Yes I Think This Is Interesting - Tumblr Posts

Ok please just hear me out on this one. So you know how sometimes people put something in their mouth, like a pencil, to hold it bc their hands are full? They are using their mouth as a third hand. Now this is where things get wild. Let's consider the mouth as two hands, each jaw being its own individual hand. Humans are really cool because we have opposable thumbs, but when you think about it, the tongue is the 'mouth-hand' equivalent to an opposable thumb. The definition of opposable thumb is "a thumb that can be placed opposite the fingers of the same hand." If our jaw is our hand, and our teeth are our fingers, that would make out tongue a thumb. The tongue can move left and right, which would oppose the veridical movement of our jaws. Even if we only say out bottom jaw has a thumb (tongue), because that is the "hand" the thumb is attached to, that still means we would have a third hand with a thumb. By definition our tongue is the opposable thumb, of the 'mouth-hand.' (I know this isn't like, scientifically sound... But it's a fun concept to think about. Plus with this (slightly irrational and incorrect) argument, you could say any animal with a jaw, teeth, and tongue have opposable thumbs.) Thank you for coming to my TedTalk :))

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