absentmindedadmirer - Professional Fandom Brainrot~
Professional Fandom Brainrot~

Sketch/Randy { He/They} ☆ 20 ☆ Writer~!        Brainrots: Hypnosis Microphone  ☆  Ensemble Stars!!  ☆ Fate  ☆ Paradox Live  ☆ Fire Emblem  ☆ Obey Me!  ☆ Helios Rising Heroes  ☆ Blackstar Theatre Starless  ☆ Alchemy Stars  ☆  Twisted Wonderland ☆ Charisma House ☆ iDOLM@STER: Side M ☆ TECHNOROID ☆ / ☆ Requests are Always Open-! Ask me Anything~ ☆                            ☆ If you're into anything I'm into, DM me or ask me to write something for you~! Message me if ya wanna chat~  ☆ Caard: https://absentminded-admirer.carrd.co/ :>!

170 posts

Absentmindedadmirer - Professional Fandom Brainrot~ - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

Hello there Sketch! I hope you're having a great day! :D I hope I'm not overstepping, but I've seen your hypmic song translations, Hifumi's in particular, and I wondered if you might be willing to translate Samatoki's Rinka/Blue Flame from the HOODs album? I haven't found a translation anywhere else, even after searching for hours OTL I'm desperate :') Thank you so much for translating the other songs!! <3

Hii hello! You're not overstepping at all dw! I'm not really planning on doing any song translations at the moment, much less the Block Party album... However, if you didn't already see this! Slug did it so I can redirect you there :]!: https://www.tumblr.com/slugtranslation-hypmic/734429365906145280/hello-is-there-any-way-you-could-translate

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1 year ago

trick or treat!!! :3

treat pls 🥺🥺🥺

1 year ago

Rosho Tsutsujimori [Live it up!] SUDDEN SCRATCH Card Story [ENG Translation] ===

New card story wee!! I will do another one next SUDDEN SCRATCH :]!! Rosho Tsutsujimori [Live it Up] Pre-Evolution:

Rosho Tsutsujimori [Live It Up!] SUDDEN SCRATCH Card Story [ENG Translation]===


Rosho Tsutsujimori [Live It Up!] SUDDEN SCRATCH Card Story [ENG Translation]===

[Live it Up] Rosho Tsutsujimori ENG Translation {Read the full thing on my dreamwidth!}:

Rosho Tsutsujimori [Live It Up!] SUDDEN SCRATCH Card Story [ENG Translation]===

Part 1:

Rosho Tsutsujimori [Live It Up!] SUDDEN SCRATCH Card Story [ENG Translation]===
Rosho Tsutsujimori [Live It Up!] SUDDEN SCRATCH Card Story [ENG Translation]===

Part 2:

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1 year ago

Hifumi's the type of guy that when he proposes he just forgets the fucking ring. He spent hours, days, weeks, months agonising over what ring to buy, when to propose, how to propose, should he keep the jacket on??? or off??? And then he fucking forgot the ring somewhere. He could've comically tripped and had the unluckiest sequence of events that left the ring in a ditch somewhere but no, he just forgot it. So he stares into Doppo's eyes holding his hands in between Hifumi's own and then just takes his own off and slides them on. (He's forgotten to wait for the answer, not that he even needed to ask in the first place) And when he tries to give the actual ring, Doppo refuses to give Hifumi's own back, keeping them on his hands forever.

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1 year ago


Something possessed me to obtain this card and do it twice. Lucky me bc I get to read the story for it and make you guys read it too :p

Hitoya Amaguni [Live it Up] Pre-Evolution:




=== [Live it Up] Hitoya Amaguni ENG Translation {Read the full thing on my dreamwidth!}:


Part 1:

Part 2:

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1 year ago

Hypnosis Microphone A.R.B. Rhyme Anima+ Broadcast Commemoration Bingo Missions [ENG Translation]


Happy Rhyme Anima+!! For the Commemoration campaign, ARB is handing out tons of rewards so make sure you take advantage of them :p

New G-Collect: Rhyme Anima+

Hypnosis Microphone A.R.B. Rhyme Anima+ Broadcast Commemoration Bingo Missions [ENG Translation]

Gain various single and 10-pull tickets for this G-Collect through missions and login bonuses~ After 150 pulls, choose a guaranteed SSR~

New Bingo Missions: Rhyme Anima+ Broadcast Commemoration! {ENG TRANSLATION}

Hypnosis Microphone A.R.B. Rhyme Anima+ Broadcast Commemoration Bingo Missions [ENG Translation]
Hypnosis Microphone A.R.B. Rhyme Anima+ Broadcast Commemoration Bingo Missions [ENG Translation]
Hypnosis Microphone A.R.B. Rhyme Anima+ Broadcast Commemoration Bingo Missions [ENG Translation]

The Missions close off at 01/12/2024 at 10:59 JST The G-Collect closes on 02/15/2024 at 23:59 JST

Additionally, make sure to collect your free 10-Pull on the New Event Banner, Catch Me on the Road to Makiba ~Boy Meets Cow~

Hypnosis Microphone A.R.B. Rhyme Anima+ Broadcast Commemoration Bingo Missions [ENG Translation]

Event ends on 10/20 at 10:59 JST

So grab it before then-! Good luck! === Follow me on Twitter || Check out my other stuff on Tumblr

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1 year ago
Wild Ritsu Sakuma Spotted

wild ritsu sakuma spotted

Also, I feel like Hypsters and Enstarries would really like Hawkeyes from Hundred Note (if they KNEW about it)

Wild Ritsu Sakuma Spotted
Wild Ritsu Sakuma Spotted
Wild Ritsu Sakuma Spotted
Wild Ritsu Sakuma Spotted

Please please talk to me if you wanna know what Hundred Note is.... I'm literally the only one here ! !! !

Twst fans who love Floyd would loooove Snake Pit too If you love Ran from blackstar too~

Wild Ritsu Sakuma Spotted
Wild Ritsu Sakuma Spotted
Wild Ritsu Sakuma Spotted
Wild Ritsu Sakuma Spotted

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1 year ago

ALTERNATIVE STREET ~Shinjuku~ and SUDDEN SCRATCH!! ~Nagoya: Diamond~ Bingo Missions ENG Translation


3.5 Anni Over-! New events in ARB are out~


Play the target songs and complete the missions to earn event pts for rewards-!

ALTERNATIVE STREET ~Shinjuku~ And SUDDEN SCRATCH!! ~Nagoya: Diamond~ Bingo Missions ENG Translation

Rewards in the event shop include:

>10 roll G-Collect Ticket

>Single G-Collect Ticket

>5 Trade Tickets

NEW G-COLLECT: Matenrou [Daily Life]

ALTERNATIVE STREET ~Shinjuku~ And SUDDEN SCRATCH!! ~Nagoya: Diamond~ Bingo Missions ENG Translation

ALTERNATIVE STREET ~Shinjuku~ Bingo Missions [ENG Translation]:

ALTERNATIVE STREET ~Shinjuku~ And SUDDEN SCRATCH!! ~Nagoya: Diamond~ Bingo Missions ENG Translation

From Left to Right, Top to Bottom, All Three Boards:

ALTERNATIVE STREET ~Shinjuku~ And SUDDEN SCRATCH!! ~Nagoya: Diamond~ Bingo Missions ENG Translation

Event ends on October 6th at 10:59 JST, Good luck~


SUDDEN SCRATCH!! ~Nagoya: Diamond~ ===

Play KILLER SCRATCH and come across Sudden Scratches that you must complete within the time limit~ Earn Sudden Scratch coins that can be used to buy the [Live it Up] series SSRs or ARB remixes of solos.

NEW SSR, Heaven or Hell, Hitoya Amaguni [Live it Up]!!:

ALTERNATIVE STREET ~Shinjuku~ And SUDDEN SCRATCH!! ~Nagoya: Diamond~ Bingo Missions ENG Translation

Earn enough Sudden Scratch coins to obtain the SSR or the ARB remix of One, Two, and Law permanently.

Additional G-Collect with BAT members' [Waftage], [IGNITION], and [Break Down!] sets!

ALTERNATIVE STREET ~Shinjuku~ And SUDDEN SCRATCH!! ~Nagoya: Diamond~ Bingo Missions ENG Translation

SUDDEN SCRATCH!! ~Nagoya: Diamond~ Bingo Missions [ENG Translation] ===

ALTERNATIVE STREET ~Shinjuku~ And SUDDEN SCRATCH!! ~Nagoya: Diamond~ Bingo Missions ENG Translation
ALTERNATIVE STREET ~Shinjuku~ And SUDDEN SCRATCH!! ~Nagoya: Diamond~ Bingo Missions ENG Translation

Event ends on 10/6 at 11:59 JST, good luck~

=== As an aside, I'm planning on making a full project that translates all of ARB, including the Main story and Event stories as well as current events and these missions. As I'm also working on other things, it will come out periodically, but I would really appreciate it if you followed me on Twitter and/or Tumblr so you can know when that is ^^ I just want ARB to be accesible to everyone, including the NA playerbase and more people should play it! Especially know about the main story bc it's kinda wild. I also translate for other stuff guys... you can request other things. Requests are always open regardless!! ^^ Anyone who wants to help with the ARB story and translation project whether it just be to provide raw screenshots are welcome if you wish, just DM me on Discord or any other platform.

Thankies for reading <3 Check out my other stuff in the Fandom Archives~

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1 year ago

Hypnosis Microphone ARB 3.5 Anniversary TLs


Happy 3.5 Anni grind!!! ARB is giving us tons of stuff this 3.5 anni, so be sure to sign in and collect your goods~ {Free 10-roll ticket when you sign in plus more!}

Hypnosis Microphone ARB 3.5 Anniversary TLs
Hypnosis Microphone ARB 3.5 Anniversary TLs

3.5 Anni SR Card Bingo Missions ENG Translations[Left to Right, Top to Bottom] For every character, it's the exact same missions, just use their specific 3.5 anni card and play their specific solo ===

Hypnosis Microphone ARB 3.5 Anniversary TLs
Hypnosis Microphone ARB 3.5 Anniversary TLs

3.5 Anniversary [Part 1] Bingo Missions || Board 1 ENG Translations ===

Complete the board to receive a 10-roll Revival Ticket!

Hypnosis Microphone ARB 3.5 Anniversary TLs
Hypnosis Microphone ARB 3.5 Anniversary TLs

This thread is mainly on twt!! Please follow my user at brainrot_hell!! I will frequently try to translate ARB things current and past and other mobages and projects~

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1 year ago

HypMic 3.5 Anni Bingo Missions

=== It's 3.5 Anni babeyyy--

ARB players come log in for a shit ton of gems and SSR Tickets during the log-in bonus! Additionally, head on over to Missions and you'll find a 3.5 Anni Bingo, it's really simple to fill out and finishing all missions will give you a SR ticket, which gives you a guaranteed SR or higher card!! Plus additional rewards as you finish missions~ ===

ENG Translation for all missions from left to right, top to bottom:

HypMic 3.5 Anni Bingo Missions
HypMic 3.5 Anni Bingo Missions
HypMic 3.5 Anni Bingo Missions

Hope it's useful to someone :]! === My SR ticket got me this, I couldn't be happier wtf

HypMic 3.5 Anni Bingo Missions

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1 year ago

Positive is my Life {Hifumi Izanami Solo} [ENG Translation] ===

Ft. Jakurai Jinguji, Hitoya Amaguni, Jyushi Aimono, Jyuto Iruma, Samatoki Aohitsugi, Saburo Yamada, Rei Amayado, Ramuda Amemura

=== Listen to the song~!

Positive Is My Life {Hifumi Izanami Solo} [ENG Translation]===
Positive Is My Life {Hifumi Izanami Solo} [ENG Translation]===
Positive Is My Life {Hifumi Izanami Solo} [ENG Translation]===
Positive Is My Life {Hifumi Izanami Solo} [ENG Translation]===


Read the full translation on my dreamwidth: https://absentminded-admirer.dreamwidth.org/1130.html

=== Google Docs Version for JP, Romaji, and pretty font~ Had it sitting around for a while because I forgoooot to post it. Sorry if there are any mistakes! Prolly not going to translate any more songs from Block Party unless someone asks (Tumblr) :]! But I am working on other things ^^ Thankies for reading! === Sketchie's Fandom Archives [Masterlist of things I've done]

Similar Works:

Rivals! [ENG Translation] || MOVE YOUR BODY TILL YOU DIE!!! [ENG Translation] || Charisma Rap Battle Anthem [ENG Translation]

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1 year ago


=== ENG Translation for MOVE YOUR BODY TILL YOU DIE, the Rio Mason Busujima solo featuring everyone on the HOMIES album!! Listen to the song:

Hope y'all fun doing this excercise tape <3 Google Docs version for nice font and jp and romaji Thankies for reading! And don't forget


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1 year ago

RIVALS! {Doppo Kannonzaka and Dice Arisugawa Duet} [ENG Translation]

=== Eng Translation for Rivals!, the new Doppo and Dice duet on the HOMIES album :> I've been waiting for this for like 6 years, everybody look at them, look at my boys!!!

Novice translator trying their best, I apologise if something is off! Requests and asks are always open, I'm always learning more and more. Thankies for reading!!

Google Docs version if you want to look at my weird font choices (or the Romaji and JP that's more useful-)

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1 year ago
My Jakurai Heritage Post

My Jakurai heritage post


...Apart from:

"Daddy Long Legs is about to pool cue someone in the balls."

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Lone Wolf-!: Blood-Stained Fangs Caught on Sharp Claws {Chapter 3: Secret's Out~}


"That’s not good, Kaoru. What if I was a bad vampire~?”

“I have a weapon.” Kaoru stated, clutching the mop tighter in his hands and Sakuma’s laugh that ensued after made his ears burn.

“How scary~” There wasn’t much room in the storage closet and Sakuma had rested one of his hands on the spot above the right side of Kaoru’s head. He leaned in way too close that Kaoru felt his head spin. “You think that’s enough to hold someone like me off~?What if I wanted to suck your blood~? ♥”


In the midst of his annoyance of being called out by a certain Rei Sakuma, Eichi is approached with something very interesting. Making a deal with his proclaimed enemy, he finds himself with a chance to play with some new people. Eichi Tenshouin has never been so fortunate.

Koga had the worst of luck. Being caught was one thing but the person that caught him could definitely not keep his mouth shut for the life of him. But that’s the least of his problems as he ends up seeing some of his classmates in a far more different light than before.

Kaoru’s so tired of men. And how they seemed to be all over him as of late. He’s especially tired of a certain man who keeps on trying to get his attention since last night. If he knew things would have panned out this way, he wouldn’t have bothered fighting a dog over pancake mix.


Lone Wolf-! Chapter 3 Released~!

Secret's Out~

Characters: Kaoru Hakaze, Koga Oogami, Rei Sakuma, Ritsu Sakuma, Subaru Akehoshi, Mao Isara, Hokuto Hidaka, Makoto Yukki, Wataru Hibiki, Eichi Tenshouin, Kanata Shinkai, Chiaki Morisawa, Izumi Sena, Keito Hasumi, Shu Itsuki, Mika Kagehira, Arashi Narukami, Adonis Otogari, Souma Kanzaki, Jin Sagami

Pairings: Kaoru Hakaze/Rei Sakuma, Koga Oogami/Ritsu Sakuma, Subaru Akehoshi/Hokuto Hidaka, Eichi Tenshouin/Wataru Hibiki, Adonis Otogari/Souma Kanzaki

Word Count: Chapter 3 {Approxi. 23k} Total {Approx. 36k}


Likes, reblogs, kudos, comments are very much appreciated <3

23k word chapter dropped as compensation for a 2 month mental hiatus wee.

Chapters are going to be around this length and getting longer for the future!! Will try for a two week or less space in between.

If you're interested in any of the lore or want to ask about plans/notes for the story, feel free to ask, I hardly say no! (Either here or just ask me on Discord)

Might compile supernatural design notes of anyone wants them~

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1 year ago

Charisma Battle Anthem [ENG Translation]

Charisma Battle Anthem [ENG Translation]

Fumiya Ito break went hard, huh.

English Translation for Fumiya's second solo, Charisma Battle Anthem-!

This is the first full-blown translation I've ever done so apologies if I miss anything! Google Doc version with Romaji attached

=== The amount of time and effort I spent on this is insane, this being the first thing to grapple with (Amahiko reference intended) was... interesting, I think I cried a little inside when Terra made a math pun. But it was so so fun. I love my just normal lil guys so much, thank you Mister Fumiya Ito.

That being said, I plan to do lots more translations in the future :]! I'll be hosting them on the dreamwidth for the sake of keeping them all in one place but as always, I'm always open for anyone to ask or request me anything. I will probably do it.

Next post is going to be a writing update for real!

=== Sketchie's Fandom Archives


LISTEN TO IT!!!! (You already did?) MORE!!!!

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1 year ago


I was freaking out over this all night. So I woke up and now the thoughts have been ruminating. BUT THIS IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME!!!! Fumiya certainly puts a whole lot of emphasis on all of them being together as a group, he's the one who got them all together and our little fourth-wall breaking dude who's aware of everything-- the charsima charges, the charisma breaking, everything. So it means everything to me that he's included them in his break.


I feel {I'm projecting} that you can faintly hear the other 6 in the backgrounds of Ohse, Saru, and Amahiko's solos. But it's faint!!! It's so faint but like they are always there in the background because they are the ones that are always cheering the person who broke on, the one being their background support. And then those guys just bounced off of that.

For Ohse, these guys are cheering him on. That's why he was able to do the things he did because he could hear the other guys and that's all the motivation he needs.

For Saru, he receives the cheering and their support as validation. They're confirming that he's cool, they're supporting him!! Making him feel seen.

For Amahiko, they're like background dancers/support for his sexiness. They're always there, he's never thought twice about it, they're to always exist in his presence. That fact is just like any other fact.

Fumi... he knows. He's well aware that the charisma charge was a group effort-- he's aware of how much they contribute. He THANKS them and he places them on the front stage WITH him.

I think there's just a huge emphasis on them as a group-- as a team-- as a collective-- and I think this is the only thing that's going to be in my brain for a solid moment.


I've already vocal kin-assigned them with much deliberation and cross reference. Fumiya = Samatoki with the energy of someone who just wants to go home

Rikai = Jyuto, that's a perfect match what the hell.

Saru = Dice, both howling out bars fr

Iori = Gentaro, that's no lie.

Ohse = Jyushi tone, Doppo energy

Terra = Saburo, why are they sticking so many effects in there-LeGaCy

Amahiko = Jakurai after he's downed too many bottles of alcohol. (MY FRIEND SAYING SEXY JAKURAI LIKE THAT MAN ISNT. ALREADY.)

=== {screams into the void} I will personally skip and twirl down the crsm rabbithole with anyone.

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1 year ago
Deleted Bond Conversation Between Emblem Soren And Goldmary:

Deleted Bond Conversation between Emblem Soren and Goldmary:

Wdym he didn't say this. You can't tell me that every time she talks, he's not just thinking this. ===

Original art is by Alena Sofronova!! Love this meme fr || Sketchie's Fandom Archives {Look at other stuff I made, definitely not other stuff I spurred up at 4am}

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1 year ago
Crewel: Who Let These Mfs Cook ===This Is What They Doing During Labs. Based Off A Convo I Had With My
Crewel: Who Let These Mfs Cook ===This Is What They Doing During Labs. Based Off A Convo I Had With My

Crewel: Who let these mfs cook 🔥🔥🔥 === This is what they doing during labs. Based off a convo I had with my friend. If I simply just tripped over a doorway, I'd be wasted gta style immediately.

Also, I think about Idikei interactions all the time. Maybe one day, I'll compile all the headcanons I have but one of them is just that Cater has ADHD so he just fucking says the randomest shit that comes out his mouth but Idia will always humour him.

It makes Cater feel less bad about it and truly listened to no matter what he says (since most people would seem offput or just ignore him) and Idia just always feels comfortable talking to him because then he knows that he can't really mess up the conversation. They bounce off each other all the time. ALSO CLICK ON THE IMAGES FOR BETTER QUALITY, I'M GOING TO MAUL TUMBLR!!! ===

Sketchie's Fandom Archives~ {Masterlist of my Stupid Brain Projects}

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1 year ago

Enstars {Discord}Textposts Part 1~

Enstars {Discord}Textposts Part 1~
Enstars {Discord}Textposts Part 1~
Enstars {Discord}Textposts Part 1~
Enstars {Discord}Textposts Part 1~
Enstars {Discord}Textposts Part 1~
Enstars {Discord}Textposts Part 1~
Enstars {Discord}Textposts Part 1~
Enstars {Discord}Textposts Part 1~
Enstars {Discord}Textposts Part 1~

Will do a writing update later... but here's whatever the fuck this is that I did at 2-4 in the morning <3 Taken from the Discord bc we're mentally ill.

Actually, 80% of these quotes are from me... so maybe I'm the problem.

Will release Part 2 if people want it!! I have too much content. === Sketchie's Fandom Archives {The Masterlist of All the Dumb Shit I Make~ <3}

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1 year ago

Welcome to Fallin' Night Star~

Hey, hey, Stargazers...

Do you ever feel like you can never really rant about your hyperfixations and fandoms to other people-?

Or that you have nobody to listen to you nor can you find people who have the same interests as you because it's extremely niche-? Did those hit too close to home-? Or did it just fly outside the ballpark?

Well, I know quite a few people like that. Also, I am one. That's why I opened up Fallin' Night Star. A place for people in fandoms to share their interests and find new interests... and to find the literal sweetest people on Earth who are very supportive and entertaining as hell. I cannot iterate more than enough how everyone there is so nice and sweet. Whether it's about going batshit insane over our interests and playing goofy silly games with each other... there will be neverending support from everyone. It's really nice to see. But enough of this sappy shit-! Hah-!

What's this...? An interest check-?

The club is opening up a feature soon called "Workaholic's Wonderland". Don't let the name scare ya, I just really like alliteration~ For those people who always wanted to be involved in creative fanprojects such as fandubs, fanzines, fangames etc., but found it hard to collaborate in them... we want to help people have fun engaging in such projects without the need for a high qualification. Working together, we want to be able to let everyone have the opportunity to be able to show off their talents!! The workshop is newly established and the point is to get people who are interested to help and have fun while we can see how far we can grow it. If you're interested in joining to toss ideas of projects and ideas of stuff that you'd love to collab with people to make a reality then I would encourage you to join and grab the role to enter~ Again, no qualifications needed and it's non-profit (for now), just people sharing and working together. ===

Additionally, we held casual voiceacting sessions where we jokingly voiced otomes (and other games). Currently, it's on hold, but if enough people are interested and pick up a voiceacting role (again, no qualifications needed!! Everybody's voice is good just as it is <3), it will return. === So long... so long... people are wondering when I will stop talking. But finally, I plan on releasing a lot of stuff related to my writing. Mostly on AO3 and Tumblr. Life hit me like a baseball bat but I'm getting back into doing stuff at a regular pace. (I say...) To see what I have written so far, just check out Sketchie's Fandom Archives-!

And if ya want to know about my future works...

Well, just check out what I'm into, I'll do something for it eventually~ And requests are always open for anyone who wants anything. That's how I hold myself accountable.

(If you're don't feel like looking at my pinned post for everything, just at all the fandoms in this post bye)

Or just ask me directly~ I'll usually answer anyone's questions if they ask. @ absentminded_admirer on discord, here (obviously), insta, and ao3


Anyways, here's your invite to Fallin' Night Star. Join if ya want~

There's nothing more for a clown to say other than-- Sayonara~

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1 year ago

Reblogging because it's!! Hifumi day!!!! So he gets a photobooth kiss and arcade date with his bf (again :p) And I'm too sick and sleepy to finish his bday fic (or any of my other hypmic drafts) in time!! disintegrates Happy bday to my blorbo, myskrunkle, my skrimble, the absolute world, sunshine- [unitelligible noises]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

=== “Then it’s settled~ If I get it, Doppochin has to give me a kiss~ ♥️” 

And then all the air was sucked out of Doppo’s lungs. A…what. ==

A chance encounter with Jiro Yamada on his transit from work threw a whirlstorm into Doppo’s peaceful weekend vacation. The teenager seems convinced that Doppo is the perfect candidate to play against in the newest arcade that the kid has had his eye on since it opened in Shinjuku. 

Knowing absolute jackshit about arcades, Doppo makes the mistake of telling his roommate, spurring his childhood friend into setting out to train him in all things arcade. 

If only Hifumi could stop insisting that it was a date. 

Doppo was sure his blood pressure was going to skyrocket more than a high score.  ===

Characters: Doppo Kannonzaka, Hifumi Izanami, Jiro Yamada  Chapters: 1/1

Pairings: Doppo Kannonzaka/Hifumi Izanami Word Count: Approximately 11.6K === Likes, Reblogs, Kudos and Comments are all appreciated <3 Requests are also appreciated!!

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