Brother: "Why Are You Listening To Music While Staring Into Space?"
Brother: "Why are you listening to music while staring into space?"
Me: "It's called vibing"
Brother: "I think you mean being depressed..."
Me: "eh, same thing"
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More Posts from Anenbyraccoon
Quote from me and my friend
Me: "It's called bonding..."
Him: "The only bond thing I know is bondage!'
I'm friends with horny idiots :I
I'm surrounded by morons while running on five hours of sleep, half a bag of chocolate chips, a water bottle filled with ice, and I want to fight Satan.
Does anyone want to come with me?
I trusted you!
*dramatic turn to walk away*
*proceeds to trip over nothing leaving the room*
I had a dream where how you acted in life defines how you die
Those who refused to listen to what others had to say and only cared about their opinions were subjected to a variety of loud noises until they kill themselves
Those who bullied others were put into a gas chamber and had to compete for a faulty gas mask that killed them anyway
Those who only cared about theirs and others appearance were injected with a serum that melted them from the inside
There were more, these are just the ones I remember

A friendly frog has entered our garage!

And puppy might be a scared