alinacapellabooks - Queer Author Of Queer Books
Queer Author Of Queer Books

Alina Capella, pleasure to be meeting you all! I'm 26, female, and the author of The Tengu And The Angel! Minors DNI.

792 posts

This Seems Fun! Somehow I Got Mentioned In This, Even Though My Name Didnt Appear In The Post. Alright,

This seems fun! Somehow I got mentioned in this, even though my name didn’t appear in the post. Alright, let’s bring Ariel up to answer your questions!

1.) What is the best memory you can think of?

…Classified information. It is a secret that must remain between myself and my girlfriend, because if anyone else found out, they’d know who we are. We’re very high profile celebrities, and our names can never be released to the public.

2.) What are your thoughts on libraries?

Libraries are valuable resources for students, as well as the poor and unemployed. Since I am none of those three things, and I don’t care much for books, I have no need to ever visit a library. 3.) If I gave you an unlimited travel pass to go somewhere, where would you go?

New Orleans. My best friend lives there, but I’ve only seen him in person twice, on account of the fact that I live in Winchester in the UK. I’d love to be able to see him whenever I want, and introduce him to my girlfriend, Solana.


If the chicken and the egg were to somehow co-exist, which would come first?

…I’ll get Phoebe to ask Gaia. That’s a question only the mother of all life on Earth could know the answer to.

Tagging @the-golden-comet @madi-konrad + leaving this open!

My questions for your OCs are:

1.) Who is the worst person you’ve ever known?

2.) Have you ever killed anyone? If so, who, and why?

3.) If you could have any one item in the world right now, for free, what would you choose, and why?

OC questionnaire tag:

Hey @wyked-ao3, thanks for the tag! Ok, so initially, it's supposed to be I'm supposed to answer with one OCs, but instead, I'm going to answer this with Lucie and Valerie's perspectives and see how it goes. Perhaps a Dual/Multi OC questionnaire could happen with this, while we also see the potential relationship these two characters could have...? 🙃

Before I begin, I'll tag: @rinatthemin , @phynewrites , @bookish-karina and I'll also put this as an open tag, for whoever is interested in doing this too!

Now, on the questions below the cut!

What is your opinion of mythology?

Lucie: "They're scary...! I mean, haven't you heard of those stories where the Spirit Dragon apparently goes and wrecks the whole world...?"

Valerie: "Err, no?" But she lets out a laugh as she goes and "You should really say that to my brother, he will state every single reason on why that is wrong." She goes and shakes her head, as a light-hearted smile curves her face. "Not interested in it, maybe to the point I hear it on the occasion, by him saying stuff about the powers of light and dark are supposed to join with Spirit and what not, but for him to say that it's real...!? I mean, come on Braedon...!"

L: "For it to be real..." She starts to tremble. "That's the last thing I hope would happen."

Do you get sea sick?

Valerie: "Oh wow... You're making me think of something. Like Uncle Maggie used to always take me out to practice rowing when we were younger. Even when there were times where my uncle had duties with the throne and those sorts of things, he would always take me out on practicing how to row at least once a week." She goes and taps the side of her chair as her left ear droops down, "But nowadays, he hasn't really been doing it as much anymore."

Lucie: How lucky...! I never went on a boat. Well, except a few times, but I don't really remember feeling sick or anything... So I guess no?

If you could live anywhere, where would you pick?

Lucie: I'd go to where Pyrocast is! I think they also called it Volcanica or the fire castle! For some reason, I can't help but want to go there. And, I mean, I nearly did...!" She glances away from the "But, I don't think I'll be able to go back there again..." Valerie stares towards Lucie as her brow raise and the corner of her mouth tenses. She swings her arm outwards.

Valerie: Well, I can't complain about Pyrocast, and Blazica as a whole, they have lots of cool things like steam trains and snow and fireworks...! But I mean, come on, if it is anywhere I could go, I would definitely not go and reside at Seafall! I mean, it's nice there but the Queen there has a BIG attitude problem. Like yeah, I may have paraded around, and it look like I was nearly going to eat the fishes while also causing a bit of an explosion at the Queen's place, but..."

L: "You would do that in front of a Queen...!?"

V: "Hey...! Don't judge! She has a problem!" Valerie lets out a low breath, when she gives a smile, "I would love to see how Gustinflew is like, but I also heard that the ruler of Aeromount doesn't really like when the boats are on their shores, and apparently confiscates those boats. So, it's a shame. Maybe Alalingamor would be a close second. Yeah, it either gets extremely hot or cold depending on the day, but you have all of those festivals at night, you've got great guests, and what more can you ask for?

The next questions are:

What is the best memory you can think of?

What is your thoughts on libraries?

If I give you an unlimited travel pass to go somewhere, where would you go? (This can be on a boat, train, horse, any thing you can imagine.)

BONUS: If the chicken and the egg were to somehow co-exist, which would come first?

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More Posts from Alinacapellabooks

8 months ago

Hi @alinacapellabooks ! I’d like to ask you some questions from the ask game! ✨

🐠 author who inspires you

🍰 where you like to write

Hope you have a great day! 💫

Thanks for the asks! I would say that my writing style was heavily inspired by that T.J. Klune, (Who is, by the way, one of my favorite authors), and also Ai Yazawa. Nana is one of my all-time favorite manga, and it was actually the key inspiration for The Tengu And The Angel. I knew that I wanted to write a realistic story about two strangers becoming roommates, and the lifelong connection formed between them, but unlike Nana, I wanted it to have a happy ending, so I thought, why not make it a romance? I also took inspiration from the works of Kunio Yanagita and Ryunosuke Akutagawa (And yes, that is where the names of Kunio and his grandfather, Ryunosuke came from) to build the mythological elements of the story.

As for where I like to write….Sorry to disappoint, but this has a far less glamorous answer. I do most of my writing on the couch, or sometimes cross-legged on the floor surrounded by empty instant ramen cups. It’s weird, but sitting on the floor helps me focus better ^o^

Hope you’re having a great day too ^_^

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8 months ago

This seems like fun! Tagging @frostedlemonwriter @estellamiraiauthor and @asteriasfallingstarsandtears!

Not me having some kinda type... Who shall I tag? I think I wanna tagggggg... @mybugsmybugsmybugs @mexicangela @lunar-years @biscuitboxpink but no pressure!! I just thought it would be fun!

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8 months ago

Review: Peter Hart by Goldencomet69

I haven’t done one of these in a while, but I’m reviewing another book by one of my moots, and this time, I’m reviewing Peter Hart by @the-golden-comet! I’m a sucker for historical romances, and back in the day, I was a HUGE Pirates Of The Caribbean fan, so I couldn’t turn this one away. To give a brief synopsis, Peter Hart is the captain of The Golden Phoenix, a position he inherited from his late father, Captain Johnathan Hart at just sixteen years old. Ten years on, The Golden Phoenix crew are, like many other pirate crews, of their era, sailing the high seas in search of riches, but when they kidnap Prince Benjamin of Port Mayor at a ball, they find a lot more than they bargained for.

The highlight of the book for me was by far the focus on the bonds between the crewmen of The Golden Phoenix. The book had a big cast, but all of the characters had unique personalities which shined through, and no one felt unnecessary or out of place. I especially liked Benji, and I always found myself either laughing at him or pitying him in his attempts to survive at sea among his captors. He was such a cutie pie and I wanted nothing but the best for him ^o^

If you’re into pirates and dark romances, this one might be up your street! You can find it on AO3, and on Amazon Kindle!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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8 months ago

Thanks for the tag! This is from Night Of The Blue Moon:

“Your anger makes you sloppy. It makes you think, and act irrationally in battle,” she responded coldly, “And that’s one of the reasons why Brooklyn is going to rot in Tartarus!”

Tagging @inkshine and @madi-konrad!

Last Line Challenge

Tagged by @chaniis-atlantis Thank you! 😄 Telford having a normal totally straight he swears reaction here...

"This can't happen again," he hears himself say, when what he really wants to do is scream how could you how could you do this how could you do this to me until his throat turns raw.

Tagging: @froggy-pposto @galadhir @wolgerrswraith @wyked-ao3 @gioiaalbanoart

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