Xenogender Safespace - Tumblr Posts

Kissgender Pride Flag “kissgender is a gender connected to the 1973 rock band, kiss”

Kōgagender Pride Flag “a xenogender relating to Kōga from the anime Inuyasha”

Inuyashagender Pride Flag “a xenogender relating to Inuyasha from the anime Inuyasha”

Beavisandbuttheadgender Pride Flag “beavisandbuttheadgender: a xenogender related to the TV show, Beavis and Butthead.”

Kagomegender Pride Flag “a xenogender relating to Kagome from the manga/anime Inuyasha”

Buttheadgender Pride Flag “buttheadgender is a xenogender related to butthead from the TV show, beavis and butthead.”

Onlinedollmakergender Pride Flag “Onlinedollmakergender: a xenogender for when your gender feels like an online doll maker.”

Metallicagender Pride Flags “Metallicagender is a gender connected to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica.”

Metallicamantic + Metallicasexual Pride Flags
Metallicamantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicaexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica.

Metallicaplatonic + Metallicasensual + Metallicaalterous + Metallicaqueerplatonic Pride Flags
Metallicaplatonic: platonic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicasensual: sensual attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicaalterous: alterous attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicaqueerplatonic: queerplatonic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica.

JennasNagitoPlushieGender Pride Flag + Symbol
“JennasNagitoPlushieGender is a xenogender relating to the nagito plushies that Jenna has manufactured.”

JennasHajimePlushieGender Pride Flag + Symbol
“JennasHajimePlushieGender is a xenogender relating to the "hajime hinata” plushies that Jenna has manufactured.”
![[ID: A flag with 3 horizontal stripes, with each stripe bisected in two. The outer stripes are orange on the left and green on the right, while the middle stripe is yellow on the left and teal on the right. In the center of the flag is a white four-pointed star with a tiger emoji in the middle.]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/facc7f1ae95ddbd421a42872fa6d9b77/d14f252d671e9afb-2c/s500x750/321f72cc812e7b104d796d4d70bdb5b99eaaf115.png)
🐅emojic Pride Flag
“🐅emojic is a emojigender relating to the "🐅" emoji”
hihi!! can i request a cesar torres sexual and romantic term for attraction to cesar torres from mandela catalogue? :>

CesarTorresGender Pride Flags
CesarTorresGender: a xenogender relating/connected to Cesar Torres from The Mandela Catalogue.

CesarTorressexual Pride Flags
CesarTorressexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to Cesar Torres from The Mandela Catalogue.

CesarTorresmantic Pride Flags
CesarTorresmantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to Cesar Torres from The Mandela Catalogue.

CesarTorresGender Pride Symbols

Unorganzinggender Pride Flag + Symbol
“Unorganzinggender is a xenogender that is unorganized or is unorganizing. It can also apply to whole or parts of gender hoards that are unorganized.”

Canceledgender Pride Flag
“Canceledgender is a xenogender connected to being "canceled."”

McdonaldsFrappegender/Mcdonalds☕gender Pride Flag + Symbol
“McdonaldsFrappegender/Mcdonalds☕gender is a gastrogender connected to frappes and/or coffee at the fast food restaurant.”

McdonaldsChickenNuggetsgender/Mcdonalds🐓gender Pride Flag + Symbol
“McdonaldsChickenNuggetsgender/Mcdonalds🐓gender is a gastrogender connected to mcdonalds chicken nuggets and/or the feeling of eating them.”

McdonaldsOrdergender/Mcdonalds〽️🟫gender Pride Flag + Symbol
“McdonaldsOrdergender/Mcdonalds〽️🟫gender is a gastrogender connected to mcdonalds orders and/or the feeling of getting an order.”

Ditzygender Pride Flags
“Ditzygender is a gender relating to being silly and unorganized.”