Lost in the Shadows with David Dwayne Paul and Marko! I'm obsessed with a lot of different Fandoms including marvel and twilight. let's see which one I'm hyper focused on this week 😜😜
64 posts
Abbysanders2000 - Abby
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After a long dry season im finally inspired to do more incorrect quotes!! Enjoy!
David and the boys stopped at a pharmacy before heading to a party
Dwayne: in this day in age it might be a good idea to take along some... protection.
Paul: What kind of protection?
David: Two armed Pinkerton guards. No, he's talking about... (points to the shelf)
Paul: A Nestle's Crunch?
David: One over.
Paul: An enema bag?
David: To the right.
Paul: Dentu-Grip?!
Edgar: *Looks at Marko with hate but puts away the steak* Ah ya ain't worth my time. Chicken boy
Marko: Chicken boy!! Say that to my face! Ya limp noodle!
Y'all I think I speak on behest of everyone when I say we should totally make a little ficlet of Dwayne's s/o being so motherly to Laddie and slowly but surely Laddie becomes a mama's boy. Me personally I think Marko and Paul would tease him only for s/o to go all mama bear. Do I have any takers??
Soo..... hear me out.... and just be honest. So what if instead of vamps the boys were werewolves. Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?
@auntvamp I thought about you when I made this hehe
Dwayne: Paul is that all you care about? Money and applause?
Paul: And sex. For which I generally get applause
Dwayne: this bitch...