[Skibidi Camera/Speakers/TVs + Others blog!] Hello! I'm AsktheSmolTitans, You can call me P.O.V or Smols! 21 years old, Artist & Writer
285 posts
*picks Up Titan Speakerman And Cuddles Them Because There SO CUTE!!!!*
*picks up Titan speakerman and cuddles them because there SO CUTE!!!!*
"W-What! Hey! No put me down!" Titan Speaker flails his arms around trying to get out of the cuddle of the Anonymous entity. Despite his flailing around, he is purring at the cuddles. "Where did you even come from?!"
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More Posts from Askthesmoltitans
I'm looking on in great interest
I need heavy metal-themed speaker-heads with Rammstein-style face-mounted flamethrowers
We see the large speakers using their sonic powers to HONK really loudly at the Skibidis and blast them with a shockwave. What if they had a flamethrower?!! [banging fists on table] Flame speaker! Flame speaker!
hello there! with whom am i speaking to? :)
P.O.V tilts slightly before answering, watching the chaos unfold in front of him. "Oh how rude of me to not introduce myself. I'm P.O.V, also known as Point of View! I'm the main broadcaster of the Alliance which I'm in charge of recording, writing and documenting everything that happens in this war between the Alliance and the Skibidis. Admittedly, I'm a bit on edge with the trio being... shrunken down"
How is the Titan Tvman doing? And the rest of the Titans? Can I give them a hug?
"He's doing pretty well all things considered that he just rejoined the battle and this occurred. Titan Speaker and Titan Camera... You know I'm just going to let them tell you guys their code names" P.O.V shrugs slightly before refocusing on the Trio who nods at the request for giving them Hugs.
"My code name is Film" Titan Camera smiles slightly as he gets his hug. "Mine is DJ!" Titan Speaker purrs as he gets more hugs. "Code name is Cinema" Titan TV hums softly and allows for the hugs.
Hellooooo 👋 First time asking and I wanted to ask how are things going for you guys? How are the titans doing? Must feel overwhelming for the sudden size change :T And how are you doing yourself, POV? You okay? Must be stressful to have be the one mostly record all of this. Please take care of yourself, alright? ^^
"Well, besides having to do a full scale retreat while wrangling three shrunken titans back to our base. Things have been mostly okay!" P.O.V clicks quietly as the Titan Trio is set down to see how they're handling a different center of gravity. Titan Camera stumbles but grabs onto Large Camera's leg to balance himself, he makes an annoyed chirp noise as his wings shift around trying to find an ideal position. "This is... awkward" Titan Camera mumbles quietly as the other two Titans nod and manage to stay up standing, well mostly with Titan Speaker grabbing onto the Large Speaker's leg. "It's hard to stand and everything is... so much bigger than I am used to, I'm used to looking down!" Titan Speaker grumbles.
Anon speaker: *Keeps holding Titan speakerman not letting go anytime soon*
"They are MY child now."
"I'm not a child! J-just set me down..." DJ yawns before eventually falling into recharge in your arms. The Large Speaker gently nudges you to hand Titan Speaker over to him.