I long to kill the writers block fairy
512 posts
Trying To Expand My Music Tastes, And Just Listen To Some New Stuff Instead Of The Same Repeating Albums
Trying to expand my music tastes, and just listen to some new stuff instead of the same repeating albums
Does anyone have some recommendations?
I like Lemon Demon and Tally Hall, but the recommendations don't need to stick to that
the-letterbox-archives liked this · 8 months ago
rapogirl13 liked this · 8 months ago
addicted2coke-theothercoke liked this · 8 months ago
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Came up with a name for my experimental story
It's currently called Everduring
Wasn't included in the no pressure tags but thought I'd hop on for fun regardless. Didn't really see rules anywhere, but I'm pretty sure I just have to share some amount of what I've been writing, probably at least a paragraph
Gonna go with the same "story" from last time
Screw it, lets just post everything I've got so far. Its unedited and its a tad long, so doesn't really need read I suppose
The central hall of heaven was lined with lockers and doors; though I couldn’t imagine what a corporeal being needed a locker for. I think the white, hinged doors and elongated cubbies have simply always been here. They felt older than the occasional passing angel, the whole infinite architecture did—as old as god, maybe older.
Although the building showed no signs of wear or repair you could feel its age. It reverberated. It vibrated. It teemed with sentience, as though a great cordial beast lined the innards of walls, or as though the place itself was living; the great things warm breath traveling through HVAC.
In fact, the only aesthetical attribute which felt relatively young was a word painted in glamorous gold:
It must be under new management.
The central hall of heaven was lined with lockers and doors; though I couldn’t- I could. I remembered something, here, now, yet I’ve never thought it before. A memory I had never had. The building was already beginning to change my perception. A haze formed; an intoxicating clear smog of the beast's breath. It smelt like a warm broth—it smelt like home.
At the end of the hall and lockers of white there was a split of two pathways. Left led to the infinite maze. It was ever changing, shifting with the low groan of bowing marble. Were the walls and halls a creature, then here laid its tentacles.
They swayed like a cat's tail in motion, one experiencing joy.
Whatever could have caused this joy I knew not.
I lost myself in there.
The central hall of heaven was lined with lockers and doors, and near the doors were angels. They were tall, and slender, with the hunched back of a broken spine suspended by a thread. They smiled, with a full mouth of shark-like teeth, but there was no violent emotion meant by such an action. In fact, I hardly think they cared about me at all.
Unexpectedly they were dressed corporately in rather old fashion business suits. The kinds with shoulder pads. The building, alongside its faint and throbbing glow, had a strangely contrasting administrative feeling. Down to the front desk, with its PA system, and a rather tired looking figure. His eyes were sullen. His glistening teeth beginning to dim. Too much work, never stopping, always.
The angel, without even a glance in my direction, passed along a plain lanyard. Grey, with an emblem of many rare gems, and small letters in rose:
Visitors pass.
My trip was quickly coming to an end, the beast was waking up—I could hear its hunger like a deafening drum.
The central hall of heaven used to be lined with lockers and doors, but I can no longer remember the way; I can’t even remember being there in the first place, but I remember that I must have been. Before me lies only the maze—it's beginning to slow. It feels like it wants me to get through, to reach the middle, or perhaps the end, but whenever I feel the glow of void it bowes again and I am gone.
I’m lost again. I’m lost forever. Perhaps, even frighteningly, I’ve always been lost. I can’t remember leaving the maze, it simply gets too strong and I faint. How could I have left and wound up a visitor card if I never left? How could I have left when this is all there will ever be? You can’t run from an infinite space. For all intents and purposes this is not the beast's tentacles, but its stomach, and it's killing me.
I’m nearing the exit again, I can feel it. Whenever I near the exit I feel empty and shallow, like I’ve been drained of all fluids and my gut was dumped along the marble floor.
It's going to change again, I’m already beginning to feel it move, it goes slowly at first but picks up speed with ease.
I can’t remember who I am anymore; maybe I never was anyone in the first place, just a guy in a maze.
Central hall of heaven, something, something, something about the central hall of heaven; always at the central hall of heaven, lined, and with two paths at the end. The maze called again as it always did. Echoing emotion down the halls that allured. Lights of the beast flickering mesmerically. They pulsated like the lure of an anglerfish preparing to feed—to shred skin, tear muscle, and crush bone.
I, however, was not the food. The creature was hospitable, and welcoming of the insignificant things that lived within it. It tolerated angels, it tolerated me, but it hungered for something. Whatever could satiate such a beast? I imagined something of equal size and might, but unbound by the imprisonments of stone, freely floating across the aetherium. It would no doubt slumber for centuries to preserve power; perhaps it would even hibernate long enough for something to build upon it.
I must not look at the maze, it is not for me—whatever it is for it is not for me, I must avoid it. The other path led to a grand atrium with chandeliers of blinding light.
Corneas bled, retinas sizzled, veins bursted. My scream vibrated through the walls just as the beast's groans did, perhaps even in tune with them; we were in pain together.
No pressure taging @dyrewrites and @illarian-rambling
✨Writing Share Tag🪽✨
Thank you for this writing share tag, @fortunatetragedy , and this one @quillswriting ! 💛✨
Here’s another share from Tenshito, where Itazura and his father-figure/bodyguard Yoji talk about a lightning storm that struck Japan (who could’ve caused that, I wonder? 🤔✨),
This part reminds me of @wyked-ao3 ’s new Supernatural/Good Omens fanfic The Storm (which is really good and you should click and check it out ✨).
“So, how’d you find us?”
“Walked.” Yoji looked nonplussed.
“You….walked…?” Shito raised an amused eyebrow. “Did you manage to sleep?”
“No. That’s why I’m in a shitty mood, Ita.” Yoji sighed. “My own car’s fried due to the storm, and I figured you and Ten tried heading back to the dojo.”
“Hah, yeah. Didn’t quite make it there last night….” Shito chuckled.
The bodyguard shrugged. “So, you two managed to escape the city at least….” Yoji looked back down the winding highway towards the big city. “….I’m surprised you got your car to operate at all, considering the freak thunderstorm that occurred.”
“Yeah, hah…” Itazura rubbed the back of his neck and smiled awkwardly. “….That was…..quite a storm, right?”
“….” Yoji squinted his eyes in suspicion. “…..Right.”
Tagging (no pressure) @tildeathiwillwrite , @aalinaaaaaa , @agirlandherquill , @theink-stainedfolk , @yourpenpaldee , @astramachina , @scribble-dee-vee , @corvys-clover , @glasshouses-and-stones , @froggy-pposto , +open tag to whoever wants to join! 💛✨
👇Tag list for my stories are below the cut. Let me know if you want on or off 👇
Tag List for writing tidbits (lmk if you want + or -)
@autism-purgatory , @jev-urisk , @talesofsorrowandofruin @sunglasses-in-the-bentley , @glasshouses-and-stones , @alinacapellabooks , @gioiaalbanoart , @fortunatetragedy , @deanwax , @dyrewrites , @honeybewrites , @drchenquill , @paeliae-occasionally , @lychhiker-writes , @thatuselesshuman , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @zackprincebooks , @fantasy-things-and-such , @finickyfelix , @billybatsonmylove , @madi-konrad , @houseplantblank , @far-cry-from-finality , @froggy-pposto , @fractured-shield , @avaseofpeonies , @topazadine , @thecoolerlucky , @theaistired , @willtheweaver , @rivenantiqnerd @somethingclevermahogony , @noxxytocin , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @addicted2coke-theothercoke , @illarian-rambling
We went camping last night and I stupidly packed no sleeping bag cause I thought I would be in the car
I wasn't
I was in a tent, in my T-shirt, without socks cause I was in sandals, with only a blanket that did not even begin to cover me, and my jacket mistakenly taken off to try and use as a pillow
I'm cold
Gonna attempt to hop onto this, but there may be missing letters of I just can't find a sentence that works
Going with the same story from before, still working on a name
"P"erhaps it would even hibernate long enough for something to build upon it.
"A"lthough the building showed no signs of wear or repair you could feel its age.
"T"he central hall of heaven was lined with lockers and doors.
"I"'m nearing the exit again, I can feel it.
"E"choing emotion down the halls that allured.
"C"orneas bled, retinas sizzled, veins bursted.
I f"E"el funny, my mind swirling with words of writ.
Okay so obviously I failed and had to make some adjustments, hopefully someone else can do better then me
Your word is Musing
Tags are soft and post is open: @dyrewrites @illarian-rambling @the-golden-comet
WIP Anagram Tag
tyy for the tag, @agirlandherquill!
Find a sentence in your WIP that starts with each letter of the anagram
The wind ruthlessly swept her around as Lystra plotted where she could land in the endless forest surrounding the tower so she would only suffer minor injuries, steering herself toward it.
Rylan smiled slowly and faintly, before replying mockingly, “If you take it as one.”
Evren and Reine, thinking exactly as she was, yelled at the same time, “Fourth base!”
As she blew out her fifth breath, she lifted her head and opened her eyes.
“Crazy,” she muttered. “Utterly crazy.”
“However,” he said, strolling to a rack off to the side, covered by a dusty curtain. He smothered his smile as he thought of her reaction, before continuing his earlier sentence, “we do have these.”
Even though it was her last day of wandering, she knew she wasn’t going to find the fortress.
Rylan stopped at a dusty tent, all conclusions pointing that the tent had not been used in quite some time, which, when associated with the Fae, could possibly mean hundreds of years.
“You certainly have guts,” the male said, a faint, amused smile playing on his face, and an eyebrow lifted elegantly, making him look more intimidating especially from Dorian’s position on the floor.
Your word: PATIENCE
leaving this as an open tag! <3