Marko Tlb - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


I have a theory (head cannon?) that the only vampire that died in lost boys was Max and that the deaths we saw of the other vampires was a trick performed by David to protect his companions. I went perhaps a little too far in depth with this, but it has been bothering me for years that 4 very powerful vampires were killed within minutes of engaging with young teens. After reading the book, prequel script, and watching the movie too many times, I actually think David and his boys threw the fights to get out of the situation all together, and got the added benefit of Max being killed. Warning, spoilers from the book and prequel script because I'm considering both of them somewhat cannon:

To start, I have to bring up the fact that in the book, David's challenges against Michael to join the gang were considered harmless tricks. The stunts David pulls are things that he can get away with as a vampire that wouldn't actually kill them. Quote from the book: "This was another one of [David's] tricks... something that looked deadly but was nothing more than a simple stunt." David has full control over all the stunts and knows that no harm will come to any of them. Star also calls David a 'magician' with his tricks seeming to be real. And of course, as we saw in the movie David can alter the perception of what someone sees

With that in mind, we start with Marko's death. I don't even want to talk about how Edgar would have to be pretty freaking strong to shove a stake completely through the diaphragm of a humanoid being (including through the front and back layer of his jacket, spine, etc. but whatever). However, Marko's hands appear to be covering his heart. Edgar puts the stake under Marko's hands, below where his heart should be. (heart is marked with the x, yellow is where Edgar shoves the stake)

I Have A Theory (head Cannon?) That The Only Vampire That Died In Lost Boys Was Max And That The Deaths
I Have A Theory (head Cannon?) That The Only Vampire That Died In Lost Boys Was Max And That The Deaths

so while Marko certainly had a pretty bad day, with the lore mentioning it has to go through the heart, he should still be alive, albeit, in a lot of pain

It would be after the boys run from the cave that the vampires are obviously aware that hunters have found their nest. At this point, they would only have two choices: either try and kill the hunters, Michael, Sam, Star, and Laddie, whomst they have close affection with, OR they would have to fake their own deaths. Otherwise there's no way that they can continue living without the hunters and Emersens returning to kill them again.

David likes to plan shit

When they go to the Emersen house, they would have to leave Marko behind at the cave. Since everyone thinks he's dead, they wouldn't have to worry about him being hurt. Then the fights begin, and this is when it starts to get out of character. David is vibing up in the rafters, alone. Dwayne takes on Sam, alone. And Paul takes on the Frogs, alone. But in every other scene that they kill, they are always together. Their deaths are not simultaneous, meaning that they could have taken on everyone together.

Starting with Paul, I mean let's be real. He could have killed those two Frogs at any point in time when he was chasing them. He literally even shoves them. But the plan isn't to kill the Frogs, it's to fake his death. After getting splashed with the holy water, he has a solid few moments to actually do something. And instead, he stands and waits for the dog to tackle him. Seeing that these vampires can literally fly/float there is no reason for him to actually fall into the bathtub. David is still vibing in the rafters and did nothing to stop the dog or to rescue Paul meaning that this was a part of the plan. He would use his ability to create illusions to convince the Frogs Paul fell into the tub and burned alive. It would also be a perfect way to make his body 'disappear'. The explosion of the septic system is extremely unrealistic, and literally I cannot begin to explain how the heck that would work besides someone manually doing it behind the scenes...

Then to Dwayne. Dwayne literally could have easily killed Sam twenty times over. But again, if killing was the plan, it would have been done in seconds. We saw how violent these boys are with their victims. And speaking of Sam, how about that bow, eh? The force behind the bow to literally yeet Dwayne backwards would not have been something Sam could do. It would take a lot of poundage(45ibs I've been told at the bare minimum to kill a deer with a bow at 25 yards, but should really be 60ibs) to physically drive the arrow clear through his body and throw him back into the stereo. And remember, David is in the rafters watching. He's not jumping in to kill Sam. He didn't try and grab Dwayne out of the air. And yet, when on the boardwalk if someone trips his boys on a carousel David loses his mind. Another explosive death, leaving little to no body for clean up...

And then there's David. Now for David, he'd have to take one for the team. And as we learned in the prequel, it has to be wood to kill a vampire through the heart. David tried to kill Vlad with a metal pipe and Vlad literally just pulled himself off it. Spoiler alert, antlers are not made of wood. So Paul and Dwayne are 'dead' and can leave the scene. That means that David needs to finish up. He fights with Michael, Michael clearly being a baby vampire and David having so many years under his belt. But the plan must go on. David sees Michael's plan is to impale him on antlers, and he makes it happen. David plays dead meaning that the three of his companions are safe and he just needs to finish the part before he can return to them.

I Have A Theory (head Cannon?) That The Only Vampire That Died In Lost Boys Was Max And That The Deaths

As a bonus, Max comes by. The man walks straight up to his 'son' (whether he regards David with parental love or as just a lackey is up to you, but regardless he doesn't seem phased at David being dead) and is like oh damn not my boys being stupid again. Max doesn't look sad or anything when he finds David playing dead.

Max being impaled on the fence post would have been his own fault and David wouldn't have been a part of it. And Max would have to die to release the half vampires from their vampirism meaning that he really did explode.

What happens after that is up to you to decide. Besides David appearing in the comics (which if I recall correctly Edgar says that half the stuff in the comics was fake anyway? My copies are in storage so I cannot cross reference that), the boys disappear and no longer have to deal with Max.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

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2 years ago

Agree with Paul being a labrador, but also, yes. Goldfish.

──┈ Animals I see them as and why

 Animals I See Them As And Why

𝕯𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖉: Squirrel

 Animals I See Them As And Why
 Animals I See Them As And Why

๑ Is this yo food? Not anymore bitch, gimme that!

๑ He can and will scratch you if you annoy him enough, pray the Lord that he's not hungry or he'll bite as well.

๑ Do I trust you? No, I don't... I'm just kidding I do... Or do I? Guess we'll never know.

๑ If you make friends with him tho, be prepared to be followed everywhere and God forbid if he sees you with another Squirrel, I mean, human. This bitch is petty as hell, he won't look at you for a week.

𝕯𝖜𝖆𝖞𝖓𝖊: Panther

 Animals I See Them As And Why
 Animals I See Them As And Why

๑ He's majestic what can I say? And have you seen the way he eyes people?! Yep, run for your life hun cus' this panther got you as his prey.

๑ 'Fuck with my kid and see what happens' energy. He would k.o anyone and anything that he considered a threat to Laddie, he'd be fighting with claws and teeth.

๑ Listen, a panther's still a cat, s'just a really big one, therefore: loves belly scratches and will ask for them just laying beside with no jacket.

𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖔: Ginger cat

 Animals I See Them As And Why
 Animals I See Them As And Why

๑ He's crazy, batshit insane!

๑ Always doing some chaotic weird shit, can't and won't be normal.

๑ His bipolar ass can't decide if he loves or hates you, one day he'll be all lovey dovey and the next night he's contemplating if he should kill you in your sleep.

๑ You know when people say that cats are liquid because they can fit anywhere? Yeah well, Marko also does that. He's the master of hide n' seek, always hiding in impossible small spaces.

𝕻𝖆𝖚𝖑: Labrador

 Animals I See Them As And Why
 Animals I See Them As And Why

๑ "You wanna go on a walk?", proceeds to destroy half of the cave because he got too excited

๑ There's too much energy in his body, get him on the boardwalk and go in all of the rides and play all the games, somehow he still have energy to burn

๑ Super intelligent but in a stupid way, does that make sense to you? Like, he always says the most idiot stuff but when you stop to think about it, it just turns out to be the most intelligent and insightful thing you have ever heard.

๑ Loves to play in the water, get him inside a bathtub to clean him up and watch him turn into a baby playing with plastic yellow duck.

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2 years ago

𓇼𓈒 The lost boys Incorrect Quotes

Y/n: *yawns*

Marko: You know, someone once told me that is quite tiring being pretty.

Y/n: Oh my God, is that why you sleep all day?

Marko: *in lost of words, wasn't expecting being flirted back*

Y/n: *slyly smirks*

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2 years ago

On repeat

What do we think of this?

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2 years ago

The Lost Boys reacting to you asking to have a baby


The Lost Boys Reacting To You Asking To Have A Baby


The Lost Boys Reacting To You Asking To Have A Baby


The Lost Boys Reacting To You Asking To Have A Baby


The Lost Boys Reacting To You Asking To Have A Baby

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2 years ago

Bitches be like “this is my sweet smol baby we must protecc him” and it’s a morally grey vampire who has killed hundreds, maybe thousands of people. It’s me, I’m bitches.

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2 years ago

Dont be such a pussy David

Anonymous asked:

Heyyy! I was wondering if you could do a lost boys x reader where the reader tries to scare them but fails everytime? :)

I did a scare/fun prank, I hope you like it bruv <3

Dont Be Such A Pussy David

Today was boring. The whole week had been boring.

It had been too wet and rainy for much to happen, even in the cave, with the pitter-patter soothing and echoing around you. You had done little more than cuddle and read.

You sighed for the millionth time, stretching out across David who wrapped his arm around your waist, bringing you into him as he tried to drift away into a long-awaited nap.


"David," you whispered, looking up at him from your position by his chest, arm reaching up, "David-" you poked his nose, ignoring his growl, "Dav-" you went to pinch his cheek, wrist caught in a tight grip, and one blue eye cracked open to glare down at you.


"I'm bored, wanna do stuff" he huffed, and free'd you from his grip, rolling over so his back was to you. A clear indication to be left alone.

Pouting you pushed yourself up, looking around the cave.

Marko was tending to his jacket, going through his box of patches and picking one out that he had been wanting to add for a while.

"Pssst" David breathed out, head tilting to listen to you continue to be a pain.

"Marko-" his eyes met yours and he grinned, placing down the clothing and walking over to you.

You held your arms up, silently asking to be carried, legs too sore and exhausted from the walk to the cave. He hummed, bending down and wrapping an arm under your legs, another sliding behind your back while your arms wrapped around his neck.

A slow rumble left his chest as he began to purr, bringing you to where his makeshift workstation was, letting you watch as he worked.


The rest of the night was calm, most of it spent between the two blondes while the other two of your mates went flying around in the thunder.

It was a surprise that Dwayne hadn't been struck by lightning with how wild and spiked out his hair had become.

Eventually daytime came, but the sky was still dark and they stayed awake as long as they could, even visiting the boardwalk for a bit before they became weary.

You sat, and slept, and schemed.

Deciding to create fun of your own.

You were going to try and "scare" your mates, though you doubted how well it would work.


Wednesday was slow, work dragged and you wanting nothing more than some salty fries and to blast music until the early hours.

You had drove home from work, and your chair had been a pain in the ass, refusing to fit into the back seat so you could get settled in. At one point a wheel had dug into the back of your head, spinning into your temple when you went around corners.

Curling up on the armchair across from your tv you glared at the offending item. In the end your neighbour had carried it in for you, just so you could burn out your anger on the short walk down the drive as hail pelted your skin.

The neighbor, Mrs Mabel, watched you with concern but said nothing more than that she had casserole if you needed a little sumthin.

So now you would wait, the house quiet. Surprisingly soothing, since you hated being exposed to all of the quiet ticks the household created when there was nothing to drown it out.

Fortunately you had prepared for today the night before.


At first you weren't sure where to start.

I mean, you had no idea what they were scared of outside of things that would cause a slow painful death.

And so you had visited the joke shop by your work a few days prior, requesting bags of the most realistic bugs they had, knowing even if they didn't scare your mates they would certainly annoy them.

That was more the purpose of the glitter you had spray coated onto them, it was black and orange and blended in well with the natural tone of the "tarantula" fur.


You dozed off at some point, legs over the arm of of the chair and neck bent awkwardly as you bent forward into the side, nose now a little numb.

The back door cracked open and Dwayne's voice rang out, "you in?"

"Mhm!" you fought to move, but he appeared in front of you before you could, bending down and pressing a kiss to your cheek, Marko and David followed through soon after.

Marko slid onto your lap, curly hair brushing your nose and making you twitch as he pressed his lips to your jaw. How was work baby?

His voice rang out in your head, eyes flashing to yours as he took note of your exhaustion, "busy day?"

You nodded, wrapping your arms around him, ignoring the fuzzy numbness from being stuck in the same position for too long.



"Uh huh," he ran his hand through your hair, pulling you to lean closer, watching your eyes slip shut, "want your meds."

"Yes- please, they're," Dwayne vanished before you could finish, and you heard the bathroom cabinet mirror open above the sink, a loud exclamation following, "ah."

The brunette reappeared in front of you, "ah", you and Marko fell into each other, snickering.

Dwayne was no longer looking as punk and cool as he usually did, his hair had caught most of the bugs, and you could see the shiny wee things reflecting in the light of the room. Even better was the effect of the glitter, there were sparkly orange streaks in his hair and his jacket had sustained a good bit of damage

"Trying a new look love?" His smile was tight and he all but threw Marko off of you, pinning you to the chair as he began to tickle your sides, climbing so his legs were either side of you as he tortured your form.


The first was a moderate success.

Unfortunately, the glitter was easier to get out than you expected, fortunately, it hadn't stained his favorite jacket.

Though the intended target was one of the blondes, at least with Markos jacket the glitter would have just blended in.

Speaking of.

Your sweet golden boy had offered to help, wanting to make your pranks go even further.

He was, after all, a master at pissing people off with clever tricks.

And so you happily accepted.


"Quick! Quick!"

The two of you were in the cave, sat on the floor beside Pauls great wall of cassettes. Beside you was a box of completely blank tapes, each with only one surprise song on it from a choir you had bought at a thrift shop. On the other side was a box full of the correct cassettes, ones you had listened to many a time.

After some careful deliberation the two of you had decided to mess with what the boy loved most, his precious music collection. You would never touch the vinyls, they were too fragile in their rather old age. But the cassettes, they could be easily replaced, and were fair game.

Paul was out on the other side of town most of the day, dealing with his little drug business and scoping out some competition that had been driving him insane.

And naturally, when he came back he would head straight to his favourite source of relaxation.

Only, instead of his usual combination of jazz and rock he would be serenaded by the lords gospel.

It would be beautiful, you were sure.

"Is that the last one?" You nodded handing the final plastic box to Marko, watching him run away with the box of cassettes to hide it where it wouldn't be seen.

When he returned he pulled you up, nudging you in the direction of the long sofa by the fountain before checking the wall, making sure everything was in the correct place.

An hour later Paul returned, now a lot chipper than before. Clearly, the outcome of his adventures had been rewarding.

He walked past where the two of you were cuddling, your back against Markos chest as his fingers danced up and down your arm. A sloppy kiss was pressed to both your cheeks before he strolled on, heading straight towards the wall.

"What are you feeling like babe?" you shrugged, telling him to pick for you, hiding your grin by biting your lip. He nodded, hair bouncing, and reached a Led Zepplin tape.

He pushed it into the large boombox, pressing play and stretching out as his mind readied for some of his favourite tunes.

When they didn't immediately begin he frowned, looking down at it, listening as gentle humming began.

Soon enough the sounds of 'Praise be the lord' filled the cave, and you and Marko were having a hard time holding it in as Paul stared slack jawed, not understanding what the hell was happening.

He paused it, ejecting the tape and returning it to the box. Reaching for Queen.

Again, hymns, fucking hymns.

"What the hell?!-" Paul looked towards the pair of you, hoping for some answers. Instead, he was met with both of you clinging onto each other, doing your best to hold in your laughter, he pointed a long shaky finger in your direction, "you little shits- what did you do?!"

You were unable to hold it in, jaws aching as the sound of you grew louder than the music. Paul's fists clenched and suddenly Marko was gone from beneath you, your body falling back onto the arm of the sofa.


Paul didn't speak to you both for two days. The longest he had managed to go in over a hundred years.

Eventually he came around when you both trapped him in the nest, nuzzling him and giving him sweet sweet kisses, a box of his favourite "brownies" pushed to his lap.

He wasn't that mad about the prank, it was smart and well executed, he was just bummed the two of you had fun without him.

And so, he was brought into the gang. And oh boy, was the next one mean.


David wasn't scared easily. He was old as fuck to start, he had seen so much, experienced too much. The guy knew how to tell when he was being messed around with.

So you had to be sneaky.

Keeping your minds clear and giving no indication anything was up. Even Dwayne was entirely unaware of what was coming.

It wouldn't be too harmful, just something to set his nerves on fire, meaning it had to be all down to you in the end. The intention was to make it seem like you had, died, well not died more horrifically injured.

Marko was going to "push" you off of the cliff above their home, and Paul was going to catch you, not that David would see him until he thought it was too late.

"You ready babe?" Marko pressed his lips above your ear, nodding to Paul who hopped off the cliffside to wait for you.

"Mhm," he grinned.


He could hear David and Dwayne returning, letting the handles of your chair go with a gentle nudge, watching you roll closer to the edge.

The two eldest were near the end of the forest now, conversing with each other. Something dumb he would hear about later.

Marko turned when they entered his vision, waving at them, "hey guys!"

Dwayne went to wave back but his eyes widened at something behind him, David seeing it too and both of them running to a full sprint, shouting your name.

Marko turned, feigning confusion. Your scream was all he heard as you vanished over the edge.

David roared, flying over with you and almost slamming into Paul who had you safely in his arms.

You and Paul both send him wide grins, the latter rising above his frozen friend, bringing you both back to stable ground.

Hands were reaching for your face, running along your body. As you met the wild eyes of Dwayne you winced, okay maybe this one had been a little too far.

The brunette pulled you to him, holding you close as he took deep sniffs of your hair. David's feet touched the ground behind you and soon you were surrounded by them both.


"Shhhh, its ok little one," Marko and Paul were getting the beating of a lifetime, meanwhile you were being coddled by the other two.

They refused to believe their sweet baby was that evil, no, it was the devious blondes. After all why would you willingly go off the side of a cliff, breaking your expensive chair which was now drying beside the fountain, the frame now bent awkwardly.

"You two can sleep on the ground tonight, little shits."

"David, we did it together, why won't you listen-!"

Paul's voice vanished as David stole you away to the nest, giving them a sharp look. Sending you something similar as you went to speak.

Well. It was a success either way. David's face was ingrained in your memory and your meds were keeping him out of your mind, for now, might as well enjoy the affection while it lasted.

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2 years ago
18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations
18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations

18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) – Consent Violations

[Summary] Forced Turning and how each boy would do it. Inspired by my Modern!AU headcanons/one-shots and the Lost Boys Yandere Alphabet co-written by @that-girl-who-writes-sometimes

18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations

If you aren’t aware of the boys’ secret, then prepare for them to force you into vampirism through wine drinking. It’s one of their oldest tricks. Invite their target to hang out, get them comfortable, and peer pressure them into taking a swig. Once the blood slides down your gullet and hits your gut, your fate is sealed, and you’re one of them. It worked with Michael – almost. That didn’t go so well. Since that debacle, their methods have become a bit more aggressive in recent years.

18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations
18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations


If David can’t peer pressure you and trick you with the wine bottle, prepare for him to hold you against your will and starve you. David will keep you locked away in the cave, withholding your food and water for days until you are ravenous and thirsty. Then he’ll offer you the bottle. You drink out of pure desperation to fill your aching stomach, nearly devouring the entire bottle of his blood. Consuming so much overwhelms your weak and fragile state, causing you to drop dead on the spot from a heart attack, but days later, you wake in his arms, immortal and bound to him for eternity. You’ll never escape him now.

18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations
18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations


Dwayne will use his powers to force you to drink, but he’ll try to make it as pleasant as possible. Ever the hopeless romantic, Dwayne will take you to a lovely restaurant and treat you like a Queen by wining and dining you. But the wining part is the caveat. Remember, Dwayne knows best, so when he suggests that you become a vampire during dinner, he’s not really suggesting it. He’s telling you that you will become a vampire, and you’re becoming one TONIGHT. When you try to run, the chocolate will fade from his irises, leaving only red-orange as his mind ensnares yours. Slicing his wrist with a clawed finger, he will bleed into a wine glass, filling it to the brim with his blood. A single tear escapes your eye as his thrall forces you to drink, but your mental anguish doesn’t last long. You become dizzy from the blood’s effects and faint shortly after. He carries you back to the cave and slips into bed with you, cuddling and whispering sweet nothings in your ear as your humanity is destroyed. When you wake, you’ll be his baby doll forever; he'll take excellent care of you.

18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations
18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations


Marko will drain you. He’s a sneaky little gremlin and will wait until you’re vulnerable and comfortable in his presence. You could be watching a movie or simply cuddling after sex when he’ll go from nuzzling your neck to clamping down on it. You wiggle and squeal in pain, tears in your eyes, as you beg the love of your life to spare you. Your agony only turns him on, though; he doesn’t stop. He drains you within an inch of your life, leaving you too weak to fight back as he bites into his wrist and bleeds into your mouth. Suffering from blood loss, you involuntarily choke down his immortal essence as you gasp for air. You die in his arms, and his blood corrupts you from the inside out. When you wake, you’ll be forced to endure pain at his hands forever – lovingly, of course.

18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations
18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations

GIF by LostHavenMine


Paul wants your turning to be enjoyable – for himself and YOU, so he turns you during sex. He throws the boys out of the cave for the night and puts the moves on you. After whispering sweet nothings in your ear, plus some heavy petting, Paul goes down on you. He eats your pussy like a man starved, blessing you with mind blowing pleasure. You’re so blissed out from euphoria you don’t feel him pause to tear into your inner thigh. Paul drains your blood as he fingers you, keeping you on the cusp of orgasm as you reach the brink of death. Biting into his wrist, he fills his mouth with his own blood, forcing it down your throat as you babble and wheeze. He spoons you while you die; he feels awful for tricking you, but he’ll make it up to you when you wake up.

18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations
18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations

The Pack

The boys have no qualms about tag-teaming you. They work well as a unit when hunting, after all. Before they attack, they’ll invite you to the cave, watch some Netflix with you, feed you, and wait until you’re relaxed and comfortable – then they’ll pounce. You struggle feebly, but they easily overpower you, Paul and Dwayne holding you down while David parts your lips with nimble gloved fingers. Marko will eagerly pour their blood down your throat, manically smiling as you cough and choke it down when David pinches your nose, sealing your fate.

18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations

[A/n] If you're interested in reading the inspiration for these headcanons, check out my Master List here.

18+ MDI (Dark Headcanons) Consent Violations

Taglist: @6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @britany1997 @wowisksksj

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2 years ago

𓇼𓈒 The lost boys Incorrect Quotes

Paul: I'm so hungry right now.

Dwayne: Let's get some burgers 'n fries.

Marko: I was thinking we could change for a day and eat some pizza.

David: What about chin-

Y/n: The one who win the game gets to choose *holding a card set*

{30 minutes later}


Marko: Awn come on man.

David: I- I lost?! But I was this close to winning 🤏🏻

Paul: Can we just go? I'm starving!

Y/n: I'm with Paul, let's just go and grab some food.

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6 months ago

Round 2 of Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes!

Round 1

Every 10 incorrect quotes I do I'll make a main post like this to add to my masterlist. Also there are links to the individual posts in the first line of each quote.

Round 2 Of Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes!

Y/N: *Carves "(First initial) + D" into a tree*

David: What an idiot

David: *Adds "4 ever"*

Round 2 Of Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes!

Y/N: You can do this,okay? Because you can do anything!

Laddie: I can't French Braid or whistle.

Y/N: Okay, well. Nobody can do those things.

Round 2 Of Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes!

Y/N: Why are you so tall?

Dwayne: So I can do this.

Dwayne: *Kisses Y/N on the forehead*


Y/N: Oh...Okay

Y/N: I'm going to allow that.

Round 2 Of Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes!

Paul: *sobs all of a sudden*

Marko: Dude what happened?

Paul: *points to Y/N who's ordering food*

Marko: Did something happen between you two?

Paul: *shakes his head*

Paul: *whispering* She's so pretty

Marko: What?

Paul: She's. So. Damn. Pretty.

Round 2 Of Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes!

David: Who hurt you?

Y/N: What, do you want a list?

David:...Yes, actually.

Round 2 Of Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes!

Laddie: Dwayne can I go on the roller coaster?

Dwayne: What did Y/N say?

Laddie: She said no

Dwayne: So why are you asking me?

Laddie: Cause she's not the boss of you.

Dwayne, internally: It's a trap it's a trap it's a trap

Round 2 Of Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes!

Y/N: Marko just texted me

David: Ok, text him back

Y/N: I don't want to seem desperate


David: You're married to him

Round 2 Of Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes!

Paul: You love me, don't you?

Y/N: Normally, I'd say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don't like it.

Round 2 Of Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes!

Y/N: I sleep with my windows closed so I know when Marko is trying to sneak in.

Max: Why would he sneak in?

Y/N: He leaves "gifts". Ya know, random birds, dead rats, the occasional severed hand.

Round 2 Of Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes!

Paul: Y/N! The normies just challenged us to a water balloon fight!

Y/N: Oh it's on!

Y/N:...Now, we just have to wait for the water to boil.

Marko, tearing up: I love you so much Amore.

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1 year ago

i absolutely love that every ‘The Lost Boys’ fanfic / story share the same little detail even though it was never ( unless it’s a deleted scene i’ve never seen ) in the movie : the 4th step on the staircase is broken or something is wrong with it.

i love little details of the ‘The Lost Boys’ lore <3

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11 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Thought I’d post this one-shot here in case anyone would like to check it out!

Not a ship fic, just a peek at what I think the relationship between Star and Marko might’ve been like.

“Star.” David drawls, and Star lets her eyes fall shut as she hears the amusement in his voice.

“You’re with Marko.”

She pries her eyes back open, looking towards Marko who offers nothing but a wink and finger wave in return.

It’s his usual playful fashion, but Star can tell by the stiffness in his body that he isn’t pleased, not in the slightest.

But he won’t say so, won’t disagree with David. None of them did really, but especially not Marko.

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9 months ago
Focal Gifs Of Marko!! There He Is!!!!
Focal Gifs Of Marko!! There He Is!!!!
Focal Gifs Of Marko!! There He Is!!!!
Focal Gifs Of Marko!! There He Is!!!!
Focal Gifs Of Marko!! There He Is!!!!
Focal Gifs Of Marko!! There He Is!!!!
Focal Gifs Of Marko!! There He Is!!!!
Focal Gifs Of Marko!! There He Is!!!!

focal gifs of Marko!! there he is!!!!

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9 months ago

So how do we feel about me writing a Lost Boys series? It would be where reader is teleported into their universe and saves the boys. I'm thinking there would be multiple endings, where the reader ends up with one of the guys.

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1 year ago

David: *looks at Marko pissed because he just slapped the shit out of Michael* Is that all you Italians know how to do scream and hit?!

Marko: No we also know how to make love and sing opera!

@luv4fandoms I'm a very big fan of your headcanon on Marko being Italian so I hope this makes you laugh! I was cracking up typing this 🤣🤣

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1 year ago
Some Of The Lost Boys Fanart, Bc This Brought Me The Since To Create An Acc. Also Probably Gonna Share
Some Of The Lost Boys Fanart, Bc This Brought Me The Since To Create An Acc. Also Probably Gonna Share
Some Of The Lost Boys Fanart, Bc This Brought Me The Since To Create An Acc. Also Probably Gonna Share
Some Of The Lost Boys Fanart, Bc This Brought Me The Since To Create An Acc. Also Probably Gonna Share

Some of the lost boys fanart, bc this brought me the since to create an acc. Also probably gonna share some hcs later.

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1 year ago

The lost boys plinks

Please don't watch these links if you are under 16

The Lost Boys Plinks


David vibes

Just david vibes

David vibes

Belly bulge



Dwayne vibes

Breeding again i'm sorry but he has a breeding kink

Dwayne vibes


Marko vibes

Marko Vibes

Marko vibes #3

Marko vibes #4


Morning sex with paul

Paul Vibes

Paul vibes again

Paul vibes

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