alewritesfics - ❝ Heaven is a place on earth with you ❞
❝ Heaven is a place on earth with you ❞

only writing for the Bridgerton brothers atm ~requests are open~ sideblog is @eternallyale where I'll reblog stories I really enjoy so check it out for recommendations!

73 posts

Unacceptable Feelings

Unacceptable Feelings

Summary: the last day of the country visit, will it turn out how Edwina wants in the end?

Paring: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader

Word count: 2.2k

Warnings: unedited , angst, more inappropriate encounters, more angst, btw, not that anyone was asking, I was listening to The Last Time by Taylor Swift while writing the first part, so if you're in the mood to cry, listen to that while reading, it really made me cry when writing it, so it either made it hurt more or I'm just that sensitive.

Also, if anyone has any opinions, feel free to express them, I really want to know what you think.

Series Masterlist

Unacceptable Feelings


“Hey Bon” Kate greets me as she joins me in the garden, sitting down at the bench with me, I smile at her

“You have been very pensive lately” She mused

“I do not think I am going to marry this season, deedee” I say quietly

“What are you talking about?” I stayed silent

“You know you can tell me” She lays her head on my shoulder “You are my sister who I love more than anything, I will never judge you, on anything”

“There is no one, who captures my attention enough to marry, and there is the matter of my dowry, and-“ I swallow as tears stung my eyes “I fear I have done something entirely wrong, Kate” she stayed quiet, letting me continue

“I have feelings for someone, someone I should not feel anything for” I admit, blinking my eyes furiously “But I cannot help it” a tear dropped from my eye

“ I cannot marry anyone while I have feelings for this person, it is wrong for me to do it, and I wish I did not feel how I feel, but every time we spent time together, and I got to know him more and more, I got to know the kind of person that he is, and with the way my heart started to race every time he touched me, I knew i fell” I sniffled “And it hurts” I cry out, sobs escaping me.

“I have been thinking since this morning, and I figured out how I felt. I know I can never be with him, not in a million years, especially since he is going to ask someone else to marry him. Something I know is going to break me when the time comes and it is all my fault. I knew from the start that he was not interested in me, but I ignored it and now, now I am going to pay the price” She lifted her head up from my shoulder and stared at me sadly

“I am breaking, deedee” I sob loudly and hugged her tightly “I hate this, I hate this feeling, I hate him for making me feel this, I wish I never met him and got to know him!”

“Bon,” Kate pulled away from our hug “He does not deserve your tears” I nodded, trying to stop crying, but I was not able to

“No one does, especially not Anthony Bridgerton” I went to speak up “Do you think I have not seen how you look at him” She smiled sadly

“Even before you figured out your feelings for him, I knew how you felt. You did after all say you wanted to marry him since the first day you met him” She wiped away my tears as I calmed down, sniffling “How about this,”

“What if, after Edwina is married, you leave to India with me, I was after all going to leave immediately after either of you married” She offers “You come with me, the less you see him, the more your feelings for him will subside, and you get to visit our home, once the season starts again, you come back for your second season, after all, there is no rush to get married, you are one and twenty and on your first season, you still have a few seasons to go before you are considered a spinster” I nodded

“Yes ” I smiled feeling better

“Yeah?” Kate smiled happily

“I would like that very much” I nodded

“Great!” Kate stood up “Now, let us go take a walk around the garden, no need to think about that hideous man anymore” I laugh along with her as she pulled me up from the bench to start our walk


It is the night of the ball. I was walking down the staircase along with my family and Lady Danbury. I look down to the dance floor. Couples dancing all over and families stood over to the side.

“Miss Edwina, might I have your first dance?” I looked down a few steps, Anthony’s face gracing my sight. He looked at me for a second before turning back to Edwina.

“Certainly, my lord” She accepted and walked off with him leaving me to stare after them.

I looked back at my family, smiling at Kate who smiled back reassuringly, and then she walked down with Mama. Only Lady Danbury and I left. I approached Lady Danbury.

“Have you been enjoying your time alone with the Viscount” my face paled as I looked at her “You are friends and there are times you both are nowhere to be seen, like yesterday morning, in fact, I assume you both went for a walk, chaperoned of course, right?”

“Oh yes, he is a marvelous person” I smiled lightly, she smiled back humming and walked down. My smile faded as I sighed tiredly

I walked down to the refreshments table and walked away after I grabbed a glass . I looked out to the dance floor, where Anthony and Edwina were dancing, as I sip on my drink. Edwina approached me once the dance was finished.

“Lord Bridgerton has gone to get me a glass of lemonade” She tells me cheerfully, I hummed “We’ve just finished our second dance, I am certain he would have not asked me for two, if he did not have intentions for the evening”

“I am pleased to hear that” I smiled at her

“I need you to dance with him” She demands

“What?” my smile faded

“I need to know if he is going to declare himself by the end of the ball, as I hope, and you are the only one who can find out” she explains as I look over to Anthony, who is staring back at us.

“This may very well be my last chance” Edwina pleads, I stare at her conflicted

“Miss Edwina” Anthony called out, handing her a glass of lemonade

“Lord Bridgerton” Edwina said giddily “ My sister wishes to take to the floor”

“Ah” he hummed staring at me, I stared back emotionlessly

“With you” Edwina clarified smiling, grabbing his glass of lemonade from his hands.

“Miss Y/n, may I have this dance?” he held out his hand, I looked at Edwina, who nodded encouragingly.

I am only doing this for you Bon, only for you.

“You may, my lord” I grab his hand and he leads me to the floor

Music starts as we get into position and we commenced dancing. We looked into each others eyes as we danced, us being a little bit closer than we needed to. Which was not helping with my feelings.

I could see my family and his watching us from the sides. As I catches Edwina’s figure, I was reminded of why I was dancing with him in the first place.

“Are you going to propose to my sister by the end of the evening?” I asked, looking forwards

“Will it make you happy if I did?” I furrowed my eyebrows. Why did it matter how it made me feel?

“I want my sister to be happy” I ignored his question

“Do you think I can make her happy?”

“That is a question for you” I say “Can you make her happy?”

“If your silence is an indication you are considering your declaration-“

“Is that what you want? For me to reconsider?” He cuts me off

“Of course not, that is not what I want” I exclaim “It would break Edwina’s heart if you did not propose”

“Is that really what you want?” I decide not to answer and instead change the conversation

“I am to return with Kate to India” I inform him, his face goes pale “The moment Edwina is married”

“You will abandon her?” Anthony says angrily

“Far from it, Anthony, she will be married, she will not need me and for personal reasons, it would be better for me to leave and return once it is time for the next season to start, or maybe not at all” we stopped dancing as he stares at me with wide eyes

“It is better that way” I bowed as the dance finishes, he swallows and marches off. I look at him as he walks further away.

“Where is the Viscount going?” Edwina approached me

“I, I do not know” I answer

“Well what did you say?” I breath heavily

“i- I shall find him” I say to reassure her “Give me a moment” I walk off in search of Anthony.

I see him walk off into a study and follow after him quickly. I close the door after him.

“Why are you so distressed?” I questioned as he paces angrily.

“When will you leave?” He ignores my question “immediately, once your sister is married?”

“That is what Kate and I agreed on, yes” he looks all over the room

“And you will not concern yourself with finding a match of your own?”

“I said I will return for my second season, then am I going to find a husband”

“Is this an excuse to keep me away from your sister? Did Miss Sharma put you up to this, so I would not marry Miss Edwina, that is it, is it not?”

“No, of course not!” I exclaimed getting frustrated “Why does it matter if I leave or not? You want to marry Edwina, not me”

“Then tell me why you are planning to leave” he walked closer to me “Have I done something wrong?” He said exasperated


“Why, are you leaving then!” he exclaimed, I huff.

“Pardon me, Anthony, but it does not concern you, you really are starting to vex me with all your demands!” he huffs frustrated

“And what is it, do you think you do to me?”

“What do I do to you?” I exclaimed

We stared at each other, us both breathing heavily. He got closer to me, making my heart start to race.

“You anger me” he murmured

“Well, you anger me too” I whispered nodding my head. His eyes roamed all over my face.

“I am a gentleman” he got even closer to me, I could feel my heart getting ready to burst out of my chest.

“And your heart” I whisper staring into his eyes “is with my sister”

“And my heart” he looks down at my lips “Is with your sister”

His nose brushed mine “What are you doing” I question quietly

“Say you do not feel anything for me” he whispered into my ear, giving me goosebumps “tell me you feel nothing and I will walk away” I closed my eyes

“I feel..” I start to say “ I feel..” he leaned in, his lips brushing over mine.

The door opened making us jump apart quickly, as if our bodies suddenly caught fire.

“Oh” Daphne said shocked “ I am so sorry” She apologized and left quickly.

“Daphne” Anthony said and hurried after her, looking at me one last time and closing the door after him.

I breathed out, blinked my eyes rapidly as tears started to brim my eyes. I closed my eyes after, rubbing my head angrily. A tear escaping my closed eyes.

It will really be better that I leave.


Dearest gentle reader, while much occurred at the Bridgerton country visit.

This author feels not all is fit to print, especially when so much is already known by far too many members, but if you thought that we would reach the end of this journey without this trusted author finding a truly delectable marcel of gossip, rhen you are solely mistaken.

While Prudence Featherington secured her match, it was not the only appearance of note.

The next morning, we walked down the stairs after bidding everyone a goodbye, giving a hug especially to the Bridgerton family, Daphne stared at me knowingly when I hugged her. We were leaving today for Mayfair.

“I am sorry things did not go as planned Bon” I tell Edwina who walked along sadly, Kate on the other side of her.

“It is not your fault deedee” She tells me “We both did everything we could have done, the Viscount’s feelings are clearly not there for me” I looked down at the floor

“Perhaps they are elsewhere” She said as we approached the carriage, I looked at her, debating on whether to tell her the truth, Kate nodded at me comfortingly from beside her.

“Edwina” I start “There is something I must tell you-“

“Wait!” We turned to the our left side, Anthony approaching us rapidly.

“Anthony” I murmured

“I need to speak to you” I look at him confused “Miss Edwina” he added once he saw I was looking at him

“My lord?” Edwina questioned, when he got closer to her, he knelt down on one knee, my heart started to race quickly.

“Miss Edwina Sharma,” he opened up a ring box, tears started to brim my eyes “Will you marry me?”

I tried to hide the pain I felt from my face, but based on the concerned look Kate gave me, I was not successful.

“Yes, yes” Edwina exclaimed happily, handing me her gloves “yes, I shall be your Viscountess, I shall marry you” Anthony smiled and put the ring on her finger

Anthony Bridgerton is now betrothed to Miss Edwina Sharma.

Victory indeed.

A tear dropped from my eye, I wiped it away quickly, making sure nobody saw me. But everybody was focused on the now betrothed couple, happiness displayed on their faces.

But I, I could feel my heart breaking inside.

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More Posts from Alewritesfics

2 years ago

Idea for Anthony and Y/N Storyline continued….

- Wedding in Detail (Maybe Anthony trying and failing to see y/n before their nuptials and getting shutdown many a time.

- Wedding Night (wink wink, nudge nudge).

- Pregnancy and Birth of First Born and how they start to see one another in a new light due to parenthood.

- Different Arguments that are almost dumb to have but show that they really do love one another.

- Trying to focus on tasks but they distract each other due to still being in their Honeymoon phase.

Hope this gives some ideas and inspiration!

Yes!!! I absolutely love your ideas and would be more than happy to write them♡

Last and final chapter before the epilogue, coming in a hour or less as I still have some final things to add.

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2 years ago

Tales of a heart Masterlist

Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma sister! reader

Description: Anthony Bridgerton has declared he's looking for a wife. He now has every debutante competing to capture his attention in hopes of becoming a viscountess, although there is not a lot from whom to choose from. However, with a new season also means new comers, and the Sharma family has entered this season.

Warnings: friends to lovers, angst (obviously) , both Anthony and y/n acting like a pair of idiots denying their feelings for each other, fluff, slowburn, roller-coaster of emotions

Note: this is my first Bridgerton fic so excuse me if it's not as great as it could be, I guarantee it will have grammar mistakes or language that was not used back in the 1800s but as I have fallen completely in love with Anthony, I couldn’t resist writing my own fic about him


Started: June 19,2022

Finished on: July 1st, 2022

Bold writing +*** = smut

Tales Of a heart Playlist

Part 1 : Introducing the Sharma sisters

Part 2 : The Ball

Part 3: The New Diamond

Part 4: Off To The Races

Part 5: The Poetry Reading

Part 6: Pall Mall

Part 7: Dinner night

Part 8: Inappropriate Encounters

Part 9: Unacceptable Feelings

Part 10: A Swim In The Lake

Part 11: Revelations

Part 12: She Knows

Part 13: A New Plan

Part 14: Another Scandal

Part 15: A New Step ***

Part 16: New Beginnings

Part 17: Make Him Chase

Part 18: Finally


Bonus chapter 1 ***

Bonus chapter 2

*they will also follow the storyline from s2 apart from a few things I will change or that I will add

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2 years ago

The poetry reading

Summary: after all, it didn't turn out how Kate wanted, the Viscount is now one step closer to capturing Edwina’s heart

Paring: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader

Warnings: bad grammar, most probably is cringy, wrong use of words that were probably not used in those times, unedited

Series Masterlist

The Poetry Reading


“To be fair, you did not give him any chance to defend himself”

I scoffed angrily “ He did not deserve a chance to defend himself, trying to fool deedee, who does he think he is?”

“Maybe he just wanted to spend some time with me” She murmured

“And you think that was clever, what he did, to spend time with you?” Kate asks

“No!” Edwina exclaims “ You both always told me apa said it takes a courageous man to go after what he wants”

“Apa also said that the market of a true gentleman is honesty, something the Viscount notably lacks” Kate argued

We all turned once we heard the doors being opened in front of us, the queen approaching us. We bow before her.

“Your majesty” Lady Danbury greets

“Lady Danbury, Miss Sharma, Miss Y/n Sharma and my diamond” The queen greets us “This way, there is much to see”

We follow her as she leads us to the opposite side from where she came through.

“These are called Zebras, stripped horses from Africa, in fact, seven more arrive next week, though I can’t think what to name them all” Her majesty complains “ After 15 children, I seem to run out of ideas” we stand in front of a barrier, a handful of zebras scattered across the yard In front of us

“Miss Edwina” The queen calls out

“Yes, your Majesty” My sister answers

“ I do hope you have been enjoying the attention you have surely been receiving as the season’s diamond” The queen tells her

“Very much so, ma’am, it has been a exceptional honor”

“It is not an easy mantle to take on, you realize, to have so many eyes upon you at all times, regardless of the truth, people, nay gossips, they will contrive shameless falsehoods, rumor can oftentimes be a great hardship to endure, just ask your mother, just ask me” The queen advised her

“My sister aspires to learn from your illustrious example , your Majesty, your marriage, the wondrous love you share with the king, my sisters desires the very same” Kate flatters the queen

“And they shall receive it, Should they know who to trust” The queen replies “Miss Y/n” She turns to me

“Although you weren’t named this season’s incomparable, I seem to notice you receive almost as much attention as your sister does” She comments “I would also like to take you under my wing, together with your sister, as you also have qualities of a season’s incomparable, it would do you good to receive some of my advice” I looked at my sisters and Lady Danbury, who nodded at me happily

“I would be honored, your majesty,” I smile gleefully

“Lady Danbury has been a steadfast guide for us this season, and my sisters have me watching them as well” Kate informs her majesty

“An inner circle, if there ever was one” I chuckle along with Lady Danbury

“Though you must know, there will many people trying to break it apart for their own ends, when those persons inevitably reveal themselves and their rather sly intentions, I simply ask both of you that you tell me who they are, so that I may decide if they are worthy, of course” The queen advised us

“Miss Sharma, perhaps you would like to take your sisters to see the rest of these splendid grounds” Lady Danbury tells, more like demands, Kate

“Yes, the cassowaries are just across the bridge but do not veer to close, they are quite irritable” we bow before walking away

“Can you believe it?” I said cheerfully “ the queen said I have qualities of a season’s incomparable”

“Of course she did bon” Kate laughed “ You are a beautiful, amazing woman, who have a lot of gentlemen vying for your attention”


“They were called Zebras, I believe” Edwina told mama

“So it was a pleasant visit them” Mama wondered

“Of course it was, mama” I cheered “ Can you believe, her Majesty herself told me, that I had qualities of a diamond of the first water, and that she wished to take me under her wing along with Edwina”

“I am quite sorry I was unable to attend” mama said

“Oh I am certain this will not be the last time we will be invited to the palace” Kate turned in her seat, the doors opening while she did so

“Correspondence for Miss Y/n Sharma, ma’am” a butler told Lady Danbury who grabbed the letter and held it out to me.

I stood taking the letter and opening it, reading it’s contents

Dear Miss Y/n,

I sincerely apologize for what happened at the race the other day, I did not mean any harm, I simply wished to spend some time with your sister.

I know you love your eldest sister but you can admit she can be quite overbearing and controlling some times -

I stopped reading. What a good thing to say about my sister while writing a apology, but I admit that is true

-I simply told Mr. Dorset to talk to her, the enjoyment and interest he showed towards Miss Sharma, was simply him being genuine.

I would never tell anyone to feign something like that, not even to my worst enemy.

I dearly hope you can forgive me for what I committed, it would pain me if someone as amazing and fun as yourself stopped being my friend over a mistake on my part.

Okay, now I admit I am complimenting you so I can have a better chance of you forgiving me, though I know you already knew that, after all, nothing can get past you.

I let out a chuckle at the words

I also know it won’t be that easy to repair what I did with just a simple letter, so I promise I will show you and your sisters, I also promise I wont complain when you brag about how right you were about your prediction about Nectar and High Flyer.

And If you accept on being my friend again, I simply ask of you to call me Anthony. I know what you think, it isn’t appropriate to call you by your given name, then at least call me by my name when the ton is not around, no friend of mine is going to call me Viscount Bridgerton, that would be too snotty of me.

I will make true to my words and show you, and your sisters, how regretful I am, starting with Miss Edwina.

Sincerely, someone who hopefully is still your friend,

Anthony Bridgerton

I chuckled when I finished the letter.

“Pardon me” I heard Kate say and walk out

“Who was it from?” mama asked curiously, Lady Danbury and Edwina also looking at me

“The Viscount” I answered walking towards the window

“The Viscount” Lady Danbury repeated shocked

“Yes, he was apologizing for what happened at the race, and told me he hopes we can still be friends” I replied “the Viscount is outside” I pointed out the window

We walked out of the drawing room and outside, Kate already talking to the Viscount.

“Lord Bridgerton” I greeted smiling at him, Edwina beside me doing the same, bowing before him, he nodded at me, smiling back

“Miss Y/n, Miss Edwina” he greeted

“I bought you, uh, a small token, to remind you of our fine time at the races yesterday” he walked backwards to a horse with a red ribbon behind him, I gaped at the horse in amazement

“Oh, the horse is for me?” Edwina said disheartened

“It is beautiful” I said happily, the Viscount smiled at me once again before he turned towards Edwina

“I thought you liked animals” He said confused

“I do” Edwina nodded her head “ but usually the kind that can curl up on my lap” She laughed

“My apologies” Lord Bridgerton said awkwardly “You said something about Nectar reminding you of a beloved horse” he walked in front of her

“That horse, is a character from a novel, I novel of love” Kate replied smugly, I looked at her, annoyed at her apparent dislike of the Viscount

“ I apologize for the confusion, but it was a lovely gesture indeed,” Edwina smiled at him

“Come Edwina, we must come inside” Kate nodded inside, I stood still , while Edwina bowed in farewell “ Y/n?” Kate said questioningly

“I’ll be there in a second” Kate pursued her lips before nodding and walking inside

“I appreciate the letter, my lord” I told him appreciative “I accept your apology, and… I guess I can still consider you a friend” the Viscount smiled

“I am glad, now I have at least one sister on my side” he grumbled making me laugh

“Yes, Kate is going to be hard to win over, but not that difficult if you keep trying to court Edwina, she will eventually see that you are genuine” I shook my head “ it was a thoughtful gift, I must head inside now" I bowed in courtesy before turning and starting to walk away

“Do you want it?” Lord Bridgerton said stopping me, I turned around, raising an eyebrow

“The horse” he clarified “ I have enough of them already, consider it a gift for the start of our friendship” I smiled nodding

“Alright, I will” I gave the horse’s lead towards the butler who started to take the horse down to the stables “Thank you, truly”

“See you later…. Anthony” I left after that, feeling his eyes watching me from behind


“Why are you even sending him an invitation?” Kate said angrily “ He should not even get one”

“He is my friend” Kate scoffed at my words “ You should get used to seeing him around more often, not only is he planning to court Edwina, he also is going to spend some more time with me” She raises an eyebrow

“As a friend” I rolled my eyes “ Besides, he gifted me a horse, I should at least have the courtesy to send him an invitation to the soiree, seeing as you only sent Lady Bridgerton, Miss Eloise and Mr. Colin Bridgerton , one”

“But-“ She argued

“Kate” I looked at her “Enough, he is getting one, and final” She huffed frustrated

“Sometimes I wonder if I, was supposed to be the eldest one” I murmur as I sat down on the desk, grabbing some paper and ink

“At least make haste, some guests are already waiting” She implored, I nodded in agreement

Dear, Mr. Bridgerton,

Or should I say Anthony?

I once again thank you for the horse, you must know I will cherish it immensely. Therefore I though I should at least have the courtesy to invite you to the soiree being held at Lady Danbury's home, which I am sure you know of by now, seeing as my sister did not send you an invitation.

Consider this it. If you are planning to come, I must remind you that a lot of gentlemen are invited, so you must do something grand if you are planning on wooing Edwina.

I apologize if this letter is not long but we already have guests waiting and I must make my presence known.

Sincerely, your friend.

Y/n Sharma

I sealed the letter in a envelope and gave it to the butler. “ To the Viscount Bridgerton, please” he nodded and left while I made my way downstairs .

We sat on a davenport while gentleman after gentleman, stood in front of the fireplace, presenting their, I suppose we could say, talents. We clapped after each and everyone.

“Kate” I scolded once Lady Danbury told everyone to take a break “ Will you please stop making your dislike of the Viscount be so clearly shown, and in front of his family? In front of his sister?”

“Sister” She sighed

“Honestly, I am getting tired of it” I huffed “ I understand your dislike for him, you are entitled to your own opinion, but please, I implore you, to stop telling everyone of it, he is my friend now, and he could be your future brother in law, also it will only make us look bad in front of the ton” She looked at me silent

“Alright” She agreed “ I admit I may have put a toe out of the line, I will try to be amicable with him” I smiled happily

“I said try, don’t expect us to be best buddies overnight ”

“That is more than enough for me” I gave her a hug and walked away towards another person.

“Miss Eloise Bridgerton, was it?” I greeted who I know to be the Viscount’s sister


“Gentlemen, thank you all for the most splendid display of your talents this evening” Lady Danbury thanks them after everyone has passed “ A memorable occasion to be sure”

“Pardon me, Lady Danbury” Someone interrupted

“Lord Bridgerton, I didn’t expect you” Lady Danbury said shocked

“Well I have to thank Miss Y/n, a last minute invite” the Viscount smiled at me grateful, I nodded in acknowledgement

“Surely you would never deny a young man you’ve known for nine and twenty years the pleasure of your company” he flatters her “ neither would your footman at the front door”

“Apologies, Viscount, you appear to be late again” Kate said rudely

“Kate” I said standing up, giving her a look “ Go right ahead, my lord, we certainly have time for one more” I gestured in front of us

“Y/n-“ Kate started, I shushed her, grabbing her arm and tugging her to stand behind the davenport beside me. The Viscount thanked me

He unfolded the paper he held in his hands and started to read.

“What is it, truly, to admire a woman? To look at her and feel inspiration, to delight in her beauty, so much, that all your defenses crumble. That you would willingly take on any pain, any burden, for her. To honor-“ he looked up catching my eye, I smiled reassuringly, nodding at him to keep going “To ho-“ he stopped himself and crumbled the piece of paper, throwing it into the fireplace.

“My apologies, I cannot do this” I frowned

“ I cannot claim, these words as my own, they’re someone else’s entirely, truth be told, I’m not-“ he sighed “Not a man of poetry, words of flattery are beautiful and sweet, but they also are hollow, unless accompanied by action. Miss Edwina, I could stand here and pretend to be someone I am not, I can pretend to want the very same things as you but I would be lying. I may not be able to, offer the display, the passion, that you truly deserve, but I assure you that when it comes to action and duty, I should never be found lacking. I hope that speaks louder than any pretty words can” he bows his head as he finishes and walks towards the refreshments table.

I swallowed hard, before I followed quickly after him as everyone else clapped.

“Lord Bridgerton” I called out, he turned his head at my call and smiled

“Miss Y/n” he greeted whilst I bowed before him

“That was most beautiful” I said in awe, he chuckled “You really outdid yourself”

“I’m glad you liked it” He smiled “ I first sought the help of my brother, Benedict, but as I read them, it felt wrong for me to say words that I didn’t write myself”

“What you did was better than any poem you could have said” I grabbed his hand reassuringly “ I am certain my sister liked it, one step closer to wooing her” I assured him, he held my stare for a while, nodding his head slowly

“Lord Bridgerton” I let go of his hand quickly as Edwina approached us

“I will leave you both alone” I bowed and walked away towards Kate

“Didn’t turn out how you wanted it, sister” I said amused “ the Viscount ended up saying just the right words to enchant Edwina, already one step closer to courting her” we turned to look at both Edwina and the Viscount.

The Viscount, as if sensing our stares, turned his head, holding eyes with Kate for a second before looking back at me, we stared at each other before Edwina spoke to him.

Kate walked away angrily, colliding with a helper, before marching on, and out the room. All of us watching her walk away.

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2 years ago

The New Diamond

Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader

Word count: 1.6k

Summary: will the queen finally name this season's diamond, and how is it gonna affect the Sharma Sisters...

Warnings: probably grammar mistakes, most probably is cringy

Series masterlist

The New Diamond


The New Diamond

There is nothing more quite like the sweet scented smell of success.

But after taking in the scene from last night’s festivities, it is clear the season won’t be quite so fragrant for everyone.

The Viscount Bridgerton's own mama may have loudly declared her eldest son's lofty intentions to marry, yet I can not be the only one wondering if this former Capital R- Rake is, indeed, ready to flourish.

Perhaps the viscount, like the rest of us is simply waiting for the queen to finally name her diamond.

Or perhaps, this author, should take matters into her own hands.

Though, out of the many purportedly well-trained and bred hothouse flowers on display this year, this author must wonder if the more surprising choice might still be in store

Whichever darling miss receives such high esteem let us hope there is a suitor available of only the sharpest wit, lest his dry musings leave a young lady wilting like a parched rose.


We are currently sat on the drawing room, suitors gathered around, waiting for their turn. We smiled as the two young gentlemen sat on the stood to leave.

“The younger ones would do, if the eldest just got out of the way” One of the men said, I frowned annoyed. Suddenly I no longer like them.

“The sister is dreadful” the other one said.

I looked at Lady Danbury who smiled tightly, holding a cup of tea to her lips. Before it turned in to a scowl.

“Not on my chair” She exclaimed at Newton, who hopped on her chair. I smiled as a butler came in and picked up Newton. Lady Danbury took a sip from her cup, sighing frustrated.


“Can you believe it?” I exclaimed to Kate. We were getting ready for the ball. Edwina was somewhere along the house with mama getting ready, while I was waiting for my turn.

“the nerve they have to come into our temporary home and say such words” I huffed infuriated “the sister is dreadful, the younger ones are better” I mimicked the gentlemen from the morning

“Just thinking about it vexes me” Kate chuckles

“Bon, it is fine, truly” She assures me looking out the window “ I am not the one they want to marry, and thank God for it, these gentlemen certainly don’t know how to keep up a conversation” The door opens behind us, Lady Danbury entering our bed chambers.

“Your tea grows cold, my horses do not” She starts, my face goes pale “ Did you both plan to ride again tomorrow morning” we kept quiet

“I know all that goes in my home and since you insist on sneaking around, I may as well save us all the trouble, correspondence” She holds up an envelope “ Miss Sharma” she looks at me “ your mama told me she is ready for you” I nod and exit the room, wandering down the stairs to where Mama was waiting for me.


We walk down the stairs of the queen’s ballroom, I hold on to one of Kate’s hand while Edwina holds the other. We walk to where the queen is standing, we bow in greeting, Edwina and I smiling as what we were told to always do in front of her.

“I do hope you are finding everything in town to your satisfaction, Lady Mary” The queen says to mama

“Indeed I am, your Majesty “ Mama answers

“This time around, that is” the queen sneers

“Perhaps your mother, would like some refreshment Miss, Sharma” Lady Danbury says smiling tightly towards Kate. We walk away and towards the other side from where they are.

We look around and something catches my eye, I smile once I saw the Viscount with his family. I stare at them for a few minutes before they walked off, the viscount catches my eyes before he turned, I turned my head away smiling.

“Miss Sharma” I turned my head to the side, the viscounts face greeting me “May I have the honor of you conceding me this dance?” He holds his hand in front of me, I smile cheerfully, going to grab his hands when another stops mine.

“Oh I am afraid she cannot, Lord Bridgerton ” Kate interrupts smiling falsely “ You see, she is-“

“I would be delighted, My lord” I hold on to his hand, ignoring Kate’s protests, making the Viscount smile triumphantly

He leads me to the dance floor, where we got In to position and started to dance.

“How nice of you to ask me for a dance” I tease Mid-dance

“What?” He feigned confusion “I cannot ask my lovely lady friend for a dance now,” he smirks

“Oh” I raise an eyebrow “ we are friends now?” I jokingly say as he turned me around

“Are we not?” I look at him from the corner of my eye “ It is not everyday I meet a lady such as yourself, who does not trail after me for my looks, title or money, why is it wrong that I want to have a dear friend in such person” I chuckle

“I was joking, of course I am your friend” he turns me around once again “Who else is going to be able to dance with you so your mama leaves you in peace once and for all, without expecting anything in return”

"Nothing goes past you now, does it?” He sighs

“Of course not, soon you’ll learn that” I smile “ Do not worry, it does not bother me, in fact, I am honored that after knowing me for 1 day, you already consider me a friend” we bowed as the dance ended, I turned my head and saw Kate beckoning me over, Edwina, Mama and Lady Danbury near her.

“Now if I may be excused, my sister is calling me” we bowed in farewell before we walked to the opposite side of each other, Kate looked at me questioningly once I reached her.

“I am going to marry him deedee” I suddenly say shocking her, I smiled happily.

“Oh dear God, no anyone but him” Kate shook her head furiously, I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Why not? He is a gentleman, so far I have seen he is a good person, and maybe he could come to love me, so why not?” I argued

“Because, Bon, he does not-“ Kate couldn’t finish her sentence as the trumpets sounded throughout the room

“Your presence is noted” the queen starts “ and your queen most appreciative, allow it to now be my honor, to present to you this season’s diamond” we looked at each other nervously as the silence was prolonged, making us restless. I saw the queen look between Edwina and I for a minute.

“Miss Edwina Sharma” I smiled happily for my sister as everyone clapped.

A man came and led my sister towards the queen. Edwina bowed before her. I once smiled before it faded once I saw someone I started to like walking to her.

“Viscount Bridgerton” The queen said “Have you yet met my new incomparable”

“ I am most grateful for the introduction, your Majesty, only hope I shall be afforded the pleasure of a dance” I heard him say.

Edwina accepted holding on to his hand, he lead her to the dance floor, he turned his head, catching my eye for what felt the millionth time this evening, I turned my head quickly, not sparing him another glance. Blinking my eyes furiously, trying to blink away the forming tears.

It is stupid really, it is a silly thing to be sad about, I did not even know him that very well nor were we courting or anything, he can dance with anyone he desires, even my sister.

“Oh Bon” Kate said sadly rubbing my shoulder comfortingly

“I am alright” I gave her a tight lipped smile. Lady Danbury approached us.

“I suppose I should thank you” Kate told Lady Danbury “ Although I wonder, why Edwina and not Y/n”

“Oh do not ask me that, I told her majesty either of the younger Sharma Sister would make an excellent diamond, it was her final choice” She said “ and it’s much too soon for that, you must know, the real work begins now”

“Indeed, there will be mire to wade through on behalf of my sister, to be sure, speaking of, where is my sister?” She looks around for her

“She is dancing with the Viscount” I nodded in their direction, Kate grabbed my hand and along with Lady Danbury we walked towards them when the dance ended

“Kate, Y/n” Edwina said

“Ah, Lord Bridgerton, I see you’ve met Miss Edwina, this is uh-“ Lady Danbury exclaimed

“Her sisters” The Viscount cuts her off

“Miss Sharma and Miss Y/n Sharma, my lord” he nods at her and turns to me, I gave him a small smile

“the Viscount Bridgerton is the most excellent dancer, perhaps I may learn a thing or two from you, my lord” Edwina compliments him, I looked between them both

“Would you join me in the retirement room, sister” Kate told Edwina, grabbing her hand and tugged her away.

I stayed behind with the Viscount, he looked at me once again, before Lady Bridgerton approached him.

“She is a lovely diamond, dearest” She told the Viscount while he watched Edwina walk away

“Indeed,” he affirmed “ She is who I shall marry” I felt a painful tug on my chest. I ignored it before I walk around him and after my sisters, who waited at the door. The viscount now watching me walk further away from him.

Long last, the queen has named her most precious stone

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2 years ago

A Swim In The Lake

Summary: uh oh, a new suitor has come for Y/n, a Duke to be precise, how does Anthony feel about this? Guess we'll find out, you know you love me, xoxo imalexaalonso1

Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader

Word count: 1.9k

Warnings: unedited, a wet Anthony 😗😉, a little, sprinkle, dust, of angst, also, a new suitor that will change things between y/n and Anthony

Series Masterlist

A Swim In The Lake


A Swim In The Lake

The frenzy competition, the thrilling delight of hassling your all, I am referring no to the lure of London luxurious gaming halls, but to a gamble of far higher stakes.


For, once that particular wager is placed, it cannot easily be undone, a fact of which I am sure, is met with both, regret and sheer relief .


My chest heaves up and down rapidly, I flutter my brise fan, trying calm down.

“Calm down, bon” Kate says from beside me

The doors open in front of us, Anthony stepping through them. He walks closer to us, holding my stare as he does so. My heart races quickly.

“Miss Sharma” he greets Kate, making me look down.

I let out a sigh and walk into the room after him, Kate following behind. Everyone was already sitting. I sit down on an armchair, Kate next to me.

“Now, tell me of your wedding plans” The queen urges them, I look at Edwina and Anthony “There is no talk of a special license, I would hope” they chuckle nervously

“Of course not, your majesty” Mama assures her

“I believe a modest family affair would be fitting” Anthony adds “Perhaps back at the country, at Aubrey Hall”

“In the country” the queen raises an eyebrow “No, that would not do, you must have it here, in town, in fact, I should host the nuptials, myself” Edwina laughs cheerfully. I wipe my hands on my dress, smiling slightly.

“That is most generous, ma’am”

“Most generous”

“But not at all necessary-“

“nonsense” the queen cut Anthony off “ She is my diamond, after all, it is only right I give you both a wedding of that title” I grab a cup of tea to distract myself, swirling the spoon.

“Besides, one could almost credit me, myself, with bringing about this illustrious match” I stare at them as thoughts consume me, thinking back to a few nights before. Anthony looks back at me, sensing my stare.

“Can you believe it sisters” Edwina asks Kate and I “It is like a fairytale come true”

“You deserve nothing less, bon” I smile at her, Kate nodding agreeing

“Nothing less, for a true love match” the cup shakes my in hand, almost falling off.

“My apologies, your majesty” I say

“It is alright, my dear” the queen waves me off “Miss Y/n, now that you are here, there is someone I want you to meet.” I look at her questioningly

“A family friend” She explains “The Duke of Fairfield, I would rather think you both would make a marvelous match” I could feel Anthony’s stare on my face

“I would be most honored, indeed, your majesty” I say making her smile

“Perfect!” She exclaims “He will be there to see you in a few hours, the earlier you get to know him, the better”

“And we may just have two weddings done by the end of this season” my smile dimmed as I looked down at my tea cup.


“I do wonder about the trim” Edwina said as she tried on a wedding dress “Is it too much?”

“No” mama laughed “ Nothing is too much now that the queen is hosting”

“Let me show you the French tulle” Madame Delacroix offers

“Did I tell you both we will be married by the archbishop himself?” Edwina questioned, I turned my head towards her.

“Several times” Kate mused

“We must find you a dress too”

“Oh, we have plenty of dresses”

“This one must be special” She urged “and y/n, don’t you want to impress the Duke, I’ve seen you both get closer” a smile came onto my face.

Ah yes, the Duke of Fairfield, Louis Matthews. He is a young, handsome man of seven and twenty, he is kind, has a good sense of humor and very attentive. We share a lot of interests and I am sure I would have fallen in love with him, If only I met him first. Unfortunately, I didn’t.

“the Duke will not care what I wear, bon” I mused

“Besides, this wedding is very much your triumph as it is mine” She smiled at me “after all, whatever you said to the Viscount back at Aubrey Hall, clearly swayed him to declare himself” of course.

“I cannot claim credit”

“I shall bestow it all the same, it will be so exciting living in London, the Viscount said there might be snow this winter, won’t that be exciting”

“ May you recall that Y/n and I are returning back to India once you are married” Kate tells her

“But what about the Duke?” She frowns

“I may not even marry him, Edwina, it is not certain” I shook my head, sighing “ And even if I did, the Duke lives in Birmingham”

“But you both will return to visit, of course”


“Thank you, Clara, that will be all” I smiled at the maid and climbed up the stairs.

I walk past the drawing room before stopping and entering. “Lord Bridgerton?”

“Miss Y/n”

“Lord Bridgerton and his guest are waiting!” A footman stumbles in quickly, growing sheepish once he noticed us all staring at him.

“I see that, thank you” I sighed taking off my gloves

“This is the jeweler” Anthony nods to the man next to him “ We are to have Miss Edwina’s betrothal ring altered to fit”

“I am afraid my sister and my mother have not yet returned home” I smiled

“Of course, we should trouble you no further” he made to leave before the jeweler stopped him

“Is that cake?” He pointed to the table

“It is, indeed”

“lemon? I fancy a good lemon” he chuckles, I sighed frustrated

“Might I offer you some refreshments, Mr…”

“Brooks, only if you insist” he started to serve himself, I sighed and went to sit down on a chair

I looked at the Viscount who paced desperately. He turned his head towards me.

“It is a fine weather we are having Miss Y/n, I s it not?” I raised an eyebrow, humming

“You wish to speak to me about the weather?” I scoffed

“Is there another topic of conversation that would be more appropriate?” I stood up and walked closer to him

“There is nothing appropriate about what you are doing, proceeding with this engagement” I whispered furiously, insinuating about what happened, or what almost happened, between us.

“On the contrary, I believe it is the most proper outcome for all”

“Oh” I say “And what of everything that passed between us at Aubrey Hall?” I whispered

“Nothing passes between us, I am a gentleman, that was something that should not have happened and never will” I felt a sting in my chest

“Is that so?” I scoff to hide my pain “ might I remind you sir, if anyone other than your sister discovered us in that library, that night, then we too, would be obliged to wed”

“Nothing happened in that library, and even if someone else did discover us, they would think nothing of it, I was pursuing your sister, why would I change my mind from Miss Edwina to you?”

I looked at him with hurt plastered on my face, tears sting my eyes. I stepped further way from him, smiling sadly. “Of course”

“No, wait-“ panic filled his face “ I did not me-“

“Miss Y/n-“ Mr. Brooks started

“If that would be all gentlemen, you can wait for my mother and sister if you like, I must bid my farewell” I left the room, ignoring Anthony’s calls, wiping away my tears.


I breath in the fresh air of the park. The Duke walking by my side. We were currently promenading, Anthony and Edwina in front of us, Kate and Lady Danbury behind us.

“Are you okay? ”Louis asks “You seem a little down” I look up at him, before looking in front towards Edwina and Anthony, and back at him again.

“I” I sighed “ I am so sorry, my mind seems to he elsewhere ” I apologize, he chuckles

“You are in love with the Viscount” he affirms, I look at him with wide eyes

“What? Of course not!” I exclaim

“It is obvious” he chuckles, I sighed

“I am so sorry, your grace, I promise I was not leading you on or anything” I explain

“You do not need to explain anything” he says “ Although, I’ll just say, I do not care that you love him” I look at him confused

“You are a wonderful woman, and to be honest, I wish to marry you” I gape at him “I will try my best to woo you, if only you give me a chance, I cannot make you forget about your feelings for him, but maybe with time you will” I smile happily

“Alright” I laugh “Courtship first, your grace, although I do not promise anything”

“That is more than enough, and you may call me Louis, none of that, your grace, nonsense” he laughs “now, accompany me on a turn around the lake”

“ I would be delighted”

We walk towards the boats, walking past Anthony, Edwina and Lady Bridgerton, nodding in greeting and continuing our path.

“There is something I must admit” Louis says chuckling as we board the boats “I am afraid of riding on a boat”

“Why would you ask me to ride one then?” I smiled confused

“Well I wanted to do something sweet” he complains “ this seemed the perfect thing to do” I laugh

After a few minutes of laughter, jokes and talking. We return back to the port, Louis trying to tie the rope while we talk.

“I see you are smiling, deedee” Edwina approaches us, Anthony behind her. “See the amusements London has to offer?”

“indeed I have, maybe something, or someone, will change my mind, after all” I smile making Louis laugh, I pay no attention to Anthony’s figure behind Edwina.

“I hope I am that reason, Miss Y/n” Louis teases

“ just Y/n, please” I say

“That knot will never hold” Anthony says sourly and goes to help Louis

“It is perfectly adequate”

“Then I must question your skills, your grace” Anthony looks over at me while I roll my eyes “Allow me” Louis huffs and steps out of the boat, holding his hand out to me.

“Pardon me” Anthony says and holds his hand out also, Louis, once again, huffs and withdraws his hand

“the Duke was going to help me” I raise an eyebrow

“Just accept my hand” he sighs “please” I accept it and he pulls me out of the boat.

He holds my hand for a minute too long before I withdraw it harshly, making him stumble back and trip on Newton, who was laying down behind him. Taking Louis down into the lake with him. We all gasp, before I start laughing.

“Your grace, are you hurt?” I ask Louis who is laughing

“I am fine, thank you for asking” Anthony says angrily, taking off his cravat, his white shirt sticking to his body.

“Your grace” I hold my hand out towards Louis “You may catch a cold” he accepts my hand and steps up into the port, I hold his hand and walk away along with him.

“Oh yes, thank you for worrying about me also, Miss Y/n, what a caring future sister in law, you are” Anthony scoffs sarcastically, I ignore him.

I turn my head back and saw Anthony watching us walk away with an unreadable look on his face. I shook my head and turn back around

He is not my problem to worry about.

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