[Skibidi Camera/Speakers/TVs + Others blog!] Hello! I'm AsktheSmolTitans, You can call me P.O.V or Smols! 21 years old, Artist & Writer
285 posts
(Hi! This Was Me For Halloween, I Am Totally Not Biased About Speakers)

(Hi! This was me for Halloween, I am totally not biased about speakers)
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More Posts from Askthesmoltitans
First time asking a question woo!
Anyway, can we see a high chart or drawing of the small titans sizes next to the normal camera,speaker and tvmen?
"This is what we were able to measure before the base got hit by the Skibidis. Stereo and Home are our main Speakerman and TVman that usually act as our messengers between bases of each respective Alliance group. I'll show the typical height for each group as well." Monitors hums softly as he displays the height charts. He quietly laughs at the nicknames given to the Shrunken trio on the charts.

Is there a way we can free P.O.V.? Also is there anything we can do to help?
'Yes, There is a way to free me... Just this isn't the most ideal time to do it, Ugh. It's running my recording and energy down, it just won't let go! Sorry for you all having to hear me complain about this stupid Parasite' P.O.V grumbles while the parasite keeps plowing through the base looking for anything to salvage but it grunts frustrated as the base has been cleared out. From the limited view he can look out, he's searching for a particular entity which it is quietly stalking in the shadows.
'Perhaps, a little distraction would be helpful. After all I need my back turned away ;)'
Whistling in background
People writing about any sort of nonhuman character

is everyone okay now??
Are the smol titans safe??
Have yall found a way to change them back yet??
*bombards you with questions*
"Woah, Woah, Woah! We need to recollect ourselves and... Yeah, We need to regroup with the Alliance. Wherever they are now." Woofer's voice trails off as the other two shrunken Titans wake up a bit dazed from the sudden transport. "They're fine, Film is just restless and it appears that DJ and Cinema are trying to get their bearings together" Crew clicks softly at Film who thrills frustrated at being smol and not being allowed to battle.
Where are you guys? Everyone okay?
"We're... actually deeper into our base now, one of the much lower levels but we can't exactly give out which base we're in. Rest assured that everyone has been accounted for and we're doing various shifts"