Lassie | 18 | đˇđ´ | Greek Mythology Enthusiast | đ¸đˇDark, Gothic and Disturbingđˇđ¸ YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@aliciavance4228?si=79mYyI7IWZa36MgI
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Here's A List With Obscure Deities From Greco-Roman Mythology To Obssess About
Here's a list with obscure deities from Greco-Roman Mythology to obssess about
Aceso: The goddess of the healing process and Asclepcius' daughter;
Achlys: The goddess of the eternal night, aka the Mist of Death;
Agon: The greek god of competition;
Alala: The goddess of the war cry, daughter of Polemos and one of Ares' attendants;
Alke: The goddess of battle-strenght and Eris' daughter;
Amechania: Apparently the ancient greeks did have a goddess of helplessness too.
Apate: A daughter of Nyx and the goddess of deceit;
Arete: She's more a concept than an actual deity. From what I found, her name means virtue, in the sense of being the best version of yourself or reaching tour highest potential. She was supposed to personify that;
Aristaeus: A minor god primarily known for rustic arts like beekeeping and cheesemaking. And Eurydice's assaulter;
Arke: Iris' sister who was thrown intk Tartarus after betraying the gods and becoming a messager for the titans;
AtĂŤ: Eris' daughter and the goddess of mischief, delusion, folly, and reckless impulsiveness that leads to ruin;
Bia: The goddess and personification of force;
Caerus: Very obscure guy and the god of opportunity;
Ceto: An early sea goddess and the mother of the Gorgons, the Graia, Echidna and the Hesperian Dragon;
Cybele: A Phrygian Mother Goddess, her cult being very popular in Anatolia once;
Dike: Goddess of mortal justice and fair judgment;
Dolos: God of trickery and guile, and a former apprentice to Prometheus;
Dysnomia: Daughter of Eris and goddess of lawlessness;
Eleos: A daughter of Nyx and the personification of pity, mercy, clemency, and compassion;
Endovelicus: Worshipped only by the romans, and apparently a deity who came from the Lisutanian Mythology. He was the god of healing and light.
Epione: The goddess of the soothing of pain and Asclepcius' wife;
Eucleia, Eupheme, Euthenia and Philophrosyne: Hephaestus and Aglaea's daughters;
Geras: Son of Nyx and the god of old age;
Homados: God of the noise of battle and all the blood-curdling screaming that implies;
Homonia: Goddess of concord, unanimity, and oneness of mind;
Hygieia: A daughter of Asclepcius and the personification of health, cleanliness, and sanitation;
Iaso: Daughter of Asclepius and the goddess of recuperation from illness;
Janus: Present only in the Roman Mythology, Janus was the god of doorways, gates, transitions, and beginnings and endings;
Kratos: Apparently he actually existed in Greek Mythology, but he was the god of strenght and power;
Limos: Daughter of Eris and the goddess of starvation;
Lyssa: Daughter of Nyx and the goddess of mad rage, frenzy and rabies in animals;
Mithras: Besides the fact that he was a roman god worshipped by a popular mystery cult there are few things known about him;
Momus: Son of Nyx and the god of satire, mockery, censure, writers, and poets;
Moros: Son of Nyx and the god of impending doom;
Oizys: Daughter of Nyx and the goddess of misery;
Pamacea: Daughter of Asclepcius and the goddess of universal remedy;
Peitho: Goddess of persuasion and seduction;
Penia: Goddess of poverty and need;
Phorcys: God of the mysterious dangers of the deep and Ceto's husband;
Plutus: God of wealth;
Polemos: Personification of war;
Ponos: God of hard labor and toil;
Porus: God of plenty and a son of Metis, making him the half-brother of Athena;
Praxidike: The goddess of judicial punishment and the exactor of vengeance;
Priapus: A minor fertility god, known for trying to rape Hestia once and his large equipment;
Ptocheia: Greek goddess of beggary;
Quirnius: An early roman god of Rome itself as a city state.
Seilenos: The god of drunkeness and crushing grapes under foot to make wine and the godfather of Dionysus;
Soteria and Soter: The goddess and god of safety and deliverance from harm;
Zelus: The personification of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal. Had wings like his siblings (Nike, Kratos and Bia) and was an enforcer for Zeus that stood about his throne;
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More Posts from Aliciavance4228
This post was made purely for the sake of my (broken) sense of humor, but hear me out:
One of the reasons why people prefer the older versions of the myth of Medusa rather than Ovid's one is because a) She was born a gorgon and b) It is very likely that her relationship with Poseidon was more consentual according to Hesiod, or at least less abusive.
There's also this depiction of Poseidon appearing in Medusa's cave right after she was beheaded, while one of her sisters stands in front of him so that he won't see her corpse:

But allow me to add one more idea, and ruin the rest of your day in the process:
Medusa was pregnant with Pegasus when Perseus killed her. While Pegasus' parentage isn't directly specified, most people agree that he was fathered by Poseidon. And we know that when a deity turns into an animal in order to have sex with a mortal their offspring usually turns out to inherit the form of that animal, either partially or completely.
This discussion is going where you think it is going.
I've also seen people commenting about how that statue of Medusa is feminist because she has "deep hips" or "asymmetrical breasts", so she's doesnât fit into the beauty standards... as if this isn't real human anatomy that every woman is supposed to have.
I dislike the whole "imperfections that are beautiful" trend, because most of the time those videos end up showing already conventionally attractive women, so their "flaws" only add to their attractiveness.
Get more courage and depict actually monstruous/unattractive women if you genuinely want to spread this type of message.
Found this article on Medusa and it really rubs me the wrong way

Especially this bit:

First off âshe was a victim before a monsterâ is just not true, her earliest versions (Hesiodâs Theogony) all have her born as a monster and the first time she was ever depicted as a victim is by Ovid, centuries later.
Secondly, âsoft and womanlyâ I thought ppl liked Medusa bc she was ugly and didnât fall into beauty standards set by men yet every single âfeministâ depiction of her looks like a pretty human woman with snake hair, I just donât get it⌠and here they are talking about how making Medusa more human and feminine is feminist actually, bc ig ugly and masculine (Medusa sometimes had a beard) women just donât cut it.
Also, for the sake of art's love, here are some Anna Brahms Dolls that I ended up associating with greek goddesses.










No, I'm still not over it.

Man, I just killed a cat! đ