autistic/undiagnosed ADHD/trauma survivor/occasionally blackpilled
485 posts
Aro/ace Are Nothing More Than Socially Accepted Incel
aro/ace are nothing more than socially accepted incel
I said what I said.
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More Posts from 21rstrejectedsoul
After seeing a post talking about how I shouldn't use the term "Asperger" neither "Aspie" due to the past of these words and althought I see the point, I honestly just don't care 'cause I also feel comfortable with these names so yeah, I thought about doing... something just for fun and it actually ended waaaaay better than I expected at first

"Is it a poor representation about autistic people being seen as dumb or non-rational people?"
"Is it a assumption about Taz being autistic?"
also also
or even "is it a way OP found to show how he just doesn't care about what people say he's supposed to be/relate/bother with?"
anyway, just some questions that could possibly be made and Imma just answer with "feel free to think whatever you wanna"
I forgot to post it here yesterday but it's still a opportunity to share it here, right?

Even without a single word during his whole screen time on Sonic Mania Adventures I still find Metal Sonic the most relatable character to me

I like to call Fiora as "%max health true damage anomaly"
Shoutout to AuDHD kids who were told to just "be who you are" but then when you were, you got told "no not like that".
But aroace people are voluntary. Incel is involuntary. An incel wants to have relationships. An aro/ace person does not. It's the same thing as calling a monk or catholic priest an incel.
After reading my post again I realized that I forgot to clarify
The aro/ace term actually works similarly as a umbrella
I know there's people who experience/feel little to no attraction and I also admit right now I was wrong about excluding those ones, except I can't deny there's also a deceptively high portion of them who actually wants to have relationships but are unable to (mostly guys) and lots of them are either afraid of being associated with the crucified portrait the midia made about incels (I can't entirely blame them, tbh) or still didn't discovered themselfs enough (or even someone else)