[Skibidi Camera/Speakers/TVs + Others blog!] Hello! I'm AsktheSmolTitans, You can call me P.O.V or Smols! 21 years old, Artist & Writer
285 posts
Nice To Meet You, Pov! Say.. How Long Has It Been Since The Titans, Uh... Shrunk... And How Are They
nice to meet you, pov! say.. how long has it been since the titans, uh... shrunk... and how are they taking it? alright, hopefully?
"It's been less than an hour since this occurred and we had to do a full scale retreat to get them back to our base... They're..." P.O.V refocuses on the Trio who has been picked up by respective Alliance members at this point. Titan Camera is leaning back into the Large Camera's chest, Titan TV is emoting with a mixed expression which can be described as embarrassed and frustrated, Titan Speaker is angrily beating his fists against Large Speaker's shoulders due to this problem. "It's a mixed bag at the moment, they're having a bit of a hard time moving around due to their center of gravity being drastically altered."
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I'm looking on in great interest
I need heavy metal-themed speaker-heads with Rammstein-style face-mounted flamethrowers
We see the large speakers using their sonic powers to HONK really loudly at the Skibidis and blast them with a shockwave. What if they had a flamethrower?!! [banging fists on table] Flame speaker! Flame speaker!
*picks up Titan speakerman and cuddles them because there SO CUTE!!!!*
"W-What! Hey! No put me down!" Titan Speaker flails his arms around trying to get out of the cuddle of the Anonymous entity. Despite his flailing around, he is purring at the cuddles. "Where did you even come from?!"
Reblog if it's okay to invade your ask box.
Anon speaker: *Keeps holding Titan speakerman not letting go anytime soon*
"They are MY child now."
"I'm not a child! J-just set me down..." DJ yawns before eventually falling into recharge in your arms. The Large Speaker gently nudges you to hand Titan Speaker over to him.
You all should watch out. Since all of the titans are down for the count, the skibidi will take advantage of your lack of firepower. Uh oh
"Yeah we're trying to upgrade the security of our bases and technology to avoid any issues-" There's a crackle of signal with the inbox for P.O.V as he tries to regain his composition from the introduction.

"H-HOW DID THE SKIBIDI GET A HOLD OF THE FEED-!? G-Gotta cut the feed to prevent the Skibidi's from getting any more information" P.O.V shutters before disconnecting the connection from his recording screen, the feed crackles again and it's focused on the Titan Trio's current location which is with Large Camera, Large Speaker and Large TV man. {P.O.V is currently unavailable, Please ask Monitors, Sub-Woofer and Crew}