You In Depresion - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

[ ~"Teen idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1

You have depression but the Mortal Kombat character dont know, how are they gonna figure it out?

What contains? Depression Topic, Suicide, Self Harm, Sensitive Content

How is visualized as? Cople Relation Ship, Family Relation Ship, Friend Relation Ship

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1


-He certainly will notice very early before you can do something to hurt yourself, the odd patron like you dont eat much or you eat too much, you lost interest in doing some activities in the past you liked a lot, and mostly does strange jokes you do, that makes him concern

-He dont wanna overthink it or really think is a possibility, still, he wants to make sure you are really ok, so he thinks a way to bring this topic to you without making you overwhelmed or scared, he wants to bring this the best as possible

-Finally when you two are together for a simple visit, talking and eating, finally Raiden finds the opportunity to bring up the topic, at first are simple questions of how you going or how you diet, simple and hidden questions about it, to the point finally bring fully the topic about if you have depression

-You dont know how to respond, already feel scared or nervous, but Raiden already can see by your eyes and body expression his concerns are true, he does not force you to respond, but gently holds your hands and tell you whatever you affronting he will be there for you, you not alone, this makes you cry and hug him, he hugs you and makes sure you feel loved and safe

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1

Kung Lao

-He will not notice at first, probably if you eating too much must be you that hungry or eating less is because you are on a diet, he will find it odd you jokes but he thinks he dont understand you humor and that ok, but most odd about it he saw is you lost interested in things you like, he questioning why?

-Something he found is you compliment his hat, he appreciates you like his hat and finds it cool, but, he can see you looking at his hat, does eyes reflect something he feels uncomfortable, he dont understand why, sometimes he caught you almost touching the sharp parts of the hat, you move away your hand and fastly and nervously tell you want just to use it, he chuckles about it and let you know he appreciates it that, but still he can't get out of his head how odd is it, he maybe overthinking it?

-One time, he noticed you wearing more clothes than usual, covering all you body, he found it odd, is not even that cold, he joked about it, even trying to take off your sweater in a playful manner, you tried to stop him but he was more stronger than you and soon he take you sweater off he saw you scars on you arms close your hands, he finally understand everything

-He keeps looking at you injuries on your arms as his brain tries to process everything as fast it can, he quickly afrond this fastly asking what happened to you, you try to lie about having an accident or something, but Kung Lao knows is a lie, the discussion continues to the point you yell at him saying the true and how you feel, finally just crying in the end, Kung Lao just keep there looking, until hugging you carefully, he will say sorry about how he brings this topic badly and force you like this, he will say he will be there to help you, you are important to him, no matter what your brain says to you, you hug him back continue crying, he carefully caress you back and say last one thing "One last thing, my hat is not for hurt you, is for protect you, and keep you safe, alright?" he chuckles a little, just trying to cheer up the mood

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1

Smoke - Tomas

-He will notice your weird behavior, like does jokes, he can't understand why you joke that way, and you eat less, and do not even want to do things you like anymore, of course, he always checks on you and asks all this, you just make up an excuse, but he can feel there something else

-He wants to figure out all this without pushing you, mostly invite you to eat a little more correctly, and mostly invite you to do more activities with him and the rest, even sometimes you reject the invitation he always finds a way you be there with them and have fun

-Eventually, one day you ask him to talk in private, he is nervous about it thinking about what will be about, finally saying to Smoke about your depression, thanks to Somke always being there to make you feel you belong and always taking care of you, is make you brave egnoft to tell him what is happening

-Smoke is surprised by this, all make sense for him now, he processes it while seeing your sad expression, he gently hugs you and says to you nice words, and no matter what he always be there for you, and will help you to afront this

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1

Kenshi Takahashi

-He gets used to Jhony Jokes, but yours? are already so odd the way is, he dont think eating too much is a problem, but when is eating less already is, always asking why you not eating much?, even if you say is for diet he will say you still need to at least eat something more, he also finds odd why you dont do things you liked but dont get very deep in it

-Thankfully, thanks for Sento, they will say to Kenshi there something very wrong with you, making Kenshi now paying more attention at you, if Sento says is for something, he maybe ask about it with you, about if you ok or if something bothers you, of corse you will lie and move away, and Kenshi knows that not it

-He will be with you most of the time, near or far away, but always there checking on you, he sometimes invite you make you eat more correctly, or mostly go to do things you like to do, even if Kenshi dont like or dont know much about it, he want to make sure you ok

-Once you finally talk about your Depression in private, he understands, he is not even surprised but he is happy you tell him about it, he gently kiss your front head and he makes a promise to be there with you, always

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1


-He definitely will not see the odd patron, laugh about your jokes, and not even pay attention to the food thing

-However, he will always try to force you to do something, at least training! of course you dont want, and it always ends in a fight/discussion

-Eventually, he caught you hurting yourself in your bedroom, you were scared and trying to hide about what was you doing as you yeet a pillow at his face angry, just trying to hide what was happening, but was too late, he already saw it

-He will demand you show your arms, you deny and you ask him to leave, but he will not leave you, taking one of your arms and checking your injuries still bleeding, he asks why is causing you doing this? what is the reason you are depressed, any reason behind it, he dont want to lose you, and he will make sure you to help you win this "war"

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1


-He will find odd your jokes even asking what you trying to mean by that, you just awardly keep in silent, he of course he will notice about the food thing and always tell you you should eat normally, and the lost in interesting in things you like? he finds it absolutely weird

-He always will ask why you doing all this, and you always make excuse and lie about it but he know something is not right and will sometimes insist that you try to tell the truth, always saying "I will not judge you, I just want to understand"

-He always was with you, sometimes invite you some events, sometimes you reject sometimes you go and pass good time with him, Eventually you tell him about your depression and he finally understand

-He will ask everything about it, how did it happen first? what cause it? anything, he wants to know everything to help you afront it, and of corse, after that he will help you afront this the best as posible

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1


-Oh he of course saw it, he saw a lot of people who suffer the Tarkat ended in a horrible state of depresion, different people deal in different way, but the result was the same, ending they lifes, seeing you in that same state of depresion make Baraka heart worrie, you have a very long life to live, and he cant imagine you taking your own life, he will act and try to deal with this

-Of cose he try how to adress this, looking the better moments to try to convers this with you, without pushes you about it, motivate you for eat correctly, and be back to your old lovely activities, anytime you do does kind of joke he light/fix it up with something good, not longer making the joke odd

-Baraka hopes could try to hug you, you really need someone to show you affectionly someone cares about you, but of corse....the Tarkat, he hates be in this posicion of cant help much, you need help, and the most close you have someone is Baraka, this hurt him feeling he cant do egnoft for save you, but will not give up for you

-Finally, he caugth you almost going to hurt yourself with a knife, he stop your hand, holding it thigth abvoiding you try to stab/hurt yourself and remove the knife from you, you try to fight about it, but instend Baraka hug you, your surprised it, even Baraka regret doing this he know you need this for you own good, right here and right now, telling you dont have to do this and how much important you are, finallly you just crying on his sholder, Baraka just continue hugging you, waiting you finally get all does feelings out

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1

Shang Tsung

-At firts he will not noticed, he will think you acting weird, but soon he gets its, ooh the little you have depression? how adorable, he will smile at the distance seeing you how badly you are, how give up of life you are, a very slow suffering, he will pretend he dont know about it and just continue the days

-There something very inside telling him, very inside worrie about you, he will just laugh it off and thinking "me? worrie about that Earthrealm?? that just nonsense" but his hear and mind will remember the times you been so nice to him, willing to give him a chance even he a lose case, you dint give up for him, he try to stop thinking about does memories and move on, but...."what if?"

-He will saw you scars, almost not hided, as you awared he will not care about it, he will see it and just looking other way, he will just do what he was doing, but soon is very blocked due his mind and heart is screaming at him about you, he really worrie about you?

-Finally he go check on you, caugth you at the moment of your final decicion, you was going to hang yourself, Shang Tsung was there observing, he cant move for a moment, but he finally did when you fall, caugth you before you neck get hold by the rope, you was absotluly confused about, wondering what he was doing, Shang Tsung remove the rope from you neck and take you to his lab to heal your badly heal injures, you there seeing him taking care of you, asking him why is doing this? he mostly not respond, he badly quiet just healing you, once he done you ask him away "Why?" he will keep quiet for a moment until a angry grump he finally respond "Just..dont do it, is not work it"

-Even he dont want to show it, he cares about you, and will figure out a way to help you, he will change? no, he alredy make a decicion when "Damashi" appear and he will not change, but he will not let you end your life, that only person, not matter how cruel he was with you, you dint give up for him and you was so nice with him, even he find fun play with does inocent and pure heart, somehow you make a special place into his heart, he will finally admit it, but will not show it, he cant, but he will help you

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1


-He indeed will saw the odd patrons, your jokes confused him and scares him of how odd they are, how you eat too much or too little, and how you dont want to do stuff, he at firts cant understand why you change, but soon he will noticed it and understand it

-He was the same posicion when was working for Shang Tsung as a his Slave, lack of interest in do other stuff or eat, but of corse, was diferent, he wanted see his family and well, was the same when was reveal his family is dead, taking sometime to process this and move on about it

-He will never thougth about the idea you gonna try to hurt yourself or end your life, he just think you passing a very horroble moment of your life and right now is visible you need help, and he will help you, he will not ask about what is causing it, thinking is too personal for it, but he will help you make your life better, motivate you to eat more correctly and passing time, like have small adventures explore the beuty of nature, enjoy the night sky, those simple things make you rememeber what means to be alive

-Finally after some time you will tell Syzoth about your depression, he happy you tell him about it but absotluly shoked about you confess of the idea of hurt your self or take your life, he wil freak out and ask you if you ok, you calm him down telling him you dint, was just in your mind and fail attempts, he will relief about it but he know understand this is more serius at firts thougth and will help you to afrond this

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1


-He definitely will not see the odd patron, not even noticing it, he laughs about your jokes, you two are mentally unstable, which is the worst recipe something may happen

-However, he will be confused as to why you just do not want do anything, just be there looking at the ceiling, he will try to force you to do something but in the end, he just leaves you there

-Eventually, he catches you getting out of the Bathroom with a lot of recent scars over your body, he will surprise you by taking your arms and asking what happen, he will think someone hurt you and he will make sure to make that person suffer, but when finally you told him you did it, he finally understand everything

-He was speechless, you? doing this to yourself? the injuries was so deep, so in a hateful manner, no, you should Fight for your life, not End your life, he will gently caress your injuries, telling you not to do this, even if you want to answer back he gently "kiss" you front head, and he will tell you can afront this, holding you hands, he want to say sorry, but he feel so guilt for not see the odd patrons first he dont deserve forgiveness, he will make sure to fix his mistake and make you happy

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1

Liu Kang

-He saw a lot of people falling into depresion and taking their life, he will noticed you odd patrons about it and he concern, he thinks for a moment what to do, he should intefier? it was your decicion and he should not interfier in mortals decicions, but he remember he importart for you, all does good memory with each other having a good time on what even you guys was doing, even you fogot about it, he knows he have to do something about it

-He will be slow, he cant focer the process but he need to act before is too late, making you eat correctly even you refues sometimes, but his words make you do it, he will invate you diferent places to pass time, mostly very confy or fun, mostly long walks talking to each other and watching every small detail, he want to show he there for you, you have someone cares about you

-Mostly he will adress this with the rest of your friends, to help in the case, being your company almost all the time, Raiden, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Johnny, Ashra, Syzoth, they all care about you and will show you they do and you important

-Finally you tell Liu Kang about your depression, but mostly adress it as if you have a porpuse in your life, he will tell you no, you dont, none have it, and that the beuty of life, chose your own porpuse on your life, or simple enjoy life as you like, not need to really worry about a porpuse becuse there none, this relief you, knowing is the true from the god of fire and time, huging and cuddle each other while you cry on his chest, letting out all does feeling

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1


-He defenely saw it, from the clock of time, all the diferent way of how your depression appear, what cause it, and saw diferent result of you afront it and move on, or take your life in diferent ways, he will always monitor your progress and your decicions, he will tell Liu Kang about this, knowing what to do to help you, but he aware Geras is someoen important to you so he will alowe Geras help you

-He know is not the best adress it stragith it, but rather with actions, show you are cared and important are for this world and people, even if life is hard sometimes, there always light even is hard to see, but the best is not let that darkness destroid you, of corse you will suspect about he being with you, knowing he the protector of the clock of time, surely know what is happening to you

-Finally you afront this talking at him why he doing this, is becuse is his job or liu kang told him? you want to know the real reason why is helping you, mostly thinking is becuse is doing what his porpuse do, becuse what ever happen in your "history" need to be alive for what thing happen

-Of corse he wil tell the truth, he not have any permission to interfire to mortals decicion and life, your decicion matter, not matter how many time lines exist, how many you exist, they all are important, including you of this time line, just becuse there diferent version of you, posebly living better or having a porpuse, not means you are less, he will tell the same like Liu Kang did, he just observ the time and time lines, but all what happens, is everyone desicion, not Liu Kang or his, finally feeling relief and hug him, crying getting out does feelings while he caress your back

[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1
[ ~"Teen Idle"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1

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