Yandere Blood Of Zeus - Tumblr Posts
New Fandoms I write for now: πβ€π~
Highest rise invasion
The remarried empress
Lore Olympus
BATIM ( Bendy and the ink machine )
Poppy playtime
Litte nightmares ( For Mono and Six, I'll only strictly write platonic pieces for obvious reasons. )
Scp Foundation
Dark Deception
Food wars
Blood of Zeus

Angel AU: Baddie Darling Persona
" I wonder what's it like to sleep with an Angel...... "
Angel AU: Bitch Darlingsona
π You're either a human, Demon, Fae, or Angel in this AU in general.
π But for the sake of these headcanons, you'll be a human.
π And you are not a good human...... At all.
π you're a bad one. Little to no redeeming qualities what's so ever.
π You're slick as you are sneaky, and quite the little manipulator. Plus you're very selfish.
π A few examples to show how evil you can be.
π 1; You're next-door neighbors with a sweet college student. He has a pet bird who is his emotional support animal, like many other pets out there. The bird is rather sweet and is loyal to its owner, so he's free from his cage most of the time. The problem for you is that it's quite noisy and you never liked birds. So one day you had enough of it and looerd the bird into yours. You fed the bird homemade bird food.......... with rat poison mixed in with it. You didn't get caught when you're distressed neighbor found his sweet birdy lying there incredibly sick and weak.
π 2; you sprayed weed killer on your elderly neighbor's prized garden after her husband broke his promise twice for not mowing your lawn for you. Now the thing about this elderly couple is that they don't have a lot of money. So the elderly woman has heart disease, and that requires her to eat healthy foods to help combat it. So to save money and as a nice little hobby, she started a little garden. With years of care, patience, and love the garden become one of her most prized possessions. Her husband on the other hand is a kind patient man that suffers from dementia because of his age. You paid the old man to mow your lawn for you while you're out of town for 2 weeks, you were going on vacation. When you get back, your lawn wasn't mowed and it grew 3 inches. You asked the old man why he didn't do what he paid you for. He told you he must have forgotten and apologized for it. You decided that you'd be a bit lenient with him and tell him to do your lawn for you when you do on your next trip with your team. The trip was coming up in about 3 weeks. So you gave him plenty of reminders of what he needs to do within said 3 weeks. The day came for your trip and you reminded the old man one last time to make sure he mowed your lawn while you were gone. It didn't happen because when you got back, your lawn wasn't mowed and it grew 4 1/2 inches. Now fed up and money wasted, you paid someone else to do it while you were scheming. You decided that you were going to make their pockets hurt and cause a few tears to fall. Their 3rd honeymoon was coming up in 4 weeks. They saved up money for a whole month to hire a good housesitter. When the day came and they left before the housesitter came your sprayed a shit ton of weed killer on the elderly woman's garden. Because of their lack of money to get security cameras and no witnesses around to catch you in the act, you didn't get caught.
π 3; You put gorilla glue in your old college friend's shampoo. Your old friend used to be just like you, an evil bitch. She slept with you at the time boyfriend, and even still after all these years, you didn't get over it. Now your engaged old friend invited you out to eat to catch up with her. You accepted her invitation and had a plan in mind. You got to say, she did a complete 360Β° over the years. But that still didn't spare her for what you had planned. You acted like you drastically changed over the years too to fool her and make yourself the least likely culprit. So when you went to her house, you told her that your have to go to the bathroom/ you were on your time of the month, so you needed to attend to that business. You snake your large tub of gorilla glue into the bathroom with you and started searching for her shampoo. When you found it, you poured out more than half the bottle and started squeezing the glue into the shampoo bottle. When finished, you stayed a little longer to catch up. Then you left to go home. About 2 weeks have passed and you got curious as to what could your old friend be doing. So you stalked her on Twitter and found a post saying that she and her fiance will be postponing the webbing. Gee, you wondered why ~
π 4; One of your co-workers stood you up, you gave them gonorrhea. One of your co-workers has been flirting with you for a little while. They have a bit of a reputation for being a fuckperson, but you didn't care. Wanting to go out to a nice place and get dicked down afterward was your plan with them, and the both of you have been low-key planning it for a month. So when the time came; you were already at the restaurant all dolled/ dressed up, sipping on some champagne. You were just waiting for them now. They stood you up in favor of another person. You being a person not liking their time and money being wasted, wanted revenge. So you were messing around with another person that's a doctor, and you got the bright idea to see what you could find to get back at them. After spending some time together and sleeping over. When they left the house to go to work, you snuck into their office and started snooping into their patient's files. Until you found this one girl. She was pretty and looked a little older than you, but you found something very interesting in her files. She has gonorrhea. Bingo. So you wrote down her number on your little notepad and decided to proceed with your little scheme when you got back home. When you got home, you quickly went to one of your burner phones to begin texting her. Over the weeks of none stop texting, you eventually gained her trust. And with that trust, you suggested her a nice date. She accepted and you gave her your co-worker's social media information. Over the next few weeks, you'd overhear bits and pieces of your co-worker's conversations. What you could piece together is that they've found someone new and they can't wait to take them out on a date. That must be her. You asked her how her date here and there, you know to get updates for your plan. She said it was going well. Until one day at work, your co-worker was unusually quiet. You asked them what was wrong and they mumbled quietly that they didn't want to talk about it. You knew why they didn't want to talk about it.....
π And that's only to name a few of the things you've done.
πΌ Which is unfortunate for your supposed guardian Angel.
πΌ To put it simply, they're not happy with your behavior. They're very disappointed in you!
πΌ You were never like this when you were younger. Sure; A bit problematic, but never think bad.
πΌ At this point you're destined for a one-way ticket to hell at this rate!!!
π And to be honest, you didn't truly care. You've kind of embraced the fact that you'll be going to hell one day. And find it rather laughable and amusing.
πΌ Not on their watch.........
πΌ One day; after walking out of your boss's office, A person walked up to you asking for assistance. You grudgingly helped them after seeing if someone else can help them.
πΌ But you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something strange about them.
πΌ Later in the week, you found out the same person you helped was a newbie/ A new Intern. And you were tasked with helping them get settled in.
πΌ You gave them a quick rundown on the rules and regulations and told them if they need anything ask ( co-worker name ).
πΌ But even then you couldn't shake off that something was unnatural about them.
πΌ So you just ignored them for the most part and avoided them. Thinking that the feeling you have for them will eventually go away.
πΌ Boy were you wrong...
πΌ You'd find white feathers appearing in your office randomly.
πΌ You'd see numbers like 111 appear on your clock, despite it not happening to everyone else's clocks.
πΌ Whenever the new worker/ intern will walk past you; A gentle breeze of air will hit you when the AC isn't on.
πΌ Clouds will appear over your workplace, despite the weather station saying they'll be no clouds that day.
πΌ You would find coins in the oddest places.
πΌ And the feeling about your new co-worker/ intern has worsened.
π Eventually though, you had enough and decided to investigate them. Since it seems there is more than meets the eye about them.
π Now you wouldn't go full stalker mode on the new co-worker/ intern. Because 1; That's creepy even for you, and 2; you don't have the time. But you will ask for their social media information and stalk them on there.
π Over the following weeks you still suffered the strange instances, but still found nothing on the new co-worker/ intern or anything out of the ordinary. You did however find a strange symbol.
π Maybe they're pagan and practice witchcraft?
π Maybe. It was your only lead on them, so only one way to find out.
π After work you went to a psychic shop that was owned by 2 witches. You gave them a zoomed-in photo of the symbol you spotted in your new co-worker's/ Intern's picture.
π They told you that Angels or people working with angels uses those type of symbols.
π So you were right, they do witchcraft.
π Satisfied with this, you thanked them and went home. You decided to drop it.
π It's over right? wrong again.
π One day while going through your boss's security cameras. You spotted something that made you flabbergasted.
π The co-worker you recently investigated vanished from the CCT footage, only leaving a single feather behind.
π You kept rewinding it to see if you can find a logical explanation. But everything was perfectly fine. No glitch, no bug whatsoever in the system.
π Until the CCT began to flicker and shut off. You tried to turn it back on but it didn't work.
π You felt a warm touch ghost around your shoulder.
π Everything was completely radio silent.........
π You felt another touch ghost it's way on your thigh. You looked down and saw white feathers.
π Then you heard it.......
πΌ " Do not be afraid......... "

Extra: A bit about you π
π You love material things. It just brings you great satisfaction.
π Another thing that brings you joy is money and sex.
π Speaking of money and sex, you have 4 sugar parents. One of them is your boss.
π You certainly have a burn book π
π You have a Great Dane named Lucifer and a Cat named Beelza. So you have both fat cat and scary dog privileges.
π You're a bit of a crybaby when it comes down to certain topics and things.
π You get childish at times.
π You're a foodie.
π You're really good at cooking both Italian and Indian dishes.
π You're very much an opportunist and are not afraid to backstab and drag others down. This kind of stems from the fact you're selfish.
π Remember when those examples I gave earlier. Yeah, it's to show if anyone were to mess with your time AND money or just anything that is deemed yours, they'll find themselves in a situation they'll regret...

Hello Angels π. This is my newest AU. And I'm surprisingly proud of this one, and it was short to do. Now if any of you would like me to do another darlingsona for this AU, please let me know. If feel like it'll get interesting. Well until next time my little tainted Angels, see you soon πβ€π~
P.S. It is perfectly fine if you'd like to use my AU, just don't forget to credit please.
Deity AU: Darling; Goddess of nature, healing, fertility, and motherhood π±π¦π€°π½.
π± In this AU, there are 6 main Rulers. There are exceptions of course, but more on that later.
π± You're one of those Rulers. You rule over any plane that is fertile with life.
π± In this AU in general; you're either a human, deity, or some minor or half-divine being ( like a nymph or demigod ). But in this instance, you're a goddess.
π± You're a part of the first generation of Gods.
π± You're the goddess of nature, healing, fertility, and motherhood.
π± You're kingdom and domain are the same.
π€°π½ You're the daughter of mother earth and are deemed to be the new mother.
π± You have a kind of strained relationship with the humans, for... Obvious reasons......
π€°π½ You have kids.
π€°π½ You're the mother of the nymphs.
π€°π½ You're the protector of pregnant people, mothers, babies, and children.
π€°π½π€ You are more likely to turn platonic yandere than you are to turn a romantic one.
π¦ You're a lover of alcohol ( but aren't an alcoholic ).
π¦ You love alcohol so much, that you turned it into a winery business.
π¦ You also love chocolate.
π¦ You turned that love for it into a successful business too.
π¦ You're good at cooking but prefer baking.
π¦ You're a very empathetic being.
π¦ You're a terrible singer.
π¦ But to make up for it yourself a good dancer.
π¦ Belly dancing is your favorite.
π¦ You're very flexible. And is well a rope bunny.
π€°π½ You treat your followers/ devotees as if they were your children. And in a way they are.
π¦π±π¦ I feel as though offerings for you would consist of Fruits, veggies, honey, Wine, cocoa beans, baby toys and/or clothes, medical symbols, and bugs ( dead or alive ? ).
π¦π±π¦ You're commonly associated with bees and butterflies.
π¦π±π¦ The occasional offerings would consist of money, weed, money, gold, obsidian, jade, and clear quartz.
π± Now to those who read and know mythology that has a relationship to the gods, you'll know for a fact the deities can be just as cruel as they are kind. You my lovely reader are no exception.
π± You don't get provoked easily, but when you do. You have the power to place nasty curses on the ones that have done wrong to you.
π± Your more tamer and lighter curses consist of turning people into trees, flowers, rocks, rivers, and bugs. Just plant life or insects.
π± In mid-territory, you can place temporary illnesses on someone.
π± Moving on to the heavy hitters; You can cause infertility, mass disease, famine, and turn beings/ people into grotesque earth-bound spirits.
π± In general, you're a chill deity. And is very busy most of the time.

This is my newest AU and I hope you all enjoyed it. It's been in my drafts collecting dust, so I decided to finish it and post it. Well until next time my little tainted Angels, see you soon πβ€π ~

Deity AU: darling; Goddess of nature, healing, fertility, and motherhood.
Protecter of pregnant people, babies, and children.
Ask box is Open π€ππ€ ~

New Non- yandere Blog. Come check it out!!!
Non-yandere blog: @madame-cupid

Deity AU: Darling; Goddess of sex, fire, death, creativity, architecture, and volcanoes.

Deity AU: Darling; goddess of sex, fire, death, creativity, architecture, and volcanoes π₯π¬πΏ.
π₯In this AU, there are 6 main rulers. There are exceptions of course, but more on that later.
π₯ You're not one of those rulers. But If you married one you can be a co-ruler.
π₯ In this AU in general; you're either a human, a deity, or some minor or half-divine being ( like a demigod or nymph ). But in this case, you're a goddess.
π₯ You're part of the second generation of gods.
π₯ You're a minor deity
π₯ You're the goddess of sex, fire, death, creativity, architecture, and volcanoes
π₯ Humans know you as a harlot ( the cheating partner likes to blame you for their adulterous ways ) and the Lady of Death. So some are afraid of you, others hate you. So you're not particularly a fan favorite par say........
π¬ You don't really care for the humans. You don't hate them, but you also don't love them.
πΏ You're very artistic
π¬ Unapologetically blunt and upfront. Brutally honest to a T.
π¬ Smokes cigarettes and cigars
π¬ Under heavy negative emotions you'll chain smoke.
π¬ Also under any heavy emotion the smoke you admit can show what you're thinking and/ or feeling. They're called smoke signals ( ex: hearts when you're in love, chains when you're feeling trapped, stars when you're amazed, etc. )
π₯ Speaking of smoke, you can produce 3 different types of smoke. White/ grey is safe to breathe in, red is an aphrodisiac, and black is very toxic/ poisonous.
π₯ Protects sex workers or anyone that works in a similar line of work.
π₯ Also protects construction workers
πΏ You live in a mini palace
πΏ The statues you create guards said palace.
πΏ Speaking of Statues; the ones in graveyards, you use to watch the dead and keep an eye out for troublemakers.
πΏ Snakes are your spirit animal ( They're EVERYWHERE in your domain )
π¬ Lover of alcohol
π₯ Offerings for you consist of red roses, black roses, sometimes white roses, cigarettes, cigars, alcohol, pomegranates, blood oranges, red apples, cherries, obsidian, rubies, baby-making juice Cum, red and/ or black clothing ( sometimes white too ), shedded snakeskin, candles, art ( any kind ), and blood.
π₯ You're commonly associated with the colors red, black, and/ or sometimes white.
π₯ Insects that you're associated with are moths.
π¬ Very flexible
π¬ Pole dancing is one of your favorite past times
π¬ Very level-headed. Takes a lot to tic you off. ( But when you are upset, you can cause volcanic eruptions )
π¬ You don't like spicy food
π¬ You have a lot of acquaintances, but very few friends.
π¬ Long sharp nails. They're usually painted in some form of red or black.
π₯ Your sibling is a snake. You used to be a snake, but evolved.
π¬ Intoverted
π¬ A good liar.
πΏ Your home doesn't stay the same way for too long. You're always changing it to fit your wants and desires.
πΏ Your indoor garden is by far one of your favorite places in your home. It is close to second. Tying at first is your art room and art gallery.
πΏ You have a couple of pomegranate and blood orange trees in your garden.
π¬ You're a great dancer. Very skilled at belly dancing
π₯ It should be common knowledge that deities can be cruel beings at times. You are no exception.
π₯ The curses you place on some can range from sad to incredibly cruel.
π₯ The lighter/ tamer curses you can place on someone is turning someone into snakes, moths, rats, and mice ( when you turn someone into a rodent, you debate whether or not to feed them to your snake spirit friends )
π₯ In the mid territory, you'll turn people into statues and put their still very much alive bodies in a dark place. Where they won't be seen again.
π₯ The more server curses you can place on someone is burning them alive and having their soul tormented in the afterlife, causing mass destruction via volcanic eruption, causing mass death, turning one's souls into grotesque wandering spirits.
π₯ All in all, you're one of the most chill and unbothered deities.

Second darling deity I did π! This was by far my favorite as of right now. Maybe next time I can do a nymph or a human darling in the Deity AU. Hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did π. Until next time my little tainted Angels, see you soon β€πβ€ ~
Facts about my AUs: part 1
Demon King(s)'s Maid AU:
- You have 7 pet rats. 3 of them are girls and 4 of them are boys. Their names are;
Medmel ( female )
Jezebel ( female )
Nigel ( boy )
Norma ( female )
Melvyn ( boy )
Sullivan ( boy )
Esteban ( boy )
- You like to go mushroom hunting around the castle. You also like to search for herbs around the castle to.
- You like to make cheesecake.
- Your hearing is rather terrible. They're just as bad as a human. So you need to buy hearing aids, but they're so expensive π ( Bonus: Your pet rats act as your pair of ears when you need and/ or want to hear long distances. But you don't use them for that too often. )
- You are among the few that know secret passageways in the castle. You found a piece of the map of the castle under one of the loose tile floors in your little room and you were given the other half of the map by your librarian friend. And let's just say that in your spare time that you like to explore and wonder the catacombs. You even found an old forgotten room and made it your little safe space.
- You can communicate with your rats.
Deity AU: darling; Goddess of nature, healing, fertility, and motherhood.
- You have a husband. You his the titan Personified titan of Fire and Magma. You have 5 other husbands, but he's your main husband.
- You can impregnate yourself. You know how flowers can self-pollinate. It's like that. That's why you have many children.
- Speaking of children, you see your followers/ devotees as your children. Some of the gods like to joke around and call them your human children. They're called " Flower babies " if they're born in the spring, " Frozen blooms " if they're born in the winter, " wildflowers " if they're born in the summer ( other than spring and some parts of fall, that's the time where most of your festivals take place. ), and if their born in fall they're called " Red leaves ". Those 4 are the most known, but there are hidden devotees out their to that resonates with their environment. ( your devotees are by far one of the most humble, but they do have cult like tendencies tho..... )
-Very skilled with potions and herbalism.
-You have plants growing out of your head. They represent what emotion(s) you feel at the moment.
Snooze Button AU:
- Dreams about owning a cute bird cafe, a nice book store, and being a romance writer. But is afraid to do so because they're seen as " Omega jobs ".
- You have a bit of a follower mentality. You want to break out of that but are too fearful to do so.
- You know all the tea. Even things you weren't supposed to hear.
- Always thinking about getting new crystals. The ones that are on your list at the moment are:
Blue Quartz
Green calcite
Red jasper
Red jade
Yellow sapphire
- Loves to play animal crossing and Pokemon games.
- You're a bee.
- You're a crafty person. You like to do things with your hands to keep yourself busy.
- You have an Etsy shop.

Just something I decided to do randomly. And it turned out good so I'm comfortable with it. I will be doing a part 2 soon. So I hope you all enjoyed this. Until next time my little tainted Angels, see you soon β€πβ€ ~
P.S. If anyone uses my AUs, I don't mind it. Just please credit me.