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More Posts from Annimalq
tapestry đź‘‘ XXVI
Warnings: dark elements, dub/noncon (cummies!)
This is dark!(king)Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: King Steven had a wandering eye but you never thought it would fall upon you.
This Chapter: The wedding day comes to and end.
Note: Wedding night = wedding cummies. I have nothing else to say.
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply! Love ya!

You’d never pondered much on the concept of time. It loomed in your mind as it did any person. Foreboding and inevitable. One day it would pass you by and you would succumb to it as all did. But you’d never thought of it so deeply because it had never come to such a defining and startling stop.
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too late - prologue

Request: For the Anon who requested a fic with the reader and Diego were best-friends growing up but left with Five to the future and when they come doesn’t know what to do
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader and Diego Hargreeves x Platonic!Reader
Summary: After leaving with Five to the future for 17 years, the reader’s best-friend, Diego, doesn’t know how to react when he sees his best-friend (and crush) come back in her teenage body with an older consciousÂ
A/N: I changed this up slightly so I’m sorry to the Anon if you don’t like it. This is also short I know I’m sorry but I’m thinking of possibly turning this into a series? Idk please tell me if you guys would like that, if so then this would be a prologue and most chapters would be flashbacks (so diego x reader) but yeah tell me if you guys would like that. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this and feedback would be appreciatedÂ
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tapestry đź‘‘ XXV
Warnings: dark elements, dubcon (oral)
This is dark!(king)Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: King Steven had a wandering eye but you never thought it would fall upon you.
This Chapter: The wedding day arrives.
Note: Okay, okay. It’s the wedding and I know y’all are thirsty wenches. I’m gonna keep writing however I want in this series because you know what, it’s fun and whatever happens happens. This is an adventure and we’re taking it. So without further ado.
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply! Love ya!

The two weeks spent at Heron’s Ford were both the longest and shortest of your life. You were reluctant to leave behind the crystal lake and the wading birds for which the castle was named. With your mother as your only companion, you whiled away the days and nights in a tenuous state of anxiety. The days ticked off until your inevitable doom.
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The One With Ori's Boyfriend
Bucky meeting Ori's first serious boyfriend during college.
"I know she's gonna date. That's not the issue."
Y/n smiles as she mixes the salad in front of her.
"Well, what's the issue?"
Bucky huffs and leans his elbows on the counter next to his wife. "I don't even know this guy and he's been spending all this time with her?"
"I think that's the point of tonight, Buck. You're going to get to know him because he's important to her."
"Why ya gotta be all logical right now? I'm tryin' to be irrational before they get here so I don't act like an idiot and upset our daughter."
She grins and presses a lingering kiss to his cheek. "You won't do that. You're not that kind of man and we both know it. Just remember that while no one is good enough for our baby she loves him."
"She loves him?" Bucky whines and drops his head onto the counter.
None of this is fair. Why couldn't she have stayed nine years old forever?
The doorbell rings and Leo comes racing downstairs, sliding on the wood floor to get to the front door first. "I'll get it! I'll get it! It's sissy!"
Bucky wasn't far behind his boy.
"I missed you, too, bubba." Ori kisses Leo's cheek and sets him back on the ground. There's a tall boy looming behind her, nervous and looking a little green. Bucky likes that even though he doesn't want to admit it.
Ori beams at Bucky and throws her arms around his neck. "Hi Daddy."
Bucky kisses her cheek and wraps her in a bear hugs, lifting her feet off the ground for just a second. "Hi, comet. How's it goin' baby? They come and fix the radiator?"
Ori rolls her eyes but she's smiling fondly.
"Yes, dad. Cole was there when the guy came by because I had class."
Bucky did not like that. His job is to take care of Ori. Not some guy he doesn't know. Bucky could have came by but Ori called Cole instead. He swallows his irritation and meets the boy's eye, holding out his left hand, "I guess you're Cole? Thanks for taking care of my girl."
Cole leans forward and shakes Bucky's hand, firm and secure in himself despite the queasiness on his face. "I am. Of course, Mr. Barnes. It was no problem at all. I would rather be there than Ori handle it on her own with some strange guy."
Okay, Bucky likes that. He's not about to tell Cole that. Not yet anyway.
Y/n walks up behind Bucky and kisses Ori's cheek. "Cassie is upstairs pouting over last night. Nice to meet you, Cole. Though I've heard so much about you I feel like I know you."
The tension in his shoulders relaxes and he offers her a smile. "I'm sure my mom feels the same way about Ori. It's nice to put a face to your voice, Mrs. Barnes."
Bucky looks at his wife and raised a brow and she shrugs a shoulder. They would have to talk about that!
Ori looks at her mother and frowns. "Cassie is still upset?"
She looks at her daughter and smirks. "She loves her big sister and wanted to spend the night. What can I say?"
Bucky pats Cole on the shoulder and urges him inside. "Why don't you and I go have a talk outside while Ori wrangles her sister?"
Cole's eyes widen and he looks at Ori who smiles encouragingly. She already warned him. Her dad loves her quite a bit and is too sweet for his own good. Cole's got nothing to worry about.
"Yeah, sure, Mr. Barnes."
"None of that. Just Bucky. Save all that mister stuff for when you meet her uncles."
"Her uncles?"
Cole gulps.
"Oh, yeah. It ain't just me you gotta win over."
Mr. Self Destruct 3
Part One Part Two
Warnings: Bucky’s a bastard, control, PTSD and other lovely mental issues, noncon (oral, toyplay, restraints, vaginal and anal sex)
This is dark!Bucky Barnes and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary:  Bucky has been left by his closest friend. With no other choice, he works for Stark Industries in the name of both Stark and Rogers but before he can begin his new position, he is mandated to attend counselling. With you, the company’s resident therapist.
Note: I’m just taking a break from Tapestry for a day or two. I wanted to finish this little series first. This is just all the kink and darkness so enjoy. Love you all.
Anyway :) Please like, reply, and/or reblog if you read.

Bucky didn’t show the next day. Even as you finished up with your last patient and waited around an hour. You laughed at yourself sardonically after you’d sat back and realized what you were waiting for. You expected to find him in your bedroom again but he wasn’t there either. He was definitely in control. Not just of the sessions, but your life.
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