Y/N Will Not Hesitate To Throw More Than A Ball At The Next God That Annoys Her - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #4

Everyone Hates Ares

After Poseidon loses to Kojiro, a lot of the gods are acting like Lil’ Bitches angry, so Brunhilde decides to have the Human Fighters play some Baseball (With Buddha and Heracles because they’re cool) to celebrate their first victory against the gods

Ares (Comes in and wants to show that the gods are superior, even in a Sport): Hm, catcher huh?

Hercules (Looks to see Ares holding a baseball bat):

Ares: Catching, throwing, leading, fielding etc. One could call it a fitting position for my brother. But what I desire to see is Pitcher Heracles!

Heracles: Ares… You could have been the pitcher

Brunhilde: Not he will not. We have an even amount of players and I don’t want anything to do with this bitch

Ares: Promise me brother. If I hit a home run right here, next time you’ll pitc- (Is cut off with a baseball hitting him hard in the face that he falls over unconscious)

Maki!Y/N (Intentionally hits Ares in the face to shut him up):

Heracles (Holding Ares’ unconscious body): Ares! Hang in there!

Hermes (smiling): Hey, nice pitch

Shiva: Nice pitch Human!

Loki: Really, it wasn’t bad

Hades, Zeus & Aphrodite: That was a good one

Buddha, Raiden & Huang: Nice pitch Y/N-Chan!

Lu Bu & Thor: Nice pitch

Dadam, Kojiro, Tesla & Jack: Wonderful pitch

Heracles: Wow brother. Everyone really hates you. I mean everyone

Record Of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #4

Who here also likes to the idea of tormenting Ares? I like the idea of making the large man who drinks from a tiny teacup terrified a very satisfying way to finish off a Thursday…

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