autistic/undiagnosed ADHD/trauma survivor/occasionally blackpilled
485 posts
The Bond We Had Is Now Cut With Burn Marks
The bond we had is now cut with burn marks
holeinthehedgerow liked this · 6 months ago
More Posts from 21rstrejectedsoul
I may be rotting but I'll always widely smile and laugh my ass off whenever I see a woman getting sad due to getting bumped or a break up
Birdemic achieved such a feat of being WORSE than Sharktopus. Like, that piece of shit made me think that SHARKTOPUS was even decent once I compared both movies. That's such a low bar I never expected to be reached
It's perfectly coherent to disagree with somebody yet support them
It's also perfectly coherent to disagree with a group ideology yet support them fighting for their rights
if you can't grasp the idea of people not 100% agreeing with your ideas then I don't know if I should feel sorry for you or point out to the fact you're probably the same kind of people who claim to be apprehensive and in a group of acceptance from whatever minority you're in, honestly while not being able to understand anything different from your bubble
People don't even know what privilege means, yet they keep throwing this word incessantly. I guess my main mistake was and forever will be about having expectations about people being intelligent