anannas-garden - Ananna's Garden
Ananna's Garden

33 (she/her, they/them, y'all) transgenderfluid, polyamorous, demi-pansexual, free roaming entity who likes all the things. poetry is my passion, life my field of study.

294 posts

Chest In A Vice

Chest in a vice

"My heart wants to crack. I wish I could silence my thoughts. Drift into void like sleep And forget everything I know. This life never seems To give me an inch. Sometimes it fools me into believing That maybe this is it. However it is only a game And I am continually tortured. Every night I go to sleep Hoping it is over. Rising every morning With the prayer of change In my heart. Then the day starts And I find it is all the same. More melancholy and misery Than I know what to do with." - Andrew

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More Posts from Anannas-garden

9 years ago

There is a fountain I love to drink from. A gentle brook flowing Both calmly And steadily. Born of titillating touch And tender caresses, I whisper sweet somethings Until the deep Is calling out. I summon my wine Through incantation And hand craft. Weaving my spell Till the dry river valley Welcomes spring. I bath in the river; Baptised by the waters. Praising beauty I dance In this sweet nectar grove." - Andrew

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9 years ago
A Drawing Of Me! Created By One Amanda "Mouse" Sparks.

A drawing of me! Created by one Amanda "Mouse" Sparks.

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9 years ago

Some hours you're doing ok, others you're just not.

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9 years ago

My argument is that civilization does not matter. All that matters is the position that rules, which may not be the "highest" position. Life is primitive. Humans are still monkies at basis . all that matters to humans is the perpetuation of the norm, even if this norm is negative. The continuation of what exist.

9 years ago

I didn't fucking romanticize you, I saw you for who you were, and loved you all the same

"I want to break things. Everything that I own. Dissapear into the night And never be heard from again. I am playing an impossible game One in which I always pick The wrong choice. This has been my entire life And it is getting old. I hate it all. You somehow find a way to control Every aspect of this trial. I try to find a path that let's me win But you keep stealing those away from me. If I leave it is because you told me to. If I stay That too is a command. All I am is a slave One who keeps falling for you Every time I try to make a break for it. You take my words And you tell me they mean nothing. You spout on about your heart But then have the nerve To tell me that mine is wrong. You leave me nothing. You want me to hurt you Because that is what you believe You deserve. I am a multi purpose tool, For pleasure and pain. I am the one person who loves you Who will not hurt you And therefore I am the one person You wish to see break. You want to be able to say "Ha! I told you! No one can love me! I told you so!" I hate it I hate It I hAte I HATE IT!!! This is not fair! I want to love you But all you want is for me to be like all the rest. I was a unique creature But you wanted me to be like them. Every disgusting creature Who only ever wanted to use you. You want to hate yourself so much That you would rip me apart. Even now I am shredding my own heart Writing this. I am swallowed up by insanity, And all I want is oblivion. I love you And you have literally turned this In to a sin." - Andrew

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