Yule Log - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


I made a Yule log!


without decorations……

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((My first post :>>))

Next month is Yule!! Time to learn, my beautiful lovelies,

What is Yule?

Yule is one of the first holidays celebrated, originating from Pagan Traditions, things such as the Christmas Tree, Yule Log and Yule singing were originally Yule celebrations. Christmas is a Christian-ized version of Yule, it's celebrated same time, depending on who you ask, or your opinion, it can be celebrated same day as Christmas, from the 21st-23rd, or from the 21st-1st of January. There's no specific reasons on these different dates, besides most witches in the Broom Closet (meaning they hide their craft, rather for personal reasons or because of where/how the they live) when a witch is in the broom closet it might be easier to celebrate more across more days, for those who have to keep their craft and celebrations a secret. With more Wiccan traditions it celebrates the Oak and Holly King belief, that the Oak King takes half of the year (Spring and Summer) and the Holly King takes the other half (Autumn/Fall and Winter) some say they battle all year, and Summer and Winter Solstice is when each respecting brother is the strongest. Some say they're battling for the Goddess, other say they're fighting for their part of year, other's say it's just them being rivals. In more Pagan Traditions it celebrates Odin, as that's also were Santa Claus originated from. Odin lead the Wild Hunt through the Sky

"As far as practitioners of nature spiritualities are concerned, the Wild Hunt offers an initiation into the wild and an opening up of the senses; a sense of dissolution of self in confrontation with fear and death, an exposure to a 'whirlwind pulse that runs through life'. In short, engagement with the Hunt is a bid to restore a reciprocity and harmony between humans and nature."

— Susan Greenwood.

Not only this, but it also celebrates the new year (if you go by traditional new year) it's about preparing for the new year, a fresh start

How to celebrate Yule?

There's many ways to celebrate Yule, I recommend you do your own research or ask your family or friends (if you have any) about their beliefs and celebrations, but here's some ways

You can have a Christmas like tree, but instead put orange peels on the tree for celebration of a new year, and the close return of the Oak King. You can write wishes or spells on bay leaves and put it on the tree as well, the star originated from putting candles on the tree, BE CAREFUL though, obviously can be dangerous if you light the candles. You can also put bells on the tree to let Spirits know it's a safe place to stay, and to make their presence aware (not all spirits are bad) you can decorate your altar with things like colors associated with Yule or Christmas if you have experience with Christmas, like red, green, Gold, Silver and maybe even white. Pine cones, snow water, or pine needles from your tree(s) it's also common to make Vision Boards for the new year and do shadow work for the new year on Yule. It's also common to make a bonfire, write all you want to release on paper or bay leaves and throw it into the bon fire. If you can't have a bonfire you can also just a fire safe container and candle, I recommend a Yule colored candle if possible. You can also make the very famous Yule Log, rather it be the actual thing, a tiny version using a stick, or making a Yule Log pastry/dessert.

(Image not mine) I always provide an image with information in case of those who are into Witchcraft, Paganism or Wicca, and have select internet options or they lose this post. They can download this image and have portable knowledge even if they're in a place without internet, or they lose their Tumblr account, or many other things.

((My First Post :>>))

That's all for now!!

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5 years ago
Sketch Commission For @sunnipeachi Of Their Oc Yule Log!

sketch commission for @sunnipeachi of their oc yule log!

commissions are still open!

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