian eat you on the spot?

You recall that he claims to have grown tired of devouring every soul in sight, indicating that a contract is not even needed for him to eat souls. Does being in a contract keep Sebastian from eating other souls?

If that is the case, what if he feeds you to Ciel- like, straight up serving him roast rabbit for supper to merge your souls together?! Your fur bristled and you shivered at the thought.

But what if he doesn't sense your soul?

Should you tell them (or, find a way to tell them)? If you somehow manage to convince them that you're trapped in this rabbit form, you could get their help. After that fiasco in town where everything tried to unintentionally kill you, there was no way you would survive on your own. Unlike you, they have resources, powers, and opposable thumbs. They could help you find a way to change back, and return to your own world.

But like his demon servant, Ciel never helps anyone for free. He'll exploit you for his personal gain and use you like a pawn in chess. Heck, he lied and made an empty promise to Snake, just to keep him under his employ. What could you possibly offer him in your state- cuddles and snuggles?

Should you keep this to yourself? It'll be hard and dangerous without help. On the flipside, everything else is just as dangerous.

You're damned if you do, and damned if you don't. That is the worst place to be.

What other option is there- do nothing and leave everything to the hands of fate? 

You pondered on these thoughts as the carriage kept bouncing and bumping, making you collide with every wall in the box.

This was going to be a looooong ride.

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1 year ago

Mors Speaks

I have two more requests in my inbox and a few drabbles and such already written for other requests I've received in the past. Gonna try and get them posted as soon as I can but again I have limited free time to do so. Thank you again for everyone being so patient with me! As always my inbox is open and I have no limit on how many asks people can send me. In fact the more full my inbox the more motivated I am to write! Like always I have multiple fandoms I write for as posted here: https://www.tumblr.com/morsartis/652309028149592064/fandom-masterlist?source=share

But don't worry if you don't see your fandom there! Not all the fandoms I write for are listed as I forget them fairly frequently. So if you don't see your fandom just ask and I'll answer as soon as I can!

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4 years ago


eee im new n i wanna write stuff so help me n request if u miraculously see this.

i'll do:

Harry Potter:

• Marauders Era (Includes: James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, Regulus and maybe others)

• Golden Trio Era (Includes: Harry, Draco, Ron, Hermione and maybe others)

• Next Gen (Includes: Scorpius, Teddy and maybe others)

Throne of Glass:

• Dorian Havilliard

• Some of the Cadre (Includes: Rowan, Lorcan, Fenrys, Gavriel)

• Aedion Ashryver

• Aelin Galathynius

• Elide Lochan

• Chaol Westfall

• Probably others too (just ask if they aren't on the list)


• Cassian

• Azriel

• Rhysand

• Feyre

• Mor

• Amren

• Nesta

• Elain

• Probably others too (just ask if they aren't on the list)


• JJ Maybank

• Kiara Carrera

• Pope Heyward

• Probably others too (just ask if they aren't on the list)

Teen Wolf:

• Stiles Stilinski

• Scott McCall

• Lydia Martin

• Allison Argent

• Liam Dunbar

• Theo Raeken

• Isaac Lahey

• Probably others too (just ask if they aren't on the list)


• If what you want isnt on these lists, just ask anyway, I may or may not do it anyway, but these are my oreffered characters to write for ❤🧡❤

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5 years ago


You see this man?


👆This man



I’ve only seen one x reader fanfic and it’s so good but not finished. Where are all my Halloween Horror Nights fans?

Where is the love? Because I am so disappointed that there’s no fanfics of him.

So if anyone can, please write something! I’m dying for some x readers!

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2 years ago

Alright so on top of Dark Descent being a wip, I'm also doing rottmnt x readers but song one shots so if you have any requests please feel free to send them. I have a few x readers started, but once I'm done with them I'll post them!

Alright So On Top Of Dark Descent Being A Wip, I'm Also Doing Rottmnt X Readers But Song One Shots So

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6 months ago

Idk if it’s just me, but has anyone else been reading a fic and get the sudden feeling it’s AI or a copy paste from C.Ai?

I feel bad thinking that if it’s untrue, but the vocabulary and structure of the words just seems the same to me.

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5 months ago


With eyes like the sea after a storm- Bucky Barnes x reader

With Eyes Like The Sea After A Storm- Bucky Barnes X Reader



There were many things about him that you admired, many things you studied. If you had to guess, you would assume the god’s above has sculpted him in their own image. As if he was a replica of the best statue, or the brightest summer day. He, of course, has his own imperfections. Things he dispises about himself. Who doesn’t? 

It was moments such as these, that you almost wished you hadn’t met. For if you hadn’t, maybe he’d still be who he once was. A bright eyed young man, his life ahead of him. Not a forlorn shell of himself, locked in a barred room. 

It had happened so fast, you couldnt even be sure how. 

You had both been tasked on taking down a hydra base in the darkened woods of Maine. The kind of tree cover that blocks sunlight on a summers day. Neither of you had been thrilled about this task, but at least it would be quick. Or so you thought. 

The plan was to get in, get the needed information, and get out before the bombs you were set to rig exploded. To you, it seemed overly simple. After everything else you’d faced, it wasn’t something that you thought would weigh on your mind as the jet took flight. You sat across from him, watching as his eyes scanned the pages of a book he was reading. 

You were a collector of sorts, being a Stark allowed this. Many would assume those who hold the Stark name would posses collections of cars and jewels. Houses and estates. This however, was not who you were. The items you possess are often seen as small, or insignificant. But each holds its own stories. One of the many things you collected were books. Hell, a whole corner of your room in the tower was simply bookshelves. The shelves rose so high, that Tony had given you a small ladder that could roll across the linolium flooring and help you reach the top shelves. 

When Bucky had first joined the team, you were hesistant to approach him. He seemed closed off and distant. Who were you to push those walls? It wasnt until you ran into him as he entered the building, a stack of books in his arms, that you had decided he was much more than he seemed. From that point, you made it a priority to talk to him. To include him. At first, it seemed as though he was resistent. As if he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. For you to say you were kidding. After all, someone like you couldn’t really care about someone like him. Could you?

After taking notice of his love for books, you invited him to use your little library. Letting him know he was welcome to take whatever he wanted. He had thanked you, and the topic shifted. From that, you had assumed your offer would go unnoticed. Until one night, around 1am, as the rain pounded against the large glass windows in your room, there was a small knock at the door. Soft, so soft. As if knocking any harder would shatter the night. You were too comfortable in your bed to get up, simply speaking a soft, “Come in.”

There he was. In a regular tshirt and some shorts. What was really the most revealing thing you had seen him wear. He stood for a moment, hesistant in the doorway, until you laid your book to rest on your lap. Softly beckoning for him to enter. He did, as he softly shut the door behind him.

He didn’t speak much that night, simply grabbing a few books and sitting down on the lush carpet by the shelves. The thin sheer of the night was so soft, you resisted offering him a place on your bed. Although he hadn’t said much of anything, you knew something was wrong. Being intuitive had its perks. 

After a few hours, when the rain subsided and your eyes grew heavy with sleep, the restraint you had was broken. 

“Are you okay?” You whispered softly, watching as his head quickly snapped up in your direction. His look one of question and uncertainty. “Yeah.” He said softly, his voice gravely from unuse. “You’re a shit liar.” His eyes widened at your blunt comment, unused to such from you, who often remained quiet and watched, rather than speak out. The exhaustion had distorted your view of the persona you often maintained. The blunt thoughts of your mind slipping through. “You don’t have to tell me. But you’ve been reading the same page for the last 20 minutes.” Your tone was soft and unaccusing, an air of light humor. Something he wasn’t used to. There was silence for a moment, the haze you were in not rushing you to fumble an apology as usual. 

“Just..” He paused, seeming to hesistate in his momentary vulnerability. “Just a nightmare.” His voice was quiet and soft, almost a whisper. If the room hadn’t been so silent, you may not have heard it. 

All was still for a moment, before you sat up farther, leaning against the headboard. Softly patting the spot on your bed next to you. He looked from your hand to your face, unmoving. 

A few minutes, although they felt like hours, passed. Before he slowly rose and softly walked over, sitting on the side of the bed opposite to you. From your viewpoint, you studied the ridges on his back that were visible through the worn fabric. Noticing how tense he was, as If you were going to reach out and strike him for being so foolish as to sit beside you. 

“It’s okay. You can relax.” Your voice was soft, and quiet. His back slowly untensing as he turned slowly and looked at you. He studied your face, seeming to look for any hint of amusement or untruth. He was simply met by a small smile and tired eyes. 

The rest of the night was a blur. You eventually fell asleep. Waking up at around 5 as the sun began to show over the horizon. Attempting to stretch out, finding your movements restricted, you glanced down. He had fallen asleep at some point aswell, his head resting on the plush of your thigh, as one of your many plush blankets covered his upper half. You tensed for a moment, taken aback by this. ‘He fell asleep on me?’ Your furrowed brow turned to a small smile as you noticed the soft look of his face. Fully relaxed and content. A form you had never seen him take.

From that point, the two of you grew closer. Eventually becoming the closest of friends, and even stronger teammates. Even your brother Tony was quick to tease you about this, his inclination to despising the man strangely vacant. You couldn’t help but wonder who paid him off. And yet, although you denied any romance, reminding him platonic relationships existed, he simply giggled and left. Yes. Giggled.

Which led you back to the current moment, watching his blue eyes scan the pages. If there was one thing you couldn’t get enough of, it was his eyes. They were so blue and so soft. They reminded you of the sea after a storm. The hue sometimes changed. Sometimes they were darker, like an evening sky. Sometimes lighter, like a cool backyard pool in the midst of summer. Eye contact was not something you enjoyed. It was something that required effort, and attention. In the midst of remembering to hold it, not hearing what the other person said. This had happened with him many times, but not for that reason. You had simply lost yourself in his eyes. You often felt like you might sink and drown if you stared long enough, but you were never given the chance to test that theory. He would often noticed your silence and stare, assuming you were upset with him and quickly go quiet. You never noticed this, simply blinking as he looked away and continuing the conversation. You missed the look the shot your way, wondering if maybe, just maybe, you didn’t have any ulterior motive. You really were just looking at him. 

He seemed to feel your eyes on him, baby blues flicking up to meet yours. He raised an eyebrow, and you coughed and looked away slightly. Feeling your cheeks burn with the embarrassment of being caught. “Everything okay?” He said softly, his words guiding your gaze back to his. You nodded quietly. Prompting him to set his book down beside him, resting his chin on his hand, leaning forward on his knees. “You’re a shit liar.” You looked up, seeing a small smirk cross his features and you giggled quietly at his remark. 

“Just- nervous. I guess.” You started quietly, the only sound the whirring of the jets as your shoes tapped idly against the cool metal of the floor. He watched, patiently waiting for you to continue. “Its just- its been so long since I’ve been on one of these Hydra missions. I thought I was over…you know..all of it. This should be easy. But I’m just scared that-“ You stopped, your gaze flicking to his before to the floor again. “That?” He said softly. “They’ll get us. Again.” You whispered. “I can’t- I can’t go back. I’ve got too much to lose.” You looked up, expecting judgement. One of the strongest avengers, afraid of a little hydra mission? Pathetic.

But you werent met with judgement, or humor. Simply a sad, understanding smile. “I get that.” He said softly, shifting to sit back in his seat. “But you know Steve wouldn’t have let us go if he didn’t think we’d be okay.” You nodded softly at his words. 

Steve being like a big brother to you, as strange as it was, of course wouldn’t put you in a compromising situation. But there was always a what-if. 

“We don’t have to go.” Your head shot up, your eyes meeting his. “What?” He shrugged. “I don’t know. Its not like they couldn’t find someone else to do it.” You shook your head. “No. I- I want to.” He raised an eyebrow, before sighing and picking up his book once again. “If you say so.”

The rest of the ride was silent, your eyes now looking out the small window beside you. Watching the clouds pass by. From there, your mind settled slightly. Like dust in the desert after a breeze. The jet landed, you both exited and managed to get into the base rather easily. It having been abandoned for years, the locks weren’t the most up to date. You had managed to get to the main control room within a few minutes. This being where the computers with the data you needed to collect resided. Bucky wandered around the room as you got into the computer, inserting the USB and downloading the needed materials. In your focus, you hadn’t noticed he’d gone quiet.  

“Annnddd done. We should be good to go.” You placed the USB in your pocket, zipping it closed. “You know, for such an advanced group the computers sure are-“ You paused, turning around and noticing his position. He stood, ridged as he stared through a glass pane. You walked up beside him, looking through to see a containment chamber of some sort. “Whats that?” You whispered, eyes not leaving the large chair in the middle of the room. Some time passed before you noticed he hadn’t asnwered. “Bucky? You okay?” You turned, noticing the distant gaze on his features. There was no expression, and his once bright blue eyes were now almost grey. “Hey, are you-“ You reached up, gently touching his shoulder as you spoke. In a flash he was on you. His whole body turning as he slammed you into the wall, holding you in place with his metal hand on your throat. You gasped, clawing at him to no avail. “Buck-‘ You wheezed, before instinctively using your abilities to instinctively throw him off you across the room. You gasped, hand going to your throat on instinct. It was sore already, no doubt going to be bruised. You noticed him standing, turning and making his way back towards you. You placed your hands out infront of you, backing up slowly towards the door. “Bucky. Its me. Cmon whats wrong?” His gaze was cold and distant as he made wide steps towards you. It was then you realized, he wasn’t going to stop. Turning and running down the hall, quickly hearing him behind you. You were fast, but he was a super soldier. You started to use your enhancements to slam the doors behind you, buying some time as he slammed them down effortlessly. You managed to get out of the base, hand on the detonation for the bombs. You heard the last door slam down, watching as he stalked out of the doors. Directly towards you. “Bucky. Cmon. I’m not gonna fight you.” He didn’t stop, your words ricocheting off him. You quickly glanced over at the jet. Maybe if you could contain him you could- 

Before the thought had even met your nervous system to prompt movement, he was on you. 

In the two seconds you glanced away he had somehow broken the 15 foot seperation, knocking you to the ground. He sat above you, his hips holding you down. He punched you a few times, luckily using his flesh hand, before you realized what was happening. Sending him flying a few yards away, as you stood and wiped the blood from your face. F.R.I.D.A.Y quickly speaking up through your suit. “Ms. Stark. It appears you are injured. Should I inform Tony of the mission failure?” You coughed. “No. Don’t. I’ve got this.” It was silent for a moment before she responded, “Of course.” 

You would not make the mistake of giving Tony an excuse to hurt Bucky. He already hated him, you weren’t going to give him more ammunition. 

As Bucky once again stalked towards you, you realized he wasn’t going to stop. Waiting until he was a few feet away before speaking a soft, “I’m sorry.” Quickly acting and slamming him backwards onto the ground, holding his limbs down with the grey tendrils of your power. Straddling him quickly as he continued to blindly struggle, before reaching down, using your middle and pointer finger to tap against his temple. He stopped struggling, his eyes glowing the same color as the bounds that held him. You stood, releasing him and beginning to walk to the jet. “Cmon.” He followed blindly, his mind yours. This was the last thing you wanted to do, but you couldn’t get him to the jet alone. And you weren’t going to fight him. 

You walked up the ramp, as he sat on the seat infront of you. You reached into the console and grimaced as you pulled out the metal cuffs. Attaching one to his metal wrist, and one to the metal pole beside him, before removing yourself from his mind. Stepping back as the jet took flight, and his eyes cleared. There was a moment of silence as you detonated the explosives, destroying the facility as it faded into the distance behind you.

He took in a gasping breath, looking around wildly as he mindlessly struggled against the cuff. He quickly noticed you, stopping and staring. You watched his eyes flick across your face, and eventually down to your throat. Where you assumed bruises were forming. Subconsciously, you put you hand up, covering them. You took a soft step forward, freezing as he flinched back. “Hey..hey its just me.” He stared at you, his blue eyes glassy but clear. “You’re okay..” You attempted to move forward again, only for him to try and escape into his seat. Causing you to freeze again, and step back. You tilted your head, your own eyes glassy as your brow furrowed. 

“I..I did that. Didn’t I?” He said softly, looking to your face and neck. You opened your mouth to respond before he yelled, startling you. “FUCK.” You jumped back, eyes wide, never having heard him yell before, much less speak above a soft tone. “Hey its okay I’m-“ He shook his head visciously. “No. No. No. You’re not okay.” His eyes flicking to yours before looking away shamefully. “God I’m so selfish.” You furrowed your brows waiting for him to continue. “I- I’m so sorry. This is my fault. I never wanted to get close enough to hurt you. This g-“ He paused breathing deeply. “This arm. God. I’ve never hated it more.” You went to comfort him, before you noticed how erratic his breathing had gotten. His eyes grew wild as he struggled to breathe. You noticed how it was beginning to get worse. Shit. He was having a panic attack. You choked back a sob as you waved your hand softly, and he fell asleep. Falling limp against the pole beside him.


Hours later, he awoke with a start. Instinctually attempting to flee, before the large metal restraints that held him to the bed became visible to his clouded mind. He managed to sit, as the cuffs held a strange amount of extra chain, even allowing his hand to reach his face as he roughly forced the sleep from his eyes. It was obvious his comfort was a factor in this. His eyes flickered like a dim candle across the small room he was in. It seemed to be some sort of containment cell, although he’d never seen such a thing with flowers on the table beside him. The bright colors seemed to almost cause him to cower away, like a bat in the bright summer sun. He was unsure how long his gaze had torn them apart, but he knew the sunflowers each had 34 petals. Sunflowers… and daisies. It clicked suddenly, sunflowers. Your favorite. Daisies… Both of which grew in the small garden you had on one of the community floors of the compound. A dagger of pain shot through him at the memories of before his fall to unconsciousness. The bruises across your neck like dark patches of blood across a satin sheet. Oh God, could the stains ever be removed? 

The hallway was silent as a snowy winter night in the mountains as you walked. Sock-clad feet silent against the icy tile floor as the steps taken held a force of uncertainty, and pressure. Approaching the door felt like walking through a hurricane as the force of the thoughts in your head swirled like a tornado through a vacant home. As the door clicked open slowly, the painful vision of the blue eyed man before you caused a pause. At the sound of the door opening, abeit mostly silent, his eyes shot to meet yours. Expecting a scientist or some sort of experimental doctor, instead, landing on your soft gaze as you enter and softly clicked the door closed behind you. As your feet carried you forward, his body pushed back into the bed. Like a wild animal, afraid. Steps paused, soft hands coming up in surrender. “What’re-“ He paused, eyeing you. “What’re you doing here?” The tone his words carried like a spear through your soul. Defeated, confused, mourning.

“I came to check on you… I wanted to apologize.” He laughed, loudly. The sudden loud noise like a gunshot in the silent of the night, as it ricocheted off the metal walls. “Apologize?” He said almost angrily. “To me?” His face was a mix of sadness and anger as his eyes met yours. They were a deeper blue now, almost like the depths of the ocean. The silence of your stare unnerved him as he looked away, eyes cast back to the flowers beside his bed. “You shouldn’t have cut these-“ His eyes turned back, expecting to find you halfway out the door. Instead, seeing you beside the bed. You both stared silently for a moment that seemed to stretch into eons. “I’m sorry.” The whisper from your lips sounded more like a scream to him. “I’m sorry I went into your head. I swore I never would.” The anger drained from his face, like watercolor on a canvas. “I didn’t want to put you in here.” Your eyes cast around the room disapprovingly. “I knew you’d wake up fine..but Tony-“ you cut yourself off, glancing at him before looking back down. “He sees me for what I really am.” He says flatly, “A monster to be contained.” The strings binding your heart seemed to loosen at his words, moving closer. “Don’t say that.” You whispered, reaching for his hand as he pulled back. “But it’s true. I hurt you. I could’ve KILLED you. Don’t you get it? I’m a monster. I’m not redeemable.” He said, looking down as his voice faded into the silence. “I don’t think there’s much I can say to change your mind now…but please, don’t blame yourself. None of this is, or has ever been, your fault. You’re a good man Buck. Everything that happened to you was not by your own volition.” Your hand manages to reach towards his metal one, he doesn’t bother to resist as you move it closer to you, resting your face against the cool metal. “This hand is not a weapon, and neither are you. See? Is anything happening?” The undying chill of the metal glides against your face as he slowly moves it, staring as if seeing it for the first time. “We’re gonna figure this out buck.” His eyes flick to yours as he jolts forward, the chains holding him back. Your eyes take in his defeated form, standing and touching the chains as they come undone like a loose string. His broken eyes meeting yours as you stand, as if nothing could touch you. As if he wasn’t able to snap your neck in a second. He lurches forward again, this time unhindered by the chains as his arms wrap around your waist as he pulls his head towards your torso. Your hand automatically finds placement at his back, as your fingers run through his hair. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you doll.” He says quietly, his voice soft and broken as water stains your clothes. “Just existing is enough.”


I’ve read over this too many times and i feel as though it’s not the best, but it’s self indulgent at heart.

All the love- A. <3

-i do not give permission for my work to be copied, translated, or posted anywhere but here on this post.

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3 years ago
NSFW Sukuna And Yuuji Headcanons!

NSFW Sukuna and Yuuji headcanons!

Ok so this is my first headcanon post so ya- I hope you enjoy

Warnings: NSFW, Double penetration, breeding kink, Yuuji being a bottom, Oral (Female receiving), Sukuna being god material, choking, blow jobs, praising, slight size kink


NSFW Sukuna And Yuuji Headcanons!


Sex with Yuuji tends to be soft, loving, and Yuuji tended to be the bottom.

Before Sukuna, Yuuji was very soft and never did anything to hurt you. He always put you before him and went out of his way to make sure you were comfortable.

Yuuji took advantage of ever opportunity to give you oral. This man knew how to put his mouth to work.

He would make sure you came at least 2 times before he did, although now with sukuna on the side of his face egging him on, that number has increased.

The pink haired boy has and forever will clean you up after sex. no matter how tired he is.

NSFW Sukuna And Yuuji Headcanons!


He will turn ever little thing into a sexual joke. Oh, you have a low hanging tank top on? Hehe *insert completely unneeded sex joke from Sukuna*

Sukuna is dead set on making you bare his children. Just the thought of you being swollen and full with his offspring makes him crazy.

He will make you kneel infront of him, wether it’s in his domain or when he has control of yuuji’s body, and Make you suck him off. He loves watching you choke on his dick.

He adores choking you, and watching as your tiny neck gets swallowed by his giant hands.

He also has a thing for bringing Yuuji and you into his domain and forcing yuuji to watch a he fucks you senseless.

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3 years ago

Requests are open!!

I am a new writer so I am in need of requests! I do NSFW and SFW.

I will take requests from-



Jujutsu Kaisen

DC (mostly bat family)

Criminal minds


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3 years ago

Michael Myers headcanons?? (sfw & nsfw)

RZ Michael Myers headcanons!

Michael Myers Headcanons?? (sfw & Nsfw)

Omg your my first request-

anyway i just did G/N so i hope that’s ok. For the NSFW i added a few male and female clips for fun!


Warnings: Nsfw


Michael doesn’t talk much so being able to read his body language is a must.

He enjoys holding you when you guys fall asleep because he fears that someone or something will take you from him.

If anyone so much as threatens your existence, they suddenly turn up dead. For example, One of your Ex’s is bothering you? Welp, done worry cause they are gone.

Michael’s hands are much bigger then yours so he enjoys when you mess with his hands. He really likes it when you kiss his knuckles.

Due to the fact that Michael tends to ignore his wounds, you went out of your way to learn basic medical skills so you could tend to his wounds.

MASK KISSES do i really have to say any more?


Praise this man. Tell him he’s doing a good job.

After sex, i feel like Michael would just fall asleep and leave you to clean yourself up.

it doesn’t matter if your male, female or gender fluid, Michael will top you

Michael isn’t fond of you pulling his hair because it reminds him of the bullying he received as a kid.


He loves nuzzling his face between your breast, it don’t matter if their big or small

He prefers missionary because he can watch all the faces you make.

He really enjoys when you drag your nails down his back.


Don’t expect much head from him, he would rather you give it to him.

He has a strange thing for watching you jack off. Michael will just sit on a chair at the end of the bed and watch you get off.

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3 years ago

Hello! I came a cross your blog and I really like your writing! Your writing are very in characters and I LOVE IT! Is it okay to request some fluff headcons of Nanami, Yuuta and Yuuji telling their chubby S/O(female or male S/O, up to you!) that they love their softness? If you are uncomfortable of writing it you can ignore this ask and have a nice day or night!

Ok so i didn’t know if you meant soft as in physically or emotionally but i just went with physically. Also I sadly have no access to the JJK manga so i don’t know who Yuuta is yet so i just did Nanami and Yuuji! Also i just did a Female reader

Warnings: Hints of past Intercourse, and my friend said to mention that some characters are under aged.

Hello! I Came A Cross Your Blog And I Really Like Your Writing! Your Writing Are Very In Characters And

Yuuji Itadori

Yuuji never really cared much for other people’s opinions so in the beginning he never really noticed how much people’s words hurt you.

He noticed when someone had made a comment about him being super fit and you being ‘fat’. The pink haired puppy almost lost his temper when he heard that.

The small words of encouragement and soft touches from him would start up shortly after.

Yuuji even went softer when you two were being intimate.

❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉

Yuuji ran his hands up and down your sides as you stood in front of the bathroom mirror. His mocha colored eyes filled will love and adoration.

“Promise me something...” Yuuji whispered, breaking the sweet silence in the room. You hummed, as you smiled at him in the mirror.

“depends on what your going to ask.” You say as his large hands begin to travel towards your breast.

“Promise me that you’ll never try to be as skinny as the other girls” He said as he began to kiss up and down your neck. “No matter what they say.. i love everything about you,..”

He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you flush against his chest. “..And i especially love how soft you are~”

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

Nanami Kento

Hello! I Came A Cross Your Blog And I Really Like Your Writing! Your Writing Are Very In Characters And

Nanami could notice every little thing about you, even before the two of you were together. He was able to notice how much your weight bothered you, even before he knew your name.

When you two started dating he made sure he bought you clothing he knew you’d like, and if you didn’t like it, then he’d make you like it. 😈

Similar to Yuuji, He gets mad when people talk bad about you but he doesn’t show it. He just holds it in and if it’s someone from work, then he’ll find some way to fuck up their day (or week)

.•° ✿ °•.

You laid in bed next to nanami, your chest heaving up and down. Nanami looked over at you and gave you one of his rare smiles. The blonde loves the way the light, whether it be sun or moon light, kissed your skin.

“what are you looking at?” You said with a giggle. You rolled over onto your side and ran a hand through Nanami’s sweaty hair.

“I want you to know that I will love you no matter what others say about you or your body.” he said lightly as he leaned into your hand. “I love how soft you are not only emotionally, but also physically”

You blushed lightly and felt tears brim in your eyes. “I... thank you ‘nami”

°•. ✿ .•°

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2 years ago

hello there! i'm vincent or bodur, sometimes daryl, nd this is a place where I’ll just post random stuff, probably some of my writings which are usually x readers, bc why not y'know

tbh I’m still getting used to tumblr works, but my dms are always open no matter what. I’m mainly into horror movies, tally hall, gorillaz, & anything involving richard brake nd/or bill moseley, but i occasionally post about other things too (when i post once every like fuckin year)

I'll be updating this probs often , so watch out when it does. or don't, you do you of course

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