thought about starting a writing blog but kinda failed. 18 | they/them | bisexual
446 posts
Rememberance (Chat Log 3)
Rememberance (Chat Log 3)
TWs: Mentions of nightmares, one mention of that movie where a dog dies and is repeatedly reincarnated, Amy's Baking Company and other Gordon Ramsay references, mention of matches and other fire-related tools, and alcohol.
[venti] has changed [Alasass]'s name to [xiao]
[venti] has changed [Sassbedo]'s name to [albedo]
[venti] has changed [Fandango]'s name to [scaramouche]
[venti] has changed [Fan of Dango]'s name to [Raiden Ei]
venti: okay with that out of the way
scaramouche: This isn't my name
venti: what would you prefer, country destroyer or evil villain clown
kae: Princess Bride, perhaps?
venti: That's what i thought
venti: anyway due to last game night's unfortunate alcoholic end
venti: we ain't allowed to have game nights
venti: So instead we're having ⭐movie nights⭐ that we might play games at idk
venti: takin requests now
venti: ah yes a classic.
luc: By now, you can probably quote the thing by heart.
luc: shut
kae: I mean yeah
kae: says mister Tangled himself
albedo: In all honesty, I expect Klee to recommend something involving more explosions than an episode of mythbusters
venti: okay tangled, princess bride, no we aren't watching any horror because klee will be there this time
venti: dainsleif probably wanted to keep an eyes on us smh
Outrider Amber: You know, at this point I expect klee to be burning down the pyro dorms at any moment
Outrider Amber: You'd think it'd be me and my baron bunnies but nope it's klee
XinxinYanyan: amys? you ight? Who harmd you?
xiangling: Why do you put matches in stuffed animals anyway?
xiangling: also, hot ones or something gordon ramsey
xiangling: hotel hell or kitchen nightmares’s amys baking company
Outrider Amber: self defense. and what about guoba? why is he armed with a blowtorch
xiangling: 1)KAREN
xiangling: 2) you never know when you need to make creme brulee
venti: yo @students movies???
Beidou, baby: The fact that it's happened enough for you to attack a blowtorch to a dog is just weird
Beidou, baby: *attach goddamnit
venti: okieee
bennyboy: Razor said he wanted the dog one. probably the one that kept reincarnating as other dogs
bennyboy: but i'm not ready to cry so
Direct Message:
Ajax Jr. > Venti Carmen Dei
AJ: Hey so
AJ: You said you were having some nightmares?
AJ: Did it have anything to do with chess pieces, Zhongli with abs, and some dark place called the Abyss
VCD: No.
VCD: Not that I remember.
VCD: hahahah yea nothin bout that
AJ: Punctuation?
AJ: Are you sure
AJ: K thanks nvm
VCD: if it's about the abyss and someone taking my heart out, then yes.
XA: has venti been off recently?
Direct Message:
Xiao Alatus > Zhongli Lapis Dei
ZLD: Not to my knowledge, though he has been more flighty than usual.
XA: He hasn't done anything recently an dlooks pretty sad. idk what to do
ZLD: For now, we can wait. If you would like, we can spend time with him.
XA: I'll ask Aeth for his time
ZLD: Enjoy yourselves.
XA: sHut
Direct Message:
Lumine Viatrix Genshin > Dainsleif Twili
DT: As you wish, my lady.
LVG: Dainsleif, Aether and I have come to the decision that, should Barbatos request a full restoration, we will follow through.
LVG: Do not be alarmed if you feel the presence of the Archons in this time.
DT: That is greatly appreciated.
LVG: If Aether asks you, this is for the good and benefit of the denizens of this world. Not because of personal business.
LVG: In exchange, we will trust your judgement on restoring Regent-Alberich's memory.
LVG: Good night.
venti: okay so i've got good news and bad news
venti: good news is we aren't allowed to have cross-dorm game nights/movie nights anymore
venti: wait no that's the bad news and there is no good news
Jean Gunholder: Was this an order from Mr. Dainslef?
venti: yeah something abt being too irresponcible.
🐱: This is becuz you all keep drinking alcohol!
venti: diona there are literal children like yourself in the dorms
venti: I don't dare drink the good stuff near them
venti: ehe
luc: vcd_bill_29.png
luc: yes and here's the bill for the good stuff you drank as soon as they went to sleep
viator: I'm sorry, i'll get paimon a new phone soon
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More Posts from Borbsbirbs

such an eventful world raid lmao.
when i realized what mob they were referring to, i malfunctioned 'cause i didnt know the nAME - and if i search it might take time and they'll leave so i just went for triangle ashddhakdhak
Too Tight
TW: Body dysphoria, gender dysphoria, gender being wacky, Traveler Aether, Aether being a weird alien creature, Game mechanics taken seriously, implied genderfluid Aether, no actual ending. Ventfic.
~ It was all too tight.
Like a T-shirt at the bottom of the drawer that you swear you couldn't fit into, but your mom said you had to wear.
His Her Their Its wings were confined to the body, no bones nor muscle, yet tight all the same.
It was all too tight.
Like the suffocating feeling of being called the wrong name, of being called Lumine when they he she it was Aether.
But it was... manageable.
But the wings aren't there.
The limbs aren't there and Aether still panics.
If Aether closed her their his its eyes and pretended to Be, it was easier.
But Aether nor Lumine were not human.
So Aether became.
Clothes would change to fit, hair and eyes, bones and all. Their memories would meld with Aether's own, and Aether would simple become.
Aether, he, she, they, it, became whatever Aether needed to be.
And the tight, filthy itch would settle.
Aether looked in the mirror and saw Amber staring back at her.
And she felt nothing but relief. To know that the itch that plagued her would stop, so long as she obey her subconscious and become.
But Outrider Amber is a public figure, so Aether simply doesn't.
He She They It walks alone as him her them it -self and deals with the itch.
Aether looked into the mirror and wanted to become, to stop it, to let wings be free, to let Aether be him her them it self but Aether can't. Shouldn't.
Aether fights.
Alone, for commissions, so that Aether can become.
They can fight. He can deal with the itch. Or sometimes, it stops it completely. She makes the shirt less tight, or sometimes makes it tighter.
Aether wants to become, but he she they it just can't.
To steal a face, to steal a form, to free from that tight shirt, to scratch the itch...
Aether shouldn't take it. Their forms, their faces, their memories and personalities.
But even still, He She They It becomes.
GI: Actor AU... but they meet their actors
Part 2
TW: Nothing, but it's a long textpost so i'm still putting it under a read more
As "Lucas" stood up, Diluc drew his blade, anticipating him to step back in fear or shock, just not- wonder.
"Miki, look!" he chirped. "The actual Favonius Greatsword! Imagine doing Cori’s fight choreography with that." His eyes were practically glowing, light shining in his pupils.
"Alright, let's just- put the bigass sword down, thank you-" the Kaeya-clone muttered, brushing his bangs back, revealing a slight eyepatch tan. Despite the situation, Diluc held back a smirk.
Hesitantly, he lowered the blade.
Kaeya-copy clapped his hands, letting out a forced smile. Too obviously bothered, Diluc noticed. "Lovely, lovely, Introduction time! I'm Mikail, I play, well, obviously Kaeya in Genshin Impact and Lucas-"
"That's me!"
"Yes, Lucas, I know. Plays Diluc. Pretty obvious, by the hair colors."
An uneasy silence fell between the three.
Diluc didn’t know what to think of the copies, as they whispered between themselves.
As time crawled on, more people began to wake.
"Impressive," Albedo murmured from beside him. "Versions of ourselves, almost perfectly visually identical."
A sigh echoed from the other side of the room, a girl who's facial structure resembled Albedo's, though her silver hair trailed far down her back. "I'm... Well, you can call me Cori," She said, shrugging on a perfect copy of Albedo's own jacket.
"So you are the Cori that they mentioned?" Diluc asked, recalling something about her ‘choreography.’
"Yes," She said, voice soft as she nodded. "It's not my name, but I kind of prefer it? I'm the Choreographer for the Genshin Impact Movie Fanproject... and somehow also the director, though that was mostly unintentional." Her hand brushed through her hair as she finally made proper eye contact with Albedo.
It was odd. It was definitely his face, but everything else was a bit off.
Her hair was unlike his own, long and flowing silver. Her voice was softer than his own, and had no birthmark. And yet, she seemed to reflect Albedo's form before him.
Another voice, familiar yet uncannily different as Sucrose sat straight up, glasses nowhere to be seen. Human ears were barely hidden by her hair as she glanced around, looking across the room.
"Dammit, were we supposed to be filming again? I didn't think we were doing another Albedo related scene until..." She trailed off, eyes glancing around the room. "Huh." she muttered. "Cori, why're you half in costume and why is there an Albedo there? Didja find someone to play Subject Two?"
"Sucrose?" Albedo called out, unsure of himself. Not-Sucrose shrugged.
It was very clearly not the Sucrose that the Teyvatians knew as their own. She did not stutter, nor flinch, instead standing tall as she took initiative to speak.
"I mean kinda? I do play as Sucrose, but only in the Fanmovie. Hashtag-not-sponsored. Oh, I'm Honey. Ironic, right? I mean, sucrose is in honey, I think."
A choreographer.
"I... see." Albedo muttered.
"So? What's your name, newbie?"
"I am Albedo-" he began, abruptly cut off by 'Honey'.
"Cori, you found someone named Albedo to play Albedo? Are you not going to be acting again?"
Diluc glanced around his side of the room. Every vision holder he knew, from Barbara to that one bartender cat was there, but who would...
The leader of the Yun Opera House.
Miss Yun Jin would know.
Gently, he stirred her awake, watching as her eyes slowly peeled open and took in the room around her.
"Where am I?"
"That's what we'd like to know," 'Mikail' replied. "One moment we're getting ready to film, next thing we're in a room with the very characters we play."
"How strange." Cori placed her hand on her chin, a perfect imitation of the pose Albedo does.
"That was... Oddly satisfying." The Alchemist copied her pose. "Is that what I look like when I do that?"
Cori flinched slightly. "...heh, I guess I picked up that habit after doing it so many times..." She muttered. "But yes, Miss Yun Jin, we don't know where we are... though we do have a television here for some reason. And a gaming PC"
Tele Vision, Albedo noted. A strange compound word, what was a Tele anyway? More importantly, what did pee-sea mean?
Yun Jin's eyes widened, realizing exactly what 'Mikail' had said
The very characters we play.
To Dream of Reality ~ Thoma 1 ~
"meal, and rumors"
TW: Waking up from a good dream. The reader is viewed as a ghostly figure. "Pale" in this context refers to ghostly-pale, again, not "white-person" pale, though it can if it applies to your perspective. Otherwise, nothing. Just Thoma being wholesome.
A/N: Yes this is a series, if y'all have requests, just send me an ask.
That night, you had dreamed of Thoma.
Of a meal cooked by his hand.
Of a meal shared with him and the Kamisato siblings.
Of his bright, sweet smile.
You dream of dogs and cats alike, warm as he laughs next to you, petting the soft creatures.
Thoma had finished his pre-dawn chores. Rumors of the Creator's temporary appearance had spread through the land.
"Their Grace appears, lives as one of the citizens, and vanishes."
"They're checking in on Teyvat! Making sure the normal citizens are living full lives!"
"What if they're dissatisfied?!"
The last rumor in particular had the Tri-Commission in full gear, hoping to improve the lives of everyday citizens in hopes that their Great Creator would praise them.
But for now, Thoma knows, he must simply cook breakfast for the Master and his sister.
As the miso melts within the ladle, quiet footsteps echoed throughout the room. In any other situation, Thoma would have summoned his shield, protecting himself and his 'family.'
But he did not fear.
He turned around and saw the ghostly pale figure of the Creator, smiling at him. Silently, they leaned over the pot as if to smell it, their smile only growing as they looked up at him and spoke in an unfamiliar language, though the meaning echoed throughout his mind.
"It smells great! I can't wait!"
If he has to use more ingredients, he's sure it'll be alright.
It's for the Creator, after all.
He served the miso soup along side fish and rice- True Traditional Inazuman breakfast.
The Creator held chopsticks with grace, lifting a bite of rice to their lips, drinking the soup alongside it.
Thoma held his breath, and the Master and Young Miss watched from their side of the table.
"H-How is it, Your Grace?" He stutters, looking into the Eyes of the True Divine.
The Creator smiled, and Thoma couldn't help but feel warm.
"It's delicious!" They say, in their divine tongue. The meal is finished in silence, comfortable if not a bit awkward.
And as silently they arrived, too did they vanish, leaving clean dishes behind, every bite polished off.
Thoma could not help but feel as if the rest of the day was a blur. A strange, unsettling nervousness followed him, for he knew that rumors spread fast.
The Creator had blessed him, the Creator had eaten his own cooking, the Creator was happy because of him.
Relief and jealousy was easy to hear.
But again, did the rumors change but that very afternoon; That a Ghostly Figure, draped in Outlander-like clothing, walked around without a care.
He found you beneath the Yumemiru-Sakura tree where dogs and cats napped all day. You would smile at him, hold up a cat and press its paw to his nose with a cheeky grin.
And he would smile back.
You felt as if you were floating.
And the alarm clock calls you back to the waking world.
Saddened, you stand up and look in the mirror-
It's you.
Not the Creator, but you.
...You cannot help but wonder who you will dream of tonight.