XDDDD - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago


So you're telling me someone pulls a James Wilke Booth on the Tumblr sexyman coded (even though he does not deserve it) king?

On no only Mars was shot and assasinated,

Romeo died of an STD

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1 year ago

Literally lost my shit in tge podcast today 🤦

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1 year ago
Nimona, looking devious and pointing at her phone, says, "Watch this, I'm going to show this meme to Ballister." 

The meme on her phone says:
[me showing my mom a funny meme.
My mom:
Then there is an image of Pooh Bear squinting in a grandpa-like 'I dont understand what this says' kind of way at a piece of paper.]
Nimona hands the phone to Ballister.
Nimona: "Hey Boss, check this out!"
Ballister: "Hmm? What is it Nimona?"
Ballister gets ready to read the meme by getting out a pair of reading glasses. He looks very focused and serious and mutters to himself, "ahem, alright."
Ballister, now with his reading glasses resting low on his nose, reads the meme. He has the exact pose and expression as Pooh-Bear from the meme Nimona was showing him.

I really wish Ballister wore his grandpa glasses in the movie.

edit. He should have worn them MORE

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5 years ago

Lanius is called the butcher because he has good meat

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Ale ciekawy ten tumblr XD

The tumblr so interesting XD

Stripping Richelieu)))
Stripping Richelieu)))
Stripping Richelieu)))
Stripping Richelieu)))
Stripping Richelieu)))
Stripping Richelieu)))
Stripping Richelieu)))
Stripping Richelieu)))

Stripping Richelieu)))

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1 year ago

Reporter: no homo

Lance: no, homo 😊

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8 years ago

wtf indeed

Someone Help @mx-bonescause I Think Theyre Broken.
Someone Help @mx-bonescause I Think Theyre Broken.
Someone Help @mx-bonescause I Think Theyre Broken.
Someone Help @mx-bonescause I Think Theyre Broken.
Someone Help @mx-bonescause I Think Theyre Broken.
Someone Help @mx-bonescause I Think Theyre Broken.
Someone Help @mx-bonescause I Think Theyre Broken.

Someone help @mx-bones cause I think they’re broken….

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1 year ago
Mort is precious, and we will protect him with our lives! #Madagascar pic.twitter.com/K4hjegwWfh

— DreamWorks Animation (@Dreamworks) July 25, 2023


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1 year ago


@other-artist yo te invoco!

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8 years ago



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7 years ago

PFFF just beautiful! 

Have A Silly Comic I Guess :v Idk XD
Have A Silly Comic I Guess :v Idk XD
Have A Silly Comic I Guess :v Idk XD
Have A Silly Comic I Guess :v Idk XD

Have a silly comic I guess :v idk XD

@virusdraw you better be nice to my bestie @azuly123toon

Now everyone knows what is hiding under that mask uvu

I’m not very good at drawing humans so sorry that it looks shitty xp I just made it for fun

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5 years ago

okay okay but hear this out

Okay Okay But Hear This Out

Warren is Kylo Ren You welcome

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6 months ago
bloomstudioart - bloomie

bloomstudioart - bloomie
bloomstudioart - bloomie


bloomstudioart - bloomie


This guy.

Something For freind

This Guy.

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6 months ago


But now that I'm thinking more about this (and by "thinking," I mean "whimsical spit-balling"), what is going on in Soul Society? Like, is it feudalism? It doesn't seem to fit into the mold of a lot of feudal societies (or how my pea-brain envisions feudalism, anyway)... since... well... the "Soul King" is certainly doing something, but whatever that something is, it sure as hell isn't "ruling" or "governing" Soul Society. Also, the traditional sources of value one might extract or would be preoccupied with in feudalism (land, agriculture) are sort of... annihilated or minimized according to the canon, e.g., Rukongai's extent is not fully known/exploited by the ruler/ruling class so taking dominion over the land doesn't seem to be a huge motivator for anyone, most souls don't need to eat meaning the importance of agriculture and the labor associated with it is greatly reduced, and there doesn't seem to be much in the way of knowledge let alone governance of more than the first few 50 or so districts in any of the 4 cardinal directions.

I suppose the Five Families could be considered "regents" of sorts who use/used the Soul King as cover and a source of authority for their proxy governance. This seems somewhat consistent with how the Soul King functions in the canon (if you squint hard enough, maybe?), which is to say it is less a monarch and more a mystical God-like figure. So, perhaps we can throw in some "Divine Right of Kings" zaniness into the mix to help explain in part why the non-noble/lesser noble folk accepted the stature and authority of the Five Families in the beginning. Given what is gestured at in canon, it doesn't seem like these Families are all friends or even that friendly with one another so I don't see co-governing as being a particularly peaceful/easy endeavor. They seem to have vassals in the form of lesser/lower houses pledged to them. (Which also probably helped/helps convince the common folk why they shouldn't bother objecting to the hierarchy. That and these families' spiritual talents, presumably.) However, this, again, is sort of weird.... Since, well, almost everyone with a title seemingly lives exclusively within Seireitei, as I'm not remembering any reference to these lords and ladies needing to scurry home to their vast Rukon estates/holdings out in the hinterland to lord over the common folk and make sure they grow the requisite bushels of soul crops to keep the rich people's spirit hearths burning in winter. Although, I may have missed that reference somewhere.

All things considered, perhaps Soul Society is less "feudalistic" and more "autocratic" or "oligarchic" since land doesn't seem to be much of a source of power/income/influence. Other things are. For sure.

So... getting back to my initial point of sussing out who or what, exactly, acts as the "state" in Soul Society, my guess is that it was the Five Families, at least at first. So, they likely owned/own all of the best land, which seems to be exclusively located in Seireitei. Perhaps their "ownership" is obscured through the Soul King (i.e., the Soul King "owns" the realm, but they operate it and profit from it as his management company LOL). Maybe they divvied up Soul Society or Seireitei? Perhaps in accordance with the Five Directions (north, south, east, west, and center)?

So, then, how did the Gotei nab some of this primo Seireitei property? From what I remember, which admittedly is not a lot, the Gotei rose up as a gang. So they acted less like "knights hired to protect feudal lords' land estates" and more like The Mob. At least one of the founding members of the Gotei was a member of one of the Five Families, but it's unclear to me if this dude was anyone important within that family. I'll assume so for parsimony. So, perhaps that was the Gotei's "in" to a path of legitimacy? Or maybe the other Four Families had their own versions of the Gotei, and it was the Shihōin's protection racketeer force who won out in the end to become Soul Society's standing military? Or, alternatively, the Five Families collectively decided, "Gee, we probably need to find a bunch of insane people to do our dirty work," and, after a rousing "let's get a team together" montage, the Gotei 13 was born, and the Families granted them use of certain sections of the Seireitei to run their operations out of?

I'm guessing the Central 46 was created sometime after... like maybe shortly after that time the Gotei 13 went genocidial. Perhaps some of the nobles who valued their peace were like, "Wasn't that a bit much, guys? Perhaps we need someone besides The Mob Boss and The Five Insane Guys Who Weekend-at-Bernies'd the Soul King to make these decisions?" So, the resident Shiba, perhaps. With respect to the Central 46, it is sort of interesting that the folks who make up the Central 46 aren't necessarily nobles (from my recollection), which makes Soul Society somehow even less "feudal" in my mind and more... like... vanilla authoritarian? Especially since it seems to be the functioning government of Seireitei and, ostensibly, Soul Society. (At least in theory....) I suppose the Central 46 would be the ones to ensure whatever property rights are conveyed to the Gotei 13 and other nobles are upheld, and it probably creates the rules and agencies responsible for creating, implementing, and enforcing whatever tax policies they have to ensure the Gotei 13 has a budget and an appropriate allocation of resources.

Which then brings me all the way back to eminent domain! OMG. I love it! And, yes, I think the Central 46 totally would, could, and have done it. Can you imagine the incredibly batshit insane things they can and have done? Like this is Soul Society, for Pete's sake! Who must you bribe to get them to take over some so-and-so's koi pond and claim it for the greater good? Also, you know they have superfund sites. Probably superfund dimensions. And, the zoning laws! I imagine they are on the level of the most Petty Betty HOA, but only for certain people. The Central 46 has never met a bill of attainder they didn't like.

Anyway... there's my totally non-linear, non-exhaustive, whatever thoughts on... something? Property? Feudalism? Pondering what the fuck is going on with Seireitei's "government" and history?

This probably requires a much longer, sprawling post (the number of tentacles increased exponentially every 2 seconds as I was thinking about this) but despite Gotei captains making good money and having fairly high social standing, I feel like land prices must be set artificially, astronomically high so that no one but the already-landed nobility [or a governmental entity, lie the Gotei] could possibly ever own anything. That 'officer's neighborhood' or whatever it is is cushy, but it's also technically just a reserve the nobility has consented to so that there's no reason for these people to live anywhere else (unless they already have property by virtue of being noble). Not sure how this works for commercial leases--are they subsidized by the 46? or does running a business require you to have some kind of arrangement with a noble family. DOES SILVER DRAGONFLY LEASE FROM THE KUCHIKI.

I'm not sure how this would work for Rukongai (except that surely it's very controversial to be buying/selling parcels in Rukongai to begin with, many considering it a foolish audacity to assume such a place can be owned) but I imagine that at the very least the property taxes (or whatever payments/responsibilities inhere in "ownership" in Rukongai, re: assuming responsibility for whatever shit happens out there/keeping it Hollow-controlled, etc.) present a functional barrier to ownership for most individuals.

The generational wealth gap (mostly in terms of having family vs. having no family, but also I guess in terms of shinigami who are really old vs. those who are not) must be bananas, too. But NO, NO, STOPPING, this post was supposed to be 2 sentences about Seireitei land prices and it's already about seventy other things. It's 9AM stopping STOPPING

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8 months ago

MCSM AU where everything is the same except Lukas is an ao3 writer with the most sporadic update schedule

"Hey guys sorry I'm late someone unleashed the apocalypse at Endercon and I spent the next few weeks trying to survive but I managed to finish the chapter at last!"

"Sorry for late update again, had a falling out with friends and one pushed me off of an island (there was water underneath) but here's the chapter you've been waiting for!"

"Late again my bad, me and my friends got stuck in this mesa and I got mind controlled by this evil computer and I almost died, but that won't stop me from updating!"

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