Lost in the Shadows with David Dwayne Paul and Marko! I'm obsessed with a lot of different Fandoms including marvel and twilight. let's see which one I'm hyper focused on this week 😜😜
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Abbysanders2000 - Abby
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David: *looks at Marko pissed because he just slapped the shit out of Michael* Is that all you Italians know how to do scream and hit?!
Marko: No we also know how to make love and sing opera!
@luv4fandoms I'm a very big fan of your headcanon on Marko being Italian so I hope this makes you laugh! I was cracking up typing this 🤣🤣
Hey sweet face I see you're taking requests again right on! Can I request David x reader fic where are the reader is essentially a female version of Klaus from the umbrella academy (personality and power wise)?
Hi love! Nice to talk to you again! I'm not familiar with The Umbrealla Academy but I did look up some clips of him. I'm going to make these headcanons for the moment and come back with a fic later on. I hope you like it!!
David with an s/o like Klaus Hargreeves!!!
Firstly Paul introduced the two of you. You were Paul's go to gal for some wacky tobaccy.
"David this is Y/n. Don't worry she's cool. She's not like regular humans." Paul explained.
And you weren't. Other than the occasional weed dealing you were able to not only communicate with the dead but you could also bring their spirits back to the real world.
"So your telling me that you can see dead people?" David asked. "I sure can blondie." You smirked.
At first David was wary of you. Max had always warned them that some people with your powers could sick an evil spirit on them.
"OH don't be silly. I haven't done that in years." You giggled.
Slowly but surely you and David started hanging out more and more. Eventually started dating as well.
This boy is mad protective over you. Like he'll bite someone. No pun intended.
The nicknames!!!! Omg!!!
Your nicknames for him vary from: Baby sugar, sweetie, Davy wavy and my fav blonde
His for you? To name a few: babe, baby, doll, angel, kitten (tehehe) and that's just the tip of the iceberg
You bring out his soft side although he'll never admit it to anyone
Man gets super jealous when you and Paul smoke together. Like it's so cute and scary at the same time.
So he tried to smoke once. Threw up for an hour straight. Paul thought it was hilarious though.
He is terrified of losing you. He's offered you the bottle a time or two. "Come on doll. We'll have eternity together."
You've promised to drink when your ready.
Since they live in a sunken hotel you often hear many of the dearly departed.
Your even friends with one of them. Her name is Macy. She used to be receptionist at the hotel in 1906
Marko and Dwayne absolutely adore you.
David makes time for you two to go on dates.
Davy is a pure romantic at heart. Melts you like chocolate on a summer day.
All in all you absolutely love David and the boys. Your all one big happy family no matter how strange!
Y'all I think I speak on behest of everyone when I say we should totally make a little ficlet of Dwayne's s/o being so motherly to Laddie and slowly but surely Laddie becomes a mama's boy. Me personally I think Marko and Paul would tease him only for s/o to go all mama bear. Do I have any takers??
More incorrect quotes! I'm gonna make this into a series I swear I am.
*Edgar and Alan after hours of interrogating Paul and Marko and getting nothing but smart assness*
Edgar: One more quip outta you and we'll shut you up!
Paul: Ooh, getting kinkyyyy!
Alan: WHAAAAT?! We aren't playing into your vile vampire kinks!
Marko:Â I mean, that's what it sounded like back there, you sickos!
Marko: *walks up to Y/n with a smirk* Let's role play. I'll be Burger King you'll be McDonald's. I'll have it my way and you'll be loving it.
Y/n: Well now I'm hungry for a whopper and a mcdouble...
Marko: Damnit Y/n!