askthesmoltitans - Titans, Larges, Regulars and Smols
Titans, Larges, Regulars and Smols

[Skibidi Camera/Speakers/TVs + Others blog!] Hello! I'm AsktheSmolTitans, You can call me P.O.V or Smols! 21 years old, Artist & Writer

285 posts

How Is The Titan Tvman Doing? And The Rest Of The Titans? Can I Give Them A Hug?

How is the Titan Tvman doing? And the rest of the Titans? Can I give them a hug?

"He's doing pretty well all things considered that he just rejoined the battle and this occurred. Titan Speaker and Titan Camera... You know I'm just going to let them tell you guys their code names" P.O.V shrugs slightly before refocusing on the Trio who nods at the request for giving them Hugs.

"My code name is Film" Titan Camera smiles slightly as he gets his hug. "Mine is DJ!" Titan Speaker purrs as he gets more hugs. "Code name is Cinema" Titan TV hums softly and allows for the hugs.

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More Posts from Askthesmoltitans

1 year ago

*picks up Titan speakerman and cuddles them because there SO CUTE!!!!*

"W-What! Hey! No put me down!" Titan Speaker flails his arms around trying to get out of the cuddle of the Anonymous entity. Despite his flailing around, he is purring at the cuddles. "Where did you even come from?!"

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1 year ago

OUGH, I feel like it would take a moment or two (Maybe a few weeks depending?) for Titan Speaker to realize that and may go seek for confirmation from the Alliance.

Thought of something and hit myself in the feels

Does Titan Speaker know how hard the Alliance strived to bring them back??

Assuming they weren't conscious during their possession (given their reaction to the destroyed landscape immediately upon being freed), they might not have been aware of how many times the Alliance fired ever-larger possession-disabling cannons upon them. If the Alliance had believed Titan Speaker to be a lost cause, they would have simply destroyed them to prevent the Skibidis continuing to use them (Titan Camera was probably powerful enough to do that by episode 57). But the Alliance never stopped trying to rescue their Titan! Does Titan Speaker know how loved they were and are??

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1 year ago

Name; Earth Viper Age; 27 Birthday; March 15th, 2??? Pronouns; Them/Its/Him Gender; Gender Fluid (Male Leaning) Height; 6’11’’ Weight; 257 lb Eye Color; GreenishBlue Hair Color; Forest Green Race; [Redacted] Nationality; [Redacted] Species; Humanoid Viper Snake Plant Hybrid; Unknown Viper Snake/Unknown Plant Medical; Has an Impostor Parasite within its system, appears it has been living with this “host” for the majority of its life. Powers; Earth/Plant abilities, height strength and “impostor” parasite 

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1 year ago

You all should watch out. Since all of the titans are down for the count, the skibidi will take advantage of your lack of firepower. Uh oh

"Yeah we're trying to upgrade the security of our bases and technology to avoid any issues-" There's a crackle of signal with the inbox for P.O.V as he tries to regain his composition from the introduction.

You All Should Watch Out. Since All Of The Titans Are Down For The Count, The Skibidi Will Take Advantage

"H-HOW DID THE SKIBIDI GET A HOLD OF THE FEED-!? G-Gotta cut the feed to prevent the Skibidi's from getting any more information" P.O.V shutters before disconnecting the connection from his recording screen, the feed crackles again and it's focused on the Titan Trio's current location which is with Large Camera, Large Speaker and Large TV man. {P.O.V is currently unavailable, Please ask Monitors, Sub-Woofer and Crew}

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