Xiangling Genshin Impact - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Rememberance (Chat Log 3)

TWs: Mentions of nightmares, one mention of that movie where a dog dies and is repeatedly reincarnated, Amy's Baking Company and other Gordon Ramsay references, mention of matches and other fire-related tools, and alcohol.


[venti] has changed [Alasass]'s name to [xiao]

[venti] has changed [Sassbedo]'s name to [albedo]

[venti] has changed [Fandango]'s name to [scaramouche]

[venti] has changed [Fan of Dango]'s name to [Raiden Ei]

venti: okay with that out of the way

scaramouche: This isn't my name

venti: what would you prefer, country destroyer or evil villain clown

kae: Princess Bride, perhaps?

venti: That's what i thought

venti: anyway due to last game night's unfortunate alcoholic end

venti: we ain't allowed to have game nights

venti: So instead we're having ⭐movie nights⭐ that we might play games at idk

venti: takin requests now

venti: ah yes a classic. 

luc: By now, you can probably quote the thing by heart.

luc: shut

kae: I mean yeah

kae: says mister Tangled himself

albedo: In all honesty, I expect Klee to recommend something involving more explosions than an episode of mythbusters

venti: okay tangled, princess bride, no we aren't watching any horror because klee will be there this time

venti: dainsleif probably wanted to keep an eyes on us smh

Outrider Amber: You know, at this point I expect klee to be burning down the pyro dorms at any moment

Outrider Amber: You'd think it'd be me and my baron bunnies but nope it's klee 

XinxinYanyan: amys? you ight? Who harmd you?

xiangling: Why do you put matches in stuffed animals anyway?

xiangling: also, hot ones or something gordon ramsey

xiangling: hotel hell or kitchen nightmares’s amys baking company

Outrider Amber: self defense. and what about guoba? why is he armed with a blowtorch

xiangling: 1)KAREN

xiangling: 2) you never know when you need to make creme brulee

venti: yo @students movies???

Beidou, baby: The fact that it's happened enough for you to attack a blowtorch to a dog is just weird

Beidou, baby: *attach goddamnit

venti: okieee 

bennyboy: Razor said he wanted the dog one. probably the one that kept reincarnating as other dogs

bennyboy: but i'm not ready to cry so


Direct Message:

Ajax Jr. > Venti Carmen Dei

AJ: Hey so

AJ: You said you were having some nightmares?

AJ: Did it have anything to do with chess pieces, Zhongli with abs, and some dark place called the Abyss

VCD: No.

VCD: Not that I remember.

VCD: hahahah yea nothin bout that

AJ: Punctuation?

AJ: Are you sure

AJ: K thanks nvm

VCD: if it's about the abyss and someone taking my heart out, then yes.


XA: has venti been off recently?

Direct Message:

Xiao Alatus > Zhongli Lapis Dei

ZLD: Not to my knowledge, though he has been more flighty than usual.

XA: He hasn't done anything recently an dlooks pretty sad. idk what to do

ZLD: For now, we can wait. If you would like, we can spend time with him.

XA: I'll ask Aeth for his time

ZLD: Enjoy yourselves.

XA: sHut


Direct Message:

Lumine Viatrix Genshin > Dainsleif Twili

DT: As you wish, my lady.

LVG: Dainsleif, Aether and I have come to the decision that, should Barbatos request a full restoration, we will follow through. 

LVG: Do not be alarmed if you feel the presence of the Archons in this time.

DT: That is greatly appreciated.

LVG: If Aether asks you, this is for the good and benefit of the denizens of this world. Not because of personal business.

LVG: In exchange, we will trust your judgement on restoring Regent-Alberich's memory.

LVG: Good night.


venti: okay so i've got good news and bad news

venti: good news is we aren't allowed to have cross-dorm game nights/movie nights anymore

venti: wait no that's the bad news and there is no good news

Jean Gunholder: Was this an order from Mr. Dainslef?

venti: yeah something abt being too irresponcible.


🐱: This is becuz you all keep drinking alcohol!

venti: diona there are literal children like yourself in the dorms

venti: I don't dare drink the good stuff near them

venti: ehe

luc: vcd_bill_29.png

luc: yes and here's the bill for the good stuff you drank as soon as they went to sleep


viator: I'm sorry, i'll get paimon a new phone soon

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