Minor Gods - Tumblr Posts
This was so good! The world building and mythos you interspersed throughout the fic are really good, and makes me want to read more in this world.
For Whom the Bell Tolls

Just outside the boundaries of your town, deep within the trenches of the forest sits a massive tower made from smoke-stained ivory. Decrepit and ominous, it looms over your town like a warning- like a shadow…
There are opposing rumors as to what resides in the tower.
One of them, the one that just so happens to appeal to you the most, is that there is a deity living in that tower.
The one who knows.
The one who blesses and curses the deserving and offers wisdom that no mortal can.
And now, faced with the imminent demise of your family- you have no choice but to seek answers in the darkness.
What, in god’s name, will you find?
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: demi-god! au, demi-god! Jimin, mythology, slight angst, smut, fantasy
Warnings: likely inaccurate representations of greek mythology lmao, unprotected sex (wrap it up plz), mentions of violence/death, slightly spooky??? allusions to corruption and murder (non-explicit), JIMIN (cause he’s always a warning), probably a messy plot cause I went feral with this one. parts are unedited oops.
A/N: i have nothing to say. this was supposed to be demon porn and now we have a completely new au. SOMEONE PLEASE STOP ME. okay anyways,,,, i love u.
It ran rampant through your town like the plague, devouring everything in its path. One right after another, you have seen it swallow those who you had come to respect; good town folk, who at one time, moved through the world with a moral compass stronger than the one you felt you possessed, had now fallen ill to the disease.
And you understood…to an extent. The universe was not a benevolent dealer. It randomly assigns cards to its patrons and cares not about the outcome- or the losses. You understood that sometimes people were simply without a winning hand.
But the need to win was still present.
However, your town was spoiled with a type of greed that wafted through the streets and turned everything to mold. Neighbor betraying neighbor, partner betraying partner- even mother’s betraying their children…
All to please one man…
Keep reading
Nemesis Cabin Headcanons
Tyche and Nemesis kids either love or hate each other
Nemesis and Hypnos cabins are partners in crime
Nemesis cabin has a Hephaestus cabin minion. One kid that messed with them too many times and now is so scared they do anything the Nemesis cabin says.
Daughters of Nemesis tend to become hunters of Artemis or they join the Amazons.
Statue of Ethan Nakamura in their cabin.
Their fatal flaw tends to be holding grudges, but some of them equate their worth with their problem solving abilities. If they cannot find a solution that is fair to everyone, they break. Without balance they are nothing but a shell of a person.
Big rule followers as well as enforcers. If everyone is expected to do something, no one is an exception.
They can use someone’s wrongdoings against them; flood their mind with guilt from what they did even if they didn’t think it was wrong. Essentially breaking the worst of their enemies.
The entire cabin working together would absolutely stand a chance against a god. Maybe not Hades, but the worst gods. The rapists and murderers.
Would die for their heroes without a second thought. (Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Piper, Reyna, Nico, Hazel, Frank, Ethan, Grover. Etc.)
“Is it really blackmail if what they did was worse than blackmail?” “They’re just repaying their debt to society!” “I am the new society”
Hecate Cabin Headcanons
They each have their own separate room in their cabin. If they can magic up a new room, why shouldn’t they?
They have such a large variety of powers and traits that they almost always get mistaken for children of other gods before they get claimed. Aphrodite, Demeter, Hypnos, Apollo, Iris, even Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades before the oath.
Their fatal flaw tends to be cynicism or hubris.
Their knee jerk reaction to being caught doing something they shouldn’t is to assume that they’ll be burnt at the stake or hanged, or any type of execution used in the Salem witch trials. It never happens.
They like ancient history a little too much and will talk about it with the Athena cabin for hours.
They work with the Hephaestus kids, enchanting anything they make.
They're best friends with children of Demeter, as Hecate helped Demeter look for Persephone after she was kidnapped by Hades.
They like to sneak out of camp purely to let their rage out on fake witches and fortune tellers.
There are very few children of Hecate, but they're single-handedly some of the most powerful demigods. They can essentially learn any type of magic and have complete control over the mist.
They never liked the Harry Potter series or J. K. Rowling's idea of magic. They call it heresy and blasphemy.
Hecate passes down bright emerald green or purple eyes, hair that grows very slow, and a quick metabolism. They welcome Hazel Levesque as one of their own siblings, but a few kinda dislike her for being their mother's favorite.
Hebe Cabin Headcanons
They don't usually get to camp until they're around 15 or 16 because the monsters can't sense them due to their slow aging.
They can reverse the effects on a person's body by up to a few hours, which can easily save lives.
They tend to wake up crying in the middle of the night, like babies but much quieter.
Very few of them have the ability to affect people's DNA and chromosomes. Makes transitioning much easier.
Sleepovers and skin care with the Aphrodite cabin.
They look up to the Ares cabin because Ares is the protector of women. (I do not accept PJO Ares.)
They want so badly to be with a child of Zeus. Their mother was the bride of Heracles, son of Zeus. They absolutely freaked out when Jason came to camp.
They forget that they're alive sometimes. They end up in the infirmary because they did something reckless trying to prove that they're really living, not frozen in time.
They always hated their birthday. Even when they were very little kids, they would beg their mortal parent not to throw them a party.
They're a lot more mature than people take them for. Their enemies try to abuse their innocence, but they can see through it almost every time.
Their fatal flaw is usually cowardice or delusion. They have a lot of unrealistic dreams. They can be terrified of authority and confrontation.
Morpheus cabin headcanons?
Sure! Since they're alike and I already had this planned, I figured it wouldn't hurt to put them together, if that's okay.
Hypnos and Morpheus Cabin Headcanons
They've got those sleepy, melancholy eyes. But they never have eye bags
They surprisingly have a lot of energy. They can definitely hold their own in a fight. They just prefer to be asleep.
They tend to lucid dream. And they can do astral projection. They exit their bodies while they're asleep and mess with the other campers, who are oblivious.
They called their mortal parent "mommy", "mama", "daddy", etc for a very long time.
They wear really comfortable, silk clothing all of the time.
The Nemesis cabin comes to them sometimes to ask them to haunt the dreams of someone who wronged them. They always do.
They welcome all demigods into their cabin to chase away their nightmares, until they give the Hypnos kids a reason to kick them out.
They can talk to Hypnos in their dreams, and he absolutely loves his kids.
Their parents are either severe insomniacs or have narcolepsy. They also tend to be doctors.
Their fatal flaw could be laziness, or just not caring in general, but I think feeling inferior is a common one. Their dad is the god of sleep, so upon being claimed, they automatically assume that they aren't worth anything. He isn't a major god and they don't realize when they use their powers for a long time.
They make dream catchers with the Iris cabin.
Children of Morpheus can create illusions. In dreams or in real life. It's not like the mist where it becomes solid to those who can't see through it. It's more like a projection that only select people can see. They can still walk through it like it didn't exist. But they're very realistic.
Children of Morpheus tend to help out in the infirmary, giving good dreams to injured and unconscious demigods. They can lull someone to sleep just by holding them in their arms. They would have prophetic dreams in this state. Great, but not for date night.
Children of Morpheus grow poppies in their cabin.
Children of Hypnos and Morpheus are great friends with children of Iris.
Rarely, children of Morpheus will inherit a winged ear.
Boreas straight to the Info, deep dive.

Boreas (North Wind),
Description - the personification of the north wind in Greek mythology
Animals• horses, black horses
Colors • purple (royalty)
Crystal•Apophyllite, Aventurine, Green Aventurine, Green Sapphire, Green Tourmaline, Desert Rose, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper Polychronic, K2 Stone, Leopard Skin Jasper, (all crystals are based off what he is the god of.)
Jewelry • stuff with Wings.
Names• father of horses' , Boreas
Mortal or immortal • immortal
Patron• the cold north wind, storms, and winter.
offerings• wine
Zodiac •Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces
Symbols • Conch Shell, Billowing Cloak, Wings
Vows/omans•According to Pausanias boreas blessed musaeus with flight
Number• 4 ( winter is the fourth season)
Morals• morally gray.
Courting• Oreithyia
Personality• violent temper,
Diety of• Boreas Is also a god of dragons, loyalty, kingship and protection in some sources, also good luck. also is a tutelage god
equivalent• Aquilo (Roman), Septentrio (Roman), and LEN (female equivalent)
Home• sky, Mount Olympus, perhaps on the North side of the mountain
dislikes • pan, helios maybe.
Roots•The Greeks believed that his home was in Thrace, And perhaps "Beyond the North Wind" which the people lived in complete happiness and had extraordinarily long lifespans.
Siblings• Eurus, Notus, Zephyrus, Eosphorous/Hespherus, Pyroeis, Stilbon, Ohaetgon, Oharnon, Memnon, Emathion, Astraea
Friends• His wife Oreithyia, Athenians, and himself, and horses, and pretty much of the theoi.
Omans • black horses
Appearance in astral or gen• winged, bearded, and powerful; he wears a short, perhaps purple pleated tunic (relations as a royal), Greek skinned, sometimes as a young man with shaggy hair and beard, holding a conch shell and wearing a billowing cloak. in art he was usually depicted with winged human feet. In ancient art, with shaggy hair that is sometimes frosted and spiked. sometimes depicted with serpent tails instead of feet.
Parentage• Eos and astraeus ( goddess of dawn and a minor star-god.)
Children • Zetes, Calais, Cleopatra, Chione, Tweleve Colts, Cyparissa. Other occasionally named children of Boreas also were the Aurai, the breezes, even though these nymphs were normally classified as daughters of Oceanus; Butes and Lycurgus, brothers which were made insane by Dionysus, and also the hubristic King Haemus of Thrace. Boreas had four more equine offspring with one of the Ernyes which now belongs to Ares the god of war.
Season• Winter
Status• A minor god, is one of four Anemoi.
symbolizes • the dramatic change of winter and the chilling effects that came with it.
Facts• helped Athenians in exchange for a temple, married into it by Eos
Major Temples • Athenians built him a sanctuary or altar near the Ilissus
Major festivals• Boreasmi or Boreasmus, (Herodotus believed that a Festival of Boreas was initiated during the Persian War.)
Major festivals• Boreasmi or Boreasmus, (Herodotus believed that a Festival of Boreas was initiated during the Persian War.)
“Boreas, whose wint'ry blasts, terrific, tear the bosom of the deep surrounding air; Cold icy pow'r, approach, and fav'ring blow, and Thrace a while desert expos'd to snow: The misty station of the air dissolve, with pregnant clouds, whose frames in show'rs resolve: Serenely temper all within the sky, and wipe from moisture, Æther's beauteous eye.”
Links/websites/sources •
<a href="https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/gods/boreas/">Boreas: https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net</a> - Greek Gods & Goddesses, November 16, 2021

Boreas is important in the eco-system and is wise, you see him every day in the wind, whether you see it or not. Praise Boreas.
I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All, I've been somewhat busy on my end of things. Whereby my channeling the Angelic Host has taken a backseat as of late much to my displeasure with it. I have been investing in my other spiritual gifts and my abilities as a psychic-medium which includes energetic healing. (that includes prayer at a distance) This is beside my caregiving role with my own mother. For sanity sake, I have been taking classes and workshops at a local learning center for psychics, mediums, and healers in my vicinity of Florida. Called Spirit University which hosts guest presenters nationally and locally with a hearty regimen of the spiritual and psychic arts. Aside from that I also as a past time hobby for many years now I'm an online gamer. So right now I'm either in the "Sea of Thieves" closed beta period or playing "Fortnite" or the alpha testing period of "Just Survive". This is just a sideline mention of my whereabouts otherwise I also post at least once a week on my Facebook Fanpage, my Twitter @Atrayo, and Instagram @atrayo1 social media accounts. My Postings consist of a new or older angelic channeled "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statements that also includes Meme Images as well. Today's channeled Angelic spiritual wisdom statements continue with the theme of channeled gods and goddesses of Olympia. Since as I have channeled that all polytheist deities aside from the Creator chief deity as God are the angels infinitely expressed as the endless heavens. Each according to the differing epochs of human civilizations from the pre-Biblical well into modernity. This is my personal view as truly a fused all-inclusive divine meta perspective. Be this the Hellenistic Greek Mythology of our world history to religious traditions such as Hinduism. This is the spiritual angle I'm coming from when I share my angelic channeled automatic writing statements such as the one for today. When possible I'll cite the lesser angelic deity whenever possible in all fairness to them and myself with distinction. So my 3 "Jewels of Truth" statements will come respectively from the angels as lesser deities of holy sister Artemis and holy brother Apollo. I'm currently exploring the realm of the Ascended Masters as the lesser deities of the Heavens via automatic writing. These are their missives much like Morpheus and Apollo I've cited before on this blog site of Atrayo's Oracle. May you find them intriguing irrespective if you believe in such a spiritual metaphysical heritage. Enjoy.
Artemis: 2600) All that rests stands still until a force from unknown origins permeates the living fibers of the living. Here stands before you the living essence of the night I as "Artemis" goddess of the Moon. Overseer of countless souls on this Earth I have peered into the stillness within gentle giants and have found the Face of God smiling through me. I do not orbit this Earth alone for my heavenly siblings of Elysium stand united to my observations. All that happens at night doesn't stop there alone for it hurls onward into the light of day. Only the strong may understand what broods upon the evening awakens to take their rightful place alongside the angels in every paradise imaginable. I am not the one to be revered as ages gone by my brother "Apollo" always laps up such glory. What I do recognize is the need for respect and safety of all that is wild upon the Earth. The Earth stirs in shock at her ecological and meteorological systems being forced ahead of her appointed hour. These ecological tempos have been forced outside the pendulum shift of her native nominal patterns of wellness. Akin to having her pupils dilated upon the morrow. All the creatures that stir are also alarmed at the increased frequency of changes upon this Earth. They understand their homes are jeopardized due to no fault of their own. What is done is done and very little can be accomplished but to brace yourselves for what is to come collectively now and many countless tomorrows. As brother Noah did so long ago with a Biblical Flood globally that cast Atlantis into the sea simultaneously. Many will point fingers and worse maim and take further lives of countless others just to survive the ecological perils of tomorrows. Prepare yourselves responsibly teach the young and the feeble the ways of the Earth lest you be drowned with despair one and all. Diana has spoken and so I seek kindred sisterly and brethren souls to alleviate suffering from the days of woe upon the righteous as the reborn of Elysium. Amen. (channeled source of Artemis the angelic goddess)---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Artemis: 2601) What rests at night continues to sleep until the spirit awakens the body during evening hours. The Beauty of the night is pale compared to the brilliance of the day. However, even paleness as milky white is gorgeous upon the handsome eyes of onlookers. Be not afraid of the dark for both beauty and truth resides here equally much like the daytime hours of countless more. Come closer and listen deeply to understand that to equate evil with darkness alone is a misplaced truism waiting to happen. For the righteous also rejoice during the evening hours in merrymaking of all festive sorts. To cast the dark of the night as unbecoming is to forget what is still is most empowered indeed as vibrantly alive. Shimmering with Life upon All that recognize the stirrings of souls before the morning hour of first light. I Artemis remember ages gone by and rejoice at the accomplishments of mankind in these few short centuries. Eons to mortals and moments are paradise upon all angels alike do the cycles of time feels upon the holy of eternity. What is true tonight stays true forever more when God is first upon the meek and the mighty alike. The night is enemy to no one so celebrate with your sister the moon all that is precious upon your eyes and hearts. To know us as the angelic deities of bygone so-called pagan faiths are reborn as the mighty endless Angelic kind upon all the faith-filled souls. We heed your prayers and praise to God the Most High and act in his divine accord forever more. With every moment of eternity in this age of the Abrahamic Traditions as religions upon the world. Do we partake equally with God in service to all regardless of religion, spiritual tradition, and so forth. We have gone nowhere in Olympus and we are here upon the needy and the wanting yearning to live with God in plenty and goodwill for all. Jupiter as Zeus is now relegated like Cherian as Cronus much like his father before him Uranus, not like Brahman the chief Creator but akin to the Arch Angels. A similar designation only for comparison of potency metaphysically as the angelic minor deities of yore. Nothing has changed in paradise and everything has changed upon the world. We are here to be called upon to serve the pure of heart to overcome the world. Amen. (channeled source of Artemis the angelic goddess) ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Apollo: 2602) I Apollo as the living light of ages gone by having seen the stirrings of the old and young alike. Amused as each generation toils for baubles to only forfeit them when infirmed before the next life calls them home. I do not judge poorly for each soul has rights and privileges to not only exist but to excel henceforth in a realm of plenty. I only find these evident occasions to be hallmarks of yearnings unrecognized by the communal truths we all share with God the Father. I understand that Jupiter as Zeus is now retired and no longer as the appointed heir that has been designated upon Olympia. This unlikely power struggle is upon humanity to decide our fates to continue our narrative by faiths now dead being called "Hellenism". Truly as you have surmised "Ivan the Atrayo" we are Angels assuming roles christened by all mortals with the Purest Essence of God to declare who we are through their folly and grandeur combined. Humanity is equally divine as all the inhabitants of this Earth and upon the totality of Creation(s) united. Each of you as spiritual beings are living and dying sparks of the metaphorical flintstone of God(dess). We as the minor angelic gods are here to serve all kinds of life plural. For you are us in a simplistic biological forms having forgotten in part your living legacy with God. This is why what humanity dictates by benevolent faith occurs in paradise elsewhere. Our fates are tied together by the Supreme Will of God for all souls. This is both beautiful and dangerous when humanity worships evil when dividing the worthy from their grace. Thus creating Hell on Earth instead as a cause and effect occurrences. Be not afraid those that read my words your souls are safe within the splendid perfection of God himself. Just ensure your mortality is well anchored to God the Father / Mother of all that is precious in Heaven. All the rest happens again and again as life exposes Angels struggling to recall their divinity upon the Earth via reincarnations by reincarnations times Infinity. Amen. (channeled source Apollo the angelic god) ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
-------------------------------------- May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder. ---John O'Donohue. Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country. ---Anais Nin. We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released. ---Jean Houston. We are participants in a vast communion of being, and if we open ourselves to its guidance, we can learn anew how to live in this great and gracious community of truth. ---Parker Palmer. Grace is the ability to redefine the boundaries of possibility. ---Manning Marable. Holiness comes wrapped in the ordinary. There are burning bushes all around you. Every tree is full of angels. Hidden beauty is waiting in every crumb. ---Macrina WiederKehr., O.S.B. The moment one definitely commits oneself then Providence moves, too. ---W.H. Murray. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 22 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multifaceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 12 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Here's a list with obscure deities from Greco-Roman Mythology to obssess about
Aceso: The goddess of the healing process and Asclepcius' daughter;
Achlys: The goddess of the eternal night, aka the Mist of Death;
Agon: The greek god of competition;
Alala: The goddess of the war cry, daughter of Polemos and one of Ares' attendants;
Alke: The goddess of battle-strenght and Eris' daughter;
Amechania: Apparently the ancient greeks did have a goddess of helplessness too.
Apate: A daughter of Nyx and the goddess of deceit;
Arete: She's more a concept than an actual deity. From what I found, her name means virtue, in the sense of being the best version of yourself or reaching tour highest potential. She was supposed to personify that;
Aristaeus: A minor god primarily known for rustic arts like beekeeping and cheesemaking. And Eurydice's assaulter;
Arke: Iris' sister who was thrown intk Tartarus after betraying the gods and becoming a messager for the titans;
Atë: Eris' daughter and the goddess of mischief, delusion, folly, and reckless impulsiveness that leads to ruin;
Bia: The goddess and personification of force;
Caerus: Very obscure guy and the god of opportunity;
Ceto: An early sea goddess and the mother of the Gorgons, the Graia, Echidna and the Hesperian Dragon;
Cybele: A Phrygian Mother Goddess, her cult being very popular in Anatolia once;
Dike: Goddess of mortal justice and fair judgment;
Dolos: God of trickery and guile, and a former apprentice to Prometheus;
Dysnomia: Daughter of Eris and goddess of lawlessness;
Eleos: A daughter of Nyx and the personification of pity, mercy, clemency, and compassion;
Endovelicus: Worshipped only by the romans, and apparently a deity who came from the Lisutanian Mythology. He was the god of healing and light.
Epione: The goddess of the soothing of pain and Asclepcius' wife;
Eucleia, Eupheme, Euthenia and Philophrosyne: Hephaestus and Aglaea's daughters;
Geras: Son of Nyx and the god of old age;
Homados: God of the noise of battle and all the blood-curdling screaming that implies;
Homonia: Goddess of concord, unanimity, and oneness of mind;
Hygieia: A daughter of Asclepcius and the personification of health, cleanliness, and sanitation;
Iaso: Daughter of Asclepius and the goddess of recuperation from illness;
Janus: Present only in the Roman Mythology, Janus was the god of doorways, gates, transitions, and beginnings and endings;
Kratos: Apparently he actually existed in Greek Mythology, but he was the god of strenght and power;
Limos: Daughter of Eris and the goddess of starvation;
Lyssa: Daughter of Nyx and the goddess of mad rage, frenzy and rabies in animals;
Mithras: Besides the fact that he was a roman god worshipped by a popular mystery cult there are few things known about him;
Momus: Son of Nyx and the god of satire, mockery, censure, writers, and poets;
Moros: Son of Nyx and the god of impending doom;
Oizys: Daughter of Nyx and the goddess of misery;
Pamacea: Daughter of Asclepcius and the goddess of universal remedy;
Peitho: Goddess of persuasion and seduction;
Penia: Goddess of poverty and need;
Phorcys: God of the mysterious dangers of the deep and Ceto's husband;
Plutus: God of wealth;
Polemos: Personification of war;
Ponos: God of hard labor and toil;
Porus: God of plenty and a son of Metis, making him the half-brother of Athena;
Praxidike: The goddess of judicial punishment and the exactor of vengeance;
Priapus: A minor fertility god, known for trying to rape Hestia once and his large equipment;
Ptocheia: Greek goddess of beggary;
Quirnius: An early roman god of Rome itself as a city state.
Seilenos: The god of drunkeness and crushing grapes under foot to make wine and the godfather of Dionysus;
Soteria and Soter: The goddess and god of safety and deliverance from harm;
Zelus: The personification of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal. Had wings like his siblings (Nike, Kratos and Bia) and was an enforcer for Zeus that stood about his throne;