almostdeath - Adam Ignis
Adam Ignis

My pronouns really don't care which pronouns you use for me. I just post random things, right now mostly DSMP, Cult of the Lamb and occasionally Monster Hunter. My "blog" is safe for all shippers, so, feel free to ask or comment about the ship that you enjoy. If you want to see some flower pictures then you could go to my Instagram: You can support me on Ko-Fi: on Patreon:

728 posts

You Know, Since Glatt At First Stated That "he Doesn't Want To Come Back". (Even Though It Wasn't Canon

You know, since Glatt at first stated that "he doesn't want to come back". (Even though it wasn't canon most likely)

I still want JSchlatt to come back and be like "God wanted me dead...and I will make you all realise why" or "I wanted to stay didn't let me and now I will make this everyone else's problem".

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More Posts from Almostdeath

3 years ago

14. “Show me where it hurts.” for cc!schlackity?

This one is shorter and...I literally never wrote anything for the in advance if this seems odd Haha.

Today promised to be good. Q got a free moment from studying and could finally meet up with Schlatt. And most importantly...privately! Without any cameras. Just the two of them. Allowing to relax.

Quackity knew exactly what they should do. It would be interesting, it would give the opportunity to let "steam out" and it would be something that Schlatt would enjoy. The last part is probably the most important one. Sometimes the Hispanic man gets worried about his close friend and well...boyfriend. This was still strange to think and even weirder to say. Nobody besides of very close friends knew about it. And Q really doubts that in the coming future this information will be publicly known. He already predicts all the shit that people would write, about how bad his decision is, how horrible of a partner Schlatt must be....but this was something, that should be pushed aside right now. He has a boyfriend to take care of. It was pretty easy to see that the older man was slightly less talkative and seemed to zoom out way more than usually.

This is why, Quackity decided that a shooting range on an open field would be perfect! Not that he himself had a lot of experience but how hard could it be?

-Ya did this before?- Schlatt asks with slight amusement, loading the gun.

-Pff, of course! Thousands of times!- this was....totally not the truth and by the look on the other man's face...he totally knew it, but still gave his boyfriend the gun. The Hispanic was fast to hold it with one hand, trying to aim. Schlatt already rolled his eyes, of course Q would start to pose, as if this is some kind of movie where....he would finish this thought if they wouldn't be interrupted by a gunshot and...the sound of very angry Spanish swearing. Most of it he could understand, but some...he never even considered to be actual words.

-Alexis! Are you crazy!?- almost throwing the gun away, the older starts to check on his boyfriend's wrist. It doesn't seem broken. Thank God....

-Show me where it hurts. Or...or say, does it hurt if I press?- he tried to examine the others whole hand, pressing on different places, earning painful whining.

-I....its okay....okay....- Q tried to argue weakly, while his partner made sure that the wrist is really not broken, his hands were shaking.

-I can't believe that you did it...why would you think that this is a good idea?...- after the panic and worry wore down, Schlatt actually talked calmer but with a hint of anger. like guns and....I thought that....that...- previously Schlatt never heard Q talking like this....maybe during more troubling times, while they still could speak only over the phone.

-That you would impress me?- at least that let to a small smirk and Alex nodded, his face was red, hands shaken.'t make me go all mushy with you....but you don't need to try and impress me...especially with a broken impress me either way...- the last part was more murmured and Q could swear to any existing God...he wants to kiss this man till the end of times. He would do it again and again if it means that he can hear J speaking him.

-We should get you to the hospital still. Alex, never hold a gun like this...-

-No!...I...I mean....we just got here. I don't want to ruin our day and...- maybe he would continue to ramble if those soft lips didn't shut him up. It was passionate, a little bit clumsy because of the worries but it was pure and this is what makes it the best sensation. Schlatt pulled back with a smile. It looked so wonderful...Alex could look at this the whole day.

-We can stay for a few minutes. You will not hold the gun shot one time and we go.- the step by step rules where listed and Q let out a little sigh.

-Yes "boss"- he rolled his eyes and they both shared a quiet laughter. After helping his boyfriend with the right position, Schlatt hugged him basically from behind, placing his own hands on his. Alex leaned back with a soft smile, following the instructions. His hand still hurt like hell....but J was smiling and Alex knew. He was doing everything just right.

-.... J ......I love you.-

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3 years ago

I am going to do a blood test tomorrow! After that I will probably get my antidepressants. Just wanted to share those news with someone Haha.

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3 years ago

17 “Hey, listen to me. You’re safe. Nothing is going to hurt you.” for c!schlackity?

This turned out probably messier than I planned but I hope that it didnt turn out bad Haha.

The day was bad from the start. Quackity should have known that he should stay in bed. He didn't have any sleep and his scar caused him even more pain than before. It came in waves and gave the feeling of mockery. As soon as he tried to close his eyes to drift away in a dreamless sleep, the pain stroke down on him, almost causing him to scream.

A sleepless night didn't give him an exactly good mood for the morning. This...and the presence of someone else at his home. JSchlatt. Things didn't go exactly like he, and probably the ex-president himself, planned. It doesn't seem like Schlatt still has any desire to rule over something or may be the aftermath of the reviving process. Neither of them is sure. this "back to life tyrant" is Quackitys responsibility. Because who else would take him in?

The young duck hybrid groaned, getting up and trying to make himself seem more presentable, not that it would make any sense. It doesn't seem like Schlatt cares and Quackity surely doesn't have some other "caring fiance's". It would be so easy to be mad at Schlatt right now, who was lying on the couch because....Quackity surely wouldn't let him sleep with him in the same bed. Not after all what happened. It is already enough that he even let him stay.

Without even properly brushing his hair, Quackity just hides it under his beanie. After getting dressed, he left his own room, going straight to the home-office. He didn't want to go to the living room to see the former president. And he surely didn't need any company. He was fine by himself. He always was. At least, that's what he repeats to himself again and again. Time passes and passes. It's hard to concentrate and it gets worse when the young man starts to hear those quiet sounds this world kidding him? this is a desert! Of course, it does rain there in very very rare occasions but....did it have to be this day where this rare occasions happen!?

This was already getting frustrating. The scar gives a burning feeling. It rains in the desert and Quackity didn't sleep at all. How much time passed? How long did he stay in this office? It surely doesn't matter, before anything worse happens, he just slips back into bed. Yes. This is surely a very healthy way of spending your day. Just closing your eyes. While the rain gently drips against the windows. It would be relaxing. It could be relaxing. Could. A minute passes...two...five...finally some blackness and quiet. It felt good for a moment....before Quackity woke up from his own scream. Without the clear realization what was actually happening. He heard himself screaming, feeling himself squirming, his cheek was wet, seems like he was crying, agonizing pain, as if the scar was just cut open again. Then suddenly warmth. His squirming stopped or...was stopped? Someone was clearly holding him. There was a voice. The duck hybrid didn't actually understand what was said at the beginning. His own heart was racing and he had trouble breathing. Some of the words finally started to get through to his mind.

-Quackity! It's me! Everything is fine! Youa re fine...just....just breath...common sugar, open your eyes, you can do it for me, right?- maybe it was the pet name ir maybe ot was the genuine concern in the voice of someone, who he used to call "the love of his life" but Quackity obeyed. Opening his eyes, even if the second one doesn't serve its initial purpose anymore.

-Good, breath....just out- even though the tears still rolled down his face, the young hybrid followed the instructions. Breathing in.....holding it....and breathing out, it wasn't perfect, but his breathing was slowly getting better.

-You are doing so good....okay...and again....common...ya can do it...- the older man gently stroke his forearm, not pressing Quackity too much to his chest, just wanting to keep him from harming himself in the process of twitching too much. There were less tears and slowly, the younger could breath again, sometimes hiccuping.

-Hey....listen to me. You're safe. Nothing is going to hurt you.- After the tears stopped blurring his vision that much, Quackity could finally see his former lover. He had a gentle look, it was...strange...maybe the duck hybrid should turn away or tell him to go out of his room. But it was warm. It the first time in so long. Maybe this is just a dream. Yeah....a very beautiful dream....the young hybrid silently pressed his forehead against the shoulder of the older one. Schlatt stayed quiet for a moment, for placing his hand on Quackitys head, feeling the beanie and silently asking for permission. The duck hybrid didn't react instantly but slowly nodded his head....after this, Schlatt pulled the beanie down, placing it on the nightstand.

-....I look like a mess.- Quackity admitted embarrassed with a dry voice. Feeling how the former president stroke his hair, gently trying to get out some of the little knots.

-....You are beautiful.- this compliment almost made Quackity laugh. But he didn't and he didn't deny anything.

-....You want me to stay?- This was a valid question.....some nice words don't excuse anything that Schlatt did. Maybe he is just trying to get something....maybe.....there is every time this maybe. But...even if it is for something that Schlatt wants, Quackity could accept. Just this once. Just for a moment.

-....Just for this night. This doesn't change anything.- the ram hybrid was only slightly amused. Finally he isn't the stubborn one. Schlatt lied down on the bed, letting Quackity lie down with his head on his chest. Slowly the duck could close his eyes, enjoying the gentle stroking....sweet whispers....catching just the last one, before drifting into the most peaceful sleep that he had in a very long time.

-You are safe now, pumpkin...-

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3 years ago

How long can a conversation or "negotiation" last? Definitely longer when you can't even focus on the main subject. It was in general difficult with voices in your head, that all scream about different things. "hi" "Techno say hi!" "E" "blood for the blood gods!" "down with the government!" "Technobetryal arc!?" some of the voices mix together and it's probably easy to see that the warrior is lost for the conversation. Even though his gaze was focused on JSchlatts face. At least he tried to focus his gaze there. Now and then a very specific part of this hybrid caught his attention. Some may assume that he is looking at the horns, something that is not easy to hide....not that Schlatt really tried to. He seemed rather proud of them. Even tried to make them stand out more. Maybe they should show some danger or dominance, but Techno was paying more attention to something else, something way softer and way fluffier. Who would have thought that a tyrant would have so fluffy looking ears? The voices were already mocking him for that.

-Are you still listening, pig boy?- Schlatts voice was calm, filled with some kind of amusement. Negotiating with the piglin-hybrid was risky but if you have the opportunity to get such a strong would surely use it. What is the worst that can happen? only one live loose. There was no answer, so the president stood up, taking a few steps in the direction of the anarchist, at least this made the other acknowledge his actions. The much bigger Male then took steps forward, stopping only in front of the ram hybrid. That was definitely not the...expected result but Schlatt remained tranquil.

-If you listened. Then you should understand are you doing?- the ram hybrid took a step back, when the piglins hands touched his ears. The step wasn't big enough to keep a large distance. Technoblade kept quiet, which was...unusual and it made him way more intimidating actually. But in his head...there was no place for silent "JSchlatt? more like JFluff!" "Betrayal arc!?" "E" "Softnoblade!" "Technosoft!"

-Is this some kind of flirt? Ya know...I am married and, ya are late pig-boy.- those words were said with a slight chuckle. Seems like someone is using this kind of speaking method to deal with his own worry.

-I am not jealous of that poor person, who is now trapped in a marriage with you.- it was said way more dry, Technoblade was more focused on the gentle stroking of the long ears, making the other males face slowly turn redder and redder. This is not the kind of negotiation that he was going for...

This is a very dumb sketch and I wrote something with Technoblades character the very first am sorry haha.

Some distractions for myself, so some...cute-weird-shitpost-thought here. Ahem....Technoblade likes pets right? Like...dogs...bears...turtles...and...ahem...Schlatt is technically a "pet" know, sheep-hybrid and all. So...would Techno have the urge to pet his ears? Just imagine the conflicted feelings of "He is the clear representation of a government and tyranny!" And..."oh, fluffy ears!".

Yes. This is a shitpost. I try to distract myself, feel free to ignore.

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3 years ago

JSchlatt, finally returning home after all the paper work for today was finished : why are there little hand prints on the wall?....

Quackity whispering: Why are there little hand prints on the wall?

Tubbo whispering back: Because I have little hands.

Quackity : Because he has little hands.

[some time later]

Quackity, being forced to clean the wall: Why am I the only one who does that and not Tubbo!?

JSchlatt, watching him and smirking: Well. You know.....he has little hands. And you have to learn to say "no" to him.

Quackity: And you are so clearly saying "no" to him....

JSchlatt: You missed a spot~

Quackity: shut up...mi amor.

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