"One hell of a butler."

Screenshot re-draw challenge with Alastor :)
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More Posts from Alastor-simp
Alastor + Angel Dust Reacting To Female Reader Being A Really Good Dancer💃🏼

❥Summary: Your boyfriend and you have been dating for a while, and they are very interested in learning more about you. One day in the hotel, they discover a special talent of yours, leaving them starstruck.
❥Tags: alastor x reader, angel dust x reader, dancer, headcannon, boyfriends, lovers, hazbin hotel headcannon, boyfriend reactions, fluff, romance, some suggestive stuff
❥Warnings: A bit suggestive and swears
❥Notes: Always wanted to write something like this! Hope you guys enjoy.
✪Them Finding You✪
Both you and your significant other have been dating for a few months in the Pride Ring. It honestly came out of nowhere, but the both of you were content with each other. Since the relationship was brand new, there were still some things the both of you didn't know a whole lot about the other, maybe some favorite foods and fashion choices, but nothing more than that. The both of you would communicate and want to learn more about the other, but not to the point it made the other uncomfortable.
One afternoon, they were heading over to your room to bring you a snack from the kitchen, since it has been a while since they last saw you. Upon coming closer to your room, sounds of music could be heard from the other side. The door was slightly cracked, allowing them to peak through it. Looking through, their eyes widen at the sight of you, performing a very alluring dance routine.
✪Your Dance✪

🦌"My my, quite an impressive talent." Alastors gazed at you with smouldering eyes, smile widening at the sight of you.
🦌He had found you very shy and sweet when he first met you, causing him to drop his guard around you, as it would hurt his soul to treat you like he treated the others.
🦌Now he came to discover this side of you, and his heartbeat was skyrocketing. Never has he seen someone move so sensually before since his time in hell. Some of the moves you did cause some confusion as he was from 1900s, so he was more familiar with the Charleston or the Jitterbug.
🦌Your dance routine had come to an end, as Alastor saw you paused the music from your radio. Alastor had opened the door wide to your room, and began to clap his hands, honoring your little performance, causing you to jump in shock.
🦌"Bravo, my dear!" Alastor was smiling widely, as he made his way towards you, while your face was flushed pure red, having realized that Alastor was watching you the whole time. Alastor was right in front of you, head tilted at you. "What is wrong, darling?".
🦌Your broke out of your thoughts at Alastors question, looking to the side, twirling your hair with your fingers. "N-nothings wrong. you see all of that?" You hesitantly asked. Alastor chuckled at your question, leaning his head down further towards yours, making you turn even redder.
🦌"HAHA! Every bit of it, my dear! You never mentioned to me that you had an amusing talent like this." You kept looking down to the floor, twiddling your fingers. "Oh, I always loved dancing when I was younger, so I self taught myself certain moves and went from there." A hand made its way towards your chin, causing you to turn your face up towards Alastor, as he was gazing at you with desire.
🦌"It was very enchanting to watch. I wouldn't mind requesting a private show from you in the near future. Possibly in my chambers perhaps?" His finger traced your lips, as the static from his voice dissipated, letting you know he was being serious. Shivers spread through your body, and you felt like you could melt right now with how Alastor was looking at you.
🦌Nodding your head, you told Alastor you wouldn't mind doing that. Chuckling, Alastor leaned closer, placing a small kiss on your forehead. "Lovely~. Now, my dear. If you wouldn't mind, can I teach you some moves from my era? I'm sure you will enjoy it!"
Angel Dust🕷

🕷"HOLY SHIT ON A CRACKER!!!" Angel's thoughts exploded when he saw you busting a move in your room. Shit, you could move better than him!!!!
🕷Angel made it blatantly aware how good he was at his services in your relationship, including pole dancing. He cooled it down with you, as he assumed you weren't really use to that type of stuff and he believes in consent and making his lover comfortable in the relationship, so he put the very dirty comments and actions away for you.
🕷Seeing you dance like this was like a slap to the face. You were just a cute itty bitty little thing and here you were dropping it low, in HIGH HEELS!?! Oh no, this wasn't good, he was getting horny watching this.
🕷The music soon came to an end, and you slowly rose from the floor, moving your hands to fix your hair. The sound of the door slamming opened made you jump, and you turned to see Angel running towards you, picking you up of the ground and holding you up in the air.
🕷OH MY SATAN!!! TOOTS!!, WHEN WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME YOU WERE SUCH A SKILLED DANCER!! Angel kept spinning you around, smiling so wide his golden tooth was flashing so much. Your mind was still in a state of shock, especially now that Angel found out about your little hobby. "It's nothing special, Angel. Its just dancing."
🕷Angel had literally put you back down and began to shake you. "ITS. NOT. JUST. DANCING!!!!" He empathize each word with a shake. He soon stopped and placed both of his hands on your cheeks, making you look up at him, as he bent down a bit to reach your level. "That was by far the sexiest thing I have ever seen in my entire life." Angel whispered to you, as he looked at you lovingly, rubbing his thumb against your cheeks as he continued to hold them.
🕷Your heart skipped a bit as you continued to stare at Angel. Smiling, you lifted one of your hands to place it against his own, muttering a "thanks." Angel smirked and began to pull you towards him. He sat on the bed, positioning your body to sit on his lap. "Would love to have you teach me some of those moves. Whatcha think toots? Would you mind being my teacher? I'll be a really good student, trust me." Smirking, you leaned closer, giving Angel a kiss, before pulling back "Sure."
Tag List:
@alastorsgoldie @91062854-ka , @delectableworm , @iiotic
@cookiekyo , @demoarah , @danveration , @beebsbea ,
@veethewriter , @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @luujjvi ,
@unholycheesesnack , @saturnhas82moons , @jyoongim ,
@aceofcards0-0 , @ghostdoodlen , @yourdoorisunlocked ,
@starshipcookie , @ainsliemac , @aria-tempest , @nobuharashinyao
, @sweet06tart , @blakedbeanss , @ihyperfixatedagain , @ktssstuff ,
@yakultt-art , @mooniee123 , @nightmarenaya , @darischerry ,
@sadnessiscoldtea , @alastorssimp , @imacollasaltitan ,
@dilucragnvindr-my-beloved , @batmanmonstarr , @felice-jaganshi ,
@justchillaine , @crazed-flower , @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog ,
@akiooshizuka , @lokis-imaginary-friend ,
@themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @futureittomainn ,
@christinaatyourservice92 , , @just-trash-yeah-thats-it ,
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@madam-strawberryrose , @inkslayer , @azazel-nyx , @lixanjewel ,
@artemisandhunters , @thereeallink , @ask-theradio-demon ,
@lousypotatoes @l4zyb0n35 , @midorichoco
@lillylovesalastorsm1 , @alastorthirsty , @yukiinee ,
@daydreamtoropov , @cosmiccoralz
Ohhh I love this!!! Thanks for the tag @penelope-potter

Tagging @aria-tempest , @yukiinee , @lillylovesalastorsm1 , @jyoongim , @fraugwinska , @venusvixen20 , @signedmio
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@batschistcrazy @julia-bonkers @girlbossblog444 @greengirllover @turnerside @ohmanareyoucereal69 +anyone who wants to join<333
Husk is such a sweetie, I love him!!!
Feelin' Blue- A Husk with Violet Evergarden!reader fluffy piece

Hey guys, and welcome to this spin-off fic of the previous Husk and Violet Evergarden!reader content I wrote earlier this year!
For those who are interested in reading that fic first, I'll leave the link to it here.
Special thanks to @f4turemom for being my beta-reader!
I know it's been a while since I wrote anything here for this blog, but I've been pouring more time and energy into my main one, @forbidden-sunlight. There is more Hazbin Hotel content over there, amongst other stuff I've written lol.
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show :)
Husk never thought he would live to witness the day when Violet Evergarden!reader appeared at his bar with drooped shoulders. Even after he made her a drink, she just stared down at the pina colada in her gloved hand as she swirled the creamy colored contents before setting it down on the wooden counter, sighing.
All the hotel guests have been complaining to him for hours, but as the bartender, he goes along with it because it’s his job. Alastor would not be pleased to see him slacking off when he is supposed to be working diligently during this period of thriving business. The princess observed sinners from everywhere arriving here, in search of redemption, as the rooms were being reserved floor by floor. It made her happy. Which made Vaggie happy too, both as the hotel’s manager and Charlie’s girlfriend. Husk, however, knows it’s actually because of the free rent and the angelic weapons that draw them to the hotel in like a moth towards an open flame.
But he keeps his mouth shut about it. Violet Evergarden!reader didn’t. It’s how she got in trouble with Charlie yesterday during happy hour.
One dumbass bragged to his friends at how easy it was to pull the wool over the princess’ eyes by acting like a saint, and now their afterlives have never been better thanks to the benefits of participating in her ‘shitty activities’. Violet Evergarden!reader, who had been around the bar at the time as a makeshift bouncer, heard the conversation and threw him out of the hotel. Charlie heard about it and pulled the hotel groundskeeper inside for a little chat. Whatever she said to Violet Evergarden!reader, it must have been some kind of punishment for acting inappropriately towards a hotel guest. He had a pretty good idea about the punishment for the young woman who had a distant, empty stare while nibbling the maraschino cherry.
Despite her challenges with emotions and her blunt honesty, Husk couldn’t help but notice how Violet Evergarden!reader’s eyes would glow in excitement when she pressed a charcoal piece to the canvas, and poured her entire concentration into drawing the subject that Charlie had placed in the center of the room. Seeing her face light up at the end of the session had made it worth using the secret stash for art supplies instead of going to the nearest liquor store three blocks away. The hug she gave him that day knocked the wind out of him, but like he said. It was worth it.
After all, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn’t spoil her once in a while?
Violet Evergarden!reader understood, better than most, why they had to hide the truth about their relationship from the Radio Demon, from everyone. This is Hell. Anyone who is anyone will use any weaknesses to gain control or power over the other. Husk would have done the same thing if he was still an overlord, scaring the shit of clients who weren’t able to pay back what they owed to his casino. And just like him, Violet Evergarden!reader was on a leash, her soul trapped in a contract with another overlord. Rosie might appear to be a sweet lady on the outside, but there’s a reason she rules over Cannibal Town with fear and respect. It doesn’t help either that she is best friends with Alastor.
His eyes darted from the bar to her, then he placed the polished glass back on the second shelf next to the bottles of Beezlejuice. It was clear he had an idea brewing in his mind, even if he’ll deny it when someone else pointed it out.
He had little here, but there were some paper drink menus Vaggie had made after this place got busy with the new sinners rollin’ through here. Couple of crayons Charlie left when she drew out some new activity plans, half crying and half drunk one night when she was stressin’ out about the hotel’s success. Pens too. Fuckin’ shame that they still can’t afford to get a tablet and take orders that way. It is what it is. But he knows Violet Evergarden!reader could use the distraction right now.
Just because the princess banned her from the art sessions doesn’t mean that his sweet little soldier still can’t practice on her own time, right? She knows that she’s always welcome to sit here at his bar whenever she wants to.
Whether it’s keeping his sorry ass company, or make sure the bastards around here don’t get too rowdy. When tempers flare up and she’s present to maintain order, he refrains from making her favorite drinks after witnessing her remove someone from the venue because it’s unprofessional. Not because how she did it with such grace and calmness is extremely sexy to him, and her drinks are his little reward to her. Nope. That is not it at all, goddamnit.
He does, however, know that out of the sinners in this shithole, he is the one Violet Evergarden!reader loves. And he’d be a real son of a bitch to take that love for granted just because he was given a second chance to redeem himself.

Taglist: @alastor-simp @alastorsart @yourdoorisunlocked @anielly-2010 @kameyo-kumo @ladydoe8 @swallowtail-lotus @solandis-does-stuff @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @victheauthor @22carolina08 @bones4thecats @kanroji-san @the-cat-queen-peasants
XD Ok this is hilarious🩷😂❤️
Alastor's diet

Sudden Attraction❤️🔥 - Alastor x Female Reader (18+)

❥Summary: A small gift from Rosie leads to unexpected events.
❥Tags: Alastor x fem reader, 18+, aphrodisiac, first time, romance, smut, biting, cunnilingus, dirty talk, mentions of tentacles, fluff with smut, aftercare, friends to lovers, rosie knows what she is doing, NSFW
❥Notes: Fun fact- Deers are very attracted to the scent of certain fruits like apples and acorns, and also vanilla. THIS IS 4K WORDS, LETS GO!
**Rosie's Emporium**
"Y/N!! Have you finished stacking the shelves?" Rosies voice had called out for you, causing you to move behind the shelf to look for her. "Yes, Miss Rosie." Calling back out to the cannibal overlord, you finished putting the last box on the shelf, stepping back to admire your work. Your name was Y/N, and you were a sinner demon in hell. You had arrived to the Pride ring a couple months ago, and your first destination was the Hazbin Hotel. A chance of redemption was a bit skeptical to you when you arrived, but maybe it could be possible, so it seemed like the best idea and it was. Charlie was a little ball of sunshine in a dark place, wish wasn't what you expected to find in Hell. She had taken you in the minute you knocked on the door, introducing you to the other residents. It was quite a group when you first saw them, but at least they weren't planning to kill you, yet you hoped.
It took a couple awkward handshakes, but you were able to calmly introduce yourself. The last person to meet particularly stood out from the rest. He was a staggering 7ft tall man. His red pinstripe suit and black pants suited him well, along with his monocle. The cane he carried with him was a microphone, which you noticed right away. His smile was wide enough to put the Joker to shame, it was so enlarged that you kept staring, but quickly turned away as it was rude to stare. He bent down at the waist, grabbing your hand and placing a small kiss on it, "Salutations, my deer. I am Alastor. I trust you will have a splendid time staying here at the Hazbin Hotel." It took a bit for you to calm down from his sudden act, before smiling at him, saying it was nice to meet him and that you will enjoy staying here. That small meet later turned into a full on friendship. The both of you quickly hit it off, which still baffled the other residents as given Alastors background in hell, it seemed shocking that he could make friends with anyone, including you. You did find out over time about the power Alastor possessed and how feared he was in hell, but that wasn't gonna stir you away from him, because there was more to him that met the eye.
He was kind enough to put in a good word for you with Rosie, as you felt you needed to work, since staying at the hotel made you feel guilty that you were doing anything to pitch in, honestly you couldn't keep relying on Charlie to pay for everything. Rosie was not what you expected, being the cannibal overlord in the Cannibal Town of hell. She was very gracious and motherly, having squealed when she first met you, and hugging you sweetly. She hired you within a second, offering you a decent pay and reasonably hours to work, as you still had to help a bit at the hotel plus attend Charlies meetings. Rosie made her way over to the shelf, placing her hands on her hips in satisfaction. "Oh splendid work, my sweet." Her lips drew into a sharp-tooth smile, giving you a loving pat on the head. "Thank you. Now is there anything else you would like for me to do?" Rosie smiled, placing her hand on your back, signifying you to move closer to store exit. "Well my sweet, everything is already spick and span at the moment, plus it shouldn't be a busy day today, so your free to take the rest of the day off." You widen your eyes, shaking your head back and forth, "Oh no! I can't do that! I'm pretty sure there are other thin-" Your mouth stopped working, as Rosie placed her hands on your cheeks, cooing at you like a mom would to her child. "Ah ah ah, I will not take no for an answer." Her kind eyes were gazing at you, to which you dropped your head in a nod.
Rosie let your face go, and moved to an area behind the curtain where the desk was. She came back holding an envelope and a small little bottle. "Here you are my sweet, your paycheck. Also here is a little gift from me for being such an adorable little worker." She handed you the envelope and bottle. It was a small ruby shaped bottle, with a small flower design attached to it

"Go on, give yourself a little spritz" Rosie urged you. Taking the top off, lifted the bottle to your neck, allowing the contents to spray onto you. The scent of crispy red apples, mixed with a small ounce of vanilla filled your nostrils. There was a hint of something nutty in it too, but you couldn't place what it was. You inhaled the scent, letting out a delightful hum. "Thank you, Miss Rosie, it smells amazing." Rosie smiled wider and gave you a hug. "Aww I knew you would love it. Now run along sweetie. Go enjoy the rest of your day off." Rosie let you go and began to pushed you towards the door. Once you were outside, you turned and waved at Rosie, which she returned with a smile and closed the emporium doors.
**At The Hazbin Hotel**
"Hey guys! I'm back!" Calling out, you closed the hotel doors, as you made your way to the hotel lobby. Husk gave you a small wave, before going back to cleaning the glasses at the bar. Charlies head had peaked out from the meeting room/living room of the hotel, shooting you a vibrant smile, "Oh Y/N, your back early?" Moving closer to where she was, you explained that Rosie allowed you to have the rest of the day off. Charlie seemed exuberant at that, before going back to finish the bonding activity with the others. Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Vaggie and Niffty were seated on the couch or floor, turning for a second to give you a quick smile before focusing back on Charlie. A wave of static had appeared next to you, and before you knew it, a hand had placed itself on your hip, pulling you closer to the source. Turning your head up, it was none other then the radio demon itself, staring down at you with his signature smile. "Your back quite early, my dear." Alastor had moved his head closer to yours, while his hand was still positioned on your hip. This was odd, was your first thought, as Al wasn't very the touch-feely kinda guy, but he was always the one to invade other peoples space, so you took it as him just being silly. "Oh Hi Al. Yeah, Rosie allowed me to leave early since it wasn't very busy today." A small smile appeared on your face, as you then turned your head back to the group.
A quiet hum was all that come out of Al, and he continued to remain silent as the both of you looked on at the others performing some exercise that Charlie urged them to do. The location of his hand still remained where it was, and once in a while it would move up and down, sometimes pinching a bit, but not enough for it to be painful. Questions flooded your mind as it seemed quite bizarre that he was keeping you so close. Turning your head to look at him, Al motioned his eyes down towards yours, while his head drew to a small tilt. "Ummm Al, you can let go now." His body became stiff, as he was stunned by what you said. He quickly realized where his hand was and placed it behind his back along with his other arm. "AH! Apologies my dear. My mind must have slipped from me!" Wow, this was the first time you had actually seem him be apologetic towards anyone, not only that but his cheeks were a small shade of pink, before it quickly disappeared as if it were magic. "It's alright. Do you want to join the others?" Your head motioned towards the others. Alastor smiled back and began to head with you to sit with the others.
**Nighttime-Your Bedroom**
"WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" Your mind was going crazy, and it was all Al's fault. He was being more touchy with you now and he continued to follow you everywhere you went. After that whole hip incident, he would find other opportunities to touch you. During the exercise that Charlie was conducting, he had placed his hand on yours that was laying on the couch. Then when you were fixing a small snack for yourself, he had popped up next to you and began to slowly wove his hands into your hair, playing with the strands, making you very flustered. The icing on the cake was when the gazes he would give you wherever he went. They were locked on you, hungry for you, piercing your soul. It would have frightened you, but something about it made your knees weak. "Sighhhhhh.........." Flopping your back against your bed, you tried to navigate your thoughts, wondering why the sudden change in Alastor's demeanor. Was he angry about something? Did you make a joke that went to far or was it something else. Coming to a decision, your feet made contact with the floor and began to head to the deer demons room.
Fidgeting with your hands, you stood in front of the door that connected to Al's room. Calming your nerves, you knocked on Alastors door, "Hey Al, its me. Can I talk to you for a second?" A few seconds went by and the door opened to reveal Alastor, smiling widely, crimson pupils gazing down at you. "Evening, my dear. May I inquire what it is you need to talk about?" You looked off to the side before looking back at Al saying it was about some things that had occurred today. Alastor continued to stand at the door before turning around, which was a good hint that it was okay to come inside. Entering inside, your eyes look at the pocket dimension he made before looking back at Al, who's back was facing you. "Listen Al, I noticed you have been acting different today and wanted to know is something wr-" *BANG!* Before you could register what happened, Alastor had slammed his hands against the door, pinning you to it, as he blocked you from escaping. "Evil chuckle.....SoMeThINg iS VEry WrOnG, DaRLIng!" His voice was breaking, static going in and out when he was talking. Shocked by what was happening, you peered up at Al and gasped. His cheeks were coated a deep red, sweat dripping all over his face. His smile seemed wobbly, while his red pupils were now heart-shaped. "Are you okay?" Concerned for him, you tried to touch his cheek, only for your hands to be grab by his, and placed against the door.
"This is the first time in all of my existence I have felt like this. Your rich with life...I̵̹͇͇̞̕͘͜͢ Ẃ̧̩̪͚̀̕A̵̢̡̰̗͢N̢̢͕̼͢Ţ̛̭͔͠ I̢̛̟̘̕͜T͖̣̪͞ͅ!" His head lunged at you, sinking his teeth into your neck, breaking the skin with his sharp fangs. "AGH!" Your body tensed, goosebumps forming all over your body. The pain was excruciating, yet it only lasted for a minute, until you felt his fangs recede. Something wet was caressing your neck, moving back and forth, dulling the pain for a bit. His head had left the area where he had bitten, allowing you to see his face. Blood covered his lips, slowly dripping down his chin. Desire was glazed in his eyes, and his smile stretched to the point it could break his face. "Exquisite!" He spoke in a husky tone, causing the strength to almost leave your legs. His tongue appeared and wipe the excess blood on his lips, making you blush. "Al..." Your words failed you, as you tried to grasped what was happening in this situation.
A swarm of black tentacles began to appear behind Alastor, grappling at you to hoist you in the air. They had moved your body over to what was possible Alastors bed. Your back hit the bed, while your legs and hands were bound by his powers. "Al! What are you doing?" You lifted your head up a bit, to try to peer at Alastor. His smile was still on his face as he walked over to you, while placing a finger against his lips. "Shhh..don't worry darling. You just need to lie there and give in to p̥̃l̻͌e̩̲̒̈ă̮̬̖ͭ̚s̰͓͈̩̋̅͊̚u̠̝͇̳͊͊̅ͮŕ̰͚̬͔͔ͮ̒ͣ̑ḛ͎͔̣̙͔̒̑ͬ̂̾̚. The jacket he was wearing, was shrugged off, exposing his red dress shirt and black harness that was keeping it in place. Your eyes couldn't look away from him, it was the first time you had every seen him wearing anything else but his coat. You were able to see more of his body shape without the coat, his waist was very slim, yet his arms were slightly bulky, showing that he had some muscle hidden under all that. Removing the harness that was on him, it allowed him to unbutton his shirt, revealing his bare chest to you. A swarm of scars littered his body, causing a small gasp to leave your lips. The middle of his chest had a small patch of red fur, it was noticeably big but not as much as Angel Dust was. His arm contained the scars as well, plus more red fur. You felt your undergarments become moist from just seeing him like this, he was beautiful. Alastor noticed your stares and gave a soft chuckle, "See something you like, darling?"
Arriving at the bed, he climbed on it, moving his body closer to your legs. The tentacles tied to your legs disappeared and were then held down by Als hands. Spreading your legs open, he gazed hard at the wet spot on your underwear. You were only in your nightgown and now Al had a clear view of everything that was going on down there. Embarrassed, you tried to move your head to look away, but stopped when you heard a snarl from below. "D͔͖̬̲̳͂Ö̝̭̟͖̹N̠̼̞̖͆'̱̹̫͉̀̃T̯͇͔ͯͯͅ ̺͍̭̉͑D̳̻̰ͨͥ̑O̮͉̭̿ͭ̈ ͔̻ͩͩ̌T̖̝ͯͬͧͭH̤̱͗̆ͯͣḀ̏̓ͤ͒T͍͋ͥ͆͗̚!̰͌̊̃̍ͨ ……..I want your eyes on me, darling. I want you to watch me take you, every part of you!" His eyes flashed into radio dials for a split second before going back to his normal crimson. Licking his lips, he bent down further, hiking your nightgown to your knees, while his fingers moved your panties to the side, exposing your leaking feminine parts to him. "How adorable, your dripping with anticipation!" He spoke in a playful tone as he extended his tongue out, giving your cunt a quick lick. You jolted upward, moaning at the sensation, causing Alastor to chuckle at your reactions. His tongue extended out again, and began to enter your core, moving your inside, and sometimes teasing at your clit. "Holy shit." your body shook from the pleasure, as your knees tried to squeeze together, pushing Alastors head closer. Alastor continued his ministrations, moaning at the taste of you. One of his hands, left your leg to start flicking at your clit, spurring on more moans from you. "How was he so good at this?" You thought, as you continued to squirm at the sensations Al was giving you. Something started to build up inside you, the more and more pleasure you were getting, the bigger it got. "Ah!...Al.....stop....some-...something is coming." Pleading with Al, you were warning him to stop, as you felt your orgasm starting to surface. Al refused to leave from his position, tongue moving faster inside, urging you to come. Your back arched off the bed as your cunt exploded, coating Al's tongue and mouth with your essence.
Trembling all over, your body melted into the bed, dazed. You felt his tongue slowly pull out of you, as his head lifted up to face you, lips covered in your slick. Smirking, he wipe the excess of your orgasm with his finger, licking it after. "I'm not one for sweets, but you my dear, are quite the exception." There was a sound of something zipping and before you knew it, Al had climbed on top of you, hands pinned next to your head. "Are you ready, darling?" You broke out of your daze at his question, muttering a soft "huh, ready for?" when he spoke to you. "Chuckles...ready for me to ravage you?" Shocked by Alastors response, you felt your whole face flush, mouth gaped open like a fish. Unable to come up with a response, your head move to the side, wishing your hands were free so you could cover it. The silence from you concerned Alastor greatly, placing a hand on your cheek to turn it back to face him. "What is the matter, my dear?" His eyes turn soft, smile turning in a thin line. Lips bitten, you didn't know how to explain it. ""
Quickly realizing what you were trying to say, Alastor leaned his face closer, touching his forehead against yours. "I take it, it is your first time?" He hit the nail on the head, answering him with a soft nod. "Well, it is mine as well, darling. And I intend on making this painless and satisfactory for you. Do you trust me?" This side of Alastor took your breath away, the gentle and kind part of him that always made your heart race whenever you saw it. You did trust him, completely. Nodding your head, you smiled up at Alastor, earning a soft smile from. His lips drew closer to yours, merging together into a kiss. It started slow with a peck before it shifted into full on making out. His teeth gave a soft nip to your lips, allowing them to open, giving him access to your tongue. Both of your tongues continued to lash at each other, as Alastor claws made their way to your nightgown, ripping it slowly, leaving you bare in front of him. You felt something prod at your entrance, and slowly enter inside of you
Gasping out, your lips disconnected from Al's, moaning in discomfort. Alastor stayed completely still, refusing to move until he made sure you were ready. "The pain will fade, my deer." Soft kisses were met to your forehead, your lips, your ears and then your bite mark that was left by Alastor. It felt like something had stuck a stick inside of you, but the pain wasn't horrible, just odd. Trying to ease into it, your eyes scanned the room, taking in the decor and the bayou atmosphere that Alastor made. The sounds of water sloshing somewhere and the little tiny fireflies helped you to relax, making the sensation more tolerable. Alastor's face remained on your neck, the sounds of his breath close to your ear, and the thumping of his heartbeat against your chest, making you flush. The uncomfortable feeling had all but faded away, and you signaled to Al that you were okay. Going back to his original position, on top of you, he hoisted your legs to wrapped around him. Groaning, he started to move inside of you, the tip of his erection going in and out of you. "Ah..Ahh!" Tears formed in the corner of your eyes, mind-blown from the feeling of Alastor penetrating you. " take me so well, darling. Everytime I move, your insides quiver!" Alastor sped up his thrusts, earning more moans to spill from your lips.
The tentacles still remained on your hands, holding them down. You wanted nothing more than to place them on Al's back, wanting to pull him closer. "Ahhh...alastor..remove these" Gesturing to the tentacles with your eyes, Alastor let out a soft laugh. "Whatever for?" Alastor sped up, hitting your sweet spot more directly, causing you to squeeze him with your legs. "Ahh...please...I wa-I want to touch you." Begging, your eyes filled with tears from the immense ecstasy. Alastors face turned red at your sweet pleading, before raising one if his hands to snap his fingers, "Chuckle...very well. Since you begged so nicely-SNAP." The tendrils left your arms, allowing you to wrap them around Al's back, pulling him closer. His rod throbbed inside of you, inserting itself in and out of you at rapid pace, making your eyes roll back. "AHHH.....MORE...PLEASE!" Yelling out in pleasure, your hands clawed at his back, feeling another orgasm coming. Alastor continued to groan on top of you, eyes flicking into radio dials then back to crimson, showing he was loosing control of himself. "Take it....take all of it, darling!" Clenching down on his rod, your back arched off the bed again, as you came, followed by Alastor who sped thrusted inside of you, until coming to a complete stop, coating your insides.
You felt like your were on cloud nine, your legs continued to shake, body drenched in sweat. Alastor's head had fallen on your chest, acting as a little pillow for him as you felt his soft breaths on your skin. He remained inside of you for a bit until slowly removing his rod, cum dripping out. Alastor removed his head form your chest, removing himself from the bed, standing next to you. Still in la la land, you didn't register him picking you up off the bed, bringing you into another room. "Lets get you cleaned up." Your ears picked up a bit on what he said, but your head was still in a daze.
**Alastors Bathroom**
Your back was placed against Alastor's bare chest, leaning against him as you both soaked your bodies in his bathtub. Al had drawn up a bath for the both of you, adding in some essentials oils to make the experience more relaxing and some bubbles for fun. His hands rubbed against your skin, soothing the sore parts on your body. "My dear, may I ask, did you receive a small trinket from Rosie, by chance? His static filled voice appeared in your ear, waking you up a bit from the relaxing sensations. You tilted your head up a bit to look at him, "Umm, she gave me my pay and a perfume bottle as a gift." Another laugh was heard from behind you, making you raise an eyebrow. "Ahhh..Rosie, always trying to play matchmaker!" Turning your body around, you looked up at Alastor, wondering what he was talking about. Alastor placed a hand on your cheek, leaning closer to gaze into your eyes. "That little perfume contained a potent aphrodisiac. It's quite powerful to certain demonic breeds, especially deers like myself!" His words made something click in your head. OMGGGGGGG!!!!!!! NOW YOU KNOW WHAT ALASTOR WAS ACTING LIKE THAT! YOU WERE BASICALLY DOPEING HIM! "OMG!! Al I-I had no idea, I knew it smelled nice, but I didn't think it was..I..I'm sorry." Hands placed against your face, in embarrassment, you felt steam coming out of your ears. Hands placed against your shoulder, you were turned around to now your body was facing Alastor. Slowly, Al removed your hands from your face, "My sweet darling, I am not upset. Honestly, I am more tiffed that Rosie tried to help in my attempts to court you. There were better ways to go about it, not involving that blasted perfume!" The static had left his voice, showing how serious he was. "Wait what?" Picking up on what he said, you started at Al in awe. "You wanted to court me?" Guffawing on your reaction, Alastor placed his head against yours, "Why of course, my dear! You peaked my interest the minute you arrived at the hotel. While I do admit it was more for entertaining purposes, I find your very being quite charming and adorable. I would very much like to continue this arrangement, properly of course, without the aphrodisiac of course. What say you, my dear? Do you wish to form a relationship with me?
You were not expecting that! This whole time he wanted to date you. You admit that you had a crush on him as time went on, but you thought dating was gonna be off the table with him. You already had your answer, placing your hand against his cheek, you uttered a "Yes" Alastor jester smile had returned, placing both of his hands on your cheek, "Normally, I would seal an arrangement like this with a handshake, but I'll settle for a kiss!" His face came closer, sealing your lips with a passionate kiss.
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