Once I Dreamt - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

I just had a dream about the teaser for episode 8, and I was ether so excited or so pissed off that I had to wake up and check my computer to see if my dream was real.

I can't tell if this is a sign of good things to come, or a warning.

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3 years ago

once i had a dream that bonk choy was in the original pvz and i excepted it 

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2 years ago

I had a dream a few days ago that Dream showed up to the sandman premier and introduced himself as Morbius, and that he played Tom Porridge

my favourite part of the sandman was when morpheus said "its morphin time" and started to morph everywhere

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deleted my previous post about my dream, putting this up in place

Deleted My Previous Post About My Dream, Putting This Up In Place

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Wasn't included in the no pressure tags but thought I'd hop on for fun regardless. Didn't really see rules anywhere, but I'm pretty sure I just have to share some amount of what I've been writing, probably at least a paragraph

Gonna go with the same "story" from last time

Screw it, lets just post everything I've got so far. Its unedited and its a tad long, so doesn't really need read I suppose


The central hall of heaven was lined with lockers and doors; though I couldn’t imagine what a corporeal being needed a locker for. I think the white, hinged doors and elongated cubbies have simply always been here. They felt older than the occasional passing angel, the whole infinite architecture did—as old as god, maybe older.

Although the building showed no signs of wear or repair you could feel its age. It reverberated. It vibrated. It teemed with sentience, as though a great cordial beast lined the innards of walls, or as though the place itself was living; the great things warm breath traveling through HVAC.

In fact, the only aesthetical attribute which felt relatively young was a word painted in glamorous gold:


It must be under new management.

The central hall of heaven was lined with lockers and doors; though I couldn’t- I could. I remembered something, here, now, yet I’ve never thought it before. A memory I had never had. The building was already beginning to change my perception. A haze formed; an intoxicating clear smog of the beast's breath. It smelt like a warm broth—it smelt like home.

At the end of the hall and lockers of white there was a split of two pathways. Left led to the infinite maze. It was ever changing, shifting with the low groan of bowing marble. Were the walls and halls a creature, then here laid its tentacles. 

They swayed like a cat's tail in motion, one experiencing joy.

Whatever could have caused this joy I knew not.

I lost myself in there.

The central hall of heaven was lined with lockers and doors, and near the doors were angels. They were tall, and slender, with the hunched back of a broken spine suspended by a thread. They smiled, with a full mouth of shark-like teeth, but there was no violent emotion meant by such an action. In fact, I hardly think they cared about me at all. 

Unexpectedly they were dressed corporately in rather old fashion business suits. The kinds with shoulder pads. The building, alongside its faint and throbbing glow, had a strangely contrasting administrative feeling. Down to the front desk, with its PA system, and a rather tired looking figure. His eyes were sullen. His glistening teeth beginning to dim. Too much work, never stopping, always. 

The angel, without even a glance in my direction, passed along a plain lanyard. Grey, with an emblem of many rare gems, and small letters in rose:

Visitors pass.

My trip was quickly coming to an end, the beast was waking up—I could hear its hunger like a deafening drum.

The central hall of heaven used to be lined with lockers and doors, but I can no longer remember the way; I can’t even remember being there in the first place, but I remember that I must have been. Before me lies only the maze—it's beginning to slow. It feels like it wants me to get through, to reach the middle, or perhaps the end, but whenever I feel the glow of void it bowes again and I am gone.

I’m lost again. I’m lost forever. Perhaps, even frighteningly, I’ve always been lost. I can’t remember leaving the maze, it simply gets too strong and I faint. How could I have left and wound up a visitor card if I never left? How could I have left when this is all there will ever be? You can’t run from an infinite space. For all intents and purposes this is not the beast's tentacles, but its stomach, and it's killing me. 

I’m nearing the exit again, I can feel it. Whenever I near the exit I feel empty and shallow, like I’ve been drained of all fluids and my gut was dumped along the marble floor.

It's going to change again, I’m already beginning to feel it move, it goes slowly at first but picks up speed with ease.

I can’t remember who I am anymore; maybe I never was anyone in the first place, just a guy in a maze.

Central hall of heaven, something, something, something about the central hall of heaven; always at the central hall of heaven, lined, and with two paths at the end. The maze called again as it always did. Echoing emotion down the halls that allured. Lights of the beast flickering mesmerically. They pulsated like the lure of an anglerfish preparing to feed—to shred skin, tear muscle, and crush bone.

I, however, was not the food. The creature was hospitable, and welcoming of the insignificant things that lived within it. It tolerated angels, it tolerated me, but it hungered for something. Whatever could satiate such a beast? I imagined something of equal size and might, but unbound by the imprisonments of stone, freely floating across the aetherium. It would no doubt slumber for centuries to preserve power; perhaps it would even hibernate long enough for something to build upon it.

I must not look at the maze, it is not for me—whatever it is for it is not for me, I must avoid it. The other path led to a grand atrium with chandeliers of blinding light.

Corneas bled, retinas sizzled, veins bursted. My scream vibrated through the walls just as the beast's groans did, perhaps even in tune with them; we were in pain together.



No pressure taging @dyrewrites and @illarian-rambling

✨Writing Share Tag🪽✨

Thank you for this writing share tag, @fortunatetragedy , and this one @quillswriting ! 💛✨

Here’s another share from Tenshito, where Itazura and his father-figure/bodyguard Yoji talk about a lightning storm that struck Japan (who could’ve caused that, I wonder? 🤔✨),

This part reminds me of @wyked-ao3 ’s new Supernatural/Good Omens fanfic The Storm (which is really good and you should click and check it out ✨).

“So, how’d you find us?”

“Walked.” Yoji looked nonplussed.

“You….walked…?” Shito raised an amused eyebrow. “Did you manage to sleep?”

“No. That’s why I’m in a shitty mood, Ita.” Yoji sighed. “My own car’s fried due to the storm, and I figured you and Ten tried heading back to the dojo.”

“Hah, yeah. Didn’t quite make it there last night….” Shito chuckled.

The bodyguard shrugged. “So, you two managed to escape the city at least….” Yoji looked back down the winding highway towards the big city. “….I’m surprised you got your car to operate at all, considering the freak thunderstorm that occurred.”

“Yeah, hah…” Itazura rubbed the back of his neck and smiled awkwardly. “….That was…..quite a storm, right?”

“….” Yoji squinted his eyes in suspicion. “…..Right.”

Tagging (no pressure) @tildeathiwillwrite , @aalinaaaaaa , @agirlandherquill , @theink-stainedfolk , @yourpenpaldee , @astramachina , @scribble-dee-vee , @corvys-clover , @glasshouses-and-stones , @froggy-pposto , +open tag to whoever wants to join! 💛✨

👇Tag list for my stories are below the cut. Let me know if you want on or off 👇

Tag List for writing tidbits (lmk if you want + or -)

@autism-purgatory , @jev-urisk , @talesofsorrowandofruin @sunglasses-in-the-bentley , @glasshouses-and-stones , @alinacapellabooks , @gioiaalbanoart , @fortunatetragedy , @deanwax , @dyrewrites , @honeybewrites , @drchenquill , @paeliae-occasionally , @lychhiker-writes , @thatuselesshuman , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @zackprincebooks , @fantasy-things-and-such , @finickyfelix , @billybatsonmylove , @madi-konrad , @houseplantblank , @far-cry-from-finality , @froggy-pposto , @fractured-shield , @avaseofpeonies , @topazadine , @thecoolerlucky , @theaistired , @willtheweaver , @rivenantiqnerd @somethingclevermahogony , @noxxytocin , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @addicted2coke-theothercoke , @illarian-rambling

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1 year ago

I once dreamed myself in such an awkward situation that I accidentally realized I was dreaming and just... woke up. I didn't do anything cool, I didn't realize I was in a dream and didn't care about the awkward situation I just woke up

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7 months ago

Yesterday I had a dreamt Tumblr started drawing Perry the Platypus humanized and he became a Tumblr-sexyman even tho he doesn't have a Canon human design yet. Then Disney made it canon and married him with Doofenshmirtz on a theatrical movie. Everyone cried and called it the ship of all time, blueprints, etc etc. And even casual people started cosplaying them. And making weddings themed after them. A floating sans head was there for some reason, whispered "February 1" and I woke up in a cold sweat

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2 years ago

the other day I  that the lady from the first ghost busters was asking if i was a god, I said yes because of course I do and then I think she possesses me, idk it was confusing, either way I woke up feeling all icky

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2 years ago

you ever hear a song in your dream that you’re sure you’ve never heard before in real life.

that happened to me once and it the most cursed sounding song ever

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2 years ago

another weird dream, let’s go!

I was wandering around a big facotry building and for some reason there was a sha laying on the ground, it looked smaller than I thought it would be (maybe they were younger idk) so I was like 

‘ welp, this is mine now’ and picked him up and carried hi inside the bulding all like

‘this is my fren now’ he nuzzles into my neck then turns into a deer and tried to get out of my grasp and onto the ground.

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2 years ago

dream story time!

I got locked into my uncles house by this girl who was bullying me, she thought it was going to be funny if she were to start a weird old Swedish ritual where these two ghosts would try and kill you, your goal was to just not look at them and try to do all these complicated steps, the monster was a gaunt pale white naked man and the other was a witch with a deformed swirly face.

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1 year ago

I just had a dream that I was a dog and acted very much like a dog, like all I wanted to do was be with my human and show it affection because to me it was just a cool creature, but everyone was always busy and would yell at me to go away and I all wanted was to be loved and for them to know I loved them.

now I can't help but think of the tiny heartbreak a pet feels whenever I told him to leave me be because I was busy...

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1 year ago

another dream story time~ woohoo!~

so I was walking through the zoo and saw this bird in an enclosure, it was quite big and white and as I got closer to it I realized that it was talking to itself.

once I was up close with it through the wired fence it made focused eye contact with me and it had icy blue eyes and the face of a barn owl.

it said things like " I can understand and do much more, I know can read the same as you can and I can see you " just as I woke up.

also a very jarring song thats associated with the backrooms started playing, the one that sounds like an alarm. then I woke up

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1 year ago

another weird dream!

so I was outside on my front lawn and then the Asmoedus from Helluva boss was there and he chased me around my front lawn, it wasn't like fun or anything. I was like

" oh shit, he's gonna kill me!-"

and then he caught me and restrained me, then I woke up

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1 year ago

an AU where Spinel is taken in be Rose (pink diamond because she remembered to take her) and they went through the whole war, being apart of the very few that weren't corrupted.

she gets to see Steven be born and Rose dissapear, softly singing to herself

'isn't it lovely? isn't it cool and isn't it cruel? ' and she tears up while holding a baby Steven

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1 year ago

horrifying dream alert

okay so it started out pretty standard and normal.

me and my older sister were in a japanese treat shop and were ordering mochi ice cream at the counter, I got and sit down and wait in the back out of the way for the order, there were other japanese woman, and as I sit waiting I feel someone staring me, I look up and there was a japanese woman whos bottom of her face was missing, as well at the rest of her body, it was just long black hair. I quickly look away and hope that it was nothing, but I can't help but look back up and her face stretches down and her eyes get wider as I notice she has a nightmarish expression, then I come to on teh floor of a carpeted room, I try to get up and remove a sheer black veil from eyes but its stuck to me, the room is mostly empty but I can here an analogue version of twinkle twinkle little star getting closer, thats when I yell for one of my gods to get me out of there and I wake up at home.

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1 year ago

once I dream that the robins from the batman universe were the kids in homestuck and going through the whole homestuck events

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7 months ago

sad dream (kinda funny)

Sad Dream (kinda Funny)
Sad Dream (kinda Funny)
Sad Dream (kinda Funny)
Sad Dream (kinda Funny)

kinda sad on how touched starved I am

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7 months ago

me: roll over and try to cuddle with Astarion

Astarion:*pushes me away, not wanting to be touched*

me:*over emotional and starts to cry about it*

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